satanvale · 3 years
Chapters: 7/7 Fandom: EXO (Band) Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Byun Baekhyun/Park Chanyeol Characters: Park Chanyeol, Byun Baekhyun, Oh Sehun Additional Tags: ChanBaek - Freeform, BaekYeol - Freeform, Bottom Park Chanyeol, Top Byun Baekhyun, Fluff and Smut, Fluff, Romance, Sweet Park Chanyeol, Soft Park Chanyeol, Byun Baekhyun/Park Chanyeol Smut, Park Chanyeol Smut, Park Chanyeol Fluff, Byun Baekhyun Smut, Byun Baekhyun Fluff, country boy chanyeol, Estate agent Baekhyun, Chanyeol loves animals, Sexual Tension, Mutual Pining, Cowboy Hats, Anal Sex, Blow Jobs, Happy Ending, Domestic Fluff, Alternate Universe - Farm/Ranch Summary:
Baekhyun is an estate agent who loves music and lives in the city. Chanyeol is a country boy who has a farm where a dog, a horse named Bucephalus, and a cow, keep him company. They come from two different worlds but their paths cross when Baekhyun's car stops working on a country road.
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chanbaekmoon · 4 years
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All Sm artists are in the middle of the sm town concert, but two of them are busy in a bathroom. So busy that one of them will go on the stage with unzipped pants on.
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Baekhyun the Corgi - II
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Graphics by sedbau graphic
Author: @loeyeolty Setting: Canon/EXO Universe Genre: Romance | Crack Rating: PG-13 Pairing(s): Byun Baekhyun x Park Chanyeol Trigger Warning: Some semi-mature topics (e.g Grindr and/or Tinder) Generally just crack Total Word Count: (This Chapter) 398 Status: On Going Plot: Baekhyun wakes up as an actual Corgi, the only way to turn back is to get a kiss from a human who Baekhyun loves the most.
“Whose dog is this?” Chanyeol ruffled his hair and removed the morning glories from his eyes.
“I don’t know, I just found him in the bathroom.” Jongdae shrugged his shoulders and continued sipping on his coffee.
“Where’s Baekhyun?” Chanyeol kept on asking, to which Baekhyun automatically woofed too.
“I don’t know, maybe in the gym?”
I’m here dumb ass giant! Maybe if I keep on barking they would realize it’s me.
“Aww Baekhyunnie said he would teach me some of the new choreographies today,” Chanyeol sat down and grabbed a banana.
“Woof woof woof!” Please, realize, its me Baekhyun!
“Maybe he needs water,” Xiumin walked into the room, clad in his gym clothes.
“Was he in the gym? Baekhyun?” Chanyeol was worried.
“Nope.” Xiumin, being the kind-hearted person that he is, put some water in a bowl and set it in front of the puppy. “Aww cute dog. Yours?” Xiumin pointed at Chanyeol.
No no no I don’t want water! Baekhyun kicked the water bowl and caused a mess.
“Aigoo!” Xiumin, also being the neat freak that he is, immediately cleaned up the mess. “I’m putting this dog away!” Xiumin picked up Baekhyun and placed him in the toilet, and closed the door.
“Waee..” Baekhyun could overhear Jongdae question Xiumin’s hotheadedness.
“I just cleaned the floor yesterday!” Xiumin reasoned out. Classic obsessive compulsive Xiumin.
Baekhyun whimpered and lay himself on the cold tiles of the bathroom. He was small and could not even reach the knob of the door.
But suddenly the door of the bathroom swung open, and Sehun came in.
“Aishh—can’t hold it any longer,” Sehun immediately sat on the toilet bowl and locked the door unknowing of Baekhyun the Corgi’s presence.
 As disgusting sounds came out of the handsome Sehun, and Baekhyun was forced to witness the maknae finish his business with nature, Baekhyun could not help but cry from the foul odors emanating from Sehun.
“Wooof!” Baekhyun cried. Sehun I am coming back for you for pooping in front of me.
“Heol!” Sehun screamed at the sight of the puppy inside the bathroom.
Even with pants down, Sehun immediately opened the door “Out! Out!” and Baekhyun took the opportunity to run out of the bathroom, in order to breathe fresh air.
Baekhyun found Chanyeol conversing with Kyungsoo in the living room.
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melyyoon · 7 years
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🥑 Chanbaek
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byunnie-x · 7 years
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smuttybronde · 8 years
Genre- Smut
Band- Exo
Members- Park Chanyeol and Byun Baekhyun
Admin- Aussi
The room was filled with loud chatter and noise, though it was expected. After all this was high school lunch, quiet was a myth. Baekhyun was on his phone, looking at his instagram feed like normal when suddenly he felt a familiar urge.
     “I'm going to the bathroom, I have to pee.” The blonde announced loudly and everyone nodded in disinterest.
As soon as he left a thought slipped into Chanyeol’s head, causing him to smirk. He would take a ton of photo’s of himself until there was no more storage on his friends phone. But first he had a suspicion to prove. Baekhyun had been acting odd lately and Chanyeol thought it had to do with a girl. Surely there would be photos of the girl on his phone! And just like fate Baekhyun didn't bother to lock his phone when he left it.
Chanyeol opened camera roll, smiling as he saw pictures of them together. He continued to scroll up in search of the girl only to find more pictures of himself.
There was not a single photo of a girl. But if that wasn't the case then what was bothering Baekhyun?
Before he could think of possibilities he had to lock the phone as Baekhyun was almost back to the table. Chanyeol just sighed and wrapped his arm around his new girlfriend, not noticing Baekhyun’s face fall before the blonde immersed himself in his phone, headphones blasting.
Baekhyun’s heart quickened. The moment was approaching. The moment where he got closer than ever before. It wasn't that he had never been this close before but that they were doing it in front of everyone. It was like they were officially dating, like everyone knew. Like everyone saw and realized that they were together. It was nerve wracking for Baekhyun but oddly freeing to say the least.
Baekhyun had known he was gay for a while now. Only he had known. He was to afraid to tell his best friend. His incredibly straight best friend who made Baekhyun's heart flutter. But the only person who made Chanyeol’s heart flutter was his girlfriend, Seohyun.
Chanyeol was completely unaware of his best friends nerves. He was even more oblivious to the fact that he was the only one who could make Baekhyun feel like this.
Their faces drew closer and for some reason Chanyeol felt nerves slightly bubbling in his stomach. If Chanyeol was bubbling slightly then Baekhyun was at boiling point. His cheeks remained their natural color as they moved closer, the only indications of his nerves being his red ears and unsteady breathing. Chanyeol placed his hands on the sides of Baekhyun's face. The way he spread his hands and fingers was theatrical and reminded Baekhyun that this wasn't reality. It was just a few minutes of bliss that would be brushed off as nothing. But to Baekhyun it wasn't nothing, it was everything he could never be able to obtain, a memory that would be protected, treasured.
The audience was screaming in excitement. In rehearsals they had stopped at only the face grab but Chanyeol continued getting closer. Baekhyun desperately attempted to not scream like the audience, to stay calm like this was supposed to happen. It felt like it was supposed to happen, that was the problem. Chanyeol hadn't intended to get this close either but his body insisted on continuing. He made sure to tilt their heads so they looked like they were kissing. Chanyeol hadn't anticipated that this move would actually cause their lips to brush. Both of them didn't jerk away, rather leaving their lips lightly against eachothers, body's heating at the contact.
The song continued, both boys taking off their shirts to reveal the sparkly vests that clung to their skin. Chanyeol licked his lips unknowingly at the sight of Baekhyun’s sculpted skin. Baekhyun had the same reaction to Chanyeol.
Baekhyun’s hands went from his friends shoulders to slowly trail across the others abs. His hands were firm and cautious all at once. It just felt right. It felt perfect, Baekhyun’s hands were smooth against his skin.
A searing flame burned through Chanyeol’s body. His hand shot away from Baekhyun’s face to grasp his wrist tightly. His body overpowered his mind. It was as if all his thoughts were suddenly erased in the middle of doing something. He dragged Baekhyun off the stage and into the legs. The audience cheers, assuming it was an innuendo. It was in retrospect but it was in no way intended.
Baekhyun's body was slammed harshly against the wall by Chanyeol, his figure being crushed between the bricks and his best friend's chest. Chanyeol connected his lips to Baekhyun's neck, harshly sucking on the pale flesh. His mind was filled with marking what was his so everyone could see, not that Baekhyun minded. It felt like Chanyeol was a professional at this, knowing just the right pressure to suck, when to lick, and the perfect moments to nibble.
Baekhyun moaned when Chanyeol's hands moved to his hips, pulling them to his so that their crotches were against each other. The sparkles on their vests lightly scratched against each other's skin but it was worth it when their abs made contact. They ground on each other harder. Another loud moan drew Chanyeol out of his trance.
His body jerked back as if he was bitten- in a non pleasurable way of course, more like by a poisonous snake. The way he was staring at Baekhyun mocked betrayal. “What the fuck?” Chanyeol whispered in disdain and horror before running back on stage, leaving Baekhyun in shock.
Baekhyun lost control completely. He let Chanyeol kiss him. Chanyeol had to know he was gay at this point and even worse, that he liked the black haired boy. For a few minutes of pleasure he may lose years of friendship, both from the past and in the future.
Now he was left alone, body shivering with the remnants of adrenaline that had coursed through his veins just moments before. He was afraid, alone, and on the verge of tears.
He walked back on stage, putting on a happy persona and going back into the choreography just in time for the ending.
As soon as all the applause finished they walked off stage and out the doors of the theater to change out of their scratchy vests. Chanyeol walked up to his girlfriend, grabbed her face- much like what he did to Baekhyun earlier- and gave her
a hard kiss. Seohyun seemed surprised but made no effort to stop Chanyeol, allowing him to visibly deepen the kiss.
Baekhyun felt his heart crack a bit at how much they seemed to being enjoying it. He was sure Chanyeol hadn't looked like that when they had been kissing. In a way the boy was right, he had looked more passionate then when he was kissing Seohyun. Unknowingly Baekhyun put his hand on his neck where a hicky made his skin redden, both because of the small jolts it was sending through his body and to hide it. The pain was like small shockwaves being sent down his chest, and he hated every second of it though he couldnt seem to avert his eyes.
Chanyeol on the other hand was relieved. Kissing his girlfriend felt as good as always, well a less good if he was being honest- not that he would never admit that, to others or himself.
All Chanyeol knew at this point was that he was most certainly not gay.
Baekhyun was in the school locker room dying his hair in the shower. His mom hated how it ‘stained’ the bathtub slightly so school was the best open for both of them. Besides no one could tell what he was doing as the tiles were light. All Baekhyun needed to worry about was not splashing the powerful dyes on the dark tiles on the side of the shower. He honestly wasn't sure how the school would feel about it but they didn't care so what was the big deal? If he got caught he could say it was the first time and that he didn't know.
As an actor lying was another specialty. Baekhyun didn't know if that was a good or bad thing though, being able to hide feelings and words. He convinced himself it was fine, that everyone did it so it was fine if knew one knew or could see through him.
But someone could see through him, the one person he didn't want to be transparent in front of. The one who just walked into the locker rooms, slightly sweaty from a workout.
Chanyeol began to peel off his sweaty clothes  shoving them in a locker and grabbing a towel before heading to the showers to clean up.
Almost like instinct Chanyeol’s eyes immediately traveled to the shower his friend was in and upon listening he heard a familiar hum. He could see a silhouette from the shower curtain, a figure bending over.
After that it was like his body went on autopilot again, mind becoming hazy, he suddenly found himself in the shower staring at his best friends ass. Water was trailing across Baekhyun's pale skin, slightly red from the heat of the shower, making Chanyeol want to lick every drop that touched the other's flesh. His lips parted, letting out small pants as he gradually became more horny, body heating to the point that he felt like he was under the steaming spray with Baekhyun. The stirring feeling at the bottom of his stomach intensified and he felt himself hardening slightly, he exhaled loudly at the realization, making Baekhyun look back with his eyes wide.
Baekhyun wasn't sure if he should sigh in relief or hold his breath. It ended up being neither as he didn't have any breath to hold, all air left his lungs at the sight of his crush, forehead glittering with sweat, cheeks red, and and lip trapped between his own teeth. His cheeks flushed realizing the position he had been caught in. Sure Chanyeol had seen Baekhyun naked but never bent over and most certainly not after the kissing incident. Baekhyun on the other hand had never seen his crush naked, always turning around when the other would change just in case his body got carried away. The skin of the taller boy looked smooth and he had little hair. It was obvious that he worked out as it wasn't possible to be naturally that defined. He kept himself from looking past the others V line- repeating the word boundaries and friendship in his head. Little did he know Chanyeol also couldn't breathe.
He hadn't seen his best friends face up until this point and was completely oblivious to the substance running down it. The hair dye may not have been the exact color of cum but it was close enough to make the darker haired boy tense up, becoming painfully aroused. The dye was slowly sliding down his cheeks, jaw, neck, chest..-
     “Uh, do you have to be in here while i’m showering?” Baekhyun managed to say and Chanyeol quickly tried to find an excuse yet couldn't figure one out
     “Are you dying you hair?” He let out stupidly, but Baekhyun just shivered at the others voice. Chanyeol’s mouth had become completely dry and his voice was raspy from the lack of saliva in his throat.
     “I,” He took a deep breath and finally gave into his curiosity, eyes traveling to the others member, shocked to find it hard. “...Am.” The blonde finished more quiet from the surprise. Not another word was said as Chanyeol moved forward, pressing himself against the ass he had been hungrily eyeing moments before, action drawing a gasp from the vulnerable blonde. Baekhyun was undeniably turned on by the feeling of his best friend pressed against him, slowly grinding his hips forward. Baekhyun closed his eyes at the feeling and mewled in pleasure.
Seohyun’s face flashed behind his eyelids, making him flinch slightly and attempt to stand up and move out of the shower. Chanyeol gripped his friends Chanyeol's hard and pushed him back down so that he could continue grinding. “You don't want the hair dye to stain the tiles, even the light ones show stains so stay by the drain.” Chanyeol grunted heatedly, hips thrusting between Baekhyun's thighs. The asian licked his lips, he was so close to a spot that would bring the both of them immeasurable pleasure, but held back. He pulled Baekhyun up by his shoulders so that he was pressed against the darker haired boys body.
Baekhyun was trembling at the sensations rushing through him and gulped slightly as Chanyeol’s calloused fingers held onto his chin, slowly tilting his head to the side until their lips could slant together. Baekhyun turned around, desperate to taste more of his crush’s lips.
Upset that he could no longer touch the blonde's butt Chanyeol whined, pulling the other closer against him so that he could grope his flesh and managed to make Baekhyun moan. Now Baekhyun was gripping Chanyeol's face passionately as they kissed, heads tilting to the side for more access, neither noticing the dye now dripping down Chanyeol’s face. Both of them were now covered in the substance but they didn't care, all that mattered was that they were touching and they were together.
But it wasn't enough.
Chanyeol gripped onto Baekhyun's shoulders again, this time pushing him to the ground, immediately pushing his length in his mouth, managing to fit the whole thing in there. Baekhyun gasps around him, making cold air rush against the hot skin. Baekhyun let out a throaty groan, hands clenching at his sides. Despite never doing this before instinct took over Baekhyun, that and the fact that the taste of his friend was one of the most odd (yet admittedly delicious) things he had tasted, and began to suck on it lightly. His pink tongue ran over every patch of flesh it could reach as he sucked harder.
Chanyeols hand slammed onto the tiles of the shower, the cold a breath of fresh air for his body. The strong sensation around a the most sensitive part of his body was making pleasure rush through his veins like molten lava. Baekhyun was a fairy in front of him, mythical, undeniably amazing and possibly a wishful illusion. For this reason he didn't touch him in any way other than guide, struggling to keep his hands to himself so that the illusion didn't disappear and he wasn't left alone with only destructive thoughts if how wrong this was. Even if it wasn't real, even if it was wrong he didn't want it to end. So he didn't touch him as much as he wanted to, because why would he do something if it would make something he loved end? A moan fell from his lips.
Baekhyun wished to be touched more, right now he only felt like a momentary source of pleasure. The only thing that kept him going was the fact that he himself didn't want this to end. He had waited too long, his body was too hot, his friend to tasty, and moans to euphoric to dare ending it. So he continued, making sure to trace over every vein, devour every trace of precum, and taunt the the other every chance he got.
The sounds of football players coming into the locker room only seemed to enhance the experience. If Chanyeol was caught he would have to face Seohyun. If Baekhyun was caught they would know about the hair dye and about how he was gay. But for some reason this didn't matter to either of them, they didn't care if they got caught. This right here- this moment was all that mattered and the consequences weren't worth stopping.
Baekhyun sucked harder, craving for more. The blonde almost pulled away completely, making Chanyeol groan cutely but quietly in pretest before licking around the others tip and giving a strong suck. He continued this, increasing the pressure and licking the slit with every bob of his head. Chanyeol was panting hard, his lip swollen and bleeding from trying to hold in his moans. Baekhyun took the whole thing in his mouth, teeth lightly grazing the sensitive flesh with the tongue following.
That's what sent Chanyeol over the edge and into the realm of sweet salvation and satisfaction. He pulled out of Baekhyun's mouth, pumping himself through his orgasm as he spilt his cum all over Baekhyun's hair and face. Baekhyun ran his hands through his wet hair, looking into the asians eyes, dark with lust. He smiled and placed his mouth back on his friends dick teasingly before giving another hard suck to the knead, as if trying to coax more cum out. He made sure to lick his lips just in case there was some there. The view in front of Chanyeol was driving him crazy. Now the hair dye didn't just look like cum from how light it now was but had cum within it. It was the cherry on top that sent another wave of yearning through his soul.
Baekhyun stood up and placed his hands on the shower tiles, hinting at what he wanted- as if the evident erection wasn't a good enough clue. Chanyeol wasn't complaining though, this dream was too good to finish yet. He stroked himself until he was fully hard again. He immediately spread the submissives cheeks and began to push into him. The saliva, water and cum was good enough lube and preparation would have taken too much time and much to much teasing for both parties.
Baekhyun opened his mouth to let out a loud grunt before his lips were locked back with Chanyeol. It was an admittedly awkward and uncomfortable position for Baekhyun but everything was fine if the tan boy was touching him. Chanyeol knew his friend was going to be loud, he knew everything about him and now he was learning a new side and honestly it was the second best side he had seen. His favorite was how cute Baekhyun was in the morning when he woke up- something he realized made his heart flutter but had pushed away. Besides how could he miss an opportunity to kiss the beautiful lips he always caught himself watching when the other talked- especially after the incident. The incident that changed his life in the best of ways.
Baekhyun tried to focus on the soft velvet that was on his lips, the gentle pressure of theirs tongues sweetly touching. Baekhyun pulled away “I’m ready.” He managed to whisper. Chanyeol had almost no hesitation, pulling back and gently pushing in at first, making sure his- the blonde wasn't in any pain. He didn't want him to say he could start before he was ready. Sensing no signs of resistance or pain he began to move. The tight heat swallowing him was so delectable that his hips moved on their own. No part of him; not brain, heart, or body could deny how much he loved and desired this.
Baekhyun was fluttering around him, tensing and relaxing in a constant tease. Being quickly tired of it Chanyeol snapped his hips, delving as far into his heat as possible managing to brush the others prostate. The other let out a loud cry, putting his hand to his mouth to muffle his noises. Now Chanyeol had control. The teasing smile Baekhyun had was gone, replaced with a face of immense pleasure and Chanyeol loved it. It was another beautiful side he would crave to see for weeks after. But it wasn't enough for the dominant, he needed more contact.
Baekhyun was going insane. His eyes were glazed over and spit accumulated on the side of his lip. He was so close to finishing this. He felt himself rapidly building to his orgasm.
His arms wrapped around Baekhyun's figure, tracing lightly over his abs, grazing over his V line, trailing down his cock he left one of his hands there before the other finally reached his destination- the inside of his Chanyeol's.
His hand desperately palmed the flesh as he rutted into the other. That's when the blonde began to push back his hips, setting a harder pace. Knowing Baekhyun was about to cum his hand gripped hard at the base of the boys cock. A dry orgasm ripped tough Baekhyun's body, his body writhing with the strong familiar jolts but the relief wasn't there. His dick hurt a bit and he wanted to release.
The shower was getting colder but theirs bodies were at boiling point. The talk from the football players only spurred them on. They were high off adrenaline and sex. Pure, primal, and perfect. Baekhyun clenched around Chanyeol, making both of them hold their breaths in an attempt not to scream. The asian settled with clawing at the pale boys Chanyeol's. Skin when wet and hot shows clear marks and the pale skin of the boy didn't help at all. It was a clear mark that brought them both small smiles. The sound of skin slapping together was loud in the showers, everyone knew what was happening so why bother to attempt to hide it? They both let moans and whines fall from their mouths like a waterfall.
Now everyone was listening. Everyone knew what was happening and that made it even sexier. They were too far gone to stop, both drowning in pleasure and oddly what seemed to be admiration. One more hard thrust and Chanyeol came inside if his friends heat. The shock of it made him let go of the others cock so that he was also able to find his own release. It was the most intense orgasm either of them had ever experienced.
They just stayed there and panted for a minute, body's overwhelmed with the aftershocks of ecstasy. That when when Baekhyun snapped out of his trance. His heart thundered in anxiety. What had he just done? What about Seohyun? And the question that haunted his mind the most. What now?
Chanyeol watched as the blonde rushed to clean his hair, rushing out of the showers. Baekhyun didn't care about all the football players staring at him or the fact they knew he was gay. He just needed to escape before he got his heart broken into trillions of pieces. Chanyeol stared at the empty shower, his heart mirroring it. He let out an angry grunt and ruffled his hair before running out of the shower too.
Screw being straight. Screw everyone knowing he just had sex with his best friend. Hell screw Seohyun! The only thing that mattered right now was the fact that Baekhyun was upset and he wasn't there to comfort him. More than that it was his fault. He liked his best friend and fuck he wasn't going to try his best to make him happy. So what he was gay or whatever he was! As long as he was with Baekhyun nothing really mattered.
Baekhyun was struggling to pull his pants on, tripping and falling over but not stopping. “Baekhyun.” The tanned boy called and Baekhyun stopped for a second before continuing faster. “Baekhyun!” Knowing he was going to run Chanyeol rushed to put his clothes on too. The blonde grabbed his shoes and darted, not even bothering to put them on. Chanyeol didn't bother to put on his shirt and bolted after him, taking hold of his wrist. Baekhyun tried to pull away but Chanyeol just held onto him and pulled him closer so that they were face to face.
That's when Chanyeol noticed the tears running down the pale boys face and how much he was trembling. He looked terrified and it broke Chanyeol’s heart. All he wanted to do was smother him with love and peppered kisses across his body until  the other was giggling with a blush covering his face and a smile was engraved on his lips.
Baekhyun found himself trapped in a hug. It made him happy but he forced himself to best against the other's chest “Let go.” He whispered. He beat his chest harder “Let me go Dammit!” He yelled, sobs pouring from his mouth and eyes puffy. Chanyeol just kissed his tears away and rubbed gently on his back until Baekhyun hugged back.
Chanyeol gently pulled Baekhyun into a kiss and repeatedly whispered that it would be okay. As long as they were together everything would be fine, nothing else mattered.
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satansoso-blog · 6 years
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Hwayoil (CHANYEOLxBAEKHYUN) (sur Wattpad) https://my.w.tt/Mw2biQR1GT OMEGAVERSE Baekhyun est un jeune homme plein de vie ayant une éduction Coréenne traditionnelle et qui après le décès de son pere Oméga n'a qu'un seul souhait: retrouver son père Alpha qui est parti en emmenant son frère jumeaux . Il découvre alors que son père est professeur d' E.P.S dans la grande Université Boseong à Séoul. Quoi de mieux que de…
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beaglebyunee · 6 years
Get to know me tag
I was tagged by @froneypupbee , thank you so much for tagging me 😘
time: Saturday, 9th of February, 8.59pm/20.59h
favorite musician: I don't think I have one, I love listening to music but outside of kpop I don't really get attached to artists
relationship status: in a relationship with two fluffy furballs (my cats), humans: none 🤷‍♀️
favorite color: black and pink (blackpink in your area)
top 3 ships: BaekhyunxChen (EXO), ChanyeolxBaekhyun (EXO), HyungwonxMinhyuk (Monsta x)
Other than them I don't really have any ships yet, but I plan to change that ;)
last song I listened to: Ateez - HALA HALA
last movie: Billionaire Ransom
song stuck in my head: Stray Kids - Get Cool
dream job: I'd say an idol or a model, but that's never gonna happen :') so maybe a translator for games? I'm not sure
three shows: I hardly watch any shows so uhmm... The Vampire Diaries, EXO Showtime and Weekly Idol or Running Man
other blogs: I don't have any other blogs. I thought about making an anime blog or one specific for groups I like best, but I'm too lazy for that :')
Tagging: @mingix @ananou59 @lingdidi @softchoisanshine @zaytothenah
Phew, this finally posted. My app is being a bitch and gave me so many troubles 🤦‍♀️
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satanvale · 4 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: EXO (Band) Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Byun Baekhyun/Park Chanyeol Characters: Park Chanyeol, Byun Baekhyun Additional Tags: Top Park Chanyeol, Submissive Park Chanyeol, Bottom Byun Baekhyun, Power Bottom Byun Baekhyun, Urban Fantasy, Alternate Universe - Gods & Goddesses, Park Chanyeol Smut, Byun Baekhyun/Park Chanyeol Smut, Byun Baekhyun Smut, Smut, Action/Adventure, Valentine's Day, Tied-Up Park Chanyeol, Riding, Soulmates, Anal Sex, Don't know what i wrote, Fun Summary:
Baekhyun didn't expect a Valentine's day so full of surprises.
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chanbaekmoon · 4 years
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Thanks to that damned sandwich
Baekhyun has just debuted but everyone already loves him. His fans, his best friend Sehun and there is also someone else who likes him and would love to meet him. Someone that will send his number to Baekhyun through a sandwich. Unfortunately for that person the number on the paper will not be very clear and Baekhyun will send a message to the wrong person. Or maybe the wrong person will be the right one, at the end?
AO3 link 
AFF link 
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jinjuuee · 7 years
Chanyeol Tries Not To Dwell On It
Author: yibaek
Summary: Chanyeol remembers how he couldn't stop blushing every time Yifan looked at him not even ten minutes ago, but has to wonder if anyone will ever keep his attention the way Baekhyun does.
Pairing: chanyeolxbaekhyun
Word count: 11,785
Link: http://archiveofourown.org/works/7846498#main
Notes: this fic is so so so so fluffy and cute! A twinge of slow burn and a little jealousy 🙌 really great fic!
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bangtanshinee · 7 years
I was tagged by @ask-jungkook-ah :)) Rules: Tag nine people you would like to know better :p Favourite colour: Silver / Navy Blue Lipstick or chapstick: Chapstick all the way Last song I listened to: El Dorado - Exo-M Last movie I watched: Coraline :') Top 3 fictional characters: Alois Tracy (Black Butler), Tenth Doctor (Doctor Who) and The Joker. Top 3 ships: ChanBaek (ChanyeolxBaekhyun), ChenKai (ChenxKai) and KookMin (JungkookxJimin) :) Currently reading: The Kill Order (maze runner prequel) I taggg.... ~ @mintyoongj ~ @dangansouda12 ~ @zicos-baby ~ @taelightsavings ~ @misadventurcs ~ @xx-exo-xx101 ~ @nerobtsed ~ @unicorn-holo-shit ~ @cotton-punk
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livittan-blog · 9 years
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All of me. (on Wattpad) http://w.tt/1Mf1YYM Park Chanyeol - All of me. Czyli o kim Chanyeol myślał podczas prób i podczas śpiewu.
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satanvale · 4 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: EXO (Band) Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Byun Baekhyun/Park Chanyeol Characters: Park Chanyeol, Byun Baekhyun Additional Tags: Bottom Park Chanyeol, Top Byun Baekhyun, Sweet Park Chanyeol, Soft Park Chanyeol, Park Chanyeol Smut, Byun Baekhyun/Park Chanyeol Smut, Byun Baekhyun/Park Chanyeol Fluff, Park Chanyeol Needs a Hug, Byun Baekhyun Smut, Byun Baekhyun Needs a Hug, Fluff and Smut, Smut, Boyfriends, Established Relationship, Porn with Feelings, Vanilla, Anal Sex, Anal Fingering, Blow Jobs, First Time, Dry Humping, ChanBaek - Freeform, BaekYeol - Freeform Summary:
Rocking back and forth wrinkling the bedsheets holding each other so tightly (...) Your scent, your rhythm, your breaths, I want to get drunk of you, I want to drown in you
-Drown, Baekhyun-
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ngocanh98us · 9 years
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#quotes #vietquote #fanficquote #chanbaekfanfic #chanbaekshipper #chanyeolxbaekhyun
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jinjuuee · 7 years
Close ain't close enough
Author: winter_child
Pairing: ChanyeolxBaekhyun
Summary: Borrowing a shirt shouldn’t start a pack war. Chanyeol being unlucky, though, it kind of does.
Length: 25,327
Ao3: http://archiveofourown.org/works/7829572#main
Notes: one of my favorite fics ever!!!! 💞 slow burn and wolf dynamics❣
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