get-rammed · 8 months
Ok I received my Hoodie and first off
I love how you have your own package design. Love the head in the mouth logo!
And second,,, AHDJQV I love it!!! It's so amazing!! I'm so happy to finally have my husband on a sweater I can wear 🥺. I got the glow in the dark one and it's so cool!! I really hope you do, do eventually make the other characters cause you bet your ASS I'm getting myself that freddy one. Anyways ram thank you for making these. I am beyond happy to have any Monty merch to fuel my brain rot over a fictional robot gator
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I'M SO GLAD HE MADE IT SAFE!! This whole thing has been a super fun learning adventure for me and it's been incredibly exciting. I need to take a small break to finish some other stuff, then I plan on doing Freddy :0! I'll probably just do drops instead of pre-orders though
Wear him with pride, I know I wear my fucked up little duds with pride. People in my experience actually really like the design irl which is cool
ALSO YEAH ON THE PACKAGE. I figured itd be fun to get my own little custom bags 💕💕
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agent-057 · 3 years
**when you open the door, her smile gets even bigger as she gives you a short bow**
???: Ah~ my my. That contact was correct~
Emma Stone: ... Ah, where are my manners? My name is Emma Stone, sister to Eliza Stone. I too, am a Choir member of the Church of the Holy Blood, also known as the Healing Church. I seem to have been separated from my sister, have you seen her? She is my twin so we look similar.
**little does she know that her sister is upon the roof of azazel's church. Trying to make contact with their gods from their world. What you notice behind her now is a giant greatsword upon her back, it seems to heavy for someone like her to carry, but alas it seems to bother her none.**
Emma stone: if you don't know where she that is fine, I still would like to talk to you. If, that is quite alright? I don't mean to intrude upon your home.
**she bows again**
((hey mun, hope you don't mind this. I kinda wanted to do something like this with you as well- hope that's ok! If not just tell me~))
This woman seemed innocent enough, but it wasn't enough to ease any of Ose's concerns. She was still an unknown person belonging to a group that the spy had never heard of.
And ofcourse, there was the matter of the massive weapon she carried...
" I...Suppose there's no harm in having a conversation. Still, I would ask that you disarm. It's nothing personal, just a precaution as all."
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He stepped to the side, gesturing with one arm for the woman to enter.
" You may leave it here in the genkan."
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hard--mode · 5 years
Can I just say how much I love how floweys doesn't act like an evil weed in this. He actually got mad and upset that chara (frisk) killed toriel. Normally he doesn't care so like. That was so cute and I love this comic
well, doesn’t an angry little guide make things even...
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hard mode ! haha!
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flowercrownpriince · 6 years
Hows the river person doing? Also.. do you know anything about their past? Have you ever tried talking to them?
oh, that’s that person who takes people between snowdin, waterfall, and hotland with their boat, right? i guess they’re doing ok? i haven’t heard about anything happening to them, anyway (・・ )ゞ
i’ve never really spoken to them before because i like walking, lol. i do appreciate what they’re doing, tho!
sorry i’m not very helpful here… it might be better if you try talking to them about it yourself (*ノ∀`*)
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brokenknifefrisk-a · 6 years
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@charles157 said:
No no. Not us chara. Them
*... I believe the name of that file is “spr_charad_0”. Not “Anon”.
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azazelsconfessional · 3 years
I'm not really into mpreg, BUT-
*this has been a message from a temujin lover*
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"Mahahaha! I understand. Everyone has their exceptions. With Temujin, you likely don't have a choice regarding your impregnation, however. . .so please be careful. Given what I know, I can't rightfully say he treats his hoard well. I don't want you to get hurt. . .in ways you won't enjoy.
"I won't say he's not attractive. But even I'm worried about safety now and then. Perhaps, in another loop, I could simply appreciate his appearance along with you."
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azazelsconfessional · 3 years
**the woman looks around clearly confused and let's out a long sigh**
???: I told her not to mess with the labyrinth bells.. What am I going to do with her..
**she seems to have forgotten you were there for a split moment, as she mentions another woman and something called "labyrinth bells"**
Eliza: ah were are my manners? My name is Eliza Stone, Choir member of the healing church of Yharnam. Yharnam is the great city I hail from.
Now.. Going back to what you said.. There are different kinds of creatures like you? None human but also non hostile?
**she does not realize she is in a world full curiosities such as this. And that Azazel himself has divine blood**
Eliza: how quaint.. But very very interesting.. Perhaps I could help progress the research of master Laurence and master Willem..
**she seems to be talking amongst herself still, such an odd one she is. However she looks around the top of the church. Its similar to hers from what she can tell but its lacking the center price of the entire church, the astral lock tower**
Eliza: you said this wasnt my church correct? I can see that now for there is not a clock tower present to help present astrological events of the gods. Have you ever heard of an astral clock tower my dear goat like friend? We have a saying back where I'm from. "The sky and the cosmos are one". We are close to understanding and ascending into godlike status, to be one with the old ones.
**the old ones.. Surely not the old ones here in Tokyo already? No.. Perhaps they are their own beings within her world**
Azazel allows Eliza to regain her bearings and assess her surroundings, mildly curious about the vague things she mentioned but mostly worried about ensuring she grasped where she was and what was happening.
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"You may call me Azazel. I'm the head preacher of this church." He gives her a small bow and a gentle, friendly smile. "Welcome to this city called Tokyo. It's not my homeland, but it's the land we call home now. Many beings from many different worlds have come here, most nonhuman like myself, though many have humanoid appearances. And, indeed, most are non-hostile--though I wouldn't say we can't be dangerous should the need arise."
Those who were human needed to bear some sort of visual indicator of their inhumanity. . .but, well, he would worry about that explanation later. Frankly, very little could cause one to pass for non-human--her blindfold alone could probably be her sole indicator if they were insistent upon it. . . .
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He gives a slight tilt of his head before shaking it. "I can't say I've heard that specific term, no. Although, towers like the one we stand on are often built with the symbolic gesture of being closer to the heavens and that which is divine, and many people have astrological beliefs and thus take messages and beliefs from the astral. Of course, most all Worlds have divine beings set in a skyward location. . .but few have them too far in space. At most, there are gods or other beings who preside over stars and other such bodies, if not all things."
It gives the Old Ones a certain advantage over other worlds. Utopia, which has little religious backing, aside, no worlds truly extend into the deep reaches of space. Based on the names and terms she used alone, Azazel doubted her use of 'old ones' referred to the dead world--that and, of course, he would be able to see in her that she was from there. It's not as though 'old ones' is an exclusive term--may special 'ones' are 'old', especially to humans. . .although, he’d admit that there was a lot. . .familiar about the way he could see where she was from. Not that he’d seen someone from there before, but. . .that it shared similarities to another world, perhaps?
Getting close to the Old Ones is all well and good--he's only met so many beings from there, but most have been pleasant to deal with, albeit. . .out there. But Azazel tends to avoid the divine, himself. Of course, he's happy for humans who find some value in it, to see their souls glimmer and waver in faith and awe and fear, but. . . .
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"Well, I'm happy that your people have become so accomplished." He can only imagine what happened with the Tower of Babel--the one from Eden, not the one from Tokyo, which stood over even the walls in the distance. Reaching for the divine so literally scarcely ends well. And attempting to be godlike. . .generally has similar results. "But I don't imagine standing up here will do you any good in this World. But there are many gods around this Tokyo who could, perhaps, be of assistance to the research you mentioned?"
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azazelsconfessional · 3 years
So basically your entire existence is summed up as Yahweh being a prick and a douche by creating you, but forcing you into a sinful role that you have no way out of? Ok got it. Yeah, seems like something Zeus would do. He's also a shitty god for the Olympians
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He's been warned about the high risk of things like people disparaging God and the Archangels when he said he would stay up longer to try and clean things up, and he was already told not to enact punishment over it. So, though he winces, he doesn't get angry.
It's not as wrong as he'd like it to be.
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"Please don't say things like that. . . . While Michael may seem to be. . .cruel and manipulative. . .he’s at the top of Eden’s Hierarchy. If someone of his authority desires to change the System of Eden, I admit to being curious as to his plans. If he sees a problem with Eden’s System, I wonder if his intentions aren't good. . .after all, Lady Gabriel also seemed to. . .I’m a bit worried about what may be happening that’s caused this. . .and yet, if it were a problem God would have put a stop to it. . . .”
Not that it matters if Michael’s trying to do something good for Eden. . .MC isn’t a thing to be used to support a cruel world.  He’d sooner die, be banished, be outright exiled, unleash the apocalypse itself if it meant MC would be safe from all of this. If he has to end the world himself to start things over, he will. He doesn’t know how, but he’d find a way.
"As for the Almighty, I'm. . .certain there's a way out of this Role. But then someone else would surely need to suffer it in my place. Moreover. . .one's Role is supposedly a manifestation of some. . .internal, ultimate goal or desire. If that's the case, then I feel like. . .perhaps the Lord is not to blame, and somewhere inside, for a reason I've not yet discovered, I want to make others suffer. In which case, it would be my own fault. . . ."
Ultimately, having had been created by Yahweh, it wouldn't be his fault, but. . .God is meant to be a faultless being. So problems must always be someone else's fault.
"The Almighty isn't a bad God. . . ." Although sometimes he has a lot of questions about the System and the laws and. . .why he was made to be this way. "However. . .Olympus is the System ruled by. . .the bloodline of Cronos? Zeus must be one of them, then. . .I pray one of his children will prove a better ruler."
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azazelsconfessional · 3 years
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"As The Messenger, I've gotta speak every language! Even the language of the common folk!"
As clear as that sounds, for some reason 'common folk' sounds like 'idiots like you' at the same time so. . .it's not that clear.
But, hey, Azathoth's an idiot, maybe 'idiot' is a compliment to Nyarl. . . .
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azazelsconfessional · 3 years
((re: Scorched Girl anon))
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Sweet, new daughter just dropped!
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"Sister Maria! We have a new child to look after! "Ah, maybe wear fireproof gloves?"
Their child now. They take care of lots of orphans at the church. And the abbey is fortunately fireproofed ever since the Exception incident and so Zabaniyya doesn't accidentally scorch it in the summer.
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azazelsconfessional · 3 years
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"It wasn't an actual bomb, mind, nor was it particularly recent. But that's how it was reported to the public.
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"Some individuals using the app caused a weak Exception and, due to the Exception killing them all, the app forced itself closed in order to stop the battle zone. The Exception disappeared, however because the app hadn't closed properly it didn’t have the opportunity to reverse time and restore the lives lost, let alone the damage. . .it isn't at all uninhabitable. It's become a slum, so it isn't the safest, but it's home to many people. My Artifact guides me to them, and at times I can help them. So even if I’m in danger, it’s worth travelling there. My Artifact will keep me safe, but not all are so lucky."
((from Chapter 4 pt 13 Blazing Path (3)))
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azazelsconfessional · 3 years
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(( @charles157
Part of the thing about nyarl's speach pattern is that it doesn't completely translate to English. If you check the Japanese version you'll notice(if you check the floating text above certain characters) that he's actually speaking in English a lot of his dialogue. Yes, sometimes he's saying atrange things--and oftentimes his English dialogue is given a Japanese translation with the opposite meaning for a textplay thing--but oftentimes it's just.
He's not just cryptic, he's not always even speaking the same language as everyone else. And even then some of his English is modern English slang. So if they do understand English it's like. He's speaking another dialect basically lmao.
And while in English the translation of him speaking in various opposing terms is accurate(he does the same in Japanese, again through furigana), it's like. That's a bit hard to replicate. I'm still getting used to it lol
I like Ryota's explanation for his speech pattern being like hearing different things in each ear tho lol
I enjoy unique speech patterns but it's still like as someone who likes writing fanwork(even if i largely haven't recently) it's like. Oh this is a bit hard lmao.
But you also have to take into consideration that it isn't just his words but also his behavior that's erratic. . .he's hard to write lol. . .but I love him too. I don't dislike his speech pattern or anything it's just like. HOW do i replicate this pff
It's fun to figure it out tho. Just makes me feel a little inadequate about writing him for now. I am not a chaotic man, plus i haven't read the stories and poems that feature Nyarl yet so i don't have a frame of reference lol. . .but I think I'm getting better!
(another problem with chaotic/antagonistic characters is that you can't really. Have them do things to people without permission. So it's something you've gotta tread carefully with or otherwise like. Water down. Tbf Missionaries Nyarl had like a character breakthrough where he turned around and helped the Missionaries after setting them up to be destroyed. So this one at least behaves a little because this is his family and he doesn't want harm to befall them lol i can justify it but i don't wanna limit myself too much. Forever a work in progress lol ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ but yeah his speech isn't meant to be too comprehensible--it's kind of his thing.))
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azazelsconfessional · 3 years
Since Lovecraft was a real person.. Does that mean he's the one true god of the old ones? Even above azathoth? Since hes the one who thought of everything and gave everyone life within his books?
So in a way, the dreamer is an idea within the mind of a writer.
Yeah, that seems about right for the old ones world..
Also, did he exist in that Tokyo?
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"From what Claude and Snow have told us from their studies, that seems to be the leading theory for why the Old Ones have so much power even outside of the app in this world. Or, rather, a combination of that their creator is supposedly from the human world and that their world has an overlap with this one as a setting. In essence, it's as though the world of this Tokyo and the world of Old Ones are in a persistent state of pseudo collision."
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Nyarl is nodding, as if confirming this. Then again, he may just be nodding along for the sake of it. . . .
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"That's also why waking Azathoth would end this world. However, this world continues and the world of Old Ones ends. . .so it's hard to say that that's actually the case.
"I'm fairly certain Lovecraft was American. So he existed in this world, but not here in this Tokyo. But even if he--and others who wrote into it--created the world and the belief and following brought it into being in another space and time, it's grown beyond human control. It's likely beyond writing revisions into by now. So I wouldn't say he's their true god--otherwise they would have died with him.
“Instead, collective consciousness may produce faith thanks to his bringing knowledge of their world into this one. . .or, perhaps, anyone who’s documented the mythos may have simply seen into their world or experienced a collision and claimed to create what they saw of their own mind, whether they believed it or not, as an explanation for that which they could not understand. It’s not uncommon--for many humans it can be hard to distinguish dreams, delusions, visions, collisions, and simple imagination.”
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Nyarl starts nodding even harder. Which is it? Maybe, as Azathoth’s speaker, it’s his job to tell you as much as he doesn’t tell. Or maybe he’s just happy the preacher is preaching his own faith for once.
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". . .then again, I don't know enough about the System of the Old Ones myself to say that that's the case. Unfortunately I’m not the one to ask in this case."
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"My Popstar doesn't know either! Nobody knows!! That's because there's a whole world of nothing at all to never know in any lifetime!"
. . .And the one to ask isn’t gonna tell you. Faith doesn’t keep them alive like it does for Eden, after all.
((actual headcanon for how that works under the cut lol it was gonna go in the tags but it got long))
((So in the world of TAS, time loops and overlapping worlds and so on are something that exist even if they’re not normal. So I imagine that, in cases of things that aren’t, like, mythology type beliefs like Old Ones and Utopia, the fictional worlds exist due to having had been created/written in one timeline/loop.  Then they became self-sustaining worlds separate from the original creation by humans--like how you can’t control the creations of a fandom.
A fictional world is created, it gains popularity, love, faith, attention, etc, and then it grows beyond the control of the creator(s).  It gains its own life and becomes another world in another part of space and time.  It can then connect to other worlds in space and time or timelines of that same world because it’s grown independent of the world of origin.  So if the world resets and it’s no longer the world in which, say, Lovecraft made all of these stories, it can now overlap with a world in which the stories are reality.  Lovecraft would likely still exist and likely still have something to do with the establishment of the world of Old Ones in Tokyo’s world, but it would more likely be that he would, somehow, be responsible for a gate or cause a collision or something similar where it’s no longer just his creation but instead some kind of Actual Encounter.
Hopefully that made sense lol))
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azazelsconfessional · 3 years
**the mass of fire and tree branches scoffs when Azazel mentions hope for his world**
Alida: There is no hope, not any longer. Alasandra came from a time long long ago in our world, as for me, I came much later. However, time is meaningless within our world. The world and its gods no longer exist, all that remain is an ashy, dark, barren wasteland.
**talking about this seems to fire up aldia's flames even stronger. They do not seem to emit heat as they grow in size, as if he's able to control the very fires of his body at will.**
Aldia: once when I was still relatively human, I was titled the scholar of the first sin. That sin being as Alasandra mentioned, the Lord of Light linking the first flame and banishinh Dark, and all that stemmed from humanity.
And men assumed a fleeting form. These are the roots of our world. Men are props on the stage of life. And no matter how tender... how exquisite... A LIE WILL REMAIN A LIE.
**the fires of Aldia now emitting a strong heat. Scorching the grass and shrubbery around him.**
Aldia: I detest the very foundation and world the gods have created. And I see, just like my world. All gods are the same, no matter what works you are in. You are a prime example of what gods do to those that threaten their very existence. Fear bears insolence, which in turn causes those to act out in desperate attempts to control something that they do not have a right of holding on to.
Those chains are a mockery to your very existence Azazel, no matter how you look at it. It was an attempt to suppress your very existence.
However.. I could unshackle you. End the curse that was placed upon you.
(God. I felt like I was rambling through this whole thing. I am not good with Aldia lol. Oh well, he's still the best.)
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Azazel is unphased by the heat. He who was raised with the Angel of Conflagration; who, for a time, oversaw Gehenna from its Gate to Eden; who lived with the Role of the Torturer and his Rule of Hellfire, felt no fear of fire. However he did say, "can you not burn our garden? We work very hard on it."
None of what Aldia said rang true to Azazel. He was one of the oldest beings in his System and one of the strongest. And yet, he was no god, for there were no gods in their System but the one. God did not fear him or what he did. The idea that that would be the case was almost enough to make him laugh.
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"You are the Scholar of the First Sin. And in my world, I caused the first sin for your kind, and brought sin to the world of mortal beings. Perhaps, now that you're in this world, you should take up studying again? Because your knowledge is lacking. . . .
"You, who are merely human, no matter your form, presume to know so much. It's quite sinful, your very assumption that every world and every timeline, that all gods are like your own, that you know anything of them or even of your own gods." He chuckles. "And you're so very sinful, so very ignorant, to presume you know anything of my existence--or that you could even hope to break these chains. You, an elevated human, who has said himself that your gods are dead.
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"You think very highly of yourself. That self-love is important, as well."
Azazel is unswayed, unphased, but amused. Aldia is ignorant. Humans often are.
"You say that a lie is always a lie and yet, in this world they have a saying--'history is written by the winners.' So, in this world where Belief limits even gods' powers, is a lie always a lie? Or is the truth what is believed to be true by the majority, what has evidence presented for it, what is preached until it becomes the truth? How could you, a mortal-born man, presume to know the truth from a lie?"
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Azazel shakes his head. "And to say you know anything of me, of my purpose, of my desires. Tell me then, Aldia, why am I here and not in Gehenna--assuming you know where or what that is? If God fears me so, why do I still have the power, the memories, everything I'd been given, at most locked away? Why leave me alive, unexiled, merely banished? Do you think the God of the World of my creation, the God who clears memories and existences with world-drowning floods, could bind away my powers but could not end my life? And do you really believe, in this Tokyo, full of gods and mortals alike, if I wanted to be unbound I would still be bound?"
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azazelsconfessional · 3 years
*alasandra looks up at him, more of her face sunken and dead looking. The curse taking its toll. A woman who died and came back, as the curse does to all humans when the fire starts to fade. The curse that the lord of light caused, undeath and hollowing**
Alasandra: my sins.. Hah.. As I said.. I was a scholar for lord Aldia.. He was.. The older brother of the king..
The king... The king... Who was the king..?
**she places her hands on her head, shaking her head gently**
Ah.. Ah.. Ah... I.. Can't remember who it was..
**she stops and sighs softly**
Oh.. Right.. My sins..
My lord.. He wasn't the best of people..
I was a scholar of the manor. We.. Experimented on the giants that invaded our kingdom.. Used their souls for unspeakable means.. We.. We were trying to find.. A cure.. For this curse..
I.. Helped Kill other royals who came to my lords manor.. For the experiments.. Creates the forlorn.. Those who have no soul.. No body.. Just an aimless spirit who travels the worlds for he has no world of their own now..
Hah.. Hah..
Was.. Was my lord wrong in what he was doing..? Sacrificing those for the greater good..? I.. Wonder what happened to him..
**alasandra, victim of the curse. Also a sinner for lord Aldia. Trying to find a way to break the curse. But untimely failed. And now, consumed by the very curse effecting everyone after one dies previously.**
Please.. Dont.. Leave me alone.. I'm.. Sorry for what I did.. For what my lord did..
**she starts to shake in his arms**
It's not the first time he's watched someone die. Not slowly, not quickly, not at all. He's too old not to have had seen it in so many humans--and angels, and other beings.
But that didn't mean it didn't hurt to watch.
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"It's okay. It's okay not to remember." He heard her confession, felt those memories replicating and coming to him. Infernal energy that could someday become Alasandra's Shadow. They joined the many sins sacrificed in his name, told to him in the dark, the concerns and burdens entrusted to him. "For there to be healing, there must first be suffering. For the greater good, there must be sacrifices. That is how all worlds are. Whether your decisions were right or wrong. . .perhaps that would be for you to reflect on."
The Forlorn? No body, wandering between the worlds with no world to call home. . . .
He thought of ghosts, but not before he thought of MC, the vessel of the Exiles. The Role of the Wanderer. With no world to call home and without real humanity, without memories of their own--
How familiar. But they're alive--and Alasandra is. . . .
But they've all died before in this Tokyo, haven't they? With all the resets, everyone has died, over and over. . . .
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He loosed his wings, wrapping them around them both, cocooning her safely in a hug but careful not to block her view of the garden. "Be not afraid. I won't leave you. I embrace your thoughts, your feelings, and your sins--nothing you do could make me leave you now. You are forgiven, Alasandra--whether you did wrong or right."
Even once she died, he would have to make arrangements for her. Even when transients die, their bodies stay in this Tokyo--they have a whole cemetery of angels to prove that.
But if her memories simply faded away. . .she could be like that person. Wake up here with no memories--a fresh start to a new life far from home.
They could only be so lucky.
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"Thank you, Alasandra. You're safe. Your memories are safe with me." He can tell, if only by the way her body is changing, how fast she's fading. "I will pray to the Lord for your safe passage. Now, my dear lamb, won't you enjoy your last moments? If you'd like to think more of your memories, you can tell me about one that's not so unfortunate."
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azazelsconfessional · 3 years
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"I-I didn't help! Michael kinda helped! Me and Uriel did. . .other things. . .!"
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