#ch; y. belova
inmydrcams · 11 months
"I headcanon her as asexual as she is in the comics" do you people hear yourselves????? if it's canon then it's not an headcanon ffs
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silhouetteonpaper · 4 months
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Welcome to my blog! I currently write for Marvel characters. Some info about me and all of my works are listed down below, I hope you enjoy!
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About me:
-My name is Dani, I use she/her pronouns
-I’m 19 and from America
-I hand draw all of the art on my posts! I enjoy drawing in a handful of styles, like illustration, realism, semi-realism, and pop art
-I love filmmaking, video editing, screenwriting, and of course watching movies
-I write all my newer fics in second person with minimal character description
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Derived From Power | Avengers x Reader Series (ongoing)
Ch. 1 | Ch. 2 | Ch. 3 | Ch. 4 | Ch. 5 | Ch. 6 | Ch. 7 | Ch. 8 | Ch. 9
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One Shots
Avengers x Reader:
Point Shoes Make Great Weapons | When Y/N is tasked with dancing her way to an assigned target, will her ballet skills be enough to lead her to the enemy?
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Yelena Belova x Reader:
Isolated | You’ve been hiding from your past mistakes for two years now. So what happens when the person who blamed you in the first place knocks on your door?
The Worthy Widow | The only life you know of is that of a Widow. Years of mindless devotion to every mission, every task, and every order; the same daily routine involving training sun up to sun down. But what happens when your training is interrupted by an enemy target whom you can’t identify?
Stoic Part 1 | Part 2 | When an organization threatens to destroy your families empire, your father immediately jumps into action by hiring security protection. Unaware of what that would entail, you’re unpleasantly surprised by the woman whose sole purpose to follow you around.
Who’s To Blame? | When you show up at the compound with severe injuries, there’s no guarantee if you’re going to pull through. Even worse than that, there’s no one to explain how you ended up in this situation in the first place.
What Came Before | You’ve always wondered who you were before becoming a Widow. Against Yelena’s wishes, you finally decide to get some answers. Traveling back to the country you were born in, the truth finally reveals itself—and nothing could have prepared you for the past that changed your entire life.
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Natasha Romanoff x Reader:
Vengeance | You decide to take matters into your own hands and get revenge on the person you despise most. But what happens when you keep it a secret from the entire team?
Disconnected | When a seemingly simple mission takes a turn for the worse, you’re left to your own devices to figure out how to survive.
Worth It | As you find yourself at yet another one of Tony’s parties, dread fills you at the idea of having to socialize. But what happens if you decide to cause some mischief and bend the rules a little?
Missing | When another average day of work leaves you with piles and piles of casework, you’re surprised to see the missing persons report amidst the stack of papers. Jumping headfirst into solving the case, who could have ever predicted where it would leave you?
Mind and Matter | When your plan to save New York goes awry, Natasha decides there’s only one person to blame.
Who’s To Blame? | When you show up at the compound with severe injuries, there’s no guarantee if you’re going to pull through. Even worse than that, there’s no one to explain how you ended up in this situation in the first place.
Saving Lives | It was supposed to be your one day off, working tirelessly as an EMT earning you a well deserved rest day. But what happens when a last minute emergency leaves you worried about the person you love the most?
Public Figure | The world wants to know all about you as the newest addition to the Avengers. But what happens when a normal interview session digs up something you’ve never told a soul… not even Natasha?
You’ve Changed | You’ve been hiding out for ages, living your own life now that you’ve chosen to be a solo-act agent. When someone from your past happens to appear at your door--this time with something on her mind--how will you react?
The Cycle of Grief | When your brother passed away, the only person you could blame was yourself. Now that the grief has consumed you, there’s only one thing left to do. But what happens when a certain someone threatens to spoil your plans?
Goodbye | It’s time for you to move out of the compound now that you’re ready to move onto bigger things in life—things you’re more passionate about. But what happens when that means leaving the person you love the most?
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Wanda Maximoff x Reader:
The Day You’d Return | When Wanda leaves for what’s supposed to be a quick mission, she finds herself stranded without any further correspondence. After months pass, what would happen if she returned after all this time?
The Right Path | When a new opportunity is handed to you, the decision between Avenging or choosing a new path weighs on you. But there’s a matter even more pressing than what you want; what will the team think?
Mind and Matter | When your plan to save New York goes awry, Natasha decides there’s only one person to blame.
Avenging Is A Hobby | Going to school while simultaneously saving the world was supposed to be easy. But when your long list of missed assignments poses an issue, you realize something has to change.
You’re Not Special | There’s only one goal for your first party as an Avenger: get the approval of Secretary Ross. It should be easy… right?
Breaking Up or Breaking Down? | What was supposed to be a two week ‘vacation' has now lasted two months. Your girlfriend is waiting excitedly at the airport for your return, yet you’re not looking forward to it in the slightest. What happens when you’re forced to return and face your past, and even worse—your girlfriend?
Broken Trust, Breached Minds | When confronted with a new job opportunity, you’re forced to choose between careers. As an enhanced human, a certain someone has already picked out your future, making you worried what she might think—or better yet, what she might do.
Pessimism and Pancakes | When you wake up feeling off, your girlfriend knows exactly what you need—and she won’t give up easily.
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All of My Art
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writing-in-lesbian · 3 years
You wanted to sleep with a goddess but had to settle for a priestess - Ch.6
Chapter 6 - For good or for worst. Pairing: Yelena Belova / Female reader Tags: angst, fluff, cursing words, minor violence, someone is mugged. Translations: Pridurok = jerk // Detka = baby // Moya lyubov = my love. Synopsis: After a week and a half of ignoring her, Y/N decides to take her life back. Chapter 1 // Chapter 2 // Chapter 3 // Chapter 4 // Chapter 5
Wednesday No new voice messages from Lena 💕. No new text messages from Lena 💕
Thursday No new voice messages from Lena 💕. No new text messages from Lena 💕
Friday No new voice messages from Lena 💕. No new text messages from Lena 💕
Saturday No new voice messages from Lena 💕. No new text messages from Lena 💕 Calendar reminder: Today is your third year anniversary with detka.
Sunday No new voice messages from Lena 💕. No new text messages from Lena 💕
Monday No new voice messages from Lena 💕. No new text messages from Lena 💕
Tuesday No new voice messages from Lena 💕. No new text messages from Lena 💕
After torturing yourself for a week, you opted to stop asking your AI on your phone for any news on Yelena. Having the device in silence eased some of your anxiety. Work also helped a little, turning all your attention towards it, getting there at 7 am sharp and leaving until past 11 pm, only because the security guards would close the building and would kick you out.
Natasha checked on you at least once a day, deliberately avoiding mentioning anything related to her sister. Tony and Bucky were the ones pestering you in order to leave work or eat, to say they were worried was an understatement. Tony kept delivering food and Bucky was always there at 8 to try and drag you home. Wanda was going all motherly on you as you predicted it, setting up camp in your apartment during the weekend to keep you company.
You were thankful for them, you really were, but you also wanted some time alone and being able to think. Plus, you wanted to vent and talk to someone and the only person coming to your mind (besides Yelena) was Carol.
Carol was being respectful and was keeping some distance, which you weren’t all that happy. You need it your best friend but at the same time, you were wary about it, which shouldn’t be so damn complicated. Carol was your friend and Yelena need it to understand that, but you also wanted to fix everything but at what cost?.
Friday finally came. Not that it made a lot of difference to your current agenda but at six exactly, Bucky arrived at your office door. He brought some pizzas and nonalcoholic beers, his excuse was because you were in no shape to drink and were still at work. You refuse the beer nonetheless but accepted a slice of the pizza, after all, it was your favorite.
You were so engrossed at work that you barely hear Bucky talking to you about his day and how’s life going in general but you faintly hear his phone ring. After some minutes he’s saying he needs to leave, apparently, Wanda was locked out of the apartment and needs his keys. You kinda promised to leave in a few minutes.
For once, you decide to hear Bucky and leave at the time promised, by 9 pm you were out the door without your work bag. Still better than other days. You don’t want to go to your apartment (the refusal to call it home since Yelena hasn’t been there is not lost on you) and the night is not that cold. You decide to stop for a coffee and a muffin, before deciding to walk around the city, after all, it’s nice outside.
Muffin in hand, you walk around aimlessly just people watching, the coffee on your other hand gives you the necessary warmth to not freeze your fingers out. You walk, bite and drink, like an automatic and well-oiled machine. It helps.
The clock ticks over and over, you barely register the pass of the time. You decide to sit on a park bench near your apartment, observing the wind move the tree leaves while you wait. For what? You don’t know.
The night starts to get cold, the park getting emptier by the second, your muffin long gone and the rest of your coffee is long cold. Getting up, you decide to start walking home, throwing the paper cup and brown bag into the trash can, you’re a couple of blocks away from your building when you feel a presence behind you. Before you can turn around you feel a sharp metal object on your lower back.
“Don’t turn around and do something stupid”
A low, raspy, and serious voice tells you. Your brain is about to stop functioning.
You slowly try to raise your hands. He grabs one of your arms and twists it behind your back, pulling you closer to him. His breath is awful but what is repulsing you is the fact that he’s trying to pull you towards a dark alley.
“Listen bitch, do as I order and I won’t hurt you. Your wallet and phone. NOW!”
You stop walking and force him into crashing into you. You feel the tip of the knife go further into your body and you flinch, how far? You’re not that sure, but if your thick jacket proves to be worthy, it probably would be just a scratch. He tries to snatch your phone but you’re not having anything of it. You clearly weren’t thinking.
You turn so fast and punch his face, which probably gives you a few seconds to run before he reacts and pushes you so hard you trip and fall. You try to break your fall before hitting the floor but you’re not that fast. You hear your wrist crack, giving up to your weight and your face hits the concrete. The pain is immediate.
He tries to grab you again but you’re so fed up with the universe at the moment and all things going around you so you decide to hit back. If the poor bastard in front of you is the one who’s going to pay for it, karma be damned.
Your old self-defense classes kick in so you turn around and push him out of you with all the force your leg can give you. It enrages him more and does a run for you again, this time his fist connects with your scraped face, you stumble a few steps but you hold your ground. When he comes back to you, knife ready to attack you do the only thing you can think of, grab it whit your injured wrist (at this point you’re thanking the adrenaline rush you have)… He’s surprised but not discouraged, he tries to grab you but you kick him hard, aiming for his lower parts but he moves just in time. He slices the knife out of your hand and while you cry your heart in pain he pushes you and kicks you, twisting your ankle in the process.
You protect your head. A flash of red and blue passes by and he runs away. You try to get up but your ankle protest at the movement. A few minutes later, a young man in a police uniform runs towards you.
“Ma’m, are you okay?”
You see your bloody hand and feel the pain of everything. Shaking your head no, he calls for an ambulance.
// // //
After what feels like hours but is barely just one, you’re sitting in a hospital bed, a nurse cleaning your face and giving you some butterfly closures, the other is stitching your hand before they can send you to have some X-Rays and other tests done on you.
Your ankle is not bad, it was just a minor twist but nothing serious, some ice packs later and swollen medicine and you will be fine but they wanted to check just to be sure. Now your wrist was worse, it was sprained but they need it to figure out the severity of it. Your ribs will probably bruise a little. But other than that you’re as good as it can get.
“Is there anyone we can call for you?”
“Yes, Lena, she’s my…”
The nurse looks at you waiting for an answer. Lowering your head you answer again.
“I’m sorry, can you call Tony? Tony Stark, my brother?”
“I’m adopted”
The nurse asking the questions has you writing Tony’s number down while you wait patiently for the pain pills to kick in. Honestly, can you just have some moments to rest? When the nurse is done he informs you to wait before they send you to the other wing to have the tests done. You crave for your phone but your current belongings are in a small table on the other side and you’re too tired to move. Thank Bucky you listened to him and left your work bag at the office. Your laptop and hard drives were there. Your mind is starting to crash on you and you feel so tired and sleepy, you think about laying down for a little bit before another nurse enters with a wheelchair.
When you return to the little room you were in, Tony is already there and he’s so happy he forgets everything the doctor said and hugs you so tight, it makes you flinch and grunt in displeasure.
“Bruised ribs man”
“Sorry kid, sorry, I just… wow you look awful”
“Jeez, thanks bro”
He holds you again this time gentler and you allow his presence to be the comfort you were looking for. Some minutes later the doctor that received you came back.
“Ok, miss Y/L/N, we’ll just need for you to sign this, your results look good, nothing broken, but your wrist is sprained, you’ll need to have it immobilized for a few weeks and will need physical therapy for it to heal properly without complications. Now it’s going to be uncomfortable with the stitches so I won’t ask for the nurses to put it in a cast, just to give you a semi-compressive bandage before giving you a wristband to help. You need to keep the wound clean so I suggest you have some help. Good thing you were wearing that thick jacket, it saved you from a nasty stab.”
“Lucky me, right?”
“Be back in two weeks to remove the stitches. You should also rest for a couple of days and have minimal extreme movement, that includes any kind of exercise”
“Well, I guess you shouldn’t worry about any other type of activities”
If looks could kill, Tony would be dead right there and despite being on an ER wing, they wouldn’t be able to revive him.
“Sure. These pills are to help with the swollen ankle and pain. If you experience any kind of discomfort regarding your injuries please come back”
“Okey. Thank you, Doctor Janes”
“Can I take her home now?”
“Yes, you can. Take care Miss Y/L/N”
Tony makes a big deal when you refuse the wheelchair, but when you see his eyes and see the worry there you shut up and comply. He takes you to his house rather than your apartment, which you don’t question it, it’s way past midnight already.
He leads you to the guest bedroom, Pepper left a cup of hot (kinda cold now) chocolate on the stand. All Tony said was you were mugged, he left out the part of you being taken to the hospital.
“Wanna tell me what happened kid?”
“What happened love?”
“He wanted my phone”
“And you couldn’t just give it to him? I would have bought you a new one, the newest one if you wanted it to”
“Is not that simple”
“Why? Tell me why a stupid phone is more important than your life?”
“You owe it to me. All I heard was a woman telling me you were brought up to the ER beaten and bloody! Do you know how fucking worried I was all the way to the hospital? I get there and they said you have a swollen ankle, bruised ribs, your hand was cut and your wrist is sprinted, plus you have some minor scars on your face and don’t even make me start on the comment about your jacket and the stabbing. So tell me… why was so worth it?”
You sigh defeated. You know he’s right. You have all your files backed up on a hard drive and a copy on a server Tony created just for you guys that updates it automatically as soon as something new is added to the device. So even if the guy managed to steal it from you, nothing would be lost.
Still, you can’t bring yourself to explain it to him yet you’re going to try. He’s after all your brother, adopted but still. He’s also the one that has made crazy things out of love, especially for Pots.
“When Yelena and I started dating, we talked about the one thing we couldn’t let go if someone would try and grab it from us. I mentioned my phone because of work contacts and pictures right? and she said that for her it was also her phone but refused to tell me why. After weeks of asking her, she said it was because all of our stories were being written there”
You fidget with the cords of your lucky jacket, Tony just grabs your hand.
“You see, she has this app on her phone, kind of like a diary, it’s dated and with phrases and pictures that remind her of our dates and that. Everything from the night at Steve’s wedding to a few days ago. She shared it with me after months of me begin… so yeah, I risked my life for a stupid phone because it contains all my history with her”
You haven’t even realized you started crying until you feel Tony’s thumb clear away a tear. He carefully engulfs you in his embrace, his hand grabbing your hair and shoulders. You give him a one-arm hug and he just lets you cry.
// // //
You don’t know when you fell asleep but you wake up with a headache. When you try to get up your body protests and your mind reminds you of the events from last night. Next to the bedside table is a glass of water with the prescription pills, some toast, a banana, and a note from Tony telling you Natasha would come by and keep an eye on you. Why he couldn’t call Wanda or Bucky? You weren’t that sure if you wanted to see Natasha.
Slowly, you limp your way into the bathroom and take a good look at the mirror for the first time in some days. To say you’ve looked better is an understatement, you have bags under your eyes, the right side of your face is the one scraped, you lift your shirt and see your browsed ribs. You carefully remove the wristband, removing the bandages, slowly removing your clothes, and step into the shower. A very hot shower is what you need to feel better and lift your mood.
If you thought showering was hard it was nothing compared to getting dressed and trying to bandage your hand and wrist. Everything aches and dressing with only one functional hand, well, you could use some help at the moment. After you accomplished the task, you went downstairs to have a more substantial breakfast. Those pills were hard on your stomach.
You were in the middle of it when you heard the front door. You thought about trying to limp your way to the sofa and pretend to sleep but the distance made you think it twice.
“Rise and shine sweet-“
Natasha’s silent when she enters the kitchen. You guess Tony exactly didn’t tell her why she was on babysitting duties. Her mouth hangs open and in one step she’s at your side.
“What the hell happened to you?” She goes to hug you but remains in her place after seeing your arm hugging your side.
“Someone tried to mug me”
“Tried? Please tell me at least the guy looks worse than you?”
You slowly shake your head. Natasha doesn’t say a word, she just observes you. She should have listened to Bucky when he insisted she called you more often.
“When did it happen?”
“Yesterday night”
“And why you’re at Tony’s? Shouldn’t they have called Lena?”
You stay silent, you don’t want to talk about her at the moment. You’re in pain, dazed and confused, the least you need right now is to open this matter again, especially with her sister.
“I asked them not to”
Before she can refute you add “Please don’t start Nat”
For once she listens to you. She sees your hand and goes for it carefully inspecting it.
“You need help bandaging it?” She asks you, grabbing the bandages you had lined on the table. You nod and explain how the doctor told you it should have been.
“I guess Tony didn’t tell you why you were babysitting me”
“No” She wraps the bandage and helps to put the wristband “I actually asked him where you were this morning when I went to your apartment”
“I want to spend the day with my best friend. Thought you could use a cold coffee and the distraction”
Her voice has a hint of a smile and her eyes shine but it’s been a while since you had alone time with your best friend that you don’t pay mind to it happily agreeing to whatever plan she has in mind.
// // //
In retrospect, you should have paid more attention to her before agreeing.
True to her word you went for an iced coffee yes, at the exact same cafeteria you and Yelena had their very first and official date. She ordered her sister’s order (a caramel macchiato with extra caramel and 2 espresso shots, no whipped cream), eat her sister’s favorite sandwich (a simple ham and cheese) even adding a lemon tart. She also got a small white box but refused to tell you what it was.
After that, you went to a record store, the very freaking same store where Yelena got your favorite vinyl record for your birthday last year. She bought a few things here but you were focused on the effects of the meds wearing off you didn’t mind it that much.
You started to ask her what she was up to on your third stop, a game store located on the mall where you asked Yelena to be your girlfriend. She played the innocent card saying it was nothing, you were just missing her sister and were seeing things. Which might be true but still, you had your suspicions, especially after a guy brought her a big paper bag from that store.
Your patience ran out when you went to conveniently pick up a “package” at the same venue of Steve’s wedding. Natasha refused to speak a word after it.
Before you noticed it was already 5 pm and you were in pain, tired, hungry and a little bit angry, so you told her very lovely if she could drop you back at Tony’s but she asked if you could accompany her to one last place before dropping you off.
You were about to say no but she took out a lunch box with your comfort food (apple and cinnamon crepes with a coffee milkshake). Weird. Honestly, you were fed up with her attitude but your stomach had other ideas, plus you need the food to take your pills, so you reluctantly agreed while taking the container from her hands. Eating in silence you barely noticed she was driving towards your place, entering through the visitors' gate.
When she parks you look at her confused. She just shrugs and tells you Tony texted her to remind you to pick up some clothes for you. It made sense. She helps you out of the car, you’re kind of lost in your thoughts you don’t pay attention when she takes out her bags and boxes, she follows you into the elevator, but keeps a distance whistling all the way up, expertly ignoring the side eyes you’re giving her.
When you reach your floor she takes out her keys, or Yelena’s keys, and moves to open the door, closing it on you. Asshole. You’re walking slowly so is not that you could run and stop her. You’re about 4 or 6 steps away when the door opens and Natasha helps you the remaining steps, holding you carefully.
“Nat, what the hell are you doing-?” The rest of your protests dies on your lips.
When you enter your apartment you’re not prepared for what you see.
Yelena’s there. She’s standing in the middle of the hall, Fanny at her side with a bow she’s trying to chew out of her neck. There are some candles lit around casting a soft glance around her. She looks breathtaking as always.
A small gasp escapes her lips when she sees you, bandaged, limping and so tired. But her eyes are softer and worried.
“You really look awful…detka”
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inmydrcams · 1 year
wait, the new yelena writer is putting and ‘asexual’ tag on a post she made on tumblr about writing the solo????? are we SERIOUSLY FINALLY getting a GOOD solo for my girl??????
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inmydrcams · 1 year
Calling nat comic!yelena's idol is such a stretch..... I hope these writers aren't hurting themselves
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inmydrcams · 1 year
Honestly, if marvel needs some special coming out for my aroace children they should give me the nadia/yelena team up I deserve where former red room widows bond over all they have in common
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inmydrcams · 2 years
“what if Y.elena is Bucky's daughter?”
I am so so so so tired of this entire fandom
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inmydrcams · 2 years
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a-spec people hare REPEATEDLY said that it DOES affect them. how much of an idiot do you need to be for this kind of bs aphobic take?
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inmydrcams · 2 years
the aphobes are so wild. yelena and bucky haven’t even looked each other’s way but they already know they have great chemistry cause of a photoshopped promo picture
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inmydrcams · 2 years
I see marvel is going ahead and pretending that they can have winterwidow with yelena without ruining both bucky and yelena…………
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inmydrcams · 10 months
ugh, the way white widow (2023)'s yelena is like fanfic yelena is so frustrating. I just wanted one good book with her and instead I got extremely ooc. come on, the last book she was on she was actually written so nicely, couldn't the new author at least check that one out instead of doing mcu yelena????
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inmydrcams · 11 months
yelena is not funny. yelena is not supposed to walk around acting like a teenager saying she's the ~greatest assassin in the world~. yelena was running a whole intel network in cuba with access to like black site prisons, making her act like an idiot teen ~finding herself is an insult to the character
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inmydrcams · 11 months
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oh no, my girl got the mcu treatment
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inmydrcams · 2 years
making yelena and natasha sisters in the mcu is still weird and kind of fucked up
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inmydrcams · 2 years
it’s always so funny to me when people say that yelena saying she’s not anything is ~out of context. the context is a woman asking her if she’s a lesbian cause she’s confused at yelena’s apparent lack of attraction to men.
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inmydrcams · 2 years
saw someone say that yelena should hang with jessica jones and omg they would get along so well!!! no bs besties!
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