#chapter 397
everyitachi · 2 months
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progg · 2 years
Chasing Shadows
As of Chapter 397 of Hunter x Hunter, I'm no longer certain the Phantom Troupe is responsible for the Kurta massacre. In this post, I’ll explain why I hold this belief, who I think might be responsible, and why Kurapika’s revenge mission may be even more misguided than we thought.
Asking the Question
As I touched on in my analysis of Chapter 393, it’s a common writing tactic to have characters ask questions the readers should be asking themselves. Togashi employs this strategy frequently. On the Black Whale, Hisoka has been asked three times about his identity, but he has never definitively answered.
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In a similar vein, the Troupe has been asked twice about whether they were responsible for the Kurta clan massacre.
Chapter 81:
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Chapter 116:
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In both cases, the Troupe gave a non-response. In fact, it’s Kurapika who repeatedly assigns blame to the Troupe, and he’s not exactly the most reliable source.
Uvogin does claim to remember something resembling the Kurta massacre, but it’s possible this was an act.
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He refers to the event in only vague terms, using the knowledge that Kurapika has already provided him. As for the details he does provide, they are dubious at best. Uvo claims the Kurta were "pretty powerful", and while that may be true, it doesn't really add up. He also says Chrollo took “quite a liking” to the Scarlet Eyes which is just... weird. It suggests a shallow, materialist view that Chrollo has never expressed.
In Chapters 397, it’s revealed that the Troupe planned to garner a nasty reputation in order to protect Meteor City. 
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This is all wrapped up in an allegory about acting. The Troupe want to “play the role of villains”, especially Uvogin.
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It’s even in the name: Phantom Troupe. As in not real, fake, an illusion. I’m not saying the Troupe are completely free of wrongdoing, but it would have been in their interest to claim credit for the massacre (even if they didn’t actually do it).
On that note, it’s very possible Uvo was fibbing to Kurapika during their fight—playing the villain to antagonize him.
Sheila ‘the Good’
At first glance, Kurapika’s backstory chapters seem to unmistakably peg the Phantom Troupe as the culprit. Sheila’s actions are especially suspicious, as she seems to reinjure herself several times, suggesting she is faking her injury.
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Not to mention, at the end of the chapter, the traveler who discovers the massacre is said to be a woman. 
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All of this is meant to lead the reader to the conclusion that the Phantom Troupe committed the atrocity with the help of Sheila.
However, Chapters 395-397 paint a very different picture of Sheila. We learn that Sheila actually has a tendency to injure herself while walking, and this could very well explain her behavior in Kurapika’s Memories.
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Her right leg is perennially in a cast because she keeps re-injuring it.
We also learn that Sheila was the closest to the Sarasa, whose death catalyzed the Troupe’s descent into villainy.
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Sheila says, ‘we’re a package.’ Then she trips again.
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Hyping up her friend.
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Sheila is the first to offer Chrollo help in searching for Sarasa, and she is close enough to be acquainted with her nannies.
After Sarasa’s death, Chrollo plans to play the villain, enacting revenge on her killers and protecting Meteor City. Sheila disapproves of Chrollo’s plan, and she leaves Meteor City with a dejected expression.
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Chrollo himself admits that Sarasa would not condone their plan, and it’s likely that, given how close they were, Sheila objects for the same reasons.
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Replace Sarasa with Pairo here. Kurapika and Chrollo are very similar...
In general, flashback Sheila is shown to be a very kind, sympathetic character. It’s possible she gave D Hunter to Kurapika and Pairo out of generosity, which is impressive considering her attachment to the book and her lack of personal belongings.
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The official translation for the top-right panel “I don’t really have much. In return, let’s see...”
The Manner of the Massacre
Whether or not Sheila was involved, there is still a major piece of evidence connecting the Troupe to the massacre. The second half of the Law of Retribution, a saying associated with Meteor City, is left behind at the scene. However, if we look at the manner of the massacre, it more closely resembles the work of the mafia. Consider the similarities between the genocide of the Kurta and the murder of Sarasa.
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Decapitation, mutilation, a note left at the crime scene.
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Decapitation, mutilation, a note left at the crime scene.
Additionally, Chrollo describes Sarasa’s murder as a “show” put on by the perpetrators.
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When you think about it, this is very similar to how the Kurta massacre is described, not to mention Pairo’s beheading paralleling Sarasa’s.
Was the Kurta massacre a “show” as well? It’s possible the mafia’s intention was to frame the Troupe, but the message may also have been left behind as a statement. It’s not out of character for the mafia to respond to transgressions in this way. 
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The Troupe can “take away” Meteor City as a source for trafficking, but Sarasa’s killers can simply take their dealings elsewhere. It’s a twisted interpretation of the Law of Retribution—taking it and spitting it back at the Troupe.
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A Synthesis of the Arts
Whoever orchestrated the Kurta massacre wanted the Scarlet Eyes and decided to behead the villagers. While the Scarlet Eyes would be valuable to anyone involved in the Black Market, the showmanship of the massacre and the use of decapitation fits more closely with a certain Kakin prince.
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The theory that Tserriednich has Pairo’s head begins to make a lot of sense. He didn’t buy it on the black market... he’s the original owner! It also explains why he has the Scarlet Eyes. He owns quite a few of them but may have sold the others.
I believe the mafia group responsible for Sarasa’s death and the murder of the Kurta, in this case, is the Hei-Ly. Not Morena’s Hei-Ly, but the Hei-Ly she overthrew prior to boarding the Black Whale. Everything surrounding Sarasa’s murder and the Kurta massacre fits Tserriednich’s profile. 
In Chapter 397, Chrollo concludes that Sarasa’s killers recorded her death and will disperse them on the newly developing dark web.
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In Chapter 343, we learn that Tserriednich was identified as the eyes’ owner because he posted a video of them on the dark web.
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It especially makes sense that Tserriednich would be interested in putting the disembodied Kurta on display, given his nature.
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Finally, Tserriednich’s tattoo artist, a former Hei-Ly member, is complicit in Tserriednich’s hobby.
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If the pre-coup Hei-Ly was responsible for both incidents, it adds an interesting layer to the conflict on the lower decks of the Black Whale and the conflict between Kurapika and Chrollo.
Note: In Yorknew, Feitan and Paku are very vague about it, but at least seem aware the massacre occured. Chrollo reasons Kurapika has come for the eyes and revenge, presumably against the Troupe. Chrollo's reasoning definitely makes it seem like they are at least aware they could be perceived as responsible.
<reddit discussion>
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the19thduckpotato · 1 year
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about how well I'm handling life atm in one panel 🙃
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urielopot · 5 months
my girl heewon really thriving on the power of friendship
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algumaideia · 4 months
Oh wow how tragic how tragic 😭
Didn't expect ice guy to help her go
The goodbyes are absolutely hesrtbreaking
Saul saying she shouldn't be alone 😭
She smiling and trying to laugh just to immediately start crying 😭
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amynchan · 1 year
Finally catching up on BNHA and????
Why???? Was no one talking???? about how All Might???? Is using his students' moves????????????
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ohmi-ohmyj · 1 year
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Happy 1-year-deathiversary to this guy 💣💥🎉
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codenamesazanka · 1 year
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moonpaw · 1 year
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can we give a round of applause for the first unedited "damn" that viz put in since chapter 11?
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everytobito · 1 year
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saltytearsofjoy · 1 year
horikoshi should take a several month break completely unannounced. some of you need to chill with the media consumption
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everyitachi · 2 months
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progg · 1 year
Chapter 397 Breakdown
Here are my thoughts on Chapter 397 of Hunter x Hunter, “Formation: Part 3”.
It should come as no surprise that Sarasa is missing at the beginning of this chapter, considering where we left off. There are a couple things I want to point out early on.
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Sheila mentions that Franklin and Nobunaga always turn up late to the performances. In other words, they’re not as dedicated to the performance aspect of the Troupe. They probably only stick around because the “sense of brotherhood” appeals to them. This is consistent with their characterization. Franklin often plays the role of the “gentle giant”, keeping a level head and mediating conflicts within the troupe (I’ve brought this up in previous posts, and I’m serious about it. He might be introduced as a hot-head, but almost every other interaction has him acting as a mediator or “gel” for the group). Nobunaga is perhaps the most sentimental Troupe member and greatly values his relationships.
This has interesting implications when you consider the broader story. As we learn later in the chapter, much of the Troupe’s villainy is an act they put on to protect Meteor City (at least, that was the original plan). However, Franklin and Nobunaga may not be especially devoted to playing that role. I have no idea what Togashi is planning, but I think it’s possible there is a schism forming within the Troupe, especially between Chrollo and Franklin/Nobunaga. Nobunaga’s words leading into the flashback suggest a changing viewpoint, and I see Franklin’s “strategy” for finding Hisoka as a direct repudiation of Chrollo.
“If there’s no gauntlet, we won’t pick it up.” - FRANKLIN BORDEAU, CHAPTER 379
Moving on, Sheila offers to help Chrollo search for Sarasa because she knows Sarasa’s nannies.
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The bond between Sheila and Sarasa is something I brought up in my post titled Chasing Shadows. While I’m still unsure of Sheila’s intentions, I’m positive her relationship with Sarasa is important. She is closer to her than any other members of the Troupe.
Unfortunately, Sarasa’s nannies haven’t seen her. The Troupe is unsure what to do and turns to Chrollo for guidance.
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This is yet another example of that Specialist charisma Chrollo and Kurapika share. This flashback comes amidst various characters looking to Kurapika for guidance in the Succession War.
Chrollo postpones the performance and announces to the children of Meteor City that Sarasa is missing. It’s clear that he feels a lot of guilt over her disappearance.
“As you know, child abductions have been increasing. And yet despite knowing how dire the situation is, I let her go home alone without considering counter-measures. I take full responsibility.”
Not unlike Kurapika, Chrollo blames himself for the tragedy around him. The parallels just keep adding up.
The search for Sarasa is largely unsuccessful—that is, until Chrollo finds her locket at the entrance to a dark, foreboding forest. Entering the forest, the Troupe finds a note pinned to a tree, with a bag hanging overhead. Chrollo, probably out of self-flagellating guilt, offers to look inside the bag. It is revealed to contain the decapitated head of Sarasa. Note: the Kurta were also decapitated. The decapitation of Sarasa is probably a direct parallel to the decapitation of Pairo. Themes of dismemberment are also present in the Succession Arc through Tserriednich’s “art” and the Hei-Ly’s meat processing unit.
Chrollo and Uvogin argue with each other over the contents of the pinned note. I don’t have much to say about the note other than that the contents will absolutely be revealed at some point. You don’t introduce a mystery like that and keep it unsolved.
The Troupe return Sarasa’s remains to Meteor City where she is embalmed by the mysterious Renko. She is buried with the Clean-up Rangers DVD, which may be a Chekov’s gun (or not).
Machi also has some dialogue with Renko, who will probably go on to teach her Nen.
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Machi has always had something of a sixth sense; it came up several times in the Yorknew City arc, and this conversation is doubling down on that aspect of her character.
After the funeral, Chrollo unveils his plan for avenging Sarasa and protecting Meteor City. It’s a plan that involves… predicting the internet.
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Chrollo believes the dismemberment of Sarasa was recorded and that it will ultimately be shared on the newly developing “dark web”.
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He wants to capitalize on the emergence of the dark web, making Meteor City a safe haven for criminals in the hopes of luring Sarasa’s killers there. His comments about the dark web have some pretty interesting implications. As we learn from Mizaistom, Tserriednich’s ownership of the eyes (and, potentially Pairo’s head!) was also confirmed by a video on the dark web.
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From Chapter 343.
I wouldn’t be surprised if the pre-coup Hei-Ly had a hand in both the Kurta massacre and Sarasa’s murder.
While Chrollo is dictating his plan, Sheila wanders off looking dejected.
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Notably, she leaves before Chrollo mentions “killing a lot of people”, so that isn’t what put her off. The way I see it, she disagreed with the need to avenge Sarasa at all (suggesting she is actually “good”), or she disagreed with the need to wait three years (more evil interpretation). I lean toward the former because her departure is immediately followed by Chrollo’s admission that Sarasa would disapprove of his plan.
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As I mentioned earlier, Sheila was closer to Sarasa than the other Troupe members, so it follows that she would disagree with Chrollo’s plan on the same grounds.
In fact, Chrollo’s contradiction of Sarasa’s values represents the biggest similarity between him and Kurapika. Replace Sarasa with Pairo and the parallels become crystal clear. Both Kurapika and Chrollo are motivated primarily by guilt. Rather than focusing on future life, they have become obsessed with the past and death. I wrote about this idea in my post titled Kurapika’s Fate. It’s also evident in Chrollo’s conversation with Neon.
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If nothing else, this flashback teaches us that Kurapika and Chrollo are two sides of the same coin.
Finally, this chapter ends off by reintroducing the idea that the Troupe are only “playing” the villains. It’s part of Chrollo’s plan to garner a fearsome reputation—one that will ward away lesser criminals and protect Meteor City. Whether this is a good plan (or whether it just led to them becoming actual villains) is up for debate.
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Regardless, it seems at least possible to me that the Troupe claimed credit for the Kurta massacre but were not actually responsible. I wrote more about this idea here. This flashback was clearly meant to humanize the Troupe, but not necessarily exonerate them.
That concludes the last of the flashback chapters. In the next breakdown, we’ll be back on the Black Whale with Hinrigh, Phinks, Feitan and Nobunaga.
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pttucker · 11 months
"I don't need to get their stupid consent anymore," said Jung Heewon, now neither 'Good' nor 'Evil'. "We decide who will be judged from now on." Sparks danced wildly around her figure as she gripped the [Sword of Judgement]. Demon King Haagenti took several steps back, almost reflexively, after sensing her suspicious aura. [What is this…??] [Exclusive skill, 'Hour of Judgement', is receiving the blessing of < Kim Dokja's Company >.] [Voting rights have been distributed to the members of < Kim Dokja's Company >.] [A portion of the members are unable to participate in the voting.] [Only the members that can, will participate in the voting.] And then, the voting began. [Incarnation, 'Lee Jihye', agrees with the judgement.] [Incarnation, 'Shin Yoosung', agrees with the judgement.] [Incarnation, 'Lee Gilyoung', agrees with the judgement.] [Incarnation, 'Jung Heewon', agrees with the judgement.]
This is so freaking cool.
Lmfao I’m just picturing the other three off in Cyperpunk City getting some weird ass message about this.
The others, probably: Dokja is doing something weird again. 😂
For once it's not him doing all this weird stuff! It's everybody else!
Well, okay, not just him since bringing the Army of the Underworld is actually pretty Kim Dokja of him.
Not sure why Sooyoung & Dokja didn't get a vote, though. I guess maybe it didn't reach Dokja in the Underworld? And maybe Sooyoung is currently under Abyssal Black Flame Dragon's control??? I assume it's not because they're both aligned with "Evil" right now because that'd kind of defeat the whole point that Heewon is trying to make.
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nynyhaha · 3 months
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Something’s not quite right.Some tension in the air says it’s not a lucky day.
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tangsakura · 1 year
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When chapter 397 was released, these were many of the HxH readers' comments and reactions on reddit.
I'm so glad Machi got the recognition she deserves.
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