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lynxvera · 9 months ago
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Who saved Roosevelt?
Woo, who wants a lengthy education post? 
Although some key details were changed, ignored, or made up, the characters of the unnamed bystanders in “How I Saved Roosevelt” are firmly rooted in historical fact. In real life, the key witnesses were almost as eager to bask in the limelight as the bystanders in the musical.
When Zangara arrived at the outdoor amphitheater at Bayfront Park in Miami, at least an hour and a half early, it was already at maximum capacity. It’s probably impossible to know how many people he jostled while pushing his way toward the front, but a visitor from Iowa, H.L. Edmunds, recalled seeing a small, dark man shoving some women out of the way and stopped him. His words were startlingly similar to Bystander #1′s verse.
Bystander #1:
I say to him, "Where do you Think you are trying to go, boy? Whoa, boy!" I say, "Listen, you runt You're not pulling that stunt No gentleman pushes his way to the front." I say, "Move to the back!", which he does With a grunt— Which is how I saved Roosevelt!
“There are many people sitting on the ground, ladies and children sitting on the ground, and it isn’t proper, it isn’t right for you to go and stand out and push yourself in front of someone else.”
Zangara was forced to accept this, and didn’t go any further. He found a spot about twenty-five or thirty feet away from where FDR was going to speak. 
(Go to 2:30 to hear Cross speak)
Bystander #3 has a direct historical counterpart: Lillian Cross, the wife of a Miami physician. Only a little bit taller than Zangara himself, Cross stepped onto a rickety chair to see over the crowd. Then Zangara climbed onto the chair right next to her, making it shake and almost knock Cross over. He aimed his pistol and immediately, Cross claimed, she knew that he was going to shoot FDR. She claimed that she grabbed his arm and “pushed it as hard as I could in the air!” causing him to miss.
For this, Lillian Cross became a national celebrity, thought to be the one who saved Roosevelt. There were calls for her to be awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor. Like the Bystander who squeals, “are you with the press?”, she lapped the attention up, giving interviews and selling her story to a magazine. She was invited to FDR’s inauguration and also had hopes of being invited to the White House for tea.
Many people disputed her story, however. Chief among them was another Miami local named Thomas Armour, who stated that no one reacted fast enough to grab Zangara until after his first shot missed. Then, Armour said, it was who he forced Zangara’s arm up, spoiling his second shot, and several men tackled Zangara to the ground. In the confusion, Cross fell to the ground. Several witnesses agreed that no one touched Zangara until after the first shot. Armour became a local hero, believed to be the FDR’s true savior--but he was completely unknown outside of Miami and never received the accolades Cross got.
Characteristically, Zangara only further muddied the water. In his memoir and during his first arraignment, he stated that Cross had not touched him. She had spoiled his aim not by grabbing his arm, but by making the chair underneath his feet teeter. Later, he publicly credited her with saving FDR by pushing his arm into the air, but still stated to his lawyers that she hadn’t done anything.
Author: the former peristeronicsupero and former Mod Zangara
My source for almost everything Zangara related is The Five Weeks of Giuseppe Zangara by Blaise Picchi.
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lynxvera · 1 year ago
Curtis: Being a @$$hole desirable demon to spells because he's greed for spells
Cocheta: Has enough with his BS and is very easily wrath tempered by Curtis's greed, wishing to shut his mouth up by ripping his jaw
(I guess I'm back to the GJZ'S S/O characters)
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lynxvera · 2 years ago
So people, my phone got the virus and I (accidently) broke it when I literally lost my temper. So I'm still good with my old phone and I am going to re-design some of my characters includes the GJZ's/W's siblings/owners
Sigh I forgot my old phone has a little bit storage..
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marvel: infinity war is the most ambitious crossover event in history
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Have you tried yoga?
Squeaky to Zangara, probably
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(disclaimer: this post is a joke. please do not actually eat tide pods.)
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Assassiversary: Giuseppe Zangara (February 15, 1933)
Giuseppe Zangara (September 7, 1900 – March 20, 1933) attempted to assassinate president-elect Franklin D. Roosevelt on February 15, 1933 during an informal speech in Miami, Florida. Zangara missed his target, injuring five bystanders and killing Anton Cermak, mayor of Chicago. 
Zangara was born in Italy on September 7, 1900 and emigrated to the U.S. in 1923. He became a naturalized citizen of the U.S. in 1929. 
Zangara’s father did not allow him to attend school, instead insisting that he perform physically demanding labor on the family farm from a young age. According to Zangara, this over-work, coupled with extreme punishments, prompted the onset of his chronic stomach pains at age six. When he consulted doctors, they only told him that it was “chronic” and offered no cure.
On the night of February 15, 1933, Roosevelt appeared at a scheduled event in Bayfront Park in Miami, giving a short speech from an open car. 
Zangara, armed with a .32-caliber US Revolver Company pistol he had bought for $8 at a local pawn shop, joined the crowd of spectators. Only five feet tall, he was unable to see over other people and had to stand on a wobbly metal folding chair to get a view.
After the first shot, two bystanders grabbed his arm, and he fired four more shots wildly. Five people were hit, including Chicago mayor Anton Cermak, but Roosevelt was uninjured.
Zangara confessed in the Dade County Courthouse jail, stating: "I have the gun in my hand. I kill kings and presidents first and next all capitalists." He pleaded guilty to four counts of attempted murder and was sentenced to 80 years in prison. 
As he was led out of the courtroom, Zangara told the judge: "Four times 20 is 80. Oh, judge, don't be stingy. Give me a hundred years."
Cermak died of peritonitis 19 days later, on March 6, 1933, two days after Roosevelt’s inauguration. Zangara was promptly indicted for first-degree murder in Cermak’s death.
He pleaded guilty to the additional murder charge and was sentenced to death by Circuit Court Judge Uly Thompson. 
Zangara said after hearing his sentence: “You give me electric chair. I no afraid of that chair! You one of capitalists. You is crook man too. Put me in electric chair. I no care!” 
Under Florida law, a convicted murderer could not share cell space with another prisoner before his execution, but another convicted murderer was already awaiting execution at Raiford. Zangara’s sentence required prison officials to expand their waiting area, and the “death cell” became “Death Row”.
After spending only 10 days on death row, Zangara was executed on March 20, 1933 in Old Sparky, the electric chair at Florida State Prison. 
Zangara became enraged when he learned no newsreel cameras would be filming his final moments. His final statement was "Viva l'Italia! Goodbye to all poor peoples everywhere!... Push the button! Go ahead, push the button!"
In the original Off-Broadway production of Assassins by Stephen Sondheim, Zangara was played by Eddie Korbich. In later productions, he was played by Paul Harrhy in London and by Jeffrey Kuhn in the show's original Broadway production. Appearing in several songs from the play, he has a major solo in the number "How I Saved Roosevelt."  [x]
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Assassins (1990)
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i just looked up the stats and the number of meaningful relationships ive formed is less than the number of public restrooms ive Screamed in.
Giuseppe Zangara, “How I Saved Roosevelt”
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I am very small and I have no money, so you can imagine the kind of stress that I am under.
Giuseppe Zangara
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