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m3kuroshirt · 4 years ago
House of Assassins
GrimmIchi Weekend Challenge #4
Words Count: 1738
Challenged by @backwardshirt
Warnings: None
Genre/trope: Found Family
Required words: neighbour, killer
Ichigo lives with his found family of assassins, and they're getting some new neighbours.
This will be part of a series :D
“Ichigo!” The voice came to him through the murky shadows of sleep. Ichigo shifted, heavy eyelids fluttering. “Ichigo! WAKE UP!” The scream jolted him fully awake and Ichigo barely had time to dodge whatever was flying toward him. He threw himself to the side and thudded to the floor. A shadow flew over him and his bed and hit the wall with a thunk! A groan came from the other side of the bed. Ichigo rubbed the side he landed on and raised himself up, peering over the bed. There he saw
a Renji, splayed out on the floor, red hair broken loose from its usual ponytail.
“What the hell, Renji? You could have knocked,” Ichigo grumbled. His friend grunted and heaved himself up from the floor, turning to face him.
“I did.” He rubbed his head with a frown. “And then Rukia said the food she made is getting cold. So I decided to use desperate measures.”
Ichigo gave him a deadpan stare. “Knocking didn’t work, so naturally your next step was launching yourself at me?” Renji blinked up at him.
Ichigo glared at him. Renji shrugged. Ichigo sighed and pushed off from the bed. He turned around and walked to his closet to grab something to wear. As he pulled on his shirt, he glanced over his shoulder. “You gonna give me privacy or
Renji, who had moved himself up to the bed and was laying on it and reading a manga he grabbed off the night table, gave him a cursory glance before returning to his book. “Nope. Your bed is comfy.”
“We have the same kind of mattress. Literally. Bought the same day. What the hell have you done to yours to make it less comfy?!” Ichigo struggled into his tight jeans as he spoke. Renji shrugged.
“Why do you wear such tight pants?” The tone of his voice suggested the question was meant rhetorically and Ichigo glared at him again. Renji smirked.
“Renji! Ichigo! The food is going cold! If you two don’t get down here right now, you’ll miss out!” The words were innocent enough, but the voice that delivered them was laced with barely contained annoyance. The two straightened and exchanged wide eyed glances before rushing to the door and down the stairs.
They were greeted by a stern-faced Rukia, a smiling Orihime munching on pancakes, and a silent Chad putting dishes in the dishwasher. Exchanging greetings with everyone, the two sat down with plates stacked with pancakes and dug in.
“Our new neighbours move in today,” Orihime stated cheerily as she finished the last of her food. She stretched her arms over her head. “So, we have to be on our best behaviour, you know. Kisuke said so.” Ichigo gave a non-committal grunt as he chewed on his food. As if Kisuke knows anything about ‘best behaviour’, he thought.
As if on cue, the door to the basement burst open and Kisuke Urahara struggled up the stairs, carrying a massive box. What was in the box? Ichigo wasn’t sure he wanted to know. He tried to eat faster, but he knew leaving any unfinished food wasn’t an option the way Rukia was watching. With a huff, Kisuke heaved the box and dropped it on the only clear section of the table. “How are my little killer children?” he asked with a grin. Orihime smiled widely.
“Good morning, Kisuke!” she chimed. Chad nodded a greeting before disappearing back upstairs. Ichigo stared at the blond man.
“I thought we were being subtle today?” he questioned. Kisuke waved him off with a smug grin.
“Eh?” Kisuke pretended to peer around with overexaggerated motions. “Why? Are there any new neighbours in here?” Ichigo shot him an annoyed glance but Renji snorted and almost choked on his food, catching the other boy’s attention.
“Renji. If you die laughing at Kisuke making fun of me, I will not be doing CPR to bring you back,” he stated. Renji coughed again, before managing to speak.
Fair,” he gasped out before downing a glass of water. Ichigo turned back to Kisuke.
“Got any jobs today?”
Kisuke shook his head. “Nope. New supplies to test out, though,” he answered brightly as he patted the heavy box. Ichigo stared at the box for a moment, then shared a glance with Rukia, Orihime, and Renji.
“I have cooking lessons with Rukia later!” Orihime declared immediately.
“Going to meet up with Byakuya! We’ll be busy all day,” Renji added.
“I’m practicing hand to hand with Yoruichi today!” Ichigo threw his excuse out hastily. He sent a silent apology to Chad and Uryuu, and from the looks of everyone else’s faces, they were doing the same. Then, as if on a cue, all of them rapidly cleaned up and vacated the kitchen.
When he was finally out of the house, and free of Kisuke, only then did Ichigo allow himself to relax. A gentle autumn breeze tugged his hair and sent a shiver down his spine, so Ichigo turned up the collar of his jacket and shoved his hands in his pocket. He could see the moving truck pulled up to the house next to theirs, and although he was curious, he tried to keep his distance. Unfortunately, Kisuke was too good of friends with Yoruichi for Ichigo to be able to actually lie about practicing with her, so he had accidentally talked himself into a corner and had no choice but to walk past the truck on his way to her place.
That is, until it happened.
As he walked past the truck, a shadow fell over him and a high-pitched voice shouted, “Look out!” Ichigo spun around rapidly and caught the falling object. Which happened to be a man. A man holding a heavy box. Ichigo landed on his ass with an ‘oof!’, a large warm body in his lap, back pressed up against his chest and ear near his mouth.
“Fuck,” was the first thing Ichigo heard, and the voice was low and rough and delicious
No. Bad Ichigo, he thought to himself. At least make sure he’s not hurt, you idiot.
“You ok?” he asked. The man stiffened. Then he scrambled off of Ichigo and turned around, box shoved onto the ground. Ichigo stared up at him, and his breath caught in his throat. The man was tall, with broad shoulders, messy blue hair and piercing blue eyes. A white t-shirt stretched a little too tightly across his chest, and sweat beaded on his forehead, likely from the effort of moving boxes. Ichigo realized he was staring, and the man was staring back at him.
“Grimmy! Are you ok?!” a woman with green hair poked her head out of the truck the man had fallen from. The man glanced at her, and Ichigo realized that must be who she was referring to. The woman’s eyes fell on Ichigo and widened, before she turned back to the blue-haired man. “You shouldn’t get so distracted! Other people will get hurt!” The man’s cheeks reddened.
“’m fine,” he muttered. Then he looked at Ichigo and offered him a hand. “Y’alright?” he asked, clearly embarrassed. Ichigo blinked and took the hand, fighting back a blush.
“Uh, yeah. I’m
I’m good,” he replied. As the man helped him to stand, Ichigo had to virtually beat away the thoughts in his mind. Don’t focus on the biceps
don’t focus on the biceps
he chanted internally. Once he was upright, he swayed a little, the blood rushing anywhere but to his brain. “Sh-shit,” he mumbled as he stumbled a little. Immediately, a strong arm was wrapped around him.
“You sure about that?” a low voice asked. Ichigo closed his eyes. Get it together, Kurosaki, he chastised himself, you’re an assassin. You can’t be going weak in the knees for one hot guy. You see Renji every day. An image of Renji snoring, on his bed, hair tangled and drool pooling on the pillow next to him, rose in his mind and Ichigo found himself able to gain his composure. Ok, maybe Renji isn’t that hot

“U-uh, yeah,” Ichigo mumbled. He opened his eyes and stepped away from the stranger. He turned around with a reassuring smile to the man and the woman. “Sorry about that.” He rubbed the back of his neck. “Not the way you were planning on meeting your new neighbour, I’m sure. Uh, I’m Ichigo. Live next door,” Ichigo introduced himself. The green-haired girl smiled.
“I’m Nelliel! You can call me Nel! It’s nice to meet you, Ichigo! I’m glad Grimmy didn’t crush you into dust!” she answered with an enthusiastic wave.
‘Grimmy’ shot Nel a glare. He turned back to Ichigo. “’M Grimmjow. Not whatever weird nickname she” Grimmjow jerked a thumb toward Nel, “decides to give me for the day.” Grimmjow? More like Grimm-WOW. Ichigo internally cringed at his own lame pun and thanked the universe he didn’t say that out loud. He opened his mouth to make an excuse to leave when a voice behind him called out.
“IIICHIGOOOO~,” Kisuke’s voice rang out from the front door of his home. Ichigo tensed. “I see you’re not at Yoruichi’s and she said –”
Eyes wide, Ichigo spun around, desperate not to be roped into another experiment with deadly weapons and poisonous concoctions. “I’m helping the neighbours move in, Kisuke!” he hollered. He heard a quiet ‘huh?’ behind him and shot a pleading look over his shoulder at Grimmjow and Nel. Grimmjow frowned, confused, but Nel seemed to catch on. She smiled brightly and waved to Kisuke.
“Your son is really kind to offer his help!” she called. Ichigo dared a glance at Kisuke to see if the lie worked and caught sight of Kisuke’s knowing look. Unfortunately, the windows of the house gave a clear view of their neighbour’s front yard
so it looked like Ichigo would be under surveillance. Damn. I won’t be able to get away. He turned and held his arms out for a box, but it wasn’t Nel who handed him one. Instead, Grimmjow grabbed the large, heavy box he dropped earlier and rested half of it in Ichigo’s arms.
“It’s too heavy to carry alone,” was the only justification Ichigo got. He blinked, cheeks turning pink as he realized this would mean he’d have to work with Grimmjow
carrying things
watching the other man carry things
and see more of those lovely biceps
yeah, ok, maybe Ichigo was more on board with this than he thought.
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legendaryl0stpieces · 5 years ago
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tag drop for chad beaufort
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jemimadrewitt · 12 years ago
chad-parker liked your photo
cole-watson liked your photo
Down boys.
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thedarrengantz · 12 years ago
chad-parker replied to your post: Favorite singer?
No, you can’t.
You're just going to have to be disappointed with my answer then.
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m3kuroshirt · 3 years ago
House of Assassins Part Five
Links to Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four
Word count: 2632
Warnings: coarse language, family disagreements/fighting
The darkness was warm
firm. Ichigo didn’t want to leave it. But even as he struggled to stay in the comfort of the shadowy realm of sleep, his eyelids fluttered open, beckoned by the day light. With a low groan, Ichigo tried to move. He was unsuccessful. Something was stopping him, wrapped around him, holding him down. His eyes widened and he tensed, completely awake and alert now, ready to face whatever threat he needed to. Scenarios whirled through his head: how to get untied, how to get out from under a crushing weight, who was after him? Was it Aizen??? Did he find out about the assassination plan already?!
Ichigo’s eyes locked on what, or rather, who, was weighing him down. Blue hair was the first thing he saw, short locks splayed across his own chest. A strong jawline. Broad shoulders, with biceps emphasized by the lack of sleeves from the tank top their owner wore. Ichigo blinked once, twice. Then his face erupted in warmth, blood rushing to his cheeks. Grimmjow is on top of me?! When?! How???? Is this a dream????? Ichigo swallowed nervously and shifted. The arms around him loosened and a low grumble came from his companion as he slowly blinked awake. Ichigo just watched with wide eyes. Grimmjow pulled back a bit, his weight shifting uncomfortably onto Ichigo’s midsection, making Ichigo grunt. Grimmjow paused and looked Ichigo up and down, seemingly unsurprised by their position.
“Sleep well?” he asked. Ichigo felt his cheeks flush more. An odd look came across Grimmjow’s face; one that could be described as someone analyzing the pieces of a puzzle.
more or less,” Ichigo managed to get out, shifting uncomfortably. He was acutely aware of every inch of his body that was in contact with Grimmjow’s. And while he didn’t hate the sensation, he wasn’t sure how his friend would react to his feelings. He swallowed. “Um
why are you on top of me?” he mumbled. Grimmjow tilted his head.
“Oh. Yeah.” He looked a bit embarrassed now, as he crawled off of Ichigo completely. Ichigo drew his legs up to his chest and the two of them sat on the couch, facing each other. “I was helping you to the couch last night, but when we got here you grabbed onto me and wouldn’t let go. So
I ended up sleeping here. With you.”
Ichigo groaned and closed his eyes. He rested his forehead on his knees. “I’m so sorry,” he replied. He could feel the blush spreading down his neck. He prayed Grimmjow only thought it was from acting out in his sleep and not the fact that he secretly enjoyed having the other man on top of him.
“Don’t worry about it,” Grimmjow replied. “It’s not like you did it on purpose.” Ichigo looked up at him a little glumly but nodded along. Grimmjow shifted awkwardly, eyes shifting toward the kitchen, then back to Ichigo. “Uh. Breakfast?” As if on cue, Ichigo’s stomach growled. He hunched in on himself even more.
“Please,” he agreed. Grimmjow nodded and stood. He walked straight to the kitchen without looking back. Ichigo slowly slid off the couch and followed after him. The mugs from the night before were still out on the table. Grimmjow grabbed them as he passed and casually put them in the dishwasher. He walked over to the fridge.
“What do you wanna eat?” Grimmjow asked over his shoulder. Ichigo shrugged, then realized the other man couldn’t see him.
“Uh, whatever is fine,” Ichigo mumbled. Grimmjow did look at him then, eyebrow raised and expression slightly exasperated. “Ok
uh, eggs?” Ichigo amended.
“Ok.” Grimmjow turned back to the fridge and grabbed a carton of eggs. He started bustling around the kitchen, grabbing a frying pan, various seasonings, and some butter. Ichigo stood awkwardly in the kitchen entrance and just watched. He enjoyed seeing the way Grimmjow’s body moved, confident and strong. The tank top allowed a nice view of his arms and shoulders, and Ichigo couldn’t help remembering that those very arms had been wrapped around him this morning. His blue hair was messy and tangled, and Ichigo flexed his hands, resisting the urge to walk over and comb his fingers through it. It looked soft.
“Good morning!” A soft, sing-song voice called. Ichigo jolted and looked behind him to see a pretty girl with long green hair.
hi Nel,” he answered. “Uh. Good morning.” Nel smiled brightly at him.
“It’s nice to see you, Ichigo! I missed you,” she declared, not even questioning why he was there so early. Ichigo was not quite sure what to think of that. He gave her an awkward smile, while Grimmjow huffed.
“We live next door to him, you can literally go and see him any time. The hell do you mean you ‘missed him’,” he muttered. Nel just smiled wider, though her brother couldn’t see, and stepped past Ichigo into the kitchen.
“Ehhhh, Grimmy, are you making us eggs this morning?” she asked as she bumped shoulders with him. Grimmjow narrowed his eyes at her.
“I’m making Ichigo and myself eggs. You are on your own,” he retorted. Nel pouted at him. Grimmjow met her gaze and the two of them stared for a long moment. Finally, Grimmjow sighed and cracked another egg into the pan. “Fine. Whatever. You’re making lunch, then,” he grumbled. Nel cheered and threw her arms around Grimmjow in a hug. Ichigo couldn’t help but smile at the exchange. Then, seemingly satisfied that she’d gotten what she wanted from her brother, Nel whirled around and strode over to Ichigo. She grabbed his hands and led him to the table.
“Come on, Ichi! While Grimmy makes breakfast we can talk! It feels like we haven’t talked in foreeeeveeeer!” Nel all but shoved Ichigo into a chair, and then perched herself in the one directly opposite him. “How have you been? Still busy? How are Rukia and Orihime? Do you know if they’re free anytime soon? I want to go shopping! You would have to come, too, and we could bring Grimmy and make it a day for the group of us! Oh, and there’s a cute little cupcake place I found, that I really, really want to try, but Grimmy won’t go with me, but he’d probably go if you came and
” Ichigo just blinked and nodded along as Nel babbled on and on. He couldn’t quite keep up with every leap her train of thought seemed to make, but he did his best. Her enthusiasm and bright attitude made him feel more at ease, and he really did enjoy spending time around her.
It seemed to be in no time at all that Grimmjow placed the eggs on the table, along with a plate full of toast. Ichigo didn’t even know when he’d prepared that, too caught up in listening to Nel to even realize what the other man was cooking. He ate gratefully and assisted with clean up afterward. Nel gave him a very enthusiastic hug as he left and Ichigo patted her shoulders awkwardly. He did a half wave to Grimmjow, who only grunted and nodded. Then, Ichigo was on his way over to his own home. He braced himself at the door before opening it and stepping inside, tensing at the thought of the comments he knew would be coming his way.
He expected teasing. Jibes. Smirks and grins. Suggestive comments, even.
What Ichigo did not expect was chaos.
“Listen here, if I find out you did anything. Anything to him. If one single hair on his head is out of line, I will fucking end you. Do you hear me, Shunsui?!” Kisuke’s voice was the first thing he heard. It was odd, though, strained and erratic, almost panicky. Ichigo blinked. What’s going on? Who is he talking about? What happened? He wondered. He wandered to the kitchen cautiously.
A map was spread out on the table, held down by various make-shift paperweights; a shoe, a few books, and a
knife? What? Ichigo frowned. Around the map stood Rukia and Yoruichi. “Retsu said there’s a store here and here under Hueco Mundo Pharmaceuticals,” Yoruichi was saying as she pointed to two different places. “And then they have a warehouse where they deal with shipping here.” She pointed to another location. Rukia nodded.
“My brother said he can loan us a few bodyguards
we can have them help as drivers so we can split up and take all the places at once,” she stated matter-of-factly. Yoruichi purse her lips.
“Does he really want his name attached to this? When we go in, it won’t be a quiet operation,” she pointed out. Rukia gave her a firm look.
“This is more important. To me, and to him,” she replied. Ichigo opened his mouth to ask what was going on but was interrupted by a loud thud.
The door to the basement banged open and Jinta entered the kitchen with a large box marked ‘Dangerous: Explosives’. “I’ve got enough here to blow all of the town away,” he announced. “Tell me who needs ‘em.” Ururu followed from behind him, carrying another box, this one unmarked.
She said something, but Ichigo lost it in the sudden outburst from Kisuke.
“I don’t care what time you said he was there! You’re the last one who fucking saw him. That means that as far as I know, you’re next on the list if he’s not with that bastard!” he shouted. Footsteps pounded on the stairs and Ichigo barely turned in time to see Renji race down them, dressed completely in work gear, hair yanked back in a ponytail. He was followed by Chad, who was wolfing down some food as he ran into the kitchen.
“Chad and I are ready!” Renji announced. “’Hime! Where are the first aid kits!” Orihime was in a corner with Tessai, three first aid kits open in front of them on the counter.
“Here! Almost finished, we’re just making sure they’re all fully stocked!” she called, her usual bright tone now direct and sharp. Ururu carried her box over to her, and Orihime said something, but it was lost as more commotion arose.
“I’m ready to go, and I’m not waiting,” Uryuu announced as he ran down the stairs. He took a brief glance at the map on the table. “I’ll be at the warehouse. There’s an apartment complex right next to it; it’s a prime spot to set up my equipment.”
“The first aid kit!” Rukia protested. Uryuu turned away from her.
“I’ve got my own personal one,” he shouted over his shoulder. He almost smacked right into Ichigo as he turned around, and he flinched and stepped around him. “Move out of the way, Ichigo! We need to go find Ichigo!”
As soon as the words left his mouth, there was a pause. Silence descended on the household. Ichigo blinked. He glanced at each member of his household, before looking back at Uryuu.
me? I’m right here?” he stated finally. Everyone stared at him. Ichigo shifted nervously from foot to foot. “Uh. Is
is everything ok?” No one answered.
“Crisis averted,” Kisuke muttered into the phone, presumably to Shunsui, before he hung up. He pocketed his phone and walked over to Ichigo. He stopped right in front of him and crossed his arms. “So. Where were you?”
Ichigo swallowed. He glanced around at everyone nervously, before answering. “Uh. I was
next door
” Kisuke raised his eyebrows. He wasn’t wearing his hat and his hair looked a complete mess, as if he’d been running his hands through it and tugging at it.
“Next door. This whole time?”
Ichigo shrugged. “Um. Yeah? Since Shunsui dropped me off last night. Grimmjow was up and he
invited me over?”
Yoruichi frowned, hands on her hips. “And you didn’t think to send someone a message? Or at least answer your phone this morning?! We called you at least six times!”
“Wait, so you’re saying that while we were all worried you were fucking found out already and kidnapped by that fucking pharmacy, you were just over there getting laid?!” Renji demanded. Ichigo felt his cheeks heat up.
“What does ‘getting laid’ mean?” Jinta asked. Ichigo’s face reddened even more.
“No one answer that,” he snapped. Rukia glared at him.
“Oh no, you don’t get to make any rules right now,” she told him. Renji opened his mouth, but Rukia turned to him. “And you! You won’t answer Jinta right now, because I said so.” Renji shut his mouth.
“You should have answered your phone,” Chad stated, seemingly the calmest one in the household. Ichigo shook his head.
“It didn’t ring? I would have woken up if it did,” he replied as he fished his phone out of his pocket. “See
” his voice trailed off as he tried, unsuccessfully, to turn it on. “Oh. I
I guess it died.”
“Well, we can’t fault you for that,” Orihime tried to smooth the situation over, but Renji interrupted her. He shoved past Kisuke, grabbed Ichigo by the shoulder and shoved him against the wall. Uryuu protested, but Renji ignored him, focused entirely on Ichigo.
“Are you stupid? Do you just regularly go out on jobs without your phone fully charged? And why the hell would you not come home?! It’s right next door! It’s not like it’s that hard!” he shouted. Ichigo glared at him and shoved him off of himself. He stepped forward, bracing himself, muscles tensed and ready to fight.
“Am I stupid?! Me?! What about you all?!!! You were ready to go in, guns blazing, to destroy our cover, completely wreck our credibility, ruin the entire business we have going, because I was a little late in coming home?!” Ichigo snapped.
“As if you wouldn’t do the exact same thing!” Rukia shot back. She strode over to stand beside Renji, arms crossed.
Ichigo tensed his jaw. “That’s
“How, exactly?” Uryuu demanded now. Ichigo was starting to feel cornered. Adrenaline pumped through his veins and his eyes darted around, scanning for an exit route.
“I think we all need to calm down,” Yoruichi began. Next to her, Ururu was trembling. She placed a calm hand on the girl’s shoulder and stepped in front of her. “We should talk
Uryu ignored her and prompted Ichigo again. “How is it different?”
Ichigo was beyond listening. “Just! Shut up! It’s just different!”
“You can’t keep treating your life like it’s disposable!” Renji shouted at him. He took a step forward into Ichigo’s space again. Ichigo leaned forward and hollered back.
“Shut up! I’m fine!”
A hand slammed against Ichigo’s chest, and one against Renji’s, shoving them both backward two steps and effectively separating them. Between them now stood Yoruichi, eyes blazing.
“I said, calm the fuck down,” she ordered. Her voice was not a decibel above her normal volume, yet the silence that took over the household let her voice carry as if she was in the center of the colosseum. A few seconds passed. No one dared move a muscle. Yoruichi turned her gaze to Ichigo. “Ichigo: go upstairs and take a shower, cool off, then come back to the kitchen. We have some talking to do. I did not like what I was hearing just now.” She turned to Renji. “Renji, go have a glass of water or something. Get your hot head under control. Charging and aggression will get us nowhere.” Renji glared for a moment longer, before turning on his heel and heading to the cupboards. Ichigo thought about defying. He really did. But one look at Yoruichi’s fiery golden eyes told him that wasn’t even an option. With a huff, he stepped back and made his way upstairs. He didn’t look at anyone as he passed by, eyes firmly on his feet, face still heated in anger.
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thedarrengantz · 12 years ago
chad-parker replied to your post: Least favorite singer?
Nicki Minaj, Darren. Onika Tanya Maraj.
Who's that last person?
kiranhayes replied to your post: Least favorite singer?
“Nikki” Darren, do you have an A in spelling?
Do I look like I care about how her name's spelt?
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