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mariacallous · 2 years ago
LIMA, Peru—When Dina Boluarte was abruptly sworn in on Dec. 7, 2022, the fact that she was the first female president in Peru’s 201-year history was widely noted, yet barely explored by Peruvian media. Journalists had other things on their minds: Boluarte’s inauguration took place just hours after her predecessor Pedro Castillo was impeached for attempting to dissolve Congress and rule by decree, bringing down the curtain on a 17-month administration that had tipped the Andean republic into unremitting political instability and chaos.
Boluarte’s professional credentials as a lawyer felt like a qualitative leap forward for the presidency—regardless of the fact that she, like her predecessor, had never held public office before becoming vice president for the self-declared Marxist-Leninist Free Peru party in the June 2021 elections.
The youngest of 14 children from a working-class family in the remote Andean market town of Chalhuanca, nearly 10,000 feet above sea level, Boluarte said in her maiden presidential speech that her priority would be to fight for “the nobodies, the excluded, the others, to have the opportunity and access that has historically been denied to them.”
“More than a politician, I am a Peruvian citizen and mother who fully understands the high responsibility that history has put on my shoulders,” she declared. “Responding to that high responsibility is [a show of] my respect for the millions of Peruvian mothers who day after day provide sustenance for their families.”
Now, three months since Boluarte’s swearing in, her presidency has descended into a dark mess of severe human rights violations, its legitimacy decimated by allegations of principle-free political opportunism, brutal authoritarianism, and racism. It looks increasingly inevitable that Peru’s first ever female president will face a similar fate to Castillo, the country’s first ever campesino president (in Peru, the term means someone of indigenous ancestry who works the land), with a post-presidency dogged by legal problems and a potentially lengthy jail sentence.
At the time of writing, 48 Peruvians had been killed by security forces, some while protesting violently; some while demonstrating peacefully; and some who were just bystanders, including a medical intern treating an injured protester. Another dozen people died after protestors’ road blockades prevented them from receiving emergency medical treatment, and one police officer was found dead in a burnt-out patrol car.
In a searing report released in February, Amnesty International warned that Boluarte had presided over an out-of-control police and armed forces that, motivated by “systemic racism ingrained in Peruvian society,” had repeatedly violated international human rights standards by using “lethal ammunition to control demonstrations.” Many Peruvians view Boluarte as having blood on her hands. Three-quarters want her to resign.
“We are not celebrating her presidency,” Indigenous feminist activist Tarcila Rivera Zea said. “For us, it has meant pain and sadness, with so many deaths. More than anything else, it is a feeling of frustration and disappointment.
Boluarte, 60, who is bilingual in Spanish and the indigenous Quechua language, started her presidency relatively well. Indeed, in her inaugural address, she distanced herself from Castillo, referencing her “revulsion” at his flagrant alleged graft and condemning his “attempted coup.” Having been expelled from the Free Peru party nearly a year earlier after openly disagreeing with the party’s more extreme politics—and after managing to stay clear of her predecessor’s endless corruption scandals—she had some credibility in the matter.
But her legacy, to the extent she has one, will remain inseparable from that of her predecessor. This is not only a matter of the authoritarian excesses of her leadership over security forces, but also her emphasis on social conservatism, which has been one of the few areas of common ground between Free Peru’s presidential administrations and the hard-right congressional majority. Free Peru’s campaign manifesto has even been accused of advocating “machismo Leninism” for accusing the state of “subcontracting” its obligation to provide for the children of separated parents to absent fathers by requiring them to pay child support.
“It’s also a lesson learned,” Rivera Zea added. “What her presidency shows is that it is not enough to be a woman or speak Quechua if you don’t have that sensibility or identification with the historically excluded. She could have been a president who showed strength, wisdom, justice, and respect for human rights. Instead, she has aligned herself with the worst in Peruvian politics.”
Far from being carried on the back of a feminist wave, Boluarte’s rise to power came at a particularly challenging time for gender rights in Peru, even as some other Latin American nations have been relaxing restrictions on abortion and increasingly tackling gender violence. Peru was already one of the most socially conservative societies in Latin America, with what are thought to be some of the highest rates of sexual violence in the region, and where abortion is only allowed in cases where the mother’s health is at risk.
It is unclear whether Boluarte has ever identified with the feminist movement, although she has shown an appreciation of gender issues. “[Boluarte’s] not a feminist in the sense of a feminist activist,” Alexandra Ames, a political scientist at Lima’s University of the Pacific, said. “But she’s definitely a woman who feels that she has got ahead by working hard, harder than men would normally have to, and seems to have that awareness.”
While she was vice president, Boluarte also served as minister for development and social inclusion, a role that would normally have a strong gender component. During that time, gender rights came under a sustained assault from lawmakers, one that might have been met with effective resistance from a different executive.
Members of Congress sought to further restrict already highly limited abortion rights with a blanket ban, and change the name of the Ministry of Women to the Ministry for the Family—a switch that in Peru’s machista society could have potentially life-and-death policy consequences for, for example, women facing abusive partners.
But the most damaging counter reform has been a new law allowing parents to block classes with a gender focus—or, as Peruvian conservatives call it, gender ideology.
First introduced to the national curriculum in 2004, gender focus concepts, which include sex education, were aimed at raising awareness among boys and girls of the harms caused by Peru’s patriarchal culture—everything from wage disparities to femicide. Conservatives, often fundamentalist evangelical Christians, caricature gender focus as “cultural Marxism” that encourages premature sexual activity and pressures children into homosexuality and transgenderism.
“Getting rid of gender focus will do enormous damage,” warned Gloria Montenegro, former minister of women. “You’re getting rid of sex education, of a girl’s right to understand herself, to make informed choices, or have good self-esteem. What is so lamentable is that in Peru, we already have so many cases of physical and sexual abuse, of women being raped, often in their own homes, and this is going to make all of that worse.”
Throughout the debate over the curriculum, Boluarte was notable for her silence. She did, at different points during her work as a minister, show protocolary support for gendered development policies, including to empower indigenous women. But she failed to provide any substantive leadership, much less confront the attack on gender focus.
Boluarte did restore gender parity in her government after Castillo’s notorious cabinet appointments, which were not just overwhelmingly male but frequently involved ministers with a track record of misogynistic statements and even domestic abuse—including, briefly, one prime minister.
Ironically, however, that parity was just a return to the status quo ante in a country which, despite its entrenched patriarchy, had previously had some half dozen female prime ministers. Indeed, at one point, just before Castillo’s surprise election victory, almost all the major roles of state barring the presidency had been occupied by women, including the prime minister, foreign minister, defense minister, speaker of Congress, chief prosecutor, head of the judiciary, and chair of the constitutional court.
Boluarte’s term is scheduled to end in 2026, although the deadly repression of anti-government protests means she faces huge and potentially irresistible pressure to resign. Either way, her story as Peru’s first female president seems unlikely to end happily.
Montenegro said Boluarte’s mistake was not realizing she didn’t need to cross the political aisle to build a base of power. “She abandoned the Free Peru program, which, as a party of the left, had a strong social agenda, especially for rural Peru,” she said. “She’s an Andean woman; she should have understood. Where’s the political skill, the ability to broker political compromise and then sell that to the population?”
Protesters are now demanding a constituent assembly to draft a new constitution capable of addressing stark economic injustices. However, a new constitution could also entrench gender inequality. Although there have been no polls on the issue of gender rights in a new constitution, surveys show that most voters want a conservative Magna Carta when it comes to social issues, including prohibiting same-sex marriage and reinstating both compulsory military service and the death penalty.
As for Boluarte personally, the moment she loses her presidential immunity she faces criminal exposure as a head of government who presided over heavily armed police and soldiers gunning down anti-government protesters.
“She’s going to have very serious problems with the justice system,” Montenegro said. “She doesn’t seem to understand that there is no statute of limitations for human rights violations.”
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ibebizi · 2 years ago
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“Y mientras en Chalhuanca, cuando hablara con los nuevos amigos, en su calidad de forastero recién llegado, sentiría mi ausencia, yo exploraría palmo a palmo el gran valle y el pueblo; recibiría la corriente poderosa y triste que golpea a los niños, cuando deben enfrentarse solos a un mundo cargado de monstruos y de fuego, y de grandes ríos que cantan con la música más hermosa al chocar contra las piedras y las islas.”
— Los ríos profundos (Narrativa nº 19) por José María Arguedas
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hacelsosa · 4 years ago
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Ahora resulta que las canciones de Luis Miguel suenan en todos lados y a todas horas. En serio que los latinos somos sumamente influenciables... y no culpo a Netflix, no culpo al gobierno, no culpo a la noche, no culpo a Keiko, no culpo a la playa, no culpo a la luna, será que no me amas. #AsioMasBonito #EntoncesQue #FormasTontasdeVida #HacelLovers #HablemosMas #MiMundoMasFuerte #NoTeArañes #NoSeasPendejo #Porlahuevaes #queRico #ViveyDejaVivir #SoyTerrible (en Chalhuanca- Apurimac) https://www.instagram.com/p/CPZEYoXhZd3/?utm_medium=tumblr
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polemicaynoticiasarequipa · 4 years ago
La Autoridad Autónoma de Majes (AUTODEMA) informa que las represas de la región se encuentran al 55.75% de su capacidad total de almacenamiento.
El reporte hídrico de AUTODEMA advierte que de 409.86 HM3 de volumen máximo de almacenamiento, con las últimas precipitaciones se cuenta con 228.50 HM3 de agua almacenada en las 7 represas del sistema hidráulico Chili y la represa Condoroma en el Colca.
La represa Aguada Blanca tiene actualmente un volumen de 29.66 HM3 de una capacidad de 30.43 HM3, por ello, se encuentra al 97.45% de su capacidad total de almacenamiento. El caudal de ingreso es de 30.24 m3/seg y el caudal de salida de la represa es 23.50 m3/seg.
Debido a ello, se incrementará las descargas de esta represa que serán monitoreadas por AUTODEMA. Se solicita a la población alejarse del cauce del río Chili y a las autoridades adoptar las medidas y precauciones del caso.
La represa Pañe, tiene actualmente 64.61 hectómetros (HM3) de volumen de agua almacenada, siendo su capacidad máxima 99.60 HM3. Es decir, al momento tiene un volumen utilizado del 64.87%, mientras que el caudal del afluente es de 4.35 m3/seg.
En cuanto a Dique Los Españoles, tiene actualmente un volumen útil de 1.96 HM3 de una capacidad de 9,09 HM3 y su caudal de afluente es de 2.62 m3/seg. Se encuentra al 21.60% de su capacidad.
La represa Pillones tiene actualmente un volumen de 23.03 HM3 de volumen de un total de 78.50 HM3. Es decir, tiene el 29.34% de su capacidad utilizada.
La represa El Frayle tiene 80.73 HM3 de volumen útil actualmente usado, mientras que su capacidad total alcanza 127.24 HM3. Por el momento cuenta con el 63.45% de su capacidad de almacenamiento.
Por otro lado, la represa Bamputañe tiene un volumen útil actual de 14,93 HM3 de una capacidad total de 40.40, es decir, se encuentra al 37.33% de su almacenamiento.
En el caso de Chalhuanca, tiene un volumen de 13.58 HM3 de una capacidad total de 25.00 HM3 de almacenamiento, encontrándose al 54.30%.
En cuanto al sistema Colca Regulado, se tiene la represa de Condoroma con 100.49 HM3 actualmente, mientras que su capacidad es de 259.00 HM3, lo que significa que al momento se almacenó el 38.80% de su capacidad.
En el caso de la Bocatoma Tuti, se tiene 80.97 m3/s de caudal recibido, el caudal Canal 2 es de 14.64 m3/s mientras que río abajo (Río Colca) es de 66.33% con una precipitación de 19.30 mm. En el caso de la Bocatoma de Pitay, el caudal recibido es de 37.47 m3/s, mientras que para la Irrigación Majes es 20.09 m3/s y el caudal al río siguas alcanza 17.38 m3/seg.
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diariodopresi-blog · 6 years ago
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. Estou preparando uma série de 5 vídeos sobre Machu Picchu: Detalhado e o Melhor Custo X Benefício. Aguardem! 👊 . ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ▪️Mais detalhes, no Blog: www.DiarioDoPresi.com ▪️Instagram / YouTube / Facebook = DiarioDoPresi 🇧🇷-🇵🇾-🇺🇾-🇦🇷-🇨🇱-🇧🇴-🇬🇾-🇸🇷-🇬🇾-🇻🇪-🇨🇴-🇪🇨-🇵🇪 ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ . #DiarioDoPresi #Youtuber #YoutubeDiarioDoPresi #CanalDiarioDoPresi #ExpediçãoAméricadoSul #GoPro #GoProHero6 #MakeLifeARide #ViagemDeMoto #2rodas #DreamCatcher #DreamCatchers #ExtremosContinentais #ExtremoContinental #ChangingLives #NoFriendsNeeded #LoneRider #AdventureMototouring #MotoAdventure #BigTrail #MotoTravel #Introspecção #Chalhuanca #Peru #Cordillera #Ollantaytambo #Wanderlust #UmBrindeALiberdade (em Sacred Valley of the Incas, Peru) https://www.instagram.com/p/ByQ1T-eHx6v/?igshid=4vi2injs0dli
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miguelangeldy · 7 years ago
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¡Día de Fútbol! (en Estadio Chalhuanca - Villa Maria Del Triunfo) https://www.instagram.com/p/BnHE2EKFPeC/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=u6vl953zbb78
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cocoundmeer-blog · 7 years ago
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Our toes are frozen after the night at the mountain pass and just the word thermal bath makes my heart beat faster. So we follow the dirt road that promises exactly that. - After a while of driving, we arrive at a random sign in the middle of nowhere. The lady sitting on the bench in front has a much more unimpressed face than me and opens a room for us. - My eyes only see an awkward something that is too small for being a swimming pool, but too gigantic for a bathtub. A hole in the wall gives sight to two pipes and their big wheels to regulate the temperature. - Let's not wonder any further, it's time for the hot pipe! . . #randomplaces #warmup #noquestionsasked #vanlifediaries #banos #cantstopwontstop #lifeontheroad #neverstopexploring #nomadlife #soakitin #roadtrippin #theotherside #peru #southamerica (at Chalhuanca, Cusco, Peru)
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arqueologiadelperu · 8 years ago
Cuando se habla de regiones multidestino para el turismo, Apurímac merece mención especial: arqueología, patrimonio inmaterial, arquitectura religiosa, naturaleza pródiga, cultura viva y gastronomía generosa son algunos de sus puntos a favor.
Tras el reparador almuerzo, avanzamos hasta una meseta donde se ubica el mirador Capitán Rumi. Se trata de una mole de granito –más de 100 toneladas– que debe su apelativo a que encabeza una legión de rocas de diverso tamaños que simulan un ejército pétreo, disperso entre los pastizales.
Desde este punto estratégico observamos, maravillados, la inmensidad del indómito Cañón de Apurímac. Con más de 3,000 metros de profundidad, es considerado uno de los más abismales de América y del planeta.
El mirador brinda también la oportunidad de contemplar la imponente cordillera de Vilcabamba, consu soberano nevado y apu tutelar Salkantay. Un escenario de belleza sobrecogedora, ideal para el ecoturismo, el deporte de aventura y el avistamiento de cóndores.
Este contacto con la tierra de los chankas, que vio nacer a Micaela Bastidas, José María Arguedas y Chabuca Granda, entre otros ilustres peruanos, nos anunciaba lo que veríamos a lo largo de un corredor turístico de 200 kilómetros que atraviesa las provincias de Abancay, Andahuaylas y Aymaraes. Una nueva veta para todas las modalidades de turismo, promovida por el gobierno regional de Apurímac, con el apoyo de Promperú.
Complejo de Saywite
Los vaticinios de Sdenka seguían concretándose. Todavía en Curahuasi, nos dirigimos al complejo arqueológico de Saywite, a más de 2,400 metros de altitud. Los estudiosos sostienen que Saywite reúne características de un centro ceremonial donde se rendía culto al agua y la naturaleza.
El complejo está formado por seis áreas bien definidas. En una se aprecia la existencia de un ‘ushno’ o plataforma elevada donde se practicaba la observación astronómica. A pocos metros está el célebre monolito de piedra que da nombre al sitio arqueológico, con cuatro metros de diámetro y dos metros y medio de altura. Se trata de una especie de maqueta en alto relieve, labrada en la roca, en la que destacan figuras a escala de andenes, canales de riego y templos, así como pumas, lagartos, anfibios, crustáceos, monos y figuras humanas.
Colosos en Pampachiri
Al día siguiente, dejamos Curahuasi para enfilar hacia Andahuaylas. Tras cuatro horas de viaje, llegamos a una extensa planicie de 60 hectáreas llamada Pampachiri o pampa fría. Es una impresionante formación natural de colosales piedras de sillar cuyo origen se remonta a más de cuatro millones de años, tras la erupción de los volcanes Qarwarasu y Sotaya, actualmente inactivos.
El bosque precisamente está a una hora del pueblo de Pampachiri, ubicado a tres horas de la ciudad de Andahuaylas.
En medio de la ladera, camino a Pampachari se divisa lo que parece el bosque piedras, al cual se le conoce como “La casa de los pitufos”, que es una formación rocosa que se asemeja a esas casitas en forma de hongo, pero en realidad este sitio es conocido como Ayamach’ay (La cueva de los muertos).
Las formaciones rocosas tomaron caprichosas formas cónicas y de hongos que superan los ocho metros de altura. En el sector de Páncula hay familias de pastores de ovejas y llamas que han construido sus viviendas debajo de estos obeliscos naturales, aprovechando que brindan protección y calefacción.
El complejo ha sido señalizado en su acceso gracias al trabajo coordinado de la Dirección Regional de Comercio Exterior y Turismo (Dircetur) de Apurímac y el gobierno local, con participación de la comunidad. El ingreso es gratuito, pero se necesita buena adaptación a la altura para evitar el soroche.
Al descender de las alturas de Pampachiri y extenuados por el recorrido pedestre en plena puna, no hubo mejor manera de aliviar el agotamiento que con los baños termales de Pincahuacho. Ubicado a unos quince minutos de la ciudad de Chalhuanca, en la provincia de Aymaraes, este los íconos más reconocibles de esta región. conjunto de pozas está abierto las 24 horas del día, todo el año. Sus características químicas las clasifican como aguas con tendencia ligeramente alcalina y sus 32 grados Celsius las convierten en alternativa para aliviar el estrés, el cansancio y dolencias como el reumatismo y la artritis.
Lugar mágico
Apurímac deslumbra. Al cuarto día de visita llegamos al Santuario Nacional de Ampay, creado el 23 de julio de 1987 y ubicado en el distrito de Tamburco, provincia de Abancay.
Amílcar Osorio, jefe de esta área natural, precisa que el objetivo del santuario es asegurar la intangibilidad del árbol intimpa (árbol del sol, en castellano), único en su género. En la actualidad solo quedan 600 hectáreas de intimpas, protegidas de la amenaza de la tala indiscriminada que padeció en el pasado.
La laguna de Angascocha está a 45 minutos de caminata a partir de la entrada al área protegida. El espejo de agua es ideal para que las aves se posen a beber y alimentarse con los pececillos y permite reparar energías a otros animales, como vizcachas, zorritos, pumas, tarukas y venados de cola blanca.
Esta primera visita a Apurímac terminó con un suculento tallarín casero servido con estofado de gallina y kapchi de chuño. Nos despedimos de Sdenka, agradecidos por tanta amabilidad y retornamos felices, primero al Cusco y luego a Lima, ávidos de contar lo vivido en este espectacular recorrido.
Bosque de piedras Pampachiri
#gallery-0-6 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-6 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 33%; } #gallery-0-6 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-6 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
Pampachiri, el sorprendente bosque de piedras de Apurimac
  Fuente:Revista Lo Nuestro – El Peruano
Apurimac, turismo deslumbrante Cuando se habla de regiones multidestino para el turismo, Apurímac merece mención especial: arqueología, patrimonio inmaterial, arquitectura religiosa, naturaleza pródiga, cultura viva y gastronomía generosa son algunos de sus puntos a favor.
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lucyenelcielogris · 9 years ago
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Castillos pirotécnicos/ Fiesta tradicional Sr. de Ánimas- Chalhuanca, Aymaraes, Apurímac
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hacelsosa · 7 years ago
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El corazón no es de quién lo rompe, sino de quién lo repara. #asiomasclarito #BuenosDias #ContigoenlaDistancia #FelicidadTotal #DiasdeEnsueño #DesdequeEstamosJuntos #EnamoradoDeTi #EntoncesQue #MiMundoMasFuerte #MisAmores #SomosDos #queRico #ViveyDejaVivir (en Chalhuanca)
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polemicaynoticiasarequipa · 4 years ago
El gerente general del Gobierno Regional de Arequipa, Mg. Gregorio Palma Figueroa, entregó esté sábado medicamentos y Equipos de Protección Personal (EPP´s) en diversos distritos de la provincia de Caylloma.
El funcionario regional recorrió los distritos de Caylloma, Callalli y Cabanaconde, donde entregó junto a la Red de Salud Arequipa-Caylloma EPP´s para el personal de salud que se encuentra en primera línea atendiendo a la población ante la aparición de nuevos casos de COVID-19 en esta provincia.
Asimismo, Palma Figueroa informó que en los próximos días se instalará un hospital de campaña en Chivay con camas y balones de oxígeno para pacientes que requieran asistencia médica leve y moderada.
De igual manera se entregó insumos médicos a los centros de salud para la atención de la población entre ellos, azitromicina, ivermectina y paracetamol: Caylloma (4,590), Jachaña (900), Tisco (900), Cota Cota (900), Callalli (1,400), Sibayo (900), Chalhuanca (900), San Antonio de Chuca (900), Lluta (900), Huanca (900), entre otros distritos.
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diariodopresi-blog · 6 years ago
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. Do que mais senti falta? De café! Ecuador, Peru e Bolívia é complicadissimo achar café. Quando acha, é um concentrado líquido para diluir em água caliente 😂. Dica: procure um minimarket, compre café solúvel pequeno e peça água caliente para a Señora Ramirez antes de encarar a Cordillera 😁 . ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ▪️Mais detalhes, no Blog: www.DiarioDoPresi.com ▪️Instagram / YouTube / Facebook = DiarioDoPresi 🇧🇷-🇵🇾-🇺🇾-🇦🇷-🇨🇱-🇧🇴-🇬🇾-🇸🇷-🇬🇾-🇻🇪-🇨🇴-🇪🇨-🇵🇪 ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ . #DiarioDoPresi #ExpediçãoAméricadoSul #GoPro #GoProHero6 #Tenere250 #XTZ250 #YamahaTenere250 #MakeLifeARide #ViagemDeMoto #2rodas #DreamCatcher #DreamCatchers #ExtremosContinentais #ExtremoContinental #ChangingLives #NoFriendsNeeded #LoneRider #SouthAmerica #AdvLife #AdventureMototouring #MotoAdventure #BigTrail #MotoTravel #AdvMoto #Introspecção #PampaGaleras #ReservaNacionalPampaGaleras #Gratidão #DeusNoComando #UmBrindeALiberdade (em Chalhuanca, Cusco, Peru) https://www.instagram.com/p/ByGEPZdn9g1/?igshid=1wh8zczv8yf9q
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awesomebiketour · 14 years ago
04.02.2011 Chalhuanca to Pampamarca, Peru 83km
Big climbing day. I started somewhere around 2000m, where it was green and warm.
Just past Chalhuance the climb is really, really steep. Switchback city.
It could have been worse.
Eventually I reached this plateau up at 4550m. It was really surreal up there. It looked like the world was ending. There were ominous black clouds, and it was very cold, and mostly flat.
No more trees and greenery, just desolation and exotic rock formations.
I finished the day in a tiny village called Pampamarca. Luckily they had a very simple hospedaje, because a freezing rain storm began as soon as I got into town.
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diariodopresi-blog · 6 years ago
. Lets Road! 👊 . Novo vídeo no canal galera!!! Corre lá! 🙏😁 https://youtu.be/iEGacu7O7Ws . ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ▪️Mais detalhes, no Blog: www.DiarioDoPresi.com ▪️Instagram / YouTube / Facebook = DiarioDoPresi 🇧🇷-🇵🇾-🇺🇾-🇦🇷-🇨🇱-🇧🇴-🇬🇾-🇸🇷-🇬🇾-🇻🇪-🇨🇴-🇪🇨-🇵🇪 ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ . #DiarioDoPresi #Youtuber #YoutubeDiarioDoPresi #CanalDiarioDoPresi #ExpediçãoAméricadoSul #GoPro #GoProHero6 #MakeLifeARide #ViagemDeMoto #2rodas #DreamCatcher #DreamCatchers #ExtremosContinentais #ExtremoContinental #ChangingLives #NoFriendsNeeded #LoneRider #AdventureMototouring #MotoAdventure #BigTrail #MotoTravel #Introspecção #Chalhuanca #Peru #Cordillera #Abancay #UmBrindeALiberdade (em VALE PERÚ) https://www.instagram.com/p/ByNtJ0JHCbv/?igshid=94gqm6njrclw
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diariodopresi-blog · 6 years ago
. Overlander's World! 👊 . Novo vídeo no canal galera!!! Corre lá! 🙏😁 https://youtu.be/iEGacu7O7Ws . ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ▪️Mais detalhes, no Blog: www.DiarioDoPresi.com ▪️Instagram / YouTube / Facebook = DiarioDoPresi 🇧🇷-🇵🇾-🇺🇾-🇦🇷-🇨🇱-🇧🇴-🇬🇾-🇸🇷-🇬🇾-🇻🇪-🇨🇴-🇪🇨-🇵🇪 ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ . #DiarioDoPresi #Youtuber #YoutubeDiarioDoPresi #CanalDiarioDoPresi #ExpediçãoAméricadoSul #GoPro #GoProHero6 #MakeLifeARide #ViagemDeMoto #2rodas #DreamCatcher #DreamCatchers #ExtremosContinentais #ExtremoContinental #ChangingLives #NoFriendsNeeded #LoneRider #AdventureMototouring #MotoAdventure #BigTrail #MotoTravel #Introspecção #Chalhuanca #Peru #Cordillera #Abancay #UmBrindeALiberdade (em Montañas Peruanas) https://www.instagram.com/p/ByLHO7FHOS5/?igshid=1203znzw0k6ab
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diariodopresi-blog · 6 years ago
. Overlander's World! 👊 . Novo vídeo no canal galera!!! Corre lá! 🙏😁 https://youtu.be/iEGacu7O7Ws . ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ▪️Mais detalhes, no Blog: www.DiarioDoPresi.com ▪️Instagram / YouTube / Facebook = DiarioDoPresi 🇧🇷-🇵🇾-🇺🇾-🇦🇷-🇨🇱-🇧🇴-🇬🇾-🇸🇷-🇬🇾-🇻🇪-🇨🇴-🇪🇨-🇵🇪 ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ . #DiarioDoPresi #Youtuber #YoutubeDiarioDoPresi #CanalDiarioDoPresi #ExpediçãoAméricadoSul #GoPro #GoProHero6 #MakeLifeARide #ViagemDeMoto #2rodas #DreamCatcher #DreamCatchers #ExtremosContinentais #ExtremoContinental #ChangingLives #NoFriendsNeeded #LoneRider #AdventureMototouring #MotoAdventure #BigTrail #MotoTravel #Introspecção #Chalhuanca #Peru #Cordillera #Abancay #UmBrindeALiberdade (em Montañas Peruanas) https://www.instagram.com/p/ByLGPcHHA2d/?igshid=4g0kvwjkwosm
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