#cha junhwa
psychic-waffles · 1 year
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JUN KILLED IT 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
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birthisacurse-and · 3 years
why is all I’ve watched tonight people falling/not completing their jumps??? tonight is cursed
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chjyn · 2 years
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uhm hey. this is cherry!! i’m so excited to rp with you guys. this rp came at the perfect time because i was watching drama shamelessly and just finished remarriage and desire and i really wanted a character kind of based off the drama but not really?? jiyeon here takes bits of a bunch of different plots that go on in the show. i def recommend it since its only 8 episodes BUT ANYWAY, i’ll put some links down there to peruse and put some stuff about jiyeon under the cut. i can’t wait to plot and write with you all!!
oldest child born to cha junhwa and choi aeran. 
 parents were an arranged marriage. aeran learned to love junhwa but he was always cheating on her and treating her poorly. despite this, she remained the perfect "trophy wife", doing whatever she needed to do to care for and protect her family, even lying. 
 her dad created a cyber security firm called soteria that has contracts with the korean government, as well as samsung and hyundai. while a good deal of his fortune was obtained through hard work, most of it in the last ten years has been through nefarious means, whether that be on stepping on the necks of smaller businesses, market manipulation, unfair contracts, etc. 
anyway about jiyeon. she did first and secondary school at private international schools in korea and then was at st paul's boarding school in new hampshire from grades 9-12. 
came back to korea to be with her family and do nothing honestly. she has the marks and intelligence to go to school for whatever she wanted but just….didn't want to?? she had spent so many years toiling away to make amazing marks and doesn't want to keep doing it, especially if her dad is going to bully her into a field she doesn't like. 
in 2021, her mother found out just how shady junhwa was and how many lives he ruined just for money and couldn't take it anymore. jiyeon found her mother's body after she didn't answer her phone. 
it's affected jiyeon a lot and she's still not doing well. 
girlie is naive and kind and her mother's suicide has made it so she wants to fix everyone and everything. 
she has major control issues now. 
miss jiyeon can seem very flighty and ditzy but it's because she doesn't want to burden anyone with her emotions and issues. 
she is a very dedicated dog mom.
she is || this close to losing her shit.
 I'm probably forgetting a lot but this is basically her backstory so far.
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NHK 2021 Men
🥇Shoma Uno - 290.15
🥈Vincent Zhou - 260.69
🥉Cha Jun-hwan - 259.60
Shoma, my beautiful child, this was perfect!! A gold well won!!! 💜🎉
Vincent is full of surprises this season!! How fun... I was surprised he still scored this high after what happened, but it was still wonderful!! (Just that famous Japanese scoring showing 😒)
Junhwa.... I have no words!! It seems I'm gonna keep being presently surprised by Korean skaters this season!! Fun!! Also good FS costume head to be one of my favorites this season!! 💜
(I'm still sad Yuzuru couldn't make it, but the rest of the boys were fantastic!!)
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yjwonz · 2 years
cha junhwan cha junhwan cha junhwan cha junhwa cha jUNHWAN !!!!!!!!111!!111!1111!1111
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What a beautiful program from Cha Junhwan!! Even though he fell in the beginning, he held on and finish strong. Well done Junhwa!
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psychic-waffles · 8 months
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psychic-waffles · 11 months
Speedrunning catching up on the mens short program :)
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Conrad Orzel - look as far as canadian men go, conrad basically lived
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Aleksa Rakic - jumps didn't really happen but the rest of the program was really nice honestly
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Liam Kapeikis - There's potential there for sure but also this program was just kinda A Choice™, idk if it was liam or his team but maybe not the greatest idea they've ever had.
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Mikhail Shaidorov - MATRIX PROGRAM!!! like yeah it was kinda messy but to pull that off on your first comp back after injury is honestly pretty solid
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Wesley Chiu - shame about the axel but he really brought the energy to the rest of the program
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Mihhail Selevko - oh mihhail... it wasn't a bad program but the fall on the quad just set it all up wrong :(
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Sota Yamamoto - LOVE THIS SP!!! a couple of small errors but overall really great to watch
could we not have given him .5 more points though 😔
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Kao Miura - oh kao :((( he's so good, that pop was just so unfortunate :((((((((
(@ isu honestly why do singles and doubles have to be invalid, why can't you just give them the points anyway)
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Matteo Rizzo - honestly i'm just so glad he didn't let the jump errors demoralise him, he put on such a good performance for the rest of the program
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Kazuki Tomono - what kind of cursed ice is this that KAZUKI OF ALL PEOPLE fell on the step sequence 😭😭😭
fr though i love this program, it brings me so much joy, and even with a fall kazuki is out-performing everyone
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Junhwan Cha - the fall on the 4T was so unfortunate, like he had it, it was rotated, it was landed, and then it wasn't 😭😭😭
another program i absolutely adore this season though, jun you will always be famous (and glad he looks in good spirits about it)
in conclusion: absolute trainwreck of an event even by men's standards 🙃
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psychic-waffles · 1 year
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absolutely not jun's day, and he looked so tired in the kiss & cry 😭
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circumference-pie · 3 years
partial vid translation: yuzu and yuma
Yuzu and Yuma being cute at Four Continents 2020.
Some translations of Yuzu and Yuma parts below.
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From 3:32:
[Kagiyama is standing backstage]
鍵山:もうビックリっていう感情をしかないので。なんか、なんかの。しばらくしたら「あっ3位になったんだ」って実感が湧いてくると思うんですけど、本当にビックリして何も言葉が出ないです。 Kagiyama: Surprise is the only emotion I have now.  Uh, uh. I think the real, "Ah! I've come in third!" feeling will come out in a little bit. But really I'm so surprised, I don't have any words.
ボイスオーバー:自らの表彰台に驚く鍵山選手。そんな、鍵山選手の演技を試合後の会見で羽入選手も称賛しました。 Voiceover: Kagiyama, shocked by his own podium win. And Hanyu had praise for his performance at the post-event interview.
[Scene change. Aforementioned interview.]
羽生:彼はやっぱりジュニアで戦ってきて、ジュニアのエレメンツで練習してきた中で、こうやってシニアの舞台で戦えるというのやっぱりすごく強いなと思うし。あの、かっこいいことだと思っています。 Hanyu: To be competing as a junior still, while practicing junior elements, and contend on the senior stage like this, I think he's an incredibly strong athlete. It's very cool to me.
[Small cut. Hanyu talks about wanting to skate again in his own style.]
[Scene change. Hanyu, Kagiyama, and Junhwa Cha are sitting backstage.]
ボイスオーバー:演技中によぎっていたある不安を緊張した瞬間でした [T/N: Wasn't clear about the last bit.] Voiceover: They crossed paths during the performances, leading to a nervous moment.
羽生:氷やばかったよね、今日 Hanyu: The ice was terrible today, wasn't it?
鍵山:[coughs, doesn't hear] Kagiyama: [coughs, doesn't hear]
羽生:ねねねね、氷やばくなかった?今日 Hanyu: Ne, ne, ne, ne, wasn't the ice bad today?
鍵山:めっちゃやばかったです Kagiyama: It was very bad.
羽生:なんか、あれ?公式練習と違う? Hanyu: It was like, what? It's different from the official practice?
鍵山:と思ってビックリした。[Small cut.] ちょっと硬いですよね? Kagiyama: I think so, I was surprised. [Small cut.] A little hard, right?
羽生:なんかね Hanyu: Just about, huh?
[Scene change. Hanyu is backstage, miming a jump.]
羽生:もうめっちゃトウループ終わったあと無理!サルコウ[unclear] Hanyu: It was just impossible after the toe loop! [Something about a] Salchow.
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4:53 to 5:28 are about Worlds coming up, and Hanyu's Super Slam.
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From 5:28:
[Hanyu and Kagiyama are posing with their medals.] [Scene change. Hanyu is waving to a cheering crowd.] [Scene change. Hanyu and Kagiyama are sitting backstage.]
ボイスオーバー:表彰式の後には初出場で3位に戦いた鍵山選手に優しく話しかける[しいんも?] Voiceover: After the awards ceremony, [Hanyu] kindly tries to strike up a conversation with Kagiyama, who fought his way to third place on his debut appearance.
羽生:ずーっと緊張してるんですよ。実際自分もプルシェンコの隣にいたらこんなんだなと思います。ね? Hanyu: He had nerves the whole way through. The truth is, it's the same state I'd be in if I were next to Plushenko. Isn't that right?
鍵山:実際 Kagiyama: It's true.
羽生:めっちゃ声ちっちゃいんですよ。メダルかけて写真撮る時とかもひたすらずっとこう。[mimes standing stiffly] 肩回していいんだよ。腕回していいんだよって Hanyu: What a quiet voice. When we were having pictures taken with our medals and stuff, he was [mimes standing stiffly] earnestly like this. It's okay to roll your shoulders. It's okay to move your arms.
ディレクター:できなかった? Director: You couldn't do it?
鍵山:むりっす Kagiyama: I couldn't.
[Scene change. Hanyu and Kagiyama with the Japanese flag.] [Scene change. Jason Brown, Hanyu, and Kagiyama are getting their pictures taken.]
Voiceover talking about the Super Slam and Worlds.
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T/N: As usual, I am taking feedback.
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