#charles leclerc case study
maranello · 2 years
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adrienneleclerc · 4 months
The “Affair”
Pairing: Charles Leclerc x Hispanic/Latina Wife! Reader
Summary: After adopting 8 dogs, Charles tells his wife no more dogs. However, as a veterinarian working in an animal shelter, it’s very hard for Y/N to turn down a dog. So when she comes home with a puppy while Charles is away but tries to make it seem like she had an affair…getting a 9th dog doesn’t sound so bad, right?
Warning: the usual spelling and grammatical errors, probably a lot of inaccuracies
A/N: i love Salma Hayek and the story she tells about rescuing Ochoa is so funny.
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When Charles and Y/N first started dating when they were 20, he knew how much she loved dogs. The first time he went to her apartment, he saw her with two German shepherds.
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“Muñeco! Please meet Sirius and Nova.” Y/N said, walking up to Charles, the two dogs following her.
"When you told me you had dogs, I don’t know why, but I pictured you owning like a shih tzu or maybe a Maltese.” Charles admitted, observing the German shepherds who began sniffing him.
“Why? You think because I am Latina I must have a white crusty dog?” Y/N asked, acting all offended.
“No no no, of course not.” Charles responded scared that me might have offended his girlfriend.
“I’m teasing. No, I got them from the shelter. You know how I’m studying to become a vet? So right now I’m just a vet assistant at the shelter and when I walked in for my shift, these two dogs tried to get close to me, they would whine when I would leave the room, when I would take them outside for their walks, they would follow me, I had to adopt them. No one likes getting big dogs from the shelter, pero son tan lindos.” Y/N said, petting her dogs, the dogs were wagging their tails, enjoying the affection. Charles's heart melted. He always wanted his own dog and by the looks of it, he might get his wish with Y/N.
"How did you come up with the names?" Charles asked.
"Well obviously Sirius is named after Sirius Black from Harry Potter, and Nova to fit the space theme. Since they were picked up from the street without collars, we named them at the shelter." Y/N said. Charles leaned down to pet the dogs. Nova began licking his face while Sirius was still smelling him, you know what they say about a male dog being owned by a woman. After a few seconds, Sirius joined Nova in licking him, Charles was as happy as he can be.
"They are so friendly! Think I'll be able to stay the night?" Charles asked.
"I don't know, Char, you just joined F1, shouldn't you be training?" Y/N asked.
"I have a few days before the Monaco Grand Prix, do you want to come?" Charles asked.
"I don't know if I can leave Nova and Sirius alone." Y/N asked.
"It's only a few hours, please?" Charles asked with a pout and puppy dog eyes.
"Fine, I'll see if my neighbor can check in on them." Y/N said and her and Charles kissed.
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A year later, 2019, Charles joined Scuderia Ferrari and he was on his way to Y/N's apartment after he rested a day after the Suzuka Grand prix. He opened the door with the key she gave him and he heard barking.
"Nova, Sirius, its me, you know me." Charles entered the apartment, the two German Shepherds greeted him but he still heard barking. Thats when he saw a bulldog on the couch with Y/N. "Amour, you got another dog?" Charles asked.
"Charlie! This is Hiccup, i got him on Saturday." Y/N said, getting to hug her boyfriend. "Isn't he adorable? He has a lot of health problems because of this breeder, but he is the sweetest. Come meet him." Y/N said, holding Charles's hand to lead him to the couch, sitting next to Hiccup.
"Why did you name him Hiccup?" Charles asked.
"I was watching How To Train Your Dragon, he also had a case of the hiccups when i was...como se dice, revisando...checking him! Yeah, during his checkup, he was hiccupping." Y/N said. Charles pet the bulldog and the bulldog smiled, seemingly happy getting affection.
"He is very cute, but I don't think you'll have space for another dog, mon petit chou." Charles said.
"Hiccup wanted to be with me, he wouldn't let the other shelter workers walk him, just me, it was a sign, Charles." Y/N said.
"I'm sure it was." Charles said smiling. "I'm hungry, do you want to order something?"
"Can you manage ordering Chinese food? I have to give the dogs their bath." Y/N said.
"Sure, mon ange. Same as usual?" Charles asked.
"Yes please. Lets go guys, time for your bath." Y/N said and the dogs walked slowly behind her, not being a fan of baths.
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Another year later, December 2020, Charles and Y/N now live together in his penthouse apartment. One day, Charles went with Y/N to her job since he was on winter break.
"Charlie, can you check if Shaggy needs his bowl to be filled?" Y/N asked.
"Sure, amour." Charles said, He was walking through the shelter until he found the gate with the name 'Shaggy' and he saw a fluffy old English sheepdog. "Hello, Shaggy." Charles said hello to the dog and Shaggy started barking, wagging his tail. Charles went to the supply closet to get the bag of dog food, Y/n bought the brand that was specifically for this breed and pour the food in Shaggy's bowl.
"Shaggy looks very happy." Y/N said appearing next to him. Thats when Shaggy started whining and pawing at her through the gate. "Hi Shaggy, como está mi perrito consentido?" Y/N asked in the baby voice, Shaggy lies on his back, showing that he is ready to receive belly rubs. Charles just observes this interaction.
"Are you going to adopt him, mon ange?" Charles asked.
"I would love to adopt him, but it's your apartment." Y/N said.
"Mon ange, it is your apartment too, I asked you to move in with me, it is your apartment too. We can get him, think of it as a Christmas gift." Charles said and Y/N hugged him.
"Can you fill out the adoption papers? I need to check up on a few cats in the other room. Wish me luck." Y/N said.
"Did you take your allergy medicine?" Charles asked. Y/N shook her head no.
"Thats why i need luck." Y/N said. She went with the cats while Charles filled out the adoption papers for Shaggy, since most people in Monaco want small dogs and the other shelter workers know Charles is doing this for Y/N, the process was easy and they were able to take Shaggy home the same day. When they left Shaggy went with Y/N to buy things he needs while Charles went to buy food for the both of them. Charles got home first and he said hello to Nova, Sirius, and Hiccup, place his takeout on the kitchen counter, and refilled their food and water bowls. Charles washed his hands to serve himself good and that’s when Charles heard the door open and he saw Y/N with dog food, a dog bed, and some new toys.
“Mom Ange, I could have helped you.” Charles said, getting the bed from her and placing it on the living room. “Why does he need new toys?”
“It’s why I do for every dog, Charlie, they get new toys, they only share when they want to, it makes them feel important and that they have a permanent home.” Y/N explained to Charles. “Okay Shaggy, meet your brothers and sister.” Y/N let Shaggy off his leash and all the dogs began sniffing each other. After they got acquainted, they started playing with each other, even sharing some toys.
“Come on, mon coeur, your food will get cold, it’s time to eat.” Charles said and Y/N went to wash her hands after seeing the dogs are getting along great. She sat down to eat.
“Muñeco, do you ever think about getting a bigger place?” Y/N asked.
“Eventually, yes. That way we can raise our future children.” Charles said.
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2 years later, 2022, Charles and Y/N now have a huge villa on Monaco after they got married with enough room for their dogs to run around in the grass and a pool. In those 2 years, Y/N adopted 3 more dogs; a border collie, a Carin terrier mix, and an Australian shepherd. Charles was watching TV with their 7 dogs when the door opened and it revealed Y/N with a Euraiser dog, Charles stared at her and Y/N smiled.
“His name is Koda, his owner just abandoned him like straight up went to the shelter and dropped him off, no good reason, no toys for him specifically, nothing. Me dio cosa, Charlie, like you have no idea." Y/N said and since her eyes were tearing up, he got up to hug her.
“My love, I know you love dogs, and I love that about you, you have a big heart, but no more dogs.” Charles said, wiping her tears. Kids barked and Charles looked at him, Koda had his tongue out like he was smiling with his tail wagging. “Nice to meet you Koda, welcome to the family, meet your brothers and sisters.” Charles said. Koda ran to the other dogs. “Don’t be fooled by the size, Mickey is in charge.”
Koda was very happy with his new family. He was playing with Bailey and Bambi very politely using toys but full on wrestling with Sirius, he was very content. Mickey and Hiccup were just observing on their dog beds while Nova chewed on a treat.
“Promise me no more dogs, Y/N.” Charles said, cupping her face.
“I promise no more dogs, muñeco.” Y/N said.
And Y/N kept good on her promise, she was completely devoted to their 8 dogs, taking them to work sometimes for checkups, and it was all going well until.
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Present day, 2024, Y/N was checking a Saint Bernard as a full fledged Shelter Veterinarian.
“Rebecca, where did you get the Saint Bernard? It has worms and I’m afraid he was in the same transport van as the pitbull mixes, I need to check them too.” Y/N said, lowering the Saint Bernard and giving him an oral medication to deworm him.
“He was around Nice.” Rebecca answered.
“Interesting. Have the pitbulls been showing symptoms of having worms?” Y/N asked.
“They are relatively chill, I’ll check them right now though.” Rebecca said. Moments later, another employee named Freddie came in with a dog crate.
“You guys won’t believe what I just found by the docks.” Freddie said.
“Why were you by the docks?” Rebecca asked.
“No reason, but look at this.” Freddie entered the vet exams room with Rebecca and Y/N and opened the crate.
“Oh my god, that’s a pregnant yorkie, who would throw a pregnant dog on the streets?” Y/N asked, petting the yorkie. “Looks like she has fleas too.”
“I’ll take care of her, your shift is over. I’ll give you updates on the yorkie.” Rebecca said.
“Thanks, I’ll come in tomorrow.” Y/N said, she said goodbye to her coworkers and drove home.
When she got home, she saw all her dogs playing in the yard but as soon and they saw her, they stopped playing and ran towards her.
“Hola mis bebés!” Y/N exclaimed, petting every single dog. She got their leashes to take all of them out for a walk so they're not cooped up in one area, no matter how big it is. They walked around Monaco, some children wanted to pet the dogs, other people took photos or videos of Y/N walking the dogs, the dogs were very well behaved and nonreactive, Y/N couldn't be more grateful. She walked back home, let the dogs off their leash, and washed their paws before they stepped foot inside the house.
Charles was away for the Imola Grand Prix and he said he was going to call Y/N when she got out of work. Just like he said, Y/N's laptop started ringing, she washed her hands and answere the video call.
"Hola guapo! How's Imola?" Y/N asked.
"It's good, I'm tired of press, you know? Sometimes they ask the same questions and I can't deal with it." Charles said.
"I'm sorry, mi vida." Y/N said.
"It's fine, darling. How are the babies?" Charles asked.
"Very good, I went to that bakery where they make pastries for dogs and they loved it. I'm going to look up recipes so I can bake it for them. My babies deserve the best." Y/N said and Bambi jumped in her lap. "yes Bambi, you're my baby." Y/N saod, petting the Australian shepherd. "As a kid i always wanted one, their coloring is beautiful, and now i have one. I know we can't bring all the dogs to the Monaco Paddock, but do you think we can take Mickey?" Y/N asked.
"What happened to treating the dogs equally?" Charles asked.
"Then can we bring all of them? I want them to know where their dad works. I also really want them to meet Roscoe, we can just hang around, I'll keep them entertained, also who wouldnt want to see dogs before practice or qualifying? Like come on." Y/N said.
"Y/N.." Charles warned.
"Okay fine, our children won't see where you work, but it is unfair, they're going to be all alone in the house." Y/N said.
"Yeah, with a dog sitter who will feed and play with them, walk them, and the dogs have the entire property to run around. I bought the villas so you wouldn't have to worry about the dogs as much and you worry about the same." Charles said,
"I can't help it, they're innocent creatures." Y/N said, hugging Bambi tightly and Bambi liked her face. "Look at her Charles, no thoughts behind those eyes."
"Alright my dear, I have to go, I love you." Charles said.
"I love you too." Y/N said and hung up her FaceTime and thats when she got a call from Rebecca. "Hey Rebecca, whats up?"
"Hey, so the mama yorkie is about 8 weeks along in her pregnancy, she seems healthy, but I am going to give her a diet for pregnant dogs, make sure shes getting a lot of protein and calcium for the last week of her pregnancy to make sure the birth goes smoothly." Rebecca said.
"Thanks for everything, you are the best." Y/N said and hung up. She made her dinner, making a small dog safe version for them of course, what kind of owner would she be if she didn't?
A week later, it was the Monaco free practice 3 and qualifying session, she was in the paddock with Charles since he just finished the free practice.
"You did great, guapo, I'm positive you'll make pole." Y/N said, kissing him.
"Thanks, mon ange, I just really want to win my home race and i'll have a better shot of winning if i make pole." Charles said.
"And you will, baby." Y/N said. She felt her phone vibrate and saw Freddie was calling. "Freddie, what's going on?"
"The mom is going into labor, we need you here, please! I'm still just an assistant!" Freddie panicked.
"Alright I'm coming, did she start nesting in her kennel?" Y/N asked.
"She's arranging chew toys and blankets." Freddie said.
"Okay, try your best to get her into the whelping box, I'm on my way now." Y/N hung up. "I'm sorry, mi vida, I need to deliver puppies, good luck on qualifying." Y/N kissed him goodbye and ran to her car, drove off to the shelter, and went to Nani's kennel, where she was in stage 1 of labor. "How long has she been like this?"
"About 2 hours." Rebecca answered.
"Alright, we just have to wait a little while, she should start dilating in about 4 or 10 10 hours." Y/N said.
They waited those hours and Nani succesfully whelped 4 puppies, 3 boys and one girl. Y/N helped getting the puppies out of the amniotic saca and cut the umblical cord to make the processs easier for Nani. She cleaned and rubbed the puppies until she heard them cry out, once they cried, she put them near Nani. Now Nani was feeding the puppies.
"Alright team, in 8 weeks those puppies could be adopted. Hopefull the mom will be adopted as well. Goodnight, I'm going home." Y/N said goodbye to her coworkers and drove home.
Once home, Y/N saw Charles in the living room watching 101 Dalmations.
"Ma belle, how did the delivery go?" Charles asked, pausing the movie.
"The mom delivered 4 healthy puppies, I couldn't be happier. How was qualifying?" Y/N asked.
"I got pole." Charles said. Y/N screamed in excitement and hugged him.
"i am so proud of you, we should get ice cream or go out to eat, I am starving, i didn't eat." Y/N said.
"Then lets go out, ma belle, I'll go call to see if they can prepare something so it'll be ready when we get there, I'll wait for you to change." Charles said and Y/N kissed him.
"You are the best husband ever." Y/N said.
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8 weeks went by and in those 8 weeks, Y/N grew extremely close to Bubbles, the female puppy from Nani's litter. Right now, she was carrying Bubbles, comforting her after her first vaccine.
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"Rebecca, he is going to kill me." Y/N said.
"What makes you say that?" Rebecca asked.
"He literally told me that I couldn't get anymore dogs. What do you think he is going to say when he comes home from Hungary and sees her on my lap?" Y/N said, holding Bubble in front of Rebecca's face. Bubbles licked Rebecca's nose.
"Aww come on, who would be mad at a little yorkie?" Rebecca cooed. "Its not like you're bringing home a Saint Bernard, or a Rottweiler."
"Rottweilers are so cute, I would absolutely bring one home if i could." Y/N said.
"You just have to make it seem like getting a puppy isn't the worst thing in the world." Rebecca said, giving the other puppies Chip, Mikey, and Donnie, their first vaccines. Y/N started thinking.
"I got it! I'll make him believe i am having an affair." Y/N said.
"Y/N, that's a little crazy even for you." Rebecca said.
"But it's perfect! I just need to set it up perfectly. Today is Friday, right?" Y/N asked.
"Yeah, why?" Rebecca asked.
"I am not cruel enough to make him worry during the important race events like qualifying or the actual race, during free practice should be fine." Y/N said before she sent the text 'Call me tonight at 8, we need to talk' and she showed it to Rebecca.
"Good luck with that." Rebecca said. Y/N filled out the adoption papers for Bubbles and bought everything a puppy needed, she carried Bubble everywhere because until she has all her Parvo vaccines, she is not touching the ground. Bubbles was wrapped in a blanket and was brought home. When she entered the house, all the dogs came up to her.
"Hello everyone, we have a new member joining the family, her name is Bubbles, everyone, be gentle." Y/N said, emphasizing gentle. She lowered Bubbles a little so everyone had the chance to sniff her. They all went their separate ways. Y/N got a text from Charles. 'What do we need to talk about?' Y/N responded 'It is crucial to our marriage that we talk.' She wants to worry him a little. Y/N had already established and good feeding schedule with her, she just needs to adjust her potty spot. When she checked that this is the time she usually does her business in the shelter, she took her outside and let her pee on the patch of grass thats near the pool. When she was done, Bubbles trotted right to Y/N and Y/N picked her up, giving her little kisses. Thats when she heard her laptop ring.
"It's show time." Y/N said, placing Bubbles on the couch with her blanket. "Watch her." Y/N told Nova and Nova moved to the couch, keeping her eyes on the puppy. Y/N answered the FaceTime.
“Petit Chou, what’s wrong? What do we need to talk about? Can’t it wait until I’m home?” Charles asked.
“No no, I have to tell you know, the guilt is eating me alive.” Y/N said, getting teary eyed, if she wants Charles to believe she had an affair, she really has to sell it.
“Mon coeur, you can tell me anything, what happened?” Charles asked, sounding very worried.
“This isn’t easy for me to say, I love you so much, you have to know that, but my job has me very stressed, I feel like I don't have a life outside of work because you are always traveling and I work late sometimes, we are like two passing ships. Please, have mercy on me, understand where I am coming from, I get so lonely when you're not here.” Y/N finished saying and she covered her face, just waiting to hear Charles’s reaction.
“Please don’t tell me you got another dog.” Charles said and Y/N uncovered her face.
“How did you know I adopted another dog?” Y/N asked.
“My love, I know you, you would never cheat on me.” Charles said.
“I could have.” Y/N argued.
“You love me too much.” Charles argued back.
“You didn’t believe me?” Y/N asked.
“Not at all.” Charles said.
“Oh come on, that was phenomenal acting, I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Y/N said.
“I think you overdid it.” Charles said.
“Well i acted better than you did for that Shell commercial.” Y/N said.
“Forget about it, can i see the dog? Did you get a big one?” Charles said. Y/N moved off screen to pick up the yorkie.
“Actually she’s a little puppy, I named her Bubbles, apparently this awful person put her dog out on the street because she was pregnant so the mama yorkie was actually with us for a while, i supervised the birth, i was bonding with the mom and her litter, but i guess this one really liked me and she would seek me out. Isn’t she adorable?” Y/N said, putting Bubbles closer to the screen so Charles can see her in all her glory.
“She is adorable, can’t wait to meet her.” Charles said,
“Im so excited for you to meet her too! This is the first time we can raise a puppy together, i can take her with me to work for her vaccines, we need a lot of bonding time with her. I honesty hope the other yorkies get adopted though, they’re so cute! I would adopt them all if I could.” Y/N confessed.
“I know you would. Please let Bubble be the final dog, I really mean it this time, Y/N." Charles said.
"Okay, okay, i promised Bubbles will be our last dog...for now." Y/N said.
"Y/N!" Charles shouted.
"Okay okay, te lo juro juradito por las haditas that Bubbles will be our last dog." Y/N said.
"That's more like it." Charles said.
"So how was free parctice?" Y/N asked Charles, placing Bubbles on her lap, giving her a small chew toy since she's teething.
"Well what happened was..." Charles said.
The End
Hope y'all liked it! I know the buildup was VERY long but i wanted to show you how much Y/N loved dogs.
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sunny44 · 1 year
Pairing: Charles Leclerc x girlfriend!reader
Warning: none
Summary: Y/n is studying to be a fashion designer and for her final college project she has to design a collection of clothes, but after designing and making all the clothes she thinks it's not good enough so Charles does everything he can to make her believe that her work is wonderful.
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I was very nervous.
It was my last semester at college and I was doing my final project, which I thought would be easy since I only had to create a collection of clothes but it was harder than I thought.
I'd never had a problem finding my work beautiful and good but it seemed that nothing I was doing lately was good but after a while I got to the point where if I didn't start making the clothes I wouldn't be able to deliver them on time.
Luckily I have a wonderful boyfriend who as well is letting me use his body measures and didn't mind that the living room of his apartment was completely messed up with bits of thread and fabric lying all over the floor.
When I started this project, the first thing that came to mind was a collection of women's clothes as most of my class would do since it was the safest option, but since I like to take risks I ended up opting for men's clothes.
"Love, are you all right?" he asked after seeing me almost biting my finger off.
"Yeah, it's just that I don't think this is good enough."
"Y/n, you need to believe in yourself more. Your work is incredible and I'm really looking forward to seeing it."
I looked at him almost crying with happiness at having him on my side.
"Thank you, Charlie. I just want this collection to be perfect."
"There's no such thing as perfect, Y/n." he replied in a calm tone. "It's not because your collection doesn't suit one person that someone else won't like it too, there are different perspectives."
"I know, it's just that I'm very nervous." He sits down next to me on the floor and hugs me.
"I know and it's going to be okay, now show me how it's going."
I showed him the pieces and made a point of explaining the creative process and the inspiration behind each of the outfits.
"Babe, this is wonderful." Charles finally said. "I'm impressed and honored that I am your muse ."
"Are you really? Don't lie to me."
"And when have I ever lied to you?"
"Then trust me when I say it's wonderful."
I snuggled closer into his embrace and we sat there in the living room together while I hoped my project was as good as Charles says it is.
I walked into the college with the portfolio in my hand and Joris was pushing a trolley with four mannequins where the clothes were fitted.
"Oh my God." I turned desperately to him. "I forgot the photos of you wearing the clothes."
"No you didn't, they're with me." I breathed a sigh of relief and we went to the room where the presentations would take place.
"Well, the next work to be presented is Miss Y/n Y/L/N's." I got up on the small stage and positioned the mannequins.
"Good morning everyone, my name is Y/n and the inspiration behind my clothes is my boyfriend." They analyzed the clothes. "In case you didn't know, he's a driver and I used him as my inspiration because in the last two years of college he was the person who supported me the most, especially in this last project."
"I was inspired by Ferrari, which is the team he races for in F1 so I was inspired by that to create the collection." I said as the teacher leafed through the portfolio. "Well here are some pictures of the clothes on the model."
I clicked to show the pictures and sure enough they weren't the ones I was expecting, Charles was the model wearing all the clothes I had made.
"Nice model." My teacher says.
"Well, that wasn't the one I had chosen, but thank you." She smiles. "Well, these were the four final pieces I decided to make."
My colleagues stood up and walked over to the mannequins and began to analyze them.
"Well, I have to admit that in all the years I've been teaching I've never had someone who impressed me so much and who also got an A+."
"I got an A+?" She agreed and I heard applause coming from the classroom door and Charles was standing there smiling.
"Looks like we've got a visit from your model."
"That's my boyfriend actually."
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to intrude." He says and my girl colleagues almost drool over him.
"No problem darling, make yourself at home." She says and continues with the introductions while I go over to him.
"You didn't tell me you were going to model the clothes, I thought Joris was going to do that."
"I asked him not to tell you because I wanted to surprise you and also show you that I believe in you and that I will always support you the same way you support me." I smiled and kissed him.
"Let's watch the other works and then we can go out for lunch."
"Great." We sat and watched the rest of the presentations and I could finally breathe a sigh of relief after knowing that I had made it.
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Bonus scene!
Charlesleclerc instagram post
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Liked by @pierregasly, @yourusername, @pescaleleclerc and others 6273027
Charlesleclerc this is a few photos of the clothing collection that my girlfriend made for her final project in college. She is the most talented person I know and I’m so proud of her.
I love you babe and I can’t wait for you to dress me up again.
Tagged: Yourusername
Yourusername I love you so much baby and thank you for being the best boyfriend ever
Pierregasly wow, she make you look good
Charlesleclerc I always look good
Yourusername true
Scuderiaferrari I think we all agree that y/n needs to make the next year overall
Yourusername yesss please, let me do it
User08 I love them so much
User29 I need to know where I can buy her clothes
Yourusername instagram stories
This is my beautiful and hot boyfriend using the clothes that I’ve made inspired by him and his amazing team.
I just wanted to thank him for supporting and believing in me even when I didn’t believe in myself.
I love you so much Charlie ❤️
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writingshushf1 · 2 years
Does your mother know?
Summary: "Now you're so cute, I like your style And I know what you mean when you give me a flash of that smile"
When a new Ferrari driver crosses paths with the one and only Sebastian Vettel.
Rating: +18
Warnings: shameless smut, age gap, grief/mourning, slight mdom vibes, y/n being a brat, oral (f and m receiving), p in v (wrap it before you tap it!!!)
Word count: 4.8k
Note: more filthy fiction w/ seb! they have a 8/10 year age gap, if that bothers you- don’t read! 
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There's that look in your eyes I can read in your face that your feelings are driving you wild Ah, but girl, you're only a child
You were the new Ferrari driver. That was amazing, you weren't the first AFAB racing, yet the only one to get in a position as high as that, in a top team. Charles Leclerc was your teammate and you knew him before, you were good friends, you often went out with him and his younger brother, who was closer to your age. The pre-season tests in Bahrain happened, but you didn't talk to the other drivers, more out of insecurity and fear of someone judging you, you preferred to stay in your corner, studying about the car and its possibilities.
Thursday and the day went very well, just press conference day. You saw some drivers, said hello and introduced yourself, but nothing too big, because the focus was different.
Friday was the day. Free practice to test how ready the car was for your style of racing. You arrived early and had lunch alone at the Ferrari hospitality, waiting for the weather to get milder so you could do the paddock walk. When you decided to go, you found Sebastian Vettel doing the same, alone; as soon as he saw you, he started to slow down to keep the same pace. Initially, you preferred to stay silent, you didn't want to bother him anyway - and as you consider yourself an annoying person in general, it would be better to keep your mouth shut anyway. He probably noticed your insecurity-and in a way, fear-of starting a conversation, so he decided to start it.
"Welcome to Formula 1." He smiled and you couldn't deny it, he had his charm. "I've heard a lot about you."
"I hope it was only the good stuff."
"Of course, the newest Scuderia Ferrari driver, who has had an impressive year in Formula 2 and clearly a great contender to take the lead away from the Red Bulls. As well as being the youngest female driver to win that position."
"I'm not that young."
"But you're younger than me, that's for sure." He chuckled low, patting her on the shoulder twice.
"Like you're that old."
"Death is already knocking on my door." You couldn't hold back your laugh and he discreetly paid attention to your reaction, smiling. "Anyway, how are your expectations for the weekend?"
"Great. I hope... Actually, I will get on the podium on Sunday."
"Ambitious, that's what I find amazing about you younger drivers."
"Like you were not the same in your Red Bull days."
"So I've got a fan?" The suggestive tone in Sebastian's voice at that moment didn't arouse anything in you, in your opinion, he was just joining in the fun.
"How could I not? I always saw you as a role model. Especially with your more recent community work.... In fact, if you need someone one day, I'm a person who has a pretty free schedule."
"I'd love to. Mick usually joins me too. Have you met him? You two would become good friends."
"He was from the Ferrari academy, obviously! It's years since I've seen him properly."
You may have understood a pretext that he wanted to set you up with the younger Schumacher, but preferred to ignore - well, that wasn’t actually the case for the moment, he just treated the younger boy as one of his kids. You said your goodbyes, as soon began what you had been waiting for all day.
Practice had been great, the car was living up to your expectations, so the podium you were counting on would come out on Sunday and you could prove to everyone who doubted your ability that yes, you deserved to be among the best. You were radiant, the team director even asked if there was something wrong, since most of the time you remained serious, without smiles and ready to kill someone if necessary; it was as if you could be who you always wanted to be, it was a hard way and the criticism would never stop, but nothing could take away what you were feeling. Going back to your motorhome - since you preferred to spend the weekend there and not in a decent hotel - you saw Vettel walking with his head down, taking his bike and leaving; you thought about saying hello, but he didn't seem to be in a good mood and maybe he wanted to be without anyone in his ears babbling about random things
Meanwhile, on the way back to the hotel, the German's mind could only think of one thing: Ferrari's new driver. Sebastian was conflicted by the conversation with you during the walk, it was strange for him, seeing such a beautiful person and feeling that buzz in his stomach, something he hadn't felt for months. Since Hanna died , he had completely shut down; just thinking about her brought tears to his eyes, because it was hard to live alone after spending since your teenage years by the side of someone you loved, a person who built a family - that now, he juggled between leaving the kids with her family and yours, trying to see them whenever you had a break from racing and that action made you feel guilty, of them not having their father there when they needed him the most. The grief had consumed his body, the first months the only thing that got him out of bed were the race weekends, but with each defeat, his mind weighed more and more; months later, he finally decided to start therapy, he needed to be getting better mentally, he couldn't stay in this situation forever, for the kids, for the team and for everyone that counted on him; and it helped a little, the depression was easier to deal with, the days were lighter, even though the feeling was there. Even though the beaming smile was back around the Paddock and his volunteering to help the environment was back in full swing, it still wasn't enough to make him optimistic about living, even though two years had passed since the whole tragedy and sometimes Hanna's voice came in his head, telling him to move on. For that reason, seeing you walking beside him, smiling and being interested left him with this strange feeling, of a piece of the puzzle finally being found again. He quickly cleared that thought away, it wasn't what he was thinking at all, it was just a happiness to see a person like you on the track - and even if it was a little flare of romance, you were too young for him.
This grief stage wasn’t over, of course, even though he was in the last step: acceptance, although it still hurt deep in his heart and because of it, for a while he hadn’t made the best decisions for his life, however, that stayed only with him. Vettel didn’t open up about it with anyone for a while, friends would come and talk to him, but they only received nods and “I’m fine” type of responses, until the first anniversary of her death, during a Saturday post qualy, where he broke down during an interview and Mick took him back to his driver’s room, on that afternoon he blurted all his feelings out, all the shit he had done during this period, only for two people, Mick and Lewis. Nowadays, he still wasn’t 100% back on his feet again, however, he was trying his best and maybe, the new rookie had something to do with this new motivation.
Your first race was a success, as hard as it was, p3 came with a taste of victory. That night you chose not to go out and celebrate, you were too tired, because something they didn't tell you before was how the car would suck your energy - it was different to what you were used to in Formula 2.
The weeks and your next races were going well, lots of podiums and scoring zones, but still no wins. The situation of not having any wins yet was driving you crazy, no matter how flawless your performance was, the media was starting to get on your nerves with harsh criticism and you hated to admit it, but it annoyed you having to listen to this negativity while other drivers with cars with equal or better machinery than yours who are still winless were getting nothing but praise. The highlight of the week was on Saturday, after an accident during qualifying, you were in Q3 and ready to take your first pole position, but due to Norris braking hard during an 'S' corner in front of you, there was no time to slow down, your car hit the back of the number 4 McLaren, bringing both of them off track and subsequently causing your current times to be deleted and a red flag. You were angry with him and were ready to cuss him out, however after a rather lengthy conversation while your cars returned to the pits, he acknowledged his mistake and you worked it out; even though he admitted it in the post qualifying interviews, there were still allegations and questions about the possible crash being your fault, which made you so angry that he ended the interviews earlier than the others.
On Sunday, even if you started P9, you would do your best to win at Imola, it was a question of honour. You changed strategies with your team, talked to everyone and tried to be as assertive as possible, you knew that they had the ability to make this win happen. Nervousness was running inside you, it seemed that the world would end as soon as the lights turned off. The race was fine, already at the start you had already got p5, the tyre changes were in the time that you had stipulated with the team of what would be better and could hold the others until the end. In the last two laps you were less than a second behind first place, which at the moment was Max, and you wouldn't hesitate to pass him no matter what. Seconds before you crossed the win line, you accelerated the car harder than before, hearing the engine squelching, however it wasn't the moment to stop, not until you passed him; that's what happened, seeing the chequered flag in front of everyone else.
"P1, you are p1." Your response was just to shout back, he was very happy and didn't know what to say.
"P1 piccolina ! You did it." You heard your engineer say on the radio.
"And Charles?" Your voice was still euphoric, you wanted to know where your teammate was standing too.
The interviewers this time were kinder, with several people stopping you and congratulating you on the flawless race you had run. This time you deserved quite a party.
In these weeks you got closer to Vettel, he became a great friend and mentor. You admired him a lot, because he was always a great example and to be able to call him a friend was a privilege, so you didn't hesitate to go and bother him after the race, knocking on the door of his motor home - you knew that he hadn't gone back to the hotel yet, as he always warned you and offered you company on the way back.
"What's up?" his tone of voice was not the most welcoming, maybe he wanted to be alone, however the moment he opened the door and saw it was you, his expression lightened. "Oh, hi. What are you doing here? Do you need anything?"
"Um... So, I won the race..."
"I know... I gave you a hug right after." He cracked a smile, a little confused by the situation.
"Me and a few other drivers... Almost all of them actually, we're going out tonight, it's a nightclub.... I know it's not your style, but it's a celebration and I'd love for you to go." Your face was turning red, it was such a simple request, but you wanted to hide because of sudden shyness. "We reserved some tables near the smaller dance floor, because not everyone is a fan of dancing."
"Do I really need to?" He whined, grimacing and leaning against the stopper.
"Please... Make that sacrifice for me." You gave him the puppy dog look.
He looked at you for a few seconds, wondering whether or not it was really worth it to hang out with several young pilots in a nightclub. "Okay. For you, I'll go." He snapped, sighing loudly, and you gave the German a hug, squealing loudly.
"I'll give you the address! Wear something cool and that doesn't make you look like a middle-aged school teacher."
"Hey! That's an insult against my style."
It was almost 10 o'clock at night, you had just put on your high heels, finally ready; Charles was texting you five times a second, telling you to hurry or he would go alone and you would miss your ride.
When you arrived at the nightclub, you went quickly to the group where the other pilots were, greeting them and drinking your first shot of tequila to open the night properly. Half an hour later, from far away you saw curly blond hair entering the place and at the same moment you knew who it was: Sebastian; he arrived shyly, saying hello to everyone, getting close to you, who gave him a tight hug and a kiss on the cheek. You noticed that he took your advice about the outfit, this time wearing light brown jeans, a white tank top with a larger dark green short-sleeved button-up shirt and some black sneakers, but what took your breath away was his hair up in a loose bun with a few strands falling off. Maybe you checked him vigorously, but you could blame the alcohol.
"You're not sober." He commented, discreetly checking your look.
"And you won't be either," And then you handed him a bottle of beer - because you knew he liked it.
Sebastian felt guilty that he was checking your body every five minutes, a conscious voice in his head screamed that you were too young for him, too innocent - I mean, not so innocent, but that made him even more curious. His thoughts were dissipated when he saw you turning a shot of some coloured liquid, paying more attention on what you were going to do or react, his protective instinct was above the desire of wanting you; he didn't comment anything, just watched, disassociating a little bit of reality, having again that little voice that he didn't fit with the others there, that he was too old for this generation.
A few more shots and drinks in, your body already felt lighter. You were chatting with Gasly and Ricciardo, until they came up with the idea of everyone hitting the dance floor - even if most of them weren't the best dancers or didn’t like to, however, when all of them are at least tipsy, they don’t even think before abandoning the tables to go. Vettel hesitated to go with them, so you patted Daniel on the back and said you would be dancing in a few minutes.
“Hey… Don’t you wanna go with us?” You put your hand on his shoulder, looking at him.
“I don’t feel like dancing.” He didn’t look back at you, something was wrong.
“Is something bothering you? You can go if you’re not feeling good here.” Maybe it was the drunk you, but you placed your hand in his neck, making him look at you. “I’m not gonna be upset if you leave. We talked, drinked and it’s okay if you want to go.”
He was hesitating, he didn't know whether to leave or stay there, moments like that were hard; Sebastian was never someone so social, of course in his Red Bull years he partied a lot, but it was never his favourite thing to do. The German looked around and then deposited his eyes on you, still conflicted with all his thoughts running through his head. His biggest dilemma at the moment was about the Ferrari driver, whether he would stay for her, dance along and have fun, finally let go and be able to live a little, move on, on the other hand, this feeling of leaving the past behind was overwhelming. He stood for a few more seconds thinking, while you waited; "what could possibly go wrong?", "what am I being so afraid of?", "why couldn't I make out a little?" , then he sighed low, grabbed another bottle of beer and cracked a smile.
"Let's go to the dance floor." He held her hand. "I can't keep living like this."
"Like what?" Tu asked, not sure what exactly he was talking about.
"Grieving." You didn't know how to answer, for a moment you had forgotten he was a widower, so you just guided him into the huddle of people, squeezing his hand.
You started to dance, letting your body free, it was nice to be able to move to the beat without someone being able to judge you. Daniel came over with two shots of vodka for you, you drank them both quickly and giggled quietly, watching him do the same. This time, the drink hit a little harder, starting to feel the effects of the alcohol more and more. As a result, your movements were dirtier, rolling your hips on your own while your friends were glued to unknown girls or dancing shamefully while drinking. Meanwhile Vettel was trying to dance with the younger drivers, but he felt out of place, he wasn't as young as them anymore, so after a while he started to walk past people to walk back to the table, but he caught your eye first.
"Stay dancing here with me." You held his arm, pulling him closer.
"Are you sure? Because… I can see what you want, but you seem pretty young to be searching for that kind of fun… So maybe I'm not the one to be dancing, call Mick or Charles.
“Stop with this no sense!” You blurted the words, laughing. “Just follow the rhythm, look."
Chloe's song 'Have mercy' started playing and you cracked a smile, starting to move your body slowly, maybe you weren't noticing, but it was in a sexy way that turned Sebastian red, looking sideways until you put your arms around his neck, catching his attention.
"Keep moving with me." He placed his hands on your waist, slowly getting more into the rhythm.
You both forgot about the world around you, dancing just for each other, with your bodies glued together and embarrassed smiles as you tried to keep in rhythm until the song ended. He pulled away a little, brushing a few strands of hair out of his face. “Montero” by Lil Nas X started playing and you cracked a big smile, turning your back to him and letting the older pilot's hands on your waist, rolling your hips against him. It took a few instants before he understood and got into the rhythm, loosening up and starting to have fun with you.
“Does your mother know you dance to older men like that?” He whispered, travelling his hands around your body.
What had happened after, was that you had spent it together, drinking even more and dancing more overtly, which the others noticed-especially Daniel and Charles, who were closer to you, but they would let the matter die. The point of leaving was when the blonde was really wanting to kiss you, but the last shred of notion he had showed.
"Let's go to the hotel." He muttered, with his accent stronger than usual.
You didn't even say goodbye to anyone, you just hailed a taxi and went to his hotel, arriving there and making sure no one saw you together. When you entered the room, he quickly locked the door and came close to you, passing his hands around your waist.
"I hope I didn't get the wrong signals." He then brought your face closer against his, initiating a sloppy kiss that you reciprocated at the same moment, slipping your arms around his shoulders and your hands stopping at his neck, caressing the spot. His tongue was already going against yours in a desperate rhythm, like he waited all night to be with you; when you broke it off to breathe, you looked at him, worried.
“Is it okay? To be kissing… I know you…” You started, but he put his finger on your lips.
“It’s okay… Let’s focus on us.”
So you kissed him again, this time with more urgency than before, allowing yourself to run your hands down his back, gripping the fabric of his button-down shirt. He broke the kiss this time, looking into your face for a few seconds, admiring you, before he started trailing kisses from the back of your ear to the collar of your dress, sucking and licking a few specific spots, which made you whimper with pleasure.
"Can I continue?" He asked as he touched the zip of your dress.
"You don't have to be so gentle, Seb."
"But you deserve it."
"And I say... You can be rough with me, I know you like it." You cracked a smile, disentangling yourself from him and sitting on the bed.
He looked at her for a few seconds, biting his lower lip before he started to move closer, standing between your legs.
“Oh… Since you like to be dominated…” His face got closer to yours where you could smell his breath, but didn’t kiss you. “Strip for me. Now.” He backed off, crossing his arms.
So this was a game and you would follow his rules, with a little bit of a twist. Slowly, you started taking away your high heels, then your panties that you put in his trouser pocket, with only a part of the red lace sticking out and finally you took your red lace bra off, putting it on the ground. Now, you were only wearing your tight black dress with your legs a little bit open while you waited for his response.
“The dress.”
“I want to keep it on.”
“I don’t remember you being in charge.” He whispered, holding your face with one hand. However, when he saw you like that, his body liked it for sure. “You can keep it on, but don’t disobey me again, okay baby?” You nodded.
He started to kiss your neck again, being rougher than before, biting and leaving marks you would regret in the next morning. Meanwhile, his hands were travelling around your body until they stayed at your breasts, pulling down the fabric just for them to pop out; Vettel looked a few seconds at your boobs, before starting to suck one and pinching the other nipple harshly. You moaned his name repeatedly, feeling your core dripping wet from the attention he gave to both of your breasts. Suddenly he stopped, earning a whine from you.
“Wait up, baby…” He backed off, getting on his knees on the floor - you never thought a man could look this hot on their knees.
He opened your legs, starting to kiss every single inch of your thighs in a provocative way and you just whined in the process, because you wanted him tasting you. “What?” He stopped, looking at you, the vision of a messy haired Vettel between your legs made you moan and throw your head back. “I need you to use your words.” As much as you wanted to say, nothing would come out, it was overwhelmingly good to just have that moment. “Lieb, use your words, I’m not going to say again.”
“I want you to taste me.” He looked at you, cracking up a smile.
Then he lowered his head again, leaving a few more kisses, especially on top of your core. The German’s tongue started to move around your clit, moving it in a tortuous pacing so you could feel every move of his; at the beginning you were already chanting his name, putting a hand on top of his head, holding his golden curls around your fingers. Unexpectedly he put two fingers inside you, moving in a quicker rhythm and curling the tips just a little bit, hitting that sweet spot of yours. What made you orgasm for the first time was that besides his fingers working it up inside you, he started to suck gently your clit - you were moaning incoherent words when you hit your climax. Looking at him when he lifted his face towards you with a smile, licking his lips made you let out a wimp, quickly pulling him up and you getting on your knees.
You kept looking at him while you undid his belt and pulled his trousers to the floor, however, his hard-looking dick with leaking pre-cum inside his boxers called more your attention. Slowly, you reached the bar of his underwear, pulling it down and seeing it; you looked up at him before he nodded so you could do what you wanted for a while. You let your tongue pass through his tip, focusing a bit on there, hearing him hold back moan. In one go, you had put his dick in your mouth, feeling it hit your throat, starting it to quickly bob up and down, finally hearing him groaning in pleasure. His hand reached your hair, guiding your head to go slower than you were. “I won’t last long… You’re too good for me.”
You pulled back, looking at him. “Then I want you to finish inside me.”
He smiled at your cockiness, taking the rest of his outfit and laying you on the bed, while he grabbed the condom and the lube.
“Do we have to use it?” You whined.
“Maybe next time we don’t.” He whispered, covering two fingers in lube and pushing them inside you. Him inside you like that made you whimper, looking at him.
“Please, just fuck me.”
“Patience, honey… I don’t want you to feel pain.”
He quickly slid on the condom and spread your legs to his sides, now getting even closer and placing his hands on your sides.
You nodded, then he adjusted his dick in your entrance, moving in slowly until all of him was inside of you. Sebastian left little kisses up your neck when he saw you closing your eyes, trying to get used to the feeling, only starting to move when you gave him the signal to.
Your walls were clenching around him as he started to pick up his pace, going faster every thrust - this was near pornographic, you were both moaning each others name, fixing your gaze on each other. You could feel every single inch of him inside you going and your climax getting closer, letting your moans even louder - if that was possible. Then Vettel lowered one of his hands, starting to do circles around your clit with two fingers, which made you come for the second time of the night. The blonde wasn’t that far from reaching his either, his thrusts were more erratic and soon he groaned your name close to your ear, laying on top of you.
“That was… Wow.” You whispered, running your fingers along his back.
“Yeah, wow.” He kissed your cheek, slowly disconnecting both of your bodies, which made both of you groan with the sensation. He took off the condom, throwing away  “Let’s take a shower before we go to sleep.”
“How clever, staying the night.” You got up, wrapping your arms around him.
After you took a warm shower together - that could have been shorter if you didn’t kept kissing and caressing each other, you two laid on his bed. You were wearing one of his old Ferrari t-shirts and he was only in his boxers, drinking wine - that he already had, from the bottle.
“I always had a crush on you…” You whispered, trailing his abdomen with your fingers. “Teenage me would be very happy, especially that she used to shamefully read smut about you on the internet.”
“Oh, wow… So I have always been your target?” He joked, running his hand up and down your thigh.
“Don’t say it like that! It’s just… You’re too hot to not check out.”
“So I’m winning from younger drivers, with more energy to keep you up all night?” He was still being playful, grabbing your ass and squeezing it.
“Well… You just fucked me and looks like would go for a second round.” You lowered your hand to his boxers. “Besides, I like more mature men, who know how to make me feel good.”
He was at a loss of words, your words had left him red in the face and his classic smile. He placed the wine on the bedside table and pulled your body up, starting to kiss you again.
That night, you still did it two more times, enjoying every second together.
Maybe it was wrong and you would regret in the morning everything you had done together, especially for your reputations within the sport, but that moment was about enjoying what life had to offer you.
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smicksstuff · 1 year
maman said: “the best people in life are the ones who loved you when you werent very lovable”. yn finally understood what that meant.
The PitBox Crew Series
Power, Beauty and Soul
(f1drivers x yngasly)
a/n: sorry for the long wait! hope you like it 😆
30 April 2023
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liked by lance_stroll, pierregasly, charles_leclerc and 892, 672 others
yngasly little miss watching cars go around in odd circles every weekend
view 802 comments
lance_stroll 🤍
pierregasly seeing you every week? what the heck did i sign up for !
yngasly no getting rid of me now 🤗
username2 how rich is this girl? she is at every race so far!!
yngaslyfans her brother races every week, she goes with him
username2 oh, where do i sign up to be gasly sibling too
yngaslyfans ive been asking the same questions
carlossainz55 chiquita why are you studying in baku?
yngasly because i have schoool 😭
landonorris so it wasnt an excuse when you said you were busy studying?
yngasly yes lando, it wasnt an excuse 😐
arthur_leclerc ❤️❤️❤️
lancestrollfc lance comments hearts and he gets a feature in the post? hmmm is this our mystery girl?
lancelot i would love if she is
username4 lance can do better, no way his dad will approve of her.
astonmartinfc if she is the mystery girl, it will be the best couple on the grid.
norris4 im still rooting for her and lando tho! they are so cute tgt!!!
scuderiagasly yn studying during the race weekend? new studying aesthetic unlocked!
user5 @yngasly what are you studying?
yngasly im currently wrapping up my final year at the University of Buckingham. Im studying Marketing and Media Communications. All my classes are online, hence me being able to travel with my brother to races ! 👍🏼
user5 holy crap she actually replied!! thats so cool!! all the best for your final year!!
liked by yngasly and 202 others
scuderiagasly omg does that mean you are gonna work in paddock after you graduate??
yngasly 🤷🏼‍♀️
olliebearman paddock bestie 🧸
liked by yngasly and 8,930 others
arthur_leclerc hey dont steal my bestie
1 May 2023
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liked by scuderiagasly, yngaslyfc and 9,048 others
f1wags Have we cracked the case? Is our mystery Coachella girl from Lance Stroll's instagram story the one and only Yn Gasly?
Since the beginning of the season, Yn Gasly has been rumored to be linked with McLaren's Superstar Lando Norris or Ferrari's Star Boy Charles Leclerc. Since then, another hotshot driver was added to the mix; the Pride of Aston Martin F1 Team, Lance Stroll.
Since the Australian GP, Yn has been seen out and about Monaco with friends and family and she also attended Coachella in California bumping into Lewis Hamilton. Lance Stroll on the other hand was also spotted at Coachella after soft launching his girlfriend on Instagram Story. Right before, he was on a date night in Monaco.
The timelines match up, is Yn Gasly the new girlfriend of Lance Stroll? What are your thoughts?
view 9,103 comments
scuderiagasly TEAM LANCE
liked by 7,890 others
sirlancelot its definitely Lance! Maybe im being delulu but i really want them together!
lancestrollies Lance and Yn as a couple ??? They are gonna be so cute!!
strollygirls PLS BE TGT!
norris4 TEAM LANDO
liked by 7,624 others
landino Yn and Lando are literally carbon copies of each other!
norris4life match made in heaven
mookiesquad this is just giving me Best Friends Brother Vibes
liked by scottyjames31 and 890 others
strollyfamily OMG YES!
astonmartini is this confirmation that it is LANCE and we are not simply being delulu???
cowboyric if this is true and Lance is dating Yn, it wont be the first time Scotty leaked information about Lance!
2 May 2023
charles_leclerc and pierregasly added to their story
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9 May 2023
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liked by pierregasly, lance_stroll, danielricciardo and 927, 902 others
yngasly Miami Dreams 🌴❤️
view 9830 comments
pierregasly Best Hotlaps ever!!! 🏎️
yngasly NEVER AGAIN ! its like you wanted to kill me!!!
francisca.cgomes the look on your face when you came back 😂
yngasly it was the best and worst experience of my life
alpinef1team can we do it again but this time we record it 🥺
yngasly yes we can i will do it with esteban or jack not my brother.
frenchies OMG do hotlaps with YN and let all 3 drivers take turns
liked by jackdoohan, pierregasly and 8,902 others
maxverstappen1 i finally made to Yn's Race Weekend Recap!! 🏆
yngasly what are you talking about i have posted you here before
maxverstappen1 really? since when?
danielricciardo double trouble back in the paddock 👊🏼
yngasly they dont know whats coming for them
heidiberger_ yall are such kids
yngasly you love us too much
heidiberger_ thats also very true
lance_stroll missed having you in the garage! come back soon!
liked by 7901 others
yngasly definitely will be back soon 😙
sirlancelot 💚💚💚
lilymhe my wife ❤️‍🔥
liked by 788 others
yngasly loml ❤️‍🔥
alex_albon im right here guys 👀
10 May 2023
chloestroll and heidiberger_ added to their story
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14 May 2023
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liked by chloestroll, scottyjames31, lance_stroll and 1, 902, 587 others
yngasly F1 Royal Wedding of the century ❤️
view 31,723 comments
pierregasly Bellissimo ❤️ congrats scotty and chloe !!
liked by scottyjames31 and 728 others
lance_stroll ❤️
liked by 1,463 others
landonorris looking good bestie!!! 🤍
liked by yngasly and 578 others
liked by scottyjames31 and 7,234 others
danielricciardo who took those pictures??? they are amazing
yngasly the wedding photographer was amazing
lance_stroll 100% committed to the job. made sure to capture every moment, even in the bathrooms
danielricciardo hey its an in-thing to take mirror selfies in the toilet
lance_stroll true, got to admit that was the best picture
riccc3 can someone pls post the mirror selfie
chloestroll maid of honour understood the assignment!
scottyjames31 when i got married i never thought that i would have to take care of a kid as well
yngasly chloe is pregnant????????? CHLOEEEE???
yngasly oh my bad,, hehe yea we are a package deal 😙
chloestroll @scottyjames31 we discussed this babe, my mini me is always included
scottyjames31 geez okay! go hang out with your racer boyfriend mini me! its my honeymoon time 😎
yngasly what racer boyfriend?
pierregasly @scottyjames31 3...2...1... SCOTTY REALISES THIS IS YOUR MAIN
scottyjames31 fuck me! not again!! 😩😳
sirlancee racer boyfriend???? which one ?
16 May 2023
Venice, Italy
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liked by yngasly, pierregasly, landonorris and 2,494,933 others
lance_stroll Us? I like the sound of that ❤️
view 100 comments
yngasly mon amore ❤️
liked by lance_stroll and 9,028 others
pierregasly if anything happens you know whats coming
lance_stroll yes ofcourse!
yngaslyfc am i the only one dying to know what the pep talk was ?
scuderiagasly pls i wanna know too!
charles_leclerc she may be yours but she will still wear ferrari 👍🏼
pierregasly HEY WHAT
landonorris WHO AGREED TO THAT?
carlossainz55 ferrari 55 merch 👍🏽 🌶️
lance_stroll 99% Aston Martin 1% the rest of you 😎
yngasly maybe i like motogp now 🏍️
chloestroll MY BEST FRIEND AND MY BROTHER !!!!! ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥
liked by yngasly, lance_stroll and 1,383 others
sirlancee i just wanna know chloe's reaction to this
yngasly stuck with me forever now ♾️
chloestroll im not complaining! i love this ❤️
scottyjames31 you are welcome ?
lance_stroll thin ice scotty 🧊
scottyjames31 you still love me tho
lance_stroll we will see about that
gaslystroll scotty is an absolute matchmaker
ln4 and we all thought it was lando who couldnt keep a secret
teamlance THEY ARE SO CUTEE!!!!
comments have been limited
daniel3.jpg added to their story
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taglist: @fangirlika @threedalla @sticksdoesart @ophcelia @gothicwidowsworld @nmw-am @h0e-xoxo @inthestars-underthesun @tyna-19 @champomiel @pitconfirmbutton @clcspeonies @67-angelofthelordme-67 @xcharlottemikaelsonx @fulla02 @mehrmonga @myescapefromthislife @deviltsunoda @lithiscool @bat-shark-repellant @harrysdimple05 @majx00 @baw-sixteen
credits: all pictures found on pinterest and instagram.
a/n: thank you for reading this far!! if you have any suggestions send them to me! i would love to include them in the next chapter!!
if you would liked to be tagged in new chapters, comment your username below 👇😗
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amnesique · 1 year
the way i am — charles leclerc
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pairing: charles leclerc x reader
summary: after a few months of dating charles leclerc, he still hadn't made the relationship public yet, but talking about this can lead to something more in just a few moments. because, let's be serious, charles looks too fine in any situations, even when you are supposed to be mad at him.
warnings: SMUT (18+, minors dni!), dirty talk, semi-public sex, unprotected sex, google translated french, angst, not proofread.
many would've like to be in your place, not to be able to take their hands and lips off the famous charles leclerc, one of the racing drivers in the formula 1, who is part of the ferrari team, but they couldn't imagine what it actually was like to feel like being a secret.
you were together with charles already for a few months, after the relationship of friends with benefits led to a relationship in the true sense of the word. although many of his real fans suspected the closeness between you for what it really was, you two were still pretending to be just acquaintances, maybe even friends, but in no case boyfriend and girlfriend.
you were in charles' drivers room, sitting on his couch and running your fingers through his hair, with your mind being elsewhere as the race he was about to participate in approached.
it took a while for him to notice your strange stillness, being too preoccupied with your touch, the way you ran your fingers through his strands of hair calming down his nerves.
as others would say, the calm before the storm.
"hey," he whispered softly to you, standing up a little and taking your hand that was running through his hair into his own hand, stopping it in place and giving it a light squeeze. but you still had your gaze fixed on some point in the room. "mon nana?" he tried once more to get your attention, referring to you in french as his girl.
and then he had succeeded.
you looked at them with a troubled look, and he got up completely from your lap to take the seat next to you so that he can look at you better.
he lifted your head towards him, using his finger under your chin to study your gaze. "a penny for your thoughts, mon nana?" he asked you in a soft tone that would have transformed you into gelatin, if you were less distracted.
you gave him a weak smile, but pulled back slightly from his touch causing him to become lost in thought as well, thinking he had done something wrong. but you just couldn't stay serious and tell him what it was affecting you if you were to feel his touch on you and be so close to his lips.
"quoi?" he asked, eyes wide and lips parted. he looked like a lost puppy, but you had to stop yourself from thinking about it.
you cleared your throat, ignoring the lust you felt every time it was just the two of you, this close, in a room.
"do you know we've been together for a good few months already?" you asked and he nodded, waiting for you to continue. “ok, so,” you said and looked towards the door to stop thinking about how his eyes seemed to see right through you, "i don't like that we're not public yet."
"you know that i'm thinking about what's good for you and that's why i'm in no rush to make it public?" he said and placed his fingers on your chin again to make you stop looking away from him. "right?" he insisted, bringing his forehead to yours to be even closer to you, if that was possible.
you placed your hand on his cheek and sighed, "do you really have my best interests in mind when you let your fans think you're single?"
"what do you mean?"
you wanted to roll your eyes, but you resisted. somehow you also managed to resist the temptation to screw up the conversation and to get on him and kiss him because no matter how much that man tempted you, that discussion was necessary. if maybe not for him, then definitely it was for you. but you wanted to believe that it was actually beneficial for both of you.
"you give me the impression that you like the world, especially the girls, to think of you as a bachelor."
it was time for him to be the one to retire and for your hands to fall by your side, you being caught off guard by the change in the atmosphere between the two of you.
"are you for real right now?" he said, with a fake smile and revealing his dimples, at which point you squeezed your thighs together.
you nodded.
"you really think i'd want to flirt with quelques filles au hasard, when i could have you whenever i want to?"
his choice of words weren't the best and you rolled your eyes as he ran his tongue over his teeth.
"whenever you want to?" you repeated after him, feeling hurt by his words. "and when you don't want me, what? then i remain nobody's or can i also find a fan that i can pull him into a hug and tell him that he makes my day better and that—"
"i didn't say that,” he cut you off.
"but you don't deny it that you were the one who hugged her," you draw the conclusion to his words, with an insincere smile on your lips.
"yeah, and?" he continued and shrugged. "people like us always hug their fans when they see them, not just the female ones."
"today you hug her, tomorrow you take advantage of the fact that she has no idea about me, and kiss her or who knows what else you do," you waved your hands in the air, avoiding looking at him.
you were exaggerating, and you were aware of it. but at the end of the day, you were once just a fan and you ended up with him. so, how could you know that the one who would come after you, if god forbid you were ever to break up, would be the same, one of his fans?
you let your insecurities get to you, because time was passing by and he didn't seem to be in a hurry to make the announcement.
"is it me or are you accusing me of possibly cheating on you?” he said straightening his posture and you gulped as you looked back at him.
"that's not how i said it," you defended yourself, pulling your hair back because you felt suffocated by it, but at the same time, exposing your neck.
"maybe not, amour," he started and running his hand through his hair in frustration, he was in front of you in seconds, dominating you with the height difference, "but that's what i got,” he continued, in a whisper, being very close to your ear and placing one leg between your legs to support his weight on the edge of the couch.
you started breathing harder and felt yourself clenching over nothing, longing for more.
"still, that's not what i said,” you let the words roll off your lips just before he moved down from your ear to your neck, biting lightly and running his tongue over the spot right after, in order to make a weak whimper to accompany the previous words.
“shh,” he silenced you, as he slid a hand between your bodies so he could reach the dangerous area between your legs, while leaning against the wall behind you with his free hand. "let me make you forget about all the girls who want me and show you that you're the only one i want."
if before you compared him to a puppy, now you looked like a fish, mouth agape, yearning for his lips to be pressed against yours and at the same time, trying to breathe some air without inhaling his perfume, which it would've driven you even more crazy.
"qu'est ce qui ne va pas, mon amour?" he continued teasingly, asking you in his native language what was wrong as he wrapped his hand around your right thigh, knowing damn well the effect it would've on you. "hmm?" he insisted as he saw he wasn't getting a response from you and he looked up at you, a grin immediately appearing on his face.
and you wished the dimples in his cheeks would swallow you up, feeling how your cheeks unashamedly put on display for him the way your whole body was on fire, to have stopped you from turning on the side of you that was a whore for your boyfriend only.
but that wasn't possible, so you pulled him down towards you by his neck, taking what you wanted yourself and suddenly pressing your lips to his, and his hands that had stopped on your thigh was approaching much too slowly the area that longed for him. and because you wanted to end the teasing, you pushed him with your hands into his chest, causing his back to hit the sofa, being caught off guard.
"look at me, pretty boy, you're going to give me what i want now, or i'm going to leave you to deal with the problem growing in your pants on your own," you said as you placed a foot on each hair of his waist and you leaned over him, illegally close to his lips, without touching them. "tic-tac, your time left until the race is getting shorter and shorter,” you said and kissed him chastely on the corner of his lips.
his eyes had darkened, wanting you now even more than he did before. still, it didn't take long for charles' response to appear, "oui, m'dame," as he was rushing to flip you over so he can have you under him for a second time that day and to kiss your neck, while also helping you out of your underwear as you helped him undo his pants as quickly as possible.
the clothes disappeared in seconds and your lips continued to melt together, as if you were one step away from eating each other, lighting a fierce fire between you, which was fueled by the friction between your bodies. the next second, he's inside you, but only for a few seconds, before he pulls out almost completely and enters you again, with much more force, making the both of you let out sounds of pleasure.
you wrapped your thighs around his waist, feeling him so much better from that angle and wishing you could just do it non-stop at how good it felt to be connected on that level. his movements had become more and more unpatient, his pace being fast and turning you into a moaning mess.
his lips were everywhere and nowhere, leaving his mark all over your body with kisses and bites.
"tu te débrouilles si bien pour moi, mon amour," charles let you know what a good job you were doing for him as he moved his hands down between your bodies again, not slowing down the pace, to make quick circular motions over your clit. at the first touch, you arched your back, moaning out his name out of habit and grabbing the edge of the couch, only for you to continue to push yourself towards his hand, running after your release. "tu me fais me sentir trop bien, rayon de soleil, squeezing me just the way i need it."
his words, combined with his movements, made you feel like you were on a cloud nine and you couldn't get enough of all the pleasure that was taking place in your body, even if you didn't understand the french language that well.
"I'm—," you opened your mouth to let him know you were close, but the way you were tightening around him had already let him know.
"je sais," he struggled to say, being slightly overwhelmed by the situation, "you can let go, let yourself cum on my cock."
and when he felt that wave of pleasure exploding inside you and taking over your whole body, putting out the flames, and saw you rolling your eyes and biting your bottom lip, he finished inside your, continuing to pound slower for a few times, helping you come down from your high.
your breathing was still uneven, as his head fell into the hollow of your neck, placing soft kisses along it and making you chuckle weakly, even if you were feeling drained of strength.
"leclerc, the race starts in less than 20 minutes! get out of there!" came the voice of one of the staff from behind the door and you could only hope no one heard you while doing it.
charles rolled his eyes, and you put your hand over your mouth, trying not to laugh. "i'll be there in 3!" he yelled back, but instead he kissed your neck once more making you chuckle once again.
then he sighed and pulled out of you, "i gotta go," he announced you what was already obvious, kissing your forehead. "i hope you make sure you're going to be there, calling my name almost as loud as you call it in bed."
as much as you wanted to pull him back on top of you, his ego made you roll your eyes amused and get up on your elbows to watch him rise and he change from his usual clothes to the suit he uses on the racetrack. "can't promise anything."
he laughed weakly, revealing his dimples and as he reached to put his hand on the doorknob to leave the room, leaving you to meditate a little more on the situation, until you made your own exit.
throughout the course of the race, you shouted as he had told you, even though you knew he wouldn't hear you from inside the car, and you were as happy as a little kid when the race ended, and he was coming in second place.
with a smile on his lips that would've softened any heart, he made his way through the interviewers who were eager to interview him, leaving them to wait, and came straight to the part where you were. he beckoned you to come towards him, and you executed it with delight, forgetting about everything, every promise. so you made your way among the people to get in front of him and moment he pulled you into a kiss surprised you.
when he pulled back from the kiss, with a satisfied smile he noticed that you were wearing a handmade t-shirt with his number on it and leaned into your ear, "you look so good with my number on you that i'm so tempted to just fuck all and come take care of you for second time today," then he stepped back with a proud smile, leaving you with your red cheeks burning as if you had a fever.
and leaving the fans to speculate what he whispered to you, and how lucky they thought you were.
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penaltyboxboxbox · 1 year
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Carlos Sainz and Charles Leclerc photographed during the weekend of the 2023 Belgian Grand Prix / Lyrics from Blasphémie by Soko / Subtitle from "Truth of Dare with Ferrari" / "Three Sections of a Diseased Brain, Numbered for Key" Lithograph by Batelli after Fernando Ferrari, Italy, 1843 / Article Headline from GP Fans / The Tragedie of Macbeth by William Shakespeare / Charles Leclerc and Carlos Sainz during qualifying, July 2, 2022, Photographed by Peter J Fox / Quote from Carlos Sainz, February 10, 2022 / Ray Bans Print Advertisement, 1970's / Charles Leclerc Congratulates Carlos Sainz after the F1 Silverstone Grand Prix, July 3, 2022, Photographed by Rudy Carezzevoli / Excerpt from "Love (and Hate) with the Proper Stranger: Affective Honesty and Enactment: A Study of Relational Sensibility Case Presentation and Commentaries" Edited by Estelle Shane / Quote from Charles Leclerc, July 28, 2023 / "The Kiss of Judas" Wooden Miniature, 16th Century, Germany / Subtitles from "2022 C2 Challenge | The Pasta Challenge with Charles Leclerc and Carlos Sainz" / Lyrics from Send Nudes by Rare DM / Race Winner Charles Leclerc and Second Place Carlos Sainz celebrate on the podium during the F1 Bahrain Grand Prix, March 20, 2022, Photographed by Mario Renzi / "Before Their Public Spat, Charles Leclerc and Carlos Sainz Admitted to 'Cute' Relationship with Each Other" by Vidit Dhawan for The Sports Rush / Coleridge, quoted by Arthur Palmer Hudson in his essay "Romantic Apologiae for Hamlet's Treatment of Ophelia"
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maranello · 2 years
“Yes. Forza Ferrari, sempre.”
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bellaatmclaren · 1 year
The Battle of the Paddock
[Bella is a promising, young social media talent. She ends up in working with McLaren for their 2023 race season, but has she bitten off a little more than she can chew?]
Lando Norris/OC, Charles Leclerc/OC George Russell/OC
Bella was awake long before her alarm. This was the day that she had been waiting for, for her whole life. It was a dream come true… so why did she feel so terrified?
Bella was a girl from a town called Rochester, just East of London. She had grown up as a normal girl with an eye for photography and later, developed this passion into videography. Starting as a weekend help for local wedding photographers, she was able to start to build an impressive portfolio. Bella ended up being accepted into Queen Mary university to study social media marketing. This helped her combine her keen eye for photography with a way to make it profitable and build her career further. Don’t get it wrong, Bella did love photographing weddings, but she felt as though she could do more, and she had a dream.
Bella’s father was a passionate sports fan, especially when it came to Formula One. Growing up, Bella had always enjoyed sitting with her father on the weekends to watch the likes of Vettel and Button race for victory. She had fond memories of watching Sebastian Vettel become the youngest winner, racing for the pole position for Red Bull. Holding onto this memory fondly, Bella decided that she wanted to be there, in the paddock and photographing the drivers in their day-to-day activities, practicing on the tracks, celebrating on the podiums, and everything else in between.
One January day, Bella received an email that was almost too good to be true. She had been recently working with various companies, helping them build an online profile through the likes of Instagram and more recently the ever-growing TikTok app. The email was from McLaren, they had seen her online presence and they needed a new social media assistant manager for the next race season. They were inviting her to interview with them at her earliest convenience to pitch some ideas on how to build up awareness around their new car and drivers ready for the new season.
Bella stared at her phone in disbelief, she was potentially going to end up in the paddock, where she had always dreamt of being. Time passed and the interview came and went without a hitch. Bella, was offered the position which she immediately took. Bella had pitched several ideas to the McLaren team which they had loved.
Bella rolled over and checked her phone, 05:03. She sighed and swung her legs over the edge of her bed. She’d said goodbye to her father the day before and boarded a train to Woking so she wouldn’t have to make the journey the day of the meeting. McLaren had put her up in a small B&B just a few miles away from their HQ. They were to send a car to collect her at seven and that’s all she knew. She had no idea what the first day would contain, all she knew was that she needed to bring all her kits with her in case there were perfect photo opportunities.
Bella hopped into the shower, got herself dressed and presentable, and was down in reception for a quarter to seven ready to go. Normally, Bella would have killed for a coffee but she was already so wired on nerves, she thought this would probably make it all worse. She was shaking as it was, full of adrenaline.
Dead on seven, a black car pulled up out front and Jim Harris jumped out to greet her. Jim oversaw McLaren’s media outlets; he had been the one who had personally scouted and hired Bella. It was a cold February day, accompanied by wind and rain, not ideal shooting conditions but Bella knew the HQ had to be large enough that they’d find some great locations inside.
“Isabella, it’s so nice to finally meet you in the flesh,” said Jim cheerfully.
“You too Jim, but please, call me Bella” Bella said, extending her hand and shaking Jim’s firmly.
Jim couldn’t have been too much older than Bella. She was twenty-three, and Jim had to be in his late twenties at maximum. He had a youthful face and was dressed in his McLaren-branded soft-shell jacket.
“Jump in, we have so much to get through already today”.
He gestured to the open door of the car. Bella climbed in and they made their way to McLaren’s Technology Centre.
In the car, Jim made a pleasant conversation with Bella about her thoughts on her first day. He asked how she was feeling and was quite sweet, trying to calm her.
“Remember, it’s not fear, it’s excitement. At least that’s what Lando tells us before a race”
That’s when it hit her. She was going to meet the drivers, in real life. Not these small little figures she saw on her TV screen or online. They were real people, living their dreams and Bella was going to be rubbing shoulders with them any time soon.
“It isn’t nerves, it’s excitement” was what Bella held onto, mentally repeating it to herself the whole short, ten-minute drive to the offices.
The building itself was an impressive piece of architecture, a huge curved building, a semi-circle with the other half being replaced with a lake structure, from above it was a perfect circle. Jim gave her a brief tour of the floor she was to be based on. Bella had a small office space in the social media room. A desk, various laptops and computers, tablets, and lots of storage space.
“Make this into whatever suits you,” Jim said, waving his arm around the space, “whatever gets those creative thoughts flowing, but just remember there will be nine months of the year where we’re flying between here and various countries so best to make sure it’s all portable!”
After introductions between herself and the rest of the media team, Jim left her in the hands of Aria, an intern who had been with McLaren for the last season. Aria was young and funny, and Bella took an instant shine to her.
“Look at you! Your first day here, how are you feeling?”
“I’m okay, I think. A bit apprehensive but I’m looking forward to it. I’m relaxed now I’m here and sat down,” Bella smiled.
“Honestly, you will have so much fun. McLaren is a great company to work for and I have loved every second. I just wish I could go out on the seasons and see the races in person.”
“You didn’t go last year?”
“No,” Aria sighed, “only the best in the team actually get flown out to spend their time there, and well, I’m still learning. I’m an intern so I’m not that valued. I do help a lot, I spend a lot of my time editing, writing captions, and posting but I’ve not taken any of the photos yet. But there’s still time!”
This made Bella nervous again. She didn’t know if she was going to be going out to Bahrain in late February, Jim hadn’t said either way and she hadn’t even thought about it. Maybe she wouldn’t even get to meet the drivers, just sit in her office sipping coffee and colour correcting others’ photos. Maybe when Jim had said it was one-on-one work, he meant just assisting with posting with one of the photographers, not the actual drivers.
After a few hours of Aria showing Bella around the office, and Bella showing Aria around her camera kit, Jim popped his head back around the door.
“Bella, could you come with me? You don’t need anything with you, just yourself is great.”
Bella followed him out in the corridor, and they started walking towards the lifts.
“Honestly Bella, I was so impressed with your portfolio that I wanted to kind of ‘chuck you into the deep end’, so they say” He pushed the button, to call the elevator. “We’ve decided to pair you up with someone special for this season, that’s if you’re willing to, and you get on well. I’m sure you will, it’s near on impossible not to with this one…”
They stepped into the elevator, and Bella’s mouth had gone dry. Who was he taking her to? And why did he look so smug?
She followed Jim down various corridors, stopping to say hello to the odd person here and there, occasional hasty introductions before being whisked off again down more of the maze. Finally, they came to another meeting room with glass walls. Bella could see there were others in the room but they had their backs to the glass. Jim opened the door.
“Bella, meet Lando Norris. You’ll be working with him closely this season, I hope.”
Lando Norris turned his head upon hearing his name and made eye contact with Bella. A huge smile broke across his face.
“Bella, it’s so nice to meet you! I’ve been waiting all day to find out about my new teammate. I hope you’re ready for some chaos!”
“Lando, less of the chaos. You’ll worry her before she’s even begun” Said Jim, as he turned to Bella “It’s not chaos, these lot can just be a bit unpredictable at times, it’s like herding cats, especially when it comes to this one.”
“I keep you on your toes, Jim, you love it really,” Said Lando playfully as he approached them.
Bella instinctively put her hand out to Lando, but he laughed.
“Bring it in for a hug, we’re practically family now”
Bella laughed nervously but gave Lando a brief hug. Jim left them alone to ‘get acquainted’ as he had put it. Bella was glad, she wanted to get to know Lando, what kind of material he wanted to produce, and how she could make this the best professional relationship she could. Her work head was firmly screwed on.
“So, Bella,” Lando said sitting at the table, “If we’re going to be traveling together, we’d better end up leaving this room as buddies”.
Bella smiled, Lando struck her as a super playful guy, especially from what she had seen on TV.
“I feel like that could be easily done, you just have to tell me what you want from me. What content do you want to put out there to your fans? What are we going for this year? Still your funny, approachable guy next door look or a more serious, mature version of Lando Norris?”
“I don’t want to be mature; I am happy where I am thanks. What are you trying to say about me?” Lando pulled a face.
“Oh no, I wasn’t… I’m sorry, I didn’t mean…”
“Relax! I’m kidding, I’m kidding. I just want to have fun, I want them to see me as I am, none of this pouting and posing the other boys do. I mean, I can do a mean Max impression though, look.”
Lando sat back in his chair, crossed his arms, and scowled.
“Do not talk to me, I am world champion. I am Max Verstappen, I must win”.
He didn’t get much further without cracking up into laughter.
“Honestly, when you meet him, you’ll see what I mean. He’s so serious all the time. Since getting his title, he’s gotten all uptight. He needs to relax and just enjoy it all.”
“Don’t worry, because this year’s world champion will be you, I can feel it already” Bella smiled.
“Now that’s what I’m talking about. Let’s get this show on the road”.
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f1luver-95 · 8 months
Fate Charles Leclerc Story
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…Chapter 8…
It has been a couple days since Charles had asked me out and spent the day hanging out with Penelope, Lucy and I.  Charles was busy with training for the upcoming season and I wanted to spend some time with Lucy exploring Monaco and the cities around us. 
But today was the day... The day that Charles and I would be going on our first date.... And to say I was freaking out would be an understatement. 
"Lucy are you sure this is okay?" I asked as I walked out of my closet wearing a black bralet underneath a red deep v-sweater, with black jeans and my black leather jacket.  
"Yes! You look absolutely beautiful... he will not know what hit him." Lucy said as she looked at me from my bed. 
"Are you sure...I just want everything to be perfect." I said as I looked at myself in the mirror. My long brown hair curled into loose waves. 
"Do you think it's not fancy enough? What if he takes me to a fancy restaurant?" I said freaking out as I continued to study myself in the mirror.. was my make up and hair okay?
"Relax Elle! What you're wearing is perfect!" Lucy said as she came up and grabbed my shoulders making me face her. "You are absolutely beautiful inside and out and if he doesn't see that then he doesn't deserve you... you deserve to be treated like a princess" 
"What would I do without you." 
"You would have no friends." Joked Lucy as she smacked my butt and made her way back to sit on my bed. "Now what shoes are you planning on wearing?" 
"I was planning on wearing black ankle high heels." 
"Perfect...those shoes make your butt look amazing." 
"What im just telling the truth... you have an amazing butt." 
I looked up at the clock and noticed that it was almost time to meet up with Charles... shit I was starting to get nervous. 
"You okay Elle?" Asked Lucy as soon as she noticed my face. 
"Im nervous." I replied as I looked at myself again in the mirror. 
"You need a shot of tequila to get rid of some of the nerves." Lucy said as she pulled a bottle of tequila out of her suitcase. 
"Where did you get that?" I questione shocked  as I turned around to face her. 
"The airport... I always need to be prepared, just in case my bestie gets nervous and needs some tequila to loosen her up,"  teased Lucy. 
"I love you ." I said as I grabbed the bottle and took a sip straight from the bottle not bothering to find a shot glass. 
"Love you to0 Elle... Im so proud of you, you are so strong and you deserve every bit of happiness that is coming your way. Just know I will always be your biggest fan cheering you on."  Lucy said as she stood up from the bed and walked over to give me a hug. 
"We should probably wait near the front door," I suggested as I looked at the time, Charles should be here very soon. 
"1..2..3.. Lets Go Bitch." Chanted Lucy as she smacked my butt before walking out my bedroom door ... I laughed at her Taylor Swift reference and followed her out the door, grabbing my purse on the way out. 
Kelly, Max and Penelope were sitting in the living room watching Tv when Lucy and I walked into the room. 
"Wow Elle, you look absolutely beautiful." Kelly said as she paused the show. 
"You look like a princess," Penelope said as she ran and gave me a hug. 
"Ferrari red... really Elle?" Questioned Max as he shook his head in a teasing manner. "You look beautiful Elle... Charles is a lucky guy."
....Knock... Knock.... Knock....
At the sound of the door Max jumped up from his spot on the couch and ran to the door so that he would be the one to answer it. 
"Why hello Charles, " Max said in an intimidating voice as he opened the door reaching out his hand for Charles to shake "I would like her home by 10 o'clock sharp." 
Kelly, Lucy and I couldn't hold in our laughs as Max pretended to be an intimating dad. 
"What?" Questioned Max " Since your father isn't here, I thought I would play the part for him" 
"Yes Sir..." Charles said as he went along with Max's protective dad act, sticking his hand out to shake Max's hand. 
"You look Beautiful Elle." Charles said as handed me a bouquet of red roses. 
"Thank you Charles." I said as I gave him a hug. 
"Ill take the flowers and put them in a vase for you." Kelly said as she reached out to take the roses from my hands. 
"Thanks." I said as I handed her the bouquet. 
"Have fun." Lucy said as she gave both Charles and I a hug.. "Keep my girl safe Charles." 
Charles laughed as he nodded his head, as he placed his hand on my back and guided me out the door towards the elevators. 
"Ferrari Red..." Charles said as we stepped into the elevator and he had a chance to look at my outfit. "Looks amazing on you." 
Blushing I replied, "You look nice as well Charles." 
Charles grabbed my hand as we stepped out of the elevator and exited the building. 
"I know a really good place to eat, that's just down the road." Suggested Charles. 
The streets were packed with a mixture of both locals and tourists, as we walked further down the street. As we were walking Charles was telling me about his favourite places in Monaco. 
Suddenly, someone riding a bicycle came rushing past me, causing me to jump and fall into Charles. He quickly caught me in his arms and set me back upright whispering in your ear "don't worry I got you. I didn't think it would be this easy to get you to fall for me!"
I could feel my cheeks turn bright red as he said those words. I quickly composed myself and said "I was just testing your reflexes for the next season. Ferrari can't have their star driver having slow reflexes, can they?" 
"I think you just wanted to be in my arms." He answered back sending you a smirk that made his green eyes shine. 
We kept walking down the street until Charles stoped at a small hole in the wall Restaurant. 
"Ooh let's eat here, it's one of my  favourite restaurants. They have the best pizza." Exclaimed Charles as he wrapped his arm around my waist and pull me into the restaurant. You could tell how excited he was based on the way his eyes lit up as soon as he saw the sign. 
An older lady was standing near the front of the door when we walked in immediately her eyes lit up as soon as she saw it was Charles. 
"Charles" she exclaimed as she rushed over to him giving him a big hug. 
" Gigi it's so good to see you... this is my date Elle," Charles said as he pulled away from the hug grinning as he reached out for my hand. I reached out for it and he pulled me close to him. 
"elle est si belle Charles...." Gigi said as she pulled into her arms for a hug. (She is so beautiful Charles) 
"elle est si belle et gentille." Charles replied to Gigi with a big smile on his face. "j'espère qu'elle deviendra ma petite amie un jour." he added while winking at me. Damn... it was times like this where I wish I was fluent in French. (She is so beautiful and kind... I hope she becomes my girlfriend one day)
"Follow me." Gigi said as she pulled a couple menus off the front table "I have the perfect table for you two." 
Gigi lead us towards a table that has a spectacular view of the ocean. On the table there were candles flickering softly. 
"Enjoy Belle." Gigi said as she handed me a menu..  
I looked down at the menu and saw that everything was in French... Great. I think i needed to sign up for some French classes if I was going to be living in Monaco. 
"Do you trust me?" Charles asked as he winked at me, noticing that I could not read the menu at all. 
"Maybe... why?" 
"Let me order for us." He said as he reached over the table to hold my hand. 
"Sure" I said nodding my head, getting lost in his eyes. I couldn't wait to hear him order our food in French. His voice sounds even sexier when he speaks in French. 
"What would you like to drink?" Asked Charles as he stared into my eyes... the way he was looking at me made me
Feel like i was the luckiest women in the world. 
"I was thinking some white wine."  
"I was going to recommend the white wine here... it's the best." Charles said as his thumb gently rubbed my hand that was intertwined with his hand. 
Butterflies once again erupting in my stomach at the simple moment from Charles. 
Gigi brought over a big jug of water for the table, setting it down before pouring each of us a glass of water.
 "Voudriez-vous commander des boissons autres que de l'eau ?" Gigi asked Charles. (would you like to order some drinks other than water?) 
"deux verres de vin blanc s'il vous plaît."  Charles said as he smiled at Gigi. "et pouvons-nous s'il vous plaît avoir une pizza margarita et des pâtes carbonara." (two glasses of white wine please... and can we please have one margarita pizza and one pasta carbonara)
"Merci Gigi," I said as I handed her both mine and Charles menus. 
Gigi gave Charles a wink as she made her way into the kitchen to tell the chef our order. 
"I think you will need to teach me French... especially because I plan on staying here for a while." I said to Charles. 
"I think that's an excellent idea. I'm an excellent teacher." Joked Charles as he reached over again to grab my hand. 
I couldn't help but wonder why he was being so affectionate with me especially in public where anyone could see him... wasn't he embarrassed to be seen with someone like me? Charles was famous and I was an ordinary girl who worked as a nanny. 
"What's going through that beautiful mind of yours?" Questioned Charles as he noticed me starring off into space. 
"Im just thinking about how lucky I am." I replied giving Charles hand a squeeze as I smiled at him. 
"I think I'm the lucky one Elle." Charles said as he looked at me like I was the only girl in the world. 
It scared me how fast I was falling for Charles... Charles took all my insecurities away, he made me feel like I was the most beautiful girl in the world. There was no doubt in my mind that Charles would be an excellent boyfriend... if the time came and he asked me to be his girlfriend.  
Apart of me was terrified to even think about being in a relationship with Charles because he was a famous athlete, that had girls falling all over him. He had plenty of opportunities to cheat while on the road heading to races. Jake cheated on me and he was just a normal guy, Charles had plenty of girls falling over him what would stop him from cheating if he got the opportunity.
I couldn't let me fears stop me from living life... and I couldn't let the actions of one man change my view on all men. 
Seconds later Gigi arrived at our table carrying a bottle of white wine, pouring the wine in our glasses before disappearing back into the kitchen. 
"Cheers... to new adventures" Charles said as he lifted his wine glass up in the air... waiting for me to lift mine up as well. 
I took a sip of wine and it tasted amazing... definitely better than the wine back home. 
"How are you enjoying Monaco so far?" Charles asked as he set his wine glass down on the table. 
"I'm loving it so far. It's so beautiful." I said as I looked around the restaurant... taking in the beautiful scenery. 
"Here you go," Gigi said as she brought over a huge margarita pizza and a big bowl of pasta carbonara. 
"How did you know those are both my favourite dishes?" I questioned in awe, that Charles somehow knew my favourite pizza and pasta dish. 
"It was a lucky guess... they are both my favourite as well" Charles said as he started to put some pasta into my plate. 
I took a bite of pasta and i couldn't suppress the moan that escaped my lips as soon as I tasted it. "Oh My God... that is the best pasta carbonara I've ever eaten in my life." 
"Gigi makes the best pasta... all by hand every morning. It's one of the reasons this is my favourite place to eat in Monaco." Charles said before taking a bite of the pizza. 
"How is everything?" Questioned Gigi in a think French accent as she walked by the table. 
"Amazing... Best pasta I have ever eaten." I replied as I smiled at her. 
"Oh Belle. I'm so happy to hear that." Gigi said in a broken English accent as she placed her hand on my shoulder before winking at Charles and walking away. 
"How long have you've been coming here?" I asked Charles. 
"I've been coming here since I was a little boy. It's my families favourite restaurant." Charles said as he smiled... thinking back to all the fond memories he had in the restaurant.
We continued to eat and chat as we enjoyed each others company, Gigi would come over every once in a while to check on us. 
After we were all done eating and Charles paid the bill, Gigi came running towards us with a baggie in her hands "Charles, des biscuits fraîchement sortis du four pour toi. Passe une bonne nuit." (Charles some freshly baked cookies for you. Have a good night. )
"Merci beaucoup Gigi. profitez du reste de votre soirée." Charles said as hugged Gigi goodbye. (Thank you very Gigi. enjoy the rest of your evening)
Charles grabbed my hand as we left the restaurant, big smiles on both our faces. 
We walked around until we found a bench near the pier and sat down starring out into the ocean, as the sun began to set at the horizon.
"Do you want a cookie?" Offered Charles as he opened the mystery bag that Gigi had given him. "Gigi knows how much I love cookies so she always sends me home with some." 
"Yes please!" I said as I grabbed the cookie that Charles was offering me and taking a bite "mmhm that's delicious." 
Charles smiled at me before taking a bite of his own cookie. Sitting here with Charles felt right... like we were made to be together. All the nerves I felt disappeared as soon as he pulled me close. 
"So why did you become a nanny?" Asked Charles. 
"I have always loved working with children, I have a passion for working and teaching children. Being a nanny has provided me with the opportunity to live in different countries, so it's the best of both worlds."
"You must love your job as well?" I asked as I looked over towards Charles.
"I love the racing part, and the interacting with fans, and being able to accomplish my dream and travel the world while doing it. The business side of it not so much, knowing if I don't preform to the Ferrari standards I could lose my seat at any moment." 
"When does the racing season start for you guys?" 
"Testing starts in about a month. The season starts at the end of February. " 
It's started to get a little chilly as a gust of wind picked up causing you to shiver slightly. Charles noticed and pulled you close to him "So tell me about your family Elle?" 
"I grew up about 25 minutes south of Miami.  I lived with my mother Elizabeth, my father, Matthew, my sister Katie and our  German shepherd Dax. They always encouraged us to find what we are passionate about and to pursue it no matter what. They were very supportive of me moving to England and Australia to accomplish my dreams." I said smiling. 
"What about you?" I added 
"I grew up in Monaco with my mother Pascal, my  father Herves, and my brother Lorenzo and Arthur.  My father passed away in 2017 after battling cancer, I was racing in formula 2 at the time. My dad was always one of my biggest supporters and I hope I am making him proud.  My family has always been very supportive of my dream and has done everything they could to help make it come true." 
We looked out towards the ocean as the sun began to set. Today I had the opportunity to get to know Charles more... I loved his strength and determination after everything he had gone through... He made me laugh, he was charming and kind  everything Jake was not. 
Time seemed to fly as we sat cuddling on the bench as we talked and watched as the waves crashed back and forth against the waves. 
Looking down at the time on my watch I notice that it's getting late, we should head home even though I don't want the night to end. Looking at Charles I say, " we should probably head home." 
We both stand up and Charles pulls me into a long hug whispering "I really want to kiss you right now." 
I giggled as I said, "what's stopping you?"
"Absolutely nothing" he replied as his hand reached up to my face slowly caressing my cheeks as he leaned in slowly to kiss my lips. 
Fireworks went off in my body as I felt his lips press against mine in a slow but passionate kiss. 
"Woah." We both said at the same time as we pulled away, big smiles plastered on our faces. 
"I've been wanting to do that since the first moment I bumped onto you at the airport." Charles says before kissing me again. Time stood still as we stood there kissing. 
"When can I see you next?" asked Charles as he grabbed my hand, not wanting to lose the feeling of holding you close. 
"Maybe some time this week/weekend? I know your busy with getting ready for the new season" I suggested, as we walked back to the apartment building we both lived at. 
"I will always make time for you Elle, no matter how busy I am." Charles said as we arrived  at the lobby of our apartment building. 
Kelly, Lucy and Max were watching TV in the living room when I walked into the house. 
"Did you have a good date Elle?" Questioned Kelly as she immediately turned off the television so that we could gossip. 
"Hey!" Exclaimed Max "I was watching that." 
"Oh shush, Elle just came back from a date with one of your very good friends. I just want to know how it went."
"It was amazing, he was a perfect gentleman he brought me flowers, opened doors for me, and he made me feel like I was the only women in the world." 
"Oh My God" exclaimed Kelly as she gave me a big hug "I'm so happy for you Elle. You deserve to be treated like a queen." 
"I'm happy for you Elle," Max added smiling at both his new friend Elle and his partner Kelly. "If he hurts you Elle, I'm not afraid to kick his ass."
I couldn't help but smile as I thought about Kelly and Max, and the friendship and support they have given me since the moment I landed in Monaco. They made me feel like family and not just and employee.  It made me realize that the best thing I have ever done was to take a chance and accept this position.
"So where did he take you?" Asked Lucy with the biggest smile on her face.
"He took me to his favourite restaurant, and then we just found a bench near the pier and talked as we watched the sunset." I said as the memories of the night made me smile. 
"Damn that sounds so cute and romantic... Im so happy for you Elle." Lucy said as she got up from the couch and gave me a big hug. 
I looked down at my phone and saw that I already had a message from him. 
Charles: God you looked so beautiful tonight as the sun set behind you. 
Elle: your making me blush... I had fun tonight. 
"You're already smitten with him." 
I couldn't help the blush that took over my face as I thought back to the date with Charles. Maybe I was smitten? 
I looked over at Max and he was just shaking his head and muttered "girls" like we were crazy.  
"Goodnight guys," I said as Lucy and I made my way back to my room.
I fell asleep with the biggest smile on my face... as I thought about my amazing date with Charles.
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Rise Like A Phoenix - Chapter Eight
Pairing - Jenson Button x Reader + Charles Leclerc x Reader + Daniel Ricciardo x Reader
Word Count - 3158
Content Warning - Swearing, reference to gambling, violence, oral sex fem receiving, unprotected sex, vaginal sex, alcohol mention
Synopsis - When a German agent goes missing investigating a diplomat’s disappearance, you are asked to take the case as your old adversary is revealed to be the one to blame. However, you soon find out that you will not be working alone, and will have to complete your mission with the help of agent Charles Leclerc.
Author’s Note - Once again, if you’ve read the tags, you know what’s coming and I hope you’re excited! I don’t want to spoil the fun, so I’ll let you get down to business, enjoy!
Chapter Eight - This Is Monaco, Baby
Charles waits until Edmund and Polina have left the casino before walking over to the bar, taking a seat beside Daniel as he lets his head fall against the counter.
“Charles that was fucking amazing. You really went full Bond there, I actually got chills.” You say, and Charles lifts his head from the counter.
“Really? I don’t do a lot of this pretending-to-be-someone-else stuff. I’m more of a fight-the-bad-guy and shoot him kind of agent.” Charles says, and you chuckle.
“Well, you’re in now. And I think we could help each other out, that is, if (y/n) is happy to work with me again?” Daniel says, and you sigh.
“It makes sense. If you pretend to know Charles and his business, it would be the best way to get Fortescue to trust him more. George, if you can whip up a fake identity and background for Charles, toss out a few breadcrumbs on the internet, fake news stories and such to make his story more believable, then we might be able to get in.” You say, and Daniel smiles a cheesy grin.
“See, you love me really, you couldn’t wait to work with me again, admit it.” Daniel says, nudging you on the shoulder.
“I swear, Ricciardo, don’t think for one minute I’m happy with this set-up. If it were up to me, I’d be doing this alone, but since that’s impossible, I’m working with what I’ve got. Trust me, if I had the option to choose which agents to work with, you wouldn’t even be my third choice.” You say, pointing at him so aggressively your finger jabs into his chest.
“I wouldn’t push her if I were you, she threatened to shoot me in the shoulder if I fucked up.” Charles says, and Daniel chuckles.
“Oh, she gave you that one, did she? She said the same to me, but then the first night we were in the hotel together we couldn’t keep our hands off of each other. I suppose you’ve got that to look forward to, unless you already…” Daniel says, trailing off as he studies Charles’ face for any hint of an emotion.
“Ricciardo, if you don’t shut the fuck up right now I won’t hesitate to put a bullet in your fucking skull.” You whisper yell, your hand releasing the clasp on your clutch bag to touch the handle of your pistol with your fingertips.
“I forgot how fun it was to tease you, (y/n), I better get going anyway, I have a dinner reservation with Fortescue and I’m already fashionably late as it is. Catch you fucks later.” Daniel says, standing from his seat and swaggering over to the ornate doors of the casino.
“He’s… a lot, huh?” Charles says, and you nod.
“I can still hear you, Charlie boy.” Daniel says in your ear, and you chuckle.
“George, remove Daniel from our network please, we want to bitch about him in private.” You say, and George hums a quick yes, a short beep playing in your ear as Daniel is disconnected from your conversation.
“He’s an interesting one. Annoys the hell out of me, but he is a good agent. I trust him.” You say.
“And you two used to be a couple?” Charles asks, his mouth moving before his brain could catch up and stop him from asking such a personal question.
“Not a couple, no, no, we just… spent a lot of time together on a case a while back. You know how it is, when you’re working together on a case. Things get intense and you find ways of de-stressing. Just so you know, I try not to make a habit of fucking my partners. Sure, I’ve fucked some of them, but not all of them.” You say, scratching the back of your neck awkwardly.
“I understand. You spend a lot of time together on a case, and you understand each other in ways other people couldn’t even fathom. And it must help when your partner is an extremely attractive Australian guy with a winning personality.” Charles says, chuckling slightly, and you cant help but chuckle too.
“Yeah it does help a little.” You add, smiling at Charles. “Now we should get back to the hotel, we have some work to do before tomorrow night if we want Fortescue to bring you in to his inner circle.”
“Let’s go.” Charles says, standing from his bar stool and taking a step over to you, offering you his hand to take.
You take Charles’ hand in yours, and you feel an electric sensation at your touch. His delicate fingers wrap around yours, and you walk out of the casino doors hand-in-hand.
As you open Svetlana’s door, swinging your legs out onto the pavement below, you take a look up at the magnificent hotel you were staying in. Sometimes it’s easy to forget to take in your surroundings while on a mission. Thanks to your job, you had seen sights most people could only dream of seeing, and been to places reserved only for those who possess a vast personal fortune. Monaco was certainly one of those places, so striking for a country so small, a perfect combination of tradition and modernity. It’s no wonder so many people from all over the world seek to call this place their home.
Lost in thought, you don’t even notice Charles stood beside you, resting gently against Svetlana’s silver bodywork.
“Beautiful, isn’t it?” He says, and your eyes snap up to make contact with his.
“Stunning. I’ve never seen anywhere quite like it. You’re lucky.” You say, smiling up at him.
Charles offers you his hand, and you take it, standing and shutting Svetlana’s door behind you. He maintains his soft grip on your hand as you walk up to the hotel doors, and you take a quick look back at Svetlana as you lock her with your free hand. She responds with a flash of her lights, and you smile.
“Do you think Daniel ever got jealous?” Charles asks, and you look at him, a puzzled expression on your face.
“Of what?” You ask.
“Svetlana. You look at her with such love in your heart.” He responds, and you chuckle.
“Oh, I made sure that he knew early on that any man in my life would always come second.” You say
“And do they?” Charles says, raising a suggestive eyebrow.
“Do they what?”
“Always come second?” He says with a smirk, and you roll your eyes.
“Dirty boy.” You say, trying to suppress a smile, “if you play your cards right you might just find out the answer to that.”
“Hm, I think you’ll find I already played my cards right.” Charles says, giving you a wink as he summons a concierge from the hotel desk.
“Send a bottle of Bollinger to my room, 407, we’re celebrating a big win tonight.” Charles says, tucking a casino chip into the concierge’s pocket.
“Certainly, sir, congratulations on your good fortune.” He responds, nodding his head before disappearing behind the desk.
“So, what are we celebrating?” You ask as the two of you walk hand-in-hand to the elevators. You step inside and the door closes behind you, leaving the two of you alone.
“Whatever the fuck you want.” Charles says, before claiming your lips in a desperate kiss.
Despite your initial shock at the sudden contact, you quickly melt into the kiss, wrapping your arms around Charles’ neck. You couldn’t deny that seeing him take such control turned you on. It wasn’t often that you allowed a man to have any kind of control over you, Jenson was the only exception to the rule, of course, but you were more than willing to make a new exception for Charles.
Charles’ hands find your hips as he pulls your body flush to his. His hands begin to slide further and further down until they find your arse cheeks, giving them a firm squeeze.
“Fuck Charles” You whisper as you pull away from his lips, the two of you left panting and gasping for air in the enclosed elevator.
You lean in once again, but pull back as the elevator dings. You unlace your hands from Charles’ neck and separate from each other, already missing the contact of his body on yours. The doors slide open, and luckily no one is stood behind them. Charles takes this opportunity to grab your hand and pull you quickly down the corridor towards the door of your room.
As Charles jams the key into the lock, you spot the ice bucket and champagne that Charles had ordered nestled within the doorway.
“How the fuck did they get that up here so fast?” You say, picking up the bucket and tucking it beneath your arm.
“This is Monaco baby.” Charles says as the door to your room swings open.
As you step inside, Charles quickly slams the door behind you, reclaiming your lips immediately with his own. The speed of this action almost causes you to drop the champagne bucket, but you catch it beneath your arm.
“Let me put this fucking thing down.” You say against Charles’ lips, wrapping your spare arm around him to pull him in the direction of the coffee table, not separating your lips for a second as you deposit the bucket.
Now free, you wrap both arms around Charles’ shoulders, your hands finding his hair and tangling between the tufts of light brown that tickled his neck. Charles’ arms once again find your waist, his hands settling against your lower back.
“I really did mean it, you know.” You say between heavy breaths as you pull away from Charles’ lips.
“What, amour?” Charles questions, his eyebrow quirked.
“I really do try not to make a habit of fucking my partners.” You respond, and Charles chuckles.
“Then lets just keep this between us, yes?” Charles says, backing you up to guide you towards the queen sized bed in the centre of the room.
“Yes” You say in a breathy voice, as you fall back against the crisp white sheets.
Charles nudges your knee with his own, urging you to open your legs to position himself between them. His hands run across your thighs, pushing the fabric of your dress up towards your waist to reveal your soft skin and black lace panties.
You moan as his hands continue to travel up your inner thigh, moving closer and closer to your throbbing pussy still covered by the black fabric.
“These are in my way.” Charles says, his hands dipping below the waistband and slowly pulling them down, passing your thighs, your calves, your ankles, before discarding them to the floor.
“There, perfect.” He says, and you let out a soft chuckle.
Charles pushes your legs open wider and kneels between them beside the bed. His hands grip your thighs and pull you sharply in closer towards him, his nose practically brushing against your clit in this new position.
“Are you sure you want this?” He asks, looking up at your reclined position on the bed. Your arms were thrown above your head, already gripping the soft sheets.
You lift your head slightly to look at him, “yes, fuck, please,” you whimper, and Charles nods, responding by licking you slowly from your throbbing cunt to your clit.
You moan and throw your head back in ecstasy at the contact, finally getting what you had so desperately craved since Charles had kissed you for the first time that evening.
Charles notices your reaction and licks you again, but this time, his lips linger over your clit, gently sucking and teasing it with his tongue.
“Fuck me you’re good at that.” You say, spurring Charles on to carefully push his index finger inside of you.
You gasp at the sudden fullness as he gently stretches you open with his finger, curling it ever so slightly within you. His lips and tongue continued their assault on your clit, and as he slides another finger inside you, you let out a low moan, your hands gripping the sheets even tighter.
“Can you cum for me on just my fingers, amour?” Charles says, lifting his head to look at you, his fingers still curling deep inside you.
“If you keep going like this, then fuck yes, holy shit.” You say.
Charles chuckles, gripping your thigh tightly to keep your legs open with his free hand. He reaches for your clit with his thumb, rubbing it gently as his fingers continue to work inside of you.
It doesn’t take long for you to reach the brink of orgasm, with the assault of his fingers inside of you and the constant contact of the pad of his thumb against your clit, it felt like your entire body was alight with pleasure.
“Charles, I’m gonna cum.” You manage to whisper between moans.
“Cum for me, amour, I want to hear more of those pretty sounds you’re making.” Charles says, his voice smooth and low.
His urging was all it took, and a wave of pleasure rushes through your body as your pussy clenches around Charles’ fingers. You let out a long, deep moan as your eyes roll back and your vision goes dark, your fingers white-knuckled as you squeeze the sheets.
As the sensation dissipates, Charles removes his fingers from you and you sit up on your hands and knees, crawling over to his position on the edge of the bed.
“Do you want me to use my mouth on you, baby?” You ask, your voice as sweet as sugar.
“No, amour, I want to feel your tight wet pussy around me,” Charles says, pausing for a second to lick his fingers clean of your juices, “If you feel half as good as you taste, then you’re in for a long night.”
Charles’ hands reach for the zipper on the back of your dress, tugging it gently downwards and allowing you to slide out of the soft material, exposing your breasts. His hands immediately replace the fabric that had covered them, massaging them with his warm hands.
Your hands reach for the buttons of Charles’ shirt, urgently fumbling to undo each one to give you a glimpse of his toned chest once again. You run your fingernails down his torso, looping your fingers beneath the waistband of his suit pants, indicating your desire to strip him bare.
“May I?” You ask, and he nods, giving you permission to begin unfastening his suit pants. Your hand brushes against his cock which was straining against the material, desperate to be set free. He groans as you brush against him once again, and you smirk, pulling down his zipper and allowing him to step out of his pants and underwear.
Your eyes immediately drift down to his long, girthy cock, and you feel your pussy twitch at the sight of it. You couldn’t help but wonder what it would be like to gag on him as he fucks your mouth, to run your tongue against the shaft and lick the precum from his tip. But you were desperate to feel him inside of you, to fill you up, fuck you senseless, and paint your walls with his seed.
“Enjoying the view, amour?” Charles asks, noticing your open-mouthed stare, practically drooling at the sight of his cock.
“Fuck, Charles, I need you inside me.” You say, standing from the bed to allow your dress to drop to the floor.
Charles wraps his arms around your waist, pulling your body flush to his and allowing the tip of his cock to press against your entrance. He spins you around, taking a seat on the edge of the bed and pulling you onto his lap, claiming your lips in a hungry kiss filled with teeth and tongue.
Having allowed him to control things for long enough, you push him down against the bedsheets, straddling his waist with one of your thighs positioned either side of him.
You lift yourself up and hover above the tip of his dick, teasing him with the slight contact of your entrance. He lets out a small groan and you smirk.
“Such a fucking tease.” Charles says, and you wink at him, before sinking down and allowing his cock to slowly fill you up.
Your movements begin slow at first, but you gradually pick up the pace as you become accustomed to the feeling of fullness. His thick cock filled you up just right, pushing you to the brink of pleasure with every thrust.
Charles’ hands grab your hips tightly, aiding you in your movements up and down his shaft. The room is filled with the sounds of sex, skin-on-skin, deep breathy moans and grunts, and the odd curse word as he hits just the right spot within you.
You run your hands up and down Charles’ chest, rubbing small circles into his hip bones as he thrusts up into you in perfect rhythm with your own movements.
“I’m close, amour.” Charles says, and you lean down to press a quick kiss to his lips.
Charles’ grip on your hips tightens, his thumbs pressing so deeply you were sure you were going to have small circular bruises left behind the next morning. But the sensation of pain, mixed with the pleasure of Charles pushing deep within you added a whole new level to the pleasure you were experiencing, and you too found yourself edging closer and closer to your second orgasm of the night.
You throw your head back as you feel pleasure building within you, a deep, warm feeling developing within your core. You squeeze your eyes tightly shut as the wave of complete ecstasy hits you, and your motions become sloppier against Charles’ cock.
Your tightening walls around him are all it takes to bring Charles to his own completion, and he lets go inside you with a deep, guttural moan.
“Fuck.” You say as you lift yourself off of Charles’ spent cock and collapse onto the bed beside him, your breathing deep and heavy.
“Yeah, fuck.” Charles says, turning to you to observe the blissed-out expression on your face.
You wrap your leg over his own, and his hand finds your arse once again, gently caressing the soft flesh with his fingers.
“I guess I found out the answer to my question.” Charles says, and you raise your eyebrow at him.
“What question would that be?” You ask.
“Men in your life do always come second.” Charles says with a chuckle, and you playfully slap him on the arm.
Next Chapter
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cieloclercs · 1 year
lover, you should’ve come over , send me a description of yourself + a fandom and gender preference, and i’ll ship you with a character
for f1/f2 please;
ok so,
im 18, she/her and straight. im south east asian but went to boarding school in the uk. im 5'4, tan skin , black hair and eyes. I support mercedes and mclaren (mostly, i also support max which is very easy to do since he wins always lmao, and i love the ferrari boys too). I'm studying law college, specifically criminal law. f1 content and weekends are always the highlight of my week. i play tennis and volleyball (as a hobby). im the oldest (girl) in my family (technically) but i have 3 older half brothers and a younger sister. im going to the sg grandprix this weekend which im so so excited about! my fav szn is autumn, and summer. im both an introvert and an extrovert but it depends who im around. my fav shows are brooklyn 99, gilmore girls and friends (kinda basic ik), because i love the warmth they give me. fav holiday is halloween but i hate finding stuff to dress up as. i want to get a rottweiler and a huskey but i dont think im super capable of having pets rn :(. but yeah thats it! congrats on 1k and ty!
i ship you with charles leclerc!
— ok first of all charles x lawyer!s/o is THE PAIRING omg it makes so much sense to me !! also charles x student!s/o but especially law (maybe i’m biased bc i’m also studying law or maybe not shshsh 🤭) there’s something about charles and a kind of academic s/o that just feels so right, even better with an s/o in the social sciences. i’m not entirely sure why, maybe it’s just the vibes 🤷‍♀️ but charles will definitely help you study. he’ll be so dedicated about it too, bringing your flashcards everywhere, helping you memorise details of past cases that you need to know for your exams. i think he’ll even start to learn them himself because he helps you so often, and if you’re like just talking generally about a specific case he’ll come out with something from your revision out of the blue 🤭 it’s so cute because he’ll look super proud of himself afterwards when you look all surprised that he remembers 🥹
— also, charles with an s/o who plays tennis is JUMPING OUT AT ME RN like i can picture it so vividly. he himself is pretty terrible at tennis (i mean let’s be honest the man has no hand eye coordination 😭) but he’s so enthusiastic about playing with you (definitely not because he loves seeing you in a tennis skirt 😏😏). even if he gets absolutely annihilated, he still loves it because he gets to spend even more time with you doing something that you love 🥹
— i get the feeling he’d be really close with your family too, i mean let’s face it, charles is just a family guy in general and everyone loves him, almost to the point that you start to think that your family love him more than you 🫣 ooh another thing that’s jumping out at me is x mercedes!s/o 😏😏 it’s weird i feel like law, tennis and mercedes all give the same vibes in this context 🤔 anyway, count on him playing up the team rivalry at every chance he gets, even if it’s just a joke. because he’s so competitive about it you make a point of supporting mercedes and mclaren even more, but you do secretly root for him in his races 😉 you’re the first person he looks for after a good result, and you’re always there to celebrate with him 🥹
— omg i’ve never actually seen gilmore girls, but my best friend is a huge fan and you’re giving off the exact vibes that i can imagine with charles it’s crazyy 🤭 i can picture you guys binge watching every season. even though charles complains at first, he definitely ends up getting super invested (and maybe even watches a couple of episodes without you in secret 🤫) you guys are like the cold, crisp autumn, matching knitted jumper kind of couple if that makes sense ?? i’m picturing hot chocolate by the fire, also couples outfits at halloween if you decide to go out !! or if you want something a bit more lowkey, a cozy night in on the sofa watching scary movies (charles definitely uses it as an excuse to cuddle you argue with the wall idc) basically just everything i want, you guys are as a couple 🥹
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chlerc · 10 days
because it matters ; charles leclerc
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— summary; he was your brother's best friend before he was your boyfriend, but that doesn't mean he loves you any less than before. in fact, he definitely loves you more.
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pairing — brothers-best-friend-charles leclerc x f. reader! ( third person story )
word count — 5777.
content — all 5 love languages, his “just because” actions, some more than the other with or without reasons but that's because he adores and loves you. 5 years age gap, she’s still studying in university!!
NAVIGATION + author’s note: based off none other than my fav duan jiaxu from hidden love!! i think i died a little when i finished this drama, age gap literally always hits right when it needs to hit lol. longest fic i've ever written on here, show some love to it lolol jk, lmk how this goes i might based them off chinese actors/dramas if it's okay
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CHARLES HAD ALWAYS BEEN A man of quiet gestures, his love language more a series of thoughtful actions than grand declarations. As her brother’s best friend and now her boyfriend, it was no surprise that his care for her manifested in the smallest, most deliberate ways. So when her birthday approached, Charles set himself the task of creating something special — something that would reflect his deep understanding of her, and his desire to make her feel cherished.
She had been allergic to milk for as long as anyone could remember, a detail most people might forget amidst the usual birthday celebrations of cake and sweets. But not Charles. He had spent weeks researching recipes, carefully altering ingredients, and practicing the art of baking. For a man who had never shown much interest in the kitchen, it was a laborious process, filled with mishaps and frustration. Yet, he persisted, determined to present her with a homemade cake crafted specifically with her needs in mind.
On the day of her birthday, she had no idea what to expect. Charles had been oddly secretive in the days leading up to it, disappearing at odd hours, and she had assumed it was part of some elaborate plan he and her brother had cooked up. But when he appeared at the door with two cakes in hand, her curiosity deepened. 
One cake was pristine — clearly store-bought, wrapped in elegant packaging, the kind of cake anyone would be thrilled to receive. Yet, it was the other cake that caught her eye. Slightly imperfect, its frosting uneven in places, but the look in Charles’ eyes when he presented it to her spoke volumes.
“I know it’s not perfect,” he said, a slight hint of embarrassment in his voice as he gestured toward the homemade cake, “but I made it myself. No milk, just how you need it.” There was a vulnerability in his words, a rare moment where his usual calm confidence gave way to the desire for her approval.
She smiled, warmth spreading through her chest as she reached out to take the cake from his hands. His efforts — his quiet, stubborn determination to create something just for her — meant more than he could ever know. She could see the backup cake sitting beside it, a safeguard in case his own attempt had gone terribly wrong. But to her, it was the one he had baked that mattered. The imperfections made it perfect, a testament to the care he had put into making her birthday special.
Carefully, she cut into the homemade cake, offering him a reassuring smile as she took the first bite. The flavor was unexpectedly good — better, even, than she had anticipated. A soft laugh escaped her as she met his gaze. “Charles, this is wonderful,” she said, her tone filled with genuine admiration. “I love it.”
His shoulders, which had been tense with anticipation, relaxed as relief washed over him. He offered her a modest smile, though she could see the flicker of pride in his eyes. “I wasn’t sure how it would turn out,” he admitted, rubbing the back of his neck in that familiar way he did when he felt uncertain. “I bought the other one just in case this was a disaster.” She shook her head, leaning in to kiss him softly on the cheek. “You didn’t need the backup. This is perfect. It’s perfect because you made it.” 
And in that moment, as they sat together with the imperfect cake between them, she realized just how deeply Charles understood her. It wasn’t the grandeur of the gesture that made it special, but the simple act of putting in the effort — for her, and for what mattered to her. It was his way of loving her, his love language spoken through flour and sugar, through careful attention to detail, and through the quiet humility that came with wanting to make her happy.
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CHARLES HAD ALWAYS BEEN METICULOUS in the ways he cared for her, a kind of attention that was never loud or overbearing but woven into the fabric of his every action. It was in the way he would always walk ahead just slightly, reaching the car first to open the door for her before she had even thought to do so herself. His hand would rest lightly on the doorframe, waiting as she slipped into the seat with a small, appreciative smile. He never made a fuss about it, never expected a word of thanks, but it was a habit as constant as the turning of the seasons. He understood that these small courtesies were his way of communicating, a language that didn’t need words.
Her bag, too, was something he would instinctively take from her as soon as they met, draping the strap over his shoulder as though it were the most natural thing in the world. Whether it was a long day of errands or a brief walk through the park, the weight of it never seemed to bother him. “You don’t have to,” she would say sometimes, though it was more out of habit than expectation. And he would shrug, flashing her that easy smile of his. “I know, but I want to, and it’s no trouble.”
Even on cold mornings, when the wind would bite at their skin and they found themselves huddling into coats, Charles was ever-attentive. As they wandered the streets with takeaway cups of steaming tea or coffee, he would take hers from her hands without a second thought, holding it between his own gloved palms to shield her from the chill. She had protested once, perhaps out of a sense of independence or stubbornness, but he had only smiled and shook his head. “It’s cold,” he’d said simply, as if the matter were already decided.
The thing about Charles was that he never made these acts feel obligatory or performative. They were woven into the quiet fabric of his love, embedded in the little moments they shared — a door held open, a bag carried, a cup kept warm. And she knew, deep down, that this was how he loved her, not with grand declarations or sweeping gestures, but with an unwavering constancy that wrapped around her like a second skin.
Each small act of care, unnoticed by others but never by her, made her feel seen in a way that words couldn’t. It was in the quiet things, the things he did without being asked, that she saw the depth of his affection. And it was in these moments, as they moved through the world together, that she knew she was cherished — not with extravagant displays, but with a love as steady and sure as the man who walked beside her.
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HIS LOVE SPOKE THROUGH TOUCH, in the way his hands found her almost instinctively the moment she stepped out of the lecture hall. After a long day of classes, she would find him waiting just outside, leaning casually against his car, his eyes lighting up the moment he caught sight of her. He never needed to say much. His presence alone seemed to ease the weight of her day.
As soon as she was within arm’s reach, his hands would naturally gravitate toward her. A gentle, almost unconscious brush of his fingers against hers before he intertwined them, as if to anchor her to him after hours of separation. There was something so grounding in the way he held her hand, a quiet reassurance in the warmth of his skin against hers.
It never ended there. He always seemed to need more — his arms wrapping around her in an embrace that lingered just a little longer than necessary, his hands slipping to the small of her back as he pulled her close. He would nuzzle his head against her shoulder, a gesture that spoke of yearning, of needing to be near her, to feel her, as if her presence was the only thing that could soothe his restless energy.
Even in the car, as they drove away from the university, his touch remained constant. One hand on the wheel, the other would inevitably find its way back to hers, or rest comfortably on her thigh, a quiet reminder of his desire to stay connected. At stoplights, he would lean over, pressing a kiss to her temple or her cheek, his arm slipping around her shoulders, drawing her nearer.
There was something so earnest, so unabashed about his need for physical closeness. It wasn’t just affection, it was as if touch was his way of grounding himself, of communicating the depth of his feelings without words. He didn’t need grand gestures to show how much he cared; it was in the small, intimate moments — when his head rested on her shoulder, when his fingers traced absentminded patterns on her skin, or when he pulled her into a hug so tight she could feel the steady rhythm of his heartbeat.
It was through these simple acts that she understood just how much he needed her, how much he cherished the feeling of her in his arms, beside him, within reach. His touch was his way of speaking, of saying what words could not — that in her presence, in the soft warmth of her embrace, he had found his peace.
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EVERY TIME HER UNIVERSITY EXAMS ended, without fail, there would be a gift waiting for her. It became a ritual, a quiet tradition he had started from the very first year of her studies. His love language was expressed through thoughtfulness, in the way he would hand her something small, but always meaningful, with a smile that reached his eyes.
He never made a grand display of it. The gifts were never extravagant, but they were deeply personal, chosen with care. A hardcover edition of her favorite novel, a delicate silk scarf in her favorite shade of blue, a handwritten note tucked between the folds of a soft leather journal. And on that particular day, after one of the most grueling exam weeks she had endured, he had something different in store.
As she stepped out of the exam hall, exhausted yet relieved, there he was, standing quietly off to the side with that familiar warmth in his gaze. He walked toward her, his hands slipping into his jacket pocket before revealing a small velvet box. She could tell, by the tenderness in his expression, that this was no ordinary gift.
“I know you've had a rough week,” he began softly, “but I wanted to give you something special.” Her fingers trembled slightly as she opened the box, revealing a delicate bracelet inside. It was simple, yet beautiful — a fine silver chain with a single angel charm hanging from it. The charm was intricately detailed, with outstretched wings and a serene expression, catching the light in a way that made it seem almost ethereal.
“An angel?” she asked, her voice barely above a whisper, though a smile already tugged at the corners of her lips. He nodded, his eyes never leaving hers. “That’s what I see when I look at you — my angel. Always looking out for me, always guiding me. I thought it was fitting.”
Her heart swelled at his words, a soft warmth blooming in her chest. The bracelet was more than just a piece of jewelry; it was a reflection of how he saw her, of the way he cherished her presence in his life. She knew then that every gift he had ever given her carried a meaning far deeper than the object itself.
Gently, he took the bracelet from the box and fastened it around her wrist. His touch lingered, his thumb brushing over the charm as if sealing the significance of the gesture. “I wanted you to have something to remind you how much you mean to me, especially when I’m not around.”
She looked at the bracelet, the charm glinting against her skin, and then up at him, her chest tightening with affection. “You don’t need to give me anything to remind me of that,” she said, her voice soft. “I know.” But he smiled, shaking his head. “I like spoiling you. It’s my way of showing you how much I care. And I’ll always have something waiting for you, after every exam, after every challenge. You deserve it.”
As they walked away from the university that day, her hand resting in his, she couldn’t help but glance down at the bracelet again. It wasn’t just a gift — it was a constant reminder of his love, of the quiet, steadfast way he always showed up for her, even in the smallest gestures. And to her, that meant everything.
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HE HAD ALWAYS BEEN GENEROUS with his words, the kind that lingered in the air long after they were spoken. Every time he saw her, no matter the occasion or the day, the first thing he would say was how beautiful she looked. It wasn’t a passing compliment, nor a routine gesture, but something genuine, as though he was reminding her of the beauty he saw in her, even when she couldn’t see it herself.
“Hey, pretty,” he would greet her with that soft smile of his, the kind that made his words feel like a caress, as though in that moment she was the only thing that mattered. But today, she didn’t feel beautiful. The weight of a bad day clung to her, pulling her shoulders down, her heart heavy with frustration and sadness. She hadn’t said much when they met, her smile strained, eyes distant. She thought she could hold it together, that if she just kept moving through the day, the weight would somehow lift.
He noticed, of course. He always noticed. As they walked side by side, his arm brushed against hers, a quiet gesture of reassurance. He hadn’t yet said anything, letting the silence linger between them like a fragile thread. But as they reached her apartment, she could feel the emotions swelling up, tightening her throat. She clenched her jaw, trying to push it down. 
“Rough day?” His voice was gentle, his eyes searching hers. She nodded, biting the inside of her cheek, not trusting herself to speak. She didn’t want to cry — crying was for kids, she thought. She was too old for that kind of release, too old to give into it. But the tension kept building, her emotions pressing against the surface like a dam about to burst.
He seemed to sense her struggle, and without waiting for her to speak, he stepped closer, his hand reaching out to tuck a strand of hair behind her ear. “You know,” he began, his tone softer than ever, “you don’t have to be strong all the time.”
She blinked, her eyes shimmering with unshed tears. “I’m not a kid,” she whispered, her voice shaky. “Kids can cry. Not me.” A warm smile spread across his face, one that carried no judgment, only understanding. “You can always be a kid with me,” he said, his voice low and soothing. “You can cry, you can fall apart if you need to. I’ll be here to take care of you, no matter what.” 
His words broke through her defenses, unraveling the tight knot she had been holding inside. The tears that she had been fighting so hard to contain began to spill over, silently at first, then in waves that she couldn’t stop. She felt herself trembling, embarrassed, but before she could apologise, he pulled her into his arms.
“There’s nothing wrong with crying,” he whispered into her hair. “It’s okay to feel overwhelmed. I’m here for you, always.” She clung to him, letting the warmth of his embrace soothe her. His hands rubbed slow circles on her back, his presence steady, calming. And as the sobs slowly faded, replaced by quiet breaths, she felt a strange sense of relief. 
“I don’t know why I always try to hold it all in,” she mumbled, her face still pressed against his chest. He tilted her chin up gently, his thumb brushing away a stray tear. “Because you’re strong,” he said, his eyes filled with admiration. “But you don’t have to be strong all the time. Especially not with me.”
She smiled weakly, feeling a sense of gratitude wash over her. He always knew what to say, always knew how to make her feel seen, understood. His words were more than just a comfort — they were an affirmation of her, of everything she was, even in the moments when she doubted herself. 
“You’re beautiful,” he said again, as if reminding her of a truth she often forgot. “Even when you don’t feel like it. Especially then.” And in that moment, she believed him. Because with him, she could be vulnerable, she could be flawed, and still, she was enough. His words didn’t just lift her — they wrapped around her, a blanket of warmth that made the world feel a little lighter, a little less daunting.
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THE MISUNDERSTANDING HAD TAKEN ROOT between them like a silent storm, creeping in with its unseen force, clouding the air they shared. She had heard something — words passed along by careless mouths — words that struck at the fragile chords of trust between them. He had sensed the shift in her, the way her warmth had slowly receded, leaving a subtle distance where once there was only ease. It wasn't like her to withdraw, and it wasn't like him to leave things unsaid.
He had always been a man of conviction, firm and clear in his affections. Yet now, as the weight of unspoken tension hung between them, he could feel the unfamiliar ache of uncertainty. She was guarded, her once open gaze now veiled by doubt. It pained him, more than he would ever admit aloud, to see the subtle wariness in her eyes. He knew there was something she was holding back, and he could guess what it was. 
The rumors. The murmured half-truths. She hadn’t asked him about them directly, but he could feel the weight of those unspoken questions in her every glance. It was the evening, and they sat across from each other in her small living room, the silence almost stifling. She stirred her tea absently, eyes fixed on the rippling surface as if it held the answers to her uncertainty. He watched her, studying the way her fingers trembled ever so slightly, the faint tightness in her lips as she held back what needed to be said.
Finally, he could bear it no longer. His voice broke the silence, low and steady. “I know you’ve heard things. About me. About us.” Her hand froze mid-stir, her eyes flicking up to meet his. There was no accusation in her gaze, only a guarded curiosity. “What things?” she asked, though they both knew she already had the answers.
He exhaled, leaning forward, the intensity of his gaze locking onto hers. “You heard wrong. Whatever it was that’s made you doubt me, it’s not true. And I’m going to prove it.” She blinked, momentarily taken aback by the firmness in his voice. She hadn’t expected him to address it so directly, nor to meet the issue with such unwavering determination. “You don’t have to prove anything,” she said softly, though the uncertainty in her voice betrayed her. “Yes, I do,” he replied, standing up suddenly, as if the very weight of the misunderstanding had propelled him into action. His jaw was set, determination etched into every line of his face. “Because if there’s even a shred of doubt in your mind, I’m not going to let it sit there. Not with us. Not with you.”
Before she could protest, he was already reaching for his phone. She watched, bewildered, as he started dialing numbers, calling the very people who had unknowingly planted the seeds of doubt in her mind. He didn’t care how late it was, didn’t care if it seemed excessive. He would go above and beyond if it meant clearing the air between them.
The first call was to one of his friends, the one who had supposedly been at the center of the rumors. He put the call on speakerphone, his voice calm yet firm. “Tell her what really happened.” There was confusion on the other end at first, but as his friend began to speak, it became clear. The situation had been misinterpreted, a harmless encounter blown out of proportion by careless gossip. His friend explained it all in painstaking detail, clarifying every point, until the truth stood there, clear and undeniable.
Still, he wasn’t done. One by one, he reached out to anyone who could possibly shed light on the misunderstanding. She sat there, silent, watching in awe as he unraveled the web of confusion with a methodical precision that left no room for doubt. He wasn’t doing it out of desperation, but out of a deep-seated need to ensure that she never had reason to question his integrity again.
When the last call ended, he turned to her, his eyes searching hers. “You don’t have to believe me,” he said softly. “You can believe them. I just need you to know that I would never hurt you. Not like that.” Her chest tightened as his words sank in. The intensity of his actions, the way he had gone above and beyond to prove himself — she hadn’t expected it. But more than that, she hadn’t realised how much she had wanted him to fight for her, for them. In that moment, the walls she had built around herself crumbled, and she was left standing in the ruins of her own doubts.
“I didn’t think…” she started, but her voice trailed off, emotion thickening her throat. She looked up at him, her heart in her eyes. “You really didn’t have to do all this.” He smiled then, a soft, knowing smile. “I did,” he said, his voice quiet yet resolute. “Because you matter to me. And I’ll go to any lengths to make sure you never forget that.”
She felt the tension leave her body, a soft exhale of relief escaping her lips. It wasn’t just the words — it was the actions. The way he had fought for her trust, the way he had refused to let the misunderstanding linger like a poison between them. He had proven, in the most undeniable way, that his love for her was stronger than any fleeting doubt.
And as he stepped closer, taking her hand in his, she knew without a doubt that he would always be there to clear the air, to fight for their connection. Because in his eyes, she was worth every effort, every moment of reassurance, every word of affirmation spoken into the quiet space between them.
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HE HAD GROWN USED TO the rhythm of their lives weaving in and out of each other’s. There was a silent understanding between them, a kind of unspoken dance where their schedules often clashed but their hearts always remained in step. Yet, lately, the weight of missed moments had begun to settle between them. His job, relentless and demanding, had pulled him away from her more times than he cared to admit. Meetings that stretched late into the evening, deadlines that loomed too large to ignore, and the endless stream of work that always seemed to multiply at the worst times. It wasn’t for lack of trying, but the dates they had planned — those precious hours set aside for just the two of them — had been quietly cancelled, one after another.
She had never complained, not once. Even when he’d called her, apologetic yet again for another missed evening, she’d only sighed softly and reassured him, “I understand, really.” And he knew she did. But it didn’t stop the guilt from gnawing at him, the sense that he was failing in some essential way, that he was slowly losing the very time they once shared so effortlessly.
That’s why, when she had mentioned the seminar — her voice bright with enthusiasm, as she explained how important it was for her course — he had listened intently, feeling the sting of another missed opportunity. She couldn’t meet him that evening because of it, and for once, it wasn’t his work keeping them apart. There was an irony in it that didn’t escape him.
He sat at his desk, staring at the calendar on his phone, his mind drifting from the endless emails piling up in his inbox to her, seated in that seminar hall, surrounded by classmates, absorbed in some lecture about a subject she cared about. And then, as if something clicked into place, an idea began to take root in his mind. If he couldn’t steal her away for the evening, he could at least be near her. Quality time wasn’t just about elaborate dates or grand gestures — it was about presence. It was about showing up, even in the quiet, unnoticed ways.
Without giving himself time to second-guess it, he stood from his desk, grabbed his coat, and made his way to her university. When he arrived at the building where her seminar was being held, the halls were hushed, the muted sound of voices from behind closed doors filtering through the air. He found her classroom easily enough, his steps slowing as he approached. The door was slightly ajar, and he could see her through the narrow gap, seated at one of the desks, her head tilted attentively toward the speaker at the front of the room.
He stood there for a moment, simply watching her. The sight of her — focused, engaged, oblivious to his presence — filled him with a warmth he hadn’t realised he needed. She looked so at ease, so in her element, and in that instant, the frustration of missed dates and hectic schedules faded into the background.
He didn’t want to interrupt her or make his presence known just yet. Instead, he found a seat on a bench just outside the door, settling in quietly. It wasn’t about being seen — it was about being there, about sharing even this small, seemingly insignificant moment with her.
The minutes passed slowly, the muffled sound of the lecture a quiet backdrop to his thoughts. He imagined the conversations they would have after, the way she would recount everything she had learned with that eager spark in her eyes. He smiled to himself, content to wait for her, knowing that this — just being near her — was enough for now.
When the seminar finally ended, students began to trickle out of the room, chatting amongst themselves as they passed him by. And then, there she was, stepping out into the hallway, her attention still half-occupied by something on her phone. She didn’t see him at first, but when she looked up and caught sight of him sitting there, her eyes widened in surprise.
“What are you doing here?” she asked, a soft laugh escaping her as she approached him. He shrugged, his expression easy. “I figured if I couldn’t take you out, I could at least be here with you.” She shook her head, a smile tugging at her lips as she looked at him with a mix of amusement and affection. “You didn’t have to come all the way here for that.”
“I wanted to,” he said simply, standing to meet her. His voice softened as he continued, “I miss spending time with you. Even if it’s just this.” Her gaze softened, her fingers brushing against his hand as she looked at him with that familiar warmth, the kind that melted away all the missed moments and cancellations. “I miss you too.”
They stood there for a moment, the hallway slowly emptying around them, leaving just the two of them in the quiet aftermath of the evening. There was no grand gesture, no elaborate plan — just the simple act of being there, of showing up for each other even in the smallest of ways. And in that moment, it was more than enough.
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SHE HAD BEEN TALKING ABOUT the camping trip for weeks, her excitement bubbling over with every little detail she planned. From carefully picking out the perfect spot by the lake to gathering everything they would need — the tent, sleeping bags, and even a little portable stove. She had painted a picture in her mind of them under the stars, a crackling fire in front of them, and the serenity of nature surrounding them. It was supposed to be the perfect weekend escape, a break from the world that felt just for the two of them. 
But as fate would have it, the skies had other plans. The steady patter of rain against the window seemed to mock her efforts, each droplet erasing the dream she had so carefully built. She stood at the window, watching as the downpour turned the streets into rivulets, her heart sinking with each gust of wind that rattled the glass. The bags were packed, the snacks ready, but the weather was relentless, offering no sign of clearing up. 
He watched her from the doorway, noticing the way her shoulders had slumped just a little, the way her fingers idly tapped against the windowsill in quiet resignation. She wasn’t one to show disappointment easily, but he knew her well enough to see it in the subtle tilt of her head, the way her usual spark dimmed just slightly. It wasn’t about the camping itself, really — it was about the time, the experience she had looked forward to sharing with him. 
He crossed the room quietly, slipping his arms around her waist from behind, resting his chin on her shoulder. “You know,” he began, his voice warm and gentle, “we don’t need the perfect weather to have a perfect time.” She leaned into his embrace, though the sigh she released was soft and defeated. “I know, but I was just… looking forward to it. I had everything ready.”
He kissed the top of her head, holding her a little tighter. “We can still do it,” he said, his voice taking on a playful edge. She turned slightly, curiosity flashing in her eyes. “What do you mean? It’s pouring outside.”
A grin spread across his face, mischievous yet sincere. “Who said anything about camping outside?” He stepped back, hands already gesturing to the living room behind them. “We can camp right here. It’s the same as long as we’re together, right?”
She blinked at him, momentarily stunned by the absurdity of the idea. But as he rushed past her, grabbing the tent from the neatly packed bags, she couldn’t help the laugh that escaped her, light and surprised. “You’re serious?”
“Absolutely,” he called over his shoulder, already clearing a space in the middle of the room. “We’ve got everything we need. A tent, snacks, and each other. What more could we ask for?” It wasn’t long before the tent was pitched right there in the center of their living room, the furniture pushed aside to make space for their little indoor campsite. He worked quickly, his enthusiasm contagious, and soon the room was transformed into a makeshift wilderness — albeit with the comforts of home just a few steps away. The tent flaps were open, revealing the soft glow of string lights he had hung around the room, casting a warm, golden hue over everything.
She stood in the doorway, watching as he finished setting up the sleeping bags inside the tent, her heart swelling with affection for this man who never failed to find a way to make her smile, even when things didn’t go as planned. “There,” he said, standing back to admire his work with a satisfied nod. “Our own little campsite.” She walked over, her eyes shining with gratitude and amusement as she looked at the scene he had created. “You’re ridiculous, you know that?”
He pulled her into his arms, grinning down at her. “Maybe. But you’re smiling, so it worked.” She shook her head, still laughing softly as she leaned into him. “I can’t believe you set up a tent in our living room.” He kissed her forehead, his voice softening as he held her close. “As long as we’re together, it doesn’t matter where we are. This can be our adventure tonight.”
They spent the evening curled up in the tent, wrapped in blankets and each other’s warmth, the sound of the rain outside becoming a distant murmur. He made hot chocolate on the stove, and they laughed as they toasted marshmallows over the kitchen burner, pretending it was a real campfire. It wasn’t the trip she had planned, but it was perfect in its own way — intimate, cozy, and filled with the kind of memories that mattered most.
As the night deepened, they lay side by side in the tent, the glow of the lights above them softening the room into a golden haze. She turned to him, her fingers tracing the line of his jaw as she whispered, “Thank you… for always making the best of everything.”
He smiled, taking her hand and bringing it to his lips. “I’d camp anywhere as long as it’s with you.” In that moment, the rain outside faded into the background, and all that mattered was the time they shared, wrapped in the comfort of each other’s presence.
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IN THE INTRICATE DANCE OF their evolving relationship, the myriad expressions of love became an eloquent testament to their deep bond. As her brother's best friend before becoming her boyfriend, he seamlessly navigated the nuances of affection, his gestures echoing the depth of his feelings.
The love language of acts of service shone brightly through his thoughtful actions, from baking a milk-free cake for her birthday to setting up an indoor campsite when their camping plans were thwarted by rain.
His gestures of gift-giving, like presenting her with a bracelet adorned with an angel charm, revealed the tenderness with which he viewed her, seeing her as an ethereal presence in his life.
Words of affirmation were his balm for her insecurities, soothing her with reassurances and steadfastly clearing any misunderstandings with diligence.
Quality time was his cherished currency, manifesting in his presence at her classes and his persistent effort to share moments despite demanding schedules.
Physical touch, too, was a silent language he spoke fluently, his hands ever eager for contact and his embrace a sanctuary of comfort.
Even with a five-year age gap between them, these expressions of love transcended mere routine, weaving a narrative of devotion that was both profound and enduring, underscoring the seamless transition from brother’s best friend to cherished partners.
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unplanned | c. leclerc
pairing: charles leclerc x unistudent!reader word count: 3.5 words request: yes/no by @spngi : "hey!!! can i please request charles angst and fluff imagine? charles leclerc x reader they date and then she finds out she accidentally got pregnant by him. she's freaking out and charles being cute as usual. thanks 💕💕" bestie i am literally so sorry this has been sitting in my inbox for months and i finally got around to writing it. i hope you like it! & by an anon: "hiii I love your writing! so could you write a CharlesxReader where his girlfriend is in uni studying to be a nurse and he always helps her and cheer her and one time they are studying together and he realises that she checks all the symptoms for a pregnancy? if she is pregnant or not that's up to you! thanks 💙" warnings: unplanned pregnancy (pls pls pls practice safe sex), vomiting and mention of other pregnancy symptoms, language, allusions to/mentions of abortion, slight panic attack. if i missed anything please let me know! a/n: yeah i don't know how to feel about this one. it's safe to say i do not have any sort of professional medical education and everything i wrote here is based on some basic five-minute google search i did.
my masterlist
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(look at this pretty baby)
the past few weeks had been hell. you’d been having constant headaches and back pains, your mood was erratic and unpredictable. and on top of everything, your finals were coming up.
there was one light at the end of the tunnel, though. charles was finally coming home after a race week. you hadn’t been dating for that long, coming close to the ten month mark, but you fell for him the second he laid eyes on you, the moment he stumbled on his words, a mess of french, english and italian blurring together to create an incomprehensible sentence. he was the sweetest guy you’d ever met.
you got up from the bed, everything hurt as you walked to the bathroom, with the full intention of taking a quick shower and making your apartment presentable in case charles showed up when he arrived in monaco. the problem was, you could barely stand. you felt weak, having to lean on the wall next to you as you stepped towards the bathroom. out of nowhere, you felt intense nausea taking over you, thankfully you’d arrived at the bathroom in time. 
getting back to bed was a difficult task. you felt your eyes getting heavy once you made it back, as if blinking was the hardest thing to do at the moment. your bed was full of books. anatomy, diagnosis handbook, physiology, everything you’d been learning for the past six months coming to a stressful end as your finals approached. you’d been spending every waking moment preparing for this exam, sometimes even letting hours upon hours pass before you ate something. maybe that was the reason you were feeling like this, your body was having payback for not taking proper care of it the past few days.
you leaned on your side, throwing the covers over your body, they were still warm from sleeping in them all night, yet somehow, you felt restless.
you’re studying to be a goddamn nurse, you should know what’s wrong with you, the emotional side of your brain said. meanwhile, the logical side rolled its eyes, this is what you get for not taking care of yourself. you didn’t want to listen to either side, so you extended an arm, grabbing the closest book and opening it where you’d left the bookmark, propping it against the pillows so you could catch up on some studying, you couldn’t waste a single second. even though your eyelids felt extremely heavy, you forced yourself to finish a page. or, tried to, at least. when you least expected it, your eyes closed on their own accord and you fell asleep instantly. 
charles was getting a little worried. he’d arrived a few hours ago and you hadn’t replied to any call or text he’d sent your way. he hated coming home to an empty apartment, he’d tried many times to convince you to move in with him, but you’d stood your ground, explaining that even though you loved him to the moon and to saturn, that was a big, important step that you wanted to take when you both felt ready, not because it was more convenient.
he understood, and after showing him some loving, he agreed. the trying didn’t stop, though, charles would always bring up the topic, a knowing, shit-eating smile on his face whenever you’d throw him a glance through narrow eyes. it was just too soon.
as charles dialed your number for the hundredth time, he felt small tingles on his neck, he was starting to get worried. he knew that your finals were coming up, and he knew that you’d probably spend all your free time studying, but he hadn’t received even a single text saying you were okay. so he jumped in his car and drove to your place. once he got up to your floor, he pulled out the key you gave him. it was a compromise he’d asked you to make, if you couldn’t at least live together, you could have easy access to each other’s homes whenever you needed. 
he got in, noticing your opened laptop sitting on the couch, the screen was black, most likely having run out of battery a while ago. he walked to the kitchen area, seeing a box of pizza on the counter, a few slices still there. his ears caught a peculiar sound, he frowned as he walked to your bedroom. his heart dropped to his stomach as he heard the unmistakable sound of you throwing up. he rushed past your bedroom, avoiding clothes scattered all across the floor as he ran. you’d left the door opened, and he instantly kneeled next to you, startling you.
“what’s wrong, love? you’re feeling unwell?” he asked softly, his fingers pushing your hair out of the way. there were silent tears running down your face, from the stress and desperation you felt at that moment. once you were done and feeling a bit better, charles helped you up, you cleaned your mouth and brushed your teeth, and you had to bite your tongue to avoid throwing up again, the usually relaxing smell and taste of the mint toothpaste felt unbearable at that moment.
one of charles’ hands was on your waist, circling your back as he held your hand with his free one. slowly, he led you to your bed, moving all of your books out of the way.
“how long have you been sleeping like this?” he asked, helping you down on the bed, throwing the covers over your body. you groaned in response, eyes shutting and eyebrows furrowed. “it’s okay, i’m here now. i’ll take care of you, mon ange,” he rambled softly.
“i’m okay, i-” you started, but cut off when you felt another wave of nausea. you squeezed your eyes shut, breathing deeply in hopes of making it go away. you could smell the scent of charles’ cologne, even from a distance as he ran to get you a glass of water.
“here, drink this,” charles said once he came back, lifting the cup up to yor lips, you took a few sips, not wanting to upset your stomach by drinking too much. “there. looks like i’m going to be your nurse for today, love,” he joked, and it made you smile. you scooted to one side, leaving enough space for him to slip in next to you. you snuzzled your head against his chest, the scent of his cologne invading your nose, somehow, this time, you didn’t feel the need to throw up or react badly. you smiled. you loved his cologne, and you didn’t want him to change it because you were sick.
“i love your cologne,” you mumbled, burying your face against his neck, inhaling.
“uh, thanks… i thought it would’ve worn off by now, i applied it in the morning,” he frowned, but didn’t think much of it. “since when have you been feeling like this?” he asked.
“like a week or so, it hurts to move, i feel like all my nerves are knotted together. the nausea and vomiting started today,”
“and the enhanced sense of smell?” he asked, and you chuckled at his description, as if it was a superpower.
“today as well,” you sighed. “i don’t know, i think it’s just stress. i have my finals coming up, i need to study and i… maybe i haven’t been taking good care of myself,” you admitted. keeping your face hidden so you didn’t have to see charles’ disappointed face. that was always his number one priority when he went away, that you didn’t let your school and work consume you completely, that you remember to care for yourself as much as you do for him.
“good thing i’m here now,” was all he said. “see? this is why you should move in, that way i can always be there for you.” if you had the strength, you would’ve rolled your eyes at him, “why don’t you sleep a little? i’ll be right here, i could order food. when was the last time you ate?”
“yesterday,” you answered, “i ordered pizza,”
“well, i don’t think you can eat pizza right now. i’ll order some soup, okay? do you have any medicine here?”
“no, i don’t want to take meds, i’ll just let it pass on its own,” you said, moving away from your hiding spot, eyes fluttering shut. “i need to study,” you groaned, trying to get up.
“no, no, you’re going to sleep,” charles held your hand, throwing an arm around your shoulders to push you back down, “look, you can’t even keep your eyes open.” he pointed out.
“but i’ve been sleeping all day,” you groaned, letting him pull you down and press a kiss to your forehead.
“no fever,” he whispered, making you smile.
“you’re really taking this nurse role seriously, are you?” you forced your eyes open, seeing a shy smile on his lips.
“sleep, my love. i’ll be right here,”
once you woke up, about five hours later, you noticed that the nausea was gone, your head wasn’t throbbing as it had before, and you could actually keep your eyes open and they didn’t feel heavy. but you were still feeling weak. you powered through it, walking out of your room and into the living room area, where charles was nowhere to be seen, he wasn’t in the kitchen, either. 
you walked to the fridge, feeling your mouth dry and needing water. you see a post it note stuck to the fridge door.
‘went out to get you chicken soup!!!!! stay in bed and do not open your books. i will help you study if you feel better later.
nurse’s orders :)))))))’
you laughed at his words, eyes scanning his perfect handwriting. you grabbed your water bottle and walked back to bed, not wanting to piss him off after he was being so kind and sweet to you. you only had to wait about five minutes before you heard the jiggling of keys, the sound of plastic bags and charles’ soft footsteps. you stood up again, walking to meet charles.
“what do you have there?” you asked, leaning against the doorframe of your bedroom. he turned, smiling.
“how are you feeling?” he placed the bags of food on the counter, placing his hands on your cheeks and lifting your head a little so he could inspect it. “better?” he asked, hopeful.
“better,” you smiled, charles sighed, shoulders relaxing at your confirmation, he threw both arms around your shoulders, eveloping you completely as he pushed you against his chest.
“that’s good. i told you you needed to rest some more,” he pressed a kiss on top of your head as he leaned back. “now you need to eat,” 
“i need to study,”
“after you eat. i’ll help you, i can ask you questions,” he raised his eyebrows, but you knew that it wasn’t an offer. he would help you in any way he could, as long as you took care of yourself, and also let him do the same for you.
“okay,” you agreed. you both sat on your couch, charles served the bowls of chicken soup as you picked a movie.
“what are we watching?” he asked. seeing the paused film with the disney logo.
“you’ll see,” you smiled, pressing play once he was sitting next to you. he chuckled as he heard the voice of lightning mcqueen. “it’s your favorite movie.”
“it is,” he nodded.
once the movie was over and your stomachs were full, charles grabbed your books to help you study.
“okay, which one first?” he asked, you pointed to one with a blue cover.
“diagnosis,” you leaned against the arm of the sofa, crossing your legs beneath you as charles imitated your position on the other side. he opened the book, you could see his confused face reading all the symptoms and things to look out for for each condition. “here, these are my notes,” you said, grabbing your notebook where you had made little summaries for each of them, making it easier for him to comprehend.
after a few rounds of him asking you to name all the symptoms for a condition, or asking you to name the condition as he listed the symptoms, things got interesting.
“pregnancy,” he said, looking at you. you nodded, looking up at the ceiling.
“missed period,” you started, charles nodded, “nausea, tender breasts, fatigue, dizziness, cramping, mood swings,” you continued, still looking at the ceiling as the words came to you easily. meanwhile, charles was frowning, staring intently at the words you’d written in your notebook. “headache, back pains, constipation,” you looked at him, “is that enough?” you asked, smiling. 
“what else?” he asked, his voice shaking slightly, he had his phone in hand.
“well… for example, if the person's period is late for more than a week it’s more than likely that it’s pregnancy, but it could also be something else,” you said, standing up and going to refill your water bottle. charles opened an app on his phone, the one with your synced period calendar. your were supposed to get your period two weeks ago, and he didn’t remember you mentioning you had it. “more sensitive sense of smell, cravings, of course, or loss of interest in foods the person used to like,” you said once you returned.
“oh,” he said as you sat down.
“what? what’s with your face?” you giggled, leaning closer to him, “you alright? i didn’t scare you with any of these?” you asked as you turned the pages of your notebook. “do you think you’re pregnant?” you raised an eyebrow, a cheeky smile on your face. it fell, though, when you saw his wide eyes. “what?” you asked.
“i- i… it’s just… the symptoms… are your symptoms…” he made big pauses between his words, “d-do you…”
“what? no! i- i can’t, i- i’m sure it’s just a bug…” you shook your head, frowning as you grabbed your book, flipping the pages until you got to the pregnancy section. “my period is-”
“two weeks late,” he showed you. your eyes widened, you felt your breath and heartbeat speed up as you grabbed his phone and checked the app.
“no, i- i- i can’t… i’m not ready,” you felt a chill run down your body, you looked down at your book, but the more you read the more it all started clicking in your head. “oh my god,” 
“hey, it’s okay, i’m with you. we’re not one hundred percent sure, but whatever you decide, i’m with you, okay?” he grabbed your hands with one of his, his free one went up to your face, he moved it so you were looking directly at him. “we’re in this together, okay?” 
“okay,” you breathed, fighting back the tears that were threatening to spill.
“oh, mon ange, come here,” charles pulled you close to his chest, where you buried your face and let the tears fall. “we’re going to be alright. no matter what, okay?” 
the smell of a sterile room never bothered you, the white walls of a doctor’s office never looked intimidating. a blood draw never frightened you. the results of an exam were never as nerve-wracking as the hours you spent waiting for the results of the blood test that would confirm a pregnancy. with charles being who he was, and you being who you were, a nurse student at the hospital, the on-call doctors sped up the results of your test so you could get them as soon as possible. 
as you waited, you held onto charles’ hand, your fingers were locked with his, and you gripped tightly as your leg bounced up and down incessantly. charles noticed, and placed a hand on your knee.
“we’ll be alright, don’t worry,” he said, swallowing a lump that was forming in his throat. you could tell that he was nervous as well, but was trying to compose himself to not freak you out.
“but what if..? we’re too young. and you- your career… and me, i- and we don't even live together...” you could form coherent sentences, you were rambling words that ran through your head without giving them a second thought. “we’ve never talked about this, having kids, and-”
“okay, then… let’s talk about it,” he nodded, clearing his throat. “do you want to have kids?” 
“i- i guess? i think i do, but… we haven’t been together that long, and i’m still studying and it’d be so difficult with our careers and-”
“hey, baby, baby, my angel, one thought at a time, okay?” he cut you off, leaning in to press a quick kiss to your lips. “we both want kids, that’s good.” he nodded, “i agree, i think we’re a bit young to have kids, but… i- i think we coud make this work, in case we truly are… expecting,” 
“you think?” you whispered, he nodded immediately.
“of course,” he said, “you’re not alone. you have me, and we have a great support system. we can find a way to make this work,”
“god, our families,” your eyes widened, “how are we going to tell them?”
“like i said… one thought at a time,” he said, you could tell he didn’t think about that before, he looked as nervous as you did.
“(y/n)? your results are in,” the obgyn called, you both stood up, walking to her office. “are you comfortable with your partner being in here?” she asked.
“yes. yes, please,” you nodded, gripping charles’ hand tighter. she nodded, giving you a small smile as she sat down, you both did the same, sitting on two cold chairs on the other side of her desk.
"okay. according to the results, you are six weeks pregnant.” she went straight to the point. something you both admired and -now- resented from the times you had watched her working. “we can discuss your options in a few minutes after i give you some time to talk about it." she offered. your back was stiff as she stood up and walked, leaving you both dumbfounded.
"pregnant…" you thought out loud, looking at charles who was just staring at the wall next to you. "charles?" you asked, and he turned to you with wide eyes.
"are we- we’re really having a baby?" he whispered.
"i-i don't know if i can do this," your heart was beating fast. you were too young, still had so much to look forward to, so many things left to do, and you two hadn't even been together for a full year officially.
"i'm with you whatever you decide to do, we're in this together, i'm not leaving you alone." his voice was shaky. the calm demeanor he sported outside was gone now that the news was actually here. 
"do you... think we- i-"
"we'll figure it out together." he reminded you. you felt relieved to have him by your side.
"we're so young and- your career-"
"do not worry about me. think about you. is this something that you want to go through? you have my full support for whatever you decide to do."
"i don't- i don't know." you felt your eyes burning as they filled with tears. "i don't know what to do."
"that's fine, it's okay. we can talk to the doctor about your options, okay?"
"do you want a baby?"
"i want you to be happy,"
"charles, please. i love you, but right now there's so much going on in my head, i need to hear what you are thinking as well."
"i think that... having a baby wouldn't be the worse thing right now," he said. "we could make it work, and we have so many great people around us who could help us with anything we need. what do you think? do you feel ready for this?”
“i… i don’t think i’ll ever be ready, but… i want this. i want this. do you-” you said, eyes wide as you looked at charles, who nodded enthusiastically.
“i do. i want this, too. we’ll make it work. we can do this.” he gripped both of your hands.
“we’re having a baby,” you whispered. “oh, my god, charles. we’re having a baby,” you smiled, after all the stress, the worrying, the doubts and concerns, you gave him a smile.
he stood up, pulling you up to your feet, he slipped his arms around your shoulders and pulled you to him. you circled his waist with your hands, burying your face in his neck as you let a few tears fall.
this time, the tears weren’t because of sadness, stress or anxiety. sure, you still had those feelings inside, but there was also joy, excitement and nerves in there as well.
“we’re going to be parents,” he mumbled against your neck, leaving a trail of kisses on your jaw, your cheek and finally, your lips.
“a mini you,” you smiled against his lips.
“or you,” he raised his eyebrows. “when can we find out?” he asked, eyes wide in excitement.
“in a couple of months,” you said, “i don’t think i want to know, though…”
“you want to wait?” he asked, you nodded, biting your lip. “i don’t know if i can handle the anticipation,”
“we’ll have to discuss it, then. we have many things to talk about when we get home…”
“home… wait, does this mean you can move in now?!”
“i love you.”
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theringers · 2 years
HER - charles leclerc
summary: “all i’ll ever have is one day with her” HER / chase atlantic
a/n: hey lol enjoy this fic lmk what u think besties<3
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warnings: 18+ only, smut, NSFW, oral (f receiving), drug use, alcohol
You quite liked red-eye flights. They usually meant a vacation or a fun trip. Somewhere with a time change and a hefty amount of time on the plane.
You dramatically watched the suburbs pass you by out the train window, sucking in your breath slightly as the city skyline started to appear in the distance. The last place you wanted to be was in the city, to be reminded of the memories it held. People you left behind.
Annoyance flooded through your body when you realized that you had to lug your three massive suitcases from the train station all the way to the check-in counter yourself. Nothing says traveling overseas like an unreasonable amount of clothing just in case.
The wine you sipped once you finally reached the airport lounge never tasted so good. You were always on time for your flights. International flights required you to be at the airport three hours prior, and you took advantage of that. It was one additional hour of vacation, as you perceived it. So you chilled out and spent the waiting time munching on snacks and getting lost in the pages of your vacation book.
When you picked up your phone forty-five minutes later, you hadn’t even realized the flight delay notification. You tossed your head back in annoyance.
The attendants in the lounge were no help when you asked questions about the delay. “Please see your gate agent,” they responded with a smug look.
As you approached the gate, or what you’d assumed was your gate, it was crowded with people. There was no way you could even attempt to push your way to the front.
You sighed and accepted defeat, plopping down in the nearest seat to watch the chaos from afar.
“Not even going to bother?” An accented voice spoke. You turned to see the man next to you, head still in his phone, and scoffed. He watched your frustrations but wouldn’t make eye contact with you when he commented on them. You studied his side profile. The way his glasses perched on his perfect nose, and his dimple creased in his cheek even though he wasn’t grinning. He looked … interesting. As anyone who travels in a full suit would look. But he looked better.
You crossed your arms and legs, sitting back in the oddly shaped airport chair, and watching the crowds throw their arms in the air. “All they want is a free meal voucher and to be out of this airport. They couldn’t care less where they go. They’ll take any flight anywhere.”
“And you do care, I assume.” He continued to stare at his phone.
You pursed your lips. “As do you, or you’d be right up there with them.” He looked up from his phone, but still had his gaze forward. “I assume.”
He finally looked over, annoyance flooding his expression. “I am trying to go home, but it seems that is not the case.”
“Seems that way.” You agreed with him. The already rambunctious crowd in front of you increased in volume when the “Flight Delayed” flashed to “Flight Cancelled”.
Your blood boiled, not looking forward to being at the end of the so-called line the crowd was being asked to form. They were sorting out the cancellation and booking everyone on new flights, but it was getting late and you weren’t in the mood to handle logistics. “Fuck this,” you muttered under your breath, trying to gather your things. “Guess I’m getting comfy in the airport hotel tonight.” You tipped your head to him. “Nice to meet you.” Although it wasn’t necessarily nice.
“It’s only ten pm, and the city’s not too far from here.” He spoke, his accent prominent. Like he knew what he was talking about, but his accent wasn’t a New York accent. It was French.
“Oh really?” You smirked at him. “How long would it take you to get to the center of Times Square from here?”
“I don’t know,” he looked up from his phone again like you were the one bothering him. Forgetting that he carried on the conversation. “Ask my driver.”
“You can’t be serious,” you said, rolling your eyes at him.
“I’m not.” He said, finally putting his phone down. “But there is no way I’m waiting out this delay in the airport hotel.” He stood up and grabbed his bag, dusting his pants off in the process. “I am going back to the city. Would you like to join me?” He offered his hand and an invitation to tag along to whatever he, a stranger, had planned for the night.
You looked at him, dumbfounded. He seemed so entitled. “What?”
“Do you have plans for the night?”
“Do you? We were supposed to be on that flight.”
“I passed up an invitation to a party because my agent needed me home,” his accent flooded a reminder back into your mind. He was headed on a flight home. “But I have two. The second is yours if you want it.” It frustrated you how nonchalant he was being about the travel delay.
But you didn’t want to get on that train back to your apartment, just to do it all again tomorrow. You would have to see his face at this gate smiling tomorrow regardless of whether you spent the night at this party with him.
“Who are you?” You asked him with an astonished yet impressed look and he smiled.
“Doesn’t look like you care,” he held out his hand for you to take, “but I’m Charles.”
“Y/n,” you said, grabbing his hand and following him towards baggage claim.
The crisp New York air made you shiver as the automatic sliding doors opened. Charles let go of your and held his hand up like he was hailing a taxi, but you were sorely mistaken when a red Ferrari came speeding down the arrivals lane.
You weren’t sure whether the Ferrari made you excited or nervous. He could be anyone taking you anywhere.
And he was taking you back to the city. The one you’d avoided for so long.
It was a mistake. You turned back towards the airport door, tempted to run. You don’t know him. You wouldn’t be hurting his feelings.
You turned back toward the car and he stood next to the passengers side, opening the door for you. He smiled at you, looking more human than he did prior, easing your worries.
You accepted his invitation and walked towards the passenger’s seat. You had never been a car girl before, but it was a nice car. “Yours?” You asked him, pulling the door shut behind you.
“A rental,” he said, preoccupied with changing every setting on the car to fit his liking.
You nodded. Not much more you learned about him knowing his Ferrari was a rental. Truly - who was he?
“Do you own one?” You asked and he chucked.
“A few, actually.” He owned multiple Ferraris. Noted. “What kind of car do you drive?”
“Not a Ferrari,” you laughed, looking around and admiring the craftsmanship of the car. “I don’t.”
“You don’t drive?” He asked, shifting gears and speeding off, following signs for Manhattan.
“No,” you responded coldly. He laughed, and it made you mad. Why was that funny to him?
“I have a reservation at a hotel in midtown tonight. You are more than welcome to stay, and I’ll drive us back to the airport tomorrow.”
“Are you going to drive us all around town tonight in this? Partying?”
“Y/n,” he said, resting his hand on your thigh. “I told you I have a driver.” His words and the pressure of his fingertips calmed any remaining nerves you had left.
You watched his fingertips slowly graze the soft skin on your thighs, bringing attention to the shorts you were wearing.
“Charles,” you spoke, and his hand halted.
“Sorry,” he moved to pull his hand away.
“No, no, it’s-” you stopped. “Do you see what I’m wearing?”
He glanced over quickly and nodded. And swallowed hard. Keeping his eyes on the road.
You were wearing athletic shorts and a hoodie. And your three massive suitcases, full of every option of clothing you might need, were sitting in the airport waiting to be loaded onto your plane tomorrow.
“I’ve got it covered,” he assured you. And your only option was to trust him.
He seemed like a relatively private man, not giving too much information on who he was or what his interests were. He looked put together, wore a suit on a flight, did not care about his flight being cancelled in the slightest , and hopped in a Ferrari to drive to a party.
He was a mystery.
You gasped as his car slowed down on Madison Ave and he followed attendants directing him into the valet lane. There were paparazzi standing out front and you sucked in another sharp breath when you pulled up close enough to read the sign on the building. Chanel?
“You are not about to make me get out of this car right now.”
He laughed.
“I am not walking into a Chanel store dressed like this.”
He laughed again. “I’ll sneak you in.”
You struggled to pick your jaw up. “What?” You asked him, dumbfounded for the millionth time that night.
“This is where the party is, and I’m sure they’re not lacking in party-worthy outfits.” He unbuckled his seatbelt and tossed you a designer jacket, casually hanging out in his backseat. It was long enough to cover your shorts, but your sweatshirt was still stuffy. The jacket couldn’t fit around it it and you were gonna have to take it off.
“You’re going to have to make some sacrifices here.”
“I can’t.”
“Why not?”
“I’m not wearing anything under my sweatshirt.”
He pursed his lips, attempting to hide his grin. “I’ll close my eyes.” He squeezed his eyes shut and you quickly pulled your sweatshirt off and zipped the coat up all the way.
He handed you a pair of sunglasses and looked at the white sneakers on your feet. You looked great, and with some fashion being so questionable these days, no one would question you.
Sure, you didn’t match his suit, but you looked decent enough to sneak in to the party unnoticed.
And you did. He immediately directed you towards the dressing rooms, like he owned the place, and sat you down. “I’ll be right back. Give me two minutes.”
You looked around. Everything was so luxurious. So unnecessarily ornate and grand. Music boomed throughout the store and voices of the wealthy rang through like a symphony. You shouldn’t be here.
The city made you feel uneasy and you finally stopped to realize how insane you had been the last hour.
Footsteps approached and it was that damn suit again, attached to that smiling face. He had a slinky gold dress in one hand and a glass of champagne in the other. “These are for you.”
You eyed him, unsure of his choices. “You want me to wear this?”
“I think you’d look amazing in it.”
“I’m already disagreeing with you.” You reached for the dress to try it on. “And what do you know? You don’t even know me.”
“I can see you, though.” You rolled your eyes and took the glass of champagne back in one chug.
He looked impressed, nodding his head. “I’ll be back with another glass and another outfit.”
You shut the dressing room door, looked in the mirror, and unzipped his coat slowly. You found yourself wishing they were his hands pulling the zipper down your body, wishing it were that strangers soft fingertips running over your bare skin.
Interrupted by his heavy hand knocking at the door, you pulled the jacket closed with one hand, and cracked the door open. There he stood, grinning like an idiot once again with a new outfit and a new glass of champagne. “I thought this outfit suited you better.” He handed the hangers over, and you tried your best to grab the clothes while attempting to hold the sides of the jacket closed.
You only noticed you had failed when his cheeks began to blush red. You looked down at your exposed chest, and back up at him. His eyes were already closed.
“I’m not looking,” he said. You appreciated the sincerity, but you almost wanted him to.
You wanted him to be disrespectful and sneak a squinty glance between his closed eyes. You wanted him to run his tongue over his lips and lust for you. So you grabbed the hangers in one hand, the champagne in the other, and shut the door without a care of holding a jacket together.
You admired the outfit he had picked out for you. A tight leather skirt and a white crop top.
“I figured you could just keep the jacket on with it,” he said. “It looks good on you.”
What was the use for the crop top anyway? You pulled on the leather skirt and adjusted the jacket. It tastefully covered you up, but it was risky.
“And, I found these boots,” he started when you opened the door, but you standing in front of him in just his jacket and a tight leather skirt left him speechless. “I, uh,” he looked around, trying to collect his thoughts. “I thought these leather boots would look good.”
He hungrily looked you up and down before taking a step closer. Your breath shook and you were now aware of how easily he affected you.
“I like the jacket,” you said.
“I like it better on you. It’s yours.”
You swallowed every other thought running through your mind and inched closer to him. “And what if I took it off?”
His mouth widened. “I think I’d like it even more.”
You felt a boost of confidence and pushed the sleeves of your jacket off your shoulders, standing in front of him in just a skirt. He clenched his jaw, tightening the muscles in his face as he looked on. He admired you with an attitude.
“If you don’t take a step back into that dressing room,” he takes a deep breath. “If someone walks up here and sees you like this, so help me God.”
Your heart raced at a million miles an hour and your chest thumped so heavy, you were sure he noticed. You stepped backwards as he stepped forward, your movements in sync. His gaze dipped from your eyes down to your lips, and quickly back up, and you knew what that meant.
He rushed to you, quickly cradling your face in his hands and touching your lips to his. You gripped his forearms tight and leaned in to the kiss, feeling the softness of his lips. You wanted to feel, to kiss the rest of his soft skin, all over his body, every inch of it.
His lips tasted of cigarettes, leaving you to wonder when he had the opportunity to run off for a quick hit. But you craved more of that taste. He opened his mouth slightly, allowing you the opportunity to tug at his lower lip with your teeth.
A guttural moan came from deep in his throat when you pinched the sensitive skin on his lips, and he responded by throwing all of his weight into pushing you up against the wall.
You pulled back from the kiss in shock, but smiled at the forced he used to get you to where you were.
“You okay?” He opened his eyes and you nodded to reassure him that not only were you okay, but it was much appreciated. “You need something else to take the edge off?”
It was an open ended question that you debated how to answer for longer than you should have. “I- I don’t-”
“I’ve got something for both of us.” He tugged the chain out from under his collared shirt, pulling open the top two buttons in the process, and revealing a cross dangling from his neck.
He pulled you in for another kiss, trailing down your neck, until he reached your chest. “You have the most perfect tits,” he said, sucking on the skin below your collarbone. You lean back in pleasure, feeling his teeth pinch the skin just as you had to him earlier.
He stepped back again to admire you before reaching for the cross and unscrewing it from the chain. “C’mere baby,” he said, emptying the contents of the cross onto your bare chest. Before you realized what was going on, he had already snorted the line quickly off your chest.
He sniffled and wiped his nose a few times. You watched him in shock, but it seemed more than casual for him. He looked at you with the grin only someone high on drugs could flash. He still looked just as sexy as he did earlier, just with a little less thought behind his eyes. You leaned against the wall as he approached you and kneeled on the ground beneath you.
He ran his finger from your ankle slowly up to where your skirt cut off. “May I?” He asked, looking up at you with a sparkle in his eye.
You stepped your legs apart slightly but still managed to protest. “I just put this on.”
“That’s not what I was asking, was it?” You loved the way he looked beneath you as he pushed the skirt up your waist, diving his tongue deep between your legs. You bit down on your finger out of instinct, trying to hide the sounds you emit because of the way his mouth moved. Your other hand tangled in his hair, tugging at it to let him know you were thoroughly enjoying it, given you didn’t want to make any noise.
He gripped your hips and rocked your body on his face, sending you into a pleasure spiral. You held your hand over your mouth, but he stopped when he noticed. “Let me hear those sounds, baby.”
He shook his head. “I want to know how I make you feel.” He softly reached for your hand to place it back at your side, so he could continue working you.
Your breathing became heavy, and hearing yourself out loud just turned you on even more. You wouldn’t last long. “Fuck,” you breathed, and Charles heard you loud and clear. You felt his moans vibrate through your entire body and you couldn’t handle it anymore, letting go and falling back against the wall in pleasure.
“That’s it baby,” he said against your pussy, licking you clean. “Let go.”
Five minutes later, you walked out of the dressing room in your new outfit, completed with the perfect pair of leather boots. Charles stood on his phone, hair messy and lips bright red. “You ready to go?” He asked.
He smiled and nodded. “I said my hellos, and now we can leave. There’s so many more fun things to do in this city.”
He was right. He may not be from here like you were, but he knew a thing or two about this place.
He grabbed your hand and headed for the door.
“That was fun,” you smiled breathlessly with his hand still in your grip. The chill of midnight air brushed your faces simultaneously, and it brought you to a realization. You let go of his hand and galloped down the steps.
He hadn’t moved. He just stood there. His eyes were wide as his smile. He had no idea what to think of you.
“You coming?” You hollered at him as you headed up to 15th Street, not bothering to look back at whether he was following you.
“Where to next, y/n?” He shouted, trying to catch up to you.
“We can do whatever you want, just don’t go falling in love with me.” You turned back to him and said, before walking off into the sleepless city of New York.
It was too late. Your boots walked the concrete sidewalk and your hips swayed in that god forsaken leather skirt and he found himself utterly taken with you. The way you commanded a room even when you thought no one was looking. The way you walked and expected everyone to follow. The way you secretly snuck a glance to make sure he was following behind you, because he was the one exception.
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sainz-leclerc · 2 years
High School Sweetheart - Arthur Leclerc
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pairing : arthur leclerc x reader
summary : dating since high school , Arthur surprises you with a trip down memory lane
warnings : none , just pure fluff
A/n : I have officially became CEO of the Arthur Leclerc writing community , thank you very much 🫡
You and Arthur have known each other since diapers , being best friends from kindergarten all the way to middle school . Soon enough , you two started dating in high school and remained together until now.
Some may call you high school sweethearts , which at least in Arthur’s case was 100% true seeing as he was the sweetest boy on this earth.
Even though he has known you for so long he still treated you like you hung the moon . For him you might as well had.
Constantly surprising you with flower and candies , always praising you and showering you with love.
You felt like the luckiest girl in the world.
Today was no different. Arthur told you to go change into a sundress because he had a small surprise for you.
Intrigued , you went upstairs and put on Arthur’s favorite , a blush pink one. He always said your cheeks match the dress every time he compliments you and that’s why he loves it so much.
Brushing your hair and spritzing on some perfume, you made your way back into the hallway.
There was your boyfriend , dressed in a casual pair of jeans , a white t-shirt , a flannel and some sneakers.
Turning his attention over to you , his pupils dilated. The young driver looked at you like you were the prettiest girl ever. For him you were.
Getting closer to you , he took ahold of your hand and twirled you around.
Giggling , you get on your tiptoes and kiss his lips.
“You look like a princess mon amour” Arthur complimented , making that rosy color he loves so much appear on your cheeks.
“Well then , will you be my Prince Charming ?”
The monegasque offered his elbow , sending you a cheeky wink “of course m’lady”
Putting on your shoes and grabbing your bag , you two exited the apartment.
Making your way to his car , the two of you started driving around the streets of Monaco.
Looking around your home town , so many memories sprung to your head. Most of them being with Arthur. 
The ice cream parlour were you two used to go after school , the karting center him and Charles used to train at , the library where you two always studied together. 
Waiting for the bell to ring , you already started packing up your school bag. Today was an exhausting day at school . You had not only a math pop quiz but also a presentation on the human brain so it was safe to say your batteries were worn out.
Hearing the familiar ‘ding’ you zipped up your bag , said your goodbyes to your teacher and started making your way into the courtyard.
The second you were outside , two arms were wrapped around you. Arthur picked you up , twirled you then set you back down.
“How was your day my lovely y/n ?” you best friend asked , doing a joking bow.
Smiling , you started telling him all about your tiring day, Arthur nodding along.
You ended your story with a sigh and a murmur of ‘i’m so tired’ The monegasque frowned at your tired state and quickly came up with a plan.
“Today is Friday right ?”
“Yep” you draw out the ‘p’
“Great , you’re sleeping at mines tonight” he said taking your backpack and carring it alongside his like it was nothing “Mum’s making those chicken wraps you like so much. Ooh , and before going home we can stop by Mr.Agreste for some ice cream”
Smiling at his efforts to make you feel better after a full day , you wrapped your arms around his middle, burying your face in his chest. The boy stilled for a second before wrapping his own arms around you.
“Thank you” you murmured, making Arthur smile.
“P1” you squeal excitedly from the other side of the track “you did it”
Running up to you , Arthur wrapped his arms around you, making both of you to jump up and down. It was a Sunday afternoon and Arthur just won his first karting race.
Pulling back to look at him , your 6 year old self kissed the cheek of a very flushed 7 year old Arthur. “I’m so proud of you Arthur”
The boy smiled at you before hugging you once again. At that moment a ‘click’ was heard and spinning around the two of you saw your mum taking photos of the beautiful moment.
“Maman” Arthur whined but Pascale just shushed him, claiming you two will be great full for the pictures in the future.
“Shhh” you shushed Arthur for the 3rd time. The two of you were studying in the library. Or more like you were studying cause you had a big test tomorrow and you wanted to do some revising and Arthur simply was there.
Why ? Because where you were , he was.
The boy was sitting back in a chair , scribbling nonsense on a piece of paper when a girl from his year came up to him.
Completely ignoring you , she shoved a chair in between you two. Fixing her hair , she made doey eyes at Arthur. “Hey”
Frowning because she’s never approached him before when he was with you , he cautiously said “hi Claire , how can I help you ?”
“Well” she twisted a strand of hair around her finger and giggled like something was funny “I was wondering if you would like to go have some ice cream ?” She stared up at him before turning to you.
“Little y/n here is studying and I’m sure she could use the quiet , wouldn’t you y/l/n ?” Claire asked with a bite in her tone.
Both of them looked at you , one of Arthur’s eyebrows raise in a ‘what the fuck’ manner , but you just shrugged at them , overall leaving it up to Arthur to decide if he wanted or not to go out with Claire.
You were a bit hurt , seeing as ice cream was your thing , and he would accept then it would mean it’s not something special anymore.
Wincing , Arthur spoke sweetly to Claire “Thank you Claire , i’d love some ice cream …” the girl giggled like a maniac “but I promised my y/n/n I would help her study. Also , no offense , but ice cream is more of our thing so…”
Smiling to yourself , you kept busy with your books. Claire looked like he just slapped her. You wouldn’t admit it to Arthur because he’s too nice for his own sake , but you didn’t really like Claire.
She was way too entitled and spoiled and always got what she wanted when she wanted it. She pretty much was a brat , so seeing you had something she couldn’t have was definitely an ego boost.
Claire left without another word and Arthur was quick to remove her chair and drop his head in your lap. “Oh thank god. I can’t stand her”
Both of you looked at the other before bursting out in silent giggles , Claire and her troupe sending you death glares from across the library.
Calming down , Arthur looked up at you from your lap. “Ice cream ?”
“Ice cream” you nodded and began packing your books.
“ Look darling , the little restaurant I took you to on our first date. Do you remember ?’’
Smiling at the memory you nod ‘’ Of course , I remember thinking it didn’t feel like a date at all seeing as I was there with my best friend’’ 
Both of you grinned before he parked right in front of the little restaurant. Getting out of the car , he opened your door and took ahold of your hand. 
The boy led both of you inside right in the booth where you two had your first date. 
And just like the other one , it was amazing . To keep the memory day on , both of you ordered what you got last time and talked about all of your favourite memories together. 
After finishing your dinner your dinner , you exited the diner and spotted Mr.Agreste’s shop.
With a glint in your eyes , you mischievously smiled at Arthur. Following your line of vision , the boy realized what you were thinking about.
“Loser buys the ice cream” you rushed out before breaking in a sprint , a whining Arthur hot on your trail.
Arriving first at the parlor , you did a little victory dance before Arthur caught up with you “cheater”
“Hey , don’t hate the player . Hate the game” you teased making the boy look at you with a what he assumed was a stern expression.
Breaking out in a smile , he took ahold of your hand and led you both inside the shop.
It still looked like the same one from more then 10 years ago. More and more memories sprung to life while you took in the shop.
A voice however broke you out of your trance “Ah , Y/n and Arthur. It’s been a while” the man said with a smile on his face.
“Mr.Agreste” both of you chimed in at once , catching up with the old man. After some light conversation, you two were ready to order but the man fought you to it.
He already had your ice cream orders ready , knowing them by heart after such a long time. Mr.Agreste winked at you before going to the back of the shop.
Exiting the parlor , you two started walking around Monte Carlo hand in hand.
“Did you enjoy today sweetheart ?” Arthur asked , taking a bite out of your ice cream.
“It was lovely , thank you Arthur” you smiled at him before planting a soft kiss on his cold lips.
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