#chanda aeducan
jedimasteramell · 7 years
Alternate Endings
By game canon, all thr origins happen, just the one you pick is the one where Duncan steps in to save you, otherwise the rest die.
As I am a huge fan of that not happening and love building extended worlds for my canon, Ive been thinking about what happens with the other potentials when Sheridan is the Warden.
Ellana Cousland is with her parents when the gates fall, the horrible wrenching sound that signals the end to everything she’s ever known. She can hear screaming, from whom she doesn’t know and the sounds of clashing swords and angry barks. The nearby battle stills and she draws the family sword, ready to run through any who enter the pantry. Instead of Howe’s soldiers, it is her Mabari, half leading, half dragging, a pale and bloodied Ser Gilmore. It takes all of Bryce and Eleanor’s pleas to convince the knight to help their daughter to safety, to find Fergus, and inform the King. Ellana has to be pried away from her parents to escape out the secret exit, and out into the shadows of Highever Castle burning. Together she and Rory are on the run for weeks, tracked relentlessly by Howe’s soldiers as they travel deeper and deeper into the Bannorn. It is by a chance encounter that while battling off darkspawn, that Sheridan and company found them and welcomed the two warriors and their pup into her party.
Chanda Aeducan takes a long hard look at the endless abyss of the Deep Roads and decides to survive. She well remembers the maps of the Deep Roads she’d poured over again and again, if she could trust the Stone she knows she can find an outpost of the Legion of the Dead. She wasn’t made Commander for nothing. Old axe in hand, and desperately wishing for her old armor and Gorim at her side, Chanda sets off through the dark caverns, letting the comforting hum of the Stone guide her feet. It’s surreal being alone in the grand darkness, nothing but the vaguely lit pockets of lava and indecipherable sounds of the earth for company. She’s passing through a centuries-lost outpost when she spots…
Lyrie Brosca had been in the Deep Roads exactly never. And why should she? Casteless arent even good enough to wander the ancient abandoned darkspawn-blighted halls of their forefathers, let alone leave Dust Town. But she’d opened her big stupid mouth again and instead of just accepting what would have been a quick death to satisfy Jarvia and the stone-sodding Deshyr’s, she’d proclaimed joining the Legion of the Dead. If Leske hadn’t slipped away before she’d been spotted he’d half laughed himself stupid. This is what you get when Casteless read. So there she was, in the pitch black with a dagger and a handful of dried deep mushroom, not sure how long it’d been down here, and hoping whatever came along would at least kill her before eating her. But instead of being a genlock, she came face to face with another dwarf who looked strangely like… Ancestors! What was Princess Aeducan doing down here?!? Together the pair opted to team up and they both eventually made it to the Legion and a propper meal. Both survived long enough to march with Kardol on the surface against the 5th Blight.
Kellas Mahariel is not from Clan Sabrae in this canon, at least not initially. Born of the clan, but traded during the last Arlathvhen to Zathrian’s Clan. There he’s a determined hunter and one of the first to discover the werewolves. It is during that period when he meets the Warden and her entourage, a cluster of humans he bares little trust for. He is, however, curious of the blond, accented elf that journeys with them. Intrigued by meeting one of his own people so wildly different than all those he knew. With Lanaya’s permission, he joins the Warden’s group with the intent to learn and observe, but rather finds himself falling for Zevran’s wily charms. He becomes more of an envoy to the Dalish clans after the Battle of Denerim, content to explore and to spend time with his new partner on the run from the Crows.
Nadia Tabris had long been a thief and a killer before she cut the heart out of Vaughn Kendall in retribution. For years she’d been sneaking out of the Alienage, terrorizing and wreaking havoc on the humans that hurt her people. She was an assassin, a mercenary, a vandal, or a theif as she pleased. Escaping from the Denerim prison after faking her own death, Nadia returned to the Alienage ready to destroy anyone who dared try anything against the elves of Denerim. It was during Loghain and Howe’s upheval that she was brought to the attention of both the Friends of Red Jenny and Master Ignacio and his Ferelden-based Crows. Taking jobs from both, but joining neither, Nadia was working outside the city whrn she got wind of the events at the Alienage. Though she hardly trusted the Warden, being a human as she was, Nadia approved of the harsh way she handled the Tevinter slavers, as well as the kindness by which Sheridan helped the other elves. Eventually, Nadia signed on properly with the Friends of Red Jenny, and though incorrectly, many believe her to have been the Dark Wolf.
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