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danielpaceofficial · 4 years ago
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“Come la gente mi guarda e ciò che di me pensa, è una sua scelta”. Quanto me ne importi? È la mia. ________________________________________ “How people look at me and what they think of me is their choice”. How much I care? It's mine. ________________________________________ Ph @diegodattiliophotography Art director @annalisa.ciri Studio @lightpaintingfotografia Make up @smashboxcosmetics @smashboxitaly Styling @chapeau_brand @bershka ________________________________________ #heelsroyalty #heelsroyalty👠🏳️‍🌈🇫🇷 #igersitalia #bedifferentbeyou #bedifferent💪 #bedifferent #beyourselfalways #beyourself💯 #beyourselfquotes #chapeau_brand #bershkastyle #bershkashoes #heelsdance #dancer #dancing #heelsdancer #heelsdance👠 #dancersofinstagram #workdballetproject #worldwideballet #esseresestessi #beproudofyourself #dancelife #danielp #instadance #adv #nopregiudizi #dancerpose #modelmanagement (presso Rome, Italy) https://www.instagram.com/p/CHYK6oEA83F/?igshid=xutagjz3h5m8
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bytishatsu · 5 years ago
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Just wait @by.tishatsu . . . . . . . . #chapeaublog #chapeaumelon #chapeaulondon #chapeaucycling #chapeauchic #chapeaunoir #chapeauxdepaille #chapeaumelonetbottesdecuir #chapeaubas #chapeau_brand #chapeaurougeprague #chapeaud_o #boitechapeau #chapeaufemme #chapeaudepaille #chapeaumagazine #chapeaulartiste #chapeau1987 #chapeaudegendarme #chapeaupointu #chapeaurouge #chapeauchinois #chapeaudo #chapeaudemariage #chapeauxik #chapeaupaille #chapeaux #chapeauxcouture #chapeau #chapeaupanama https://www.instagram.com/p/CASYRrxDnrf/?igshid=1nz3qecyaaq3r
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danielpaceofficial · 4 years ago
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Ci teniamo tutti ad essere accettati ma dovete credere che i vostri pensieri siano unici e vostri, anche se ad altri sembrano strani ed impopolari. Come ha detto Frost "Due strade trovai nel bosco e io scelsi quella meno battuta, ed è per questo che sono diverso". ______________________________________ We all want to be accepted but you must believe that your thoughts are unique and yours, even if to others they seem strange and unpopular. As Frost said, "Two roads I found in the woods and I chose the least beaten one, and that’s why I’m different". ______________________________________ Ph @diegodattiliophotography Art director @annalisa.ciri Studio @lightpaintingfotografia Wearing @chapeau_brand hoodie and @bershka heels 👠 ______________________________________ #heelsroyalty #heelsroyalty👠🏳️‍🌈🇫🇷 #igersitalia #igersroma #bedifferentbeyou #bedifferent💪 #bedifferent #beyourselfalways #beyourself💯 #beyourselfquotes #chapeau_brand #stylingtips #berska #bershkastyle #bershkacollection #bershkashoes #heelsdance #dancer #dancing #heelsdancer #heelsdance👠 #dancersofinstagram #workdballetproject #worldwideballet #esseresestessi #diversoèbello #beproudofyourself #dancelife #danielp #instadance (presso Rome, Italy) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGmmW9QgpNd/?igshid=pxntsb20h7t7
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danielpaceofficial · 6 years ago
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Non c’è strada troppo lunga per chi cammina lentamente e senza fretta; non ci sono mete troppo lontane per chi si prepara ad esse con la pazienza. (Jean de La Bruyère) ——————————————————————- There is not too long a road for those who walk slowly and without haste; there are no goals too far for those who are preparing for them with patience. ——————————————————————- Ph @phrancescoguarnieri Make up artist @annaritacozzolinomua Styling @chapeau_brand Hairstyle: @moira_d.d ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖. @toptags @top.tags #lastradaversocasa #chapeau_brand #chapeaubrand #fashion #fashionman #styleman #style #stile #model #modello #fotomodello #io #streetstyle #streetphotography #styling #phrancescoguarnieri #francescoguarnieri #pontedellamusica #shooting #shootingday #lunedimattina #clothingbrand #brand #fashioninfluencers #fashioninfluencer #fashionstyle #influencer #influenceritalia #influencermodel #communityfirst (presso Ponte della musica) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bn1A-6qggZN/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=h9l1uvfdximt
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danielpaceofficial · 6 years ago
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Nella vita bisogna sempre saper cambiare prospettiva, la novità molto spesso è la più bella sorpresa che ci possiamo regalare. ______________________________________________________ In life we ​​must always know how to change perspective, the novelty is often the best surprise we can give. ______________________________________________________ Ph: @phrancescoguarnieri Styling: @chapeau_brand Make Up Artist: @annaritacozzolinomua https://www.instagram.com/p/BrC8NKHnAg3/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=aqwxwjlgxlvk
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danielpaceofficial · 7 years ago
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Ma lo sguardo no, quello non si può confondere, né da vicino né da lontano! Oh, lo sguardo, sì che è significativo! Come il barometro. S’indovina tutto: chi ha un gran deserto nell’anima, chi senza una ragione è capace di ficcarti uno stivale fra le costole e chi invece ha paura di tutto. ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ But the look no, that can not be confused, neither from near or far! Oh, look, yes that's significant! Like the barometer. You can guess everything: who has a great desert in the soul, who without a reason is able to stuck a boot between the ribs and who is afraid of everything. Ph @phrancescoguarnieri Make up artist @annaritacozzolinomua Styling @chapeau_brand @drmartensofficial Hair Stylist @moira_d.d #toptags @top.tags @top.influencer #francescoguarnieri #phrancescoguarnieri #shooting #shootingday #communityfirst #dancer #influenceritalia #influencer #influencerstyle #style #firstpost #streetphotography #photooftheday #streetstyle #photooftheday #stile #model #models #dancer #dancers #dancersofinstagram #danceroutine #dancerspose #italianboy #italianboys #italiandancer #italiandancers #italianmodel #picoftheday (presso Ponte della musica)
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danielpaceofficial · 4 years ago
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Mai soffermarsi a ciò che si sa, bisogna sempre andare “OLTRE “. Oltre le apparenze, oltre le paure, oltre il proprio sapere, oltre i propri limiti; nella danza soprattutto bisogna sempre essere #openmind . Come danzatore, insegnante e coreografo, non mi sono mai limitato a studiare solo uno stile, ma ho sempre avuto curiosità di conoscere ed esplorare ambienti a me sconosciuti, uscendo fuori da quella che era la mia “comfort zone”. I limiti non esistono, siamo solo noi o gli altri, a porceli. ________________________________________ Never stop at what you know, you must always go "BEYOND" . Beyond appearances, beyond fears, beyond prejudices, beyond what you know, beyond your limits; in dance above all you must always be open-mind . As a dancer, teacher and choreographer, I have never limited myself to studying only one style, but I have always had curiosity to know and explore environments unknown to me, coming out of what was my "comfort zone". The limits do not exist, it is just us or others, to ask. ________________________________________ Ph @diegodattiliophotography Art Director @annalisa.ciri Studio @lightpaintingfotografia Wearing @chapeau_brand hoodie and @bershka shoes 👠 ________________________________________ #diegodattiliophotography #heelsroyalty #balletboy #heelsroyalty👠🏳️‍🌈🇫🇷 #hellsdance #dancerpose #dancerlife #dancerchoreographer #choreograph #choreographerlife #danielp #maledancer #maledancers #maledancerss #worldballetproject #worldwideballet #heelsdance #heels👠 #tacchi #noprejudice #nopregiudizi #danza #danzare #dancing_is_life #dancing #flexibility #flexibilitytraining #flexibilitynation (presso Rome, Italy) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGcVkCWA9xr/?igshid=1664je51lxf4o
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danielpaceofficial · 7 years ago
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@top.influencer @influencer.ita_top @chapeau_brand @maestropietroferrante - Buongiorno cari amici igers , Il tempo è troppo lento per coloro che aspettano, troppo rapido per coloro che temono, troppo lungo per coloro che soffrono, troppo breve per coloro che gioiscono, ma per coloro che amano il tempo è eternità. Ecco qui un meraviglioso orologio offertomi da @morrisyorkco . Lo potete trovare in varie colorazioni di quadrante e modelli di cinturini. Orologi dallo stile inconfondibile . VI LASCIO IL MIO CODICE SCONTO DANIELP_05 AVRETE IL 10% DI SCONTO . FATEMI SAPERE QUALE ACQUISTERETE E SCRIVETEMI COME SEMPRE DEI COMMENTI SOTTO IN DESCRIZIONE . VI ASPETTO IN NUMEROSI ⭐️ #topinfluencer #italianinfluencer #italianboy #influencer #influencerstyle #style #styleblogger #styles #stylish #italianmodel #model #boy #guy #fashionblogger #fashion #november #lifestyle #venerdi #fashionaddict #love #photography #photooftheday #time #whatch #orologio #morrisyork #tempo #collaboration #collaborazioni #accessories (presso Rome, Italy)
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danielpaceofficial · 5 years ago
Ed ecco la mia jlosuperbowlchallenge Spero vi piaccia, buona visione e seguitemi su TIK TOK . Vi lascio il link diretto al mio profilo qui sotto in descrizione 👇 https://vm.tiktok.com/J1PXxKn/ Mettere like e lasciate qualche commento fare esplodere questo post per favore ❤️ @hellofitromafiumicino @jlo _________________________________________________ And here is my #jlosuperbowlchallenge I hope you like it, enjoy and follow me on TIK TOK . I leave you the direct link to my profile below in description 👇 https://vm.tiktok.com/J1PXxKn/ Put like and leave some comment to explode this post please ❤️_________________________________________________ #jlochallenge #jlotiktokchallenge #jlodancers #superbowlchallenge #tiktok #tiktokdance #tiktokboys #tiktokvideos #tiktoktiktok #tiktokofficial #tiktokchallenge #challenge #tiktokitalia #tiktokitaly #tiktokita #dancer #dancevideo #dancevideos #dancevideoworldwide #neiperte #clonesquad #tiktoker #tiktokersgeneration_ #tiktokerspost #tiktokersofficial #perte #chapeau_brand #worldofdance #danceon (presso Fiumicino, Italy) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBa1COIFFrh/?igshid=1cas127x3j559
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danielpaceofficial · 6 years ago
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Le emozioni sono molto più forti in bianco e nero. Il colore distrae, piace all’occhio, ma non necessariamente raggiunge il cuore. (Kim Hunter) ______________________________________________________ Emotions are much stronger in black and white. The color distracts, pleases the eye, but does not necessarily reach the heart. (Kim Hunter) ______________________________________________________ Ph: @phrancescoguarnieri Make Up Artist: @annaritacozzolinomua Stylist: @chapeau_brand (presso EUR, Rome) https://www.instagram.com/p/Br8MXUWn_hn/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=8djv4xd240t8
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danielpaceofficial · 6 years ago
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Perchè se guardi il cielo, non voglio vedermi nei ricordi, ma progettare nuovi traguardi. —————————————————————— Because if you look at the sky, I do not want to see myself in the memories, but to design new goals. ——————————————————————- Ph @phrancescoguarnieri Make up artist @annaritacozzolinomua Styling @chapeau_brand Hairstyle: @moira_d.d ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖. @toptags @top.tags @top.influencer @ballet_boys_of_italy @balletboys_official @dance.male @male_dancers_ @maledancer @maledancerss #francescoguarnieri #phrancescoguarnieri #shooting📷 #shootingday #communityfirst #influenceritalia #influencer #firstpost #streetphotography #photooftheday #model📷 #modelshooting #italianboy #italianboys #italianmodel #topinfluencer #instagramitalia #sabato #morning #chapeaubrand #sunglasses #pontedellamusica #roma #styling #style #stile #photography #photographer (presso Ponte della musica) https://www.instagram.com/p/BnLqrRoAtAg/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1ukmh1po0abdx
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danielpaceofficial · 7 years ago
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T͛U͛T͛T͛O͛ Q͛U͛E͛L͛L͛O͛ C͛H͛E͛ V͛U͛O͛I͛, È D͛A͛L͛L͛’A͛L͛T͛R͛A͛ P͛A͛R͛T͛E͛ D͛E͛L͛L͛A͛ P͛A͛U͛R͛A͛ ———————————————————— W͛H͛A͛T͛E͛V͛E͛R͛ Y͛O͛U͛ W͛A͛N͛T͛, I͛T͛’S͛ O͛N͛ T͛H͛E͛ O͛T͛H͛E͛R͛S͛I͛D͛E͛ O͛F͛ F͛E͛A͛R͛ ———————————————————— Ph @phrancescoguarnieri Make up artist @annaritacozzolinomua Styling @chapeau_brand @drmartensofficial Hair Stylist @moira_d.d ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ @top.influencer @top.tags @top.influencer @man_influence @viponeforman #toptags #francescoguarnieri #phrancescoguarnieri #shooting #shootingday #communityfirst #influenceritalia #influencer #influencerstyle #style #firstpost #streetphotography #photooftheday #streetstyle #stile #model #models #dancer #dancers #dancersofinstagram #italianboy #italianboys #italiandancer #italiandancers #italianmodel #topinfluencer #chapeaubrand #pontedellamusica #sabatomattina #straightthepose (presso Rome, Italy)
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danielpaceofficial · 7 years ago
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Sorretto da un insensata voglia di equilibrio Che mi lascia qui, sul filo di un rasoio a disegnar capriole che a mezz’aria mai farò @negramaroofficial @negramarofrasi @negramaro.heart_ @negramaroofficial_fanpage ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ Supported by a senseless desire for balance That leaves me here, on the edge of a razor to draw somersaults that I will never do in mid-air Ph @phrancescoguarnieri Make up artist @annaritacozzolinomua Styling @chapeau_brand @drmartensofficial Hair Stylist @moira_d.d ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ @top.influencer @top.tags @top.influencer @man_influence @viponeforman #toptags #francescoguarnieri #phrancescoguarnieri #shooting #shootingday #communityfirst #influenceritalia #influencer #influencerstyle #style #firstpost #streetphotography #photooftheday #streetstyle #stile #model #models #dancer #dancers #dancersofinstagram #italianboy #italianboys #italiandancer #italiandancers #italianmodel #topinfluencer #chapeaubrand #brand #morningpost (presso Ponte della musica)
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danielpaceofficial · 7 years ago
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- Lo stile è l’impronta di ciò che si è in ciò che si fa. (René Daumal) grazie a @chapeau_brand per questa meravigliosa felpa che appunto è una chiara dimostrazione di stile ❤️. #chapeaubrand #stile #style #styleblogger #stylish #felpa #me #day #friday #morning #fashionblogger #fashion #moda #ss2018 #collezione #top #topdigamma #solocosebelle #fashion #fashionblogger #blogger #influencer #influencerstyle #influencerbeauty #beauty #boy #man #guy #italianinfluencer #instagram (presso Rome, Italy)
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danielpaceofficial · 6 years ago
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Sai vorrei raccontarti che ho imparato a non cadere... A non farmi del male, a volermi solo bene... ——————————————————————- You know I would like to tell you that I have learned not to fall ... Do not hurt me, but just love me ... ——————————————————————- Ph @phrancescoguarnieri Make up artist @annaritacozzolinomua Styling @chapeau_brand Hairstyle: @moira_d.d ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖. @toptags @top.tags #lastradaversocasa #chapeau_brand #chapeaubrand #fashion #fashionman #styleman #style #stile #model #modello #fotomodello #io #riflesso #streetstyle #streetphotography #styling #phrancescoguarnieri #francescoguarnieri #pontedellamusica #shooting #shootingday #lunedimattina #clothingbrand #brand #fashioninfluencers #fashioninfluencer #fashionstyle #influencer #influenceritalia #influencermodel (presso Ponte della musica) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bni1CXMgBuD/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=v5zabz704ere
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