#charlie chow mein headcanon
ghouliethejoyboy · 4 years
The Chow Mein Family
Okay I’m doing it. I’m taking the plunge and sharing my OC’s. First headcanon in awhile, here we go.
So, everybody knows about Tommy Chow Mein. But the little known fact is his wife and son, Charlie and Alice. The Chow Mein family has a history of being ripped apart, let’s start with Charlie.
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(art by @tapefish​) So, Charlie Chow Mein was born November 3rd, 2008. He was born in what used to be then, a clean store, with two loving parents beaming down at him, and about ten dozen Aunt and Uncles and Unties in the room. He was an absolutely angelic toddler, and Tommy and Alice many of times endangered themselves trying to get him basic protection from the world, such as their expedition into the City trying to get him vaccines in an attempt to shield him from the early death so many sand-pups face. He was always smiling and happy, and never did his parents think that just after his second birthday, a BLI raid would lead to his capture. He would not see his parents again until a large-scale mission including but not limited to; Tommy, the Fab Four, and Doctor Death Defying saw him finally freed from the City just after his twelfth birthday. While he was in the City, Charlie found himself under regular suspicion and systematic physical abuse in school. The trauma of being taken from his parents, and barely remembering them, had meant that he was a selective mute. He almost never talked in class, and was regularly targeted by BLI/nd for this. He had only one droid parent, and unlike most it was not a copy-cat of his parents, it was too risky to give him any reminders of his origins. As he got older, he found it natural to slip into the role of a renegade, sneaking out at night, spray painting long forgotten subway tunnels, stalling patrols and even burning down Draculoid Barracks. Fighting also came naturally to him. He found that he had a regular talent for Martial Arts, but alas, he was rarely ever able to hone this skill. After he was freed from the City, he moved back in with his father, his mother was still under capture by BLI/nd, and even one of the 4 acceptable levels of dead, comatose in a body bag, frozen in time. He immediately started to rebel against whatever he could. Now, you might think is odd, but as Doc would easily tell you, when you take a kid from the City who is fighting so hard against restrictive rules, and immediately give them the Zones, they find they have nothing to fight against, so they rebel against whatever they can. Charlie found ways of doing this by sneaking out, cursing, even taking up smoking, which in his defense, most people in the Zones start doing at a young age. He was a real headache for Tommy, for quite a long time. Eventually, though, Tommy had to step in when he started going down a particularly nasty road and experimenting with drugs waaay too early. They had a real heart to heart, as Tommy had struggled with addiction after the loss of both wife and son. Since then, Charlie had been better. His mother came about after New Years, freed from Battery City when contact was made to overseas rebels of BLI occupancy, and the City was heavily bombed by the R.A.F (Rebel Air Force) of the Isle Of Man, the only free part of the U.K. They clashed at first, she was by far a much stricter parent than Tommy, and was not at all happy with his lack of knowledge in the Chinese language she expected he would know by now. Charlie revealed to both his parents the horrifically constant abuse he suffered in Battery City, and how certain things at the wrong moment could very well trigger him. After that, it has been smooth sailing, with Alice honing in on his skill to fight and teaching him well, even being defeated a few times by him. But with the City bombed, all of the BLI/nd officials are headed out to the desert. And one specific one has a bone to pick with Charlie.  - Hey guys, so, if the response on this is good, I’ll gladly do Alice, and I gotta say, I really miss doing headcanons, but lately all of mine have been around OC’s, so I haven’t felt like I could write it on here. But hey, Fuck Fear right?
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