#char. leon kane
jessdys · 4 years
westfield character introductions!
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full name: lucia ines molina nickname: lulu age: 25 years old  occupation: she’s the world’s worst bar tender  sexuality: bisexual  face-claim: sofia carson
from austin, texas she ran away from home when she was 18 because her father was a pos who tried to get her to sleep with a friend of his so he didn’t have to pay him the money that he owed. her dad was a low level drug dealer , you know the ones that no one cares about who do the boss dirty work because they think they’ll some day get to the top? yeah one of those. he’s probably still looking for her so like hush hush,  her mom passed away when she was a kid, so she’s deprived from motherly affection or any really she doesn’t know what that is... which is why she overcompensates by being way too nice to everyone she meets, she wants to be liked ok. 
she’s putting herself through a few business classes in college which she doesn’t really even know why she’s doing it, she wants to work in fashion but she knows it’s not realistic for her. so she’s trying to be reasonable... she does design her own clothes though, you know she thrifts and takes 3 dollar dresses and makes them look expensive etc etc. 
she’s the world’s worst bar tender, literally like klutz central she’s been at it for a few years and the only reason she doesn’t get fired is because for some reason or another customers like her so she’s kind of like oK... she likes the tips, doesn’t like the late hours but that’s what coffee is for, and she’s usually drinking copious amounts of it, always with a mug somewhere near her person, she walks around like she’s speedy gonzalez half the time. someone needs to tell her to chill. will yell at you in spanish, even if you don’t understand, and when she wants to cut you off.. she doesn’t habla ingles.
needs a roommate cause she can’t afford to live by herself xo.
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full name: leon alexander kane nickname: leo  age: 32 years old occupation: vet, single dad  sexuality: heterosexual  face-claim: oliver jackson cohen 
was married, wife walked out on him and their 5 year old son so he’s a single dad trying to live his best life but is also a low key alcoholic and probably drinks more than he should, but you know #everythingisfine. he thinks his wife ran out on him with his ex best friend because they both disappeared at the same time and it wasn’t that difficult you know 2 +2 = 4. his mother always knew that she wasn’t the one but do kids listen? no.. of course not. 
animal lover, he’s a vet and lives  in one of the nicer apartments at westfield but you know still respectable middle class, he works for a vet clinic doesn’t have his own bc student debt, he put himself through school and he’s paying that off, he’s also not that great at managing his money so like there’s that issue to discuss. 
good person, a little surly but he’s soft underneath it all, is usually covered in stains because his kid threw something at him or dropped something on him, always looks like he’s about to pass out because he’s tired. looks older than his age, because you know life experiences and what not. tries to be a lot harsher than he is but he has a hero complex so he’s gonna wanna help everyone he mees because that’s the sort of moron i would play. 
kid would need a nanny so if anyone wants to take that one up, feel free..
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