#ch: poet (anne marie kaelin)
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safesthavens · 10 months ago
@stubborngods asked: “"you're messing with me. there's no way that's true." (bacchus + anne marie)”
A life time ago he would have said ‘are you joking?’ but that isn’t the choice of words now. Anne Marie doesn’t joke anymore. She’s too tired, too stressed. Watching Narnia fade away has taken its toll on her… and frankly, maybe she didn’t even have the ability to mess with anyone anymore either. Not even Bacchus. She doesn’t smile at his tone like she would have once, and her eyes don’t shine. There’s no amusement in her face, no hidden secret - not even an eye roll. She just looks at him.
But there is something in that look. Something that was only ever there in that briefest span of time. In that golden second… when she left Edmund’s side but still thought about him. It was the way her posture was relaxed. She was at ease. Like she’d finally gotten to breathe after holding it for too long. He knew what she’d say even before she said it. “No. Not messing with you.” She leans against the wall of the underground caves, and she’s holding in a sigh. “The Pevensies are back in Narnia. And that’s not even the weirdest part.”
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safesthavens · 9 months ago
@stubborngods asked: “[ 𝐒𝐇𝐀𝐃𝐎𝐖 ] ― sender and receiver see a shadow move out the corner of their eye ( bacchus n anne marie )”
Anne Marie was walking alone that morning, hee footsteps silent as she watched the Telmarines as they moved across the clearing. She had been keeping an eye on their progress through the forest and was doing her weekly check in. There wasn’t much magic left in Narnia these days, but there was just enough to keep the Telmarines from finding anything that would put the Narnians in danger. Hopefully she could maintain her little perimeter - even if the kings and queens of old or even Aslan returned again.
It was always moments like this that hee show up. A chill down hee spine of a warmth in her chest or a light reflected at the edge of her awareness. Times when she was panicking, thinking too much about the way the world was changing. Dying. How one day she’s watch everything else fall away and she’d be left alone…
Today he manifested first as a shadow, dancing out of the corner of her eye. She slunk away from the Telmarines and began to make her way back to the Howe, smiling to herself. “Yes, Bacchus?” She teased gently, calling him out on her awareness of his presence.
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safesthavens · 10 months ago
Anne Marie Intro
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Narnia OC, but canon compliant. Portrayed by Sofie Turner. 15 until post-Prince Caspian where she ages four years until Dawn Treader, where she’s 19. My personal canon is that she ends up with Edmund because I am basic but there’s one AU where she stays in Narnia and remains immortal and the magic of Narnia fully accepts her as a goddess and she ends up with Bacchus instead. That AU makes my heart warm.
Open to other OC relationships (I am literally begging I love being a chaotic little multi shipper lol) but keep on mind that for TLTWTW she had a crush on Edmund - only canon feelings she ever has for anyone.
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safesthavens · 10 months ago
@stubborngods asked: “[GRAB] - Sender grabs the receiver’s arm to pull them closer. (edmund + anne marie)”
Sparring had been easy enough for her. Finding her groove in Narnia again came easiest with a blade in her hand it seemed. Or maybe it was breathing the air, or seeing Edmund smile, or hearing Lucy laugh or watching Caspian move around the ship like the gentle rocking back and forth didn’t affect him at all. This world was dripping with little magics… even with Lucy and Edmund’s new cousin trying his best to ruin it. Despite all of that, when the sparring stopped Anne Marie was ready to move away. Especially when the music started playing.
Things with Edmund had only just gotten easy again. The last four years of letters back and forth was nice, but Anne Marie had become a creature of thousands and thousands of years. So maybe she was being too careful still. Moving far too slowly, letting her anxiety get to her. So even with their faces inches apart, with blades between them it had been easy to step back and try to move away when someone grab playing the lute… it seemed Edmund had other ideas though. He reached out after she sheathed her sword, catching her arm gently and guiding her closer. She was surprised, eyes watching him closely. “What’s this?” Hee tone is too warm, and already she’s melted butter, but her coping mechanism against her feelings for him has long since become joking and teasing, so even as her heart beat picks up and her excitement spikes, she’s still settling on teasing him and the smirk on her face reflects that.
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safesthavens · 10 months ago
Anne Marie Canon / Versions
Canon Compliant Timeline
The Magician‘s Nephew!Anne Marie: coming to Narnia for the first time with Diggory and Polly. Meeting the White Witch, discovering magic, watching the birth of Narnia, getting stuck in Narnia and cursed by Jadis. Not having a good time.
Winter!Anne Marie: Before The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. Trapped by Jadis and eventually escaping, leading to her befriending the sentient animal life and trying to avoid the Witch (who isn’t looking for her bc she’s not a threat but will capture her again if given the chance) leading to her eventually being there when the Pevensies meet the Beavers.
TLTWTW!Anne Marie: Anne Marie during the events of the Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe and her friendship with Edmund.
Golden Age!Anne Marie: Her during the Golden Age :) Her best life this far, but as she’s still immortal she watched the Pevensies her older and her feelings for Edmund only grow but he moves on without her :( and then disappears.
She!Anne Marie: known as “She” when her name is lost to history, Anne Marie becomes the secret protector of what is left of Narnia as the Telmarines invade and the magic of the world around her begins to fade and die.
PC!Anne Marie: Anne Marie during the events of Prince Caspian. She’s becoming cold, distant, but never looses her kindness. Hee sadness is getting the better of her but she is still trying her best in the fight that they are losing. Begs anything to change so the Narnians will be saved. Then Prince Caspian shows up… and so do the Pevensies, younger when they left. After it’s all over Edmund asks Anne Marie to come back to England with them and she does :)
Manor!Anne Marie: She gets separated from Edmund and Lucy pretty quickly and ends up having to survive on her own. She has no proof of existence and hasn’t been in England for many years now, but Diggory does find her when Lucy writes to him and takes her in. Trying to survive in England on her own for the first time and adjust to a world she cannot handle. Can age now!
TDT!Anne Marie: The events of the Dawn Treader where she gets pulled back to Narnia again to help out with things there. Reunion with Lucy and Edmund (they’ve been writing to each other but she’s been pretending she’s okay). Edmund and Anne Marie peak era I love them so much <3 Goes back with Edmund and Lucy again but this time she stays with them because Eustance has her back.
England!Anne Marie - hermst in England with Lucy and Edmund, eventually Susan and Peter :) they’re a little family now I love themmm
The Last Battle!Anne Marie - The events of the Last Battle. Going to Aslan’s Land (eventually. She waits for Susan)
Goddess!AU - Anne Marie is so influenced by the magic of Narnia that she becomes a deity of it with Bacchus and them. They’re chaos besties <3
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safesthavens · 10 months ago
“They’re young. Like… the same age as me. A little older than when they came to Narnia the first time, but-“ something heavy is suddenly sitting on her chest and with only Bacchus around to see her she doesn’t have the Will power to control her emotions. Hee head falls back on the wall she’s leaning on and she stares at the ceilings of the cave, trying to orient her mind and sort her thoughts. Everything is spinning, spiraling out of control, and she feels sick.
She doesn’t answer his second question until a few second, on purpose. She lets it sit in the air for as long as she possibly can before finally letting the sigh she tried so desperately to hold onto tumble past her lips. Her eyes close and the poise and calm she’s been fronting with melts away to give room for the person she’s always been. Too young, too tired. “They’ll go back eventually.” It isn’t a question. “They don’t belong here. They never really did - they’re from England and that’s where their family is. Family they have to return to.” She shook her head. “We have to prepare for it. I just… don’t know how.” Hee voice gets quiet on the last sentiment as she tries to hide the emotion choking her words. She forgot how much she missed all of them.
@stubborngods asked: “"you're messing with me. there's no way that's true." (bacchus + anne marie)”
A life time ago he would have said ‘are you joking?’ but that isn’t the choice of words now. Anne Marie doesn’t joke anymore. She’s too tired, too stressed. Watching Narnia fade away has taken its toll on her… and frankly, maybe she didn’t even have the ability to mess with anyone anymore either. Not even Bacchus. She doesn’t smile at his tone like she would have once, and her eyes don’t shine. There’s no amusement in her face, no hidden secret - not even an eye roll. She just looks at him.
But there is something in that look. Something that was only ever there in that briefest span of time. In that golden second… when she left Edmund’s side but still thought about him. It was the way her posture was relaxed. She was at ease. Like she’d finally gotten to breathe after holding it for too long. He knew what she’d say even before she said it. “No. Not messing with you.” She leans against the wall of the underground caves, and she’s holding in a sigh. “The Pevensies are back in Narnia. And that’s not even the weirdest part.”
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