#char;; callie
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lingeringscars · 8 months ago
idk how to word it but shauna struggling with empathy but not compassion. shauna is an extremely compassionate person, but she struggles putting herself in other positions and feeling other people's emotions. she rolls her eyes and is disgusted with lottie not waking up, but she also is someone who comforted javi, mari, and tai. she can be kind; she is not nice.
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kiss-dumbbunnies · 4 months ago
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2024 / 3 / 30
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freckliedan · 8 months ago
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hello! i just hit 2k, and i haven't done one of these since i hit 100 followers so: follow forever incoming!
most of the older blogs i'm following have gone inactive, so there's so much love in my heart for everyone who's still here. i AM reccing just a couple inactive blogs that i will be following for life 💛 edit: these are in groups of 4-5 because otherwise? tumblr stops letting @ ing people work
friends i've talked the most with about dnp: aries @freckliephil, roper @phulge, hana @danielbear, ry @dnphobe, & rudy @yonpote
blogs i found before dnp came out: xavier @angryphildm beth @awrfhi jess @cactuslester kristine @danandphilandthedevil
pip @dannierights al @danpilled leo @danslawdegree molly @deathclassic
jas @demonphannie lola @dnpsuck yash @floppy-ding-dong valo @gaymingvideos kate @goldenpinof
katie @heterophobicdaniel dylan @horsegirlhob blonde @leblonde em @lesbiandipandpip di @lesdienne
ott @milflester barry @milfygerard @oldqueenphil nora @pseudophan
ari @thelionandthellama tj @tjlauren av @vampire-email renee @yikesola
blogs i found after dnp came out: jacky @2009phan jenna @ahappyphjl ava @birthdaywolf chicken @chickenfreeblog ru @danisnotonfirewalkwithme
hazel @dapg-otmebytheballs allie @deadandphilgames emma @dnpbeats daye @dvp95 nikki @energeticwarrior
westley @flamingheretic callie @gamora-borealis amelia @lesbaurinkos zee @manchesterau
char @simplydnp emily @slayter-kinney robin @tarotphil chelle @thatsmistertoyou
ada @theyarewrestling p @thursdaygirlmp3 bee @ttlmt vi @wdapteo
love you all! thanks for 2k!
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maddeningtrash · 8 months ago
I agree with thick Marie and skinny Callie. I often see this dichotomy reversed in fanworks, and I get that because yeah, Callie is the food lover and her friendly bubbly material girl personality and all, like that works decently yeah, but bro the shape language. The Bouba and Kiki. Judging by your latest work, I think you're doing this deliberately, right? Callie's sharp shoulders and Marie's rounded tentacles, the eye masks. And honestly, considering her boundless energy, I think Callie would just have that hummingbird metabolism.
Basically, I agree. Pleasantly plump pear-shaped Marie and beanpole Callie.
(Warning: my thought process may be hard to follow especially since it’s midnight rn)
I always have seen Callie as a really energetic and speedy type; basically when I think of Callie I think of how cheetahs are formed, these majestic creatures with a skinny build and with large ribcages, formed for flight. I dislike the idea of Callie’s roller making her super top-heavy buff because in my mind, roller’s aren’t known for their strength they’re known for ROLLING, they have to run at high speeds, Callie must be fast!!! So cheetah Callie. Marie is significantly less energetic than Callie but due to idol+agent stuff still builds strength in her figure, so she’s a bit fatty and has muscle underneath that fat- for another kitty comparison look at the powerful snow leopard, their bodies are blockier and thicker- put a cheetah and snow leopard side by side and I don’t need to elaborate further. Snow leopards are one of the slowest felines, they’re built for drastic leaps and have amazing stamina. Obviously shape plays into how I draw certain chars, I do intentionally draw Callie with edges and Marie with curves, but I also try to tell a story with their bodies if that makes sense. And because of all this reasoning I always prefer a wider Marie and a lanky Callie.
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pupsmailbox · 1 month ago
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MASCULINE︰ cade. caden. caelan. caiden. cairo. cal. cale. caleb. caleb.. callahan. callan. callaway. callen. callum. calvin. cam. camden. camdyn. cameron. camilo. camron. cannon. carey. carl. carleton. carlos. carlton. carson. carter. cary. case. casey. cash. casimir. cason. casper. cassius. caulder. cavan. cayden. cayson. cecil. cedar. cedric. cesar. chace. chad. chadwick. chaim. chance. chandler. channing. charles. charley. charlie. charlton. chas. chase. chaz. chesley. chester. chet. chip. chris. christian. christie. christopher. chuck. chuckie. chucky. cillian. clair. clancy. clarence. clark. claud. claude. clay. clayton. clem. clement. cletis. cletus. cleve. cliff. clifford. clifton. clint. clinton. clive. clyde. cobie. cody. cohen. colbert. colby. cole. coleman. colin. collin. collins. collyn. colson. colt. colten. colter. colton. connell. conner. connor. conor. conrad. cooper. corbin. cordell. corey. cori. cornelius. cornell. corwin. cory. cosmo. coty. coy. craig. crawford. cree. creighton. crew. crispian. crispin. cristian. crofton. cruz. cullen. curran. curt. curtis. cuthbert. cy. cyan. cyril. cyrus.
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FEMININE︰ cadence. caelie. cailin. calanthe. calanthia. caleigh. cali. callie. calliope. cam. camellia. cameron. camila. camilla. camille. camryn. candace. candi. candice. candy. candyce. capri. cara. careen. carey. carina. caris. carissa. carla. carlisa. carlisle. carly. carlyn. carmel. carmella. carmen. carol. carolina. caroline. carolyn. carrie. carter. casey. cass. cassandra. cassidy. cassie. cat. cataleya. catalina. catharine. catherine. cathleen. cathryn. cecelia. cecilia. cecily. cedar. celandine. celeste. celestine. celia. celinda. celine. chalice. chana. chandler. chanel. chanelle. channing. chantal. chantel. chantelle. chanté. charisma. charissa. charisse. charity. charla. charlee. charleen. charleigh. charlene. charley. charli. charlie. charlotte. charmaine. charnette. chasity. chastity. chaya. chelle. chelsea. chelsey. chelsie. cher. cherette. cheri. cherice. cherie. cherilyn. cherise. cherish. cherry. cherryl. cheryl. chesley. chevonne. cheyanne. cheyenne. chloe. chloë. chrissie. chrissy. christa. christabel. christabella. christabelle. christal. christen. christi. christiana. christie. christina. christine. christobel. christy. chrysanta. chrystal. ciara. cicely. ciera. cierra. cinda. cindi. cindra. cindy. claire. clara. clare. clarette. claribel. clarice. clarinda. clarissa. clarity. claudia. clematis. clemence. clemency. clementine. cleo. clover. coleen. colene. colette. colleen. collins. collyn. connie. constance. cora.
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NEUTRAL︰ cab. cable. cache. cade. caden. cadence. cai. cal. callahan. callaway. callout. calm. camari. cambrian. camdyn. cameron. camille. camp. campbell. camren. camryn. candle. candy. cannon. canyon. captain. captor. carcass. carousel. carry. carsen. carsyn. carter. cartier. cas. cascade. case. casey. cash. casino. casket. casper. caspian. cassidy. castle. casual. cat. catalogue. cavalry. cave. cavity. cay. caydence. caylen. cedar. celeb. cement. cemetery. century. chain. chainsaw. chandler. channing. chaos. char. charge. charity. charleston. charley. charlie. charly. charm. chase. chayce. checkers. cheer. chemical. cherish. chernobyl. cherry. chevelle. chevy. chiffon. chilly. chip. chirp. chop. chosen. chozen. chris. chrome. chrysalis. chrysanthemum. church. cider. cidney. cinder. cinnamon. city. cj. clarity. clarke. classic. clay. clear. clementine. cliché. click. cliff. cloak. clock. closure. cloud. clover. clownery. cob. cobalt. cobolt. cobra. cocoa. code. codin. colby. colt. comatose. combat. conley. control. cookie. cooper. copeland. copper. cor. coral. corbyn. corduroy. core. corvette. cory. cosmic. count. court. courtesy. courtney. cove. coven. covet. coy. coyote. cradle. crane. crank. crash. cree. crest. crew. crime. crimson. crisis. critter. croc. crosby. cross. crow. crown. cruise. crush. crystal. cupcake. curse. cyan. cyber. cylinder. cypress. cécile.
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ketchupandaxe · 2 months ago
Can you do NPT's for a dilute calico kitty? It's okay if you can't!
*Dilute calico kitty NPT!
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Kat, Kit, Callie, Cal, Spot, Chester, Charlie, Char, Chit, Cam, Camille, Chris, Kim.
Cat/Catself, Calico/Calicoslef, Calicocat/Calicocatself, Fluff/Fluffself, Fur/Furself, Kitten/Kittenself, Paw/Pawself, Tail/Tailself, Kit/Kitself, 😺/😺self, 🐈/🐈self.
Spotted One, Spotted (pronoun), Cat (pronoun), Pawed (pronoun), Fluffy (pronoun).
*Hope these are good, 💕✨!
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secrets-of-everwich · 8 months ago
06-1 A Week Later
[Electronic hum underlies the recording]
[Sounds of outside – the occasional bird and wind]
Hello, this is Callie Hewitt, recording on the 18th October 2021. And, guess what! I’m not actually in my bedroom. I decided to go on a field trip to the graveyard again. I’m here with Charles and Kitty Florence- Well, just Kitty, I guess. Kitty, do you have anything to say for your fans?
[Silence, other than wind]
[Callie laughs]
Sorry, I think I was going a little stir-crazy being stuck in my room. Sorry I haven’t been posting too, but I have a good reason. I’ve been studying Adam’s journal- Rin lent it to me. And also Char- Nevermind.
It’s currently early evening, and I’m trying to see if I can spot the Everwich Ghost. I’m here with my hot chocolate, lots and lots of layers because it’s absolutely freezing. Oh, I also have a lantern that I found hidden in a spare room at home. So far, I haven’t spotted the Everwich Ghost, but I have seen approximately 3 crows, a shadow about Xavier’s height, and Bert who is the caretaker of this graveyard four times. Thinking about it, the shadow could have been Bert actually.
While I’m waiting, I thought I’d talk about Adam’s journal. There wasn’t much else. It was mostly discoveries, and a lot of information about Everwich Manor I already knew. Turns out Anne was a good friend of Adam’s, and was hoping to be a nurse. I hope she got her wish. It seemed like Adam ended up forgetting about his book, which was… Annoying.
[Twig snap]
What was that? Probably some animal. It’s definitely getting late, I swear it wasn’t this dark when I started recording this. And it’s only been a few minutes. Do I wrap up my search now? No, no I won’t. The ghost could appear at any moment.
[Silence, other than the wind]
I do have an umbrella, right? I think I have one, at least. Hold on.
[More rustling]
Here we go. Just in case. I mean, I don’t think it’s going to rain, but. You can never be too careful.
Oh, I could talk about the Greenes. Yeah. I never finished with them, did I? How much did I say? See, I’m distantly related to the Greenes, which is how my parents came into possession of this house. There was Cassia Greene, who was the wife of Bartholemew Greene, and sister of Henry Florence.
Wait, I’ve said all this haven’t I?
Who’s there?
You shouldn’t be out this late, miss. I’m just doing my last round. Getting dark now.
Oh, hi Bert. Yeah, I probably should pack up soon. Just a few more minutes?
I trust you miss, but I really think you should be getting home.
Okay, I’ll start packing up now.
[Footsteps retreating]
[Footsteps underlies the recording]
So, I’m having to finish my watch early. I’ll just finish my story. The Greenes inherited Everwich Manor, and then were killed, mysteriously. Look, here’s their graves. Bartholemew, Cassia, Edward, Mary and William. They disappeared soon after inheriting the manor. But they knew there had already been disappearances. There’s a letter, back at home, from Cassia to her mother, that I don’t remember off the top of my head, but it says something like, ‘Mother, this house has the spirits of my brother and his family. I wish to leave.’ Or something.
[Footsteps stop]
Who’s there? Bert, is that you?
[Silence, other than wind]
Who are you?
[Normal volume]
There’s a figure on the path. I can barely see it, it’s mostly in shadow. What I can see is… Dirty hair… Greyish eyes… Oh. It’s gone.
Listeners, I think I just saw the Everwich Ghost. But, why was it so tall? And why would a Ghost’s hair be dirty- Wait.
Generally, those who see the ghost get hurt. Get killed. Oh no-
[Running, twigs snapping, panting]
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invisiblequeen · 11 months ago
Noe Bodi Gameplay: Day 31
It's Callie Mackey (@bakersimmer) here, ready to take the Equestrian scene by storm!
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First of all, she was ENCHANTED by the snow. She drew in it AND made snow angels in it!
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She would have been out there longer if she wasn't a lil hungry. And as much as she was enjoying herself, the first thing she did when she got inside was Light. That. Fireplace.
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Ahhh, that's better.
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Time to make some Frank And Beans!!
See how happy she is here? She came into this kitchen saying, "This'll be a walk in the park!"
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....It was not a walk in the park.
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Maybe she was hasty in trying the frank beans at a Cooking Level of 0. Ah well. Live and learn.
Right after a shower, that is.
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Once she could recognize her own reflection again, Callie went to clean up the charred mess she left behind.
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This time when she opened the fridge, she pulled out a PB&J Sandwich.
It was a safe, simple option. And pretty good too.
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Have you ever been serenaded by the radio while munching on a PB&J sandwich?
Because now Callie has. She's mastered the art of seat-dancing.
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All that eating and seat-dancing can tire you out FAST though.
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But she didn't feel like walking all the way to the bedroom, so...she used the couch instead.
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Sweet dreams, Callie!
[previous] - [next]
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saturniasxenos · 4 months ago
Maybe EPIC the musical NPTs? Odysseus, Telemachus, Poseidon, or Hermes mostly if any please :D
EPIC: The Musical ID Pack
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Inside this pack you'll find a full collection of Pronouns, Titles, and Names relating or connecting to Epic: The Musical (An adaptation of Homer's Odyssey by Jorge Rivera-Herrans, who wrote music and lyrics, orchestrated, and produced the tracks!)
Some focus on Odysseus, Telemachus, Poseidon, and Hermes, this pack will also include many Greek related pronouns, titles, and names since Odysseus originates from Greece. You will also find many references to the musical!
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Olympic God
Olympic Goddess
Olympic Deity
Warrior of The Sea
Epic Hero
(X) Who Fought The Cyclops
(X) Who Fought Poseidon
(X) Who Sung With Scylla
(X) Who Survived The Gods' Wrath
The One Who Became a Monster
Survivor of The Ocean
Survivor of The Thunder
The Hero of Ithaca
The Prince of Ithaca
The Princess of Ithaca
The Messenger
The Messenger God
God of The Ocean
Goddess of Wisdom
Traveled The Underworld
(X) Who Survived The Underworld
Lover of The Ocean
Lover of Music
Singer of The Ocean
Messenger of The Ocean
(X) Who Dances With Kelpies
(X) Who Sings With Sirens
(X) Who Betrays
The Seafarer
Captain of The Sea
Captain of The Ship
(X) Who Waits With Fate
The Horror of Life and Fate
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Fem: Anastasia, Asteria, Astraea, Acacia, Aphrodite, Amaryllis, Andromeda, Althea, Ariadne, Alexandra, Alexandria, Agnes, Agatha, Athena, Anthea, Alethea, Ambrosia, Arcadia, Apollonia, Angelia, Beryl, Cassia, Chloe, Catherine, Cassandra, Calliope, Callsa, Callie, Cosima, Cressida, Cora, Clio, Circe, Christina, Calista, Calypso, Cynthia, Diana, Desdemona, Dorothea, Dorothy, Doris, Delia, Daphne, Enyo, Elara, Eulalia, Gaia, Hestia, Helena, Hera, Hermione, Helen, Isadora, Ilya, Io, Iris, Ianthe, Irene, Katherine, Katie, Lydia, Lyra, Lois, Myra, Melody, Maya, Magdalena, Margaret, Maia, Melia, Melissa, Nyx, Nicole, Nerissa, Narcissa, Olympia, Ophelia, Pandora, Phoebe, Petra, Philippa, Philomena, Persephone, Penelope, Rhea, Stephanie, Siren, Scylla, Sophia, Selene, Sofia, Sybil, Thalia, Thea, Theresa, Xanthe, Zoe, Zoey, Zephyrine,
Masc: Anastasios, Aeneas, Aeson, Aetas, Anax, Ajax, Alec, Alexander, Acacius, Atlas, Apollo, Ares, Anatole, Andrew, Ambrose, Achilles, Bastian, Chryses, Cyril, Crius, Cosmo, Charon, Cassius, Cadmus, Christian, Cole, Chronos, Castor, Christopher, Deimos, Damian, Damon, Dion, Dionysus, Darius, Dorian, Draco, Deacon, Eugene, Eros, Elias, Erebus, Galen, Gregory, George, Helios, Hypnos, Hyperion, Heracles, Hercules, Hector, Hermes, Homer, Isidore, Icarus, Ion, Jonas, Jason, Kratos, Kronos, Kastor, Leander, Lysander, Linus, Lex, Leonidas, Leon, Lazarus, Luke, Lukas, Lycidas, Midas, Morpheus, Nicholas, Nico, Neilos, Nestor, Orpheus, Ozias, Oceanus, Odysseus, Philip, Peter, Perseus, Percy, Phaedra, Phoenix, Poseidon, Pollux, Prometheus, Proteus, Rhodes, Simon, Stephen, Sebastian, Tobias, Telemachus, Theseus, Theodore, Theo, Titan, Thanatos, Timothy, Ulysses, Vulcan, Xander, Xanthos, Zeus, Zeno, Zander,
Neu: Asterios, Areti, Arete, Aether, Akakios, Andreas, Aris, Adonis, Artemis, Afroditi, Boreas, Bronte, Basil, Chrysanthos, Chara, Cassiopeia, Damaris, Evdokia, Eryx, Eirini, Effie, Etimia, Eos, Echo, Evangeline, Fotini, Fotios, Hyacinth, Iakovos, Ione, Iro, Indigo, Khaos, Kore, Keti, Kostas, Kyriakos, Meropi, Myrto, Nefeli, Neophytos, Nektarios, Nereus, Narcissus, Orestis, Orion, Paris, Styx, Serafim, Sotos, Stamatis, Stavros, Stelios, Theano, Theodoros, Varvara, Venetia, Voula, Xene, Xenofon, Zinon, Zephyr, Zoi, Zelos,
I spent a good hour scrolling through an entire site of names originating from Greece, Ancient Greece, and Greek Mythology. So enjoy. ❤
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waluigis-elbow · 5 months ago
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lingeringscars · 2 years ago
callie goes by adams-foster. callie does not go by jacob, even when they have forgiven donald, because that last name does not represent her anymore. they can carry their mother with them without the necklace and also without the same last name. the adams-fosters are callie's family. being adopted by them was one of the best moments of callie's life. stef and lena are her moms. mariana, brandon, jude, and jesus are her siblings. it is very important to her.
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wlw-webcomic-bracket · 2 years ago
Half the reason I created this tournament is so I could find new webcomics to read, and I know a bunch of you are following it for the same reason.
So: Here is a directory of every webcomic that was submitted!
Please note that this list is Very Long, so (1) I have not read most of these webcomics and can't vouch for their content, and (2) I have not tested any of these links, but I can fix any errors if you point them out.
Comics are listed in alphabetical order, with the featured couple(s) or poly ship(s) in parentheses. Broken into two parts because Tumblr only allows 100 links per post and there are 140 comics.
180° Angel (Sam and Lilith)
2 Slices (Ruka and Rio)
A Week in Warrigilla (Hazel and Willie)
A&H Club (Adrian and Hildegard)
Alice and the Nightmare (Edith and Quinn)
Alien Heart (Ivy and Rosa)
Always Human (Sunati and Austen)
Balderdash (Georgie and Afia)
Band vs Band (Honey Hart and Turpentine)
Blindsprings (Ember and Irelia)
Boyfriends (Jock, Prep, Nerd, and Goth)
Bugtopia (Arachne and Scarlet)
Burn Away (Abella and Edie)
Charity Case (Sylvia and Jerry)
Circuits and Veins (Ai and Aki)
Console Her (Claudia and Ava)
Cucumber Quest (Almond and Peridot; Piano and Ametrine)
Cursed Princess Club (Nell and Jolie)
Dame Daffodil (Charo and Alesea)
Daughter of the Lilies (Lyra and Margot)
Dead Winter (Lizzie and Alice)
Dicebox (Griffin and Molly)
Dirt Creek Runs Red with Blood (Ines and Sarepia)
Dom&Mor (Dominique and Morgan)
Dresden Codak (Kimiko and Elith)
Drop-Out (Lola and Sugar)
Dumbing of Age (Becky and Dina; Jennifer/Billie and Ruth)
El Goonish Shive (Ellen and Nanase; Catalina and Rhoda; Diane and Lucy)
Eldritch Darling (Ina and CJ)
Encore! (Quinn and Hana)
Ennui Go (Izzy, Darcy, and Tanya)
Errant (Sarin and Jules)
Facing the Sun (Aarya and Liza)
Finding Wonderland (Alex and Lucky)
Flowers For the Arsonist (Lucia and Paige)
Four Leaf (Carla and Lina)
Gals (Croix, Sam, Lux, and Charlotte)
Ghoul Crush (Sison and Laguna)
Girly (Otra and Winter)
Glitterlaced (Goldie and Luck)
Go Get a Roomie (Roomie and Lillian)
Guide to the Land of Monsters (Arnatuk and Tove)
Gunnerkrigg Court (Kat and Paz; Zimmy and Gamma)
Hard Lacquer (Claire and Robin; Claire and Petra)
Heartstopper (Darcy and Tara)
Heir's Game (Sevilia and Ilianna)
Her Tale of Shim Chong (Shim Chong and Madam Jang)
High Class Homos (Sapphia and Odette; Sapphia and Marla)
Homestuck (Rose and Kanaya; Calliope and Roxy; Vriska and Meenah; Vriska and Terezi)
How to Be a Werewolf (Marin and Marisa)
I Love Amy (Amy and Bibi)
I Want to Be a Cute Anime Girl (Cheryl and Delilah)
I'm the Villainess but the Heroine's Trying to Capture Me (Nelly and Nancy)
In My Heart (Wantanabe Yuki and Sasaki Mari)
Isadora (Isaline and Theodora)
It's Okay to Like Girls (Sophie and Olivia)
Kidd Commander (Phineas and Agatha)
Kill Six Billion Demons (Allison and Ciocie Cioelle)
Kiss It Goodbye (Aruka and Yukimi)
Lady of the Shard (Radiant Goddess and Acolyte; Radiant Goddess and Old God)
Lesbiampires (Daphne and Veronika)
Lore Olympus (Athena and Hestia)
Mage & Demon Queen (Malori and Velverosa)
Matchmaker (Kimmy and Marlowe)
Missing Monday (Foyle and Monday)
Monsters and Girls (Lili and Sera)
Motherlover (Imogen and Alex)
Moving In (Jackie and Riley)
Muted (Camille, Nyra, and Dendro)
My Dragon Girlfriend (Dani and Christie; Callie and Olive)
My Sweet Archenemy (Mad Spade and Miss Sunshine)
My Wish Is to Fall In Love Until You Die (Shiina and Mimi; Seiran and Ari)
Namesake (Selva and Alice)
Nano List (Chacha and Zavi)
Never Satisfied (Neith and Isra)
Nevermore (Lenore and Annabel Lee)
Night Owls and Summer Skies (Emma and Vivian)
Not So Shoujo Love Story (Rei and Hanna)
Octopus Pie (Jane and Marigold)
Offbeat (Beau and Julie)
On a Sunbeam (Mia and Grace; Alma and Char)
On Borrowed Time (Rune and Dielle)
Osora (Celia and Catalina)
Remaining links in part two!
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fireflycollectivelibrary · 6 months ago
hi! names related to again & again by The Bird and The Bee + over & over by Rio Romeo? thanks in advanced!
yes of course! i had never heard these songs before, but they're lovely! since you didn't state a preference, i'll do all three! (These are just kinda names that I got based on the vibes of the songs!)
masc ; Nicky, Nick, Tyler (Ty), Blake, Cody / Codee / Codey, Rody / Rodee / Rodey, Mac, Drew, Ryan / Ryann / Rhyan / Rhyann (Ry / Rhy), Cassian, Calvin / Kalvin, Kase / Case, Forrest / Forest, Axle / Axel, Micah / Mikah / Mica / Mika, Troy
neu ; Spike, Callie / Calli / Kali, Kal / Cal, Cameron / Kameron (Cam / Kam), Dakota, Charlie / Charly / Charli (Char / Lee), Adrian, River, Raine / Rayne, Ash, Cass, Kasey / Casey, Sage
femme ; Rho / Ro, Zeta, Morganne / Morgane / Morgan / Morgaine, Sue, Rue, Melanie (Mel), Katherine (Kath), Lillian (Lil / Lilli), Jo-An / Jo-Anne / Joan / Joanne, Jo, Anne, Allison (Al), Nikki / Nicki, Cassandra
btw if it's name / name its different spellings and if its name (name) its potential shortenings or nicknames!
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amberjazmyn · 9 months ago
i think you broke my heart again
𝓲𝓶𝓪𝓰𝓲𝓷𝓮 - i think you broke my heart again
𝓭𝓮𝓼𝓬𝓻𝓲𝓹𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷 -  ever since the winchesters and castiel watched you die at the hands of a white-eyed demon, they have all been broken-hearted. the song "you broke my heart again" by teqoki and aiko tells the story via flashbacks in italics and the present time moments in the normal font. 
𝓪𝓾𝓽𝓱𝓸𝓻'𝓼 𝓷𝓸𝓽𝓮 - this is the third time i'm writing this but since i've started to slowly rewrite my supernatural one-shots, i've decided to rewrite this one. and it made sense after i did a version for the walking dead so, it makes sense to make one for supernatural. 
masterlist listen to "i think you broke my heart again" right here!
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sam's pov | makenna's death
"i think you broke my heart again, please don't leave and take my hand" 
i could only scream, falling to my knees as i watched my girlfriend makenna get killed in cold blood by a white-eyed demon that we had been trying to kill for several days. then finally, makenna apprehends her and now, she's gone. the worst thing being, the white-eyed demon, used to be makenna's best friend, a lovely and sweet girl called callie. makenna and callie had been friends since as long as i had known makenna. but, now, seeing callie possessed by a white-eyed demon was devastating because it meant i had to now kill her so makenna was the last person she could kill. i watched as makenna's white crop top started to turn a deep crimson red as tears started to stream down my chees as i tried to catch my breath. i also just watched as makenna just collapsed to the floor, like she was a deer getting shot, except she had been stabbed by a thrown javellin. 
"...makenna, no!" tears flooded my cheeks, they were uncontrollable just like my breathing as i began to hyperventilate 
my brother dean and our good friend and companion, castiel rush over to get to makenna as quickly as possible but, it felt like it was too late to do anything to save her. charlie, one of the wayward sisters runs over to me, dropping to her own knees and pulls me back as i try to move. 
"ssh, sam, stop!" charlie spoke, holding me back with a sense of comfort 
"no, char...charlie...please don't do this! she's going to be okay, right....right?" i turn to look at charlie, just hoping she too had the same belief that makenna was going to be okay
"i...i don't know sam...i...i really don't know this time..." charlie trailed off as this wasn't the first time that makenna had been stabbed by her old friend white-eyed demon callie
two years ago | bobby's pov
the group and i had been looking for weeks on end trying to find makenna, one of the wayward sisters and sam's girlfriend. apparently, according to multiple accounts from sam and dean, they had both seen what looked to be makenna's best friend, callie, dragging her into a car before driving away. 
"...sam, i seriously don't think we're going to find her. it's been weeks since you and dean saw her get taken--" 
"--wait, bobby, ssh, what's that over there?" sam calls out, interrupting me as i squinted and noticed a person-sized lump on the floor as my eyes widened in shock 
alright, alright, alright, sure, my adoptive son was in love with this girl and i saw her as a daughter and hadn't seen her in weeks. but, that doesn't mean i could ever forget the pure white lettuce-hemmed crop top and light-washed pair of blue jeans that she wore basically every single day. we had definitely found makenna but, is she alive, did she get shot, stabbed, possessed? what happened to her? 
"it's her, it's makenna! c'mon bobby, we need to get her before it's too late!" sam calls out again as he finally notices who it was as well as i only nod my head in agreement
"sam, i know it'll be difficult but try to stay calm, for all we know, makenna could already be dead. and that's just by the way she's slumped to the ground, she cannot be comfortable if she is conscious still, so just be cautious, alright?" i told sam carefully as he nodded his head, knowing full well it was just to protect him so he was aware of the potential distressing images he could face if makenna was actually seriously injured or worse, dead
"okay." sam responded plainly as we started our trek to where poor little makenna was slumped on the ground to see if we could try and save her
finally after what felt like a weeks worth of walking, we get to the house where makenna was just laying in front of, looking lifeless with blood completely covering her. to be honest, i just wanted to sprint and yell out at makenna but, i knew i couldn't do that. i couldn't even let sam do that even though i knew he wanted to do it just as bad as i did. however, i grabbed his arm and pulled him back, staying as calm as i possibly could as we quietly and strategically walked over to makenna. 
"...makenna, you okay darling? can you wake up for me?" i spoke softly as i saw that makenna was breathing, she was alive but unresponsive meaning her injury or whatever caused her to be knocked out just happened recently 
she groans as my eyes light up with hope and so does sam's as makenna slowly starts to recuperate and come to. she sits up, revealing her bloodied chest which shocks me and sam right to our cores. i smiled softly, dropping to my knees and careful whilst grabbing the weakened makenna across my lap. i pressurised her bleeding then as well as sam makes sure that whoever did this to her wasn't anywhere around us. 
"makenna, baby girl, who did this to you? do you remember?" i ask softly as i place my hand softly over her bloodied stomach but also holding it with pressure so she wouldn't die of blood loss
"cal...callie did..." she breathed out weakly as i sat in shock
i was more so shocked that she still called callie her friend. it's not the first time that callie's turned her back on makenna. 
"...why? she promised to never hurt you. especially when she's being possessed like she's supposed to! what happened to that promise? why did she do this to you, baby girl?" i watched as makenna struggled to take a deep breath in to start telling us the story
"she...she just, it was like she had a seziure or a...a fit! her eyes rolled to the back of her head bobby, and her eyes changed colour...they went completely white, bobby! then she...she just stabbed me and left like it was nothing, leaving me here all on my own like this...i...i'm scared bobby! i...i don't wanna die..." makenna was struggling to breathe as she managed to fight her way through telling the story as a tear streams down her cheek as she spoke about how the person she thought was her best friend would just do this to her 
"kenna, darling, i am so sorry that she's done this to you! where did she run off to? i can get sam or dean to go and find her?" a sudden burst of anger came over my body like a father would as makenna weakly smiled as sam's attention returned back to makenna as he began to worry about her
"kenna, you okay darling?" sam's tired voice came from behind me as he dropped down to his knees right next to me
"sam...sam yes...i...i'm fine. just really sore..." makenna huffed out with so much struggle as i decided i needed to get dean and charlie, we need to get makenna to castiel as quickly as possible
"makenna, we need to taake you to castiel before you....die...so, warning, i will be picking you up," i say softly, giving makenna a fair warning as she nods her head, closing her eyes tightly as she braced for the pain she would feel as i picked her up 
a week later and, thankfully, makenna had recovered perfectly from the gunshot wound and she was back to be being flirty and funny with sam. 
present-day | sam's pov
i sobbed heavily as i held makenna's weak hand as i tried to keep her as awake as i possibly could even though i knew this time it wasn't going to work. cas had now  taken makenna in and it was bobby, charlie, dean and myself that were taking it in intervals to visit her whilst rowena stayed guard for any demons or callie even. right now, it was dean and me who were currently with her. 
"...c'mon makenna...wake up baby girl! don't do this to me, please, not now!" i sob out, lightly shaking my girlfriend who was bloody, the same one i saw those two years ago who was so much smaller in stature, now grown an extra few feet as i tried to keep her as safe as i could 
"sam...sammy..." she just manages to breathe out hastily, easy for me to tell that she was in an immense amount of pain as my heart broke for her 
"...hey, you're awake...i never thought i'd see your pretty eyes ever again!" i giggle softly, makenna giggling as well before wincing in pain, forgetting she couldn't do that
"ow...sammy don't make me laugh, it...it hurts," makenna weakly smiles as i rest my shoulders that were once hunched up in stress as i smile back at her 
"sorry i...i..." just as i tried to make conversation to make makenna calm something happened and she just started to convulse 
jumping backwards and into where dean was just magically waiting, i slid down to the floor as he held me tightly in the most comforting way. like i was a little kid again and dean was protecting me from our dad. 
"...dean...what...what's happening to makenna?" i whisper, not wanting to bring my voice up any louder as i feel his breathing get faster as he gets more anxious
"i...i don't know sammy but, just know that no matter what, cas has done all he can for makenna and whatever happens, makenna loves you so much. and she always has and always will..." dean trails off, resting his chin on top of my head as a tear fell down the side of my cheek
"...i...i'm scared dean...i...i don't want makenna to die....makenna hasn't even been reunited with jack, jody, clare and everyone else. she can't die yet!" panic flows through my blood as dean shakes his head as he holds me tighter and closer, just like when we were younger 
"i know you're scared sam, i am as well. and i don't want makenna to die either, i also want her to see jack and everyone else but, if we have to do that for makenna's dead body then, that's what we'll have to do, okay?" dean proved a valid point but, it didn't mean it hurt any less
"will...will i have to shoot her?" my voice breaks as dean looks at me in shock as i notice tears fill his eyes, matching mine
"no sam, she wasn't possessed, she won't turn, you know that. you won't even need to touch your gun for her," dean smiled at me with hope twinkling in his eyes as i gulp, nodding my head
dean and i waited an extra five minutes after she stopped convulsing the first time before makenna started to convulse a second time. except this time it was more violently and this time, cas had the look on his face that makenna's time was over and that it was time to finally let her go. 
"dean..." i croak out, just like i was a little kid all over again as he pulls me closer to give me a hug
"...it's time to let go, sam...if makenna's ready then, she's ready," dean spoke softly, his voice quivering as he held me tightly as i nodded my head 
"i...i love you makenna..." i sobbed as the love of my life took her last ever breath, dying all because of callie and her selfishness
as i cry in my older brother's arms, watching as makenna closes her eyes and fades away, it took me back to when we were fifteen years old and makenna was scared about her first demon kill. however, as i promised her from the start of this supernatural world we live in, i was there to help her get through it and she ended up killing the demon who possessed her best friend. it's the same thing here at twenty, i could see how terrified makenna was to let go but, i was there with her the whole time and then she allowed herself to let go and fade away. 
flashback | sam and makenna are both 15-years-old
"drowning inside these holes of fear, take my hand and stay with me my dear,"
i could see how terrified makenna was as this was the first time she had ever been in this situation with me, let alone by herself. however, i knew she had to take that gunshot otherwise there was going to be a possession and then i'd lose my best friend in the entire world. 
"...makenna, i know you're scared but, you have to do it. i'm right here!" i spoke softly so it wouldn't make the situation worse as makenna, just a couple feet shorter than me, looks up at me, her emerald green eyes twinkling back at me in fear 
"sam...sammy...i...i don't think i can do it...she...she's my friend..i..i can't kill her..." makenna's small voice rings out as tears brim her eyeline and i gulp feeling guilty
"...i know kenna but, i'm right here. just stay with me and nothing bad's gonna happen, i promise. plus, if anything, i'm sure if she'd want anyone to shoot her so she wouldn't turn into a demon, it would be you out of anyone..." i trail off as makenna takes a deep breath in and nods her head
she then starts to slowly level her knife to be in exact range of where she'd need to shoot the gun "...okay...i...i'll do it..." makenna says in between cries as my heart breaks for her
we're just kids, we're literally fifteen and this is the world our parents have exposed us to. this shouldn't exist, these were only meant to be scary stories we read in fiction books. except, it's not fiction, it's real life. these monsters do exist.
then, out of nowhere, the gun's trigger is pulled into the open field that makenna and i were in. and it's bullet hits makenna's best friend right in the spot it was supposed to. the bullet hitting her best friend, making the newly possessed form of her topple down to the ground within seconds of standing up in her new reanimated form. i couldn't help but shed a few tears of my own as i pulled makenna up from the ground into my arms. reminding her that i would never leave her. 
"i...i did it sam...i did it," makenna's small and timid voice mumbled into my shoulder as i nodded my head
"yes...yes you did makenna," i shuddered as makenna and i held hands on our walk back to the motel with extra saddness in our hearts mixed with pride for the fact that makenna had the courage to shoot her best friend
present-day | dean's pov
"i think you broke my heart again, please don't leave and take my hand," 
i watched in devastation as my younger brother picked up makenna, the girl he loved and who allowed him to feel like a teenager again, to tell the rest of the group that she had died. 
"...sammy, don't do this to yourself. i can easily carry mak..." 
"...NO! sor...sorry...i...i think it's better that i carry her back to the group. i need to do this," sam shouted before apologising and going back to a whisper as i nod my head 
"alright, as long as you're able to do it sammy, i'm not gonna stop you. but, i'm just going to remind you that i'm right here," i spoke softly to my grieving brother as he gave me a weak smile 
i then walk up behind him as we make the heartbreaking walk to the rest of the group with a newly dead makenna, "thanks dean...thank you for being here with me...i...i don't think i could have dealt with this without you..." sam trailed off as i noticed tears welling in his eyes as my heart broke 
one thing i hated was seeing my younger brother cry and in pain, i absolutely hated it, "...of course sammy, i wouldn't ever let you do this on your own. i know how much makenna means to you, she means a helluva lot to me as well," i spoke softly again, knowing if i spoke any louder the both of us would lose it 
i bring my brother closer and kiss his head of hair as he gave me a weak smile before i kissed makenna's pale, cold and ghostly cheek. taking a piece of hair and placing it behind her ear. 
sam's pov | meeting back with the group
now i know what it actually feels like to hold a dead body and bring it back to the group. this hurt like hell, not physically as makenna is quite literally the weight of a feather but, this hurt emotionally. i never thought i'd have to imagine, let alone picture, carrying the dead body of my girlfriend back to the group after getting killed by her possessed best friend. it hurt that just as charlie was going to see her best friend again that she's taken from her, along with claire. these girls have lost so much and now, they're loosing their baby girl too? that's so fucking unfair! 
"...char...who is it that sam's carrying?" claire's voice rings out as i felt my lips quiver
 looking down to the floor as i could already see how heartbroken the rest of the group was, i continued to walk over to them as i cannot imagine how the rest of the group feels.
"claire...don't...it's no one!" i could already tell that charlie was trying to distract her from finding out it was makenna
but, obviously, claire was smart and wouldn't ever forget makenna's pure white lettuce-hem crop top like any of us couldn't. makenna had so many of these tops and would wear it everyday. charlie couldn't do anything to try and hide this from claire. 
"no charlie, don't lie to me, who is sam carrying?" claire pushes for charlie to tell her who i was carrying as i had now come close enough that claire could really distinguish who it was as i notice her facial expressions change 
"it's fine--" 
"--kenna? oh...oh my gosh...makenna...baby girl no!" claire screams, trying to run towards me as charlie grabs her and pulls her back before claire collapses in charlie's grasp as i lose it once again, my tears hitting makenna's cheeks 
"claire...stop...ssh...it's okay!" charlie whispered picking her best friend up and cradling her like the grieving girl was a baby as i stopped walking since i was now standing right in front of them
claire's pov
"drowning inside these holes of fear, take my hand and stay with me my dear," 
i watched on as sam, dean, castiel and bobby came through the bunker from going on a missing person search for our wayward sister, makenna. a small smile grew on my face since i couldn't wait to see makenna again, considering that is what their job was to do, to find her. so, i was beyond excited at the fact i'd be seeing her again since she went missing. however, the closer that sam got to the group, the more i started to realise that sam was carrying someone. that someone was wearing a white lettuce-hemmed crop top and light washed blue jeans. that someone was and always has been makenna. but that...that doesn't make sense, sam promised that makenna was still alive. i mean, i know him well enough to know that he'd never purposefully hurt or lie to me but, makenna couldn't be dead, could she? 
"i think you broke my heart again, please don't leave and take my hand," 
after charlie and jody had caught me, after i realised makenna actually was dead and sam was carrying a lifeless makenna, i could feel my heart breaking. as though it was being stepped on repeatedly. just like two years ago when we almost lost her from getting stabbed, my heart is broken. i just wish i could take her hand in mine and never have her leave my side ever again! 
"...claire...i...i am so sorry...i...i know i promised that i'd return makenna safely and alive but we...i...i was too late. cal...callie was too quick and she...she stabbed her again," sam's voice quivered as tears streamed down his cheeks as i stood up to face him
i knew he felt just as much grief as i did. especially when we remember the fact that sam was in love with makenna and he was with her at the time of her death. so, i could and was never mad at sam and sam had no reason to apologise to me or any of us. simply for the fact that he wasn't the one that stabbed her but that it was callie's fault since she was the one that stabbed her for a second time. 
"sam...don't apologise. makenna's death isn't your fault, it was callie's fault. the whole reason we're in this situation is because callie couldn't handle the fact that makenna wasn't her friend once she realised everything about her. so, once callie realised she had a second chance of killing her, she went for it and this time, she succeeded. if anything, it's us, here in the bunker, that should apologise. we didn't try hard enough to help you guys find and save makenna," i spoke strongly as my eyes welled with tears as sam's tears were steadily streaming his cheeks
"it wasn't any of your guys' fault either, claire. it was callie's fault but i...i knew i had to bring her back. i...i just couldn't leave her there with callie because i knew she would've done some messed up shit to makenna and...i knew i'd hate myself for the rest of my life if i left makenna with her..." sam choked out as he looked across his shoulder to look at makenna
during this entire conversation between sam and i, dean had taken makenna out of sam's grip and placed her on a table and covered her with a cloth. dean...in fact none of us wanted to have to burden sam with making him hold onto makenna for another second so we didn't. 
"it's your job to return those to their rightful homes, sam. and this is her home, sam. it's our home, sam. you guys did the right thing by bringing makenna back here. and, we thank you guys, castiel, bobby, dean and of course, you sam. we're grateful that the wayward sisters are reunited but, the thing that hurts the most isn't the fact that makenna's dead, it's the fact that we couldn't have the chance to do something about it to change it..." i trail off as i tear up, just thinking about the words i just said
"...it does hurt...if only castiel was able to bring her back to life or we could have healed her, it wouldn't be so hard. but, she deserves this and she deserves to be given the best farewell as i...i don't think i could go through any one of us selling our souls to anyone just to save her when probably, makenna wouldn't even want us to do that...she'd want us to bury her and to let her continue her life in heaven..." sam trailed off, seeming like he was struggling to make sense of what he was saying but, we all understood 
"...yeah, i agree sam. i think that is what makenna would want when she died, she'd want to be buried and i know exactly where she'd want it to be done as well," i smiled as sam nodded his head as we joined the group 
we then piled into our cars to then go to where we are going to bury makenna
sam's pov
"i think you broke my heart again, please don't leave and take my hand."
i miss you so much makenna. if only i could have pretended the first time you broke my heart, we wouldn't be in this mess right now. and go figure, this is the second time you've broke my heart and i wish it was different. if only you could have broken my heart by breaking up with me and not dying, i would've been happier than you breaking my heart in this way. it's funny though as the song i have stuck in my head is the song you were muttering when callie killed you. and it was quite literally called "you broke my heart again" and that is exactly what you did. you really did break my heart makenna wallace but i still love you and i miss you so much. oh, say hi to my mum for me and dean...thanks...
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so, i originally wrote this as a twd thing but, now i kind of transferred it into the spn world and i hope it was good enough! 
ily xx
word count; 4263
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gamora-borealis · 11 months ago
callie i dont know how i didn't run into you on spnblr but i feel like you would've loved my spn blog, because if you think i go off in the tags making points now... it happened even more regularly there 😂
OMG I looked for your spn blog yesterday after I saw your tags on the American Pie post and I think I found it and it seemed familiar??? Idk I followed so many spn blogs back in the renaissance they all seemed to run together (besides a few that stick out in my brain still like sunforgrace and steveyockey or others I recognize if I see them) and also at one point I had unfollowed a lot of blogs after my hyperfixation had faded some and there was lots of actorman drama so it's possible I may have followed you at some point!! But I feel like I would have remembered your banger tags OMG??? 😭 but if you are @/segernatual then I did go follow you yesterday (I literally just searched char spn and it came up plus there was dnp in the likes 😂). I definitely wasn't as interactive with spnblr as I am with the phandom lol.
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the-bahkery · 2 months ago
*leans on the wall in a friendly way and slips*
Same Boothill requester here! (Also can we be 🎴 anon?)
Uh uh uhh idk if you do duo packs but may we have 👉👈 Sebastian Solace pack from the hit game Pressure in Roblox? And and any female character in PjSekai! Two of our ID-less fragments are siblings but they have different taste wah, also take ur timee!! And thank you in advance!
Sure u can have 🎴!!! Hi 🎴 anon!!! Here’s ur critters!!! <:3
I love Sebastian so I had 2 do this one as soon as I saw it!!! <:3 As for the pjsk char I chose airi!! I love her n she’s pink <:3 !!!☆☆☆ Hope it’s up to ur standards!! Thank u for being a returning customer :3
name; Sebastian ,, Atticus ,, Cain ,, Sage
age; 31
pronouns; He ,, They ,, She ,, Sol ,, It
terms; Masc
species; “Abomination” (Unsure what he is… sea monster?)
orientation; Unlabeled Aroace-spec
gender; Masc-presenting agender ,, Intersex
role(s); Gatekeeper ,, Overseer
source; Pressure (ROBLOX)
likes; Clean, organized spaces ,, Darkness ,, Sharks ,, Playing guitar
dislikes; Reminders of his appearance (he is not too fond of it methinks) ,, Being seen as not human ,, Bothersome behavior ,, Disorganization
kins; Acht (Splatoon) ,, Lapis (SU)
about them; A pretty standoffish individual trying to cope with the loss of his humanity. She’s pretty bossy and could be considered a “control freak”, but he just wants to have a nice, organized setting for the system. Very picky about who he lets in front or not.
signoff; 🧪 ,, 🎏 ,, 🧬 ,, 🪼
face claim;
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
name; Airi ,, April ,, Lucy ,, Valerie
age; 16
pronouns; She ,, They ,, Shi ,, Idol
terms; Fem ,, Neu
species; Human
orientation; Bi, fem pref
gender; Catgender ,, CATiDOL ,, Strawberrygender
role(s); Socializer ,, Mood Booster
source; Project Sekai
likes; Cats CATS!!! ,, Anything pink & cute ,, Bows / Ribbons ,, Fashion ,, Baked goods ,, Strawberries ,, Figure collecting
dislikes; Eyestrainy colors ,, Staying in one place for too long ,, Small talk ,, Tacky patterns
kins; Sour belt cookie (Cookie Run) ,, Sparkling Glitter Cookie (Cookie Run) ,, Callie (Splatoon) ,, Kyoko (Block Tales)
about them; Very adamant on keeping a positive outlook on life. Copes with negative emotions with looking at/doing things she likes. Usually can be found making endless Pinterest boards,,
signoff; 🌸 ,, 🌷 ,, 🎀 ,, 🎤💕
face claim;
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