#char: sofiya
doskorogorpg · 1 year
Random question: what other characters besides Sofiya and Igor come from the South?
Sofiya & Igor were born and raised in the South. But Octavia has also spent a good chunk of her life in the South. Those three would be the ones who lived there and know the most about Southern history as well as its inhabitants.
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Day 10: Worst way to find out... (male reader)
Reader x Balalaika (Sofiya Pavlovna) [Black Lagoon]
A slow day meant you could wake up to Sofiya cooking breakfast. Not that she was that good at this, but at least this time you could chew the bacon a bit. It was still very charred in places.
Though after drinking you under the table last night, Balalaika tricked you into taking a pregnancy test. And while she was attempting to clean up to avoid you finding out, the glance at the little window made Balalaika turn snow white.
You were about to go looking for Sofiya, but as soon as you turned into the front room of your apartment you were nearly bowled over by the frantic woman.
"We need to get you to a hospital." She nearly crushed your hand as she pulled you outside, "Right now."
"Sofiya, calm down." You were completely on edge with this new panicked version of your lover, "What's going on? Talk to me, please."
Your pleas for information fell on deaf ears as Balalaika practically dragged you to the car. The worry was palpable in the air, then you noticed the pregnancy test in her hand.
Was that why she was so on edge? Did this mean...
Had you gotten her pregnant??
Your head was spinning the whole car ride. Abandoning any attempt to calm Sofiya as your mind spiraled into all the possibilities. Desperately trying to remember when you'd even been able to do so. She's been so busy at work lately, but then again she also regularly drank you under the table. So it was possible.
Though upon rushing into the ER, Balalaika insisted on you getting the medical attention. What was going on?
She held out the pregnancy test as proof to the doctor, saying you'd taken it last night as a drunk dare. Even the doctor was taking this seriously.
But this outcome was much worse. Instead of having a baby, you had testicular cancer. No wonder Sofiya was so worried and forceful...
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doskorogorpg · 1 year
Hi! Could you see Rina Fukushi working for sofiya?
hi there! rina would be an acceptable alternate faceclaim for sofiya.
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doskorogorpg · 1 year
and I guess building off my last ask… how do the admins envision sofiya’s personality?
Hello!! Please don't take my thoughts as the end all be all & feel free to interpret her in your own way. But I see Sofiya as someone who is always teetering on the edge. She is on the edge of sanity. She is on the edge of losing control. She is on the edge of forsaking her humanity & becoming just a war machine. Sofiya is cutthroat & ruthless, and the purpose of everything she does is always to find the advantage of a person or situation. She seeks out things that benefit her alone. And if you aren't helping her, you're just in her way. Hope this helps!
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doskorogorpg · 1 year
svetlana and sofiya seem a bit similar to me in a lot of ways- at least personality wise, what do the admins think really sets them apart from each other?
Hi! I feel like I see them as quite different in my head, aside from them both being tough ladies. Svetlana, to me, is someone who lived a more delicate life and suffered through tragedy to find her purpose. Svetlana has far more mental clarity and is an asset through knowledge as well as her gift for speaking & slipping into places she shouldn't easily to learn more for the crew. Svetlana is trying to make the world better & favorable for everyone. Sofiya, on the other hand, is a product of war. She has only known violence & rage. She doesn't care about making the world better. Fuck the world. She is out for herself & if people die along the way, so be it. She's power-hungry & she is far more advanced in combat as she can be a tactical war genius due to her upbringing.
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doskorogorpg · 1 year
hi! can you see bruna tenorio fitting sofiya if she was aged up? i know the ethnicities don’t really match but thought i’d ask. thank you!
hello there! unfortunately, we want to our faceclaim alternates to be matching ethnicity as close as possible to our original faceclaim; as stated in our guidelines and our faq, so we can't see bruna tenorio fitting sofiya. however you can find previously approved alternates in her tag here.
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doskorogorpg · 1 year
Hello could you see Maja Salvador for Sofiya?
hello there, maya salvador would be an acceptable alternate faceclaim for sofiya.
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doskorogorpg · 1 year
liza soberano or christina nadin for sofiya?
hi there! christina nadin would make a great alternate for sofiya.
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doskorogorpg · 1 year
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name: Sofiya Maryin.
age: Twenty-Six.
race: Human.
powers / skillset: Hand-to-Hand Combat.
gender: Female.
SMUGGLER. Unsanctioned goods, contraband, weapons, people. Nothing was off the table. Nothing was too illicit for her. She could smuggle anything across enemy lines without a trace, and she did it with pride. Pride at how she can tip toe around, a thief under your very nose, and take your life's work in broad daylight because she never needed the disguise of night. But now, now she isn’t smuggling things out. She’s smuggling them in. Placing tiny changes all around the king’s city without detection and with delicious retribution.
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Trigger Warning: Mentions of War.
She’s a warzone. The perfect product of war. And she knew vengeance deep down to her bones. She watched it fester within herself as she buried family in this god-forsaken war and she watched it fade over the years into hopelessness in the eyes of those she loved. But Sofiya clung to it. She chased it down. Pursued it like a ravenous dog. Sought after it by marching to the same beat her family always had: joining the army, despite her mother’s desperate pleas. She saddled up regardless of the dread of further loss because she thought she had to. A self-imposed destiny stemming from retributive justice towards the Gusev monarch which took everything from the South, from her. But she found it pointless. The Southern army had lost too much that now they were more akin to mad dogs circling each other, rendered ineffectual. And her only use to them was her family's long passed-down skills of smuggling to put more weapons and contraband in the hands of the useless. She grew sick of it. Sick of the squandering of her own talents. Sofiya wouldn’t be smuggling things out of the East anymore for the South. She would be smuggling something in. Herself.
Pretending to be another Southern asset taken out by the East and smuggling herself across the border, unnoticed by both sides. The easy part. Everything that comes after… Complicated. Complicated because she was clever. Sofiya wasn’t so blinded by her vengeance to think she could go at this alone. She needed a new unit. She needed disposable people. Individuals to distract her enemies while she smuggled herself past them all to claim her prize. The death of the Gusev Monarch. Every last one of them. So when the moment came. She took it. She did not hesitate a second when Svetlana knocked on the door of her ramshackle home in Rysk. In fact, she expected it, having left several clues for the spymaster in her illegal shipments to draw the eye of the Volki. Mikhail’s motley crew. And when she joined, she did not hold back. She gave them her all, night after night, to be known as one of their biggest assets and rise through the ranks to become first commander due to her knowledge of war tactics from her military background. Sofiya made herself irreplaceable. All so they could trust her with their lives. Trust that she will choose them over vengeance. But that was never in the cards. She would see the Gusev monarch die for their crimes, and the blood debt paid in full for the South.
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YEKATERINA: She wouldn’t name it friendship, exactly. She would call it a necessity. A way in. It hasn’t escaped Sofiya’s attention that Katya was the favored by both Svetlana and Mikhail. Which meant she had to be Sofiya’s as well. In the beginning, at least. She stuck close to her side to make herself more noticeable, more useful. Until she didn’t need Katya anymore. Until she garnered enough trust to become Mikhail’s first commander. A coveted position only because it got her closer to her prize. Now when she sees Katya she doesn’t know what to call it as she did grow to enjoy her. But she still wouldn’t call it friendship. MIKHAIL: He calls the shots, but she builds his army. She takes them through the drills now. She has a say on tactics and placements of the crew. And yet, she still wants to be him. She wants his spot. Not to be beloved as he. But to be the centerpiece of the crew who will be the ones to end the Gusev Monarch. She wants the renown, and the retribution, of being the one to end Viktor. But she doesn’t know if that seems possible under Mikhail’s leadership. She doesn’t know if he has the guts to pull the trigger and bring this monarch crumbling down as she does. Still, she will remain at his side, despite this concern, if only to profit her own agenda. She will remain to make sure everyone in that castle burns, not just King Viktor. IGOR: An asset. Nothing more. He was all brawn, no brains, and Sofiya took advantage of that. She needs a powerhouse on her side in case things go awry. Not that they will as she is hellbent on everything falling into place perfectly. But if it were to go wrong, she has him. Her favorite little puppet. A stupid boy so blinded by his rage he’d do almost anything for the woman who filled him with thoughts of brutality on any human he despised; not just the monarch they chased after. And it didn’t matter that she was a human as well, a representation of what he hates, as she offered him enough power, enough control, that he saw past her faults.
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doskorogorpg · 1 year
this looks so good!! if it's not too much to ask could we possibly see safiya sooner? 👀
hello anon, thank you for your kind words! i'm going to assume you meant for us to bump sofiya earlier, and yes, of course. i'll have a look at our order and discuss with admin kyra to see where we can adjust and push her earlier. we'll post an admin note once we decide our new order.
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doskorogorpg · 1 year
is there any character you would really like to see filled?
am i cheating if i say i would love to see the whole cast filled? but if i were to pick a few that we would absolutely love to see taken up — sofiya, svetlana, igor, & sasha would just be some we would love to see applied for! but regardless, every cast member is so vital to the whole crew, and we would love for any of them to be taken.
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