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noahchung · 1 year ago
<여름 가족 여행 Playlist> (2023)
<Summer Family Road Trip Playlist> (2023)
올해 여름 가족 여행을 가는 차 안에서 각자 한곡씩 골라 틀었던 노래들을 플레이리스트로 만들어 보았습니다.
온힘을 다해서 자신이 듣고 싶은 곡에 집중해 전 곡의 느낌이나 장르에 아랑곳하지 않고 선택하는 것 같기도 하고 다르게 보면 다른 가족들에게 소개시켜주고 싶은 곡을 열심히 고른 것 같기도 합니다.
어렸을 때 부터 들어서 익숙한 곡들, 처음 들어봤지만 좋다고 느껴진 곡들, 또 좀 별로인 곡들. 공통으로 알고 있는 노래들이 많다는 건 더 강한 소속감과 연결을 느끼게 해줍니다.
가족이란 이미 분명 충분히 소속되어 있을텐데 자꾸 소속감을 확인하고 싶어지는 요 몇년간이였습니다.
휘발되는 기억과 추억을 0과 1을 사용해 조금이라도 붙잡아 봅니다.
I made a playlist of the songs we each picked out to play in the car on our family road trip this summer.
It seems like each one of us is really focusing on what he/she wants to listen, not necessarily taking account of previous song's genre. Another way to look at it is that all of us were trying to pick songs that we would love to introduce to the rest of the family.
Familiar songs from my childhood, songs I hadn't heard before but found very interesting, and some that I didn't quite like.
Having a lot of songs knowing in common gives a stronger sense of belonging and connection.
It's been one of those years where I feel like I need to reaffirm that I belong to my family, even though I know that I already do.
Using the 0s and 1s I wished to hold on to my volatile memories and souvenirs.
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noahchung · 8 months ago
<MARTIN> (2024)
Duration : 03:02
Content :
soundtrack of "TRIP" directed by Noah Chung, Julien Monges, Achiraf Djakpa
Music by Noah Chung
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noahchung · 8 months ago
<KIM> (2024)
Duration : 00:42
Content :
soundtrack of "TRIP" directed by Noah Chung, Julien Monges, Achiraf Djakpa
Music by Noah Chung
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noahchung · 8 months ago
<TION> (2024)
Duration : 03:02
Content :
Directed by Noah Chung, Daria Kotova, Elisa Cutroneo
Edited, music by Noah Chung
Workshop with Cadie Desbiens-Desmeules
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noahchung · 8 months ago
<Leap of Faith> (2023)
Duration : 01:57
Content :
soundtrack of "Leap of Faith" directed by Noah Chung and Julien Monges
Music by Noah Chung
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noahchung · 8 months ago
<HEAD BA1 2024> (2024)
Duration : 00:54
Content :
Publicity for the first Film Festival of HEAD-Geneve 2024 representing the first year of Bachelor
All sources from work of BA1 (2023-2024)
Edited, music by Noah Chung
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noahchung · 8 months ago
<TRIP> (2024)
Duration : 19:34
Content :
(EN) Victor, a young man in deep distress, meets Kim, a mysterious character, at a crucial moment in his life. Together, they embark on an unexpected journey.
(FR) Victor, un jeune homme en profonde détresse, rencontre Kim, un personnage mystérieux, à un moment crucial de sa vie. Ensemble, ils entament un voyage inattendu.
Directed, edited by Noah Chung, Julien Monges, Achiraf Djakpa
Music by Noah Chung
with Yoonsuk Park, Tom Jeannin
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noahchung · 1 year ago
<3 reasons why you MUST buy AirPods Max in 2024> (2024)
Duration : 07:09
Content :
(EN) Hello to technology enthusiasts and music lovers! Welcome to We HEART Tech. Today, we have something exciting to discuss - the AirPods Max. Let's dive into three compelling reasons why you MUST consider getting a pair in 2024.
(FR) Salut aux passionnés de technologie et aux amateurs de musique ! Bienvenue sur We HEART Tech. Aujourd'hui, nous avons quelque chose d'excitant à discuter - les AirPods Max. Plongeons-nous dans trois raisons convaincantes pour lesquelles vous DEVEZ envisager de vous procurer une paire en 2024.
Directed, edited by Noah Chung
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noahchung · 1 year ago
<Leap Of Faith> (2023)
Duration : 22:26
Content :
(EN) Silouane, a sensitive boy, works in the cold and macho world of a scrapyard. He is preparing and visualizing something that is happening over the weekend, but the purpose of this preparation remains mysterious. Between his overprotective mother and the increasing tension at work, Silouane takes the leap into adulthood.
(FR) Silouane, un garçon sensible, travaille dans un monde froid et macho de ferrailleur. Il prépare et visualise quelque chose qui arrive le weekend mais l'objectif de cette préparation demeure énigmatique. Entre sa mère surprotectrice et la tension qui monte de jour en jour au travail, Silouane fait le grand saut... dans l'âge adulte.
Directed, edited by Noah Chung, Julien Monges
Music by Noah Chung
with Silouane Vanhoutte
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noahchung · 1 year ago
<999> (2023)
Duration : 1:00
Content :
(EN) 999 or 999, 999 and 999
(FR) 999 ou 999, 999 et 999
Directed, edited by Noah Chung
with Solveig Carnajac and Achiraf Djakpa
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noahchung · 1 year ago
<Iron Maiden> (2022)
Content :
(EN) Are mistakes really bad? Are mistakes really fail our lives?
Four youth all wearing T-shirts with accidental iron marks run around in a playground freely.
“ What if we accept our mistakes and name them opportunities that make our life richer? ”
(FR) Les erreurs sont-elles vraiment mauvaises? Les erreurs induisent-t-elles vraiment un échec pour nos vies?
Quatre jeunes portant tous des T-shirts avec des marques de fer accidentelles courent librement dans une cour de récréation.
“ Si nous acceptions nos erreurs et les nommions des opportunités qui rendent notre vie plus riche? ”
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noahchung · 1 year ago
<WONE> (2021)
Duration : 06:37
Content :
(EN) Kim Yu-jin, covered in blood, gets up and prepares for her interview. After the interview, she forgets her wallet on the subway and walks home. She stops at the pay phone for a collect call. A woman's voice asks her to "please introduce yourself". Yu-jin, demolished, screams…
(FR) Kim Yu-jin, couverte de sang, se lève et prépare pour son entretien. Après l'entretien, elle a oublié son portefeuille dans le métro et elle rentre chez elle à pied. Elle s'arrête au téléphone public pour un appel à frais virés. La voix d’une femme la demande “Introduisez vous s’il vous plaît.”. Yu-jin, démolite, crie…
Directed, edited, shot by Noah Chung
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Link to film :
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noahchung · 1 year ago
<Analytical Attraction> (2020)
Duration : 02:58
Content :
(EN) When two people meet, it's all sparks, warm feelings and goose bumps, isn't it? An analytical young mind explores the complex process of sexual attraction.
(FR) Lorsque deux personnes se rencontrent, tout n'est qu'étincelles, sentiments chaleureux et chair de poule, n'est-ce pas? Un jeune esprit analytique explore le processus complexe de l'attraction sexuelle.
Directed, edited, shot by Noah Chung
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Link to film :
2020 Screening in SciFilmIt Hackathon
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noahchung · 1 year ago
<551998> (2017)
Duration : 1:39
Content :
(EN) A girl goes in search of her head.
(FR) Une fille part à la recherche de sa tête.
Directed, edited, composed by Noah Chung
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Link to film :
2022 Selected in Bomba Video Club (Russia)
2018 Selected in Derapage (Canada)
2018 Selected in Super International Teenager Film Festival
2018 Semi Finalist in ZOOM (Slovenia)
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noahchung · 1 year ago
<Not outside of the window> (2017)
Duration : 45:41
Content :
(EN) Heekyoung is a counselor who regularly visits Joohee, a mysterious woman who systematically refuses to meet her. One day, Heekyoung stumbles into Joohee's home and discovers a poem written on several pieces of paper. Shortly after Heekyoung leaves, Joohee answers a call and opens the door to a man. The man gives her drugs. In fact, after the death of Joohee's mother, she became addicted to drugs. Joohee goes to Heekyoung's counseling center, hiding her identity.
(FR) Heekyoung est une conseillère qui effectue régulièrement des visites chez Joohee, une femme mystérieuse qui refuse systématiquement de la rencontrer. Un jour, Heekyoung entre par hasard chez Joohee et découvre un poème écrit sur plusieurs papiers. Peu de temps après le départ de Heekyoung, Joohee répond à un appel et ouvre la porte à un homme. Cet homme lui donne de la drogue. En fait, après la mort de la mère de Joohee, elle est devenue dépendante aux drogues. Joohee se rend au centre de consultation de Heekyoung en cachant son identité.
Directed, edited, composed, shot, decorated by Noah Chung
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Link to film :
2018 Semi-Finalist in Newark IFF Youth Festival (US)
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noahchung · 1 year ago
<Les dernières filles> (2017)
[5GAP Promotion Video]
Duration : 3:17
Content :
(EN) A girl, her 2 friends : the last girls
(FR) Une fille, ses deux amies : les dernières filles
Directed, edited, composed, shot by Noah Chung
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Link to film :
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