#charlie morningstar x raeder
fr4nkie0stein · 9 months
The 12 days of fluffmas, day 7 - going caroling with Charlie Morningstar
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Pairing: Charlie Morningstar x gender neutral reader (can be read as either platonic or romantic)
Content warning(s): none that I can think to add
Charlie always insisted on doing something special for any and all events that came along, and the holiday season was certainly no exception
After spending the whole day brainstorming, she came up with the idea to take everyone who worked at or was otherwise affiliated with the hotel caroling
She figured it would be a great way to both promote the hotel as well as get everyone into the holiday spirit
Unfortunately, Angel Dust was out messing around with Cherri Bomb, Husk flat out refused, and Alastor was nowhere to be found, so it was only you, Charlie, Vaggie, and Nifty who ended up going out
Despite her good nature, none of the demons at the places you went to wanted to hear your singing, least of all from the people who ran the rehabilitation hotel
It seemed as though all hope was lost, until Alastor showed up with Angel Dust and Husk, both of whom you assumed he bribed somehow
Charlie said she appreciated the help, but she didn’t think it would do any good seeing how everyone turned them away
Alastor just gave a toothy grin and replied with “Trust me, darling, they won’t be able to turn you away with me here”
Skeptical as Vaggie was about his words, the seven of you headed out and tried again
Every place you stopped at was surprisingly receptive this time, most likely due to the unsettling look Alastor gave the demons when they were about to turn you away
Charlie didn’t notice, as she was just happy people were finally listening to the caroling you were doing, even if some of you sang wildly off key (cough, Husk, cough)
Nearly everyone was in high spirits when you got back to the hotel
Even Husk seemed to be in a better mood than he usually was
Once you and Charlie had a moment alone, you admitted how you’d gotten ahold of Alastor and convinced him to find the others and use his certain, ahem, charms to get people to listen to your caroling without fuss
Her eyes grew wide when you said this, and she gave you a ginormous hug, gushing over how happy she was that you would go through all that trouble for the hotel
You smiled to yourself, just glad you were able to make her so happy
☆ The 12 days of fluffmas ☆
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fr4nkie0stein · 10 months
Charlie Morningstar masterlist
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None yet <3
None yet <3
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