#charles xavier is fascinating
delyth88 · 1 day
I'm fascinated with how movie-verse!Charles must have discovered and experimented with his abilities. I imagine he must have started off scared and nervous and then rapidly swung to being cocky and confident when he realises just how much control he has over everyone. He can make them do whatever he wants. He can make them like him, he can make them give him good marks in school when he didn't bother to try, he can make them be nice to Raven.
And then I wonder how long it took for this heady feeling to pass and for him to understand the humanity in each person and realise that he doesn't really want to control anyone after all.
And how easily it could have gone a different way.
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the voices in my head NEED to read/write a cherik fic with silver spring by fleetwood mac lyrics vibes/plot
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because Erik, you'll never get away from the sound of the man that loved you!! he will follow you down til' the sound of his voice will haunt you!!
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patroclws · 4 months
whatever magneto and charles have going on cannot be that gay
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cherikdating · 2 years
I dont want to think about everything that Charles and Erik means cause my life is so fucked up right now that think is making me tired even more tired so I am just like I am here for Erik and Charles being boyfriends only
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L.H. | Scotty Doesn't Know
Masterlist | Buy me a coffee
Summary: Scott Summers made two things clear for Logan when he first arrived at Xavier’s School for Gifted Youngsters: stay away from his girlfriend and don’t even look at his little sister. The former was easy.  The latter, though? That one’s a little harder for Logan.
Pairing: Logan Howlett x Summers!Reader
Warnings: canon typical violence
Word Count: 2.2K
Author’s Note: So, your boy has seen Deadpool and Wolverine too many times and is currently experiencing Hugh Jackman brain rot. Had to write something after listening to "Scotty Doesn't Know" by Lustra and then it just kinda just took on a life of it's own. Let me know if you guys want more Logan fics because I'm so obsessed with this man rn.
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“Just doing maintenance, or are you going for a ride?”
Logan looks up from where he was working on his bike. He damn near almost bites through the cigar in his mouth when he spots you leaning against the garage door. He shouldn’t be surprised; despite his best efforts, Logan always seems to be accompanied by your presence -- both at the mansion and in the field. It’s not that he wants to ignore your existence. Scott Summers made two things clear for Logan when he first arrived at Xavier’s School for Gifted Youngsters: stay away from his girlfriend and don’t even look at his little sister. Logan wanted to scoff at Scott’s warning: opposed to public belief, he’s not actually an animal. 
The former was easy -- Jean made it abundantly clear that she’s in love with Scott. The latter, though? That one’s a little harder for Logan -- especially when you’ve made it abundantly clear that you’re just as fascinated with him as he is with you. 
“Just working.”
You nod at his answer as he returns his attention to his bike, putting out his cigar in the process. His bluntness is unsurprising, but no matter how often Logan tries to blow you off, you still feel the harsh sting of disappointment. Logan Howlett is an enigma to you. A problem you just can’t seem to find the solution to. You’ve always gotten along with Logan and work well enough together that Charles often pairs the two of you up on missions. He protects you with his life in the field. He’s the first to offer you a helping hand when he notices you struggling. He consistently provides support after every mission that goes awry. It would be easy to consider him a friend; however, Logan has always kept you at a distance. He brushes you off whenever you ask if he wants to do something simple like share a drink or watch a movie. 
At first, you thought it was because he was afraid of you -- of your mutation. Just like your older brothers, you have the ability to manipulate energy. And just like your older brothers, you have difficulty controlling your powers without the help of external factors -- Alex had the suit, Scott has his glasses, and you have two siphons that you wear on either wrist. Without them, energy builds up in your body until it cannot be contained and then escapes through the only place it knows how -- your hands. The siphons help regulate the amount of energy coursing through your body, and most importantly, they give you the power to choose when and how to disperse it. 
During one of your missions, one of your siphons was destroyed. You and Logan were fighting for your lives against an anti-mutant militia after being separated from the rest of the X-men. The two of you were outnumbered and on your own since communication with the team had been cut off. Logan was willing to fight to the death against these soldiers, and you were prepared to back him up until the end. During the fight, Logan got pinned down by multiple assailants, and you watched helplessly as they attempted to decapitate your partner. You felt the familiar sensation of energy building throughout your body as you struggled against your own group of attackers. All hope seemed lost until one of the soldiers nailed you in the back of the head -- hard. The hit caused you to fall forward, and you braced yourself, using your hands to catch your falling body. As your hands connected with the ground, an energy field shot out of your hands. You prepared yourself for another blow, but it never comes. The chaos around you suddenly seemed to turn into an eerie silence. Finally, you look up and let out a shaky breath as you take in the carnage caused by your energy field. Everything around you was completely eviscerated -- everything except Logan.
Logan let out a low, pained groan, and you watched in horror as his body heals himself from the wounds you inflicted. You looked down at your hands in shock. It’s been ages since your powers were this volatile. Since you felt this out of control. At this moment, you noticed the state of your left siphon -- wholly shattered. No wonder you weren’t able to control your powers. 
The sound of your name eventually pulled your attention away from your hands. Looking up, you saw Logan cautiously approaching you. His concerned eyes scan your body for any injuries and once he seemed certain that you’re okay, he met your gaze.
“We need to get out of here.”
It wasn’t until the you were back on the jet with the rest of the team, that Logan approached you about what happened in the field. You were sitting away from the others at the back of the jet, studying your broken siphon. Suddenly, a pair of large hands cover yours, obscuring your siphon entirely. You look up and see Logan knelt in front of you. 
“You good?”
He didn’t move his hands from yours as he spoke and you relished in the contact. A dry laugh escaped your lips as you considered his question.
“I couldn’t control myself out there, Logan. Without my siphons, I’m just as dangerous as the enemy out there.”
Logan’s face softened at your words. He understands why you’re so panic-stricken right now -- knowing all too well how it feels to lose control.
“Hey. Look at me, sweetheart. I’m fine.”
You scoffed at his words. Of course he’s fine. He’s damn near indestructible, but you saw the aftermath of your outburst. Saw the devastation caused by your hands. Those same hands that Logan is now tightening his grip around -- grounding you back in reality.
“Seriously. You might think you were a liability out there, but you saved my life.”
You met his eyes again and are taken aback by the sincerity you found in them. 
“I could have killed you.” 
And there it is -- what’s actually eating you up inside. He’s aware of the fact that your powers could have killed any of your teammates -- including himself. But they didn’t. He’s here with you, unafraid, because even though you think your powers are something that should be feared, he just finds them remarkable.
“I know. Trust me, I know. But you didn’t.”
You nodded at his words, feeling a little more at ease. Your heart dropped as he removed his hands from yours, but instead of walking away, Logan took a seat next to you. He didn’t say another word, but he didn’t have to. His presence alone was enough to settle you down.
After that day, you thought maybe something changed between you and Logan. Although there was a newfound understanding and sureness with one another -- he still kept you at arm’s length. In all honesty, the whole situation confuses the shit out of you.
“Did I do something that upset you?”
Logan’s brow furrows at your question, and his eyes finally find yours again. He doesn’t drop the tool in his hand, but he’s shifted his body to face yours now.
“Did I do something that upset you?”
Logan shakes his head as you repeat your question, looking at you incredulously. He doesn’t understand where this outburst is coming from.
“What are you talking about?”
Your brow furrows at the genuineness of his confusion. How could this man not know what you’re talking about?
“Do you like working with me?”
Logan blinks at your words. Now he’s completely lost. He sets down the tool in his hand and stands up, crossing both of his arms over his chest. 
“What’s this all about, sweetheart?”
You let out a frustrated sigh and run your hands through your hair. If only this man knew how infuriated he makes you. So, he won’t drink a beer with you at the end of the day, but he’ll throw around the name ‘sweetheart’ like it’s nothing? The man is simultaneously your favorite and least favorite person.
“I’m just trying to figure out what I did that pissed you off.”
Logan scoffs at the idea as if you’re the one being ridiculous here. And, to Logan, you are being ridiculous. The only thing that’s ever pissed him about you is completely out of your control -- if only you weren’t Scott’s little sister.
“I’m not pissed at you.”
You genuinely want to pull your own hair out right now.
“Are we friends?”
Friends. The word hurts Logan more than it should. Actually, it shouldn’t hurt at all. That’s what you both are, right? Just friends and partners in the field. Except you’ve never been just a friend or just a partner to Logan. Not really. But he can’t do anything about that. 
“Yeah, I guess.”
He shrugs his shoulders nonchalantly, but his posture is still defensive. 
“Then why won’t you just drink a beer with me?”
Oh. Oh.
Logan supposes that his behavior is odd. Friends are expected to spend time together and well, the only time he spends with you is during training sessions or missions. Your whole relationship is grounded in the two of you working together, but somehow, it’s turned into something more intimate. The tender moments between missions and the tension during intense training sessions -- although Logan had attempted to make clear boundaries with you, the lines blurred at some point, and now Logan is left with the consequences.
“It’s complicated.”
He’s not wrong. He knows himself. His feelings for you were already complicated enough. If he were to close the distance he made between the two of you? Well, he may not actually be an animal, but he’s not sure if he could control himself. 
“Oh, is it?”
You’re frustrated. And you’re no longer leaning against the garage door. No, you’re standing just a few feet away from him now -- hands on your hips defiantly. Logan rolls his shoulders back, trying to stop himself from lashing out against you. You try to ignore how his muscles flex against the thin white tank top he’s wearing due to the movement. 
“Yeah, it is. I promised Scott…”
“This is seriously about my brother?”
“Well, yeah.”
You let out a dry laugh. This whole situation is absurd, but you should have known. Without Alex around, Scott feels the need to be the overprotective older brother. He’s warned you about Logan countless times since he first arrived at the mansion, but you never really listened to him. It always seemed ridiculous to you -- especially since the dangerous man he constantly warned you about was the same man he trusted to protect you during every mission. Of course, Scott also cautioned Logan to stay away from you.
“He may be my brother, but he doesn’t get to make my decisions for me, Logan.”
You take a step towards Logan and he watches you with an intensity that would make you uncomfortable if it were any other man. But this isn’t any other man. 
“And he doesn’t get to choose who I spend my time with.”
And in this moment, Logan knows that he’s fucked. You’re fiesty, and headstrong, and determined -- all attributes that he admires in you. If you’ve decided that he’s the person you want to spend your time with, then who is he to argue? 
“So what do you say -- wanna go for a ride?”
A wild grin spread across his face at your question. Little do you know that he’s thought about this exact moment more than he’ll ever care to admit. Throwing all caution to the wind, he grabs his leather jacket and climbs on his bike. You watch him with bated breath as you wait for his response. Instead of giving you an answer, Logan kicks the starter, causing the motorcycle to roar to life. A part of you is afraid that you misconstrued your relationship and that this is all going to end with Logan riding off on his own. But then Logan looks back at you, eyebrow raised playfully.
“You coming, sweetheart?” 
Without a second thought, you climb on the back of his bike. Logan revs the engine once before glancing back at you again. 
“You might want to hang on.”
You don’t need to be told twice. Your hands slide under his leather jacket and wrap around his waist. Logan tries to fight off the shiver that begs to travel down his spine as he feels the warmth of your hands against his abdomen through the thin cotton fabric. He wonders if you know what you do to him -- how hard it is for him to pull away when he’s in your presence. It’s like you're a magnet made just for him.
“When your brother finds out…”
The laugh that escapes your lips is like music to his ears. And as you press your body closer to his, he decides that even if he’s going to hell for this, at least he gets to experience the heaven of this moment right here.
“What Scotty doesn’t know, won’t kill him.”
Logan shakes his head before peeling out of the garage. God, the Summers family is going to be the death of him.
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librababe99 · 13 days
Healing Touch
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cw: MDNI, 18+, Smut, Fluff, Young!Charles Xavier, Fem!Reader word count: 2.7K Summary: In the mid-1970s, Charles Xavier is a man haunted by loss and burdened by the weight of his own mind. When you, a fellow mutant, offer him not only companionship but a love he never expected, the walls he has built around his heart begin to crumble.
A/N: Since I wrote for Erik I felt that writing for Charles balances everything out <3 Forgive me if mentioning the cuban missile crisis at the beginning throws off the timeline in anyway, we don't have to jump into technicalities...lol! Anyways, please feel free to comment, reblog or like this <3 happy reading!
(Marvel Masterlist)
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The 1970s had a way of weaving magic into the air—rife with a rebellious freedom, spinning off the back of a decade of upheaval. Amidst the intoxicating haze of civil rights movements, psychedelic music, and ever-changing fashion, there was something magnetic about this era, as if the world were in the throes of rediscovering itself. And in that same time, tucked away in the heart of Westchester County, Charles Xavier was a man rediscovering himself too—one who had seen the world both at its brightest and at its darkest.
The Xavier Institute for Higher Learning had become more than just a school. With the Cuban Missile Crisis a decade behind them and the threat of mutants still very much real, Charles had been pulled into a storm that had rocked him to his core. The man who had once been so full of optimism and hope had become someone else—someone hardened by loss, crippled both physically and emotionally. He had found himself retreating from the world, isolating behind the walls of his mansion, letting the noise of the outside world fade into a dull, muted hum.
But then there was you.
You had come into Charles’s life by chance, a fellow mutant with abilities that he couldn’t help but be drawn to. He had noticed you first because of your power—something akin to empathy, the ability to feel and manipulate the emotions of others. It was subtle, nothing explosive like fire or ice, but it was potent in its own right. In some ways, Charles found it even more fascinating, for it spoke to the heart of what he had always believed—that mutants were more than just their powers; they were people with gifts, capable of great good or terrible destruction depending on how they wielded them.
But it wasn’t just your abilities that caught his attention. There was something about you that stirred something long-buried inside him. You were strong, yes, but kind too—empathetic not just because of your powers but because of who you were at your core. And in a world where Charles had grown tired of fighting, tired of losing, you had become a beacon of warmth in the cold. Your presence began to thaw the ice he had encased himself in, and though he resisted it at first, that pull between you was undeniable.
It was a Friday night, and the mansion was quiet, the students having all gone off for the weekend. The air outside was thick with the scent of rain, the clouds heavy and swollen, but inside, there was a warmth that clung to the air. You had found Charles in his study, a glass of scotch in hand, seated behind the large oak desk that had become almost a throne for him. He was disheveled, his shirt unbuttoned at the collar, hair slightly out of place in a way that made him seem more human, less like the esteemed Professor Xavier he had always tried to be.
You knocked softly on the doorframe, leaning against it with a playful smile. "You look like you could use a break."
Charles glanced up from his drink, his eyes settling on you in that way that always sent a shiver down your spine. His eyes—those sharp, piercing blue eyes—were tired, but they softened when they met yours. A small smile tugged at the corner of his lips, though it didn’t quite reach his eyes. "A break from what, exactly?"
You shrugged, pushing off the doorframe and walking toward him. "From thinking. From brooding. From being Charles Xavier, mutant extraordinaire." You reached his desk and perched yourself on the edge of it, your knee brushing his thigh as you did so. His eyes flickered down to the point of contact, and you saw the briefest hitch in his breath.
“I don’t brood,” he replied, though the smile that followed betrayed his words.
“Oh, you most certainly do.” You leaned forward, teasingly close, just enough that he could feel your presence in the air between you. “You sit in this big, empty mansion, all alone, with your thoughts and your scotch, and you brood.”
Charles chuckled softly, though there was something in the sound that was darker, more resigned. “Maybe I do.” He swirled the amber liquid in his glass, his eyes distant for a moment. “There’s a lot to think about these days.”
You watched him for a moment, your gaze softening. Charles had always carried the weight of the world on his shoulders, even before the accident that had left him in a wheelchair. But now, that weight seemed heavier, as though the world had taken too much from him.
You reached out, your fingers brushing against his wrist, and the moment you touched him, you could feel it—a deep, aching sadness, buried beneath layers of composure and strength. It was like touching a wound that had never quite healed.
“I can feel it, you know,” you said softly, your voice barely above a whisper.
Charles looked up at you, and for a moment, the walls he had built around himself seemed to crumble, leaving behind the man he had tried so hard to hide. “Feel what?” His voice was just as soft, but there was an edge to it, a vulnerability he rarely let anyone see.
You smiled gently, your fingers trailing up his arm, barely grazing his skin. “Everything. The pain, the loss, the weight of all of it. You’re carrying so much, Charles. You don’t have to carry it alone.”
He swallowed hard, his Adam’s apple bobbing slightly as he did. “And what if I don’t want you to feel it?”
“Then I won’t,” you whispered, your hand now resting against his chest, right over his heart. “But I want to help you carry it. I want to be there for you.”
Charles’s breath caught in his throat, and for a moment, he seemed to struggle with something deep inside him, as though he were warring with himself. Then, slowly, he reached up, his hand covering yours as it rested on his chest. His touch was warm, gentle, and yet there was a tension in the way he held you, as though he were afraid to let go.
“I don’t deserve that,” he said, his voice barely audible.
Your heart clenched at his words, and without thinking, you leaned forward, closing the distance between you until your lips were inches from his. “You deserve so much more than you think, Charles.”
And then you kissed him.
It was soft at first, tentative, as though you were testing the waters, waiting to see if he would pull away. But he didn’t. Instead, his hand tightened around yours, and you felt him respond, his lips moving against yours with a hunger that surprised you both.
The kiss deepened, the years of longing, pain, and desire pouring into it with a ferocity that neither of you had expected. You could feel the way his body tensed beneath you, the way his breathing quickened as he lost himself in the moment.
Before you knew it, you were climbing into his lap, straddling him as your fingers tangled in his hair, pulling him closer, needing more. Charles groaned against your lips, his hands sliding up your thighs, gripping your hips as though he were afraid you might disappear if he let go.
“Are you sure about this?” he murmured against your mouth, his voice thick with desire and hesitation.
You pulled back just enough to meet his gaze, your forehead resting against his as you smiled softly. “I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life.”
His response was a low, guttural sound that sent a thrill racing through you, and before you knew it, he was kissing you again, more desperate this time, as though he couldn’t get enough of you.
Your fingers fumbled with the buttons of his shirt, and Charles let out a breathless laugh, the sound vibrating against your lips as you finally managed to push the fabric aside, revealing the hard planes of his chest. You ran your hands over his skin, feeling the way his muscles tensed beneath your touch.
“You’re beautiful,” you whispered, your voice thick with emotion.
Charles let out a soft, disbelieving laugh, but there was a vulnerability in his eyes that broke your heart. “You’re the first person who’s ever said that to me.”
You smiled, leaning down to press a soft kiss to his neck. “Then they’re all fools.”
His hands were everywhere, exploring your body as though he couldn’t quite believe you were real. His touch was gentle at first, almost reverent, but there was a fire behind it, a need that he had kept buried for far too long.
When you finally peeled off your shirt, you heard him suck in a breath, his eyes darkening with desire as he took you in. “God, you’re—” His voice broke off, as though he couldn’t quite find the words, but you didn’t need him to.
You kissed him again, your hands sliding down his chest, feeling the way his body responded to you, the way he trembled beneath your touch. You could feel the tension between you building, the air thick with anticipation.
And then, slowly, you began to move against him, your hips grinding against his in a rhythm that had both of you gasping for breath. Charles’s hands gripped your hips, guiding you, matching your movements with a desperate need.
“Please,” he breathed, his voice ragged.
You didn’t need to ask what he wanted. You could feel it, the desire, the longing, the need for release that had been building between you for so long. You reached between your bodies, your fingers making quick work of the zipper of his pants.
When he finally slid into you, the sensation was overwhelming—an electric jolt that sent shockwaves through your entire body. Charles let out a broken gasp, his hands gripping
as he pulled you closer, his body trembling beneath yours. You could feel the tension in him, every muscle wound tight, as if he were barely holding himself together.
You both paused for a moment, the sheer intensity of the connection stealing the breath from your lungs. You hadn’t expected it to feel like this, like every nerve in your body had come alive, attuned to him and only him. Charles's forehead pressed against your collarbone, his breath hot against your skin as you both adjusted, savoring the feeling of being so intimately joined.
“God,” he whispered, almost reverently. “I’ve wanted this—wanted you—for so long.”
Your fingers slid up into his hair, cradling his head, and you pressed a soft kiss to the top of it, your heart swelling at the vulnerability in his voice. “Then take me, Charles. I’m yours.”
That was all the permission he needed.
With a low, guttural sound, Charles’s grip on your hips tightened, and he began to move beneath you, slow at first, a steady rhythm that made you gasp with every roll of his hips. He filled you so perfectly, each movement sending waves of pleasure through your body. You matched his pace, rocking against him, savoring the slow burn that built between you, the friction pulling you both closer to the edge with every passing second.
Charles’s hands roamed your body, sliding up your back, tracing the curve of your spine, then slipping lower, his fingers digging into your skin with barely restrained intensity. His lips found your neck, teeth grazing your pulse point, and you felt your breath hitch in your throat.
“Charles…” you gasped, your head tilting back as you gave him more access.
His lips parted against your skin, and you could feel the groan that rumbled in his chest. “I can feel you,” he murmured, his voice thick with desire. “Every thought, every emotion—it’s overwhelming.”
You leaned back, meeting his gaze. His eyes were heavy-lidded, dark with need, but there was something else there too—something raw, something so deep and primal that it made your heart race.
“Don’t hide from me,” you whispered, your hands cradling his face. “Feel me. All of me.”
Charles’s eyes fluttered closed for a moment, as if letting go of the barriers he had so carefully constructed. And then, all at once, it hit you—the full weight of his mind brushing against yours, the flood of emotions crashing over you like a tidal wave.
It wasn’t just desire you felt—though that was certainly there, sharp and electric, searing through your veins. It was everything. His longing, his fear, the deep well of sadness that had haunted him for so long, and underneath it all, a love so profound it left you breathless.
You gasped, your nails digging into his shoulders as the sensation of his mind intertwining with yours sent a jolt of pleasure through you, heightening everything. The room around you seemed to fade, the only thing that existed in that moment was him—his body, his mind, and the way he was utterly consuming you.
Charles groaned, his hips bucking up into you with a sudden intensity that made you cry out. “I’ve never felt anything like this,” he panted, his voice strained, as though he were on the edge of losing control.
You could barely form words, the pleasure building inside you almost unbearable. “Charles, please…”
He understood without needing to ask. His hands slid down to your hips again, guiding you faster now, his movements more urgent, more desperate. You could feel the tension in your body coiling tighter and tighter, like a spring wound too far, ready to snap.
And then, with one hard thrust, you shattered.
A wave of ecstasy washed over you, white-hot and all-consuming, leaving you trembling in its wake. You cried out his name, your body arching against his, and you could feel him lose himself in the moment too, his hands gripping you so tightly it almost hurt as he followed you over the edge.
For a moment, the world seemed to stop, the only sound in the room your ragged breaths and the thrum of your racing heartbeat. You slumped against Charles, your forehead resting against his shoulder as you both came down from the high.
His arms wrapped around you, holding you close, as though afraid to let go. You could still feel the echo of his mind against yours, the connection between you not quite severed, and it brought a sense of intimacy that was unlike anything you had ever known.
After a long moment, Charles broke the silence, his voice soft and hoarse. “I didn’t know it could feel like that.”
You smiled, pressing a soft kiss to his temple. “Neither did I.”
He pulled back slightly to look at you, his hand coming up to brush a strand of hair behind your ear. His eyes were still dark, but there was a softness to them now, a vulnerability that made your heart ache.
“Thank you,” he said quietly, his thumb brushing over your cheek.
You frowned slightly. “For what?”
“For reminding me what it’s like to feel something other than pain.” His voice was filled with a quiet reverence, as though he couldn’t quite believe it himself.
You leaned forward, pressing your lips to his in a slow, tender kiss. “You don’t have to do it alone anymore, Charles. I’m here.”
He smiled, a real, genuine smile that made your heart flutter. “I know.”
You shifted slightly, still straddling his lap, and Charles let out a soft groan. The movement stirred something in you both, a flicker of desire reigniting as your bodies remained entwined.
“You know,” you said playfully, your fingers tracing lazy circles on his chest, “we’ve got the whole mansion to ourselves tonight.”
Charles raised an eyebrow, his smile turning into something more mischievous. “Is that so?”
You leaned in, your lips brushing the shell of his ear as you whispered, “Maybe we should take advantage of that.”
His breath hitched, and you felt his hands tighten on your hips. “You’re going to be the death of me.”
You smiled against his skin, pressing a soft kiss to his neck. “Then I’ll make it a night you won’t forget.”
With that, you began to move again, slow and teasing, savoring every moment of the night ahead.
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multi-fandoms-posts · 11 days
A Seductive Chess Game
X Men Masterlist
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Y/N sits at the large oak table, directly across from Charles Xavier. The chessboard is precisely set up, but her thoughts are long diverted from the game. The room is quiet, sunlight streaming through the villa’s windows, yet the tension between them is almost tangible.
“Your move,” Charles says calmly, his blue eyes focused on the chessboard. His hands rest relaxed on the table, his expression concentrated, but Y/N senses the underlying tension.
Y/N smiles, her gaze sparkling seductively. “You know, Charles,” she begins softly, “chess is fascinating, but... there are things that are even more exciting.”
Charles raises an eyebrow and looks at her curiously. “Oh? And what could be more thrilling than a good game of chess?”
Y/N leans slightly forward, her lips almost touching his. “Perhaps a wager?”
“A wager?” Charles repeats, his voice deepening. “What kind of wager?”
“For every move I make, I get to ask you a question, and you have to answer honestly,” Y/N suggests, her eyes twinkling with mischief.
Charles smiles. “And if I win?”
Y/N leans back a bit, her eyes still on him. “Then you get to ask a question... or maybe demand something else.” Her voice is a whisper, but the intent is clear.
Charles agrees and moves his knight to the next square. “I accept the challenge.”
Y/N smiles with satisfaction, but her thoughts are already elsewhere. She makes her move with the queen, leans over the table, and murmurs, “Why do you always wear suits, even here at home? Are you trying to impress me?”
Charles grins slightly. “Maybe. Or perhaps I think it’s proper to dress well. Especially in your presence.”
“Charming,” Y/N murmurs as she makes her next move. Her gaze remains on him as she says, “But you know, there’s something you could wear that would look even better.”
“And that would be?” Charles asks, his voice growing deeper and rougher.
“Me,” Y/N replies challengingly.
Charles remains still for a moment, his eyes resting on her lips. But before he can react, Y/N teleports directly onto his lap.
He gasps in surprise, but Y/N wraps her arms around his neck and pulls him into a passionate kiss. The kiss becomes immediately intense. Their lips meet, and Charles starts to place his hands around her waist. Y/N feels his arousal pressing against her body.
“Y/N...” Charles murmurs as he breaks the kiss and looks at her with a longing gaze.
Y/N doesn’t answer. Instead, she reaches for the waistband of her pants, opens it, and lets them slowly fall to the floor. Charles watches every movement of hers, his breath quickening as she sits before him in only her underwear.
With a low growl, his hands slide lower from her waist. His fingers brush over the fabric of her underwear before he gently pushes it aside. As his fingers touch her, Y/N moans. Charles pauses, his eyes dark with desire.
“So wet already,” he murmurs roughly. “I’ve barely touched you.”
Y/N moans again as he presses his fingers gently against her. Her body trembles with desire, and Charles enjoys each of her reactions. Then he pulls his fingers back, unfastens his belt and the buttons of his trousers. His pants fall to the floor, and as he draws closer to her again, Y/N feels his arousal hard against her body.
Charles lifts her and places her on the table behind them. The cool surface of the wood contrasts sharply with the heat burning inside her. Y/N wraps her legs around his hips and pulls him closer.
Charles positions himself, and with a deep, longing groan, he enters her. Y/N’s head falls back, and a loud moan escapes her. Her fingers cling to his shoulders, pressing her body harder against his.
Charles moves faster, the heat between them becoming unbearable. Y/N feels her breathing quicken, her body trembling from intense pleasure. “Charles...” she murmurs, her voice a hoarse whisper, as she pulls him deeper into her.
Charles intensifies his rhythm. As his fingers slide between her legs again, Y/N reaches her climax. Her body shakes, and a loud moan escapes her. Charles groans deeply as he also reaches his peak. His movements become more intense before he releases himself inside her with one final, powerful thrust.
Both remain still for a moment, their foreheads resting against each other, breathing heavily and irregularly. The world around them seems to stand still as they savor the afterglow of their passionate moment.
“You’re really incorrigible,” Charles murmurs finally, his voice rough but with a satisfied smile.
Y/N laughs softly and pulls him into a gentler kiss. “And you love it,” she whispers against his lips as she snuggles closer to him.
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glamdringwlv · 18 days
Unchain my heart: Part 1.
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Unchain my heart series. Logan Howlett x oc!fmale Summary: Mia Green has grown up in a lab, subjected to numerous experiments due to her status as a mutant. When she manages to escape, Charles Xavier takes her in at his mansion, giving her a new life and helping her regain her memories. However, the arrival of a new resident at the mansion threatens to destabilize everything she believed.
Warnings: Violence, foul language, a mix of various canons, X-Men movies, X-Men animated series, X-men comics.
Prologue, Part 2.
Part 1. When the man comes around.
“Focus, let’s go,” Charles’s voice resonated in her mind, like a calming echo.
Mia gritted her teeth. “It hadn’t occurred to me, Professor. Thanks for the advice,” she thought sarcastically. It was hard not to be consumed by frustration. Every time she failed, it felt like she was moving backward instead of forward. She took a deep breath and returned to her task.
The atmosphere in Xavier’s office was thick with tension. Mia sat across from the mahogany desk, her gaze fixed on the Professor. Her eyes burned with intensity, weary from battling against Charles’s interruptions. Every time she thought she’d won the battle, her concentration shattered.
Everything around her felt overwhelming—the students’ voices on the other side of the door, the hum of the machines, even her own breathing.
“How long is this going to take?” Jubilee interrupted from a corner of the room, her tone bored and slightly irritated. “It’s really dull watching them glare at each other in silence. Are we going to spend the whole afternoon watching them stare each other down?”
“You’re the one who wanted to be here, Jubilee. No one forced you,” Scott replied, crossing his arms and frowning.
“I thought this was going to be way more epic. Come on, two telepaths? I’m just hoping something happens. She hasn’t blinked in five minutes.”
Mia took another deep breath, trying to block out Jubilee and Scott’s noise. Their voices blended in her mind, making it harder to concentrate.
“Now that I think about it, what is she supposed to be learning?” Jubilee asked, looking at Scott. “Isn’t she supposed to be a teacher?”
Mia felt the mental barrier she’d built begin to falter. Scott’s storm of thoughts was on the verge of breaching her consciousness.
He shouldn’t say anything. It would betray Mia’s trust. Would she be angry if I told her why? She’s just a curious kid. Scott’s thoughts were a torrent Mia could barely contain.
With a sigh, Mia felt Charles seize the distraction to tear down what she’d worked so hard to build. Her mental barrier crumbled, and she let out a frustrated growl. Again.
“Damn it,” she muttered to herself, her breathing heavy and her fists clenched.
“Watch your language, Mia.”
She was on the brink of giving up, of telling Charles that she’d had enough, that she couldn’t take it anymore, and that teaching teenagers had completely worn her out, but she bit her tongue.
Mia made a decision. She gently touched the stream of Scott’s thoughts, a soft gesture, almost like a touch on the shoulder. Scott, recognizing the sensation, allowed her into his mind. It was something Mia always did: she asked for permission before intruding into someone’s mental space, a courtesy she considered essential.
Suddenly, everything was overwhelmed by her presence, her feelings, even her scent. Summers took a moment to compose himself, and though he was used to mental intrusions, he felt overwhelmed at first. He’d always been fascinated by how different her mutation was from Charles’s.
Tell her, it doesn’t matter. She just wants to understand.
“Mia arrived at the school at seventeen without knowing how. She had lost all her memories, didn’t even know her name,” Scott explained aloud, his words reflecting what Mia saw in his mind. “Charles has helped her recover some of what she lost, but there are still things locked away in her head. Even the Professor can’t access them. He’s teaching her to unlock them.”
“Wow, if she’s already omega level, imagine what she could do with all her memories. This chick is cool. Pretty scary,” Jubilee thought, her thoughts buzzing with a mix of admiration and fear.
“Jubilee, please. Don’t bombard me with your opinions. I’m trying to concentrate. It’s hard to block you out when you think so loudly,” Mia said, a hint of irritation in her tone.
“I’m not bombarding you with anything, Professor,” Jubilee replied, surprised.
“Of course you are. I’m not going to give you a harder test just because you know my past.”
Jubilee fell silent, trying to control her thoughts, but Mia could still sense the agitation in her mind, the fear and discomfort. It was a common reaction when others realized how deeply she could delve with her powers.
“I think that’s enough for today, Mia. You’ve held out longer this time and with distractions,” Charles said, his voice calm, but Mia detected a hint of pride in his words.
“No, I can do better,” Mia insisted, her voice filled with determination.
She gritted her teeth, closing her eyes tightly, her fists clenched until her nails dug into her palms. She felt the thud of her heart, the weight of her mistakes, and the desperate need to improve.
Charles tried to dissuade her, but Mia stood her ground, and Charles watched her in silence. This time, she decided to close her eyes, focusing on her mind. Mia knew her telepathic abilities were different from Charles’s—more raw, more instinctive. But today, she was determined to push beyond her limits. She visualized a glowing line connecting her consciousness to Charles’s, a line that shone brightly with energy. Resolute, she extended her awareness towards that line, trying to sense Charles’s mind beyond the barrier. She pushed with all her might, making her breathing rapid and a slight tremor run through her body.
Scott felt the urge to rush to her, to touch her shoulder to bring her back to reality and pull her away from the training, but Charles stopped him with a look, feeling the mutant’s progress.
The lights in the room flickered, and the onlookers were stunned. Mia had shown no signs that her mutation extended beyond telepathy, but when she concentrated too hard, the electrical devices around her reacted inexplicably for a brief moment.
With one final effort, she fell into Charles’s consciousness. A whirlwind of information and voices overwhelmed her. Everything was utter chaos, a maelstrom of data. She tried to focus on something, anything. She concentrated on the relationship they had forged and searched for herself amidst the storm of memories. And then she saw it. Fragments of her own past, distorted and confusing images. She saw a laboratory, bright lights, faces she couldn’t recognize. But what struck her most was the feeling that Charles knew more than he had revealed. There was hidden knowledge, a certainty in his mind that made Mia’s heart tighten.
And then, like a flash, a fleeting image appeared before her. A man with metal claws, fierce and wild. She didn’t recognize him, but the image was etched in her mind. She didn’t recognize him, but something about the image unsettled her. It was as if a part of her, something very deep and hidden, was reacting to that image. The feeling was strange, almost familiar, though she couldn’t understand why.
Before she could process what she’d seen, a sharp pain pulled her out of Charles’s mind. She opened her eyes abruptly, feeling a trickle of blood running from her nose. The effort had been too much, and her body was paying for it. But despite the pain, Mia couldn’t stop thinking about what she had seen.
Before she could delve deeper, a word echoed in her mind: “Weapon X.” It was like a flash, an echo lost in some forgotten corner of her memory. She didn’t know where that association came from, or why she knew that name, but the sensation left her stunned.
Scott’s hands were already on her shoulders, anchoring her to this world. His scent pulled her away from the sensations she had just discovered. She leaned more into Cyclops’s touch and let herself be comforted.
“She’s exhausted. She’s come too far,” his voice resonated in her head, and she cursed herself for not having gone further.
She was dazed, the voices around her seemed distant. It was strange that they were discussing her limits as if she weren’t there. She understood less and less of what was being said around her, a disjointed ebb and flow that made no sense.
Mission. Mutants in danger. Ororo. Magneto.
She felt herself slowly disconnecting from the conversation until she became unconscious. Her limp body alerted Scott, who tried to move her to see how she was doing.
Concern shaded his face as he saw her completely out of it. He shook her gently, but there was no response. This wasn’t the first time Mia had lost consciousness while training with the Professor, but it didn’t make him any less worried.
“Take her to the infirmary, she needs to rest,” Charles ordered Scott.
“What do you think she saw? The last time she ended up like this was when she remembered her parents.”
“I’m not sure,” Scott replied, but there was tension in his voice. He knew exactly what Mia had seen, but he didn’t know how it had affected her neural network. Mia’s past was a dark abyss that could consume her if revealed too soon.
Summers lifted Mia and carried her out of the office, suspecting that the Professor was hiding something from both of them.
Mia awoke in the infirmary feeling disoriented and confused. The room was bathed in a soft, warm light, and the air was tinged with a familiar medicinal scent. She slowly sat up, a persistent throb in her head pulsing with each beat of her heart.
She took a moment to adjust her vision. The room was quiet, with several beds and machines around. The sounds of the infirmary were soothing, but a constant buzzing in her ears hinted at something more going on.
A low murmur pierced through the pain that made her eyelids heavy. Her mind scanned the room and found it—a new thread of thought. As she focused on it, it seemed like a tangled skein of threads struggling to unravel. Even before she had delved into them, she could taste the pain on the tip of her tongue. She pushed that feeling aside and tried to steady herself.
Once she felt more stable, she stood up carefully, removing the IVs. She wasn’t sure how long she’d been out this time, but her muscles felt stiff, indicating it had been quite a while. She stifled a groan of pain and struggled to get up.
As she approached the other bed, her breath caught in her throat. Damn. It was the guy with the metal claws she’d seen in the professor's mind. Something inside her twisted with recognition, but she couldn’t place the feeling.
Maybe it was connected to her past. She bit her lip, debating whether to invade the privacy of an unconscious man she didn’t know or to wait and resolve her doubts once he woke up.
Weapon X. What if he was dangerous? She needed to find out. Although the professor wouldn’t have let him into the mansion if he believed him to be a threat.
She closed her eyes, and the tangled threads of thoughts and pain reappeared before her. Tentatively, she extended her consciousness towards his, ready to dive in, but a hand, gripping too tightly, seized her wrist, making her gasp in surprise.
“Where the hell am I?”
The mutant moved quickly. Now she was trapped between the bed and his chest. Her eyes caught a glint near her neck, and the metal brushed against her throat, scratching the area lightly.
Fear surged through her, and the lights in the room began to flicker uncontrollably. Logan looked around in confusion, not understanding what was happening. Despite the blinding headache, Mia projected a simple command into the mutant’s mind: Let me go.
The contact vanished instantly, as if she’d been slapped. She fell to her knees, still weak from the strain of the training. Her mind hadn’t fully recovered, and even such a simple command had taken an extreme effort.
She heard the door slam shut and let the darkness envelop her once more.
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dovesdreaming · 23 days
Echoes in the void
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Summary: you allow Cassandra nova to look into your memories of Charles in the hopes she learns something.
Warnings: none
The Void stretched endlessly, an infinite expanse of nothingness that could drive most to madness. Yet here, in this unending emptiness, a strange meeting was taking place. The air crackled with energy, as if the Void itself was holding its breath, waiting for what was to come. You stood at the center of this nowhere, feeling an odd calm. You had been here before many times. Cassandra nova had requested you specifically. The mere thought of her made most mutants shiver, a nightmare made flesh, a shadow of Professor Charles Xavier’s darker side. Yet, here she was, hovering just before you, a spectral presence that felt like it could dissolve at any moment, though you knew she wouldn’t.
Cassandra's gaze was sharp, penetrating, like she could see through to the deepest parts of your soul without even trying. Her lips curled into a faint smile, more curious than menacing, but with her, you could never be certain. The memories of Charles had told you all you needed to know about her capabilities. “You’re an interesting one” Cassandra said, her voice a soft whisper that seemed to echo in the vastness. “Allowing me into your mind, knowing what I am… and yet, you set conditions. Fascinating”. You crossed your arms, meeting her gaze without flinching. “You want to see what Charles sees in me, and in return, I want your word that you won’t try anything. No digging where you’re not invited, no twisting memories to suit your fancy. Just… look, and behave”. Cassandra tilted her head slightly, considering. “You think I can be trusted?” There was no malice in her question, just genuine curiosity.
“I think you’re capable of understanding the value of trust” you replied evenly. “Charles might have been naive about you in the past, but I’m not. I know what you’re capable of, but I also know you’re smart enough to know the benefits of playing nice, at least for now”. The Void seemed to ripple around you, as if the very fabric of this place reacted to the tension between you both. But then, Cassandra’s smile softened, the dangerous edge fading slightly. “Very well” she agreed, surprisingly gentle. “I’ll behave”.
You let out a breath you didn’t realize you were holding. “Alright, then. Let’s get this over with”. Closing your eyes, you opened your mind to her, letting the barriers you’d placed fall away, one by one. There was a moment of cold, an icy prickle at the back of your neck as she slipped into your thoughts, but it was followed by warmth, a gentle touch that surprised you. Cassandra was being careful, more careful than you expected. Images flashed through your mind, moments of your life with Charles. The laughter, the long conversations about hopes and dreams, the quiet moments of reflection. She saw the trust you had in him, the way he had shaped your worldview, not as a leader or a teacher, but as a friend. You could feel her sifting through these memories, analyzing them, but there was no malice, no attempt to alter anything. She was true to her word.
For a moment, you felt her hesitation, a flicker of something almost like… envy? But it was quickly buried under layers of cold logic. She moved on, delving deeper, yet still restrained. You weren’t sure how long the process took, time had no meaning in the Void, but eventually, you felt Cassandra begin to withdraw, the coldness receding as she slowly pulled away. You opened your eyes to find her standing before you, a thoughtful expression on her face. “You care for him a great deal,” she remarked, her tone neutral, almost contemplative. “More than he perhaps deserves”. You didn’t argue, just nodded. “He’s my friend”.
Cassandra was silent for a moment, her gaze distant. “I see now why he values you… why he trusts you so implicitly. There’s strength in that trust, something I hadn’t fully understood until now”. You studied her carefully, trying to gauge the sincerity in her words. “And you? What do you see?”. She looked at you, and for the first time, you saw a glimmer of something almost human in her eyes. “I see potential… and perhaps, a reason to reconsider some of my more destructive tendencies”. There was a pause, a weighty silence that hung between you, before Cassandra gave you a small, almost imperceptible nod. “Thank you, for showing me this. I will keep my word. You have nothing to fear from me… for now”.
With that, she began to retreat back into her lair. You watched as she disappeared from sight, not knowing when or if you will next see her but holding a small amount of hope that you will. Hoping she will need your help again sometime in the future soon. You had faced Cassandra Nova and emerged unscathed. More than that, you had glimpsed a side of her few had ever seen, and lived to tell the tale. And perhaps, just perhaps, you had planted a seed of something in her a seed of trust, of understanding, that might one day bear fruit.
But for now, you would leave her lair, knowing that for once, the darkness had not won.
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Chapter 1: The odd frequency
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(Chapter list / Read on ao3)
Professor Charles Xavier loved finding new mutants. Discovering their gifts and knowing what they could do, he was fascinated by them. Sure, he’d try to convince them to join him for their safety, so that they wouldn’t harm others or be harmed themselves. But he had to admit, at least to himself, that his curiosity also played a part in it. Charles loved finding new mutants, especially out in the open without having to use Cerebro. What Charles didn’t love was the helplessness he felt when one of those mutants was very close to being.
It had been a lovely day out, so lovely it gave him the circumstantial urge of going outside. Not just outside his big empty mansion but outside in the town, to be amongst people. A human-looking Hank, of course, came with him; and the two mutants sat in a mildly fancy restaurant having lunch and talking about their plans for the future. The topic of reopening the school had just been brought up by Hank when Charles heard a noise so loud, he had to immediately cover his ears while grabbing his head. It was only for a split second, but it hurt like a drill in his skull.
“Charles? Are you okay?”
“You didn’t… hear that?”
“Hear what?”
The horrible feeling of not having control over what he could hear in his head came back. Even as a child he had learned considerably quickly to control his powers somehow, to lower the volume of people’s thoughts in his own head. And more recently he had... But these weren’t just thoughts, this felt different. If it came from somebody’s mind… he knew it had to be a mutant.
“Let’s take a walk.” After paying the check, and still very confused, Hank took Charles outside the restaurant as he grabbed his head in pain once more.
“What’s wrong?”
“That way” he just said, pointing in the direction where he thought the sound was coming from. “Hurry.”
They came to a stop once they arrived at a small multitude gathering in front of a building.
“Excuse me.” Hank approached an old woman and tapped on her shoulder. She had been looking at the floor like it was the most exciting thing to watch, and looked up at Hank with a confused expression. “Excuse me ma’am, can you tell us what happened?”
“Oh, oh nothing it was…” she stared into the distance. “It was a very nice young lady; she… fell from a balcony.”
Hank looked at Charles and now it was his turn to talk.
“Where is she now?”
“Oh, she’s fine, she got up and left. She was very polite, yes, she was.”
With that, the woman turned around and left, and so did everyone that had gathered. As if nothing had happened. The professor looked inside their minds and was surprised to find that none of their immediate memories showed any of what had just been said. In fact, nothing had happened. Everyone around there had a missing something, a jump from a memory before the gathering to one of just now. Without any logical link. As if something had been erased.
The two mutants went back to the mansion and Charles immediately headed to Cerebro “It is imperative that we find them, Hank. You don’t know… we don’t know what someone with that kind of power could do.” Hank followed, worried enough to ignore the irony. He did try to get back to the conversation they were having before, he believed it was necessary to reopen the school. Imperative, even. But there was no case, all other subjects were pushed aside by the professor, who now had this and only this in mind. And he knew his obsessive tendencies enough to know this was going to be tough to get through.
If Charles Xavier hid his selfish curiosity under his honest dedication towards finding and caring for new mutants, it could be said that his good friend Erik proudly displayed it whenever he could. He didn’t put as much effort into it though -how could he? He wasn’t the one with telepathic abilities and a fancy machine to help him. The past months had made everything even harder for him. He had to hide, lay low, run away. He wanted to go back home, he yearned for a home to go back to, one he didn’t have. So, instead, he settled for the next best thing: a one-way ticket to Poland.
The airport was full yet busy enough not to get recognized. He dressed unassumingly in a casual suit, turtleneck and a combination of hat and glasses that did it’s best to cover his features. He blended in just fine. The same couldn’t be said about the girl in front of him. Erik wasn’t someone who gave too much thought to what other people looked like, but this girl, she looked…odd. The jeans she wore were ripped, worn out and so tight they left of her legs nothing to be imagined. Her leather jacket was clearly too big for her -too big to be fashionable, in his opinion- and her boots were thick and shiny black. Her hands were covered in fingerless gloves, and her black nails were shaped like sharp claws. Aside from that, there was something indescribable about her: a certain strong energy, strong in a classically masculine way. Erik couldn’t help but stare. Her looks, however distracting, didn’t stop him from eavesdropping a little.
“I’m sorry miss, we don’t have any destination with that name.”
“Ugh fine, what about Ukraine?”
“There is a flight to Boryspil, Ukraine… in twelve hours.”
“Is there anything sooner for Poland?”
“We do have one flight going to Warsaw later today, leaving at seven.”
“I want a ticket for that one, first class.”
“I’m sorry, all our first-class seats are already booked.”
Even with her striking manner of speaking and dressing, Erik wouldn’t have given a girl the second look if it wasn’t for what he saw next. She quickly raised one hand at eye level, and lightly waved her fingers at the airport employee. Soft purple particles came out of her fingertips as she spoke again.
“I’m getting a ticket for that flight, first class, and I’m not gonna be the one paying for it.”
“Of course”
Erik smiled.
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racefortheironthrone · 6 months
How do you feel about revolutionary era cyclops? Both in premise and execution?
A fascinating premise fatally undermined in execution by contradictory editorial and writing choices.
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To start with, Revolutionary Cyclops was a completely logical extension of where Cyclops’ character arc had been going ever since Utopia and AvX and the Phoenix Five. All his life, Scott Summers had been Charles Xavier’s perfect soldier - not his favorite student or his most trusted student, by the one that Xavier could count on to put the mission above himself no matter the cost. And for many decades, that’s who Cyclops was, to the point where it destroyed his first marriage and caused his second to founder under the weight of his repression and trauma. But after the Decimation, Scott had to move past that, to take up the mantle of independent leadership for mutantkind - something he pursued with unflinching pragmatism and ruthlessness, before it culminated in the ultimate Oedipal rebellion. So having completely severed himself from the legacy of Charles Xavier and his dream, Cyclops had to find a new purpose, a new direction for his life, and he found it in revolutionary politics. I think that’s a quite compelling arc.
Where I think the execution got messed up was that editorial clearly wanted to portray him as being in the wrong, another well-intentioned extremist in the vein of Magneto (who not coincidentally was increasingly loyal to and admiring of Cyclops as time went on), but Brian Michael Bendis never quite agreed. We would keep reading stuff about how Scott was going too far, that his ends couldn’t justify his means, and so on - but when it came to actually showing on the page what he was doing, it wasn’t anything more extreme than the X-Men had done in their “outlaw” era, and arguably much less morally questionable than the stuff he did when he was running Utopia and was coded more consistently as heroic. (This reached its peak of ridiculousness in the post-Bendis era with Death of X and IvX, where turned out that the thing that had convinced the world Cyclops was “worse than Hitler” was to make a big psychic projection of his head and destroy one of the Terrigen Mist clouds that were threatening to wipe out mutantkind.)
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I’m not sure if you do Charles Xavier, but if you could, can you write a platonic Charles x mutant!GN!reader where the reader can block out Charles’ telepathic abilities, and it surprises him at first until he somewhat gets used to it by the day? Thank you!
Silent Minds
When you first arrived at Xavier’s School for Gifted Youngsters, you knew it was only a matter of time before Charles Xavier would reach out with his telepathy. It wasn’t something he did out of malice, just his way of understanding who he was welcoming into the mansion. For many mutants, their thoughts were often loud, brimming with fear, uncertainty, or confusion. You, however, were different.
The moment Charles tried to enter your mind, there was nothing. It was like running into a brick wall — solid, unyielding, and utterly silent.
"Curious," he had murmured, raising an eyebrow when the usual telepathic connection failed to establish itself. The moment passed quickly, and though his surprise was evident, Charles Xavier was nothing if not composed. He simply greeted you with a warm smile, inviting you into the mansion without a word about the mental barrier.
It wasn’t until later, after you had settled into life at the mansion, that Charles asked to speak with you in private.
"Would you mind coming to my office?" he had asked politely, his voice calm and friendly, as always.
You nodded, curious as to what this was about. Once inside, Charles gestured for you to take a seat across from him.
"I hope you don’t mind me asking," he began, his tone gentle, "but I’ve noticed something rather… unique about you."
You blinked, unsure of where this was going. "Unique? How so?"
Charles steepled his fingers, his gaze thoughtful. "My telepathy doesn’t seem to work on you. I attempted to greet you telepathically when you first arrived, as I often do with new students, but I found myself unable to do so. It’s quite rare."
You shifted in your seat, glancing down at your hands before looking back at him. "I can block out telepathic abilities," you admitted. "It’s part of my mutation. I can create mental barriers — not just for myself, but for others too, if needed."
Charles’ eyes widened slightly in surprise, though there was no alarm in his expression, only fascination. "That’s extraordinary," he said. "I’ve encountered telepathic resistance before, but never quite like this. Your mind is entirely… silent."
You shrugged, feeling a little self-conscious under his scrutiny. "I guess I’m used to keeping people out. It’s… instinctive now."
Charles leaned back in his chair, a thoughtful smile playing on his lips. "I imagine it must be. And quite useful, too, given the nature of some telepathic threats."
There was a moment of silence as Charles studied you, and you couldn’t help but feel a little awkward under his gaze. But then, as if sensing your discomfort, Charles’ expression softened.
"You don’t need to feel uneasy," he assured you. "I’m not offended, if that’s what you’re worried about. In fact, I find your ability quite remarkable. It must give you a sense of control over your own mind that many others don’t have."
You nodded, feeling a bit more at ease. "It does. It’s nice knowing no one can get into my head unless I let them."
Charles smiled warmly. "That’s a gift, indeed."
Over time, Charles grew more accustomed to your mental silence. While he was used to hearing the constant hum of thoughts from those around him, you became a rare, quiet presence in the mansion. It was something he came to appreciate — a kind of reprieve from the usual noise.
Occasionally, when you would join him for conversations, he would catch himself attempting to reach out telepathically, only to be met with that familiar, impenetrable wall. It never frustrated him, though. If anything, it intrigued him more each time.
"You’re a mystery, you know that?" he would say, half-teasing, whenever his telepathy failed him once again.
You’d just laugh and shake your head. "Not much of one, really."
But over time, you and Charles developed a comfortable, platonic bond. He respected your boundaries, both mentally and emotionally, never prying beyond what you offered willingly. And in turn, you came to trust him in a way you hadn’t trusted many people before.
Despite the fact that he could never truly read your thoughts, Charles had a way of understanding you that didn’t require telepathy. He observed the way you moved, the way you spoke, and the way you interacted with others. And in doing so, he gained insight into your mind without needing to delve into it.
One afternoon, after a particularly quiet training session, you found yourself sitting in the study with Charles. He was reading a book, and you were simply enjoying the silence — both the actual and mental kind. After a few moments, Charles closed his book and glanced over at you.
"I’ve been meaning to ask," he began, "does it ever feel lonely? Blocking out everyone’s thoughts like that?"
You considered the question for a moment, watching as a few stray sparks of sunlight danced across the wooden floor. "Sometimes," you admitted. "It’s hard to connect with people when you’re always keeping part of yourself hidden."
Charles nodded, understanding in his eyes. "I can imagine. Though I suppose, in some ways, it’s not too different from my own experience. Even when I hear everyone’s thoughts, there are still things I choose to keep hidden from others. We all have our barriers."
You smiled faintly at that, appreciating the parallel. "Yeah, I guess we do."
Charles’ expression softened, and he placed a hand on your shoulder — a small, comforting gesture. "Just know that you don’t always have to keep those walls up here. You’re among friends."
For the first time in a long while, you felt a sense of relief wash over you. Charles didn’t need telepathy to understand you, and that, in itself, was enough.
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gerec · 8 months
Hi Gerec! Do you have any fics rec where Erik fell in love with Charles at first sight? I just love reading Erik being absolute whipped for Charles.
Hi Anon! Here are a few of my favourites where they fall in love (or in lust!) at first sight. Hope you enjoy :D
Scenes from the Wild by nekosmuse
Erik Lehnsherr, world renowned wilderness survivalist, alongside his husband, Charles Xavier, survive the perils of the wild in order to bring you, Two Men, One Knife, an award winning reality survival series, available only on the Discovery Channel. Follow Erik and Charles as they travel to the world's most remote locations with only the most basic of supplies. Pitted against nature, this husband-husband team struggle to survive in some of the world's harshest climates while battling the planet's fiercest predators. Can they survive the Canadian North? Find out next season, on Two Men, One Knife
Note: Chapter 2 covers their first meeting :D
Other Life Challenges by professor (series)
“Why am I here again?” Erik groans.
“I need you to lift things and glower at people over my shoulder when I tell people that it’s not ‘politically correct’ or a ‘war on Christmas’ to have a non-denominational winter holiday festival,” says Theresa Pryde.
Well, at least those are two things he’s good at.
Trying to create the next world war by aesc
The voice's owner is a young man, maybe a handful of years younger than Erik, with the earnest expression worn by a boy who's never grown up. He's very correctly academic in a dark waistcoat and collared shirt, although the collar is very incorrectly unbuttoned to display a hint of throat – enough, Erik decides, to want to lick. [Or, the one inspired by this moment-inducing gifset, where for some reason Erik's decided to work for the CIA as a means to an end and gets sent to England instead of Moira.]
645 Riverside Drive by smilebackwards
Azazel clearly has yet to understand the shattering power of Charles' disappointment, so Erik takes one for the team, grabbing the cup and downing the remnants of the cappuccino like a shot while Azazel watches with morbid fascination.
Humane Society by smilebackwards
Once Erik finally allows himself to decide that Charles is pretty much the best thing since sliced bread, he spends the next week being incredibly bitter that he's Charles' cat and not his boyfriend.
An Unexpected Muse by RedStockings
Erik is an artist who is obsessed with the young man he by chance bumped into six months ago. Charles is the long-suffering brother being dragged to an art exhibition by Raven. There he spots the man he has been dreaming about for six long months and realises that he had been noticed after all.
Walling in or Walling Out by stlkrchck
Erik stifles a sigh. Of course this is Mr. C. F. Xavier. Of course.
For the prompt: Charles and Raven are throwing a holiday party. Erik is the grumpy neighbor who is annoyed by how loud they are being. So he goes to complain, and Charles makes it up to him.
Protect, Serve, Troll by keire_ke
Erik's fire department has a special relationship with the local university. They visit often. Sometimes, there even is a fire.
Immovable Object Meets Irresistible Force by ximeria
Erik is woefully unprepared for Raven's brother, who returns to the States for her 25th birthday party.
soul of my soul by ikeracity
You can imprint on your soulmate anywhere — school, work, on the street, in a restaurant, on the subway.
Charles and Erik imprint on each other just in time for the holidays.
Some Things Are Meant To Be by ikeracity
Erik is a famous singer. Charles is a closeted fan. When Raven drags him to Erik's concert, the last thing Charles expects is for Erik to single him out of the crowd, for Erik to look right at him as he sings. And the last, last thing he expects is for Erik to personally serenade him and pull him on stage and kiss him senseless, because some things are meant to be and Erik knows it.
Crosswalk by velvetcadence
Erik accidentally French dips a perfect stranger in public. Things go as you might expect it to.
Meet Cute by lachatblanche
Erik never expected to meet his soulmate in a public toilet.
Forelsket by melonbutterfly
Erik doesn't usually react to people like that, no matter how attractive they are, and Lord knows how many incredibly attractive people he's met. And anyway, even if he is attracted to someone, it doesn't… overcome him like this, never.
Defy the Stars by SomeCoolName
Charles can’t sleep that warm night in New York when he decides to get some fresh hair on his balcony. It appears he’s not the only one who can’t sleep as he meets one of his neighbors, smoking on his balcony from the building across Charles’. They meet again in the elevator a few days later and the neighbor, Erik, is not only incredibly beautiful but also charming and funny. But Charles is in a relationship with Scott and Erik is hiding something, so it’s best if they just stay neighbors.
Too bad it was love at first sight.
To Life by professor
Erik wants a Jewish wedding.
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delyth88 · 1 month
Random late night thoughts on falling into a fandom.
I'm not really the sort of person who gets excited about a lot of different shows and characters. I mean I enjoy them, but I don't fall in love with them often. I joined Tumblr in 2017 because I saw Thor Ragnarok and then caught up on the MCU and fell in love with Loki. And that's been pretty much it till now.
I'm as old as Tom Hiddleston, so when I was a fan of the Lord of the Rings there wasn't a fandom culture like this online, and Tumblr wasn't around till 2006 even if I had known about it. So without the ability to interact with other people about the movies I loved, they eventually receded in my consciousness.
With Loki and the MCU I found other people who loved him as much as I did and wanted to talk about it! And I discovered fan fiction. So much awesomeness! And there were a lot of excellent stories that really got inside his head and fleshed out the movies and the issues he was dealing with. It meant that I remained fascinated for years. I still am.
I also discovered Tom Hiddleston was a charming and decent man and cared about this character I'd come to love and was actually interested in talking about him - so naturally I devoured all the interviews I could find. I’m not generally one for following actors – it’s a bit of a gamble as to whether they’ll be a jerk or not, so I’m pretty cautious.
Over that time I've watch most of the blogs I know move on to other things, and new people discover how awesome Loki is. But I've never found another character that's captured my imagination quite like Loki. And I've kinda wondered what the magic combination was.
Now I think I've figured out a couple of things in the last few weeks.
I started a rewatch of the X-Men movies, and as it turned out about half of them were not a rewatch but watching them for the first time. (I'm still mildly angry at myself for missing them when they came out - it would have been fun to be in the fandom at that time.) I watched them most evenings I had free and sometimes parts of a movie over multiple nights.  And I think this is one of the things that hooks me into a universe and really makes me care for the characters. 
It was a similar thing for me with the MCU.  There was a lot of canon material already out there by the time I came to it, which meant I was able to immerse myself in the world over several months, and with everything relating to everything else it really helped create that feeling of a real world where these people really exist and the stakes and their relationships with each other are real. It also meant that I got to see Loki grow and change over several movies and several year (sadly not always for the better imo), but again I think this helped with the illusion of real people.
And I think inadvertently I’ve done the same thing with X-Men. I came into it with familiarity from the cartoon as a kid and the original movies, so I was already disposed to like them.  I very much enjoyed the Ian McKellen and Patrick Stewart era, but I still didn’t fall down the rabbit hole until part way through Days of Future Past.  I hadn’t seen First Class before, and that was a very pleasant surprise.  I had no expectations and they were far enough removed in age from the previous films that I didn’t find myself comparing them too much. First Class had so much heart! Lots of heart-warming moments getting to know the characters, and some that pulled at the heartstrings too.  I saw that in one sitting.  If I’d watched that over multiple, I may have been hooked earlier. 
I found myself initially enjoying the whole world and how all the characters fit together after First Class.  I was also a little surprised and unsure about this portrayal of Charles Xavier.  He’s always been a favourite character from the Patrick Stewart era, but just in a “I slightly prefer you over the others” kinda way. I suppose that did lead me to pay particular attention to the younger version of Charles. But this new version had an unexpected charm. Now usually I run a mile from characters that are cocky and too self-assured, which objectively Charles is here, but for some reason everything else about him and the film led me to liking his attitude and his heart.
By partway through Days of Future Past, which I watched over multiple evenings, I was actively looking forward to getting home at the end of the day to see more of this character.  And for a brief few days while I finished off the movies I think my hind brain was treating this like looking forward to seeing a real person. Which I found kinda fascinating, and since it doesn’t happen often I paid a bit more attention to this process.
The final nail in the coffin for me was Charles’ aching “You abandoned me!” on the plane. At this point I was 100% rooting for this character and following the next two movies from his point of view.  I was really impressed with how consistent his character seemed to be throughout the first three films of that timeline. After following Loki for so many years I know what inconsistent character personalities can do. :/ It should go without saying therefore that Dark Phoenix didn’t really do it for me.
So I think my recipe for falling in love with characters boils down to three things:
Have a decent amount of material to watch, and watch it in quick succession.
Have a character with strong bonds to others and who has scenes where they’re emotionally vulnerable. Obviously it helps if they’re a good actor.
Have consistent character writing, and believable, compelling, motivations.
And bonus point 4: Have a community to talk about them with.
Oddly, I’d put off watching the X-Men films as late as I could, because I felt I didn’t really have as much headspace and time to give them as I thought they deserved. And I’d half thought I might fall for Magneto, given Loki was my favourite character. They have a lot of similarities – both have had to endure terrible pain and loneliness in their lives, and have been the outcast for one reason or another. They’re both characters whose allegiance changes. The sympathetic villain with a persuasive motivation. They’re both powerful manipulators of the world around them, and of course there’s a very broad similarity in looks (i.e. tall white guy with dark hair).
But no. It was the shorter, less conventionally attractive character, who was the steadfastly ‘good’ one of the pair that stole my heart. The one that could have been really quite boring in contract to Erik.  But I think it was how in so many scenes I feel like I could just see this man’s heart laid bare.  He really tried, and kept trying, to help his friends, and believed in them and the rest of mankind. You could just see the light within him. I initially viewed them as a pair similar to Thor and Loki, but I’ve never found Thor such an engaging character even though he has a similar function and some similar traits.
My brain has decided this is now my blorbo and has dedicated a larger than reasonable section of my mental CPU to him for the meantime. It’s almost like a real crush on a real person. Which is such a strange thing, when you think about it.  Or it just shows there’s a threshold where your brain goes, okay we have enough data points now, we can start caring for these people. It reminds me why I felt like I did for the weeks after Infinity War.  As far as my brain is concerned this is someone I genuinely care about.
It makes me a little sad for people I know who don’t care for stories in this way - books, movies, or television. It’s a joyful, if sometimes inconveniently scheduled, thing to fall in love with people in the tales we tell each other.
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secrets-of-everwich · 1 month
13-1 Callie’s Final Statement, and Final Thoughts
[Electronic hum underlies recording]
Hello, and welcome to this – final – secret of Everwich. Just like every other episode, my name is Callie Hewitt, recording on the 27th October 2021. This will be the last official episode, though I may do a reading of Charles’ journal. I’ve been through all the other statements, and I think I’ve managed to gather a semi-conclusive map of the last month or so.
Let’s begin.
As you know, I began this podcast on the 27th September. Unintentionally, exactly a month ago. However, my personal interest in Everwich began years ago, when I was small. I’ve already said I live in Everwich Manor, where all this weird stuff started. My parents decided to turn it into a tourist attraction to bring in some money, so I grew up helping out with the tours. I found it fascinating. But my fascination for the Florences, and therefore the secrets that Everwich holds began when I found a secret compartment in my bookshelves.
I think I mentioned before that I live in the same room that Charles Florence lived in. Some of the furniture is the same, in surprisingly good condition, the bookshelf being one of them. I was clearing out the old books to put some of my own in, and I found a loose board. I was only about 10, so I tried to pull it out. It was a bit like a puzzle box, I had to press in the correct area to get it to come out. But what I found was another book.
‘The Arachnid: A Philosophical Study by Charles Florence’
I’m a big spider fan – they’re so cute! – So I decided to have a read. I would have then gone on to find more information about it, but I got ill pretty soon after. However, the ‘study’ ended up not just being a journal of information, it ended up being a journal of Charles’ feelings. I know, it probably wasn’t good to read someone else’s private journal, but it did help me feel less alone. Like, even though 200 years separated us, we were friends… He was going through the same feelings I was, so…
It's probably stupid, though. Anyway, when I got a bit better, I started looking for all the information I could. Eventually, in September, I found a tape recorder, and thought it would be fun to talk through my discoveries. Essays are very hard to hand write for me, so I thought if I talked through everything, I could type it up later.
And that brings us up to now… I promise, I didn’t know everything. I really didn’t know there were caves under the house, or that something was wrong with Emilia. But… I thought that if I revealed that I had the journal, something bad might happen… And I guess I was right, because Xavier- Or something made Xavier steal Adam’s journal. I don’t want that to happen to Charles’. It’s a really special find.
So, onto the last month. Me starting the podcast seemed to happen at around the same time as Xavier getting- possessed? Is that the right word? By that spider. Xavier found the key, and went down into the basement, only to have a spider crawl on it, and get possessed by the parasite. Meanwhile, I was locking myself up in my room, talking into this.
On the 1st October, Emilia also got possessed, because a spider made its way into her house. This begs the question, how far do the spiders go? But I have a theory. The spiders seem to call the basement of Everwich Manor their home, and I presume they travel through the caves. I checked the photos I took, there were little holes in the ceiling. Big enough for the spiders. I think the caves were their burrow, where they got into people’s houses. I also checked the map. Assuming Jill Harris and ‘Harvey’ live on Lilacs Lane, where Jill got attacked, then all 4 of these people who we know for definite have been possessed by the parasite live on top of the cave tunnels – Xavier in Everwich Manor, right on top of their home, Jill and Harvey on Lilacs Lane, and Emilia on North Street. I’ll get back to the caves later.
A day or so later, Rin, Ash, X and Emilia all went to Everwich Manor, and X showed Ash the spiders. I think… I think whatever was using X’s body at the time was trying to possess Ash too. Don’t worry, I double-checked, Ash is A-okay in terms of spidery-ness. Considering they had the most accurate statement in terms of the spiders being present, and tried to stop everyone being possessed, I think he’s good anyway. Whatever it was, it didn’t work, probably because Ash ended up having an argument with X, and stormed off. It's lucky, really… I think if Ash had been possessed too, none of them would have survived this last month…
Throughout the following week, Emilia was working on some kind of experiment, something she has no idea about. As you know if you listened to the last episode, Emilia doesn’t remember anything, and she seemed really genuine about being sorry about that. I genuinely don’t know what that was about, there’s nothing in Adam or Charles’ journals that say about someone making some kind of chemical formula. This is new. So, I guess I’ll move onto the next major event.
We’ve heard a lot about the events of 11th October, when Rin, Ash and X discovered Emilia was possessed, and tried to get her to no longer be possessed. Somehow, though, the spider escaped, and went straight back to her when she was asleep. She says there might have been a person. There’s a tall figure that keeps coming up, but everyone is insistent that it’s not Xavier. I’d say it was the Everwich Ghost, but the Everwich Ghost is a short, 12 year old boy, so… I’m really confused about that, to be honest. But it’s weird… If it were just Asher spotting a random figure that could be explained by Ash thinking someone was the Everwich Ghost when they’re just a normal person, but considering Emilia saw a figure that didn’t sound like ‘anyone she knows’, X saw a ‘tall figure’…
OH, how could I forget?! I’ve seen a tall figure too! When I was in the graveyard. It’s weird… I’m not going to go looking for them, though. That’d be an easy way to get killed, disappear, or get possessed. I’m dropping this investigation. Genuinely.
The next few weeks are a few sightings of this figure, and me getting obsessed with the caves. I worked it out, I was in there for over 12 hours. It… It didn’t feel like 12 hours… And nobody noticed… But that was partially because Emilia and Xavier were very much possessed, and so Ash and Rin were distracted… And I’m sure – almost positive – the caves changed layout when I was in there. I walked around the same corridor at least 10 times. It’s a maze on the map, but not that much. But that night, while I was in the caves, Emilia became lucid and tried to kill the spider, injuring herself in the process. She’s okay now, as we have confirmed. I’m not sure what changed, to be honest. But something did, and I’m glad it did.
From there onwards, I’ve got a lot of conclusive statements about what happened.
So… I guess that concludes the Secrets of Everwich. I’m really not going to make another episode, with the exception of an episode reading out Charles’ journal. I think you, dear listener, whoever you are, deserve it.
Goodbye, and  thank you for listening to these Secrets of Everwich. I hope you enjoyed.
[Radio static]
I’m- -orry… G-dby-.
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jkjones21 · 1 month
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The thing that I think we’re supposed to take from The Power Fantasy is that all six Superpowered Atomics are scary in unique ways. Etienne Lux is a Charles Xavier analogue who is unashamed to admit when he’s using his powers to control people and feels like he is always acting as ethically as possible. There are elements of him that remind me of Chidi Anagonye from The Good Place, but without any of the anxiety that leads to Chidi’s painful indecision. He’ll chill out at a sidewalk cafe and sip some coffee while committing mass murder for the greater good. Fascinating and terrifying.
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