#characterisations are characterisations and with FE4 being barebones compared to the modern FE games
randomnameless · 10 months
What do you think about the FE4 manga?
Wow, I feel like I'm being watched, I must be careful lol
(I assume you're talking about the Oosawa Manga?)
The art is very pretty, and it's a nice way to enter the Jugdral verse even if...
The manga isn't following the canon!
I took some time to realise it, ultimately some other people were sort of right, this manga is a licensed fanfiction about FE4 - this is the mangaka's take on the game, even if it means some plot points are modified (TFW no Hilda!) or created to add extra drama (the "Travant loved Ethlyn" triangle, or how Arvis torches Siggy that is pretty different from the game...).
So, if you want to read a manga (the 90s art is really worth it!) fanfiction of FE4 and love drama, then go ahead!
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