officialtokyosan · 1 year
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rei was so right about this
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salteytakesonmanga · 1 year
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There are a lot of things about Hiriluk’s story that I think are wonderful and touching, but something I can never get over is that most of the time he was wrong.
He was wrong to do this to Chopper, driving him out and acting like he no longer cared about him. He thought that by driving him away he would spare Chopper the pain of watching him die. But if he had succeeded Chopper’s heart may have never recovered, he could have thought nobody would love and accept him and he would have become an angry, lonely, mistrustful person.
I think Hiriluk did this because he is, frankly, stupid. He made bad decisions from a place of love, assuming he knew what was best for people. He was too focused on his own death specifically without remembering that the reason death is painful is because of the loss. Between losing Hiriluk to rejection or losing him to disease, Chopper would still be alone. But at least with the latter he would have fond memories instead of bitterness.
Obviously that’s not exactly how it works out, but every time I read this I think about how almost everything Hiriluk did made things worse. AND YET, there was still a lot of valuable things that came from his choices.
I do love a complex character.
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cashmoneychiyo · 1 year
I love nozachiyo chapters because there is no development, only laughs
me posting this Ch138-related ask after releasing NozaChiyo crumbs in Ch142:
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gri1evances · 1 month
reading through berserk (currently at ch142), here's two panel redraws (2nd is a wip)
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midnight-in-town · 1 year
AnE ch142 be like:
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wdym they are okay with letting Shiemi, Shura, Lightning and co sacrifice themselves while they go on to survive and avenge them “later”????!!!
Mephy what have you done to them, plz explain
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dreams-cynicism · 1 year
Chapter 72/chapter 141 parallels
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Remember what happened after ch72? It’s a good time to be nervous about ch142
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littlemonstert-blog · 2 years
Kurenia Yuhi
Doing Intresting secondary characters or groups that deserve more screen time but pushed back due to the Uchiha Lore (Ughh)
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Kurenai is considered a respectable genjutsu user. It was basically her speciality and she was overall one of the strongest Jonin in Konoha at the time.
(It’s pretty sad, Kurenia and Asuma deserved more screen time. Even though Asuma had a few moments in Konoha Crush, had a fight with Akatsuki member. Still wasn’t enough for alot of people.)
then comes the fight with itachi and kisame
Add to the fact she’d even only just become a Jonin by the time of that encounter, so it’s to be expected that she wouldn’t be “in the know”. ch43
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Combine this with her not really knowing much about Itachi (Basically from a bingo book)other than the basics that she had been told and a vague overall level of how strong he might be and I can understand why she herself thought genjutsu might work against him. chap 141-142
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An underreated feat that she did: chap 141
Kurenai being able to break out of his genjutsu, dodge an attack, and then block another one, is just good for her (hell, Itachi complimented her) 
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She didn’t have a ton of experience in dealing with the Sharingan as for years the one person she knew with the eye was Kakashi and he never really used any Genjutsu with it.
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really weren’t too many people alive that knew the true extent of how powerful Itachi’s eyes were (Kisame, Obito, etc). Kakashi (somebody who was stronger than Kurenai and also possessed the Sharingan) was caught off guard by how  strong Itachi was even though the two had worked together years back in the ANBU.
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Itachi Uchiha was known to be capable of using powerful Genjutsu..
 nobody was expecting this: ch142
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People really try to clown her when this was the first time  Mangekyō Sharingan was introduced.
You guys should really reread chap 140- 142 bc everyone basically needed to help each other fighting itachi and kisame .It was Guy that step up and saved everyone
also wonder how she leads her team and what dynamic they had: Databooks say she is the “big sister type” always invested in the growth and care of her students.
I could also image the crazy genjutsu that we could be shown that wasn’t uchiha based ( yeah, I’m still salty)
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chidoroki · 1 year
For the queen who killed her father, it's in one of her flash back
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but you were right, it wasn't the king who was with Julius, but it's not clear of "when" it happened.
I thougth that it was just after the promise because she doesn't seems to be the kind of demon who make compromises (even her brother Leuvis is more easy to talk with and it's already a lot)
I'm actually surprised that she waited 1000 years to try to take a genious kid from The One. I don't think that Norman was the only one genious in 1000 years \_(:/)_/ I know that genious are kinda rares but in 1000 years, there had s had a lot of children, some must have been very smart. maybe because now they were more equiped to detect kids like Norman?
Also for Ray's watch, i think i read it in a interview where people asked if Isabella had given gifts to the other children, like she did for Conny, and the answer were yes and that Ray had had a pocket watch and Emma a music box. But sorry i can't find again the link of the interview =(
Ah, you're completely right. Looking back, that's from ch152 and something I clearly had no memory of until now.. oops. It's that flashback of Julius from ch142 that threw me off since he mentions making the deal with the queen, so I thought the demon he faced in those panels was just a younger version of Legravalima, not her father.
Pfftt, Legravalima is definitely the most selfish out of that entire family. Emma was brave enough to try and reason with Leuvis back at Goldy Pond, can you imagine if she had the chance to talk-no-jutsu the queen? It would be the shortest conversation ever. Leuvis entertained Emma's ideas because she brought back some excitement into his life and wanted a thrilling hunt; the queen would straight up just eat her with no questions asked.
It is kinda hard to believe that during all those 1,000 years that no other child managed to reach the level of intelligence that Norman had. I would think that maybe the royals weren't aware of such premium quality meat since they're always offered up to the demon god instead, but there are so many children born each year in order to keep up with the hungry demands of the demon society and Norman is the highest grade ever? Crazy. (Isabella raised him well.)
Ohh, I vaguely remember hearing about Emma getting a music box too.. kinda bummed we never saw it in the manga/anime. It's alright that you can't find the interview! Isabella giving gifts to her children is believable enough.
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catcas22 · 11 months
Prince of Death ch142
Prince of Death - Chapter 142 - catcas22 - Elden Ring (Video Game) [Archive of Our Own]
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humanoidtiephoon · 1 year
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Some crumbs of Nozaki *finally* developing some emotions
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salteytakesonmanga · 1 year
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The explanation Hiriluk gives for Chopper’s name is cute and all, but there was a reason they used to call doctors “Chopper.”
In situations where doctors didn’t have access to resources or tools - military doctors on a battlefield, ship’s doctors out at sea, or country doctors in small towns - sometimes the only treatment available was, well, the chop. Sometimes the best option for an infected wound was to amputate (hence the other gruesome nickname for doctors, “sawbones”) and hope for the best. Without antibiotics, it usually didn’t end well.
So giving the Straw Hat’s doctor the name Chopper is some pretty dark humor from Oda.
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nagirambles · 2 years
Rambling about Fairies - Manga Chapter 142
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The anime does a sharp cut of Gray getting hit and flung away before he’s knocked out, but in the manga it’s much more--- well, as you can see, he gets grabbed and choked. This, along with Gray already being out of magic from the previous fight, justifies him being taken out so easily, I guess.
This may just be an artistic choice, but I find it interesting that Sherry’s Wood Doll has a different design from usual.
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Compared to the one just before it in the Racer Fight:
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She usually goes for big, hulking tree monsters, rather than something that looks like a human-sized, thin and withered treant. (They’re both treants but I hope you get my point) While her dolls always had the whole debatably ‘creepy-cute’ thing going on, now it’s just creepy, all the cuteness sucked out of her with her 'good’, due to the Nirvana. 
You could even say this smaller evil Wood Doll is more tactically advantageous than her usual ones. She usually relies on brute strength, just batting things with oversized projectiles or arms, but now, she goes for capture and strangulation, which is much more tactical because her dolls give her the strength to do what her thin arms can’t. 
Nirvana didn’t just make her switch moral sides, it switched out her battle style to something that’s the complete opposite, too. 
This would have been a really cool point for her that made her change the way she fights, with wits rather than charging through with bludgeon tactics that doesn’t suit her appearance. Heck, she was strong enough to give Gray trouble with this strategy, weakened or not. 
But alas, Sherry never gets another fight after this, so it never came into play.
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abybweisse · 3 years
Hey✨ as I finished the manga, for now, I noticed sth abt real Ciel when he returns back. He says one thing, but does completely other things. For example, he says how much he missed and loves his brother, but backstabs him next second. Then, he says he wishes to be closer to o!ciel, but makes him a rival. He’s happy that o!ciel’s business goes well, but orders to burn the toys. Like wth is in his mind? Could he be extremely manipulative or !maybe! mentally ill?... after all he went through🧐
He also says (in ch140) he’d never forgive anyone who calls his younger twin a liar… and then says nothing to Lizzie when she does exactly that (ch142/143). Is real Ciel never going to forgive Lizzie for that?
I think it’s important to remember real Ciel is not alive and is essentially programmed on “episodes” that Undertaker strung together from real Ciel’s own cinematic records. Undertaker tells us those episodes are “future memories” that flash before a person’s eyes just before they die… and that real Ciel was “chock full of them”. It’s possible that he’s got a bunch of conflicting episodes that make him a bit unstable. It’s also possible he’s always been rather fickle, and I suspect that might be the case. Both of these things could even be happening at once, making him repeatedly contradict himself.
And yeah, he’s also definitely very manipulative… just like our earl and Vincent… and probably everyone else who’s ever held the position of Queen’s Watchdog.
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opbackgrounds · 5 years
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So in case anyone needs a refresher, after being humiliated by Cobra at the Reverie, Wapol decides to take petty revenge by slapping Vivi upside the face because he’s, as I’m sure I’ve already established, an asshat. 
Instead of making a scene Vivi, who is at this time but a smol child, apologizes to Wapol, thus avoiding what could have blown up into an international incident. It’s one of those instances of regal grace that, when done poorly, can come off as cliche and trite, like a Disney Princess dialed up to eleven.
What sets this scene apart, I think, is that Oda doesn’t stop here. He shows the cost of Vivi’s sacrifice
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Being slapped across the face really freaking hurts, and Vivi feels that pain. But she accepts it anyway, giving up her right to personal justice for the sake of a greater peace. 
Which is noble (pun totally intended) but when does self-sacrifice for the greater good simply become self-sacrifice for the sake of sacrifice? That’s the question Vivi will have to wrestle with later on during the Alabasta arc.  
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10thitsugaya · 4 years
I’m here again to scream about chapter 142 of Jujutsu Kaisen.
Choso is right on his monologue about “older siblings”. If the younger sibling sees their old brother/sister they can take, then, the right path.
Basically, the older ones are supposed to be the trailblazer to the younger ones.
“You asked why I’m though. I’ll tell you. It’s because I didn’t have someone to guide me, so I kept making mistakes. Nonetheless, I must walk ahead of my little brothers. That’s why I’m strong.”
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inuzukicos · 6 years
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⚠️Chapter 142 Spoiler!⚠️
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