#char: ian
shesmore-shoebill · 5 months
unfortunately i think there is legit fic potential in a character based amangela fic diving into what happens after todays games ep. Specifically Matilda and Channing reconciling after the show over the fact that Colden really was Awful, enough to come onto the show as well! And talk about how Matilda shit her pants! Devastating. Channing really truly trying to get away and recover... Matilda helping this random poor girl out of the Goodness Of Her Heart Or Whatever since Channing has had a tough time...... except..... is it just that......
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gundamfight · 2 years
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nikkisgwens · 11 months
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Full Name: Ian Harris
Nicknames: ‘Fuckboy Ian’ ‘dipshit’ (by everyone), ‘former sidekick’ (by Kristie), ‘Jerk’ ‘jackass’ (by Sophia and Owen), ‘my man’ (by Ryland)
Birthplace: Mississauga, Canada
Birthday: March 20, 1980
Age: Season 2-Season 3 (age 15), Season
Sexual Orientation: Gay
Family: unnamed parents
Friends: Sophia, Owen, Mike, Darnell (frenemies), Oak
Romances: Oak (crush)
First Appearance: A Teenager’s Guide To Everything
Last Appearance: TBD
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twinkstrahd · 1 year
happy pride to the realest mlm couple in television history ian gallagher and mikhailo aleksandr milkovich god bless amen 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
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mothmentality · 2 years
Moth Mentality summary of art 2022
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lovebugcody · 5 months
edit: everything’s fine. the dog’s okay
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sassenach77yle · 6 days
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There was a soft whoof! noise, then a louder whoomp! as the ether in the surgery ignited, and suddenly we were standing in a pool of fire. For a fraction of a second, I felt nothing, and then a burst of searing heat. Jamie seized my arm and hurled me toward the door; I staggered out, fell into the blackberry bushes, and rolled through them, thrashing and flailing at my smoking skirts. Panicked and still uncoordinated from the ether, I struggled with the strings of my apron, finally managing to rip loose the strings and wriggle out of it. My linen petticoats were singed, but not charred. I crouched panting in the dead weeds of the dooryard, unable to do anything for the moment but breathe. The smell of smoke was strong and pungent. Mrs. Bug was on the back porch on her knees, jerking off her cap, which was on fire.
Men erupted through the back door, beating at their clothes and hair. Rollo was in the yard, barking hysterically, and on the other side of the house, I could hear the screams of frightened horses. Someone had got Arch Bug out—he was stretched at full length in the dead grass, most of his hair and eyebrows gone, but evidently still alive. My legs were red and blistered, but I wasn’t badly burned—thank God for layers of linen and cotton, which burn slowly, I thought groggily. Had I been wearing something modern like rayon, I should have gone up like a torch. The thought made me look back toward the house. It was full dark by now, and all the windows on the lower floor were alight. Flame danced in the open door. The place looked like an immense jack-o’-lantern. “Ye’re Mistress Fraser, I suppose?” The squat, bearded person bent over me, speaking in a soft Scottish burr. “Yes,” I said, coming gradually to myself. “Who are you, and where’s Jamie?” “Here, Sassenach.” Jamie stumbled out of the dark and sat down heavily beside me. He waved a hand at the Scotsman. “May I present Mr. Alexander Cameron, known more generally as Scotchee?” “Your servant, ma’am,” he said politely. I was feeling gingerly at my hair. Clumps of it had been singed to crispy thread, but at least I still had some. I felt, rather than saw, Jamie look up at the house. I followed the direction of his glance, and saw a dark figure at the window upstairs, framed in the dim glow from the burning downstairs. He shouted something in the incomprehensible tongue, and began throwing things out of the window. “Who’s that?” I asked, feeling more than slightly surreal. “Oh.” Jamie rubbed at his face. “That would be Goose.”
“Of course it would,” I said, nodding. “He’ll be a cooked goose, if he stays in there.” This struck me as wildly hilarious, and I doubled up in laughter. Evidently, it wasn’t quite as witty as I’d thought; no one else seemed to think it funny. Jamie stood up and shouted something at the dark figure, who waved nonchalantly and turned back into the room. “There’s a ladder in the barn,” Jamie said calmly to Scotchee, and they moved off into the darkness. The house burned fairly slowly for a while; there weren’t a lot of easily flammable objects down below, bar the books and papers in Jamie’s study. A tall figure belted out of the back door, shirt pulled up over his nose with one hand, the tail of his shirt held up with the other to form a bag. Ian came to a stop beside me, dropped to his knees, gasping, and let down his shirttail, releasing a pile of small objects. “That’s all I could get, I’m afraid, Auntie.” He coughed a few times, waving his hand in front of his face. “D’ye ken what happened?” “It’s not important,” I said. The heat was becoming more intense, and I struggled to my knees. “Come on; we’ll need to get Arch further away.” The effects of the ether had mostly worn off, but I was still conscious of a strong sense of unreality. I hadn’t anything but cold well water with which to treat burns, but bathed Arch’s neck and hands, which had been badly blistered. Mrs. Bug’s hair had been singed, but she, like me, had been largely protected by her heavy skirts. Neither she nor Arch said a word. Amy McCallum came running up, face pale in the fiery glow; I told her to take the Bugs to Brianna’s cabin—hers now—and for God’s sake, keep the little boys safe away. She nodded and went, she and Mrs. Bug supporting Arch’s tall form between them.
No one made any effort to bring out the bodies of Donner and his companions. I could see when the fire took hold in the stairwell; there was a sudden strong glow in the upstairs windows, and shortly thereafter, I could see flames in the heart of the house. Snow began to fall, in thick, heavy, silent flakes. Within half an hour, the ground, trees, and bushes were dusted with white. The flames glowed red and gold, and the white snow reflected a soft reddish glow; the whole clearing seemed filled with the light of the fire. Somewhere around midnight, the roof fell in, with a crash of glowing timbers and a tremendous shower of sparks that fountained high into the night. The sight was so beautiful that everyone watching went “Oooooh!” in involuntary awe. Jamie’s arm tightened round me. We could not look away.
What’s the date today?” I asked suddenly.
He frowned for a moment, thinking, then said,“December twenty-first.”
“And we aren’t dead, either. Bloody newspapers,” I said. “They never get anything right.”
For some reason, he thought that was very funny indeed, and laughed until he had to sit down on the ground.
123 RETURN OF THE NATIVE~ A Breath of Snow and Ashes
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hullauttttt · 5 months
1.19.2024 - -whisper- THE WOLF
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char - whisper the wolf!
credit/s - SEGA, Ian Flynn (char artist Evan Stanley!)
~ 🟡 ~
created on january 19, 2024!
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upthewitchypunx · 6 months
Symptoms abated, fever down, I'm feeling about 85%, I'm out of isolation, can walk around my own home without a mask, and appear to have not infected anyone with the cov-crud! Yay.
Unfortunately, on day 3 I lost my sense of smell and I'm really really bummed about it. What's the point of eating if you cant smell or taste anything? The other day Ian B made fresh bread and I put some in the toaster over and burnt it to a charred crisp because I couldn't smell it burning. I'm sad I ruined his bread. Then he made pizza from scratch last night and it was just textures in the my mouth.
Is it strange this kicked in on day 3? This didn't happen when I got COVID the summer of 2022. Please tell me it come back quickly.
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gallawitchxx · 3 months
🔮💨 crystal ball weed bong mickey 🔮💨
installment #25 & 26 for the @galladrabbles prompts: movies by @mmmichyyy & jello by @squirrel-fund!
click HERE for the Master Post to catch up!
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Ian’s heart kicks in his chest, a jolt of fear spiking through him, and his head swims. It’s like he’s back inside the dark theatre he’d been in all week. Mickey’s words are nothing but unfamiliar sounds.
If he’s gonna go to the movies, he might as well get a snack.
He grabs a pizza roll from the plate in front of him and pops it in his mouth. But when he bites down, the inevitable happens.
“Fuck,” he garbles, the sauce piping hot and burning his mouth.
Ian doubles over, in pain and embarrassed. He really should’ve known better.
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“Jesus Christ,” Mickey huffs, standing up and leaving the room.
Ian opens his inferno of a mouth, hoping the air of the room will cool down the masticated snack. Thankfully, by the time he hears the familiar sound of a beer cap being popped off, he’s able to swallow.
Mickey returns, bottle in hand. He offers it to Ian. “S’all we got.”
Ian takes it, grateful as the icy liquid chills his charred throat. “All you got, huh? Even juvie’s got jello.”
“What d’you know about juvie, Gallagher?”
Mickey’s squint makes Ian’s chest constrict.
“What d’you know about me, Milkovich?”
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semi-sketchy · 8 months
Do note that Johnny/Captain Whiskers are dead
Like they are beat by Sonic 2v1, then sunk after Ghost Titan blows up
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They even said all pirates are gone
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Heck, they're cited as a collab for robotics later, not solely Nega's (though Nega is a whole other can of worms that can be summed up as "he's dead")
So yeah, Blaze's dimension has no real strife as a result. Which makes sense, her char arc was complete by then, and Nega took bitterness of failure to wreak havoc in Sonic's world instead after failure. Then he died
It's sad, but given how the fandom are bitching of "Shadow should've stayed dead", you'd think they'd accept one off chars and focus developing mainline ones. Instead of the few siding with Ian of saying "the Sol Dimension should go away"
Also Ian absolutely is doing this just so he can ignore other female Sonic chars
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I never said they were alive. I played Rush Adventure all the way to 100%, granted it was awhile ago (I need to replay it I love that game to death), but I know the pirates end up defeated. All I said was in the comic they purposefully removed all possible conflict from Blaze's world and that's all I meant by it.
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They make a point to say "Everything has been resolved! Blaze won! She can hang out with Sonic now!" as if that means no other strife can ever pop up. Yeah, Rush Adventure ends with the main villain defeated and Blaze surrounded by friends, but that doesn't mean they can't create a new conflict to kickstart another story on her world. They just don't want to.
They simply want to use Blaze, the "only kick-ass female", without any restrictions. I just don't like that solution because her being a guardian, a princess from another dimension, is part of her character. Simply making her another one of Sonic's friends to call on for Avengers-style gigs strips something away from her.
Of course it also just ignores how the Sol Emeralds can't exist in Sonic's dimension without pulling the two together and destroying both dimensions in the process. Though hey they forgot the pirates were defeated too lol whoops I don't think the comic team remembers these games
But you're right, this is so they can ignore other female Sonic characters. Because only empowering women who are total badasses make good female characters (: This is why I quit reading IDW.
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ebookporn · 9 months
Researchers use AI to read word on ancient scroll burned by Vesuvius
University of Kentucky challenged computer scientists to reveal contents of carbonised papyrus, a ‘potential treasure trove for historians’
by Ian Sample
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When the blast from the eruption of Mount Vesuvius reached Herculaneum in AD79, it burned hundreds of ancient scrolls to a crisp in the library of a luxury villa and buried the Roman town in ash and pumice.
The disaster appeared to have destroyed the scrolls for good, but nearly 2,000 years later researchers have extracted the first word from one of the texts, using artificial intelligence to peer deep inside the delicate, charred remains.
The discovery was announced on Thursday by Prof Brent Seales, a computer scientist at the University of Kentucky, and others who launched the Vesuvius challenge in March to accelerate the reading of the texts. Backed by Silicon Valley investors, the challenge offers cash prizes to researchers who extract legible words from the carbonised scrolls.
Two computer science students, Luke Farritor in Nebraska and Youssef Nader in Berlin, who took up the Vesuvius challenge, improved the search process and independently hit on the same ancient Greek word in one of the scrolls: “πορφύραc”, meaning “purple”.
“This is the first recovered text from one of these rolled-up, intact scrolls,” said Stephen Parsons, a staff researcher on the digital restoration initiative at the university. Researchers have since uncovered more letters from the ancient scroll.
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bullet-prooflove · 2 years
Ask List, Rules & Updates - PLEASE READ!
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Please do not solicit me to read your work by tagging me or sending it to me unless I have asked you to.
The Schedule - See what's coming up this month!
Works In Progress - A visual up to date list of what I'm working on currently and their status.
Luna Creative Academy
Prompt Lists:
Character Tag List:
I have updated my ask list below so please only pick from the characters below if you want to submit.
The Rules:
Only pick people off the character list below for each fandom.
One prompt per ask - you can send as many asks as you want within reason
Include the whole prompt in the ask, not just the number.
I don’t write things like Voight’s daughter/Hondo’s friend/Adam’s sister
I also don't write specific asks on this blog eg: reader is a firefighter/doctor/cop who has this/does this. They meet and do this/and this and say this... I usually work from prompts.
I don't write other people's stories so if you have a long detailed idea you want writing, this is not the blog for you.
Fandoms & Chars I write for:
Chicago Fire:
Jeff Clarke
Chicago Med
Connor Rhodes
James Lanik
Crockett Marcel
Sam Abrams
Mitch Ripley
Dean Archer
Sean Archer
Cobra Kai:
Daniel LaRusso
Johnny Lawrence
Terry Silver
Criminal Minds:
Luke Alvez
CSI Vegas:
Trey Cahill
Josh Folsom
Jubal Valentine
O.A Zidan
Stuart Scola
FBI International:
Scott Forrester
Damien Powell
FBI: Most Wanted:
Remy Scott
Clinton Skye
Fire Country:
Bode Leone
Luke Leone
Manny Perez
Vince Leone
Dwight Hendrickson
Duke Crocker
Nathan Wuornos
Hawaii Five-O:
Danny 'Danno' Williams
Adam Noshimuri
Mic Brumby
Harmon 'Harm' Rabb
AJ Chegwidden
Law & Order:
Nolan Price
Nicholas Baxter
Jalen Shaw
Vince Riley
Cyrus Lupo
Michael Cutter
Law & Order: Organised Crime:
Bobby Reyes
Law & Order SVU:
Joe Velasco
Mike Duarte
Terry Bruno
Mayans MC:
Bishop Losa
Taza Romero
Micheal 'Riz' Ariza
Nestor Oceteva
Angel Reyes
EZ Reyes
Neron 'Creeper' Vargas
Frank Castle
The Mentalist:
Wayne Rigsby
Kimball Cho
Marcus Pike
The Musketeers:
Horacio Carrillo
Alden Parker
Nick Torres
Gage Winchester
Jimmy Palmer
NCIS Hawaii:
Jesse Boone
Vostanik Sabatino
Arlo Turk
Harmon 'Harm' Rabb
Marty Deeks
AJ Chegwidden
NCIS: New Orleans
Dwayne Pride
Chris LaSalle
NCIS Sydney:
JD Dempsey
De Shawn Jackson
Michelle Mackey
Ian Egerton
Don Eppes
Sheriff Graham/The Huntsman
Carlton Lassiter
The Rookie:
John Nolan
Tim Bradford
Wade Grey
Ejiah Vestri
Ryan Caradine
Aaron Thorsen
The Rookie Feds:
Matt Garza
Brendon Acres
SEAL Team:
Sonny Quinn
Brock Reynolds
Trent Sawyer
Eric Blackburn
Greg Lestrade
Silent Witness:
Jack Hodgson
Juan 'Juice' Ortiz
Filip 'Chibs' Telford
Alexander 'Tig' Trager
David Hale
Rodrigo Sanchez
Donovan Rocker
Ted Lasso:
Roy Kent
Top Gun Maverick:
Beau 'Cyclone' Simpson 
The Umbrella Academy:
Diego Hargreeves
Cordell Walker
Captain Larry James
Dan Miller
White Collar:
Matt Keller
Will Trent:
Will Trent
Rip Wheeler
Travis Wheatley
Feel free to send me prompts if you see anything you like with one of the characters.
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sergeantnarwhalwrites · 4 months
Fighting It Out
There was more lead up to this but fuck it we jump straight in. That's how I do shit XD. My break is over 😭. And I am academically fucking suffering. Let them go crazy. Also typing/texting this shit straight into tumblr from my phone so it might be fucky sucky. Also testing out some fight style stuff for these two mostly based on this previous post.
Tag list: @outpost51 @nanashi23 @winterandwords @jezifster @kk7-rbs @aether-wasteland-s @dumbthunder @manathen @the-void-writes @liv-is (Let me know if you want to be added or removed from the taglist!) 
Ian towered over Elliot. Partially extended arm reached out towards the fellow deer morpher. A wrapped fist against his side. The other wrap cautiously wrapped over one of his branching antlers.
Elliot bounced on his toes. Shoes tossed aside to expose wrapped ankles. Socks grass stained. Both forearms shielding his face.
"Sure you want to settle this with a fight?" Elliot questioned.
"Better than going to the elder morphers," Ian grumbled.
Elliot rolled his eyes, but he agreed. The elder morpher's would take too long. And he didn't want to add any unnecessary stress to the bear morpher.
"One of us has to speak to them anyway," Elliot tilted his head looking into the fellow deer morpher's bright blue eyes.
Elliot felt himself shudder. He wished Ian's hair was down so he at least had some sort of barrier between them.
"And it's going to be Saz or you. This isn't a me problem. I don't understand why you're even dragging me into this."
"And you fucking wonder why Saz hates you," Elliot grumbled.
Ian rolled his eyes. Hate was an exaggeration. Though Saz was particularly good at giving Ian a cold shoulder. And this fight definitely wouldn't help his case. His ear flicked in the direction of Julie's approach. The hagfish morpher sitting off to the side as she pulled meat off of the charred skewer with her teeth.
Ian couldn't help but grin playfully slapping Elliot's block knowing it would annoy him, "Snack break over?"
"Stop shit talking." Julie spoke through her mouthful, "Go!"
The taller deer morpher took a step forward. Keeping an arm extended. His palm pushing harshly against Elliot's block.
Elliot's block pushed back against Ian's hand. Swerving aside quickly. Grunting when Ian's wrapped fist collided with the side of his head. Successfully dodging Ian's hastily returning fist. He shuffled back, putting space between them.
Elliot shifted his weight onto one foot, his body swiveling to the side. He partially throws out a foot his shin painfully meeting Ian's suspecting fist. Elliot retracts his foot in a wide sweeping motion. Planting his toes into the grass. The heel of his opposing foot landing a bit high into Ian's side. His block dropping as his torso swung lower.
Ian grit his teeth with a loud grunt. Elliot's heel crashing into one of his ribs. Ian took advantage of the lowered block. His hand grasping tauntingly at Elliot's face. Fist hitting right between Elliot's brows. And again into Elliot's side.
Elliot's head whipped back. The unexpected hits forcing his knee to buckle beneath him. Painfully holding himself up with a shaky leg.
He popped up. Bouncing breathlessly on his toes. He moved around another jab, aimed at his bruising side. The far smaller deer morpher grunting as he forced his knee into Ian's side. Cursing when a persistent fist and palm pounded against Elliot's block.
Elliot lifted his foot, pushing hard against Ian's thigh. Forcing space between them again. Fist whizzing past Elliot's face.
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kinopioa · 5 months
Why do you dislike Ian Flynn so much?
Took me a sec to realize this isn't reddit
I dislike Flynn for mid writing and excuses, but the bigger issue is how the fandom operates. Flynn is simply appealing to that, regardless how mobby or wrong the fandom is
Like, making Silver hyper incompetent for most of Archie, then shifting to dorkifying him when Evan's own comic gained traction. Or the weird drive in supporting "headcannons" that really boil down to reducing lore to be forcibly related. Like Bean forcibly being related to Jet, who is forcibly related to Battle Kukku, despite severe contradictions. Same with punking chars cuz of severe bias
The fandom does this daily, and Flynn was raised in that environment late 90s/early 2000s. I'm not surprised he similarly does it...in the beginning. The issue is he grew up and STILL is doing it
Inversely I don't like how the fandom's nepotism of him clearly ignored contradictions Ian himself made when he took over Archie. 1-159 were mostly ass, but Flynn did not adapt the change remotely well. It initially pissed off older fans (unfortunately many of which hated the games, but still), and his bias to Pender's chars is noted compared to Bollers and other writers' chars. Post Reboot with most of that removed created a creative void that was mostly boring or halfassed
Personally I shouldn't care, but he's already involved with the games after 2022. And that bugs me
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simptasia · 1 year
ages of LOST characters when we first meet them vs the ages of the actors when they first started playing them. reminder that the starting point of LOST is september 22nd 2004. if a character’s age seems one less than sounds right to you its because their birthday is coming up. if a character is missing from this it’s because we don’t know their age in canon (looking at you, desmond)
jack shephard: 34 matthew fox: 38
kate austen: 27 evangeline lilly: 25
hugo “hurley” reyes: 25 jorge garcia: 31
james “sawyer” ford: 35 josh holloway: 35
sawyer says he’s 35. but lostpedia only has sawyer’s birthyear, 1968, making him 36. however an easy explanation for this is that sawyer has a birthday coming up in the post september to december range (like many other characters here) thus making the birthyear and what sawyer said still right
john locke: 48 terry o’quinn: 52
sayid jarrah: 36 naveen andrews: 35
jin-soo kwon: 29 daniel dae kim: 36
sun-hwa kwon: 24 yunjin kim: 31
claire littleton: 21 emilie de ravin: 23
charlie pace: 27 dominic monaghan: 27
okay so an odd thing happened here. we don’t actually know charlie’s age in canon, except that based on a statement from liam that he’s absolutely less than 30. and basically what happened is there was big debate on lostpedia, the general gist being he’s 25 to 28, until everybody just gave up and they slapped dom’s birthday on charlie’s page. and it’s still there to this day
walt lloyd: 10 malcolm david kelley: 12
walt’s actor was gonna age outta the role anyways due to the nature of lost’s timeline but their first mistake was casting a 12 year old. like, hello, puberty?
shannon rutherford: 20 maggie grace: 21
boone carlyle: 23 ian somerhalder: 26
danielle rousseau: 44 mira furlan: 49
ethan rom: 27 william mapother: 39
the consequences of season 5 are starting to hit
bernard nadler: 56 or 57 sam anderson: 58
ana lucia cortez: 29 michelle rodriguez: 27
eko tunde: 35 adewale akinnuoye-agbaje: 38
alexandra “alex” rousseau/linus: 16 tania raymonde: 17
benjamin “ben” linus: 39 michael emerson: 51
this isn’t even due to later timeline decisions, they just decided to do this
miles straume: 27 ken leung: 38
daniel faraday: 26 jeremy davies: 39
charlotte lewis: 33 rebecca mader: 31
and theeere’s the season 5 whammy. for those who don’t know (you must be new to my blog) dan and miles ages differ so much from their actors because when our guys are in 1977, it suited the story and characters better for miles to be a baby and dan to be an embryo (and char to be 6) at the same time. the writers were set on 1977 being the year everybody got stuck in and that’s how we get daniel faraday being an oxford professor at fucking 18
it’s something that gets funnier and sadder the longer you think about it
anyways. thank you for your time!
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