shxdowsofombra · 2 years
Heading Home from School
Charlie finished his first day teaching officially and he felt rather happy about it. He was heading home and trying to think of what he wanted to make for dinner as he recalled Hope’s words. He tried to figure out where the library was and walked inside. 
Josh looked toward the entrance before seeing Charlie. “Oh hi Charlie.” He smiled as he waved. “If you are looking for Henry he isn’t here. I just wanted to come home for the weekend.”
“I am not looking for Henry. I uh…I was actually looking for you because your parents are like…staring at me…it’s weird. I want to look for some books that I can use to learn more about the history of E’s and stuff I should know about.” 
Josh looked at his parents and blushed. “Mom, dad go…dust a book or something.” He said before taking Charlie’s hand and leading him away from them. “Books about E’s? Sure. Which one? The one about the camp or more in depth?”
He watched as the parents quickly moved to look like they were doing something before feeling Josh taking his hand. “I um..both? I just need to know as much as I can so I don’t look stupid. I am trying to learn more since I wasn’t taught much at school about E’s.” 
“Oh okay.” He says as he grabs some books. “Okay well here is the one on the formation of the camp, oh and one about the first E’s, and this one is about the laws. Most of them your dad made. Oh and then this one is about them snapping. It’s my favorite.” He smiled as he handed the books to him.
Charlie thought he saw a flash out of the corner of his eyes but he ignored it as they arrived. He took the books in his hands before hearing Josh’s last book. “What? Why would that be your favorite? That’s when you have to kill them.” 
“Oh no, it’s the best written. The author is super in-depth and he really makes you feel like you are there. I think everyone should read it. People would be so much nicer to the E’s if they knew what they had to go through.” 
“Oh that’s why you like it. Yeah I think that would be good for me to read then.” He says before seeing another flash and looking up to see someone taking pictures. “Do people always…take pictures of you here?” 
Josh looked around and saw the pictures. “Ah no, it’s probably because you are here. It’s not everyday a Royal comes into town and goes to our library.” He teased, smiling. “I am sure my parents would close the library if you want to be alone?”
“What? Oh…No, I was just thinking about if people make the wrong type of headlines again. I know how Henry can be, I mean I saw how he reacted when we first met you so…I don’t want to cause any trouble or anything. Plus I have a boyfriend…we had a fight though so…”
Josh rolled his eyes as Charlie mentioned Henry. “Yeah well, I don’t really care at this point. Henry is over dramatic and if he thinks that I am cheating again, there’s no point in us being together.”
“Oh so then you two broke up? I mean…that sort of runs in our family in a sense so that’s where his worry comes from. Sometimes it isn’t thinking someone is cheating it’s usually someone who is insecure in themselves and doesn’t think they deserve you. It’s the fear of not being good enough and knowing Henry, he always has that fear because of his family. I mean, he is basically the perfect child so disappointing people is something that always makes him over-think and causes his anxiety to act up. It’s a matter of him thinking one day you will wake up and realize you can and deserve better than him.” 
“No, he is just running from our problems again.” He sighed before listening to Charlie. “I know that, but as I told him the last time this happened, he needs to communicate and not turn into a giant asshole. And that’s not…it’s not even the…I am just giving him time to breathe. When he is ready to talk like a normal person we can do that. But I am not going to let him act like an asshole because he is jealous. I am the one that has to see everyone at our school fawn over him, but I trust him. Honestly, the way he acts makes me think I should trust him less.”
“Have you met his father? He isn’t someone to lay how he feels on a table in front of him. Zach wasn’t really the nicest person when he first came to the family either. It took my sister to turn him into someone who was a normal person. He doesn’t handle jealousy the same way other people do. He doesn’t notice the other people because his eyes are only on you.” He tells him. “Sometimes he just needs to be told to talk about his feelings because it’s okay to feel a certain way. He tends to forget that.” 
“Yeah well I am too mad to be the bigger person right now.” He says before sighing. “Anyway, is that all you needed?” He asked, wanting to change the subject.
“Yeah that is understandable but knowing him he is probably just sulking and thinking about everything that could possibly go wrong. Has he been taking his medication for that by the way? That might help fix or at least minimize the whole jealousy problem.” 
“Yes, I might be mad at him but I text him everyday and every night to take his medicine. That’s all I say…but I still say it. I do care about him. I just want to shake some sense into him.”
“Well the other you could probably do that but I don’t think that would end very well so it’s best to just let him wallow in his own self despair for a bit. He doesn’t operate like everyone else does.” 
“I know. He is frustrating and amazing. He makes me angry, but I love him. And that makes me angrier.” He laughed before shaking his head. “Anyway, back to the books.”
“Right, I uh..so how does this work? Because we just take the ones from the castle and then bring them back whenever. Is there like a policy on that here?” He asks as he puts the books into a basket he saw. “Are those the only books in this section or what else is there?” 
“Oh gosh no, there’s a whole section.” He said before pointing to it. “You can check out as many as you want and you have a week to bring them back. But I am sure my parents will overlook that for you.” 
Charlie was about to say something before someone pushed into him causing him to put his arm out next to Josh’s face so he didn’t fall into him. “Sorry fucking asshole.” He mumbled before moving back. “What is your policy on murder in the library is it frowned upon?” 
Josh caught the books before looking at Charlie. He just smiled as he shook his head. “Pretty sure it’s against the law everywhere. But your dad did make that, so I am sure it doesn’t apply to you.” He teased as he handed the books back.
“He made a rule about not murdering people when he goes around and…yeah seems like he would do something like that actually.” He says before taking back the books and adding them to the basket next to him. “Well thanks for the books. I think I will start with these for now. A week? I have only a week to read them all?” 
“Like I said, the second you walk over there with these books my parents will probably just give them to you for free. The policy doesn’t apply to you Charlie.” He smiled. “Perks of being a prince.”
“Yeah but what about everyone else who wants to read them? I don’t want to have special treatment. I am trying to learn how to be normal…” He sighed. 
“Normal? You mean…like not royalty?” He asked as he smiled. “Well in that case, you need a library card and you have a week. If you don’t finish in a week then you come back and check them out again. We normally have a waitlist if people need the book after you, but no one ever reads books on E’s so you should be fine.”
“Well I mean yeah not royalty and just normal in general. I grew up sheltered in the castle so I don’t know as much as I should.” He tells him. “Okay so how do I sign up for one?” 
Josh led Charlie to the desk and shooed away his parents. “Okay, do you have an id?” He asked as he looked at the boy.
“A what? You mean the thing with my picture? Yeah I have one.” He says as he watched Josh shooing away his parents who were still staring at him. “Uh…” Charlie says before reaching into his pocket and pulling it out to give to Josh causing his parents to squeal. 
“You guys are scaring him. He is going to think we are weirdos, stop.” He said to his family before taking his ID. “You know this is what you need if you get pulled over right?”
“I never usually drive but I always carry this with me. People just don’t ask me for it most of the time. They already know who I am.” He tells him. 
“Well if you want to be normal, this is an ID. If you do drive, make sure you have this on you.” He teased before putting the information in on the computer. “Do you know your address?” 
“Uh…my tent or the castle? I live at the E camp right now so no clue I just moved there. Why do you need my address? You know I am going to be coming back right?” 
Josh bit back a laugh as he just smiled. “I need it for the card. They will mail you the card so…I need to know where you live to do that. I can give you a temporary one now, but I still need your address on file. In case you steal our books or something?” 
“Why would I want to steal them? Everyone knows where I live basically.” He asks in confusion. “A temporary one? Yeah okay.” He says before giving Josh his address at camp. “Uh just make sure no one else knows it.” 
“It’s all confidential. Well…my parents will know so expect holiday cards.” He joked. He put in the information before handing him a temporary card. “There you go. Now can I see the books?”
“Uh yeah. Just make sure they don’t like…stalk me or something…they are still staring.” He says before giving Josh the books. 
“They are starstruck.” He smiled as he started checking the books out. “They won’t stalk you. They know where Hope lives and never go over there. But they do send cards…all the time.”
“Yeah I heard about that…pretty sure they know if they try to go over there again Zach might kill them right? He is very protective of her and especially after losing a baby which is understandable.” He tells him before putting his card away. 
Josh handed Charlie his books before looking at him. “What? What…they lost a baby? I didn’t even…I didn’t even know they had them yet? Isn’t it really early still?”
“Yeah the stress of everything caused her to go into premature labor…they came too early and one of them recently died, the other one made it though so just…yeah they don’t talk about that.” He tells him. “I don’t know if they told Henry or not yet but I can’t imagine he will be very happy when he hears that.” 
“Yeah…I won’t…um…thanks for telling me.” He said softly before looking at him. “I hope you enjoy the books. If you need any more help, let me know.”
Charlie nods his head. “But for all intents and purposes I never said anything.” He tells him before taking the books. “Yeah I will let you know, thanks for helping me. I will see if Hope can talk some sense into Henry.” 
Josh smiled as he nodded, “No problem. I love talking about books. Good luck on being normal.” He teased before hearing his words. “Thank you, I would really appreciate it.”
“Thanks, bye Josh.” He says before leaving the library with books in hand.
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shxdowsofombra · 2 years
The Ball
Charlie was rather confused when he saw his sister and Zach nearly storming out with Henry trailing behind them. He noticed that Josh looked rather awkward and he was sure that Josh didn’t know anyone there so he went over to keep him company. “Is everything okay?” 
Josh looked at Charlie and shrugged, “I’m not sure.” He replied before looking around for his parents. “Maybe I should go too. I have to find my parents.”
He saw his father storming away from the balcony as well. “Oh that can’t be good…” He says. “Well I mean I can keep you company if your parents want to still do whatever it is they are doing…last I saw they were asking for autographs?” 
“Of course they were. I asked them not to bring it. At least I got rid of that stupid book before they brought it for Misty to sign.” He says before looking at Charlie. “You really don’t have to. I should stop them from harassing royals.”
“To be fair those royals deserve it for all the bull they put my parents through sometimes. Oh that book that got wiped from everywhere? Yeah I heard about that. My father wasn’t happy about that either…” He says with a shrug. “Well you are dating my nephew so since Emmett has seemingly disappeared someone needs to give you the ‘you hurt him I will kick your ass talk’. Seeming as my brother in law would probably be more about eating than talking.” 
“Oh well they both gave me that talk when I met him. My parents aren’t like that. They didn’t really talk to Henry. But I am aware that is what happens when you hurt someone in your family.” He replied. “Though…not to be rude, weren’t you married before?”
“Yeah it was for uniting kingdoms before they turned on us and she turned on us so I wanted a divorce. She is now with my brother so it all worked out. She was supposed to be with him anyway so I don’t know why they had us set up.” He shrugged. 
“Oh okay. Well if everything worked out then that’s great.” He nods before continuing to look around for his parents. “If you see your mom, I mean the queen, will you thank her for inviting us?”
“I wouldn’t be surprised if they snuck away to see the rest of the castle. A lot of people do that for the first time here.” He tells him. “It’s weird seeing people walking through the halls with cameras and everything. I almost walked out after a shower without anything on and that could have been pretty bad.” He jokes. “At least having a house of your own you don’t have to worry about the invasion of privacy.” 
“No, I finally got them to sit and wait for Hope and Zach. But as many times as I ask Henry for them to meet, he always cancels on me.” He smiled before looking at Charlie. “Well yeah I am sure it’s weird since this is your home, it’s not a castle to you. I mean, not in the sense it is to everyone else.”
“Well, it seems as though I heard that Zach ate Hallie’s last boyfriend before David. I think there is a good reason why he is worried about that. But I am sure he is worrying about nothing. I can see why he is dating you though.” 
“Yeah I understand that, but my parents aren’t like that and it’s important to me that they meet if we continue dating.” He replied before hearing his words. “I’m sorry, what do you mean?”
“Well I am sure Henry will talk to his parents about it before anything happens. It’s always best to ask them when they are in a good mood.” He responds before looking at Josh. “Well for one you seem to have your head on straight unlike some people in my family. Two, you aren’t afraid to meet his parents and are actually rather eager to meet them despite the fact Zach is a literal dragon. And three…well you are cute. My nephew has good taste, let’s just say that.” 
“Oh…thank you.” He smiled before blushing softly. “Um…well I should…go find my parents. It was really nice talking to Charlie.” Josh says before leaving to go find his parents.
“Yeah it was nice talking to you too. I think I see them standing over by Tommy.” He gestured to where Tommy was standing, seemingly trying to get away as Charlie figured he was waiting for Ellie to show up. 
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