mindheartsoul7 · 6 years
Where is the bridge? - London (1)
It was 10 a.m., the ray of sunlight was shining through the window and was bringing light into the room. Our host told us how lucky we are „days like this are very rarely in London“. After we telling him our plan for the day, he gave us some advice about how the rental bike thing is working here.
We made a little detour to the Tower Bridge. Now that we were here, of course we had to cross it. To stand at one of the world famous sights was pretty stunning. While we were crossing the bridge we took pictures of every angle. Very touristy, I know.
Finally we got to the bike station. Our plan was to go with bicycles along the Thames river to Greenwich, where we wanna check out the market. The most of the route we didn’t drove along the river, which didn't matter. The way was still beautiful. We were one block before, on a little busy street. The stone pavement wasn’t really comfortable to ride the bikes on it. Luckily this pave wasn’t continuous. The way led along this beautiful brick wall houses. It looked like a nice old harbor area. We crossed a park, drove a part on the sidewalk of busy street and turned into the path which where laying directly at the Thames. The sun was shining into my face, I felt the little brise on my skin, a smile appeared: this day couldn’t be better. I knew my sister, on the bike behind me, felt the same.
We reached the station where we dropped of the bikes. Right next to it was a school. They had break and all the students where outside at the court. I never saw so many students, they where incredible loud. We just wanted to get away from there, we walked quickly to the river to cross the bridge. But there was no Bridge. Do we have to search for a bridge? We walked across the park, where we where and reached a round small building. The bridge was actually a tunnel! Excited to cross it we took the stairs.
From the Greenwich Market we where disappointed there where a few nice shops, but the actually Market was more flea market, with a lot of useless stuff. While we had lunch, of course street food - English and Etiopean, we decided to go back to the city by boat (but only if it is the speed boat).
It was one. I found myself standing outside at the back of the boat, holding on at the railing, enjoyed the speed, the sunshine and a second time of this day I was incredibly overwhelmed. Overwhelmed of this beautiful day and of this beautiful exploring tour. The highlight was when we went under the Tower Bridge. Until the London Eye, where we got off, they didn’t speed up, probably because there was more traffic.
James Park When my sister told me she want that squirrels eat nuts from her hand I didn’t believed that it would be possible. But here I did it myself. Actually the squirrels just run to us as the heard the bag with nuts rustle. They where a little afraid though and didn’t got too close. My sister put a nut between here fingers and feed them. After a while she put it at her palm of the hand. We continue walking in the park and stop time by time, to feet the animals. There where many of them. I also did it, actually I was a bit afraid. It was fine. The squirrel was also afraid and took the nut quick from my hand. I didn’t felt claws, it felt more soft they feet of animal. It would have been lovely to cuddle them.
We heard trational music. We went to check whats happening. It look like a changing the guard kind a thing, it just wasn’t in front of the Buckingham Palace. Google says it’s the Guard Museum, but I'm still not sure yet. We stood there a while - nothing else than music playing happened but then they moved. It wasn’t that exciting. Still after this eventful day, was our "accidentally run into" a-changing-the-guard-ceremony pretty terrific.
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