#ch: shirou kishitani
hopes-memorial · 2 days
“You look vaguely familiar…” - @girlishwhiimsy @ Shirou
(( girl u can't go around comparing irl people to ur 2d anime boys. JDHADGS i immediately went thru all ur ocs he looks the most 'ikemen' that would belong in a otome game she would play. mimosa from cocktail prince-- NOW ON THE RIGHT BLOG ))
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"Do I? Could I ask where you've seen someone like me before?" His voice is calm, though there is a touch of worry there.
He was sure that what she would say was something along the lines of seeing him at the hospital or maybe seeing him working in the nurse's office on his days off, but there was a chance that she saw what had gotten him scouted... well, partially at least, and that slight chance had him on edge.
For a second, he half considered what he would do should she say what he was afraid of, but ultimately, he decided it would be better to just hear her out rather than jump to conclusions. After all, if he was wrong, it would be quite a mess to clean up.
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Injuries were pretty common at Hope's Peak, but it wasn't very common that Shirou got to man the nurse's office. As he idly sorts the bandages while waiting for someone to walk in, he nearly drops them when lo and behold, someone comes in.
"Ah, good afternoon, what seems to be a problem?"
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hopes-memorial · 10 days
11, 16, and 23 for Elodie, Shirou, Yotsuba, and a muse of your choice
Romance and Relationship Asks
"I admit that there were times when I was uncomfortable in my own skin.. though nowadays, I am perfectly at home in my body and with my face! It certainly has not lost me roles or earned me an unkind remark, so I am satisfied with it. As for love languages... quality time and gift giving seem to be mine, though I adore storytelling and showing off the culture of my beloved home as well. Hm... I believe I should be capable of seeing their needs. An actress should be able to read the crowd and compatriots on the stage, no? Therefore, tis only natural I could see what someone as close to me as a partner would need."
He chuckles a little at the thought. "I'm perfectly comfortable in my body, believe it or not. I may seem not so at times, but the bandage is for everyone else's comfort rather than my own, I assure you. Love languages.... hm... words of affirmation and acts of service? I wouldn't really know, sorry about the unsatisfactory answer." He really has to think about it. "Physically speaking, I'm sure I would, though emotionally... that's a lot trickier. I'm more used to bodies rather than hearts, so I can't guarantee that I would be able to."
"Super comfortable, why wouldn't I be? I'm perfectly fit and tall enough to look most people in the eyes without an issue. What more could I ask for? Hm... well, I like helping people out and getting them things that they like! That kinds of things are love languages, right?" She hums and crosses her arms as she thinks about it. "I think I would? I can tell when my brothers are being idiots and not taking care of themselves or want to say something but won't, so I think I'd be able to do the same thing to someone I'm in a relationship with, too."
"Er... I-I guess 'm comfortable with it. Dunno why people think 'm the type 'f guy to pick fights jus' cause I look like this, though... Appearance... er... think 'd look good with a new piercing 'r two? Maybe a tattoo? Eh, heh... I mean... I like how I look now, sure, but... could be better..." He blushes a bit. "Think 'm the kinda guy that jus' likes to do 'n say how I feel bout the person 'm with... maybe help 'em out 'n keep a hand on 'em a lot, too. Though, after makin' sure Botan takes care 'f 'imself mentally 'n physically, 'm sure I could read most people when it comes to things that they need.... gotta lot of practice from a guy that ain't the most emotive, after all."
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hopes-memorial · 26 days
Using the great wheel for this
Korekiyo (derogatory). Korekiyo is the only character I can imagine him in a "real" relationship with where nothing terrible can happen to his partner, and that's not exactly a good thing, but at the very least, they would be able to understand each other's... let's say interests to keep this light.
Ever regret that a character is straight? Uh...probably Kazuichi or Kaito, ngl. While she gets excited, she's so relaxed that she needs someone that can get her energized and alert, and I can't picture many people better than that would be able to get her in that state.
Tenko, easy. Matsuri isn't a full on man-hater, she leans more towards discomfort due to bad experiences with them while working behind the scenes, and while she wouldn't approve of Tenko's misandry, she'd adore Tenko's energy and determination to protect girls from creepy guys. Tenko being cute would be a great bonus, too.
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Shirou prefers to keep a somewhat professional look even outside of his work. Aside from his coat, he rarely wears anything other than black, but that's mostly for practicality! Hard to see stains on the dark material, especially the ones that a lot of his clothes are covered in...
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Katsura and Utsuro Kishitani
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The surgeon hums softly as a horror movie plays on the laptop in front of them. They don't seem phased though as they watch, but they do seem... perplexed.
"Hm... the effects are rather well done, but that isn't correct at all... shouldn't the horror partially be due to plausibility... or am I just misunderstanding..."
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Shirou Kishitani, ultimate surgeon, almost done. <3
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