#chanyeol onshot
changseobbing-blog · 7 years
Drabble Game - Your Idiot
“You’re really cute and it’s ruining my life because I think about kissing you all the time.“
Exo Fanfic
Chanyeol x Reader
Word Count: 970
You were in the middle of writing some lyrics - scratch that, in the middle of procrastinating writing some lyrics when the world suddenly went dark.
Warm hands had reached around and covered your eyes. “Guess who” a deep voice sing-whispered into your ear causing you to laugh. You knew who it was. You knew from the moment you smelled his cologne and heard him practically stumble into the room but sure, you’d play his game.
“Uhhhh, is it Brad Pitt?” you asked coyly, laughing as you heard him huff dejectedly behind you and the light of the room flooded back. You glanced over your shoulder to see him stood in front of you with his arms crossed and his brow raised.
“Oh! Chanyeol, it’s you?” you feigned surprise with a hint of sarcasm. “Never would have guessed.”
He shot you a glare as he shrugged off his oversized parka and smoothed a hand through his recently dyed silver locks to fluff them back into place from the wind outside. God, he was cute.
“So, what brings you to my office?” you smiled up at him.
Chanyeol pulled out the chair opposite to you and flopped down. He looked at you like you were crazy “I asked you to meet me here..and since when is Costa your office?” he asked incredulously. 
He had a point, he had instant messaged you with the promise of free lunch. 
“The world is a lyricists office!” you exclaimed as you waved your pen at him which caused him to chuckle his deep throaty laugh. 
You had liked Park Chanyeol for the longest time and you knew he liked you back. The problem was he refused to admit that. He had pretty much confessed his crush on you to everyone at the record label you both worked at, everyone except you.
You had tried to ask him out, it was a few months back when you had first heard about his feelings. He never even gave you an answer and instead had walked straight out of the room. It bruised your ego until a coworker had told you that your forwardness had flustered him so much his ears had turned bright red.
You never spoke about it after that, but today you were determined to change your situation.
Things were different now and you were friends, but it frustrated you to be around him because flustered you just as much. You were never one to not be upfront about your feelings so it boggled your mind that he was sat opposite you and in denial.
“Are you spacing out?” he asked nudging your shoulder to snap you back to the present.
“Sorry” you mumble embarrassedly.
Chanyeol leaned his elbow on the table to rest his chin on top of his palm. He stared at you, his dark chocolate eyes piercing the depth of your soul as you stared back, it looked like he was deep in thought.
“I don’t want to be friends anymore” he finally announced his expression unreadable.
Now you were very confused. It stung even as those words slipped from his beautiful mouth. Why didn’t he want to be your friend? Had you done something wrong? You decided to find out.
“Why?” the pain evident in your voice as your brows drooped down in disappointment and hurt.
“Oh shit, that’s not what I meant…” he blurted out “that came out all wrong”.
He was sat upright now, tugging at the cuffs of his oversized sweater and eyes wide in panic.
“What I meant was…” he trailed off and ran a hand through his hair frustratedly, you were even more confused now.
“Just spit it out Chanyeol! If you want me to leave you alone then just man up and say it” you snap irritated that he couldn’t even tell you he doesn't like you properly.
“If that’s all you came to say?” you pushed as you hid any further emotion. You grabbed your stuff to leave as fast as possible. 
You felt humiliated.
“Wait!” A hand grasped out for your wrist to stop you from moving from the table. You gathered your strength and looked back at him. His ears were red.
“Yourereallycuteanditsruiningmylifeandsdkd…..“ you strained to hear his words as he mumbled lowly, his eyes were fixed on his own hand as it grasped your wrist.
“What are you saying?” you demanded, growing more impatient and annoyed.
“You’re really cute and it’s ruining my life because I think about kissing you all the time!” he yelled out this time, startled people turned to watch the spectacle as it unfolded.
Oh. That was unexpected. 
Your legs gave out as you sat back on your seat in shock. Chanyeol released your wrist. You hear him take a deep breath and then he laced his fingers with yours.
You tried to find a comeback or response but you're speechless. You hadn’t expected him to confess like that, or at all.
“Soooo” Chanyeol mumbled with a bashful smile, the tips of his ears were still tinged pink and you remembered this only happened when he’s flustered.
“Park Chanyeol...you’re unbelievable” you sighed, “I thought that maybe you’d changed your mind about me”
He looked up surprised “You mean you knew that I liked you?”
“I ASKED YOU OUT FIRST, DUMMY” you gasped outraged. He nodded his head slowly, one hand held up in defence while the other was still laced with yours.
“I’m sorry... I’m an idiot. Can we start over...how about a lunch date?” 
His eyes were filled with emotion. 
Embarrassment, hope, playfulness and something else you couldn’t quite figure out.
What you did know was that he was now your idiot.
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Milestone Drabble Challenge
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changseobbing-blog · 7 years
A Sweet Surprise
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Exo Fanfiction
Pairing: Chanyeol x Reader
Word Count: 3.5kish
Creative Collaborator: @pikayeollie (thank you so much for helping me plot this tort-*cough*-i mean GIFT)
A/N: This was written for my good friend and smol celtic hoe @yeolology who’s birthday has just passed. I hope you had an amazing weekend (despite the hangover lol noob) and WELCOME TO ADULT HELL, meet you in spoons for a purple rain m8 <3 
Today felt like any other Saturday. You sleep in and when you check your texts there's nothing waiting for you. Your best friends are busy this weekend with other commitments. Naya has singing lessons all day and Jenna has had to go home for some family function. You try not to feel disappointed but you can’t shake seem to shake it. Your friends aren’t bad people but it still hurts.
Today is your birthday and your friends didn’t remember.
You aren’t a materialistic person. You weren’t expecting any elaborate gifts or a crazy party but your heart sinks when you aren’t greeted with the usual birthday texts. They’d usually make you a silly card with all your terrible pictures and you’d spend the evening together (and usually the following hungover morning).
You knew they didn’t mean it. Naya has become increasingly busy approaching the exam season with her students and Jenna had been getting over the flu.
You decide you won’t bother telling them, you don’t want them to feel bad or upset about it. What’s one birthday evening out of them many you’d celebrate with them, you’ll just enjoy the morning with your family and an evening pampering yourself.
So you throw on some clothes and head out to meet your family for brunch. You have a great time catching up with your family and you already feel better. One of the gifts from your family is a set of luxurious bath bombs and expensive face masks and you’re already looking forward to a pamper evening and movie marathon with your pet hamster.
After you say goodbye to your family and oddly fail at convincing your brother to join you for a few drinks at the pub you resign yourself to heading home. You enjoy a long bath and settle on the sofa with your favourite movie.
You are startled all of a sudden by someone banging on your front door. Sitting up you realise you’d fallen asleep halfway through the second movie, must have been the effects of the bath bomb.
You wipe some drool from the side of your mouth, peeling your body off the sofa to find out who’s playing the drums on the door. You should have been able to guess but the moment you unlock the door it’s being pushed open and two people are barging in.
“Well about fucking time, we’ve been knocking for ages!” Jenna shouts exasperatedly as pulls you into a hug with Naya grinning behind her, both their arms full of bags.
You follow them dumbstruck as they dump everything onto the coffee table and Naya turns towards you offering you an envelope.
“Happy Birthday Biatch” she smiles warmly and you laugh as you open it to find the birthday card covered with the terrible photo’s that had found yourself missing.
“I thought you guys forgot” you mumble in awe, as you read the cheesy messages written by each of your friends.
They share a knowing smirk with each other as Jenna thrusts a bag into your hand.
“I’m actually offended” she mocks, feigning outrage.
“You think we’re that shitty that we’d make other plans and ditch you!?” she exclaims while waving her arms around dramatically.
“As if we’d pretend to forget and spend that time setting up for the greatest of your birthday evenings” Naya shrugs feigning innocence as she plops down on your sofa.
“Doesn’t sound like us at all” Jenna concludes leaning smugly against the wall.
Your mouth falls open. They’re unbelievable.
“Well, what are we doing!?” you demand.
“Step one, you’re going to change into that dress” Jenna answers excitedly nodding towards the bag you’re still clutching.
You open it and find the dress you’ve had your eye on for the longest time. You had been indecisive about getting it, a little unsure if you could pull it off. You look up at your friends in shock again but before you can say anything else Naya is thrusting another bag into your hands.
“Step two, you’re going to match that dress with these shoes and this clutch. Then we’re all going to get ready together, head out to dinner and make sure we come back as drunk as we can get”
“So where are we going?” you ask, walking into your bedroom to change. The dress fits perfectly and when you return your friends are cheering and wolf whistling before forcing you to take a seat so they can start doing your hair and makeup.
“That my friend, is a surprise” Jenna winks.
                                                        / / /
A couple of hours of pampering and a bottle of wine later, you are all in the back of a cab on your way to the first secret location. Jenna and Naya refusing to give anything away. When you arrive you practically yell.
You’ve pulled up outside ‘Loey’s Little Italy’. A new Italian restaurant that opened in your city, it had the best reviews for its food. What was interesting was the popularity of the dessert’s the restaurant produced.
The actual waiting list for a reservation is 3 months long emphasising the demand and exclusivity of the restaurant and you wouldn’t have even guessed this was where you would end up tonight.
“How?” you gasp,
Jenna points at Naya who is walking nervously up the street. Checking her reflection in one of the windows and correcting some of the tousled curls in her hair.
“Oh my god is this where the new boyfriend works?” You start to piece things together. “You didn’t have to go that far just to get us a table” you tease giggling as your friend looks at you flusteredly.
“His name is Jongdae and he’s the head chef, when I mentioned you’d wanted to come here he told me to pick a date. He runs it with his best friend. I can’t wait for you guys to meet him and to try the food...anyway less talky more walky” she cuts off, dragging you and Jenna towards the entrance.
As you enter the restaurant you can’t believe how contrastingly different it is to its exterior. It wasn’t how you imagined. Outside was very unassuming, keeping in trend with the modernised part of town it was situated in. There were large glass windows with lamps arranged in front of black curtains giving a mysterious air to the restaurant. The entrance comprised of glossy black doors and the name of the restaurant above them in bold cursive.
Inside was more rustic. It was smaller than you had pictured, it couldn’t have more than 20 tables spread around the dining area. There were natural tones of browns and cream. Some of the walls were bare brick adorned with chalkboards of the evening's specials and the rest had shelves containing wine bottles and jars filled with different types of pasta.
There was a soft glow around the room from delicate glass chandeliers that hung from the ceiling and incandescent candles lit in the windowsills. Overall it had a relaxed welcoming ambience.
You are greeted by a handsome blonde man who introduces himself as Baekhyun your server for the evening. He’s dressed in black tailored trousers, a crisp white shirt with the sleeves rolled up and a grey waistcoat. When Naya gives her name for the reservation he whistles and informs her that she’s way too pretty for his boring friend Jongdae before beckoning you all to follow him to your table.
You can’t hide your delight when you notice the table has been decorated with banners and balloons, pulling your friends into a tight hug.
“So this is where you’ve been all day” you muse.
You take your seats and Jenna drapes a ‘Birthday Girl’ sash over your head as Naya pulls a customised wine glass with your name on it out of nowhere.
They really are well prepared.
You each are given a wine menu and you flick through the extensive list of foreign wine exchanging unsure looks with your friends.
You can’t locate your usual brand and upon seeing your confusion Baekhyun chuckles and asks you more questions about what kind of wine you prefer.
“I sourced most of the wine from Italy, so if you let me know what you like I'm sure I can find a wine to suit your taste” he explains with a proud smile.
“Surprise us” Jenna winks and you snicker at her weak attempts to flirt.
Baekhyun seems oblivious and bounces away to retrieve his top choice.
“Let’s just order a bunch of different food and share” Naya suggests, closing the menu and grabbing a roll from the bread basket “Then we get a chance to try everything”.
You and Jenna agree and discuss exactly what to get just in time for Baekhyun to return with the wine.
He explains it’s an ‘Avignonesi Vin Santo Di Montepulciano’ from the Tuscany region but you all just conclude that it’s delicious. Naya takes charge of the food order, listing off each dish you want to try.
“I’m always impressed by girls who can eat well, I’ll put this in for the kitchen to start preparing right away” he grins and strides away confidently.
“That is a very nice ass” Jenna comments eyes wandering after Baekhyun as Naya fills everyone’s wine glass to the brim.
                                                            * * *
Chanyeol is busy mixing up a batch of cream frosting when Baekhyun bursts through the kitchen doors. In his attempt to not drop his mixing bowl as he jumps back startled he manages to knock over a carton of eggs.
“Goddamit Baek!” he shouts out as he puts the bowl in the fridge to set and begins to clean up the floor. One of the servers offers to do it for him but he shakes his head with a smile. When he started the restaurant with his friends they all agreed to be fully involved and he was going to stick to it.
His passion has always been desserts and baking. He went to culinary school and worked as an apprentice with one of the best pastry chefs in the city, but was always dreaming about one day opening his own restaurant or bakery.
His best friend from culinary school Jongdae share a similar dream but he was always more interested in producing the best Italian cuisine with the simplest ingredients. So they took a trip to Italy after graduating to further research and immerse themselves in the culture.
On the way, they had met Baekhyun in Piedmont while he was on a business trip sourcing regional Italian wines and they decided to open a restaurant together. He was brought out of his thoughts by Baekhyun.
“Your girlfriend is in the restaurant Dae, nice to see she wasn’t a figment of your imagination this time” Baekhyun announces handing Jongdae a sheet of paper with a table's order.
Chanyeol snorts as he wipes up the last of the yolk from the ground and moves to wash his hands.
Jongdae completely oblivious to the insult from Baekhyun starts smoothing his hair down in the reflection of a saucepan causing some of the kitchen staff to laugh.
"This is a good selection of food" Jongdae muses as he reads back the order and expedites to his team of chefs.
"Actually it's for your girlfriend's table" Baekhyun adds before he gasps "You didn't promise her a free meal did you?" He accuses jokingly.
Chanyeol chuckles and joins in the conversation "If she’s putting up with Dae we better offer some form of discount” He teases “Didn't they order the birthday cake?"
Jongdae nods cheerfully "Yep, it's for Naya's friends birthday. That reminds me, I should probably go say hi and wish her friend a happy birthday, you should come out and finally meet her".
When he enters the restaurant his eyes are drawn to you immediately. He feels increasingly nervous as Jongdae strides ahead to a beaming girl with wild black curly hair and rich mocha skin, he notices how much his best friend adores her as he wraps her in a tight hug and turns to greet her friends.
His eyes focus back to you and he feels his palms begin to sweat, you're incredibly beautiful. Time seems to slow down as he approaches. You’re chuckling behind your hand at something Jongdae is saying and then your gaze lands on him. He almost trips as he gets closer to the table. Your dark hair has hints of purple reflecting the light, stopping just past your shoulders. Bright blue eyes blink at him, framed by long lashes.
When you smile he feels his stomach flip and he pleads with his brain not to let him say anything embarrassing. He has enough time to gather words before stepping forward and introducing himself to the table. Jongdae immediately starts boasting about Chanyeol and their friend and his baking abilities and he feels self-conscious as you watch him nodding along interestedly.
You introduce yourself to him with a dazzling smile, your voice sweet and friendly. He almost wants to pinch himself to confirm that you really exist and aren’t a figment of some elaborate dream.
Your eyes sparkle as he wishes you a happy birthday. Your button nose scrunches is the most adorable way and your lips look soft as you bite your lip in what he assumes is a habit.
Everything about you is unfair and everything about you compels him to want to know more about you.
The warmth in his chest spreads as you gush about all the good things you’d heard about the restaurant and how excited you are to be able to try all the food tonight. He asks you a few questions about yourself, mixing in the odd question to your other friends to try not to seem too obvious.
Jongdae kisses Naya’s hand and announces he should be getting back to make sure the food ordered is cooking and on its way, Chanyeol follows Jongdae's leads and excuses himself from the table, he has a cake to finish and he’s determined to make it his best work.
                                                             * * *
Your eyes follow Chanyeol as he strides back to the kitchen. You felt inexplicably drawn to him the instant you sensed him approaching the table. He was so tall, dressed in the same black pants as Baekhyun but wearing a white short-sleeved chef's jacket that fit his lean but broad frame well.
You think your favourite part of him was his ears, the way they stuck out underneath his chef's cap. Framing his dimpled cheeks and warm brown eyes. You very interested in his desserts you decide, perhaps you could order him for dessert?
Jenna seems to have read your mind as she whispers in your ear “You should order yourself a slice of that later, he couldn’t take his eyes off you”.
You giggle, there is no way he’d be looking at you, but it doesn’t stop you from gossip like schoolgirls over how good looking the owners are and how disgustingly adorable Naya and Jongdae make as a couple.
The food has you feeling euphoric. You can only describe it as an explosion of flavour taking over your mouth. Everything tastes fresh. Each dish lightly but complexly flavoured, rather than drowned in sauce like most of the Italian places in the city.
Before you know it, the plates are clear and you’re nearly through the second bottle of wine. Jenna and Naya are in the midst of a heated debate over the pronunciation of ‘gif’ and you’re sitting comfortably enjoying the ambience of the restaurant. There’s a full house tonight but the atmosphere is relaxed. You decide this is your new favourite place and daydream about the handsome dessert chef with large ears and dazzling smile.
You jump suddenly when Naya covers your eyes.
“Time for your final surprise” she whispers excitedly and you hear a collection of footsteps gathering around you.
When you’re able to see again the first person you see is Chanyeol. Smiling toothily at you as he places the most beautiful cake you’ve ever seen in front of you. It’s covered in cream and decorated with a mixture of berries. He’s used blackberries as the main fruit to spell out ‘Happy Birthday’ and you wonder if it's fate that he’s chosen your favourite fruit.
“Hey Chanyeol, does it feel strange about to sing happy when yours is so close?” asks Baekhyun with his head tilted to the side.
You almost didn’t notice Baekhyun, Jongdae and some of the waiting staff are standing around the table. You do however instantly recognise the mischievous glint in Jenna’s eyes. She suddenly places her hands on Chanyeol’s back and pushes the confused looking man into the seat next to you and claps her hands together.
“Then we might as well sing to them both” she declares.
Jongdae nods approvingly and Baekhyun is practically bouncing with excitement. Before Chanyeol even gets a chance to protest Naya leads the group into singing your joint birthday song.
You both exchange sheepish glances in the mutual feeling of embarrassment. You try to focus and appreciate your friends' efforts and glance around again at the streamers and banners they’ve laid out for you. You observe Jongdae and Naya, singing in perfect harmony with each other and grin at the cute couple.
You snicker at Jenna’s overdramatic tone deaf singing and hear a rich chuckle coming from Chanyeol beside you. He leans his shoulder into yours to whisper a funny remark in your ear about Baekhyun and you giggle harder. Your heart beats increases when his shoulder remains pressing against yours.
Baekhyun is yelling the song without a care as he tries to encourage the rest of the wait staff who mumble the words mundanely like they just want to escape.
The whole situation is comical but you will always look back on this as the best birthday you’ll experience.
It’s the birthday you realise your friends are the greatest and most embarrassing humans you know.
It’s the birthday you meet Park Chanyeol, renowned dessert chef and incredibly handsome dork.
It’s the birthday he nervously asks you for your number.
It’s the birthday you meet your soulmate.
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