d3bugd0ughnut · 3 months
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I feel so sorry for Denji, so much is piling up on his shoulders and his mental and physical health is gone.
He doesn't even look like himself anymore and the shit that happened between him and Yoru just worsened the things.
I hope that he'll find Nayuta in good conditions, for now she's the only person that can help him feel better.
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royalshinigami · 4 years
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I’m back lol
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hinatag · 5 years
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Am I the only one who wants a "Hak rescue mission"? Because everyone had been either kidnap, capture, or held prisoner beside Hak.
So am I the only one who wants to see this happen?
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kaixedy-blog · 6 years
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No Tae Jun it’s not Hak. It’s obviously Hak, who the freak else would it be!?
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watashi-wa-jan-blog · 7 years
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Boku no Hero Academia (Chapter 169)
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nntheblog · 2 years
One Punch Man Chapter 170 finally ending the Monster Association arc
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Saitama, Garou and their first meeting on the street. Photo credit to Madhouse studio With the conclusion of one of its most extensive bouts ever, the upcoming One Punch Man Chapter 170 marks the series’ formal conclusion of the Monster Association and Garou’s arc after seven long years of serialization. Since One Punch Man 169 only adapted part of web comic chapter 94 it’s expected that One Punch Man 170 will finish the arc. Next up is the Psychic Sisters arc. READ: One Punch Man Season 3 Studio Bones announcement reported in OPM Chapter170 The longest-running single arc in Yusuke Murata’s illustrated adaptation of ONE’s webcomic to date is the Monster Association arc. The arc’s tale began with the introduction of Garou, and it then fully erupted into a conflict between the heroes and the Monster Associations. This culminated in a fight between Saitama & Garou which is now over. End of the longest One Punch Man Arc As the Monster Association Saga entered its conclusion, Saitama and Garou’s battle began literally stretching the limits of time and space as they both grew more powerful. The two of them kept getting stronger as the fight continued because Garou’s god-level power allowed him to readily adjust to Saitama’s strikes, and Saitama could quickly take up each technique he saw. Then, Saitama took this to a whole new level by becoming a god who could travel through time using his blows. Genos reflects on the events after Saitama's core was returned in One Punch Man Chapter169. Pic credit: Viz media The next chapter of the series will examine what happened after the Garou arc, as Murata had announced to fans on Twitter in the wake of the most recent nearly 80-page chapter finishing off Saitama and Garou’s duel. Murata promises that the arc will be completed in a short time and assures fans that he will continue drawing. For seven years, he has been striving for this end. This means that even though the current arc is over, there's still a lot of story to be told. One Punch Man Chapter 170 Release Date and What to Expect One Punch Man doesn’t adhere to a set release schedule, unlike most shonen manga series. It can be difficult to predict when the next chapter will be released. Murata sensei however posted a Tweet confirming that the next series will be published. となジャン版ワンパンマンの次回更新は18日を予定しております。 — 村田雄介 (@NEBU_KURO) August 10, 2022 Tweet: “The next update of the Tona Jean version of One Punch Man is scheduled for the 18th.” Yusuke Murata Therefore, the One Punch Man 170 publication date is August 18, 2022. Now that the writing is done, fans can expect spoilers to be posted online two days before the chapter's release. Unofficial raw scans should be available by August 17, 2022. Viz will take time updating its library. However, the most recent chapters will eventually be available on Viz media. To aid in their recovery from acute radiation exposure, most likely the heroes will undergo a decontamination procedure. Although some heroes might be keen to pursue Garou, there is no reason to worry as Garou will not change his mind after the events of the previous chapters. Bang and Saitama could interact with Garou, and this story could have future chapters. What do you think about the conclusion of the One Punch Man Monster Association arc? What did you think of Saitama and Garou’s fight’s conclusion in general? Comment below to share your thoughts. Read the full article
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remeny-writes · 7 years
Roses are red, Violets are Adored (Viadore/Katlaska/group fic)
Violet’s POV
I woke up earlier than everyone else, I felt like death herself. I got to study Danny’s face while it was still relaxed with sleep, his full lips that were upturned at the edges and slightly bulbous nose, his deep-set eyes with their naturally long lashes and perpetually surprised eyebrows. His hair had grown in and was about a quarter of an inch long. I wanted to run my hand across the velvety softness of it but I resisted.
I was pulled into a shallow sleep again, my consciousness wavered in and out like a bad and almost out of range radio station. The next time I woke up, Danny was sitting in the chair beside the bed, scrolling through his phone. Lucy and Samuel’s beds were both empty. I don’t know how I managed to sleep through Danny getting off of the bed, let alone 2 people leaving the room.
“Good morning sunshine? How’d you sleep?” Danny asked, reaching over to hold my hand in his.
“I slept ok. I think.” I laughed. “I don’t really remember going to sleep, I’ve been sleeping on and off since early this morning. But I didn’t feel you get out of bed and we were smushed right up together so I must have gotten some sleep. Where’s Lucy and Sam?” I squirmed a bit in pain, my body searching for a more comfortable position and failing.
“They went for breakfast. How bad is your pain right now my love?”
“It’s so stupidly high, like I can’t EVEN bitch!” I said, resolutely picking up the nurse’s call button. “I thought maybe later today, you know after all the barfing and napping and groups and all that shit, that we could maybe go outside for a bit? Maybe a walk? I’ll even let you push me in a wheelchair, just get me out of here for a few minutes.”
He beamed, “OK!” His face dimmed, “I may have forgotten to mention it but this afternoon, I have to go see the doctor about my hand, to make sure it’s healing right. Mom said she’d swing by and keep you company while I’m gone.”
“She doesn’t have to, I mean she can, she’s always welcome but you guys know I can manage on my own for an hour or two right? Or overnight.”
“I know you can and so does she, of course we do, but why be alone when you don’t have to be.”
“True. Oh I really hope that your hand is ok. I feel so bad.”
“It was an accident, it’s not your fault hun.”
“Weeeell it kind of is my fault.” I teased back.
He sighed in mock exasperation, “ok it’s all your fault forever and ever, you happy?” he quipped sarcastically.
“Totally happy! I like when I get my way.”
“I’ve noticed!” He chuckled, kissing my nose and pulling the dreaded breakfast tray over. “You’re cute, now eat. There is a milkshake drink thingy here if you don’t want solids. Please just try ok?”
“I will. I promise, as soon as I get meds.” I squirmed again, I could always tell when Matt wasn’t working based on how long it took to get meds.
“Magic words!!”
“What would you like my queen?” He asked with a goofy little bow.
“You are such a dork! One of the many reasons why I really, actually love you.” Every time I told Danny I loved him sent an electric current through my system.
“I really actually love you too. You know I do.”
There was a few minutes pause where we just looked at each other, having a silent conversation with our eyes until a nurse barged in.
“So starbucks?”
“I think I’ll have a mocha frap with 1%...no wait whole milk.”
He smiled like I knew he would, geez who would have known increasing milk fat percentage would make Danny Noriega smile like that.
“Ok be right back.” He kissed me on the head. On my bare head, I lifted my fingers up to the spot he kissed, smiling to myself. My head felt funny and I wondered if I would ever get used to not having long hair to swish around. I wondered how foreign it would feel when it started to grow in and if it would feel weird to have hair but not my usual long hair. Matt had warned me that my hair could grow in a totally different colour and texture and I closed my eyes and pictured myself a year from now, with black hair. No! Wait! Blonde? Blondes are rumoured to have more fun.
So I was a blonde and my new hair has lovely soft curls and it’s almost long enough to put up in a ponytail, I was hopping onto the bus, arm-in-arm with a smiling Danny. I looked healthy and strong and so happy. There were streamers and balloons and a banner welcoming us back.
“Now what are you thinking about that you are smiling that big?” Danny asked, making me jump but I kept my eyes closed tight. It was such a strong image in my mind, I didn’t want to pop my soap bubble just this second.
“Just imagining life next year. Come imagine with me! Close your eyes!” I giggled, I heard him put the drinks down on the table and push it away. He laid back down beside me and I propped myself up for a minute so he could put his arm around me and I could snuggle myself into the crook of his neck. We held hands. I felt his warm lips linger on my head for a moment again and I sighed. I kept my eyes closed throughout the whole thing, feeling silly but allowing myself to be silly and not always that prim, polished and in control person. Even doing this, my brain was chastising me that saying all this out loud seemed stupid but dreaming and having goals was something I should do out loud more often.
“Ok my eyes are closed. I’m ready my love.”
“Picture it, I’ve been given a clean bill of health and we are getting on the bus finally for the next tour. My hair has grown back blonde and it’s short and curly.
We both look healthy and so happy that we look like we are glowing. Everyone is so happy to see each other and when we get on the bus, it’s decorated like a party with streamers and balloons and a banner welcoming us back and then we all sit in the lounge room and everyone is grinning madly. We are all munching on party food and all talking to each other at once. The noise is horrendous and..ugh...wouldn’t that be awesome right now?”
Danny squeezed my hand and I cracked open one eye and turned my head a little to see Danny still had his eyes closed. A peaceful smile played around his lips.
“I can feel you looking at me.” He said with his eyes still shut tight. He turned his head and did his best Adam Sandler impersonation, “stop looking at me Swan!”
We both cracked up. I opened my eyes all the way and wiggled my way up the bed to lock my lips onto Danny’s, throwing my arms around his neck and pulling him in. It was like our lips were made for each other, like puzzle peices. I let out a hum of happiness and smiled into the kiss. His hands slid down my sides and I couldn’t help but squirm and giggle and try to pull away but he cupped my face and pulled me back in. He twisted until I was on top of him, straddling him. He peppered my collar bone with little kisses of his pillow soft lips until he was at my neck, blowing a big raspberry and reflexes making my neck jerk so I whacked him on the nose with the side of my head. Thankfully I didn’t get him too bad, I mean I already broke him once.
I slid off him but curled into him, my head over his thumping heart. I pulled his casted hand up to my lips and gave his poor bruised knuckles a kiss.
“How is your hand feeling darling? What’s your pain like out of 10?”
“Geeze now you sound like me! It’s fine!”
“Now you sound like me! When do you have to go today?”
“After lunch time. Hopefully I won’t be gone too long.” He chewed on his bottom lip as his brows knitted together with worry.
I straightened up, reached out and put my hands on his eyebrows and flattened them out, “stop worrying. It will be fine, I will be fine! I promise.”
“Okay! Oookay! I know you will be, I just worry.” His eyes went misty. “I can’t help it. I love you so much it just scares me sometimes.”
“I love you so, so much! I don’t know what I would do without you. Not just right now but for the past year! You have saved me.” My chin quivered and I choked out, “you made me love again, something I never thought was possible after Cassie. Something I was so scared of. I ran from love and suddenly you’ve made me change course. You stopped me from running away and now, I will run to you every time. Every damn time Danny.”
He put his arms around me and I felt like I was in the safest place in the world. His lips lingered on my forehead as we clung to each other, crying and eventually laughing at the state we were in.
“God, we’re so fucking extra!” I snorted.
“I know right?!”
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sachiimai · 8 years
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Serves up ! 
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kawhibi · 9 years
Please tell me
Will Marika actually die sometime? I DONT WANT THAT TO HAPPEN PLS IM GOING TO HATE THE SERIES AND I hope Naoshi doesnt raise any death flags between the main cast characters trust me you're going to regret it if you do Pm me your opinion if you wanna
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hinatag · 6 years
Am I the only one that cried when reading this page? No? Guess I'm the only one 😭😭😭😭
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uchihasasukes · 10 years
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sireitisdarkneon · 12 years
I knew from the beginning, but I didn't want to listen... Didn't want to believe... Gakuen Alice has always been listed under the tragedy genre but I kept telling myself "nah, it'll be fine! It's cute and cheerful! The worst has probably already happened" Oh how I regret those words...
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gakuenalicee · 12 years
Spoiler! Chapter 169!
It's been four months, since Mikan was sent to the Labyrinth Mansion. There are still no news of Hotaru and Natsume. In a few days, Mikan will be leaving the academy, with her memories of the academy erased. She is back to Class B. Her smile still in her face, not a single thing changed in her character. Then the news was being told to the children, and everyone else : Mikan was leaving the academy and having her memories of the academy erased. All her feelings will, too, be lost and forgotten. Every one was devastated and shocked. She will forgot all about her friends, her beloved, and her own parents. They all met up in a room, and Mikan said that she has cried a life's worth of tears, and that in people's memory she must be crying, just like the time when Natsume and Hotaru left. She said that in their hearts and memories, she must be crying - she hated things to be that way, she wanted people to remember her smiling, not crying. She wants to stay with everyone, in their heart, forever and ever. She added that in this limited amount of time, she will smile, and spend her time smiling with everyone.
It's finally the last day of Mikan staying in the academy. Narumi-sensei decided to teach everyone a "Lesson of Memories". He told them to recall the memories they had together that leaves the deepest impression to them. Together, they made an album for Mikan.
Their bonds will never disappear.
Persona is outside looking through the window and watching the events unfold. Nobara's words echoing in his head, as he walked. He remembered his time with Nobara. He thinks his existence in Gakuen Alice is harmful, and therefore, he decides to leave and live in loneliness. During this time, Nobara woke up to find Persona gone.
That night, Mikan decided to stay in Natsume's room. At last, she was alone in Natsume's room with Bear. There she cried, and remembered when natsume told her that he will take her away. She said to herself, "Natsume, how am I supposed to keep waiting for you... Soon enough, in my head, all the memories of you, Natsume, will totally disappear." She asked, "Where are you... Natsume?" She was sad. She added that she hopes that Natsume will not disappear.
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hinatag · 6 years
Although Yona and everyone saw Hak extremely pissed before, (Chapter 92) I hope they never see this side of Hak. Because Tae-Jun couldn't recognize Hak himself😂. I don't know about you guys but I am fangirling to the max. I'm happy that Sensei did not disappoint portraying Hak anger😍😂. Thank you Sensei😭😭😭
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hinatag · 6 years
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I want to thank the guy that stab Hak because of him Hak was able to calm down. A whole lot 😂😂😂.
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