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cheriferie · 1 year ago
Do chérif and Adeline get together after she goes to Quebec?
I'm so sorry for the late reply! We don't really know but we can imagine that they do...eventually!
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dedoschoselune · 1 year ago
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Hichem Chérif, Bestiaire
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au-jardin-de-mon-coeur · 6 months ago
Séance de yoga flow avec Kayla Nielsen...
Elle est professeur de yoga et humanitaire qui se consacre à répandre la lumière dans le monde entier à travers le service et le yoga.
Trouver le juste équilibre entre le corps et l'esprit procure à l'âme une belle sérénité et une très grande plénitude.
Chérif Kebbas
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polkadotmotmot · 2 years ago
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Chérif Thiam - Baobab 2, 2020
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gebo4482 · 6 months ago
WOODWALKERS | Haupttrailer | Jetzt im Kino!
Dir: Damian John Harper Star: Emile Chérif / Johannes Degen / Lilli Falk
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nesiacha · 6 months ago
Tag game
Rules: post 4 pieces of art you like and make a poll so that people can vote for their favourite, then tag 4 friends to do the same.
Thank you aedesluminis for tagging me. I tag @sparvverius,bolshevik-apreslalettre,@czerwonykasztelanic and @lanterne but if you don't want to do it no problem and whoever else wants to do it. :)
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The arrest of Louise Michel by Girardet Jules (Piece of Art number 1)
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Presumed portrait of Chérif Boubaghla and Lalla Fatma n'Soumer leading the revolutionary army signed by Félix Philippoteaux ( Piece of Art number 2)
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La prise des Tuileries le 10 août 1792 by Jacques Bertaux (Piece of Art number 3)
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Combat et prise de la Crête-à-Pierrot by Auguste Raffet ( piece of art number 4).
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Here he is prince matt!
Il est la prince matt!
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protoslacker · 2 years ago
My father knew that it would be useless to build a school if one could not put in charge of it people who considered their job as a sacred mission. For him, it is those exemplary teachers who should be rewarded immensely for their role and their contribution to society’s progress. Even without ever going to school, my father knew this truth, one that is sadly disregarded today, with a bitter consequence: a lack of patriotism among intellectual elites and the corollary falling apart of African postcolonial states, Mali being a good example of that sad phenomenon.
Chérif Keïta in Africa Is A Country. To honor my father
On Father’s Day, an ode to Namballa Keïta, a nurse, soldier, and seemingly ordinary man, who worked tirelessly to promote education in newly independent Mali.
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haggishlyhagging · 2 years ago
Chérif Kouachi's self-destructive impulses were already evident in one of the documents discovered on his computer by the French police in 2010, entitled ‘Operation Sacrifice’, which outlined a terrorist attack very like the one the brothers would carry out five years later. It included this paragraph: ‘A mujahideen forces his way into the enemy's base or else a zone where there is a group and fires at point-blank range without having prepared an escape plan. The goal is to kill as many of the enemy as possible. The author will very likely die himself.’ [My italics]
The striking thing about this document is that Chérif - and most likely Said as well, given the symbiotic nature of their relationship - was already contemplating a suicide mission. The twin urges to kill and be killed existed long before the brothers heard that Charlie Hebdo had published cartoons lampooning the Prophet, suggesting that the contents of the newspaper merely provided a pretext to act on a rage that had needed an outlet for years. It also confirms that their amateurish flight from the newspaper office, when they gave away their location the following day by holding up a petrol station in a hijacked car, was no accident; they hadn't got an escape plan because they neither expected nor wanted to survive.
The bonds of family life, which might have acted as a restraint on other men, were not strong enough to deter them from a course of action that would end in their own deaths - as well as inflicting incalculable damage on their families. Saïd's wife Soumya was unable to work after being diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, leaving her financially dependent on him, and the couple had a three-year-old son. A year after the massacre, Soumya would issue a statement through her lawyer, expressing the immense bitterness she felt towards her husband for abandoning her and their son. But Saïd's experience of being a father didn't soften his behaviour towards Corinne Rey, a female cartoonist he encountered at the entrance to the Charlie Hebdo office, where she had arrived late for the editorial meeting after picking up her daughter from day care. Saïd and Chérif greeted her by her pen name, 'Coco', and threatened to shoot her and her child if she didn't key in the code they needed to get through the steel security door into the building.
Early that morning, Saïd had kissed Soumya goodbye at their flat in Reims, telling her he was going to visit Chérif in north-west Paris. He knew perfectly well that the next time she heard about her husband and brother-in-law it would be in connection with the country's worst terrorist attack in decades, yet there was nothing in his demeanour to suggest anything out of the ordinary. In a telling detail, survivors of the Charlie Hebdo massacre remembered that it was Saïd, always the quieter and more introverted of the two brothers, who did most of the killing.
When they shouted about avenging the Prophet, they were really talking about themselves, seeking vengeance for the anger and hurt they had been accumulating for decades. The argument that this type of terrifyingly destructive male rage is infantile in origin - that the psychological damage comes first and enables the ideology - is at the heart of this book.
-Joan Smith, Home Grown: How Domestic Violence Turns Men Into Terrorists
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wiwsport · 6 hours ago
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Mercato : L’Etoile Rouge ferme la porte à un départ de Chérif Ndiaye, dans le viseur du Stade de Reims https://wiwsport.com/2025/01/09/mercato-letoile-rouge-ferme-la-porte-a-un-depart-de-cherif-ndiaye-dans-le-viseur-du-stade-de-reims/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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stephaneparede · 5 days ago
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La fontaine « Aïn Bir Chebana » dans la Casbah d'Alger
À l'origine, la Casbah d'Alger comptait 175 fontaines alimentées par plusieurs aqueducs dont celui de Aïn Zeboudja. Il reste d'ailleurs des vestiges de ce dernier au niveau du Val d'Hydra.
Aujourd'hui, il ne reste que 6 six de ces fontaines datant du 16e siècle : Aïn Bir Chebana, Aïn Sidi Ramdane, Aïn Bir Djebah, Aïn Sidi Benali, Aïn Sidi M'Hamed Chérif et Aïn M’zaouqua.
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streamcatalog · 1 month ago
Tigres et Hyènes en streaming De retour d’Espagne, Malik, jeune trafiquant, apprend que Serge, son beau-père, a été arrêté. Lors du procès, Iris, avocate de Chérif, un complice présumé, propose à Malik de réaliser un mystérieux coup pour faire évader son beau-père. Malik accepte et fait équipe avec les anciens partenaires de Chérif, des malfrats rangés, prêts à se réunir une dernière fois.
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snap221sn · 2 months ago
Saly : Une commerçante échappe à une tentative de meurtre et vol
Dans un récit glaçant publié par L’Observateur, le drame survenu le 17 novembre 2024 à Saly Niakh-Niakhal dévoile les affres de la violence urbaine. Mame Codou Cissé, commerçante de quartier, a échappé de justesse à une agression sauvage orchestrée par Chérif Fall, un malfaiteur déterminé à la dépouiller, quitte à la tuer sous les yeux […]
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hotnew-pt · 3 months ago
Jihadista Guadalupe Peter Cherif condenado à prisão perpétua #ÚltimasNotícias #Suiça
Hot News Julgado perante o Tribunal Especial de Paris por seu papel no ataque ao “Charlie Hebdo” de janeiro de 2015 e por suas atividades dentro da Al-Qaeda, o veterano do jihadismo francês Peter Cherif foi condenado à prisão perpétua, quinta-feira. O jihadista Peter Cherif foi condenado quinta-feira à prisão perpétua pelo papel que desempenhou no Iémen com Chérif Kouachi, um dos agressores no…
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valentin10 · 4 months ago
Attentat contre Charlie Hebdo : le procès du djihadiste Peter Cherif, proche des assaillants, s'ouvre à Paris
L’homme âgé de 42 ans est suspecté d’avoir joué un rôle auprès de Chérif Kouachi. Le procès est prévu jusqu’au 4 octobre. — À lire sur www.lefigaro.fr/actualite-france/attentat-contre-charlie-hebdo-le-proces-du-djihadiste-peter-cherif-proche-des-assaillants-s-ouvre-a-paris-20240916
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algercentre16 · 4 months ago
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Alger Centre 😍🥰😘❤️ الجزائر الوسطى
Rue Debbih Chérif Soustara Sidi Biche شارع دبيح شريف سوسطارة سيدي بيش
#Algérie #Alger #AlgerCentre #AlgerCentre16 #الجزائرالوسطى #الجزائرالعاصمة #ChardonneretGolden #Chardonneret_BK #BabElOued #Soustara #Cadix #Oran #Constantine #Tlemcen #TiziOuzou #jijel #Béjaia #Boumerdes #Média #Blida #Tipaza #Sétif #Tunisie #Maroc #Syrie #Palestine #Jordanie #Irak #Libye #France
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