#ch. netto
avefausa · 2 years
i’m a little lazy right now, but in the meantime, the new card is up with at least the muse list; most characters do not have pages yet.
also gonna drop tags in this post.
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L’azienda Energy specializzata in sistemi di accumulo per l’ energia rinnovabili si espande
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Energy, azienda specializzata in sistemi di accumulo per l’energia rinnovabili acquisisce la maggioranza di Enermore. Il closing dell’operazione, che avverrà per cassa e valuta Enermore circa 2,2 milioni di euro, è atteso entro la metà di giugno.  Con questa mossa, si legge in una nota della società,  Energy intente rafforzare la propria presenza nell’area Germania-Austria-Svizzera (D-A-CH) e ampliare i suoi servizi tecnici nel settore delle rinnovabili. Nel 2023 Energy aveva già acquisito la compagnia di software EnergyInCloud. Enermore è una società specializzata nella consulenza, progettazione, installazione e manutenzione di sistemi di accumulo di grande taglia. Nel 2023 ha registrato un fatturato di 3,8 milioni di euro con un ebitda di 0,5 milioni e una posizione finanziaria netta attesa di circa 1,2 milioni di euro alla data del closing. Il gruppo Energy, in cui Enermore entra, ha invece chiuso il 2023 con ricavi pari a 63,3 milioni e un utile netto di 5,6 milioni.   Al termine dell’operazione la governance di Enermore, che continuerà a operare con il suo brand, sarà affidata a un consiglio di amministrazione nel quale Energy deterrà la maggioranza.   «L’acquisizione di Enermore porta con sé numerosi vantaggi», commenta Davide Tinazzi, amministratore delegato di Energy. «Il gruppo Energy potrà ora offrire un maggiore supporto ingegneristico nelle fasi di progettazione e realizzazione di impianti di medie e grandi dimensioni, migliorando la quantità e la qualità dei servizi per i nostri clienti. Inoltre, Enermore rappresenta un punto di accesso strategico per il nostro consolidamento nel mercato D-A-CH».  Read the full article
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1vqio2q-es-stuff-blog · 11 months
MIESZKANIE JEST ZROBIONE NA NOWO OD ZERA LOKALIZACJA: Mieszkanie położone w Rumi Torowa 3. Skm 700 m do stacji Rumia Centrum.Blisko do przystanku autobusowego. W pobliżu szkoła, przedszkola, przychodnia, poczta i biblioteka. Blok znajduje się blisko terenów zielonych i rekreacyjnych, pełnego zaplecza handlowo-usługowego oraz w doskonałym punkcie komunikacyjnym. Tuż przy bloku są boiska, plac zabaw. OBOK NETTO, BIEDRONKA,CH ABRAHAM BUDYNEK: 10-piętrowy budynek z lat 80-tych, w dobrym stanie technicznym i wizualnym. W tym momencie nowa elewacja i balkony dzięki prężnie działającej Spółdzielni . Ogrzewanie i ciepła woda z sieci miejskiej. MIESZKANIE i POMIESZCZENIA Mieszkanie dwupokojowe zlokalizowane 3 piętrze w bloku z windą Na powierzchnię 36 m2 składają się: - pokój dzienny - salon w kształcie kwadratu, - mały pokój sypialnia w kształcie kwadratu, - kuchnia z oknem, INDUKCJA PIEKARNIK (NOWE) - łazienka oraz przedpokój. ATUTY: -Piwnica o pow. 2 m2, -Balkon, -Niskie opłaty, -Mieszkanie posiada księgę wieczystą -Mieszkanie czyste prawnie i nie zadłużone. ZAPRASZAM NA PREZENTACJĘ
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marcogiovenale · 11 months
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Antwort auf Wieviel Geld (Einkommen, netto) brauchst Du im Monat, um ein, Deiner Definition nach, gutes Leben zu führen? von Hinnerk Kändler https://de.quora.com/Wieviel-Geld-Einkommen-netto-brauchst-Du-im-Monat-um-ein-Deiner-Definition-nach-gutes-Leben-zu-f%C3%BChren/answer/Hinnerk-K%C3%A4ndler?ch=18&oid=196253611&share=c704b509&srid=jzCOl&target_type=answer
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samdelpapa · 3 years
Le tasse a fondo perduto sono troppe alte lo volete capire o no?
SVIZZERA vs ITALIA Reddito procapite CH = 82.796 - ITA 34.483 Eu anno TASSE SVIZZERA Reddito lordo operaio 3.439 Eu
Reddito netto operio 2.908 Eu Potere d'acquisto 61% Reddito Irpef 7,7% + Inps 8,4% = 15,4% Consumi : Indirette dentro i prezzi 23% +7,7% Iva + 0,3% locali = 29% - Totale (39,63%) TASSE ITALIA Reddito lordo operaio 2.400 Eu
Reddito netto operaio 1.238 Eu Potere d'acquisto 12% Reddito : Irpef 23% + Inps 33% = 49% Consumi : Indiette 64,8% dentro i prezzi + 22% iva (71%) + 3% locali = (88%) Qual'è il problema l'euro ? Quale dei due paesi è piu' vicino alle tasse ideali a fondo perduto ? Marco Cristofoli Moneta Pubblica
Copia e incolla
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graglithans-library · 4 years
Welcome to Paris, Fur-ance Ch 4:  Language Barriers, Friendship, and... Akumas!?
Firstly, I would like to apologize for the late upload on this chapter. Thanksgiving distracted me. So this chapter, and the next will be up sometime today! Please enjoy.
Ladybug swung overhead as she scanned the streets, growling in frustration as she still couldn’t find the tanuki from earlier. “Where did she go? She couldn’t have gotten that far, right?” Sighing, she landed on a roof and pulled up her communicator. She immediately called Chat and tapped her foot as it rang.
‘Cat got your tongue? Leave a message!’ Ladybug let out a frustrated groan until her communicator went off, showing a call from Chat. With a sigh of relief, she flipped open the bug-phone and saw Chat smiling at her. “Evening, My Lady. Sorry for not answering right away. Baton was stuck.”
“That’s alright, Chat” Sighing, she rubbed her head and frowned. “I haven’t been able to find the girl from earlier or see the Akuma running around. We may need to head home and wait until they show themselves again.”
“That... might cause some problems. I did find someone over here, but they were not a tanuki.”  Wincing, Chat grimaced as the background shifted.
The change wasn’t unnoticed by his partner. ‘Looks like he was lying down for a moment. I wonder why?’ Ladybug furrowed her brow, concern flashing in her eyes. “What do you mean?”
Chat popped his back and rolled his neck. “There was a werewolf just standing on top of the Eiffel Tower. I did try to confront him, but he knocked me down without even trying!” He got a pop out of his shoulder and sighed before glancing at his ring. “What’s weird is that even though he could have easily done it, he didn’t even ask for the Miraculous.”
“He didn’t?” Ladybug blinked in surprise, a hand subconsciously moving towards her earrings before she stopped herself. Putting a hand on her chin in thought, she let out a small hum. “Then again, the tanuki didn’t either. Though she also couldn’t speak French, which could be part of it as well.”
Chat shook his head with a small frown. “Well, this guy could. The moment I even mentioned the tanuki, he got really aggressive, demanding to know where she was.”
Ladybug nodded a bit as she looked back to Chat. “It’s likely they know each other then. I can’t say what kind of relationship they have, though. Either way, there’s no way a werewolf or a tanuki girl could stay hidden in Paris for long. We’ll just have to be patient and wait to see if they show up anywhere.”
Chat gave a quick nod along with his two-finger salute. “If that’s the case, I’m going to go and see if I can’t find a way to explain away the sprain. Take care, My Lady!”
“You too, and good luck, Chat.” Closing the communicator, Ladybug looked around to make sure she was still alone before dropping her transformation with a long, drawn-out sigh. As Marinette slumped against the brick wall of the building, Tikki flew up to her face. “Today just keeps getting better and better.”
The kwami gave her a worried smile as she nuzzled into Marinette’s cheek. “It’s alright, Marinette. Whatever is going on, I’m sure you’ll figure it out.”
Looking up at the sky overhead, Marinette felt her worries start to build. “I hope so, Tikki.” Closing her eyes in thought, Marinette walked out of the alley and turned to head back to school, knowing they would be freaking out over her sudden disappearance.
Only to walk straight into someone running down the street. The two fell backward from the impact, and Marinette winced as her tailbone hit the concrete. Marinette groaned as she sat back up, rubbing her backside. She gasped for a moment and looked inside her purse, checking to find Tikki hiding and giving her a small nod. She sighed as whoever she’d run into scrambled back to their feet and offered a hand. “G-Gomen’nasai! Anata ni aimasendeshita.”
Marinette’s eyes widened as she froze for a moment. ‘Wait a second! That’ s-!’ Looking up in surprise, she found herself staring at a girl with an asymmetrical bob cut. Moreover, she had the exact outfit the tanuki from earlier was wearing. The two just stared at each other before Marinette’s brain finally sent something to her mouth. “Uh...”
Not the most elegant response, but it was very Marinette.
The girl blinked a bit before she facepalmed and grumbled under her breath. “Ā matte, Anata wa osoraku nihongo ga hanasemasen.”
Still, sitting on her butt, Marinette’s mind was racing. ‘This girl has to be the tanuki from earlier, I’m sure of it!’ Her face contorted a bit in thought as she eyed the lack of brown fur on the girl’s limbs. ‘So why does she look like an average person now? Were the amok’s effects temporary?’
If any more things went and threw a wrench in Marinette’s train of thought, she was sure the whole thing would derail and combust.
“Kagemori Michiru!”
Jumping a bit and looking back to the girl’s face, Marinette realized she was acting like a weirdo again. “Huh?”
The girl just smiled as she pulled Marinette to her feet before putting a hand on her chest. “Kagemori Michiru!”  
Marinette just stared at her in confusion before realization struck her. “Oh!” Offering a hand, she couldn’t help but blush in embarrassment. “Marinette Dupain-Cheng.”
After a quick handshake, Michiru rubbed her chin in thought. “Mari, netto?” Michiru mulled over the name for a moment, before her eyes snapped open and she gasped. “Ā! Wasureta!” Quickly darting around Marinette, she ran off down the street while waving behind her. “Sayōnara, Mari netto! Hajimemashite!”
“Wait! I-!” Marinette cried out, but the girl was gone from sight before she could take a step. Sighing, she put a hand to her head and started back towards the school. ‘Maybe I should ask Kagami for help on this one.’ Marinette immediately shook her head at the thought and frowned. ‘No, bad Marinette! Don’t assume your Japanese friend speaks Japanese. That’s rude.’ Still, she looked over her shoulder at where the girl had run off and hummed. “Kagemori Michiru, huh? At least I have a name for her now.” ‘The language barrier here is starting to get in the way, though. I should figure out a way around that for the next time we meet.'
“Nazuna!” Michiru jogged down the road looking around as she put her hands to her mouth. “Nazuna!” Going around a corner, Michiru grumbled. 'Where is she? Paris can’t be that big... Can it?’
Before she could ponder that thought any farther, however, someone stepped out of an alley, and Michiru ended up running into them. She fell back with a squawk and rubbed her backside before looking up and seeing a girl with pigtails doing the same. The girl let out a small gasp as she checked her purse, and Michiru hastily stood up, offering a hand. “Sorry! I didn’t see you.”
The girl seemed to freeze before she turned to look at Michiru. They both stared at each other before she finally said something. “Euh?”
Michiru just blinked a few times before she facepalmed. “Oh wait, you probably can’t speak Japanese.” ‘Seriously Michiru, good going. You forgot the French speak French.’
Looking back down at whoever this girl was, Michiru could see that they seemed lost in their thoughts, and were looking at her in surprise. ‘Is my fashion sense that bad? No. they’re probably supposed to be in school or something... wow, how long has it been since I’ve taken any classes? I should probably do that once we’re back in Anima City.'
Clearing her throat, Michiru put a thumb to her chest and smirked. “Kagemori Michiru!”
The girl jolted and looked at her in surprise. “Hein?”
Going to assume that was a huh and move from there. Fighting back a chuckle, Michiru pulled her to her feet and put a hand on her chest. “Kagemori, Michiru!”
There was a moment of staring before the message registered with the girl. “Oh!” A blush rushed across the girl’s face as she offered a hand. “Marinette Dupain-Cheng.”
The handshake wasn’t very long, and Michiru found herself mulling over the name. “Mari, nette?” ‘Kinda like Marie, but I don’t see this girl hustling me any time soon.’ Closing her eyes, Michiru let her thoughts wander. ‘Maybe I should ask Nazuna about it?’  
Her eyes snapped open, and Michiru gasped. “AH! I forgot!” Bolting past Marinette, Michiru waved behind her. “Goodbye, Marinette! Nice to meet you!”
The girl said something, but Michiru had already turned the corner and was charging down another street. She stopped next to a light pole and hummed, looking around. “Now, where the heck is Nazun-” An explosion ripped through the city, it’s shockwave sending Michiru flying through the air and flailing her non-flying human arms. “AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!?”
The poor girl landed straight into a garbage can, with only her legs sticking out. With a minute of struggling, she pulled herself out and looked around with a twitching eye. “What is wrong with this place? First crazy people in spandex, now random explosions? I thought this was the city of love!”
Another boom behind her sent a wave of dust past her, and she hesitantly turned around.
She wished she hadn’t.
This... wasn’t like the other guy in the Nirvasyl Syndrome suit. This person couldn’t be more than sixteen years old, but their skin had turned a strange shade of blue. They were wearing a billowing cloak only a few shades lighter than their skin, and it covered their whole body except for their arms. On their eyes, were a pair of goggles that kept dilating randomly as they looked around.
‘I have so many questions.’
“Où es-tu Marinette? Ce n'est pas très agréable de se cacher de ses amis!” the person shouted, twisting around to look down the streets. “Votre pauvre mère est si inquiète. Alors laissez-moi au moins l'aider à savoir où était sa fille pendant tout ce temps!”
‘Wait a second.’ Michiru paused as she hid behind the garbage can she’d been stuck in. ‘Isn’t Marinette the girl I just met? Could this guy be after her!? Peeking around the can to see if the weird person was looking at her, she quickly bolted for an alleyway. I gotta find her and warn her!’
Before Michiru could get to the alley, a blue ball shot past her and landed on the wall of one of the buildings, before blowing up and filling the gap with... safety foam!? “Wah!” Michiru ran smack into the blue foam, bouncing off and onto her back. “WHAT IS WRONG WITH PARIS!?”
The person was stalking towards her and was waving a finger at her. “Vous ... vous ressemblez à ce truc qui s'est présenté à l'école.”
Michiru sat up as she turned around, scooting back as much as she could, and raised both hands with an uneasy smile. “Um...I don’t speak French?”
Whipping their arm to the side, Michiru got a good look at the attire that the person was hiding under their cloak. A skin-tight suit was lined with several more of the blue spheres, and on their hip was what looked like a launcher for them. “Vous êtes donc cette chose d’avant!”
Fear paralyzed Michiru as she stared down the end of the launcher now pointed at her face. This was it. This was how she was going to die. Not in some lovely, peaceful cottage in the countryside. Not on some crazy mission with Shirou. No, she was going to be suffocated by safety foam in Paris, France, by a crazy person.
Until she heard someone shouting. “MICHIRU!”
Before the person, whoever they were, could look to see who had shouted, a large, pink, and fuzzy Gorilla-fist slammed into them, sending the assailant flying into a building down the road.
Panting heavily, Nazuna shifted her arms back down to normal before rushing over to Michiru and grabbing her by the head. “Are you alright?”
Michiru stared at her for a moment before tearing up and latching onto her friend with a bone-crushing hug. “Nazuna! I’m so happy you’re okay!”
Nazuna returned the hug with a laugh. “I’m glad you’re okay too.”
That’s when another girl ran up to the duo and looked apprehensive at the rubble in the distance. “We need to go.” She pulled Michiru up to her feet and flinched when the building she sent the person flying into exploded.
The blue person stepped free from the rubble, goggles broken and a red eye glaring at the trio. “Vous êtes plus nombreux!?” The person growled before raising their launcher again. “Peu importe. Il faudra plus que quelques gamins pour m'empêcher de retrouver Marinette!”
The new girl’s eyes widened as the three of them started running. A few quick turns down some alleyways, and the three were panting as they hid in the shadows. All the while, the screaming of the person could be heard from a ways off.
Michiru took a moment as one to sigh as she slumped against the building. “That was close.”
Nazuna nodded as she rested her hands on her knees. “Yeah.” Getting up, she let out a long breath before smiling. “But I’m just glad we found you.”
The new girl nodded as she had a small smile, though it looked a bit strained. “I’m happy to have been of assistance in finding your friend.”
“Speaking of!” Michiru stood up and narrowed her eyes, circling the new girl. “Who are you? Last time Nazuna tried to make friends on her own, she started a cult.”
The girl raised an eyebrow at Nazuna, tilting her head. “A cult?”
“H-HEY!” Nazuna blushed straight through her fur and punched Michiru in the arm. “I was desperate, and Boris tricked me!”
Laughing a bit, the girl drew their attention, and her smile was a little more genuine. “I see.” Turning to Michiru, the girl bowed slightly. “I am Tsurugi Kagami. It is a pleasure to meet you, Kagemori-san. Nazuna told me some stories about you as we looked for your whereabouts.” Kagami looked at her with a raised eyebrow before smirking a bit. “Though, she also said you would likely be furrier when we found you.”
“Wha-?” Michiru let out an offended gasp and put a hand to her chest. “You thought I would be so irresponsible as to run around with my tail out?” With a turn of her head, she pointedly stared at the edge of the roof and away from Nazuna. “This isn’t Anima City. I’m reasonable enough not to do anything silly.”
Nazuna just raised an eyebrow as she shifted back to human form. “Really?”
Blushing, Michiru pouted. “It was one time, and it was to keep Nina from drowning!”
“Not to change the subject,” Kagami interrupted with a frown, “but what the Akuma said earlier has me worried.” Michiru tilted her head in confusion, and Kagami pointed over her shoulder. “The person from earlier. I’ll explain in more detail later, but it sounded like they were after Marinette.”
Michiru paused before raising both hands to the side of her head and mimicking a grabbing motion. “Black hair, pigtails, and really blue eyes?”
Kagami looked surprised before nodding. “How did you know?”
Michiru smiled as she dropped her arms and grinned. “I ran into her accidentally earlier.” Rubbing the back of her head, she let out an embarrassed chuckle. “Though uh... I’m pretty sure she couldn’t understand a word I said.”
Nazuna rolled her eyes and sighed. “We’re in Paris, Michiru. Does it really surprise you that she didn’t?”
Kagami had worry and fear dancing in her eyes. “Was she alright?”
“I mean, I did accidentally run into her, but other than that, she seemed okay.” Michiru shrugged before frowning in thought. “Though, shouldn’t both of you be in school or something? There’s no way she was older than me.”
“I was given the day off, at the request of my mother,” Kagami stated before looking thoughtful. “However, Marinette most definitely should be in classes. If you ran into her here, that is unusual for her.”
Michiru blushed a bit and twiddled her fingers. “If uh, hypothetically, someone unusual were to show up in the middle of the courtyard, would that make her run and hide?”
Kagami frowned. “I take it that is where you first arrived?”
At Michiru’s nod, Nazuna sighed. “Michiru, what did you do?”
“All I did was wake up!” Michiru threw her arms up and pouted. “It’s not my fault that weird guy in a catsuit called me a demon!”
“Catsuit?” Kagami grimaced and shook her head. “If Chat Noir was there, then it is likely that they all think you were an Akuma. That, and when an Akuma shows up, Marinette is usually the first to run and hide, and she likely fled the school entirely.”
Nazuna hummed a bit as she looked up in thought. “If that’s the case, then could the Akuma be someone who was concerned for her?”
Michiru winced a bit as another shout came from the distance. “I don’t think that concern is the right word.”
Marinette had been running down the streets back towards the school when her phone went off. She didn’t stop running as she pulled it out, but soon stopped and stared in shock at the Akuma Alert on her phone. “But... but we haven’t even caught the last Akuma yet! Is Hawkmoth really strong enough to send out a second already?”
Tikki nudged her chosen one from her place in Marinette’s purse and shook her head. “I think it’s more likely that he recalled the last one to throw us off, but either way, we should hurry! The longer we wait, the more damage the Akuma will cause.”
“Right.” Taking a turn into an alley, Marinette made sure nobody was watching before she sighed. “Tikki? Spots on!”
Ladybug opened the Akuma App again on her communicator and hummed. “Let’s see what we’re dealing with.” A surprising amount of information was already being shared regarding the Akuma. The information which Ladybug took as a blessing in disguise. “Looks like there were enough people around when the Akuma took control to know why they were targeted.”
“Akuma Name: Friend Finder. Wow Hawkmoth, so original. Goal: Searching for-” She paled and did a double-take, “Marinette Dupain-Cheng!?” ‘Why would they be looking for me!?’ Scrolling down, she frowned. “Alright... concerned in regards to where she keeps disappearing during attacks. Understandable, I’ll admit.” ‘It doesn’t help that I can’t tell anyone about this.’ She closed the communicator and sighed. ‘Kinda wishing I hadn’t convinced Alya and Max to remove the name of the person afflicted. I’d have an idea of who I’m saving, but even that’s not worth exposing someone’s private problems like that.’
Zipping to the roofs and over Paris, Ladybug searched for signs of the Akuma. However, she had that niggling feeling of dread poking at the back of her mind again. “Something just isn’t right here. But what?”
A moment later, she was almost knocked out of the air by a tan blur. A quick toss of her yo-yo helped her flip to a landing on the street, rolling for a moment before launching herself back into the air. Looking to where the blur had been headed, she was met face to face with a blue wolf.
Who was about to tackle her back out of the air.
Seeing no way to dodge, she braced herself for the impact, and the two landed on the rooftop of a nearby building. Ladybug herself was surprised to find that she wasn’t being pinned to the roof, and instead held like a sack of potatoes under the wolf’s arm.
Wait... arm? Wolf?
Ladybug’s surprise was cut short when she was unceremoniously dropped onto the roof with a small ‘oomph’ as a result. The wolf then waited for her to stand up before crossing his arms. “I have some questions for you, and I’m not leaving without answers.”
Ladybug groaned internally as she straightened up. ‘At least this one speaks French.’
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ethernalflower · 6 years
Sometimes you take a risk and you receive a refusal
Socchiude le labbra prima di riportare gli occhi nei suoi, ancora non parla, ma la mano destra si stacca tremolante dalla porta per intrufolarsi timida nell`incavo del suo collo. E` una carezza leggera quella che gli lascia, nel ricordare un`episodio precedente. « Non ti allontanare » gli sussurra timorosa nella speranza di finire diversamente. Le dita salgono timide il profilo della mascella maschile fino a posarsi, insicure, sulla guancia di lui. La pelle a creare un netto contrasto. Socchiude gli occhi e un sospiro tremolante le esce dalle labbra mentre in un impeto di coraggio gli avvicina le labbra alla guancia. Un tocco soffice, quasi velato, un tastare un territorio sconosciuto che le rende la voce tremolante e il respiro accelerato. Si tira indietro quel tanto che basta per guardarlo negli occhi, in piedi sulle punte per raggiungere la sua altezza, la mano ancora sulla guancia e una domanda implicita nello sguardo. « Va bene » va bene tutto quello che vuoi da lei, si sente dire con la voce tremolante prima di accostarglisi ancora e posare, delicate, le labbra sulle sue. Nulla di più di un semplice tocco. Poi si tira indietro, la mano scivola via dalla guancia ma non lo lascia, si appende - anzi - al tessuto della felpa in un tentativo di tenerselo vicino il più possibile.
  L`errore fatidico è sentirla pronunciare il suo nome e trovarsi i sensi offuscati da un`altra voce impegnata a saggiare tra le labbra quello stesso suono. Davìd. Minacce imperiose e sorrisi pericolosi. « No. » Contrae maggiormente la fronte e poi si stacca dalla porta per raggiungere il letto a baldacchino più vicino, ch`è suo, così da sedervisi sul bordo, le gambe divaricate distrattamente in avanti. E` stanco e le spalle larghe s`accasciano in quel suo reclinarsi in avanti per poggiare i gomiti sulle ginocchia. « Devi lasciare perdere. » Non la guarda stavolta, concedendosi l`inquadratura solo del pavimento legnoso tra loro. Gli costa parecchio e si vede, in questo rifiuto ch`è più una negazione a sé stesso. L`ennesima.
Sometimes you kiss somebody just ‘cause it seems fun
Si lascia prendere di nuovo la mano per indicare le stelle nonostante trattenga poi il respiro quando le braccia tornando contro l`erba e lui fa intrecciare le loro dita. Non sembra opporre resistenza comunque, ma gli dedica comunque un`occhiata di sottecchi con l`aria un po` sperduta prima di rilassare l`espressione e stringergli appena la mano, nel riportare poi lo sguardo verso il cielo dove lui ha ripreso a spiegarle un po` di astronomia.
« Adesso sei tu che mi guardi » scherza mordendosi le labbra senza distogliere lo sguardo dal cielo.
C’è silenzio ora, sta bene. Solo il cielo, e qualche nuvola che passa, li guarda e va avanti, potrebbe anche restare lì tutta la notte. Col pollice si muove lento facendo dei piccoli cerchi toccando piano il dorso della sua mano. E viene beccato, ma è normale che lo sia, nemmeno si mette nella condizione di non esser visto, è palese e lo sa. « Bhe? Ma non avevi detto che ti piacevano i miei occhi addosso? Almeno tanto quanto a me piacciono i tuoi su di me? » si morde il labbro inferiore, sbuffettando dal naso e fossettine sulle guance.
Apre la bocca e ancora parla piano, sussurrando « Adesso.. » sì, più deciso « Adesso io conterò fino a tre. » breve pausa « Dopo di che ti darò un bacio. Se non vuoi hai tre secondi per dirmi di no, non me la prendo, tranquilla. »
Uno, due, tre... e lei semplicemente non dice proprio niente.
Indugia un altro paio di secondi guardandola. Sta per dire qualcosa ma non dice niente e lascia che sia il silenzio a dire tutto. Punta un piede contro l’erba per aiutarsi a spostare il bacino di lato, protendendosi con il busto e la testa verso di lei. Allunga prima la mano libera a cercarle una guancia per carezzarla e poi le labbra sulle quali preme le sue, dapprima più piano, lasciandole il modo di potersene rifiutare anche adesso. Ne tiene lo sguardo finché può, poi anche gli occhi neri di Jed si socchiudono lentamente, per andare più avanti, approfondendo di più, con più profondità, interesse e voglia, l’intensità che aumenta ma non in modo sgarbato perché rimane comunque una cosa lenta e partecipe, e con la mano intanto passa le dita tra i capelli, muovendole piano ma facendone sentire la pressione dei polpastrelli sulla pelle.
And then you find someone who is simply different.
E` già pronta a girarsi per tornare dal resto degli studenti a consumare finalmente la cena ma il quintino ha decisamente altri piani. Si sente afferrare di rimando, assumendo un`espressione stupita per il gesto che li fa ritrovare incredibilmente e pericolosamente vicini. Boccheggia appena dischiudendo le labbra e mantenendo ora la presa sul suo mantello troppo presa alla sprovvista da quel cambio repentino di atteggiamento. Ancora ignara di aver rotto limiti nella mente troppo macchinosa del ragazzo. Lo osserva ora senza pronunciare parole mentre lui fa vagare distratto gli occhi sulle sua labbra ancora socchiuse per la sorpresa. Sorpresa che non riesce a smuoverla da quella trance statica che non le fa muovere neanche un muscolo. Un vago dejà-vu di ciò che è successo solo qualche sera prima e che la paralizza per un`aspettativa che si rivela pericolosa nel giro di pochi secondi. E allora si ritrova le labbra di Gus sulle sue e troppe emozioni che le si riversano addosso travolgendola completamente e costringendola a stringere maggiormente la presa sul mantello di lui e a restare immobile mentre lui le riserva caute attenzioni. Lo ricambia appena il bacio troppo sconvolta da un gesto che la sua ingenuità non si aspettava ma che, a dirla tutta, ci stava. Poi si allontana piano, solo con il viso, socchiudendo gli occhi e rimanendogli a pochi centimetri. Un sospiro frammentato le scappa dalle labbra infrangendosi sulle sue mentre il mento si abbassa seguito dagli occhi. « Gus » un sussurro appena udibile e indecifrabile perché non sa neanche lei come reagire. E resta ferma, ancora, con il respiro irregolare e i denti che adesso torturano le labbra. Alla fine è costretta a prendere in mano la situazione come al solito e allora è lei ad allontanarsi per prima, senza guardarlo e senza far trasparire emozioni sul viso. Il cervello scombussolato che non riesce a produrre frasi sensate. Deglutisce nel trarre l`ennesimo sospiro prima di riportare gli occhi sul suo viso alla ricerca di un suggerimento su cosa fare. Perché lei non lo sa.
Con l`espressione che si ammorbidisce un poco, e che cerca di trasmettere anche un minimo di sicurezza, accarezza delicatamente l`argomento accantonandolo in favore di una risoluzione temporanea, si, ma più dolce e condivisibile. «Ti va di farmi un po` di compagnia?» Solleva le sopracciglia, piegando l`angolo destro della bocca in un mezzo sorriso mite senza tuttavia riuscire a celare l`insicurezza di chi non ha la più pallida idea di quanto abbia fatto male a far ciò che ha fatto. Perché per quanto riguarda quello che ha sentito lui, ha fatto definitivamente bene. Il problema sarebbe capire lei.
Prende ad annuire, prima lentamente poi sempre più consapevole con gli occhi che cercano i suoi e reclamano quella fiducia che si sono promessi. « Si » risponde, come al solito risolvendo qualsiasi dubbio e mostrandosi ora più sicura nel poggiare la fronte contro la spalla altrui. Solo per fargli sapere che va tutto bene. Solo dopo qualche secondo si stacca rivolgendogli ancora un`occhiata e tirandolo un po` sempre dal lembo di mantello che stringe ancora fra le dita. Gli lancia un`occhiata prima di compiere un passo in avanti e voltarsi, si spera, con lui al suo seguito. Niente scherzi.
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gwamch · 4 years
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Allestimento dichiarazioni fiscali in Svizzera Quando si parla di dichiarazioni fiscali in Svizzera bisogna anzitutto suddividere le imposte in due macrocategorie le quali hanno metodi di calcolo e tipologie di riscossione estremamente differenti. Dichiarazioni d’imposta indirette
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La prima categoria è rappresentata dalle dichiarazioni d'imposta indirette, ovvero non prelevata direttamente alla persona in quanto tale, bensì calcolata in percentuale sugli acquisti effettuati in Svizzera da parte del consumatore finale e sono riscosse indirettamente tramite negozi e fornitori di servizi. La più importate tra queste è denominata “dichiarazione d’imposta sul valore aggiunto” o più comunemente conosciuta con il suo acronimo di IVA. L’aliquota ordinaria svizzera si attesta al 7.7%, ma ci sono anche aliquote agevolate ad esempio sui beni alimentari pari al 2.5% .Vi sono anche altre dichiarazioni d’imposta sul valore aggiunto su specifici beni quali, ad esempio, combustibili fossili, alcolici o tabacchi. Dichiarazioni fiscali in Svizzera
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La seconda categoria è rappresentata dalle dichiarazioni fiscali in Svizzera denominate imposte dirette, ovvero tutte quelle imposte che vanno a colpire direttamente la persona, sia essa fisica o giuridica, a seguito della sua appartenenza personale o economica alla Svizzera (dimora/domicilio in CH o vi svolge attività economica e lavorativa). Questa seconda categoria va ulteriormente suddivisa in due sottoinsiemi: l’imposta alla fonte e la tassazione ordinaria. Anche in questo caso vi sono delle sostanziali differenze. Allestimento dichiarazioni d'imposta L’imposta alla fonte viene calcolata applicando una percentuale stabilita in base alla situazione personale e allo stato di famiglia, l’ammontare del reddito, altri redditi in Svizzera o all’estero, la tipologia di permesso. Le imposte alla fonte sono trattenute a tutti i lavoratori che hanno un permesso di soggiorno di tipo G (frontalieri con rientro giornaliero/settimanale) oppure di tipo B (residenti sul territorio elvetico), etc.) e quindi tiene già in considerazione tutte le spese sostenute per conseguire il reddito. La particolarità di questa imposta è rappresentata dal fatto che il debitore della stessa non è la persona stipendiata, bensì il suo datore di lavoro, che deve calcolarla e trattenerla direttamente dalla busta paga dei suoi dipendenti, soggetti a questo tipo di imposizione, per poi procedere ad un allestimento dichiarazioni d'imposta. Di conseguenza l’imposta alla fonte non necessita delle dichiarazioni fiscali da parte del dipendente, ma solamente da parte del datore di lavoro. La seconda, invece, viene calcolata mediante compilazione e invio di un formulario da parte delle autorità elvetiche alla persona soggetta ad imposizione, la quale è responsabile per il tempestivo inoltro di tutta la documentazione necessaria, oltre che al pagamento delle dichiarazioni d'imposta, una volta emessa la decisione di congruità sulle dichiarazioni fiscali. Nello specifico, il formulario di cui sopra va a conteggiare tutte le entrate della persona, sottraendo in seguito le spese deducibili, per finire con un calcolo della sostanza al netto di eventuali debiti. Esso è a sua volta completato da diversi moduli aggiuntivi che coprono tutti gli ambiti fiscalmente rilevanti per le dichiarazioni fiscali. Tutta la modulistica e le informazioni più importanti, oltre a comodi applicativi informatici gratuiti per l’allestimento delle dichiarazioni fiscali in Svizzera, sono a disposizione sui siti preposti degli enti cantonali e federali Ad ogni modo, per i casi più complessi, o semplicemente per chi non dovesse avere familiarità con le diverse modulistiche, può essere utile rivolgersi a professionisti del settore come Ibc Fiduciaria oppure direttamente agli enti preposti. Nella speranza che il presente articolo possa dare maggior chiarezza e un aiuto concreto a tutti coloro che desiderano approcciarsi all’allestimento delle dichiarazioni fiscali in Svizzera e al sistema contributivo svizzero, alleghiamo in calce alcuni link utili per poter procedere all’allestimento dichiarazioni d'imposta, alle dichiarazioni fiscali o solamente per visionare i formulari per le dichiarazioni d'imposta. Restiamo a disposizione per consulenze e spiegazioni più approfondite in materia, r a disposizione per i nostri servizi fee only anche tramite il nostro partner IBC Fiduciaria che ringraziamo per il contributo editoriale sintesi della loro ampia esperienza pratica. Link utili: Imposta sul valore aggiunto Imposta alla fonte Imposte persone fisiche Imposte persone giuridiche Read the full article
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sraffasnotes-blog · 7 years
November 1927, D3/12/4: 9; A5.8
Ricardo aveva un esatto concetto del reddito netto, poichè da esso escludeva i salari.
V. Works, ed McCulloch, p. 236‒7, [238] 239‒40
And even more clearly in Ch. XXVI, “On gross and net revenue”, p. 210‒211
[note p. 210. Obviously Ricardo always speaks of “wages” in the same [abstract] sense in which we speak, and he speaks, of “rent”, i.e. of pure wages, not including anything that is part of the surplus; just as pure rent is only surplus and does not include any compensation for use of capital or interest. This is shown by his use of the phrase “under the name of wages” in the above note. Compare what he says of pure rent at the beginning of Ch. II on Rent, p. 34‒35 “when I speak of rent, I whish to be understood as speaking... etc”]
See also p. 236, esp. note, 257, 258
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italianaradio · 5 years
Rapporto Svimez, spopolamento e Pil sottozero al Sud
Nuovo post su italianaradio https://www.italianaradio.it/index.php/rapporto-svimez-spopolamento-e-pil-sottozero-al-sud/
Rapporto Svimez, spopolamento e Pil sottozero al Sud
Rapporto Svimez, spopolamento e Pil sottozero al Sud
Un’ economia che torna a vedere lo spettro della recessione, un paese spaccato con il Nord che avanza e il Sud che va in retromarcia e rimane svuotato dall’emigrazione di migliaia di giovani e laureati. E se cresce il divario tra Italia meridionale e settentrionale si amplia anche quello tra Nord e resto dell’Europa, in un’Italia che è l’unico paese Ue, Grecia a parte, a non avere ancora recuperato i livelli pre crisi.
E’ drammatico il quadro che emerge dalle anticipazioni del rapporto Svimez (Associazione per lo Sviluppo Industriale del Mezzogiorno). Una fotografia del Belpaese che segna una tendenza di abbandono del Mezzogiorno, dove la ripresa dei flussi migratori è “la vera emergenza meridionale, che negli ultimi anni si è via via allargata anche al resto del Paese”. Negativa anche la proiezione del Pil per il Sud che “nel 2019 calerà dello 0,3% mentre il resto del paese crescerà dello 0,3%” aumentando il divario che, “all’interno di un paese fermo porta il Mezzogiorno in recessione”.
Gli emigrati dal Sud tra il 2002 e il 2017 sono stati oltre 2 milioni, di cui 132.187 nel solo 2017. Dal Rapporto Svimez emerge che questi ultimi “66.557 sono giovani (50,4%, di cui il 33% laureati)”. Il saldo migratorio interno, al netto dei rientri, “è negativo per 852mila unità. Nel 2017 sono andati via 132mila meridionali, con un saldo negativo di circa 70mila unità”. 
Cresce inoltre il “doppio divario” Italia-Ue e Sud-Nord. I segnali di rallentamento apparsi in Europa nella prima metà del 2018 “hanno ridotto le prospettive di crescita dell’intera area, tuttavia l’Italia subisce un rallentamento che riallarga la forbice rispetto alla media europea. Siamo l’unico Paese, a parte la Grecia, che non ha ancora recuperato i livelli pre crisi”, si legge ancora nelle anticipazioni Svimez in cui si spiega che “se l’Italia rallenta, il Sud subisce una brusca frenata. Si sta consolidando il “doppio divario: dell’Italia rispetto all’Unione Europea e del Sud rispetto al Centro-Nord”.
Un’ economia che torna a vedere lo spettro della recessione, un paese spaccato con il Nord che avanza e il Sud che va in retromarcia e rimane svuotato dall’emigrazione di migliaia di giovani e laureati. E se cresce il divario tra Italia meridionale e settentrionale si amplia anche quello tra N…
Luisa Ginetti
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reisenschweiz · 6 years
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graglithans-library · 4 years
Welcome To Paris Fur-ance Ch 13: News Stations, Sanctuary, and Shadow Moth
Marinette and Michiru learn about what happened at City Hall, Shirou brings Chloé somewhere safe, and Gabriel Agreste tries out something new.
When Marinette came home for lunch, she certainly wasn’t expecting to learn that her mother knew Japanese. She also wasn’t expecting to see Michiru again, or even for the Japanese girl to remember her for that matter. Yet seeing how enthusiastically she introduced her friend, Nazuna, Marinette couldn’t help but laugh a little. It was a complete 180 from how it was becoming friends with Kagami.
Nazuna did look a little annoyed, but with Michiru bouncing around like an excited puppy, Marinette could understand.
It was almost like dealing with an excited Alya, just with less yelling. She really wished Alya hadn’t been asked to stay behind by Mme. Bustier, but that’s what happens when you don’t pay attention in class.
She also hoped Alya would get her phone back without anything crazy happening.
But that wasn’t too important at the moment. Right now, Marinette was happy that her mother was acting as an impromptu translator between her and Michiru, letting the two of them know each other better. “So, what kinds of things did you enjoy back in Japan?”
Sabine sighed a bit from her spot at the end of the table and looked over at Michiru. “Nihonde wa don'na katsudō o tanoshinde imashita ka?”
Michiru pondered the question for a moment, nibbling on a macaron before shrugging a bit. “Ē to... Watashi wa basukettobōru o suru no ga sukidesu. Shikashi saikin watashi mo yakyū o hajimemashita.”
“She likes basketball, though she recently started playing baseball.”
“I figured it’d be something sporty.” Marinette smiled while taking a bite of a strawberry macaron. She slipped a second one down to her purse, where Tikki gratefully took it and started eating.
“Anata wa dōdesu ka?” Michiru asked with a smile, her chocolate macaron already gone as she licked her fingers. “Nani o suru no ga sukidesu ka?”
Sabine raised an eyebrow as she looked over at Marinette. “She wants to know what you like to do.”
Marinette suddenly started to feel a bit self-conscious and rubbed her arm. “Oh, uh... I guess you could tell them.”
Michiru looked confused for a moment before Sabine smiled over at her. “Marinetto wa kaishi fasshondezainādesu. Kanojo ni wa sudeni sūnin no jōren kyaku ga imasu.”
Nazuna perked up from her food and looked surprised. “Hontōni!?”
When Sabine and Marinette looked confused, Michiru perked up and jabbed a thumb at her friend. “Nazuna wa animashiti-hatsu no poppuaidorudesu. Kanojo wa tsugi no kōen no tame ni doresu o tsukuru hito o sagashite imashita.”
Sabine perked up a bit and turned to Marinette excitedly. “It looks like you’ve made friends with another celebrity, Marinette.”
“Wait, what!?” Marinette squeaked before looking at Nazuna in surprise.
“Mmhm.” Sabine smiled coyly. “Nazuna here is a pop idol who’s been getting very popular. She even is looking for someone who could make her next dress.”
Marinette looked down at her food. “I’ve never designed a pop idol dress before.” Soon enough, she was muttering under her breath and counting off things on her fingers.
Nazuna frowned a bit as she noticed how nervous Marinette was getting. “Subete mondainaidesu ka?”
Sabine nodded and gave a small wave. “Mari netto wa anata no tame ni doresu o tsukuru no ni nani ga hitsuyō ka o kangaete iru dakedesu. Kanojo wa kore made poppuaidoru no doresu o tsukutta koto ga arimasen.”
Marinette’s phone started to ring, and she paused. Taking her phone out, she looked down at the screen in confusion. She was getting a call, but it wasn’t a video call, as usual. “I don’t recognize this number.” She got up and looked at her mom. “I’ll be right back.” She walked to the other side of the dining area and answered. “Hello?”
The line was silent, aside from some background noise, until the other end barely managed a whisper. “...Hey.”
Shock ran through Marinette as she gripped the phone a bit tighter. “Chloé?” Marinette’s shock gave way to confusion. Chloé shouldn’t have even been able to call her. She’d watched that day when Chloé was hauled out of class, how Mayor Bourgeois had made a show of smashing her bully’s old phone in front of her peers. “How are you-?”
“Look, Dupain-Cheng, it isn’t important how I’m able to call you right now.” Chloé snapped before she sighed. “I... I need your help. Do... do you think your parents would be okay with me... being at the bakery?”
Without realizing it, Marinette was starting to pace. “Not important? Chloé, you shouldn’t even be allowed out of your room! How would you even get here?”
The fact Marinette could hear the trembling in Chloé’s voice made her stop. “Tell that to my mother.”
A familiar feeling started to creep up Marinette’s spine. Usually, she felt it when something was going out of her control with her own life. She was always concerned about her friends and the problems they went through. However, she never felt this sheer force of anxiety over them. Marinette could swear she felt her heart stop from the worry it brought. “Chloé... are you alright?”
The line was silent for a time before Chloé answered with barely a whisper. “...No. I’m not.”
The words felt like a brick. Never in her life had Marinette ever heard Chloé sound so vulnerable. She thought in silence about just what could have happened to make someone as strong as Chloé break. Any normal person would have told their tormentors they deserved it and how they had that kind of karmic retribution coming, even if they didn’t know what it even was.
However, no matter how much she tried to convince herself otherwise, Marinette was not a normal person.
“Okay, I’ll... see what I can do.” Marinette sighed, sparing a glance to where her mother and new friends were busy chatting. She knew she would have to ask them, but this was going to be an awkward conversation, even if she knew that her parents would likely agree. There was another problem that came to mind, though. “I’ll have to ask my parents, but how am I going to let you know what they say?”
Chloé sighed on the other side of the call. “You’ll get that chance pretty soon. Just, please don’t look at me.”
“Chloé, what do you-?” The line clicked, and Marinette pulled the phone from her ear. “She hung up.” She wondered what Chloé had meant by that. Was she going to be here soon? How was she going to even get to her place without being seen?
She was so lost in her thoughts that her mother looked at her with concern when she sat down. “Marinette, is everything alright?”
Marinette shook her head with a frown, looking up from her thoughts. “That was Chloé.” Sabine’s eyes shot open, and her jaw dropped, making Michiru and Nazuna share a confused glance. “She sounded... scared.”
Suddenly, both Marinette and Sabine’s phones started to go off, making them jump in surprise. Sabine pulled hers out and frowned. “An emergency news broadcast?” Sabine shared a look with the girls before she looked at Michiru and Nazuna, ready to translate.
“Don’t be bemused; it’s just the news. This is Nadja Chamack reporting live from City Hall.” Nadja Chamack stood exactly where she said she was. Still, unlike usual, her pleasant smile was replaced with a serious frown. “While I wish today's story were happier, that will not be the case.” She stepped a bit to the side and gestured to several police cruisers all piled around City Hall’s doors. “Just a few hours ago, police were called in regards to a wolfman breaking down one of the doors leading into the building from an interior stairwell, then locking a young girl in a supply closet before running off. While police were initially baffled, during their attempts to open the door, the same wolfman returned, holding Jean-Pierre, who was reported missing earlier today.”  
Marinette stifled a small gasp. That sounded like Shirou, but he was supposed to be talking with Chloé. So why would he be at City Hall? Unless that was where she was calling from? But that made no sense either. She was supposed to be under house arrest! But... but Chloé sounded scared. Then there was Jean-Pierre. He practically did all of the parenting in regards to Chloé, even if it was through bribery. He couldn’t do more than that, though, or he’d lose his job. She knew people were still upset with Chloé, but to attack a man who was just doing his job because he was near her? It just felt too cruel to be real, and she was a freaking superhero!
On-screen, A picture of Jean was shown, along with a comparison of his injuries. “Jean has since received medical attention, along with the young girl in question. Both had clear signs of physical abuse, though they claim the man who brought them from below was not the perpetrator of these wounds.” Nazuna was covering her mouth in horror, and Michiru looked a little pale. Marinette’s eyes got wider, and her grip on her phone got tighter.
“What is more shocking is that within the basements of city hall, police found over a dozen unconscious men, one deceased, and several signs of more have been present along with various illegal firearms. Amongst those found, three were on Interpol’s most-wanted list, and are to be detained once released from the hospital to face trial.”  
Marinette’s throat started to feel dry. Deceased... Whatever happened down, there led to someone dying. A horrifying thought started to cross her mind. Did Shirou kill someone? Did Chloé kill someone? The news, combined with what she knew, presented the genuine possibility that Chloé could have been locked in a room with three of the world’s most wanted and no way out.
The very idea made her stomach churn.
Nadja had to take a moment to breathe before continuing. “Any further information is being withheld until the investigation is completed, however, due to the age and identity of the second victim. In all, this turn of events paints a worrying picture for Paris’ officials. How long were these men sitting under their noses? Did they know about it? And where were Paris’ heroes during this incident? With this unsettling information, we urge citizens to remain calm to avoid akumatization for the safety of both others and themselves. This has been Nadja Chamack for TVi News.”
As the feed cut out, Marinette stared numbly at her phone. Where were Paris’ heroes? She couldn’t have helped with this! She didn’t even know about it! The same probably applied to Chat. She was pulled from her thoughts when her mother put an arm around her and pulled her into a tight hug.
Michiru and Nazuna were looking at each other with matching frowns. “Sore wa machigainaku Shirō no ya tte imashita.” While the two of them were talking, someone knocked on the side door. Marinette shared a glance with her mother before she got up and rushed over.
When she opened the door, Shirou stood there looking completely unfazed. Someone else was standing next to him, covered by a large blanket like it was a cloak. “Is this the Dupain-Cheng residence?”
Marinette nodded before looking to the cloaked person and frowning. “Chloé?”
“No questions until I’m inside.” Chloé pulled the blanket tighter and walked in past Marinette, heading for a backroom.
“H-Hey!” Marinette shouted a bit as she walked in after her. “You can’t just barge in like that!”
Shirou put a hand on Marinette’s shoulder, and when she looked at him, he shook his head. “Try not to be upset with her right now. She has been through something that breaks most people, on top of other things, and hasn’t had time to cope.”
Marinette’s brow furrowed as she looked up at Shirou. “Other things?
Before she had time to ask what he meant, Sabine got up and stood behind her daughter, looking furious. “Who are you two, and why are you barging into my home!?”
Michiru perked up and smiled as she waved. “Shirou!”
Sabine blinked a bit in surprise before looking over at her. “Kare wa anata ga sagashite ita hitodeshita ka?” When Michiru nodded, Sabine looked at Shirou with apprehension before sighing and shaking her head.
Tom’s voice could be heard from downstairs. “Is everything alright!?”
Sabine looked down the stairs leading to the bakery. “Yes, Tom, but we have more guests.” She turned to Shirou, crossing her arms. “And I would like an explanation as to what is going on.”
Shirou nodded and saw where she’d left her phone on the table, still open to the news app. “I take it you’ve seen the news?” When they nodded, he sighed. “The unnamed victim in the incident was one Chloé Bourgeois. She had been kidnapped and held hostage below City Hall.” Marinette’s blood went cold, but Shirou continued. “I’ll go into detail with you and your husband, but what happened is not something to be said in front of children. There is one thing I need to bring up first.” Marinette jumped a bit as his attention turned to her. “You should check on her. I don’t know what kind of history the two of you have, but she chose to call you.”
“R-Right.” Marinette stepped away from the adults as Sabine led Shirou downstairs. He barked something at Michiru and Nazuna, making them both go wide-eyed. The two looked at each other before nodding and splitting up. Marinette was surprised at how fast Michiru had followed Shirou downstairs before finding Nazuna standing with her.
She motioned for Nazuna to wait just a moment before getting a nod in return. Slowly opening the door, Marinette found Chloé sitting on the guest bed, still covered by the blanket. “Chloé?” When the young girl did not respond, Marinette slowly made her way inside, leaving the door cracked for Nazuna to look in. She sat down next to Chloé and found herself at a loss for words. So, she said the first thing she could. “Are you alright?”
They were a poor choice of words.
“Am I alright?” Chloé echoed back, the blanket pulling tighter around her for a moment. “Am I alright!?” The makeshift hood whipped around, and Marinette found herself staring into angry, almost reflective golden eyes. “Do I look alright to you!?”
“Chloé, what happened to you!?” Marinette’s jaw dropped as she stared into those eyes. “Your eyes... they’re-”
“Inhuman? Animal? Well, why wouldn’t they be?” Snarling from under the cover, Chloé raised one of her hands, making Marinette gasp at the sight of the grey fur and claws. “I’ve only been turned into one!” When Chloé realized what she’d done, she cursed under her breath and tried to hide the offending appendage.
Only to have Marinette grab her hand gently and pull it back up. She was frozen for a moment before Marinette looked back up into those glowing eyes and hesitantly reached for the hood. “May I?” With a shaky nod, Chloé closed her eyes as Marinette pulled the hood back and got a good look at her. “Oh, Chloé.”
Marinette could hardly believe that what she was looking at was actually Chloé. Her grey fur felt so smooth and had a kind of sheen to it in the light. She could feel the pads that were on the underside of her hand. Then there were her eyes and hair. Both had lost their original color. Her once blue eyes were now a vibrant gold. Her blonde hair had a similar fate, and Marinette would have believed it to actually be the precious metal itself had she not known better. The gash under her eye had some butterfly bandages on it, and her cheeks had bruising starting to show.
Chloé looked away and hugged her knees. “Go ahead and mock me.”
Marinette stared at Chloé incredulously. “Mock you? Why on earth would I do that!?” Chloé stared at her in surprise. “Chloé, you’ve been through something horrible. I may not know all the details, but from what I saw on the news and what Shirou told me, I would be one of the worst people on the planet to mock you for it.”
Her staring continued for a time before Chloé let out a hollow laugh and went back to burying her face in her knees. “Why do you have to be such a nice person?”
Shuffling awkwardly, Marinette rubbed her arm and shrugged. "Do you want me to be less nice?"
Chloé scoffed a bit and glared down at nothing. "I watched my mother murder someone today... I'd rather not talk about anything."
Marinette winced and looked down. "I'm sorry."
"Don't be. It's not as if you could do anything about it."
Nazuna continued to watch from the door before silently giving Marinette a nod and walking away. She may not have understood the conversation, but she recognized the haunted look in the eyes of the young girl.
Once they were truly alone, Marinette looked over at Chloé and frowned in thought. She had to think of something to shift the topic of the conversation. “So... you got turned into a ferret?”
Chloé leveled an annoyed scowl at her and glared. “I’m a mink.”
Marinette raised her hands. “Okay, mink.” She scooted closer to Chloé and gave her a hug. “You’re also safe here. I promise.” She paused in thought for a moment and hummed. "I think I heard Alya mention that minks were water-proof once."
A hollow laugh escaped Chloé as she gently let one arm go around Marinette and pull her in tighter. "Showering is going to be hell."
They stayed like that for a time, until an explosion rocked the city.
Gabriel Agreste sat in his office, working on a new design for the upcoming fashion show he’d had scheduled when he felt a sudden wave of negativity. This was something new, and he had already found himself irritated from the failure he’d had last night.
Standing from his work, he walked over his wife's portrait and pushed in the code before he began to descend into his lair.
Nooroo and Duusuu looked at each other as they floated out of their hiding spots and hovered next to him. Nooroo looked fearful, but Duusuu just flitted through the air. “Will Nathalie be using me now that I’m all fixed up?”
“No,” Gabriel said coldly as he pulled the Peacock Miraculous out of his pocket and attached it to his lapel. The broach glistened for a moment in the light before Gabriel pulled down his tie, revealing the Butterfly Miraculous hiding beneath it. “Nathalie’s health has yet to fully improve from using your power in your defective state. Until then, we will be trying something new.”
Nooroo’s eyes widened as the kwami trembled. “Master, please don’t tell me you plan on-”
Once the elevator reached the bottom step, Gabriel smiled. “Nooroo, Duusuu, Unify.”
Both Kwami were sucked into their miraculous, and a mix of purple and blue light washed over Gabriel, leaving him in a new suit. The lapel still was reminiscent of butterfly wings. The tail of his coat now had a peacock-like feathering hidden within. His eyes also had changed, taking on a blue sclera and purple irises.
Looking down at his cane, he noted a fan attached to the head, coming down over his hand like a handguard. Plucking a feather from the fan and holding it in his hand, he waited for a butterfly to land on top of it before cupping them both. Both entities now were colored in a blackened purple and flew off with a flash of bubbling dark magic. “Go my Akuma and Amok, and evilize the soul I sense!”
Cuffed in the backseat of a police cruiser, Angelos Raptis growled under his breath. This is all that damn wolf’s fault! I don’t know what science lab he broke out of, but I know the moment I can, I’m putting him in the ground. He looked around the cruiser, making sure the cops driving weren’t looking at him.
The moment their eyes were off of him, he reached into his suit’s sleeve and pulled out a hairpin. It was old fashioned but more than enough. In little time, he had the cuffs loose enough; he could slip out of them at any moment but would still look secure on his wrists.
Slipping the pin back into his sleeve, he sneered as he reached deeper and pulled a switchblade from a hidden pocket. Stupid feds. Got to give the boss credit where it’s due. Suits with hidden pockets made to feel like reinforced clothing are pretty ingenious. He lost his small moment of joy when he remembered how useless the suit was earlier—damned wolf.
He didn’t even notice as the black butterfly landed on his knife or the feather that landed on the pin.
A neon purple butterfly, slightly contorted from its usual shape, appeared over his face as he scowled. “Wolf Hunter, I am Shadow Moth. You have been humiliated by a single man who defeated you and all your allies. I can give you the power to exact the vengeance you seek, as well as a creature to aid in your endeavor. But in exchange, I ask two things. You must bring me Ladybug and Chat Noir’s miraculous.”
The man raised an eyebrow and frowned. “And the second?”
Shadowmoth’s annoyance could be felt through the connection. “Capture the two beasts that aided in the defeat of my last Akuma. You will find they are rather close to the one you hate.”
“Alright then, you have a deal, Shadowmoth.” Wolf Hunter’s smile pulled back into a feral grin as a cloud of blackened smoke engulfed him.
“The hunt is on.”
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