#charles zerilli
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marcogiovenale · 2 years ago
un articolo del 2022 su "the reappearing pheasant", il convegno/reading svoltosi a novembre a new york
articolo di Luciana Capretti: https://lavocedinewyork.com/arts/2022/11/15/the-reappearing-pheasant-ballerini-stefano-albertini/ in video: Francesco Muzzioli; al tavolo, da sinistra a destra: Fabrizio Bondi, Marco Giovenale, Daniele Poletti; foto di Terry W. Sanders _
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oxfordeliterp · 8 years ago
Would you accept Steven R McQueen for Charles?
Oh, yes, he would definitely work in every way. We cannot wait to read your application!
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charliezerilli · 8 years ago
To be in a position where a party might bring discomfort was a completely and utterly new feeling to Charles. It unsettled him. Deeply. For this wasn't supposed to happen. Not with a skin as thick as his own. But it seemed as though there was always a first time to everything in life. And this was it. The day Charles Zerilli felt like he had only two options: get shamelessly drunk and fall into sweet oblivion, or leave as fast as it would be deemed elegant. He needed something strong to the first, and time to the latter, so he held his scotch close to his chest as his free hand worked through his pockets. It was only natural to pull out his leather case and raise one of the handmade cigarettes to his lips, in a desperate attempt to kill time. But it seemed wise to begin to drink, anyway... just in case elegancy wasn't the right approach to this night. The chances of smoking indoors being allowed were short, but then, Charles wasn't exactly worried about that. The Quarrel girls were in the same room as the Riot Club, intentionally, and Charles had no idea of what the hell was going on. Peace was no where near his mind. An innocent smoke wasn't just about to kill anyone. At least, this was what he said to himself before a weird look came his way. 
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charzerilli-blog · 8 years ago
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charlotte zerilli ━ tasks
001. character development survey 
Full Name: Charlotte Gianna Isabella Zerilli Nickname(s): Charlie(-Girl), Char Title: The Brain Age: 24 Birthday: 25th December (Capricorn) Nationality: American Gender: Female Preferred Pronoun(s): She/Her Romantic Orientation: Biromantic, but leaning towards graysexuality in the spectrum Religion: Roman Catholic Occupation: Student Major: Medicine Face Claim: Vanessa Hudgens
Birth Order: The youngest of twins Parents: Giovanni Zerilli, Jasmine Zerilli Siblings: Charles Zerilli Significant Other(s): N/A Children: N/A
Eye Color(s): Dark brown Hair Color(s): Black Height: 5′4″ Weight: 110 lbs Body Build: Average Notable Physical Traits: Long, curly hair / Big eyes that are almost always alight with curiosity
Phobia(s): Not to the point where it’d actually be considered a phobia, but mild claustrophobia (read: doesn’t like confinement) Mental Disease(s): Anxiety, the main symptom she experiences being insomnia
Usual Mood/Expression:
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Moral Alignment: Neutral Jung: INTJ / the Scientist Enneagram: Type 3 / the Achiever Four Temperaments: Melancholic Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw Top Five Tropes: Spirited Young Lady / I Am Not My Father / Broken Ace / So Beautiful, It’s A Curse / Angst? What Angst? 
Compassion: 8/10 Empathy: 7/10 Creativity: 5/10 Mental Flexibility: 10/10 Passion/Motivation: 8/10 Education: 10/10
Stamina: 8/10 Physical Strength: 4/10 Battle Skill: 6/10 Initiative: 7/10 Restraint: 2/10 Agility: 8/10 Strategy: 10/10 Teamwork: 7/10
Musical-Rhythmic Intelligence: 8/10 Visual-Spatial Intelligence: 9/10 Verbal-Linguistic Intelligence: 9/10 Logical-Mathematical Intelligence: 10/10 Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence: 6/10 Interpersonal Intelligence: 8/10 Existential Intelligence: 10/10 Naturalistic Intelligence: 10/10
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collectorscorner · 8 years ago
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CC Blogger - New Arrivals @ Collectors Corner : Wednesday - 03/22/17 Complete list of items shipping to the stores, some items may be limited in availability. If you see anything you want to purchase on the list and are not a subscription member at Collectors Corner, just contact us and let us know if you want an item held at the stores. email - [email protected] Subscription Membership & Free Membership Card : Collectors Corner's No Obligation (FREE) Membership Card or FREE (In Store) & ONLINE Subscription Membership saves you 10% off ALL Comics purchased + 10% off many other items, games, toys, collectibles & special orders. Never miss a comic again! Computerized and organized + you can add and cancel titles on your subscription list from home on your own time, or in the store when you pick up your comics at : Maryland's Coolest Stores! Since 2001. 3 Convenient Locations - CC PARKVILLE HQ 7911 Harford Rd Parkville, MD 21234 CC BALTIMORE - OUTPOST 403 North Charles St. Baltimore, MD 21201 CC BEL AIR - OUTPOST 17 N. Main St. Bel Air, MD 21014 www.collectorscornermd.com NEW ARRIVALS : WEDNESDAY - 03/22/17 PUBLISHER/Price AFTERSHOCK COMICS Alters #5, $3.99 Blood Blister #1 (Tony Harris 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $3.99 ALTERNATIVE COMICS Reich #5 (Of 12), $4.00 AMERICAN GOTHIC PRESS Invisible Hands #1 (Of 3), $3.99 ANTARCTIC PRESS President Evil #1 (One Shot), $3.99 Ninja High School Text Book Volume 3 TP, $49.99 ARCADE PUBLISHING Torture Report The Graphic Novel Adaptation SC, $16.99 ARCHIE COMIC PUBLICATIONS World Of Archie Jumbo Comic Digest #67, $6.99 BLACK LIBRARY Warhammer 40000 Dante HC, $27.00 Warhammer 40000 Shrike HC, $19.00 BONGO COMICS Simpsons Comics #238, $3.99 BOOM! STUDIOS Lumberjanes #36 (Cover A Kat Leyh), $3.99 Lumberjanes #36 (Cover B Slimm Fabert), AR Over The Garden Wall Volume 1 TP, $14.99 Rust Volume 2 Secrets Of The Cell TP, $14.99 Steven Universe #2 (Cover A Missy Pena), $3.99 Steven Universe #2 (Cover B Rian Sygh), $3.99 Steven Universe #2 (Cover C Jenn St-Onge), AR WWE #3 (Cover A Dan Mora), $3.99 WWE #3 (Cover B Frank Zerilli Bayley Variant), AR WWE #3 (Cover C Dylan Burnett Edge Variant), AR WWE #3 (Cover D Felipe Massafera Ric Flair Variant), AR WWE #3 (Cover E Adam Riches Action Figure Variant), $3.99 WWE #3 (Cover F Brent Schoonover Royal Rumble Connecting Variant), $3.99 WWE #3 (Cover G Couceiro Magno Raw Women's Championship Belt Foil Party Variant), AR CHAPTERHOUSE COMICS Life Death And Sorcery #4, $3.99 CHRONICLE BOOKS Star Wars Darth Vader And Family Coloring Book SC, $14.95 COMIC SHOP NEWS Comic Shop News #1553, AR DANGER ZONE Circle #4 (Cover A Alyzia Zherno), $3.99 Dollface #3 (Cover A Dan Mendoza), $3.99 Dollface #3 (Cover B Dan Mendoza Tattered & Torn), $4.99 Dollface #3 (Cover C Bill McKay Sunset), $4.99 Dollface #3 (Cover D Bill McKay Sunset Tattered & Torn), $4.99 Dollface #3 (Cover E Torrie Harris), $4.99 Dollface #3 (Cover F Xenia Pamfil), $4.99 DARK HORSE COMICS Art Of Mass Effect Andromeda HC, $39.99 Black Hammer #7 (Cover A Dean Ormston), $3.99 Black Hammer #7 (Cover B Jeff Lemire), $3.99 Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season 11 #5 (Cover A Steve Morris), $3.99 Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season 11 #5 (Cover B Georges Jeanty), $3.99 Danganronpa The Animation Volume 4 TP, $12.99 Dept. H #12, $3.99 Edgar Rice Burroughs' Pellucidar At The Earth's Core TP, $12.99 Empowered And The Soldier Of Love #2 (Of 3), $3.99 Mass Effect Adult Coloring Book TP, $14.99 Rebels These Free And Independent States #1 (Of 8), $3.99 DC COMICS Action Comics #976 (Cover A Patrick Gleason & Mick Gray), $2.99 Action Comics #976 (Cover B Gary Frank), AR Batgirl #9 (Cover A Chris Wildgoose), $2.99 Batgirl #9 (Cover B Francis Manapul), AR Batgirl Volume 1 Beyond Burnside TP, $16.99 Batman '66 Meets Wonder Woman '77 #3 (Of 6), $3.99 Batman Beyond #1 (Ken Haeser Variant Cover)(Dynamic Forces), AR Batman Beyond #6 (Cover A Bernard Chang), $2.99 Batman Beyond #6 (Cover B Martin Ansin), AR Batman By Brian K. Vaughan TP, $16.99 Batman Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #3 (Of 6)(Ken Haeser Poison Ivy Variant Cover)(Dynamic Forces), AR Batman Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #3 (Of 6)(Ken Haeser Signed Edition)(Dynamic Forces), AR Blue Beetle #7 (Cover A Scott Kolins), $2.99 Blue Beetle #7 (Cover B Cully Hamner), AR Cyborg Volume 1 The Imitation Of Life TP, $16.99 Dark Knight III The Master Race #2 (Of 8)(Andy Kubert 3rd Printing Variant Cover), $5.99 Dark Knight III The Master Race #3 (Of 8)(Andy Kubert 3rd Printing Variant Cover), $5.99 Dark Knight III The Master Race #6 (Of 8)(Greg Capullo Midtown Variant Cover)(Dynamic Forces), AR Deathstroke #15 (Cover A Bill Sienkiewicz), $2.99 Deathstroke #15 (Cover B Shane Davis), AR Detective Comics #953 (Cover A Eddy Barrows & Eber Ferreira), $2.99 Detective Comics #953 (Cover B Rafael Albuquerque), AR DMZ Volume 3 TP, $24.99 Doom Patrol #5 (Cover A Nick Derington), $3.99 Doom Patrol #5 (Cover B Farel Dalrymple), AR Flash #19 (Cover A Carmine Di Giandomenico), $2.99 Flash #19 (Cover B Dave Johnson), AR Flintstones Volume 1 TP, $16.99 Future Quest #11 (Cover A Evan Doc Shaner), $3.99 Future Quest #11 (Cover B Ryan Sook), AR Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #17 (Cover A Ethan Van Sciver), $2.99 Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #17 (Cover B Kevin Nowlan), AR Hellblazer #8 (Cover A John Cassaday), $2.99 Hellblazer #8 (Cover B Yasmine Putri), AR Justice League Of America The Bronze Age Omnibus Volume 1 HC, $99.99 Kamandi Challenge #1 (Of 12)(Bruce Timm 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $4.99 Looney Tunes #236, $2.99 Looney Tunes Greatest Hits Volume 2 You're Despicable TP, $12.99 Mother Panic #5 (Cover A Tommy Lee Edwards), $3.99 Mother Panic #5 (Cover B Michael Cho), AR Scooby-Doo Team-Up #24, $2.99 Suicide Squad #1 (Director's Cut), $5.99 Suicide Squad #14 (Cover A John Romita Jr. & Danny Miki), $2.99 Suicide Squad #14 (Cover B Lee Bermejo), AR Super Sons #1 (Jorge Jimenez 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $2.99 Teen Titans #6 (Cover A Khoi Pham), $2.99 Teen Titans #6 (Cover B Chris Burnham), AR Wonder Woman #19 (Cover A Liam Sharp), $2.99 Wonder Woman #19 (Cover B Jenny Frison), AR DEVILS DUE/1FIRST COMICS Black Flame #1 (Of 7), $5.99 Serving Supes #7, $4.99 White #3 (Of 4), $4.99 DRAWN AND QUARTERLY Fire The Zora Neale Hurston Story HC, $21.95 Sticks Angelica Folk Hero HC, $21.95 Terms And Conditions SC, $14.95 DYNAMITE ENTERTAINMENT Army Of Darkness Xena Forever And A Day #6 (Of 6)(Cover A Moritat), $3.99 Army Of Darkness Xena Forever And A Day #6 (Of 6)(Cover B Moritat Virgin Variant), AR Great Divide #6 (Of 6)(Cover A Adam Markiewicz), $3.99 Great Divide #6 (Of 6)(Cover B Adam Markiewicz), $3.99 KISS #6 (Cover A Lucio Parillo), $3.99 KISS #6 (Cover B Charles Paul Wilson), $3.99 KISS #6 (Cover C Photo), $3.99 KISS #6 (Cover D Lucio Parillo Virgin Variant), AR KISS #6 (Cover E Charles Paul Wilson Virgin Variant), AR KISS #6 (Cover F Photo Virgin Variant), AR Will Eisner's The Spirit The Corpse-Makers #2 (Of 5)(Cover A Francesco Francavilla), $3.99 Will Eisner's The Spirit The Corpse-Makers #2 (Of 5)(Cover B Francesco Francavilla Virgin Variant), AR EAGLEMOSS PUBLICATIONS DC Comics Super Hero Best Of Figurine Collection Magazine #26 (Scarecrow), $17.95 DC Comics Super Hero Best Of Figurine Collection Magazine #27 (Shazam), $17.95 DC Comics Watch Collection #11 (Harley Quinn), $34.95 Doctor Who Figurine Special #2 (Mega Dalek Dead Planet), $125.00 Marvel Fact Files #163, $6.50 Marvel Fact Files #164, $6.50 Marvel Fact Files #165, $6.50 Marvel Fact Files #166, $6.50 Star Trek The Official Starships Figurine Collection Magazine #90 (Romulan Scout Ship), $21.95 Star Trek The Official Starships Figurine Collection Magazine #91 (USS Saratoga), $21.95 Walking Dead Figurine Collection Magazine #26 (Negan), $19.95 Walking Dead Figurine Collection Magazine #27 (Carl), $19.95 FANTAGRAPHICS BOOKS Interview HC, $24.99 Take That Adolf The Fighting Comic Books Of The Second World War SC, $29.99 FIRST SECOND BOOKS Animal Crackers Circus Mayhem HC (Prequel), $15.99 Animal Crackers HC, $15.99 FW MEDIA Goldmine Record Album Price Guide 9th Edition SC, $29.99 GRAPHIC INDIA Deepak Chopra's Beyond #2, $3.99 Dragonfly And The Global Guardians #1, $0.99 Shikari Force Hunters Volume 1 TP, $12.95 HEAVY METAL MAGAZINE Doorman Volume 1 TP, $9.99 Heavy Metal #285 (Cover A Florian Bertmer), $8.95 Heavy Metal #285 (Cover B Peter Gric), $8.95 Heavy Metal #285 (Cover C James Jean), $8.95 IDW PUBLISHING Batman Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Adventures #5 (Of 6)(Cover A Jon Sommariva), $3.99 Batman Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Adventures #5 (Of 6)(Cover B Gabriel Rodriguez), $3.99 Batman Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Adventures #5 (Of 6)(Cover C Jeff Matsuda), AR Brutal Nature Concrete Fury #1 (Of 5)(Cover A Ariel Olivetti), $3.99 Brutal Nature Concrete Fury #1 (Of 5)(Cover B Ariel Olivetti), $3.99 Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency The Salmon Of Doubt #6 (Cover A Ilias Kyriazis), $3.99 Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency The Salmon Of Doubt #6 (Cover B Photo), $3.99 Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency The Salmon Of Doubt #6 (Cover C Robert Hack), AR Donald And Mickey The Persistence Of Mickey TP, $12.99 G.I. JOE A Real American Hero #237 (Cover A S. L. Gallant), $3.99 G.I. JOE A Real American Hero #237 (Cover B John Royle), $3.99 Ghostbusters 101 #1 (Cover A Dan Schoening), $3.99 Ghostbusters 101 #1 (Cover B Tim Lattie), $3.99 Ghostbusters 101 #1 (Cover C Erica Henderson), $3.99 Ghostbusters 101 #1 (Cover D Photo), AR Helena Crash #1 (Of 5)(Cover A Warwick Johnson-Caldwell), $3.99 Helena Crash #1 (Of 5)(Cover B Andrew MacLean), $3.99 Helena Crash #1 (Of 5)(Cover C Warwick Johnson-Cadwell), AR Jem And The Misfits #3 (Cover A M. Victoria Robado), $3.99 Jem And The Misfits #3 (Cover B Jenn St-Onge), $3.99 Jem And The Misfits #3 (Cover C Sophie Campbell), AR Judge Dredd Cry Of The Werewolf #1 (Cover A Steve Dillon), $5.99 Judge Dredd Cry Of The Werewolf #1 (Cover B Jock), $5.99 Judge Dredd Deviations #1 (Cover A John McCrea), $4.99 Judge Dredd Deviations #1 (Cover B Andrew Currie Mash-Up Variant), $4.99 Judge Dredd Deviations #1 (Cover C Ryan Brown), AR Michael Recycle #1 (Of 4)(Cover A Alexandra Colombo), $3.99 Michael Wm. Kaluta's Starstruck Artist's Edition HC, $150.00 My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic #52 (Cover A Tony Fleecs), $3.99 My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic #52 (Cover B Sara Richard), $3.99 My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic #52 (Cover C Valentina Pinto), AR Optimus Prime #5 (Cover A Kei Zama), $3.99 Optimus Prime #5 (Cover B Casey W. Coller), $3.99 Optimus Prime #5 (Cover C Andrew Griffith), $3.99 Optimus Prime #5 (Cover D E. J. Su), AR Star Trek Green Lantern Volume 2 Stranger Worlds #4 (Of 6)(Cover A Angel Hernandez), $3.99 Star Trek Green Lantern Volume 2 Stranger Worlds #4 (Of 6)(Cover B Tony Shasteen), $3.99 Star Trek Green Lantern Volume 2 Stranger Worlds #4 (Of 6)(Cover C Isaac Goodhart), AR Superman The Golden Age Newspaper Dailies 1942-1944 HC, $49.99 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #68 (Cover B Kevin Eastman), $3.99 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #68 (Cover C Jakub Rebelka), AR Transformers Vs G.I. JOE The Movie Adaptation #1 (Cover A Tom Scioli), $4.99 Transformers Vs G.I. JOE The Movie Adaptation #1 (Cover B Robb Waters), $4.99 Wynonna Earp Legends The Earp Sisters #3 (Of 4)(Cover A Chris Evenhuis), $3.99 Wynonna Earp Legends The Earp Sisters #3 (Of 4)(Cover B Lora Innes), $3.99 Wynonna Earp Legends The Earp Sisters #3 (Of 4)(Cover C Photo), $3.99 IMAGE COMICS Afar Original GN, $14.99 Arclight TP, $14.99 Beauty #13 (Cover A Jeremy Haun & John Rauch), $3.99 Beauty #13 (Cover B Laura Tolton), $3.99 Birthright #23, $2.99 Black Road #8, $3.99 Circuit-Breaker #4 (Of 5), $2.99 Curse Words #1 (Ryan Browne 3rd Printing Variant Cover), $3.99 Curse Words #2 (Ryan Browne 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $3.99 Curse Words #3 (Cover A Ryan Browne), $3.99 Curse Words #3 (Cover B Paolo Rivera), $3.99 Descender #20, $3.99 East Of West The Apocalypse Year Two HC, $49.99 Few #1 (Of 6)(Hayden Sherman 3rd Printing Variant Cover), $4.99 Few #3 (Of 6), $4.99 Invincible Volume 23 TP, $16.99 Loose Ends #3 (Of 4)(Cover A Chris Brunner & Rico Renzi), $3.99 Loose Ends #3 (Of 4)(Cover B Chris Brunner & Rico Renzi), $3.99 Magdalena #1 (Cover A Christian Dibari ), $3.99 Magdalena #1 (Cover B Roberta Ingranata Women's History Month Variant), $3.99 No Mercy #14, $3.99 Reborn #5 (Of 6)(Cover A Greg Capullo), $3.99 Reborn #5 (Of 6)(Cover B Greg Capullo), $3.99 Reborn #5 (Of 6)(Cover C Greg Capullo), $3.99 Ringside #9, $3.99 Savage Dragon #222, $3.99 Seven To Eternity Giant-Sized Artist's Proof Edition, $24.99 She Wolf #7 (Cover A Rich Tommaso), $3.99 She Wolf #7 (Cover B Marian Churchland Women's History Month Variant), $3.99 Shutter #28, $3.99 Spread #20, $3.99 Stray Bullets Sunshine And Roses #22, $3.99 Sunstone Volume 1 HC, $39.99 Underwinter #1 (Cover A Ray Fawkes), $3.99 Underwinter #1 (Cover B Jeff Lemire), $3.99 Violent Love #5 (Of 5)(Cover A Victor Santos), $3.99 Violent Love #5 (Of 5)(Cover B Victor Santos), $3.99 JOE BOOKS Disney Frozen #6, $3.99 Disney Frozen Comics Collection Hearts Full Of Sunshine TP, $9.99 Disney Pixar Cars #2, $3.99 Disney Princess #9, $3.99 KEENSPOT ENTERTAINMENT Hunters Of Salamanstra #3 (Cover A John Joseco), $3.99 Hunters Of Salamanstra #3 (Cover B John Joseco), $3.99 KODANSHA COMICS Clockwork Planet Volume 1 GN, $12.99 Forget Me Not Volume 7 GN, $10.99 In Spectre Volume 3 GN, $10.99 That Wolf Boy Is Mine Volume 4 GN, $10.99 UQ Holder Volume 10 GN, $10.99 MARVEL COMICS Amazing Spider-Man Renew Your Vows #5 (Humberto Ramos Venomized Variant Cover), AR Amazing Spider-Man Renew Your Vows #5 (Ryan Stegman Regular Cover), $3.99 Black Panther #12 (Brian Stelfreeze Regular Cover), $3.99 Black Panther #12 (Elizabeth Torque Venomized Variant Cover), AR Black Panther #12 (Paolo Rivera Connecting Variant Cover), AR Captain America Steve Rogers #14, $3.99 Civil War II Fallout TP, $24.99 Darth Vader Annual #1 (Ken Haeser Darth Maul Variant Cover)(Dynamic Forces), AR Deadpool Too Soon TP, $17.99 Doctor Strange The Punisher Magic Bullets #4 (Of 4), $4.99 Elektra #2 (Adi Granov Variant Cover), AR Elektra #2 (Elizabeth Torque Regular Cover), $3.99 Extraordinary X-Men #20, $3.99 Foolkiller #5, $3.99 Gamora #4 (Esad Ribic Regular Cover), $3.99 Gamora #4 (Stephanie Hans Venomized Variant Cover), AR Hulk #4 (Ema Lupacchino Venomized Variant Cover), AR Hulk #4 (Jeff Dekal Regular Cover), $3.99 Invincible Iron Man #5 (Rick Leonardi Venomized Variant Cover), AR Invincible Iron Man #5 (Stefano Caselli Regular Cover), $3.99 Iron Fist #1 (Alex Ross Variant Cover), AR Iron Fist #1 (Jeff Dekal Regular Cover), $3.99 Iron Fist #1 (Kaare Andrews Hip-Hop Variant Cover), AR Iron Fist #1 (Mike Perkins Variant Cover), AR Iron Fist #1 (Ross Ross Black & White Variant Cover), AR Iron Fist The Book Of Changes TP, $34.99 Moon Girl And Devil Dinosaur #17, $3.99 Night Raven From The Marvel UK Vaults TP, $34.99 Prowler #6, $3.99 Rocket Raccoon #4, $3.99 Spider-Gwen #18 (Robbi Rodriguez Regular Cover), $3.99 Spider-Gwen #18 (Sophie Campbell Venomized Variant Cover), AR Star Wars Darth Maul #2 (Of 5)(David Aja Variant Cover), AR Star Wars Darth Maul #2 (Of 5)(Paul Renaud Star Wars 40th Anniversary Variant Cover), AR Star Wars Darth Maul #2 (Of 5)(Rafael Albuquerque Regular Cover), $3.99 U.S.Avengers #1 (Ken Haeser Variant Cover)(Dynamic Forces), AR Ultimates 2 #5, $3.99 Unbeatable Squirrel Girl Volume 5 Like I'm The Only Squirrel In The World TP, $15.99 Uncanny Avengers Unity Volume 3 Civil War II TP, $15.99 Uncanny Inhumans #20 (Declan Shalvey & Jordie Bellaire IvX Variant Cover), AR Uncanny Inhumans #20 (Frazer Irving & Scott Wilson Regular Cover), $4.99 Unworthy Thor #5 (Of 5)(Chris Stevens Variant Cover), AR Unworthy Thor #5 (Of 5)(Leinil Francis Yu Variant Cover), AR Unworthy Thor #5 (Of 5)(Olivier Coipel Regular Cover), $3.99 Wolverine Vs The Punisher TP, $39.99 X-Force Epic Collection Volume 1 Under The Gun TP, $39.99 MCFARLAND Fascist Lizards From Outer Space The Politics Literary Influences And Cultural History Of Kenneth Johnson's V SC, $19.99 How He-Man Mastered The Universe Toy To Television To The Big Screen SC, $19.99 MYMOVIEMONSTERS.COM Scary Monsters Presents Monster Memories Yearbook 2016/2017, $10.95 NBM Treasury Of XXth Century Murder Compendium Volume 1 HC, $27.99 ONI PRESS Letter 44 #31, $3.99 Life After Volume 1 TP (10 Dollar Edition), $10.00 PIGGYBACK Legend Of Zelda Breath Of The Wild The Complete Official Strategy Guide HC (Collector's Edition), $39.99 Legend Of Zelda Breath Of The Wild The Complete Official Strategy Guide SC, $24.99 QUIRK BOOKS Warren The 13th And The Whispering Woods Novel HC, $16.95 REBELLION Judge Dredd Every Empire Falls TP, $25.00 RED ANVIL Mighty Titan #6, $3.99 SELFMADEHERO Monty Python's Flying Circus Hidden Treasures HC, $40.00 SEQUART RESEARCH AND LITERARY ORGANIZATION Best There Is What He Does Examining Chris Claremont's X-Men SC, $16.99 SEVEN SEAS ENTERTAINMENT Monster Musume I Heart Monster Girls Volume 4 GN, $12.99 Other Side Of Secret Volume 4 GN, $12.99 Servamp Volume 9 GN, $12.99 Testament Of Sister New Devil Volume 5 GN, $12.99 SIMON AND SCHUSTER Caped Crusade Batman And The Rise Of Nerd Culture SC, $17.00 STRANGER COMICS Untamed II #3 (Of 4)(Cover A Peter Bergting), $3.99 Untamed II #3 (Of 4)(Cover B Jae Lee), $3.99 Untamed II #3 (Of 4)(Cover C Jae Lee Sketch Variant), AR SUPER GENIUS Tales From The Crypt #2, $3.99 TITAN PUBLISHING GROUP Anno Dracula #1 (Of 5)(Cover A Paul McCaffrey), $3.99 Anno Dracula #1 (Of 5)(Cover B Tom Mandrake), $3.99 Anno Dracula #1 (Of 5)(Cover C Brian Williamson), $3.99 Anno Dracula #1 (Of 5)(Cover D Jeff Zornow), $3.99 Anno Dracula #1 (Of 5)(Cover E Mike Collins), $3.99 Doctor Who The Eleventh Doctor Volume 5 The One TP, $14.99 Doctor Who The Twelfth Doctor Year 2 #15 (Cover A Claudia SG Iannicello), $3.99 Doctor Who The Twelfth Doctor Year 2 #15 (Cover B Photo), $3.99 Doctor Who The Twelfth Doctor Year 2 #15 (Cover C Marc Ellerby), $3.99 Doctor Who The Twelfth Doctor Year 2 #15 (Cover D Arianna Florean), $3.99 Monika Volume 2 Vanilla Dolls GN, $16.99 Rogue One A Star Wars Story The Official Mission Debrief HC, $19.99 Walking Dead Magazine #20 (Newsstand Edition), $9.99 Walking Dead Magazine #20 (Previews Exclusive Edition), $9.99 World War X #4 (Of 6)(Cover A Simone Di Meo), $3.99 World War X #4 (Of 6)(Cover B Nick Percival), $3.99 World War X #4 (Of 6)(Cover C Jimbo Salgado), $3.99 TOKYOPOP Bizenghast 3-In-1 Special Collector's Edition Volume 2 GN, $19.99 VAULT COMICS Heathen #2 (Cover A Tess Fowler), $3.99 Heathen #2 (Cover B Natasha Alterici), AR Powerless #1, $3.99 VALIANT ENTERTAINMENT Bloodshot Reborn #0 (Cover A Juan Doe), $3.99 Bloodshot Reborn #0 (Cover B Kano), $3.99 Bloodshot Reborn #0 (Cover C Dave Johnson), $3.99 Bloodshot Reborn #0 (Cover D Lesley-Anne Green), $3.99 Bloodshot Reborn #0 (Cover E Peter Bagge), AR Bloodshot Reborn #0 (Cover F TBD Top Secret Spoiler Variant), AR X-O Manowar #1 (Cover A Lewis LaRosa), $3.99 X-O Manowar #1 (Cover B Kenneth Rocafort), $3.99 X-O Manowar #1 (Cover C Tomas Giorello)(Pre-Order Edition), $11.97 X-O Manowar #1 (Cover D Mico Suayan), AR X-O Manowar #1 (Cover E J. G. Jones), AR X-O Manowar #1 (Cover F Monika Palosz Brushed Metal Variant), AR VERTICAL COMICS Blame Volume 3 GN, $34.95 VIZ MEDIA Goodnight Punpun Volume 5 GN, $24.99 Master Keaton Volume 10 GN, $19.99 Orbital Cloud Novel SC, $16.99 Terra Formars Volume 17 GN, $12.99 YEN PRESS Fruits Basket Collector's Edition Volume 11 TP, $20.00 How To Raise A Boring Girlfriend Volume 5 GN, $13.00 Prison School Volume 6 GN, $20.00 Twinkle Stars Volume 2 GN, $20.00 ZENESCOPE ENTERTAINMENT E.V.I.L. Heroes #6 (Of 6)(Cover A Edgar Salazar), $3.99 E.V.I.L. Heroes #6 (Of 6)(Cover B Ian Richardson), $3.99 E.V.I.L. Heroes #6 (Of 6)(Cover C Alfredo Reyes), $3.99 E.V.I.L. Heroes #6 (Of 6)(Cover D Sami Kivela), $3.99 Grimm Fairy Tales #4 (Cover A Sean Chen), $3.99 Grimm Fairy Tales #4 (Cover B Alfredo Reyes), $3.99 Grimm Fairy Tales #4 (Cover C Renato Rei), $3.99 Grimm Fairy Tales #4 (Cover D Harvey Tolibao), $3.99 Grimm Fairy Tales Presents Steampunk TP, $9.99 GAMES HASBRO Star Wars Simon, AR KONAMI DIGITAL ENTERTAINMENT Yu Gi Oh TCG Star Pack Battle Royal, AR USAOPOLY Legend Of Zelda Chess, AR TOYS - T-SHIRTS & COLLECTIBLES 3a Tk Hunter Vali 24in Action Figure, AR Action Portable Wave 2 Blind Cowboy 1/12 Scale Figure, AR Action Portable Wave 2 Ghost Horse 1/12 Scale Figure (, AR Action Portable Wave 2 Ka-mumb 1/12 Scale Figure, AR Action Portable Wave 2 Shadow Merde 1/12 Scale Figure, AR Action Portable Wave 2 Tk Cornelius 1/12 Scale Figure, AR Action Portable Wave 2 Tk Search & Destroy 1/12 Scale Figure, AR Action Portable Wave 2 Uktk 1/12 Scale Figure, AR Action Portable Wv2 Dead Cosmonaut Golovorez 1/12 Scale Fig, AR Alien Muscle Figures Pack a, AR 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oxfordeliterp · 8 years ago
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❝ Darling, here the gods died, here the horsemen tremble,        here we bathe in gasoline   come, join us in our garden of dead bodies, we’re having fire for lunch.❞
Charles Zerilli | twenty-four (III) | The Riot Club | Bob Morley | open
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Charles Zerilli walked into life with company, and for that, he never learned how to be alone, never tasted the poison of solitude, never had to worry about watching his back. How could he, when he had been lectured, from his toddler days, that family was everything and when his mother has been by his side, holding both his and Charlotte's hands in hers, with every step he took? All of his kindergarten drawings told the same story: the perfect family portrait covered sunshine — and only a long time later did he get to see the rest of the picture. To his surprise, the secret his parents have been keeping from both him and Charlotte hadn't been that they loved each other any less, or that the two children have been picked up, six years ago, from the orphanage. To his surprise, the secret he had to wait until he knew how to tie his own shoes in order to be told had nothing to do with their state of happiness and harmony, but was just the explanation of the strange looking men surrounding papa. Apparently, one day he woke up being the heir of a Detroit Mafia sotto capo and he had that term and its spelling memorized and everybody bowing before him long before he understood what it meant. Charlie grew up with the outsole of his shoes glued to that world, deeply rooted and with a brain that filtered good moves and strategies from bad ever from the very start. Because he, unlike his younger twin sister, had an open heart to learn and listen and because the blood reddening his veins belonged to his father. Ever since the moment Charlie met the family consigliere — the first handshake he would remember — they knew he would dress in white suits and take the place of his father one day. Wrong. Although blessed with potential and a mind for the kind of business his family name was involved in, Charles prefers a good joke to a gun fight and has never been anything but peace. Although the Mafia world never ceased to fascinate him, as his childhood playground, even after having been given guns to play with at his request and almost shooting Charlotte, and after watching half of his teenage years passing by his father in the office, the man doesn't need signs to tell him that he isn't suited for the job, despite pretending to be in front of his family. They don't need more disappoint from him and he will be, one day, because no Zerilli firstborn skips the throne built on bullets, but having been spoiled and never taken out of his comfort zone — because the entire world is Charlie's comfort zone and nothing in the world makes him feel uncomfortable — made him slower. As much as he wants to take on the family legacy, he knows he is too lighthearted, too sweet and careless to tie a tie around his neck and look for deeper meanings in his partners' words, suspecting what is to suspect and keeping forgiveness for only the worthy. Simply put, he would get shot trying to buy some fruit. He doesn't have time for hate, for negative energy and for trouble — the only thing worth his while being the entertainment behind a pint of cold beer and something buzzing to pop with it. His life style doesn't bother him, howsoever, and the fact that it interferes with his studies leaves him indifferent, as he never wanted to go to university to begin with — it was papa's wish for his children to go as far in life as possible, but Charlie, the boy, tripped over the threshold of their home and didn't care to have a respectable career, unlike Charlotte, who would have got into Oxford even without her father's connections and pressure putting. They aren't bad people: Charles can kneel before anybody, grab their hands and press his thumbs into their knuckles with belief enough to create holes, and swear to God that they are kind and good people anybody would be lucky to encounter with — but nobody brings up the rumors whispered in the dark about the situation back home of the twins and nobody risks to find out how warm their hearts truly are. No matter what would garantee, the only thing certain in his promises is that his own heart is in the right place, not the others' too. Being decent, howsoever, isn't painting a red target on his forehead, coloring him all stupid from head to toe, because his gentleness and friendly behavior aren't his weakness rather than what is keeping him objective and genuine. He treats all life like a constant invitation to party after party, knowing no definitions for words like consequences and trying his best to enjoy every gulp of alcohol and every drag of his joint. Yet, the epitome of a fraternity boy is lucky enough to have left out the cruel boy spark from his eyes — as he isn't using his 'best party planner on campus' title dulling the alcohol tolerance of pretty girls and trying to hunt them down after they've had a little more than they can carry. On the contrary, growing up with a sister to look out for turned him responsible at least in that aspect, even though he doesn't actively realize it and believes that bringing a girl a glass of water after shots of tequila and whispering in her ear advice about fixing her skirt and taking care are the least he could do. Yet, the gentleman can do plenty of wrong during summer breaks, when he returns home in the United States and joins his father on his business errands, trying to pick up gangster mannerism and become the perfect substitute for his father.
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Marc Arkwright Marc never liked Charlie-boy — never because of anything in particular, but always for some hidden reason that kept stepping on his toes and causing the older male to get annoyed at Charlie’s slightest gesture. Something just seems off to him about him, even though there is no concrete fact or explanation, but that didn’t stop him from jumping to conclusions based on thin air. The fact that Marc cares too little about him to actually pay attention to anything past his anger only makes it worse, because he doesn’t know the person he claims he is hating. The fact that the other man takes it all as a joke and laughs derisively at his frowns intensifies the tension. When Elizabeth started hanging out with Charlie’s closest friends, him included, the reason Marc was desperately looking for to have the right to hate Charlie found him. To this day, he believes that Charlie was trying to steal his girlfriend away from him, if not, has succeeded to, and holds deep grudge, leaving the Zerilli heir confused. And no one at all is better at holding grudges than Marc Arkwright. Aria Bellefonte They both find it hilarious — their best inside joke, really — that Charlie fell in love with Aria, so they often laugh at it, as it is a very casual topic of discussion for the both of them. He's not affected and she's not bothered; as easy as that. They can't afford to treat it any other way, seeing as Aria and the twins are a compact group, knowing everything about each other, including their deepest secrets, hidden fears and, most of times, predicting each others' reactions, and neither wants the dynamic to change or to have Charlotte be caught in the middle of any kind of silly drama. Charlie isn't bitter about it, liking their relationship the way it is and not minding Aria's coldness, but, on the contrary, understanding it, given the circumstances. Frankly, if he had a choice, he would just stop loving her, because it tangles everything together, but the best he can do for now is dismiss his feelings and laugh them off until they become a joke. Charlotte Zerilli No matter how many girls pass through Charles' heart, Charlotte is the only constant in his life and their connection is so strong that he doesn't need to tell her that — as if she can read his thoughts to make sure of it. She is his only weakness and he is her most solid strength, and, looking at them, all the twin stereotypes come true. Although, personality speaking, they are nothing alike, the Charlies are in perfect harmony. Although Charlotte isn't certain of too many things in her life, she is certain of her brother and everything he means to her — and needless is it to say that the feeling is mutual. When it comes to potential, he sees hers like through a transparent glass and believes in nothing, not even God, more than he believes in her ability to untie links with their family name and start fresh a walk down the path to success. It saddens him to see Charlotte heading such a different direction, but there is nothing he wants more than her happiness. Cordelia McQueen On a regular basis, this girl shows no emotion and is known for a passive, lost in space stare that nobody can reach under and cut off, even in conversations, but Charlie caught her in a delicate moment, during one of the infamous weekly parties and she poured her heart out and all of her sadness, almost enough to drown him. Ever since, he obliged, despite her insistence to just forget it, and became her confidant and friend, no matter how much she fought the idea at first. After all, they have nothing in common, but the man can make friends out of thin air and find a connection in everybody, even the ice queen of the campus. Nobody knows about their friendship, but it ironically and weirdly enough is one of the only things keeping Cordelia floating.
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oxfordeliterp · 8 years ago
Hey there! Would Jon Kortajarena be a possible faceclaim choice for Charles Zerilli?
As much as I hate to turn down faceclaim options, I believe that Jon is Basque (which I thought would classify him as POC, but according to a Basque website, Basque people are not POC, like I originally thought, and he is definitely not suitable to be playing Shay Mitchell’s twin brother anyway), not Filipino. 
That being said, I am not sure he would be an option even if we did racebend both twins. Thank you to @beautiful-basque-country for the correction, and I certainly do hope I have not offended anybody.
In the meantime, if you would like more alternative Filipino faceclaim suggestions, I am here, at your service.
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oxfordeliterp · 8 years ago
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Regretfully, these roles are unopened due to activity. We will definitely miss their players and welcome them back if they want to and if their schedules clear up enough to play a character within the roleplay. In the meantime, please unfollow:
Aria Bellefonte ( @bellefontes )
Charles Zerilli ( @charliezerilli​ )
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oxfordeliterp · 8 years ago
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The following accounts have 24 hours to become active or contact the main to avoid the roles being reopened. In case you need a hiatus, please message us to request it.
Aria Bellefonte ( @bellefontes )
Charles Zerilli ( @charliezerilli )
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oxfordeliterp · 8 years ago
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oxfordeliterp · 8 years ago
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(+1) application for Charles Zerilli
see app count
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oxfordeliterp · 8 years ago
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Good timezone-appropriate-greeting, once again, players, applicants and lurkers!
Currently, our inbox hosts one application and we would love to see more until our NEXT APPLICATION REVIEW DATE, on the 13TH OF MAY, this Saturday.
As you might have noticed, we have changed Charles Zerilli’s faceclaim back to Bob Morley, so if you feel inspired by the fresh face and the Mafia child archetype, we would love to have his rolle filled out, as well as any of the other FIVE open roles.
That being said, we would like to let the players know that the party event is officially OVER. Feel free to continue replying to current threads, as well as start new conversations through open or closed starters. You can expect a second puzzle piece to add to the location tag concerning the campus soon. In the meantime, feel free to use any real life landmarks that Google or your personal knowledge can provide with.
Thank you for your attention and have a great day!
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oxfordeliterp · 8 years ago
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❝ I am never warm       i am rigid   i forgot softness because it did not serve me.❞
Aria Bellefonte | twenty-one (II) | The Quarrel Club | Phoebe Tonkin | taken
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Aria didn't ask for any of the things happening to her. She doesn't like depth, having to expose her feelings and being left vulnerable and she was fine with swallowing ethanol until the end of her boring existence, if it meant nothing ever had to change. She doesn't care to be special, or to succeed in life, having quite a narrow perspective on her future and living. In fact, she wasn't even supposed to be in Oxford, not being intelligent enough or having the sort of academic records to impress, but her parents, idealistic and perfectionist people who always seemed to push her from behind into doing something substantial with her life and not wasting her youth and brain, pulled some strings and got her in in no time. She was anything but thankful about it, expecting to be stuck in there with pretentious nerds, but the prejudice vanished when she met Charlotte and Charles Zerilli, who made Oxford bearable for her. Although she cannot keep up with the classes and she requires the constant help of her parents talking to the headmaster about her condition, which makes her feel inferior and frustrated despite not caring about scholar accomplishments, having good company turns everything else into background noise. At least she doesn't have to party on her own. But her group of friends was just the second best thing to happen at her — after Elizabeth. Nobody warned her that good things don't last forever, howsoever, because back at home, if she wanted caviar for every meal, she would get it, and when her newly found love died, she experienced feeling sorrow for the very first time in her life, and it left a bitter taste in her mouth. Whereas she never cared much that she is a member of the Quarrel Club, suddenly, being close to Gwendolyn Armstrong felt relevant. She evoked the union between all ten of them — nine until Sophia joined too — as if the group suddenly tied them and she could feel a connection where it once was utter indifference. Since she is suspecting that Marc is involved in Elizabeth's death, it isn't difficult to blend that assumption with the leader's general hatred for the other club and ally with her in order to avenge her girlfriend and take them down, although Aria's version of it is more extreme than the decadence Gwendolyn has in mind. As a generally passive person, getting involved in something and having a purpose in life is all new to her and there are times she approaches her old way of thinking, asking herself what is the point in getting revenge to begin with, and why she is not holding a bottle of liquor right now, but if one fact about Aria is accurate, that is that she cared about Elizabeth more than she could ever care to drink until her blood system turned into alcohol. Though nothing, including ruining Marc's life in return, brings her joy or pleasure anymore, now that she is deprived of the only person who made her feel, not only good, but anything at all, she doesn't feel like her world is crashing down and catching her under, having a strong personality and knowing how to shut her emotions down, behind what once was a neutral mask and now is her general state. She doesn't even have to simulate apathy when the only reason why she got rid of it the first time around is gone. In fact, it all comes naturally to her — and she cannot, under any circumstances, be seen grieving Elizabeth's death too much, because an empty child like her never had to cry in her life until this point and she is pretty sure she doesn't know how. Aria has never been a girly girl, nor did she care about fashion and prettiness and no matter how much money was in her pockets, she never changed her old sneakers or her oversized hoodie. Yet, that doesn't mean that her appearance isn't worthy of the Quarrel Club, some of the university's most fashionable figures, because the way she carries herself is graceful and her attitude is untouchable and nonchalant through a strength that leaves an impression on nearly everybody who has ever met her. Not the brightest, not the prettiest and not even remotely interested in being well-liked or smiling with her teeth to show friendliness, Aria somehow still manages to be one of the best liked people around through her lighthearted personality and dry humor and how she does it is a mystery even to herself.
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Elizabeth Pemberly Aria loved Elizabeth exactly how she wanted to be loved — passionately, kindly, completely, simply — how Marc could have never loved her, and it was enough for them to be happy, even if it meant only kissing after locking the door. Elizabeth wasn’t prepared to give her boyfriend up entirely, but Aria didn’t mind the inconvenience, as conventional relationships have never been her cup of tea either, and half of the excitement when it came to her secret lover was represented by the fact that they could have gotten caught. They were completely in balance, equally best friends and girlfriends, and, as flawed and twisted as it was, it was perfect for them. Aria is the one who introduced her to her group of friends, the Zerilli twins, but what neither of the four knows is that exactly spending too much time with Charlie-boy caused Elizabeth’s final, literal downfall, as much as it was out of context. Charles Zerilli They both find it hilarious — their best inside joke, really — that Charlie fell in love with Aria, so they often laugh at it, as it is a very casual topic of discussion for the both of them. He's not affected and she's not bothered; as easy as that. They can't afford to treat it any other way, seeing as Aria and the twins are a compact group, knowing everything about each other, including their deepest secrets, hidden fears and, most of times, predicting each others' reactions, and neither wants the dynamic to change or to have Charlotte be caught in the middle of any kind of silly drama. Charlie isn't bitter about it, liking their relationship the way it is and not minding Aria's coldness, but, on the contrary, understanding it, given the circumstances. Frankly, if he had a choice, he would just stop loving her, because it tangles everything together, but the best he can do for now is dismiss his feelings and laugh them off until they become a joke. Sophia Clare Sophia took Elizabeth's place in the Quarrel Club and, deep down, Aria knows that she has to resent her for it by default, but the younger girl is her main supplier and Aria never learned how to properly hate people to begin with. It just would feel pointless, and Sophia, who could use a friend or two to lean on since she knows she can no longer revolve completely around Dexter, knows how to take advantage of the connection and try to get closer to the other girl. She doesn't want to buy her way into being liked, but she doesn't have the time or the disposition to put actual effort into it and Aria, who depends on her and the stuff she is dealing, seems like the easy option, which, to be entirely frank, she is. Amir Jain To Aria, Amir is incredibly boring the way he is now. They officially met when she was in a vulnerable place with herself, and he acted like the perfect gentleman that he is, comforted her without crossing any lines and it should have been enough for the girl to be swept off her feet, even if it was unintentional. Yet, Aria found him nothing but a younger, better looking reminder of her grandfather and she decided to put her mind into corrupting him, thinking that he could use her help to loosen up and live a little before he went old physically too. Amir doesn’t mind her perception of him and passively allows her to drag him with her in clubs from time to time, but knows that he won’t change for the worse. What neither knows is that more than a coincidence ties them together and that they have more in common than initially thought.
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oxfordeliterp · 8 years ago
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❝ If the moon smiled,        she would resemble you   you leave the same impression of something beautiful, but annihilating.❞
Cordelia McQueen | twenty-one (III) | The Quarrel Club | Alexandra Park | taken
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A peculiar girl, nobody understood her even back when her hair was too short to be pulled into buns during ballet classes, and when she needed a hand to hold in order to cross the street. The only one who, howsoever, didn't try to, and has always treated her like her own form of art without requesting explanations for every strange question blooming out of her pretty little mind, was her uncle, who found her, just the way she was, inspiring without trying to read her mind. For that, Cordelia got attached to only her uncle, Alexander, as dear as her whole family became to her. The darkness in him was just the right amount for her to feel comfortable, because she has always preferred the shadows herself. In a way, he influenced her and the way she would hold a purse — a bit hesitant, but solemn and straight-backed. In a way — as her mother would only claim when drunk on dark wine &Mdash; he ruined her and turned her too eccentric for what a young lady had to be. But Cordelia adored him. She would sit on the counter as he designed his masterpieces and she would watch as Haute Couture after Haute Couture would become fabric, from paper, before her eyes. For hours and hours a day, little Cordelia would not move — would not even blink — to see Alexander McQueen do his magic. To her, he was magic, to the last moment, and no other name appears before her eyes whenever anybody asks her about a role model, which upsets her mother even more. She was newly turned fourteen when this uncle she was relying on and finding refuge in the company of chose to end his life, leaving behind a fortune and a legacy that her father and the rest of his family continued — never the right way, like she would have if she respected Alexander less to try and imitate his works. Leaving her behind, too. She hasn't been angry ever since and it is possible that she will never feel something with such intensity, because the man who made her childhood a little brighter with his black lace dresses and metallic heels had faltered away from her life and there was nothing she could do or say to bring him back. The worst part is that he didn't even let her know, after years of friendship. Having lost the balance everybody thought she would watch vanish years ago, during her parents' divorce, Cordelia isn't sure that she recovered it to this day, but she learned to turn instability into her only kind of equilibrium. Cordelia carries herself with such grace that she looks like made of feathers and weightless, slender bones, perhaps thanks to years of ballet classes that turned her spineless and broke her toes. Yet, her appearances are spectral, like light filters through her, spilling its rays between the long, dark curls of her hair. With a ghostly posture that one can never be too sure of, the young woman has some sort of sensitiveness attached to her that has nothing to do with softness, but more with a detachment from the world, as she always takes her distance from people, to clean off the subjectivity from her perspective and not betray a single thought going through her mind. For that, she stays silent more often than not, because there is elegance in her quietness and her lipstick is never ruined this way. The technique she isn't sure where she inherited from can't possibly have belonged to her loud mother, who passed through marriages like water through river stones, or her father, who is known to squeeze the life out of others through his rambles. She is above everybody she knows, but she doesn't have the time or the energy to show arrogance through cocky smirks and pathetic one-liners. In fact, she would count her words and use as few as possible and only what is completely necessary if she could. Although she feels like fading away, she is too strong and too resigned about her own transparence to ever sink as lowly as her uncle did, because a soul as blue-eyed and as wise as hers has an inner maturity and a stone texture preventing her from such thoughts, no matter that life turned off the lights on her existence so that Cordelia would find nothing worth an emotion anymore, walking like through a dream in broad day light and feeling like even sun can't touch her anymore — child of the moon.
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Lucas Lockwood When her mother married his father, Cordelia told herself that it would last about two family trips to Australia and a Christmas, because that is how all her mother's marriages prior to the one to Mr. Lockwood went. At the same wedding, Lucas crossed his fingers it would last forever, because his newly attained step-sister intrigued him and he wanted to take his time unpuzzling her. Three years later, after they have been, by a coincidence, accepted to the same university, their relationship hasn't got less contradictory or impossible to explain: they half love each other — all, a unspoken thought and long gazes, though they do know — and she is the one Achilles' heel of a boy of steel, who shows nothing past the shallow cruelty the Riot Club has given all of them. She doesn't want to think about it, feeling sick with every beat her heart makes with him in her thoughts and he is starting to taste the same bitterness looking at how much their parents love each other and at his actual girlfriend. Yet, some people can't help but be drawn to each other no matter how much they fight it. Victoria de Terreros Cordelia isn’t half the lady Victoria is supposed to be, and yet, in spite of that, she is more of a lady than the countess could ever become. For that, she is envied, but appreciated by the younger girl, who is trying her best to get closer to her and pick up some advice about how to smile at the cameras regardless of further sceneries. Though it’s nothing the older girl can’t tolerate, she finds the aristocrat’ insistences irritating, but it’s not an opinion she can voice, not because the other girl’s family is even more respectable than hers, but seeing as Victoria has been nothing but nice to her and she doesn’t deserve it. She is a lost puppy looking for guidance, and although Cordelia has no empathy left for her, she can’t be so cruel to leave her dry and clueless. Charlotte Zerilli Cordelia saved Charlotte that night she got carried away and found herself in a position she didn't want but couldn't escape, given the state she was in. She stepped in and detached the random man's mouth from her throat, separating the two, and ever since has she been the support she needed and, for once, couldn't find in her brother, although the two rarely discuss it openly, at the victim's request. It makes her guts tremble and her eyes become liquid that she could be so weak and soft and that she needed help getting out of that situation, so she would rather not remember at all. Both are private people who wouldn't wash their dirty laundry in public and for that, Cordelia understood perfectly why she has to keep her lips pursed and not whisper a word about that night, if that is what Charlotte wants. She knows how wrong it is and has even tried to convince her to change her approach, but the girl seems convinced that the secret she isn't even responsible for has to remain between the two of them and the man who wronged her, until the right moment. Charles Zerilli On a regular basis, this girl shows no emotion and is known for a passive, lost in space stare that nobody can reach under and cut off, even in conversations, but Charlie caught her in a delicate moment, during one of the infamous weekly parties and she poured her heart out and all of her sadness, almost enough to drown him. Ever since, he obliged, despite her insistence to just forget it, and became her confidant and friend, no matter how much she fought the idea at first. After all, they have nothing in common, but the man can make friends out of thin air and find a connection in everybody, even the ice queen of the campus. Nobody knows about their friendship, but it ironically and weirdly enough is one of the only things keeping Cordelia floating.
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oxfordeliterp · 8 years ago
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❝ I sit before flowers hoping        they will train me in the art of opening up   I stand on mountain tops believing that avalanches will teach me to let go.❞
Charlotte Zerilli | twenty-four (III) | The Quarrel Club | Shay Mitchell | taken
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non-graphic nonconsensual sexual intercourse attempt trigger warning Charlotte was born a mobster princess and she grew up to hate every thorn on her pretty little crown. It isn't that she doesn't love her family — because her father would deny her nothing and smothers her, if anything, with affection and attention, her mother dedicated her life raising her and Charles, braiding her long hair and teaching her all the appropriate dances a young girl should know and her twin wouldn't step back from doing anything if she asked, or even if she didn't voice the words, but thought them intensely. She loves her family and wishes them the best, but, during her high-school phase, she felt like nothing about it represented her. She has always been such a zephyr-like breeze, a fresh taste of air that couldn't seem to find room in her heart for the agitation of her father's affairs and just wanted a normal home to go back to after long classes of school, not the sequel of the Godfather waiting for her in a ridiculously large house. She simply felt too sophisticated and bright to be surrounded by such a primitive world, always trying to squeeze the best out of life and end up a vital part of the civilized community. Just when her parents, understanding but heavy-hearted, figured out the translation behind her distancing, howsoever, Charlotte came to the delayed conclusion that she couldn't just separate herself from the people she cared about, no matter how strong her distaste for their occupations was. She had been wrong to assume that she could just detach and hide her maiden name behind a random, chalk written one she would have gained through meaningless marriage. She had been a fool to imagine that she could outrun her origins, when they were glued to her, in every atom of her being, swimming in her blood and building her up, exactly the way she was. It would always catch up to her, and even if it didn't, how could she leave her brother behind when he has been the only real friend she had, at the end of the day, and when he was more like her than anybody else, no matter how intelligent they were and he was less? As she approached adulthood, she changed her values, still dreaming big and seeing greatness looking into her future With such a fickle mind and trembling personality — never too sure of herself and in a constant process of change for the better — Charlotte doesn't look like a shining mind to most, but the half of her brilliance is how she never stops moving or looking for answers to already solved questions. After a lifetime of hissing her way out of the family business, the young woman now wants to know as much as possible, as if she could become both the first female president and the first gangstress, wanting to know everything and collect as much and as diverse information as possible, even about something she used to want to never be affiliated with. Truth be told, her affinity for the Mafia lies in her DNA, as she had twenty years to analyze her father's every move and bring a question mark next to his every decision as a child, just so he would explain his logic for her to assimilate, but there are times when she finds her potential too deep-colored for her to waste it on illegal matters that would endanger her, if anything. Not to mention that she doesn't want to steal what she thinks is her brother's only calling, when she has so many other options. People watch her with awe glimmering in their eyes — how she gets out of class holding her textbooks and tablet close to her chest, how she seems restless when facing an assignment, how, later the same days, she can be found, glitter eyeshadow and long eyelashes on, at every party she is expected to attend, never backing from a challenge. Yet, the truth is that Charlotte has half as much fun as she seems to be having, mainly pretending to be drinking and pouring her spritz down the drain when nobody is looking, because she doesn't really have the resistance she is claiming to have and can never compete with her brother and Aria, just letting them think that she is. The one exception to the rule she remembers too well, tipsiness aside, just because it has been marked by somebody else. Five shots past her alcohol tolerance and having smoked all night, she didn't even feel the hand on her waist guiding her towards an empty bedroom and she wouldn't have realized it until the morning after if it weren't for a lucky intervention that saved her. She tries to sweep it under the rug and just ignore it now, but it is only a matter of time until that haunting memory catches up with her as well, because it did leave a mental bruise on the girl who would have lost her virginity in an error.
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Lauren Hastings Charlotte can easily see past Lauren’s desperate attempts to look perfect in any situation and is disgusted by how obsessed with the others’ opinion on her she is. Most of times, Lauren chooses to avoid her and pretend to have missed her caustic comments about her and her life style. In spite of that, she is growing resentful and frustrated about how she got caught and gave the other girl the opportunity to call her fake, no matter how true it is. She plans on having a serious talk with her very soon. Howsoever, Charlie-girl seems uninterested to hear anything the blonde would have to say to her and is trying to get everybody to see what’s beneath the make-up. After all, if anybody at all on campus is a dream come true, it would be her, not Lauren-whatsoever. Miles Kenilsworth As probably the true geniuses of each of their club, some sort of partnership had to be built imminently, and although they don’t get along on every aspect, when both are in the room, they create some sort of bubble of exclusivity that you’d need to take an IQ test and match their results to be welcome in. Yet, differences aside, they need each other’s brains and conversations that nobody else would be able to stand over brunch. Charlotte is happy to, for once, be mentally challenged — no matter how much she loves everybody in her group of friends — and feels like, without Miles, her brain would rot. On the other side of it, the man is just as grateful, and no matter how competitive and inamicable their interactions get, he still considers Charlie his only friend in a strange, distanced, unfeeling way. Charles Zerilli No matter how many girls pass through Charles' heart, Charlotte is the only constant in his life and their connection is so strong that he doesn't need http://68.media.tumblr.com/0b470fc2e3084403faafb15707a41e76/tumblr_oogdvkbFqE1uqzjvao1_250.gifto tell her that — as if she can read his thoughts to make sure of it. She is his only weakness and he is her most solid strength, and, looking at them, all the twin stereotypes come true. Although, personality speaking, they are nothing alike, the Charlies are in perfect harmony. Although Charlotte isn't certain of too many things in her life, she is certain of her brother and everything he means to her — and needless is it to say that the feeling is mutual. When it comes to potential, he sees hers like through a transparent glass and believes in nothing, not even God, more than he believes in her ability to untie links with their family name and start fresh a walk down the path to success. It saddens him to see Charlotte heading such a different direction, but there is nothing he wants more than her happiness. Cordelia McQueen Cordelia saved Charlotte that night she got carried away and found herself in a position she didn’t want but couldn’t escape, given the state she was in. She stepped in and detached the random man’s mouth from her throat, separating the two, and ever since has she been the support she needed and, for once, couldn’t find in her brother, although the two rarely discuss it openly, at the victim’s request. It makes her guts tremble and her eyes become liquid that she could be so weak and soft and that she needed help getting out of that situation, so she would rather not remember at all. Both are private people who wouldn’t wash their dirty laundry in public and for that, Cordelia understood perfectly why she has to keep her lips pursed and not whisper a word about that night, if that is what Charlotte wants. She knows how wrong it is and has even tried to convince her to change her approach, but the girl seems convinced that the secret she isn’t even responsible for has to remain between the two of them and the man who wronged her, until the right moment.
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oxfordeliterp · 8 years ago
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❝ We give different names       to our claws and fangs   but we're still starving wolves howling at the moon.❞
Marc Arkwright | twenty-five (III) | The Riot Club | Matthew Daddario | taken
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If there is one thing everybody who ever met him, even shallowly and for a brief amount of time, knows about Marc Arkwright, that is that, if given a choice, he would sign up for the Fight Club over signing up for the Riot Club in a heartbeat. Aggressive and impulsive, he acts first, and only after puts any thought into the action itself, in the best cases. If not, he lets the others do the thinking and worrying, because he isn't good at either of the two and has never quite understood the point of them. He doesn't have time for it, when champagne bottles are popping open with firework noises wherever he goes and when he is followed by girls fainting at his feet. Raised to believe that he is the center of the world and the single most important human being on the planet, it took over half of his life to even consider the fact that he is not, and it seems to be taking him over forever to stop acting like it. His father never contradicted him, as he raised him on his own when his mother, young, fragile and fearful, ran away and left them in the air. Frankly, he doesn't even seem to want to approach a more modest behavior, because without drugs to make him pleasant in the others' eyes and without the arrogant, superior smirk that makes everyone else feel null and intimidates even the boldest minds, he isn't much, and it scares him in his few coherent moments. Marc is always explosive, high in spirits and cheerful, like overdose and hangovers give him strength rather than making him kneel, but it's because he doesn't know how to speak if he's not shouting in his party voice. Of course, he has the brains and ambition to get into Oxford, but something about his recent mannerism points to the fact that he doesn't have the interest to stay for the courses too. He is too laid-back and too careless to show the smallest shade of concern — all until he gets to the very edge, for it took him too long and too much to care even partially and realize it is his life he is toying with. His girlfriend's accidental death was a wake up call as far as he is concerned, and though he didn't stop his routine for a moment, he deeply regrets that night and knows something needs to change so something like this wouldn't happen a second time. At first, regret was eating him alive, even though it was easily mistaken for simply missing Elizabeth, but it's been a while and he knows he is getting back to his old ways completely — unwittingly, because it is easier for him to sink into a zone of apathy and drinks than suffer and he always looked for the easiest way out and took it regardless of what followed. It's easy to forget faces and names when he soaks his brain in whiskey, after all. Though possessing no leading skills or patience to become the head of the Riot Club, it took him two years to come to peace with himself for letting his friend have the opportunity instead of him, mostly out of pride and because he thinks he is entitled to everything. Ironically, whilst the group knows very well who is at the very top of the Riot Club, they treat Marc as if it was him, caring about his opinion and giving him more attention, which leaves authority to Jamie only officially, because it's the Arkwright heir they listen to at the end of the day. After all, he's more of a people person than his friend is and that certainly brought him in the spotlight. There is something everybody is interested in in the know-it-all, unpredictable, reckless man who is always the life of the party, though dead inside, and can't help but stay, as if glued, in the very middle of the room, fully exposed and untouched by their gazes. And he enjoys every tiny bit of it. Living an energy consuming style of life and never disconnecting from it is already leaving traces on the young man, on the other hand, and while he is strong enough to resist and not faint at the pressure, it is a fact that health issues — be it heart, liver, lungs, brain, stomach or any other organ he almost deliberately damages in his daily routine — aren't a long way behind him. Marc runs, and runs away well from his problems, but what comes from inside him might leave holes and put a premature end on his fastuous life. And not even he can serve a sickeningly smug smirk in a white hospital gown. And not even he can shine if his glow is faltering — so he has to realize that, according to the rhythm he walks in through life, he is living his glory days too early and that the fires that burn too bright are being put out too soon.
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Elizabeth Pemberly Marc undoubtedly loved Elizabeth — and that was what caused the tragedy: the fact that he cared, because he didn't know how to love her and she needed constant love, mistaking his for possessiveness. He didn't destroy her with indifference, no matter how she took it, but with misguided love, at the end of the day, and he knows that there might not be a second person to engage him the way she did in his life ever again. In an extent, that is what their relationship was based on, but they misunderstood every word coming out of each other's mouths and became poisonous without meaning to. After all, he did destroy her life and got to the point where his own is a step from falling apart as well, all because these two people who couldn't tell when it was time to let go and took too long to stop holding each other's hands. Jamie Heather As the only person Marc would be able to focus on for more than half a minute, Jamie knows what buttons to push and how to talk to his good friend so he would stop before making the situation worse. Their talks — soaked in old whiskey neither can really hold, mixed with sports, politics, goals, and strategies— usually end with them agreeing with each other, and because Marc’s recklessness fits Jamie’s calmness perfectly. Their friendship goes on, influenced by the balance they achieve as a duo, although they don’t have the slightest thing in common. Charles Zerilli Marc never liked Charlie-boy — never because of anything in particular, but always for some hidden reason that kept stepping on his toes and causing the older male to get annoyed at Charlie's slightest gesture. Something just seems off to him about him, even though there is no concrete fact or explanation, but that didn't stop him from jumping to conclusions based on thin air. The fact that Marc cares too little about him to actually pay attention to anything past his anger only makes it worse, because he doesn't know the person he claims he is hating. The fact that the other man takes it all as a joke and laughs derisively at his frowns intensifies the tension. When Elizabeth started hanging out with Charlie's closest friends, him included, the reason Marc was desperately looking for to have the right to hate Charlie found him. To this day, he believes that Charlie was trying to steal his girlfriend away from him, if not, has succeeded to, and holds deep grudge, leaving the Zerilli heir confused. And no one at all is better at holding grudges than Marc Arkwright. Arabella Windsor To Marc, Arabella is nothing but a bitch who knows how to bat her eyelids and has a body to die for — which makes him a jerk. To Arabella, Marc is nothing but a jerk whose company she can do nothing but benefit from, due to his excessive popularity and wealth — which makes her a bitch, in debatable terms. They are both toxic, at the end of the day, but not to each other, and, ironically, by the time the moon sets itself on the sky, they find shelter into each other's bed. Anything that happens inside the walls of their bedrooms, howsoever, never sees the daylight because they ignore each other when more than two pairs of eyes are watching.
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