#chara; demitri gunnar
idrawtoomuch-gw2 · 2 years
I know it's now 3am so this is probably very messy and makes littles sense but here's a couple quick Thoughts about the Gunnar parents (Demitri and Sarah)
Some of this is some very old notes adjusted to newer ideas/decisions;
Was born and raised as nobility in DR
Directly related to Faren (she is his aunt)
(Most likely) Ascalonian descent (note; I assume based on appearance Faren is Ascalonian descent so that's what I'm going by though I could be wrong)
Works as a doctor and runs 2 clinics; 1 in DR and 1 in LA
An elitist and classist, she often places priority on fellow nobles above anyone else
Was never attentive as a mother, literally handed each kid to whatever nanny was currently working there as soon as possible
Used to have a bit of favoritism towards Kai when he was willing to follow in her footsteps as a doctor, but even then has always been very critical of him
Was born and raised in a poor part of LA
Krytan descent
Descended from Darion Vidal (one of my GW1 characters) who was a con-man and traitor that tricked people into thinking he was a hero. After his death it was revealed that he wasn't and his family ran to LA and took on the Gunnar name to separate themselves from him. The current living family members (including Demitri) do not know this
Founded and runs a private shipping company that also deals with smuggling on the side (usually artifacts, weapons, etc.)
Considered an excellent businessman, he became well known among nobility in both LA and DR quickly after starting which led him and Sarah to meet in the first place
Was originally a more attentive father to the Gunnar kids (or at least Lucia and Kai) but became more distant as he was further consumed by his work when Kai was still young
And a couple additional notes on Demitri's (still unnamed) shipping company;
The company has been primarily owned by the Consortium since post-LWS1 after losing ships/cargo during Scarlet's attack, resulting in several debts which the Consortium offered to pay
Despite his tolerance (and even defense) of charr (and anyone else non-human), Dimitri did work for Caudecus before and during LWS3 due to a combination of being desperate for money to get his company back from the Consortium and threats of turning him and his company over to authorities
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idrawtoomuch-gw2 · 3 years
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I wanted to draw angles and haven't drawn this A--hole in awhile so here.
(As usual; This man is where the Gunnar Siblings get half of their looks from.)
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idrawtoomuch-gw2 · 3 years
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Going through my sketchbook for stuff I haven't posted (that I'm willing to post)
So here's this a-hole to start.
Still not 100% on his build so he's kinda generic in my standards oops
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idrawtoomuch-gw2 · 3 years
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Finally attempted portraits of Demitri and Sarah aka the Gunnar Parents.
with bonus younger versions because I do what I want.
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idrawtoomuch-gw2 · 4 years
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Apparently today is 'Angles Day' feat. 'That Guy Who One Half the Gunnar Kids' Genes Comes From'
I still don't have an exact current age down but at least 60.
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idrawtoomuch-gw2 · 4 years
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Finally after 500 years I did fullbody concepts of the Gunnar siblings’ Terrible Rich People parents; Demitri and Sarah Gunnar.
Random fact; in my earliest idea of them they were going to be decently nice, but I needed Kai and Edmund to have a reason to cling to Forgal as a father figure so y’know they had to be Not Great. (Also the rich part is just because I thought having them be nobility would be interesting and fit well.)
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idrawtoomuch-gw2 · 5 years
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/arms-behind-back pose/ Hey look it’s this a-hole that I haven‘t drawn since the family tree post forever ago.
(Also looking at this I realize I made Edmund look even more like their father than I originally intended. Eh it works I guess.)
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