#char: Aryadna Slezák
eva-writes · 7 years
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eva-writes · 8 years
Ⓐ Greg (for Arya)
Send me Ⓐ and my muse will rate yours
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    repulsive ― hideous ― ugly ― not attractive ― unappealing ― not unattractive ― meh ― no preference ― ok ― mildly attractive ― nice looking ― cute ― adorable ― attractive ― pleasant on the eyes ― good looking ― hot ― sexy ― beautiful ― gorgeous ― hot damn ― would tap that ― perfect ― godlike ― holy fuck there are no words
    grating ― irritating ― frustrating ― boring ― confusing at best ― awkward ― unreasonable ― psychotic ― disturbing ― interesting ― engaging ― affectionate ― aggressive ― ambitious ― anxious ― artistic ― bad tempered ― bossy ― charismatic ― appealing ― unappealing ― creative ― courageous ― dependable ― unreliable ― unpredictable ― predictable ― devious ― dim ― extroverted ― introverted ― egotistical ― gregarious ― fabulous ― impulsive ― intelligent ― sympathetic ― talkative ― up beat ― peaceful ― calming ― badass ― flexible ― puts up with my shit
    not if they were the last person on earth and the world was ending ― fuck no! ― never ― no way ― not likely ― not sure ― indifferent ― i’m asexual ― maybe ― probably ― it depends ― fairly likely ― likely ― yeah sure ― yes ― would tap that ― hell yes ― fuck yes! ― wishing that could happen right now ― as many times as possible ― we are already having sex
    never in a million years ― worst of enemies ― enemies ― rivals ― indifferent ― neutral ― acquaintance ― friendly toward each other ― casual friends ― friends ― good friends ― best friends ― fuck buddies ― bosom buddies ― practically the same person ― would die for them ― true friends ― my only friend ― partners in crime ― I made him a single daddy to a lamb
    i hate them so much ― i don’t like them ― i don’t trust them ― they annoy me ― they’re weird ― i’m indifferent ― meh ― they seem alright ― they’re growing on me ― truce ― i think i like them ― i like them ― i’m not sure if i trust them ― i trust them ― they’re cool ― they’re genuine ― i think we’re going to get along ― i really like them ― i think i’m in love ― oh fuck they’re hot ― i love them
    i hate them so much ― i don’t like them ― i don’t trust them ― they annoy me ― they’re weird ― i’m indifferent ― meh ― they seem alright ― they’re growing on me ― truce ― i think i like them ― i like them ― i’m not sure if i trust them ― i trust them ― they’re cool ― they’re genuine ― i think we’re going to get along ― i really like them ― i think i’m in love ― oh fuck they’re hot ― i love them
    worst kisser ever ― terrible ― bad ― awkward ― just okay ― alright ― pretty good ― good ― makes me moan ― excellent ― exciting ― oh god they’re good ― i dream about it ― fucking amazing ― absolute perfection ― we haven’t kissed
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eva-writes · 8 years
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RP MEME: SIX characters of mine [1/6] ↳ Ilena Vasiliev Aryadna “Arya” Slezák
“It was all about deception. Lies were our defense, our default. To survive you had to master the art of perjury. The lie and the truth had to feel the same. But once you learned that skill, nobody knows the truth; especially you”
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eva-writes · 8 years
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eva-writes · 9 years
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“Noticing her smile he only knows he was right. He could break her, leave her sobbing on the floor if he really wanted to, but he could also build her back up and make everything alright again, he could put that smile on her face. He also knew she could do the exact same thing to him, but somehow he trusted her with it. She had his heart in her hands and it was hers to do as she pleased. Yet for as much as it scared him, he wasn’t going to take it back” .
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eva-writes · 9 years
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SHIP AESTHETICS [03/?] - Aryadna Slezák & Lukas Richmond
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eva-writes · 9 years
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THIS IS WAR - St. Mary’s Saga edition
the good: Quinn Taylor and Brian Webb the evil: Orion Hearst and Frederick Knight the soldier: Jon Wolfe and Archer Shepherd the civilian: Adela Hart, Sasha Cohen and Julian Blackthorne the martyr: Sophia Bleek and Genevieve Woodsen the victim: Anya Ellington, Viviana Bellinari and Adam Warren the prophet: Sebastien Woodsen and Benjamin Wainwright the liar: Lukas Richmond and Aryadna Slezák the honest: Arianna Carrington and Ingrid Blackwood the leader: Matthew Grey-Cohen and Catherine Crowe the pariah:Russell Hier, Corinne Blackwood and Tristan Tillstrom the victor: Phoenix Hearst and Charlie Crowe the messiah: Caitlin Grey-Cohen and Echo Enderson
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eva-writes · 9 years
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ADVENT CALENDAR RP MEME - DAY 12 (Part III): AN OC OTP LUKAS & ARYADNA - FCs: Nico Tortorella & Imogen Poots St. Mary's saga
I may or may not post as 4th part to this. Sorry not sorry, I just happen to truly cherish some of the relationships my characters have formed. But anyway, I just had to give Arya and Lukas a spot here. It was a joy to have my baby girl grow so much side by side with Lukas. I love everything about her relationship with him, every single stage of it; from the times when they seriously hated each others guts to the more friendly banter, from the casual hook ups to the point where they truly loved each other. They just scream OTP to me in so many levels. It was wonderful that they could discover how similar they were and started to get closer from there. For me that was a beautiful journey to take with my character, because it challenged her and it let her grow. And that’s something for which I’ll be forever grateful to El, because without her portrayal of Lukas that wouldn’t have been possible. One of my favorite things about it is that for the most part the true Arya, the one with all the vulnerability and all the strength, the one who didn’t give a shit about anything and the one who loved deeply, is the Arya that she was with Lukas. For a girl who hid her true colors from everyone, it was nice to have someone who brought out the real her. Lukas is the only person she trusted enough and with whom she never felt like she had to keep lying and pretending. Sure, these two are manipulative, lying bastards, bordering on class A assholes with a broken moral compass, and they can be dysfunctional as hell, but at the same time I always saw something truly magical going on between them. I guess that’s what happens with genuine emotional connection.
CREDIT → Character PSD by zoeyrph → Lukas was played by El → Quote: Edited version of this quote
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eva-writes · 10 years
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ADVENT CALENDAR RP MEME - DAY 04: A FEMALE CHARACTER (OF MINE) Aryadna Slezák - FC: Imogen Poots - St. Mary's saga
Along with Jon, Arya is one of my oldest and most beloved characters. With this one I took very seriously the idea of making her the least heroic character that I could come up with. Arya in all right an anti-hero, and sometimes she's even displayed villanous characteristics when she's out to end people who've harmed her in the past. 'An eye for an eye' is a motto she lives by. To put it mildly, she had a very tempestuos childhood, all because Orion Hearst was out to kill human sympathizers like her family. By the age of eight, she had already lost her parents and her home thanks to the man. It was only her and Nikolai, her older brother, against the world. Arya grew to become a spectacular liar because she had to learn to master that skill in order to survive, in order to act all the new identities she had to assume to stay safe while growing up. She gave up her real name (Ilena Vasiliev) and took about six new aliases ever since. Aryadna is just another identity she took when she infiltrated St. Mary's posing as a student, but she was truly a member of the Resistance that was aiming to overthrow Hearst. Growing up the way she did, on the run and in constant fear of being found by Hearst and his minions, she had to stay detached from most of the people she encountered. Relationships are ropes, after all. Nikolai's murder broke her, but she knew she had to keep going, if anything to avenge his death. The number of people who truly know her, who know an ounce of her past, can be counted with the fingers of a single hand. To the rest, she's just the version of herself that she wants them to believe. Arya is chaotic, she's snarky and bitchy, selfish and carefree, with deeper layers of a caring person who's just suffered a lot and is afraid of losing more than what she already has. She doesn't live under any delusion that she's a morally good person, she has her own code and her own set of rules, and as a survivor she just does what she has to do in order to keep going. Ultimately all her negative and positive qualities have made her a character that I've enjoyed playing enormously.
CREDIT   → Character PSD by zoeyrph  → Quote by Brent Weeks
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