#changing themes based on my most recent/current f/os is so fun :)
starlit-roses-ships · 22 days
New theme and icon change incoming based on my most recent hyperfixation and subsequent new f/o 💙💙💙
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rosesloveletters · 3 years
Depending on what asks you've already received, for the most recent ship ask can I get ALL of the questions for any F/Os you wanna discuss?🥺💖
Erika!!! Thank you so much darling I love you and thank you for asking for all of them I?🥺🥺 Since I had a lot of these answered prior to this ask, I just filled in the rest of the unanswered questions and left them here within the body of this ask. I hope that is alright with you💖 Thank you again for asking, darling, I hope you are well & safe. I love you so much!!!
Butterscotch: What’s your go-to date night idea with your f/o?
You know me, I am extremely easy to please whenever it comes to simple date-night ideas. I love to stay in, mostly because I am an introvert and going out takes a lot of energy out of me; just lying in bed curled up with J and Pat while we watch one of my favorite shows is the best way to spend any night. I don’t ever expect them to spend money on me (J would happily take anything for me), but whenever we go out I cannot keep Patrick from breaking out the big bucks. 
If we go out, we rarely go to a ‘fancy’ restaurant and we don’t do reservations; Patrick likes to play a little game where we go to our preferred place around dinnertime and if the wait is too long and we can’t get in at a reasonable time, we drive around to different places and wherever there’s a reasonable wait is where we will eat. Pat is very spontaneous and likes to leave our plans open and subject to change; he knows I am not too comfortable with this (especially if I am hungry lol) and so he won’t go on like this too often, but it is cute to see how excited he gets at the prospect of having to change up our plans a little bit. Inevitably, Patrick is like me and he can get quite irritable when he’s hungry and he often snaps at J if things get on his nerves a bit too much. 
I haven’t ever been to a bar with Pat; I feel like it wouldn’t really be my scene, but I’d love to see what happens to any guy who might try to flirt with me (not that anyone would lol yikes.) Places like that make me slightly uncomfortable but it would be alright with Patrick, I suppose. I would obviously want to be with someone I trust. 
I am perfectly content to remain in my home and spend the night cuddling with my loves; we don’t need to go out in order to have fun because we are all most comfortable in each other’s company. 
Candy Buttons: Who’s the more affectionate one?
Between Pat and I it is difficult to say; we are both very affectionate. J has been known to take a passive attitude towards physical affection and lets us come to him when we are wanting his attention. 
My favorite time I get to spend with Pat is at bedtime and our bodies are pressed so tightly together as we share warmth and fall asleep tangled up in each other. 
Caramel Corn: Who gets jumpy while you watch scary movies?
Obviously me. I haven’t ever watched a scary movie with J and Pat (only the Halloween series and those don’t bother me too badly.) I have seen a lot of horror movies fro someone who cannot tolerate them at all lmao. I’ll be watching through my fingers and looking away at all the jump-scares. 
J would laugh, utterly unfazed by the television screen, and say “I’ll show ya somethin’ much, ahh, scarier than that, sweets.”
Meanwhile I would probably be cowering against Pat’s side and hiding my face in a pillow while Pat rubs my back and tries to comfort me until he would inevitably turn it off so as not to traumatize me completely. 
Scottie Dogs: Do you and your f/o keep any pets together? What are they?
No, we do not have any pets related to our own dynamic. Patrick and I would love to get a fish, but we have not quite worked out the logistics of that idea yet. 
J is being kept completely in the dark on our ideas because every time we bring up getting a pet, he starts telling us we should get “a snake or a scorpion or something interesting.” 
Chocolate Pretzel: Who’s the big spoon, and who’s the little spoon?
I’ve answered this question lots already, so I’m just going to stick to a short answer this time: we do not sleep in designated positions at night since we are all restless sleepers to a certain degree. Pat and J will take turns spooning me, depending on which side I lay on and for how long, but whenever we all are asleep, anything goes lol. 
Jawbreaker: Do you have any angst written about you and your f/o?
I have a few angst pieces that are specifically based upon ideas from my self-ship with J. ‘Once in Twenty Lifetimes’ which can be found on my masterlist is about the most angst-ridden piece I have currently posted that was written baed on our self-ship. I have a couple of other self-ship angst pieces that are on my laptop (not posted on tumblr anymore) but I could not say how many. 
For Patrick, my piece ‘Illicit Affairs’ is somewhat based off of our self-ship and I absolutely hate that piece but needed to write it at the time. It makes me sick to my stomach listen to the song ever since I wrote that; I was always uncomfortable with that song since I’ve experienced that kind of pain within my real life, but I made it worse by writing it with my favorite character. I don’t have any other angst written about Patrick, I don’t believe. If I do, it is in my personal folder on my laptop. 
Maple Candy: Who wakes up first? You, or your f/o?
We all usually wake up around the same time, or at least Pat and I do. As long as the bed is still warm, my silly Aussie is not getting up; he will lay there and snooze as long as I am there with him. He is stubborn and will stay in the bed until I wake up, which is honestly adorable. 
J often wakes up early (if he sleeps any the night before) and will go about his day until we wake. He will not bother us, but once the sun has come up and it is officially morning, J deems it safe enough for him to leave us to our peaceful slumbering. He does not like to leave us vulnerable while we sleep, but during the day when he is alert and active, it is less necessary for him to remain in the bed with us. 
Atomic Fireball: Who’s the more protective one in your self ship?
I think J and Pat both vie for this title on a daily basis, however I am getting to the point where I am wanting to protect them more and more, for all they have done for me. I think it is safe to say that we are all equally protective of each other and that there isn’t much we would not do for the other, given the circumstances. 
questions listed from the list of candy themed self-shipping asks
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