#ch2: xireli
gabrielsato · 2 years
WHEN: September 17th, 2022 WHERE: Crystal Palace Apartments / Old Elysia WHO: @silkenelixir​
Plans were in motion. They had been for centuries now, but lately, Gabriel could feel the tides slowly changing. Whether it be because of Xireli’s expert involvement, or Gabriel’s own forcefulness on the matter, he knew sooner rather than later, the world would break. But these things couldn’t be done alone. It meant if they truly wanted to succeed, there was no point in putting off the meeting between them any longer.
“Xireli,” Gabriel stated in greeting, already moving toward her with a drink as an offering in his hand. “I believe you already know we have much to discuss.” Would they even need to bother with pleasantries? Such things often felt below their status as creatures who could walk the world for an eternity.
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