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servamp ch146 spoilers
is it just me or is mahiru’s hair sticking out more than usual like dog ears

(i’m guessing this is mean to be an homage to his beta design or tanaka sensei is tweaking her artsyle again. also i love the dog and cat parallel beta mahiru and kuro had ☹️)

this panel is so freaking cute

and he’s so freaking cute too

i missed this comedic side of servamp
i read some of the jp fandom’s reactions to this chapter and some were saying how slightly ooc tubaki feels and i’m ngl i kinda agree. ik he’s always been pretty flippant but he’s acting a lot like hyde, teasing kuro alot, but ig it kinda makes sense with how they resolved their conflict and need to work together now. i’m not complaining tho, he’s so cute i want to pinch his cheeks
anyways the chapter was so good i want to cryyyyy
also i was listening to servamp audio dramas last night (most of them are up on iscanthings’ page) and im pretty sure the title was “alicein family / the day he was here” and omg after the recent chapters of mikuni wanting to be misono’s dad that audio drama is lowkey fucked up 😢
i was listening to it in bed so my memory’s kinda hazy but it was abt misono dreaming of playing chess w mikuni who had never ran away from home. bro i wanted to ball my eyes out so badddd
no but fr tho, listening to the other more jokey audio dramas, mikuni is such an ass. bro literally has no friends other than abel. i think my favorite appearance of his is when he switches bodies with jeje so all you here is jeje’s va in a light mood talking about how handsome he is skdjfifjrnfnf
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Love your art, any Toge/Yuuta fanfic recommendations? Thanks so much!!
hi!! thank you so much...🥺🩷🩷 and i am SO glad you asked this. i have so many!! here are the ones i read/reread more recently along with some of the tags. tried to make every rec here different from each other hehe have fun reading!!! can't help it (if you look like an angel) by glimmiks (12.4k)
tags: college au, friends to lovers, mutual pining, IKEA
THIS WAS SO FUN TO READ PLEASEEEE i absolutely love college aus so much. and you just know the 2nd years would be the most fun and chaotic as college students. their dynamic is just chefs KISS, and it's written so well here. the mutual pining in here is truly a 10-course meal and i always go back for another round.
i'm alright if you're alright by anonymous (14.2k)
tags: spoilers up to ch146, fluff, hurt/comfort, injury recovery, fix-it, love confessions, pining
post-shibuya fic excellence. i always have such a great time reading this like inuokkos really do eat so well in this fandom. yuta pining is always so great to read like he is Longingly thinking about toge at all times im cry
Magnificently Cursed by diggingupthegrave (91.2k)
tags: dark academia, magic au, magic school au, slow burn, angst, mutual pining
i will always always recommend diggingupthegrave fics. they are easily my favorite inuokko writer pls you have to read all their inuokko fics...i saved this particular one of theirs to read for much later bc i knew it was going to change my life (7 chapters ok) and boy did it do exactly that. the way they implemented canon elements into a magic setting was so so brillaint and i savored every bit of it.
Beat the Turtle Drum by CasuallyScreaming (7.4k) tags: major character death, post-shibuya incident arc, angst, minimal comfort, no shibuya spoilers read this before sleeping the other night and honestly how i managed to still fall asleep after was my body trying to protect me from full out bawling and having a mental breakdown...i don't think i've read a lot of MCD inuokko but god this one shook me to my core. almost like the feeling of loss and grief were bleeding through my phone screen. so well written and while it's definitely mostly painful, the ending....well you'll find out :')
a special occasion by Cheshire (2.5k) tags: idiots in love, established relationship, first dates this was so so cute...!!!!!!! panda: but aren't you two already dating? yuta: well yes! no. sorta, kinda. super cozy and fluffy read!!
is this how every day begins? by mitgi (5.4k) tags: roommates, living together, mutual pining, hurt/comfort, angst i will always love me a roommate au. this fic was such a lovely read and i'm actually going to reread this right after i finish writing this! there's so much to explore in inuokko's relationship and also when it's in different settings. every time i think about how the actual source material are literal crumbs, i'm just even more amazed by how writers are able to draw out the most of what info we have and write their mannerisms so well. it all feels right and so WARM UOGHHHHH
haunted by sieling_fan (3.3k)
tags: pining, hurt/comfort, canon typical angst, character study
you showed up just in time by diggingupthegrave (14.6k)
tags: time travel, friends to lovers, mutual pining, hurt/comfort, slight age gap
another diggingupthegrave fic that had me crying screaming shaking throwing up because god. this was so so good. the build up had me at the edge of my seat bc like oh my god what happened? what's happening?? why is this like that? @#$%^&*()_!!!!!!!!!!!!! and when it's all pieced together? oh it ended me. read this again and again for DAYS you would think i was researching it for a thesis or something. take your time reading this btw like im so serious.
okie that's all for me from now, i have so many more to rec honestly....sending out 100000000000 hearts to inuokko writers you are my roman empire....
#inuokko#ottoge#inumaki#yuuta#jujutsu kaisen#jjk#fic rec#inumaki toge#okkotsu yuuta#okkotsu yuta#asks
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Oshi No Ko Chapter 146 - My Thoughts/Analysis
This chapter was mostly setup, but I do think there are a couple of nuggets of wisdom to be gleaned here, so I’ll get right to that. Spoilers for Oshi No Ko Ch146 below.
So we return to the movie filming with Fril as Airi and Aqua as Hikaru. This is an interesting confrontation—especially the part where FrilAiri mentions that Taiki is Hikaru’s child. Whether or not the actual Hikaru knew beforehand that Taiki was his child is up in the air, as well as whether or not this scene even happened in reality are interesting questions that we likely won’t have the answer to unless we get it from Hikaru himself.
The expressions here are just superb, I have to say. And Aqua with black star eyes again…Can’t say I’m surprised, really, since he tends to do this when he gets into highly emotional acting, and while I think his current “default” state is white star eyes, he’s already shown a tendency to activate his dual black star eyes when acting with emotion, as we’ve previously seen in the Tokyo Blade arc.
We cut to another movie scene with Hikaru and Ai. And the fact that it’s labeled misunderstanding is quite a loaded name for the scene in particular. Ai’s answer to Hikaru here…it’s certainly an honest answer, which I think makes his reaction after this scene so…well, perhaps devastated isn’t strong enough a term for it. He knows that she’s being truthful and that makes it all the worse. Having the scene cut away like that without a continuation for Ai following up on her words leaves a bad taste in my mouth. It’s the perfect time to explore these characters, even if it’s only a muddled version of them.
What the—so many scenes passing by without any spotlight??? You’d think they’d show all these scenes—the scene labeled AI’s rejection in particular—but what the hell?
On one hand I understand why—the pacing of this arc is already quite disjointed and choppy so we need to pick up the pace, but with how things have been proceeding—just skipping all these scenes over doesn’t sit right with me. Because by skipping these scenes—unless they show what really happened later down the line—the manga is essentially saying that these scenes don’t matter for the narrative at large, which is a tough pill to swallow considering these scenes might be integral for the reader to get a better insight on Ai and Hikaru’s characters, even if they’re obscured through the movie like this.
Really, it might’ve been better to have the movie filming be done while other arcs were happening at the same time. Productions, as I’ve noted before, often take months for everything to get to a stage where they can actually film—and the filming often takes large gaps of time before everything is slated for editing. You can’t just show parts of a movie production and then tell me that there was nothing narratively relevant in the long stretches of time between takes for the movie. Especially because of the haymakers that were Chapters 123 and 143. We need to get used to the new normal between the protagonists and how they think about their current situation!
The disconnected pacing and implicit time skips are already dragging the arc down. I keep on mentioning it because there’s such an easy fix for this issue. Just expand the arc’s scope as a B-plot within a series of other arcs so that the pacing doesn’t feel so simultaneously bloated and at the same time too fast-paced. Let the characters' circumstances sink in for the readers so that we can explore them better over a longer period of time. But I digress. I’ll have yet more thoughts about this arc’s pacing when it finishes, I’m sure.
Back to the chapter. We see Aqua staring grumpily at the script, two black stars in his eyes. The aftereffects of his emotional acting at work—getting close to Hikaru mentally, or at least his perceived image of Hikaru. It’s worth noting once again that Aqua’s just going off of guesswork—unless those thrice blasted CDs are going to come out of nowhere to joss my theories again. I do wonder how he thinks of Hikaru now, though, after Aqua tried to get into his head with the script and understanding his backstory.
A wild Kana appears! Let’s see where this trainwreck goes.
Oh damn Aqua with his suicidal ideation in front of Kana. That’s really surprising. He’s been open to her before, but he’s very rarely let his true thoughts and feelings become evident for a variety of reasons. Mostly because Kana isn’t really the best person to talk to for these sort of emotional heart-to-heart conversations.
And of course tsunderes are not good therapists. This attempt at supporting Aqua through his issues is so very in-character for her that I just laughed out loud reading it. I’m not sure what anybody expected considering how insensitive Kana is in general. Her heart’s in the right place, but those words were almost certainly not the right ones to use. If this was Aqua of the pre-143, or if he were more mentally ill, then this entire conversation could’ve backfired immensely on her.
Aqua saying that he has fun with Kana when he’s with her is both fitting and hilarious. On one hand, it’s fitting because she has the least baggage compared to the main cast, on the other, it’s hilarious because she doesn’t understand Aqua’s Issues(™) at all. She doesn’t examine Aqua’s problem or take the time to get into any introspection to why Aqua behaved like that in the first place, instead focusing on her delusions of a potential romance with him instead of on Aqua himself. If a friend of mine behaved like that in front of me, I’d be a bit more thoughtful when dealing with any sort of suicidal ideation instead of brushing it off in favor of stewing in her own hopeless delusions.
“It’s like he’s saying that we’re compatible indirectly.” Someone please escort this romcom character off my screen before I lose more braincells watching her. Please, thank you. Her chances at the Aquabowl have already cratered since she lied to Aqua saying that she doesn’t see him as a romantic partner, so stringing this up further is just adding insult to injury. It would almost be kind of sad, but I’ve lost the majority of my sympathy for Kana as a person this far into the series.
We’re cutting to Ruby now. And in a shrine, no less. Wonder if we’re getting into more supernatural setup.
Oh. My. God. Well, well. I was wondering when Hikaru would be showing up, but I didn’t think it would be this direct—he’s obviously been stalking Ruby, since I don’t believe for a second that this meeting was left up to chance. I do also recall that Crow Girl said that she was going to give Ruby some punishment last chapter but I had hoped that she’d thrown that plan away!
Okay—okay. I have Thoughts on this chapter as a whole, both on the Aqua-Kana chip scene and the Ruby-Hikaru scene.
Kana cheering up Aqua with the chips combination is very…I don’t want to say unnecessary, because I understand what the authors were trying to go for. Aqua’s going to need other people in order to help him get out of his rut, a support system to help him deal with the symptoms of his other issues. I just don’t see why this couldn’t have been done with some of the other people in Aqua’s life. Akane, Mem-cho, Taiki, Miyako, hell, even Melt could’ve done almost the same thing that Kana’s doing to raise Aqua’s spirits and get their own thoughts on this whole production.
Kana’s okay for this purpose, I guess, but she’s already had more than enough screentime during the production that could’ve been used for some of our other cast members. They brought back Taiki, Melt, and even Akane for this, so where’s their contribution to the narrative during this arc?
It also bellies another problem I have with this entire scene—Kana is a breath of fresh air from the dreary scenes we’d seen in the chapter before, but it seems like in this scene she’s only being used for the purpose of setting the ambience back to something that more lighthearted when instead the tone of the scene can and should be done otherwise. Is it necessary for this scene to lift up the reader’s spirits after the first few scenes of the movie filming? No, especially with the ending of the chapter leaving us off on a cliffhanger. It breaks the tone that was presented to us at the start of the chapter and leaves this conversation looking out of place considering how serious the topics were at first. It’s as if the manga itself isn’t confident enough with its tone that it has to lighten up the reader’s spirits through Kana.
I also think it’s of some note that I don’t think this conversation “saved” Aqua in any capacity. Kana shook Aqua out of his funk while he was feeling the residual emotions of emotional acting. If this was Aqua pre-143 I doubt we’d be seeing his white star eyes return to him in this conversation, especially since we’d already seen Aqua and Kana interact with pre-143 with black star eyes, and nowhere in their numerous conversations did Aqua regain his white star eyes.
The scene with Ruby and Hikaru though…I’d been wondering when he’d be showing up in this arc, but this was a big surprise. I’d expected that he’d be showing up close to the end of the movie production, but having him appear here also leaves the door open for more of his interference with the movie filming.
I will say that unless he has a good reason for it, approaching Ruby like this is almost certainly a bad move. He’s already cottoned onto the fact that Aqua’s making the movie for revenge, and it’s not a leap to assume that he’s gotten Ruby on board with his plans in the first place. It’d be safer to assume that both of the twins know what Hikaru look like, so him approaching Ruby out in the open is showing his hand too soon. There has to be a reason for that other than whim.
I don’t think he wants to kill Ruby or Aqua. Even if he did, he wouldn’t be killing Ruby here. Of his two murders(and I’ll put a pin in the fact that whether or not he killed Ai is still up in the air) he’s always either proxies or used indirect means to kill his victims. Being face to face with Ruby here, like this, doesn’t fit his modus operandi. It’d be too messy to kill her with his DNA all over the scene, in an area where there could be witnesses.
He already has access to both the script and information about the movie thanks to Kaburagi, and so he has all the ammunition he needs to shut down the production if necessary. Letting the movie continue on like this—even if it doesn’t have his name on it—is risky enough that it’d be better to err on the side of caution. So that leads me to think that he either can’t get it shut down, which is doubtful when he’s allied with Kaburagi in some manner, or he wants the production to continue, which already casts doubt on his motives in general.
The fact of the matter is that there’s so much we don’t know about Hikaru and his motives for much of anything. His appearance in Ch109 with him killing Yura feels to me both a red herring and an intentional misdirect. We’ve already seen characters say one thing and think and or act contrary to their words, so it wouldn’t be out of place. We think we know him through the movie script, but that movie was both supposed to be about Ai, and also made for the purpose of Aqua’s revenge scheme. Aqua thinks he has a grasp on Hikaru’s character, but we’d already seen him be wrong about Hikaru once, when Aqua thought he was dead, and unless he has some sort of special insight through those blasted DVDs, we’re once again left mostly in the dark regarding his true character.
But now that he’s actually shown up in front of our main cast, we might get some answers to the questions that have been plaguing us from the start of the series. I desperately need to know why he’s interested in Ruby and not as much towards Aqua. The obvious answer is because Ruby is paralleling Ai, and Aqua’s paralleling Hikaru himself, but that feels much too easy on my part. Either way, with the cliffhanger, I wouldn’t be surprised if we get to delve into his character a lot more during the next chapter.
#oshi no ko#onk#oshi no ko analysis#my analysis#onk spoilers#onk 146#hope i'm not late to next week's chapter!
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Vol17, Ch146
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hi this is the link to the story check it out if you have the time —-> Free Akumas (86240 words) by DireWolf501 Chapters: 220/? Fandom: Miraculous Ladybug Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir/Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Alya Césaire/Nino Lahiffe, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir & Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Luka Couffaine/Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Marc Anciel/Nathaniel Kurtzberg, Juleka Couffaine/Rose Lavillant, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir/Luka Couffaine, Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug/Félix Graham de Vanily, Alya Césaire & Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir/Kagami Tsurugi, Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug/Kagami Tsurugi, Plagg/Tikki (Miraculous Ladybug), Chloé Bourgeois & Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug & Tikki, Chloé Bourgeois/Sabrina Raincomprix, Alix Kubdel/Lê Chiến Kim, Alix Kubdel & Nathaniel Kurtzberg, Juleka Couffaine & Luka Couffaine, Juleka Couffaine & Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Anarka Couffaine & Juleka Couffaine & Luka Couffaine, Max Kanté/Lê Chiến Kim, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir & Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug & Plagg & Tikki Characters: OC akumas, Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir, Alya Césaire, Nino Lahiffe, Chloé Bourgeois, Plagg (Miraculous Ladybug), Tikki (Miraculous Ladybug), Gabriel Agreste | Papillon | Hawk Moth, Luka Couffaine, Juleka Couffaine, Félix Graham de Vanily, Anarka Couffaine, Kagami Tsurugi, Lila Rossi, Nathalie Sancoeur, Rose Lavillant, Sabrina Raincomprix Additional Tags: Feel free to leave a comment if you write a story with one of these Akumas!, Tagging for visibilty because two tags is not enough, Free Akumas, Akumas, Original Akumas, Minor Original Character(s), Original Character(s), POV Minor Character, Minor Character Death, Not a member of MLBCN, in CH28, Mentions of Transphobia in CH67, Suggestions of Parental Abuse in CH83, Dark imagery in CH89, Mentions of Chronic pain and fallout CH122, School shooting in CH126, Comatose Patient in CH136, Stalker in CH146, Implied addiction caused by Akuma in CH150, Several for CH158: Attempted sexual assault; Dub-con; Call girl; Prostitution; pushy men; Edging, Sex Pollen, Suggestions of Seppuku in CH160, child kidnapping in CH163, Grief and PTSD in CH164, Car Accidents in CH166, Loss of a loved one in CH180, Animal Abuse in CH178, Missing child in 179, Mental Abuse in CH185, Suggestions of Rape in CH186, Racism in CH187, Abuse and Night terrors and Maiming in CH193, Contemplations of Suicide and Medical and emotional distress in CH197, Body Horror in CH204 Series: Part 1 of Free Akuma Summary: This is a collection of Akumas that I have set free to the fanfiction world for anyone to use in their own stories. Want to set yours free too? Use the survey at the end of each chapter! If you've spotted an Akuma, leave a comment on their page describing their adventures and what story they're in! And if you’ve used a Free Akuma, use the Free Akuma tag so we can find them!
I’m actually subscribed to this :)
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Sorry I didn't post anything about csm ch146, I just really. Didn't know what to say that hadn't already been said. It was a very overwhelming chapter! Honestly, same with this chapter, 147. I do however feel it in my bones, that Quanxi will become a plot convenience, and I am afraid that she'll be reduced to that as a character.

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Prince of Death ch146
Prince of Death - Chapter 146 - catcas22 - Elden Ring (Video Game) [Archive of Our Own]
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Bell Ch146 Griffon Sar Hawaiian Shirt In... Get here: https://superhyp.com/product/bell-ch146-griffon-sar-hawaiian-shirt/?feed_id=21112&_unique_id=64fae1ae6f34c
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Royal Canadian Air Force 427 Bell CH 146 Griffon Special Operations Aviation Squadron Hawaiian Shirt
The Royal Canadian Air Force's 427 Bell CH 146 Griffon Special Operations Aviation Squadron has a long and proud history in the skies over Canada. Formed in 1954 as a helicopter squadron, the Griffons have flown many missions in support of Canada's national interests, including search and rescue, reconnaissance and surveillance, and aerial transport.In 1984, the Griffons received their first turboprop aircraft, and in 1988 they became the first Canadian air force squadron to fly the CH146 Griffon. The CH146 is an advanced rotary wing aircraft designed for special operations tasks such as infiltration, exfiltration, surveillance and transport.The Griffons are currently based at CFB Trenton in Ontario, and make frequent deployments to international hotspots such as Afghanistan and Haiti. They also participate in airshows around North America.Their distinctive Hawaiian shirt is a popular item of clothing among members of the squadron. The shirt features a brightly-coloured floral print on a black background, with the squadron's logo prominently displayed on the front.
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Rambling about Fairies - Manga Chapter 146 + 80
Gonna ramble a bit on Celestial Spirit headcanons for a bit. These dresses were definitely the prototype concept for Star Dresses, but I really like to think of the different clothing as ways to characterise the spirits themselves, too.
Virgo gives Lucy a cute, off-shoulder, backless dress that’s logically not very practical for battle, but it is light on the fabric and thus doesn’t get in the way of a nimble fighter like Virgo. Virgo herself doesn’t wear the most practical clothing, but it’s going on the whole ‘fitting, less flappyness’ sort of look that focuses on trying to look super cute while not being too obstructive, at the risk of being too sexy. Virgo doesn’t care if she flashes the crowd or gets set up for a wardrobe malfunction, that’s why it works for her. Virgo even goes as far as to do Lucy’s hair into pigtails and put her emblem as a pin on the bandages. It’s a bit unnecessary, but it definitely marks the degree of detail and care Virgo takes as a maid, always ensuring great presentation despite her rough fighting style.
In contrast to this, Cancer gives Lucy a long, flowy dress that is wildly impractical for battle but looks absolutely gorgeous, befitting of something a stylist would give a model to walk on the runway.
Once again, this isn’t practical for battle at all-- it’s in the way of everything, her hair is style and not very secured, there are so many elements to this dress, and it probably gets in the way of Lucy’s cheerleader-esque agility. But this is Cancer’s choice of clothing, and Cancer chose to make Lucy look gorgeous despite everything that’s happening around them. His priorities in the situation was Lucy’s physical appearance, rather than mobility. He didn’t care if Lucy was going tower-climbing, he’s here to make her look like a princess. And Lucy’s fine with that. And that’s also why it gets torn up very quickly for the Vidaldus fight. It’s a bit of a lesson learned for all of them.
I do wonder, if Mashima continued to focus on characterisation rather than sex appeal and fanservice, how their dresses could be today.
#rambling about fairies#fairy tail#ch146#ch80#nirvana arc#i'm reaching#it's a headcanon#the menace celestials
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Just like you
#one piece#sanji#black leg sanji#everysanji#baroque works#drum island#ch146#crossed out bc its like. what i assume chopper's thoughts are
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146408 CH146 by DJRXXS
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What makes this so poignant for me, is I don’t think Sanji knows the weight the word “monster” has to Chopper. Kureha told Nami a bit of backstory, while Sanji and Luffy weren’t paying any attention to Chopper’s reaction to know how upset he was that they called him a monster about 5 chapters back. The backstory was given to the audience only; it wasn’t something one character was expositing for another.
So, yeah. Maybe Sanji knows that Chopper overheard them calling him a monster earlier and is trying to let him know that they don’t consider his “monsterness” a bad thing, but more likely he’s just answering the question, with no added attempts at guile or persuasion attached.
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Ch146: Tableau Vivant
While looking to identify a painting in ch151, I was reminded of ch146 and the discussion between Sebastian and Pitt, the photographer. So, I went back to it to look for clues about a specific painting. Sebastian says “The Legend of King Arthur”, and the text bubble is over a part of a wall hanging that must represent the painting that’s mentioned.

What I’d never really noticed before is that the “tableau” in question is shown almost in full just a moment later. It’s the drapery covering the entrance to the back rooms. Just a potential backdrop for photos.

So, all this time I had been trying to figure out if it was code for a very specific escape plan, with a very specific ultimate destination (like France)... when it’s really just about getting through the back rooms and into the sewers.
Well... 🐀 🐀 🐀.
Makes me wonder what other “tableau vivant” options there are in that studio.... 🤔
#black butler#sebastian michaelis#mr pitt#lark photographic studio#ch146#the legend of king arthur#tableau vivant#code word
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I recently read through the Green witch arc, and I can’t help but wonder if the cover of 145 is supposed to be a hint that we(they) are going back to Germany, seeing how similar the aesthetics are.

Also, most likely, a telegram will get to Diedrich.

I also wonder how long will Lau stay around for... Will he be the place to “rest and gather their thoughts” or will he be... more?
Hmm. Imagine what could be written in that telegram to Diedrich, though. xD
#kuroshitsuji#black butler#diedrich#ch146#ch145#ch147?#lau#i would pay anything to see our ciel explain to diedrich#you see#i am the other one#the shy one#remember me?#lol#and diedrich be like#like father like SON#haha
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