#character: dilan barak.
khalilhassan · 9 months
location — skyline shopping center food court.
character — @dilanxbarak
The watch strapped to his wrist was a blessing and a curse all the same. To have fixed one thing broken was a step in the right direction, but was it even possible to make up for every terrible thing he'd ever done? Did he deserve the bite of the cool metal against his skin? His stomach twisted at the thought, his gaze dropping to the barely touched Chinese food he'd been eager to devour moments earlier. Head lifted and smile curved upwards at the sight of a familiar and the happy child who cooed over the buzzing of people. "Someone's wide awake and in a good mood today," he greeted, nodding towards Selvi. "Need a hand with her while you have lunch?"
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verdadurmaz · 10 months
location — hot cocoa stop.
character — @dilanxbarak
The frigid air of November was quickly reminding the woman of why she missed California or even the likes of Louisiana around this particular time of year. It had reminded her of Detroit the first winter roll around, but by the second, the nostalgic feeling of home had faded and the real chill had settled deep into her bones. "Thanks for coming out today, babe. Selvi with her dad? I hate that it's so cold out. I think so big smiles from her could have warmed me right up. How are things, by the way? Getting sleep these days?"
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bennett-miller · 2 years
location: the peak seasons
character: @dilanxbarak​​​​​
After throwing back a few of the creative cocktails for the night, Bennett had found solace at a table away from the dancing and mingling crowd. It was a safe place to nurse his newest drink while his wife joined the mingling and had a good time for herself. “Dilan,” he called out with a smile, his tipsy demeanor clear as he waved her over to join him at the table for a moment. “How are you doing? I couldn’t help but say hi. It seems like tonight is a hit, huh? I hate that I missed out on it last year, but hey, when you’ve got a newborn at home, you miss out on a lot of things.” With one look down at his drink and another over at the bar, his gaze returned up to her. “Can I get you a drink? I promise, they’re both good. I tasted them myself and they’re approved by yours truly.”
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dylan-westwick · 6 months
character: Dilan Barak @dilanxbarak
location: Kayak Race; Spring Extravaganza
Finding the perfect spot to lay the blanket under a nice and shady tree, she rocked the twin carrier as there was a nice little breeze from the lake. Sitting next to her was Dilan and Selvi who was much bigger than the last time she'd seen the sweet girl. Looking out, watching the people moving quickly through the lake, she unstrapped the babies, they could do some tummy time while they were here. "Okay I don't think I can handle just how close to one Selvi already is." Dylan admitted as she placed the babies on the blanket area that was easiest to make sure she could pick them up and pulled out two rattles. "I mean the twins are going to be four months next week and I think I might actually tell them to please stop growing."
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aliciamillergarcia · 8 months
Characters: Alicia Miller-Garcia & Dilan Barak (@dilanxbarak) Location: The Teachers' Lounge Closed Starter
With Selvi now a little bit beyond the newborn phase, Alicia figured it was easier to get her mother out of the house. Which was exactly how she dragged Dilan out for lunch, with their daughters in tow. Hazel was busy scribbling, her latest hobby since she discovered how to grasp a crayon, and Alicia was occupying herself with little Selvi. "You are an absolute cutie," she told the little girl who she was holding in her arms, who was smiling widely in return. "I can't believe she's growing up so fast. Wasn't she born yesterday?"
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providencepeakrp · 8 months
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A day full of love has mysterious ways of pulling people together; whether that's in friendship, romance, or complete strangers being in the right place at the right time. The interactions someone may have on the greatest day of love has the opportunity to influence them for a lifetime. This is your chance. Take it. Have that interaction with someone you may have never met before or maybe someone you haven't spoked to in a long time. Experience a day full of love.
Details of the Task:
This task was designed for characters to interact with others whom they may not have interacted with before. The pairings between characters were generated using an online randomizer and then again randomized to link that pairing with a Valentine's Day related word. This task is REQUIRED. Members are asked to reach out to their match and plot a thread based on the random word they were given. * If a member is on hiatus, threads may be granted an extension. Admins will be in contact with those members.
Francesca Shen ♥ Thea Harris - Other Half
Yasemin Dogan ♥ Atlas Williams - Red
Kennedy Davis ♥ Roman Daniels - Arrow
Maya Lee ♥ Lorelai Tseng - Precious
Dean Adulyadej ♥ Elijah Falvey - Embrace
Lena Yener ♥ Zuri Hendrix - Poem
Jacob Lee ♥ Carla Villanueva - Flowers
Rachel Hargrove ♥ Aysel Karademir - Soulmates
Emeline Cormier ♥ Hyunwoo Seong - Candy
Cheyenne O'Hara ♥ Dylan Westwick - Cupid
Alicia Miller-Garcia ♥ Sara Yoon-Castillo - Valentine
Dilan Barak ♥ Aslihan Fahri-Bailey - Champagne
Abel Thompson ♥ Derek Aranda - Rose
Phoebe Yates ♥ Ayla Ceylin - Lucky
Maximiliano Cortez ♥ Wesley Kennedy - Diamond
Joshua Lincoln ♥ Tyler Singh - Passion
Verda Durmaz ♥ Sebastian Vora - Love Letter
Remi Wilder ♥ Ingrid Lozano - Kiss
CJ Welford ♥ Leila Barak - Lovebirds
Sophia Ramirez ♥ Jeanette Prabhakar - Everlasting
Esther Clements ♥ Zeynep Türkmen - Dinner
Matty Foster ♥ Elliot Chapman - Chocolate
Daniel Torres ♥ Khalil Hassan - Dance
Alejandra Solano ♥ Theo Bailey - Candles
Erol Tilki ♥ Freddie Crane - Marriage
Sage Franklin ♥ Jesse El-Massalamy - Celebration
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lorelai-tseng · 2 years
character: Dilan Barak @dilanxbarak​
location: Snowdrop Soiree
Whenever Lorelai had a chance to see the very busy wedding planner, it felt like a small gift. “Dilan, hello darling. It’s so lovely seeing you without having to speak business.” She grinned as she moved forward to give the woman a small hug. “You look beautiful. Tell me, did you have any hand in the planning of tonight?” Lorelai knew that the other woman mostly stuck to event planning and usually at Grape Escape, but also if the Cranes were smart they would have tried to convince her to help with her expertise. “How have you been doing? Goodness I can’t remember the last time we’ve gotten a chance to chat properly.”
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character: Dilan Barak @dilanxbarak​
location: The Jagged Yard; Downtown
In between the end of softball season and her brief trip to visit family in Boston, it had been quite some time now since she had gotten the chance to see Dilan. Rachel definitely was glad though when the busy woman was able to find some time in her schedule to spend a night out with her. She leaned closer to her friend conspiratorially as she felt the need to ask; “Alright, so am I being a wing woman tonight? Because I’ve been told I’m very good at it. And I feel like I know your type.” She advertised as if she was interviewing for a job position before taking a sip of her drink.
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providencepeakpromo · 2 years
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Character Name: Dilan Barak.
Type of Connection: Romantic Connection (Possible Endgame).
Connection Name: UTP.
Connection Age: 31-37.
Suggested FCs: Charles Michael Davis, Serkan Cayoglu, Paul Wesley, Kerem Bürsin, UTP.
UTP. Dilan has been in Providence Peak for about five years now. She is a Wedding Planner and hopeless romantic. She has a habit of falling in love easily but also tries to guard her heart because the last time she fell in love, she was left at the altar. Dilan is a perfect, sweet bean that deserves the love of a lifetime to make up for all the recent heartache in her life.
Do you need to be contacted before someone applies? Yes.
If interested in filling this wanted connection, please reach out to the player linked above. If you’re looking to apply, have any questions, or are just curious, you can find the roleplay main at providencepeakrp.
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romanmorales · 3 years
location: the grape escape
character: @dilanxbarak​
Any other day, Roman would’ve happily accepted a welcoming party into a new company and a new life, but today wasn’t that day. He was exhausted, frustrated, and in a greater sense, defeated. He’d been ready for the big leagues, but the clients that Summit Lake offered were needy and sometimes overly so and not in the way he enjoyed. After a conversation with the bossman, he’d all but been told to smile and nod, but to do whatever he could to make the sell. He’d been so busy helping everyone else that he hadn’t even touched half the boxes in his apartment. He was still living out of his suitcase and he’d bought more takeout in two weeks than he’d ever had in his entire life. And now he was sipping on wine he didn’t even like and bouncing from person to person, all welcoming him with bullshit advice. Keep your head up. Don’t let those assholes knock you down.
After almost an hour of the loud voices and unwanted attention, Roman needed an out. He threw out a lame excuse about a client needing him to call them and no one questioned the authenticity of his statement. He slipped out of double doors and headed toward the main serving area where a few people sat. Without looking, he blindly ordered some fancy red and threw his card down atop the bar. “No one tells you that moving to a new place for a big job isn’t all it’s cracked up to be,” he exhaled, not even bothering to look over at the woman to his side. He doubted she was even listening, but he needed to say the words aloud.
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khalilhassan · 1 year
location — saturday evening, acrobatic performers
character — @dilanxbarak
He'd been looking for a decent view of the stage when he spotted a familiar woman off to the side. "You think you'll be getting up on stage as a volunteer?" He was teasing and if anything, her pregnancy gave her the perfect out. Between the two of them. he was looking more volunteer-worthy by the second. "If they even look our way, I'm pointing towards you. Between the two of us, I think you'd have a better stage presence than me."
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khalilhassan · 2 years
location — peak seasons, downtown
character — @dilanxbarak​​​​​
Wearing a suit wasn’t the most uncomfortable part of the night, but watching happy couples twirl on the dancefloor without any worries in the world? That was the part that made him feel so uneasy. Whoever he lingered around would be implicated. If Nathan or any of his goons were watching, they’d figure out more than he wanted them to. However, for the sake of blending in and drowning out his discomfort of the night, he did his best to push those thoughts and worries aside. “It’s a shame I don’t remember anything from those dance lessons,” he exhaled lightly, hoping that Dilan could find humor in his joke. They’d paid for them and for what? “It’s good to see you again. Do you know Nathan? Seems like the whole city decided to show up.”
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verdadurmaz · 2 years
location — verda’s place, claret park
character — @dilanxbarak​​​
Her idea in inviting Dilan over was that they could chat, eat, and drink as much wine as they wanted without any judgement. The woman had let Zeppelin out into the backyard to burnoff energy while she and the wedding planner sat around the kitchen table snaking on the baked goods she’d made and the various items she’d cooked in her lonely boredom on her first day of the new year. “Thanks for coming over. I wasn’t sure if you’d be busy or not and I was starting to worry I’d have to work through all of this on my own.” She wasn’t sure where her roommate had gone off to, but she knew that the woman would eventually pop up again. “So, anything exciting happen last night?”
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khalilhassan · 2 years
location: the peak seasons
character: @dilanxbarak​​
"You just missed this three person costume of a horse. I wish I was kidding, but there was a head, a middle, and an ass. Not sure who got the worst end of the stick, but I think it’s safe to say they’ll be a shoo-in for the costume contest.” His lame pun left him biting back a smile, but before he knew it, a quiet laugh fell from his mouth. “Be honest, how lame is my costume? Football player was the only thing I could think of on the spot. I tried to go into the local spirit halloween, but they didn’t have anything that would fit me.” Seeing as he was well over six foot tall and had the shoulders of a professional lineman, he wasn’t expecting much. “Have you had a drink yet? I was thinking about going and getting another for myself if you wanted to join?”
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khalilhassan · 2 years
location — resort cabin reception hall, bighorn hills.
character — @dilanxbarak​
"Excuse me, do you know where the host is? I just want to check in and make sure she’s enjoying the night. She has this problem where she likes to make sure everything is perfect for everyone,” he explained, a small smile on his mouth as he gripped a wine glass in each hand. “Here,” he offered, handing off the white wine to the event planner in question. “I know you’re used to being the one to ask this question... but are you having a good night? I think I speak for everyone when I say you did a good job.” Granted, it had been the reception hall for a wedding, a fact that Khalil doubted she’d overlooked. Sore subject or not, he just wanted to ensure that his own mistake hadn’t ruined a night that was supposed to be good for her.
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dylan-westwick · 8 months
character: Dilan Barak @dilanxbarak
location: Mountainside Pharmacy
Dylan had a few things that her doctor had been having her take until her next visit and one of them needed a refill so she headed to the pharmacy, knowing that Theo could nap with the twins and she could make the quick trip and then come back and try to nap as well. She was making her way towards the little area at the back of the store when she noticed Dilan. "Dilan! Oh my goodness, I've been hopin' to see ya!" She exclaimed with a grin, having not really had a chance to see many people honestly unless they came to her house or when she was out and about for brief moments in time just like this.
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