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yessu · 8 months ago
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..... Y'know honestly I don't think Ferdinand can really grasp what a Hobby is. Like you could explain to him it's a thing you do for fun on your free time, and he goes 'Ah, Okay. All of my time is free time I suppose because I'm not a soldier anymore.' but does he even know what it's like to Relax and have fun anymore when he spent decades overwhelmed by excess energy? He enjoys fighting and using his magic, he thinks *that's* fun, but does that really count anymore if it's self-maintenance? like, could one say exercise is a hobby??
So I guess the answer is
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stormangelkimberlysky · 2 years ago
IrishAngel Cannon facts:Britannica SpiderBite🕷💋🚬🔫
💋🚬is kimberlyanna's Ex & first a girl she's been with
💋🚬still has romantic feelings for kimberlyanna
💋🚬 is Bi but more female
romantic (Never been with a man before)
💋🚬 is a switch, but more of a Dom
💋🚬 free spirited
💋🚬 is Italian American
💋🚬 real name is Beatrice Falcon
💋🚬 born in brooklyn, NY & died in Clinton Road, NJ at age 28 on 01/01/1977
💋🚬 grew up in the "Family business"
💋🚬 was first trained by her grandfather to be the next ghost when she was alive
💋🚬Britannica, Mandy, & Ripley are close like sisters and looks to Zero like a father figure / master/ and mentor. ( Zero and Ripley belongs to TCipher96 on Twitter. She also VAs a Ripleyas well!^^)
💋🚬 is often called "Brit" or " ghost" ( NicName passed down from her grandfather, who was the original ghost and was very close to the D'Angelo family). ONLY close ones of hers call her "Britney" or her real name
💋🚬 is an army brat
💋🚬 star sign: Aries ♈️
💋🚬 the falcons were both a crime family & a cult
💋🚬 smokes lucky strikes cigarettes like her grandfather & father.
💋🚬 can speak fluently in Italian & English at the same time.
💋🚬 perfers deinking her bourbon🥃, red wine🍷, or coffee☕️
💋🚬 loves Telenovelas & crime shows/dramas
💋🚬 very skilled with hand to hand combat, stealth, weaponry knowledge, & infiltration
💋🚬 has a deep scar on her back from her being jumped by Lutz & Ludwig
💋🚬 works as a micanic for " Hells On Wheels : motorcycle & Automotive"
💋🚬 owns & rides a motorcycle (Ducati XDiavel cruiser)
More character facts about her will be revealed soon!^^
Comissions by lilish_chan on twitter!^^
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thegaybachelorsims · 6 years ago
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Character strengths tag
Tagged by @cillaben  🧡 thank you so much for the tag, Love Ya!
I tag: @shahkiertai , @anotherplumbob , @dandylion240 , @myopiccc , @ladybugsimblr , @jenpants and anyone else who wants to do this:)
Rules: bold traits that apply always. italicize occasional or situational traits.
A little background before she is officially introduced....
Mila Elisabeth Boedell
adaptable | adventurous | affectionate | ambitious | artistic | athletic | assertive| beautiful | brave | charming | clever | compassionate | confident | considerate | cooperative | courteous | creative | curious | decisive | dependable | determined | diplomatic | easy-going | enthusiastic | fair | fashionable | forgiving | friendly | fun-loving | funny | generous | gentle | hard-working | heroic | honest | hopeful | humble |  imaginative | incorruptible | intelligent | intuitive | inventive | jocular | leader | lively | loving | loyal | merciful | musical | observant | open-minded | optimistic | organized | outgoing| passionate | patient | playful | polite | popular | practical | resourceful | self-assured | selfless | sensible | sincere | strong | studious | thoughtful | tough | versatile | warm-hearted | well-intentioned | wise | witty
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vulpcsfault · 7 years ago
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Okay but we love a cutie, I'm just saying 😊 • • • TV show: teen wolf Character: allison argent • • • Tags: #teenwolf #teenwolfedit #tw #twedit #allisonargent #allisonargentedit #crystalreed #crystalreededit #characterfacts #characterfactfiles #photoedits #photoedit
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sleepygallows · 7 years ago
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Queen Felicity 👑 #characterfacts #backstory #forPeaceLoveAndHarmony #plh #blackqueen #blackroyalty
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shalaena · 6 years ago
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Subject: Phaet Riley Personality: Usually shy and anti-social Fun Factoid 1: Phaet is named after a star in the constellation Columba. His name is pronounced 'fate', but the star's pronunciation is 'fact'. It means 'the dove'. ~Phaet's version of chapter 1 will be released in February as a bonus for $3+ patrons! Patreon link in bio. ♥ #Fatenovel #bookquotes #characterfacts #phaet #amwriting #wip #patreon https://www.instagram.com/p/BpkTmS9Ar-j/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=gr0gqbld6h1m
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hereliesbitches--me · 2 years ago
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the living embodiment of the Void, the grim reaper, an entity of many shapes and faces.
Death is the equal and opposite to the creator God, and the father to all Moon entities. By this statement, he is also Rosie's creator who regularly peeks in to the state of the story in different unfamiliar entities. Death is always watching, always vying for a well done, clean ending to the life story of mortals, which is often difficult with Big G constantly adding "plot twists" and extending the lives of mortals.
While more of an NPC, death will be a character that will pop up more often in threads once you become closer to Rosie
Fun CharacterFacts:
the old reaper has cracks in his Skull, received while reaping powerful entities who did not want to be taken. While he respects the fight, he is inevitable and will always win in the end
The Scyth weapon he had is the storage place of reaped souls, to which he can transport or reassign souls. The length of his scythe has 13 grooves which represent the 13 dimensions, to which he can press and warp himself easily between realms for reaping purposes.
Personality facts: Death is not the warmest entity up front. He lacks true emotional understanding and perceives everything as a matter of fact. There is no place for social constructs or moral righteousness when Death comes to reap. But he's not wholeheartedly cold. He has a fondess for creatures that fight for survival, and has grown warm in regarding the Moons as his daughters. Especially Regarding Rosie's existence as an uncharted abnormality. He likes to collect vintage items through the dimensions and time -- he has a particular appreciation for classic rock and the alternative genre. MCR happens to be a favorite, he even has a shirt that was gifted to him
The bones are not interconnected, instead they are in fact held together by a tar-like substance that is manifested void solidified to act as a binder to give him that iconic skeletol look. Means you can technically pull his bone as far as you like and it will snap back in place like putty
Death is the embodiment of the oblivion, and everything about the multiverse actually occurs within his own body. The empty void lies within his ribs, voidborn are the first creatures to inhabit the oblivion are the equivalent of harmless skinmites to him, and yet that are one of the most dangerous creatures to anything that is living. The creation of 13 dimensional planes exist within oblivion to act like a viable biosphere for life to be planted by Big G Elohym and all their crafty creations. It acts like a protective barrier with voidborn desperately trying to tear and crawl into in order to feed their insatiable hunger
Death and God also have a complicated relationship in which God is best described as a manic out of ouch OC creator that adds trauma and major events to the story as a means of character development , while Death is the editor that tries to cleanly tie up story endings before Big G gets ahead of himself (I say he but can legit present in any shape that people want em to. He's a person shaped thing with a glowing face you cant see rocking the air moses 3000 sandals ) and goes overboard with a damage. Imagine Death's scroll like a shared google doc, hes in the middle of writing a proper character death in red ink, then suddenly blue ink manifests on the page and starts crossing out + deleting his work to overwrite what he has written down. It becomes aggressive note wars at the side panel of the scroll arguing with each other. Death screams in his crypt and the multiverse shivers in confusion. Big G laughs because Death just doesnt understand the masterpiece they have planned. Big G is not malicious, he has simply never had to live a mortal life and does not understand the extent of what suffering feels, only understands how it changes the course of a person's character through it. Like I said, manic creator
Death monitors the realm of the living in person, but also has it personified in his keep as a large garden. People can be plants, they can be insects, they can be the tiny animals that roam his greenhouse. The relationship of the living and their health is usually depicted in the wines vines entwine, take root, or how flowers wilt and how insects may burrow into other plants. Death is able to sift through his green houses to account for the state of the multiverse, even pruning the wilting flowers as a mercy as they head towards the end. Death is able to grow blooms out of himself, usually down his back and shoulders as a mean of making himself less imposing, but also because he likes that touch of life and color that is the opposite of everything he is
Death is an entity that is ever present in the lives of mortals in times of great suffering and mass death. You may see death in any different shapes, present in battlefields, hospitals, graveyards, refuge camps -- any place where great suffering has occurred. Death's preferred shape is a wiry eccentric older man out of time, but he can also borrow vessels of dying creatures and people as his means of wading through the world unnoticed. In doing so typically means the vessel has already expired and he has granted them a peaceful passing through himself in exchange for using their flesh as a disguise. When death takes his true form again, the meat body will decay and mummify in a matter of seconds, enlarging to make the shape of his robes while the bones reshape into his own original form. its p horrific to witness in person
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yessu · 8 months ago
could ferdinant kick morekes ass
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THAT IS.... certainly a question Ferdinand is absolutely a solid contender! The problem with trying to gauge Momo is he's very capricious, sometimes he'll be a good sport about a battle and other times he takes a particularly solid hit and he goes How actually fucking dare you? I'll kill you! especially when he starts losing. But flying off the handle doesn't guarantee him a win! It just makes him a bigger pain in the ass to deal with, lmao. Ferdinand isn't.... well, I can't say he's not as bad. He's not bad in the same way. It's just as likely that Momo would catch him off guard/get an upper hand as it is in reverse. That's the kinda fight I'd have to really map out and probably leave a lot to random chance rolls to determine who turns the tides and god I wish I had the time and energy from my Tegaki days because I'd absolutely fucking do it.
Short answer: It's possible!
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stormangelkimberlysky · 2 years ago
IrishAngel Cannon facts: Kimberlyanna Sky 🪽❤️‍🔥⛈️
❤️‍🔥She calls sir pentious King
& arackniss master due to being close to
❤️‍🔥is both a Tea 🍵 & Coffe ☕️ drinker
❤️‍🔥 would have tea time with sir pentious & sometimes Jay
❤️‍🔥 she sees Angel dust & Molly like older siblings who she often would talk to and learn from as well
❤️‍🔥 she is a protégé of Arackniss & is also very close to sirpentious
❤️‍🔥There is NOTHING romantic going on between her & Arackniss or her & sir pentious (only sex)
❤️‍🔥Montgomery Python ( who belongs to AxelGear11 om Twitter) & kimberlyanna are really close friends
❤️‍🔥 is bi and open polly
❤️‍🔥 is a switch ( Dom to certain male & Sub to certain females)
❤️‍🔥 her ex is Britannica SpiderBite
❤️‍🔥 Mother was Evelyn (Eve) while father was Royes ( Fallen Angel)
❤️‍🔥 Older Brother is Kinna Sky
❤️‍🔥 is storm angelic in disguise⛈️🌀🪽
❤️‍🔥 loves to read and loves learning new knowledge
❤️‍🔥 works for both I.M.P. & for Don Henroin as a Servant Girl
❤️‍🔥 she often works beside Kruger ( who belongs to WesleyConnor6 on Twitter), Millie & moxxie, & Kas
❤️‍🔥looks to Blitzo as a wonderful father figure
❤️‍🔥 is very intelligent and very hard working
❤️‍🔥trained very well with weapons and hand-to-hand combat
❤️‍🔥necklace is PERMANENTLY around her neck
❤️‍🔥 her goal as an assassin is to follow in her master's footsteps and go after those who deserve to be erased. Her goal is to help others who were in the same position she was in before her master & mentor ( Arackniss) found her
❤️‍🔥 she is often called "Anna" or "D'Angelo"
ONLY close ones call her Kimberly
❤️‍🔥 is currently in hiding from her obsessor Don Alejandro Volitov in her spider demon form
More facts will come eventually!^^
Comission art by lilish_chan on twitter❤️‍🔥
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vulpcsfault · 7 years ago
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Have an edit of this cute bean 😊 • • • TV show: the flash • • • Tags: #theflash #theflashedit #characterfacts #characterfactfiles #photoedit #photoedits
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sleepygallows · 7 years ago
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Nirvana. #characterfacts #backstory #art #forPeaceLoveAndHarmony #plh #sleepygallows
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myopiccc · 6 years ago
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Character Facts
@ladykendalsims thanks to tag, dear!
Meet bubbly Mia
Name → Mia Shore
► Are you single → Married, newly
► Are you happy → On cloud nine
► Are you angry? → Noooooooh
► Are your parents still married → Yes, like forever?
► Birth Place → San Myshuno
► Hair Color → Purplish brown
► Eye Color → Dark brown
► Birthday → It's summer
► Mood → Being happy easily
► Gender → Female
► Summer or winter → Summer
► Morning or afternoon → Morning
► Are you in love → Madly
► Do you believe in love at first sight → Of course!
► Who ended your last relationship → Me! Jayden was enough reason to terminate the last relationship.
► Have you ever broken someone’s heart → Possibly, but they would be fine.
► Are you afraid of commitments → No, never.
► Have you hugged someone within the last week? → Last week? it's a few minutes ago!
► Have you ever had a secret admirer → Well, I've never cared.
► Have you ever broken your own heart? → No. Pinched maybe?
► Love or lust → Love
► Lemonade or iced tea → Lemonade
► Cats or Dogs → BOTH
► A few best friends or many regular friends → Few best
► Wild night out or romantic night in → Being romantic is the key
► Day or night → Day
► Been caught sneaking out → Couple of times
► Fallen down/up the stairs → Few times, Ok. more than few.
► Wanted something/someone so badly it hurt? → I've got them mostly before it hurts me.
► Wanted to disappear → No.
► Smile or eyes → Everything  
► Shorter or Taller → Don't care
► Intelligence or Attraction → Both
► Hook-up or Relationship → Relationship
► Do you and your family get along → I love to but my family lives way too far.
► Would you say you have a “messed up life” → Don't think so.
► Have you ever ran away from home → No! It would make my mum worry.
► Have you ever gotten kicked out → No.
► Do you secretly hate one of your friends → I'm so happy >>>is not my roomie anymore. I almost lost her.
► Do you consider all of your friends good friends → No comment.
► Who is your best friend → My hubby, Jayden.
► Who knows everything about you → Me!
Surprisingly bubbly Mia brings good mood always. I can't believe myself she never annoys me.
I tag @simmingkatie , @sanmyshno , @klauseconfessions . Wishing you enjoy the challenge as much as i did.
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shalaena · 6 years ago
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Subject: Juliember Harris Personality: Bitch Fun Factoid 1: Doesn't like being approached by strange men. Especially when they insult her music. For more info on the upcoming novel, visit my Patreon (link in bio) and click the Fate tag! #Fatenovel #bookquotes #characterfacts #Juliember https://www.instagram.com/p/Bph4lbqlyo7/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1mv6bwxq67ggi
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yessu · 8 months ago
*kicks feet* got any fun lore for galen & roz kickin around if you're still down for character questions? they were always my favourites.
HMMMMMM I haven't done much actively with them lately, they've vaguely kicked around a bit because I've been doing so much with the ghost knights of Parfum Palace so I can touch on that a little!
Galen was one of them--I'm waffling on putting All of their respective content into a group tag but I should REALLY get their refs, at least. The ones I've got (posted, anyway) include GK, Broderick, MB, and Calcite. Galen went missing a few years before that Kalos-Galar war really came to a head. He was always the Adventuring type, running off on grand little quests (mostly self appointed) (for bragging rights) (they were rarely as grand as he made them out to be) and then eventually he just never came back. Turns out he's sort of the only one of them who never actually died, he just disrespected a witch so fucking bad he got Turbo Cursed and now he's trapped in a sword forever.
He was part of a core group of notable high-status knights including Brody and Cal, and was close with Brody in particular! Galen would write to him and Brody thought he was dead when those letters stopped. He was mourned, even. When Roz visits the palace and lets Galen have a little reunion with the other ghosts--because what are the fucking odds the grounds would ALSO turn out to be cursed and now they're congregating there? what an opportunity!--and there's a nice moment when it's like... Brody's all lit up hearing his voice again, Roz takes note of this being the only person Galen doesn't have any criticism of, aaaand then he gets to explaining what happened and where he's been. Roz is holding him up to talk but Galen's either not attentive enough or avoiding eye contact (both) so she's just standing there watching Brody's dawning You What? Are you Stupid??? especially as he keeps asking Concerned Questions. He's 🤏this close to just fucking throttling him.
Anyway, Galen doesn't get folded into the 'cast' there so to speak because he's not beholden to the same kind of obligations as the others there, he's beholden to Roz as his wielder and she's not about to move in just for HIS sake. Besides, he's always had that wanderlust! So they continue their travels and just visit once in a while. The palace hosts little jousts and spars and shit between the residents as shows for tourists, she's allowed to participate against them and let him play with his friends again :)
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kromonos · 5 years ago
[References] Naldela Isur'Ra Teleyal
I've collected all references of my OC Naldela. Most ppl don't need them, but I think, it's much more easy for all the artists I commission.
References for my other OCs will come soon. Some of them are still in "development".
Finished art of Naldela can be found on the Website .
Please take a look to the published characterfacts about Naldela too.
Clothing Battle Suit: https://files.bka.li/s/WeJacErpSNoAQJi
Casual Clothing: https://files.bka.li/s/FTRwCd3eyf5KAYr
Gala Uniform: https://files.bka.li/s/ttYsCkk2S34a5cN
Underwear: https://files.bka.li/s/3S4kHNkJxPCzr4x
Lingerie: https://files.bka.li/s/tSwkynG8kLRppYz
Weapons Weapon descriptions at https://teleyal.blog/s/naldela_equipment
The Staff: https://files.bka.li/s/WKtpcMKWw4RyRF9
The Dagger: https://files.bka.li/s/mdg9dk9M7wk8S2k
The Orb: https://files.bka.li/s/TaPopj8gqKw9Gid
Misc Tear of the Virgin potion: https://files.bka.li/s/3nTarNSCx9GfCnF
Read more on my online notes
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