#charlotte fairhope / threads
seasclty · 4 years
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“Good to see you on time, Landon.” Charlie remarked as she ticked him off on her clip board, orange vest and name tag already applied. She was always in a good mood when she was volunteering, but especially for the Annual Fall Festival. It was one of the events she saw as magical on Fairhope Island and also one that brought in the majority of their tourism that wasn’t in the summer months when people were looking for a getaway from city life. Waiting for him to put on his vest and nametag as well, she turned to make sure everyone else was set before addressing him again. “You’re with me today.. on the baby animal pen, actually. So it’s going to be super cute and fun, but also you may see poop.” She explained and then nodded her head in the general direction they needed to go. “Come on!” Charlie put down the clipboard at the volunteer booth before leading the way over to the baby animal pen, grinning as she caught sight of the little baby animals being unloaded for the day to start. Volunteering for as long as she had, she got to set herself up where she liked to be and watching little kids get excited over animals was one of her favourite things. 
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