#charlie's soliloquy (reprise) is also a really great number for Vezz
ratasum · 1 year
HOKAY SO. Vezz and Tybalt.
If anyone was surprised to make friends, Vezz certainly was. Garrus was nice enough when they met, but Tybalt had an air about him that was oddly familiar to Vezz. It was something he came to recognize as time passed as that same sense of a lack of self worth... an inner bitterness towards one's self as a result of mistakes made in the past.
It's starting with this that the two of them find their first common ground. It's unusual for Vezz, finding himself encouraging someone else. But he can see in Tybalt that same doubt and uncertainty. Something bubbling under the surface.
They become good friends in a sohrt time, and Tybalt's constant striving to be and do better helps Vezz start to come out of his fatalistic slump. While not a death chaser, he would have welcomed death if it came for him, and it's with Tybalt (and Garrus by extension since they were both with him) that he realizes that there can be more to his life.
Tybalt's death was the catalyst. He believed what he was doing was right, and believed in his ability to do it.
And in turn, Vezz made a decision to start trying harder. To start actually pushing through instead of being a convenient hammer Zojja swung at her new problem.
He could do this. And he would do this. In memory of a dear friend.
Which just makes me having chosen the path of "letting someone down" as his fear all the more harsh. But it does come back to my mentioning of showtunes, because this particular song makes me think of Vezz reflecting on Tybalt, especially while they're dealing with the whole Syska situation.
Stupid hubris, no excuses I blew my fuses, I guess I'm just a ruse in my father's shoes Not amusin', no confusin' this streak of losin' Totally brutal and useless too How can I be the soul of a man, noble and wise Like the soul of a man who lifted me high? Like the soul of a man, heroic and true Like the soul of a man that I looked up to What else could I— Just when I'm reaching for that rung at the top I'm that broken heel unsteady, and ready, ready to drop When will I be the soul of a man, noble and wise Like the soul of a man who lifted me high? Soul of a man, heroic and true Like the soul of a man I looked up to What else could I do?
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