#ch: moira rose
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outpost51 · 1 year ago
7 snippets 7 people
tagged by @writernopal over here tyyyyy i love this one
tagging: @sparatus @thetrashbagswasteland @omniblades-and-stars @sunflaresspace @mxanigel @bambino1294 @westernlarch
have a few of my favorite bits from unlikely adventures. CW: gore, violence, smut, the usual suspects
CH 2: My Sister's Keeper
Dillon was eight when her parents divorced. It wasn’t nasty. No one yelled. Darren didn’t demand custody, but Cheryl politely requested it, and he signed the papers without a second thought. He even gave up the house, choosing instead to stay in a much more reasonable two-bedroom apartment downtown, closer to his job with the law firm.
But she was eight, and all she ever knew about love she learned from her parents, and all the storybooks ended at ‘happily ever after,’ not ‘and then years later, when they realized they only got hitched because the princess was fifteen and pregnant and the prince was scared of her daddy’s shotgun, there was a civil division of community property and they never spoke again.’ A father should never be his daughter’s first taste of heartbreak, but Darren always was an overachiever. He got to put that trophy right up on his Dillon wall next to ‘Dada was her first word’ and ‘she took her first steps for me.’
She really was a daddy’s girl before, thrashing to his classic metal CDs in the basement and trying to out-belch each other at the dinner table. And after all that, he didn’t even fight for custody. He didn’t fight for her. Dillon saw it as her father wanting nothing to do with her and Daisy, even if he had free visitation rights and took them to the movies and the mall and theme parks. She was always shut down and distant during those trips, believing them to be a farcical attempt at bribing her and her sister, or a token effort because her mom asked him to.
CH 3: Death Doesn't Give Third Chances
“Your dad doesn’t remember.”
“Remember what?”
“That your sister died.” Cheryl flipped through a few pages. Raised her eyebrows a few times. She set the book down and went down to the basement, leaving Dillon alone at the counter with a massive stack of pancakes. Unattended. Four fell prey to her grabby hands before Cheryl returned.
With a severed head, its face frozen in a scream.
That she promptly whacked against the counter over and over until it cracked open.
“You cut up bodies three nights out of the month, pickle,” Cheryl chided as her daughter lost her pancakes in the sink.
Dillon looked at her mother with a mix of shock and disgust. “Yeah, I cut ‘em up, I don’t brutalize them.”
“Oh, don’t be so dramatic, it’s not like it’s bleeding.” Cheryl dropped the pulpy remains in her daughter’s outstretched hands. “Do something with that, please. I need to scramble this before your sister comes back down.”
With her mind completely dissociated from her physical form, Dillon sputtered, “Like what? I can’t just throw this in the trash!”
Cheryl exhaled through her nose. “Of course not, that’s wasteful. Put it in a bag and put it back in the freezer. I’ll boil it later to make freezie-pops.” She scoffed at Dillon’s continued perturbation. “What? Werewolves get hot, too. It’s too much work to fill a kiddie pool with ice for Gus to roll in every time we go on a run. Get some of my bacon while you’re down there.”
Dillon inhaled to respond, but swallowed the thought at her mother’s look.
CH 4: Like Moths
“Oi, Lawson, fuck off,” Moira barked. She had such an elegant way with words.
“Or what, freak? You gonna hex me?” Troy made a dismissive gesture. “Go back to your coffin, the sun’s still out.”
Dillon could almost hear the creak of Moira’s jaw as she clenched it. The pentacle necklace that never left her neck rose and fell with every angry breath, flashing a warning in the afternoon sun. Dillon stepped up behind her best friend. Her belly button barely cleared the top of the table, but she could still mean mug the shit out of them. Moira didn’t need help taking on six high schoolers, it was the thought that counted.
“Oh look, it’s the littlest Monroe, too,” Troy’s best friend, Conner Stevens, drawled. He didn’t move from his relaxed drape against the back of the booth. “What’re you gonna do, cut yourself at us?”
The bar for being the bigger person suddenly got a lot lower. Moira snarled over the table. Dillon put a gentle hand on her bicep. “No, Troy,” she chuffed. “I’m not. But you wanna know what I can do?” She hopped up on the table, jostling his drink with the jolt and wobble of the table. “You remember what happened to Brett?”
That got Troy’s attention. “What, you gonna pull a bear outta your ass? Wouldn’t surprise me, if you’re as big of a whore as your s—” His voice was suddenly cut off with a wet choke.
“He brought Daisy into it, Moira,” she spat. “His ass is fair game now.” Her head hurt and her chest tightened as her emotions rose higher, but this time she was ready for it, and greeted the pain like an old friend. Passing out would so be worth making that little worm regret even thinking Daisy’s name.
Conner shook Troy’s shoulder, but it was no use. He was fully choking on a massive lump lodged firmly in his esophagus. His blond girlfriend-of-the-week pulled him into a Heimlich position — she was a lifeguard at the community pool, Dillon thought — and on the fourth violent thrust of her hands against his diaphragm, the foreign object in his throat finally dislodged itself.
A clump of daisies the size of her fist slopped wetly onto his half-finished burger.
Dillon felt something wet trickle from her nose. Worth it. “Now get the fuck away from our table before I pick something with thorns.”
CH 5: Come, Devil
"The show hasn't even begun, mon petit aperitif, I still have my pants on." He took his time turning on the shower, fiddling with the temperature, pulling out towels — all while letting Dillon dangle over his shoulder, and when she decided grumbling wouldn't get her anywhere and instead caught one wing in her hands to bite the sensitive membrane, he reminded her that his hands weren't the only disciplinary tools at his disposal, wrapping his tail around her arms and yanking her upright. How she still managed to maintain enough dignity to look angry with her pants and underwear hanging around her ankles, he didn't know, but he liked it a fair share more than he was willing to admit. It's not like anything was fully on display either, thanks to the massive shirt drowning her in fabric, but that was easily remedied. He grabbed the hem and made to rip it free—
"Don't tear my shirt, please." The quiet earnestness of her plea was jarring in the wake of her snarling fit, enough so that it turned his muscles to stone and forced him to meet her eyes. There was a flicker of fear in their hollow depths, suddenly so cold and lifeless, had he not felt her pulse fluttering against the underside of his tail, he'd wonder if she still had one at all. "Daisy bought it for me. It was the first concert we went to together."
Well, fuck. Zadimus set her down and stepped back, watching her kick off her other clothes and slowly, reverently strip off her shirt and fold it on the counter. "You really do love your sister, don't you?"
The fire went right back into her eyes as she looked up with raw determination and something he couldn't place, the sort of vicious familial passion he'd never observed in a member of his own kind; it drove otherwise pacifistic mothers to violent, gruesome vengeance killings, and made brothers fight more fiercely for — and sometimes against — each other than they would in any other circumstance. "I poured my soul into the ground so she could climb back out of it," she spat. "What do you think?"
"I think we're going to get along brilliantly," he replied, then pulled her into his arms again to crush their mouths together. The kiss was short-lived; she drew back and he worried he'd crossed a boundary somewhere, but she thrust her thumbs into his mouth and pried his jaws open.
"So that's what it was!"
She grinned in triumph. "Your tongue's pierced, you wily fucking devil."
Zadimus batted her hand away. “I have other things pierced, you know, if that’s what really gets you going,” he drawled. “But as it stands, Miss Monroe, you have a filthy fucking mouth and it’s high time someone cleaned up your act.”
CH 8: Bullet on the Tracks
“Did you grab the bacon from up here or downstairs?”
Zadimus pointed to a plate of bacon that looked leaner than usual. “Downstairs for me,” he said, then pointed at the pan sizzling in front of him, “and up here for you.” He dumped the bacon onto a paper-towel-covered plate. “Your mother has a good system, all the cooking vessels are marked so there’s no risk of cross-contamination.”
Dillon nodded, reaching for a slice of her bacon. “Yeah, she adapted pretty quick— fuck!”
“You just saw me take that out of the pan, dipshit,” Zadimus scoffed at Dillon’s pitiful puppy eyes, then pulled her injured finger from her mouth. “It’s just a bit irritated, you’ll live.”
“But it hurts,” she pouted.
With a sigh, he ran his tongue over her finger before resuming his prior task of cracking eggs into the pan. “Better?”
Dillon gaped at the tingling still chasing away the angry red of a minor burn. “Wh— how.”
“In your… spit.”
“Ah, no.” Zadimus tossed the empty carton into the recycling and the shells into the compost bin. “In general. But my hands were full,” he chuffed with a wink, squeezing her thigh.
Dillon scrunched up her nose to hide her grin. “Letch.”
“Careful, Dillon,” he teased. “I might think you like me and my brazen ways.”
She smacked his bicep, but the smile on her face lit the room and the flush of her cheeks warmed it. Zadimus released her into the kitchen so she could go about fixing coffee, as their infernal, unnecessarily complicated device refused to tell him its secrets. He was buying a machine for himself the next chance he got, something with as few buttons as possible and a normal filter. He got so lost in his fantasy of simplicity he almost missed her question. “Where are we going today?”
It didn’t help that she had half a bagel shoved into her mouth. How someone so small managed to open her jaw so wide— he shook off that train of thought before it could go anywhere that might cause another delay this morning.
CH 8: Bullet on the Tracks
So Zadimus let Dillon poke and prod his fading bruises; the single rib fracture that had started righting itself, the kink in his tail he’d already straightened in the back seat with someone’s hoodie in his mouth to muffle the grunt of pain it had wrung from him. That one smarted a bit, and he gave her a token wince so she’d have something to fuss over. He had been around long enough to know mortals needed to fret and tend to each other after a fight, to regain some control over something when everything else had been more or less out of it. He would never know the fear of a final death, but he understood it, and he had felt the stain it left behind once or twice in his thousand years.
He lifted the pads of her fingers to his lips and kissed the worry from each one, letting the tingle of magic distract her from their ordeal long enough to steal another kiss from her mouth. “See? I’m fine.”
He might have been, but she wasn’t — with her worrying hands at last sated to stillness, Zadimus could see where blood had dried beneath her fingernails, where boiling ichor had stained her knuckles an angry red, where she’d cut her lip either with her own teeth or while she was ripping the wraith apart. Flecks of darkness stubbornly clung to the outer edges of her irises. There was that glimpse again: scarlet braid, leather and metal, sturdy hips and silk-over-steel thighs, and the most vibrantly green eyes he’d ever seen.
There was nothing hard about Dillon except her damned head, but she hadn’t lived through war, famine, pestilence — only a pale horse roamed her pastures, yet she was neither afraid of its bray nor its bite. Her struggles all lived in her heart, and somehow it had still remained as chiffon-soft as the rest of her.
He’d recognize those eyes anywhere, though. Like sunlight reflecting off a dragon’s scales, sharp as a sword and twice as lethal, and when he found himself caught in her gaze—
—the tenderness stabbed him with want so deep, so fathomless, he thought it might actually kill him.
Her lip split again when he crushed his mouth against hers. Blood and moss. She tasted like blood and moss and something ancient, something wild. Energy sparked against his teeth, a volley of arrows meant to take out his fortress defenses, and the energy within him answered in kind, pouring over her tongue and down her throat.
The backs of his thighs collided with the kitchen table. Fuck it. Zadimus let her push him back, spreading his wings across the surface and over the sides like a tablecloth. “People eat here, Dillon,” he teased, even as he helped her climb over him.
She bit his nipple.
Interlude II: Bad Blood
“Pamela Foster,” the newcomer clipped. “Castlebury Park. Sorry I’m late, the homeowner’s association meeting ran long because some people don’t seem to understand neighborhood beautification standards exist for a reason, and a black garage door is an eyesore.”
“Oh for fuck’s sake, Acheron,” Sterling hissed. His chair scraped as he rose, knocking into his hovering servant. If he noticed, he didn’t acknowledge it. “This? This is the fabled new bloodline? What’s she going to do, ask to speak to the manager?”
“Mister La Croix and I have already spoken, actually, thank you.” Pam took her seat at the end of the table. Acheron didn’t miss the mild panic flitting across Jedediah’s face and the subtle scoot of his chair away from her. Interesting. “We’re here because of my turning, correct?”
“A completely new bloodline hasn’t appeared since the seventeenth century, just mutated from older ones, so this is… most unusual,” Idris explained. “We’re sure you’re perfectly capable, but--”
“But what? I sent in my curriculum vitae, you’re all aware of my leadership capabilities, and further--”
“A leader ain’t just a few fancy words on a piece of paper, Pammy.”
Pam’s eyes narrowed and her mouth pressed into a thin line. Acheron felt his entire body threaten to implode into itself to escape. “Do not interrupt me, Mister… the Dragonheart, is it? Or so help me, you will find out why I was chosen as this line’s progenitor.”
Hagar’s mouth quirked up into an intrigued grin. How long had it been since another member challenged him like that? How long since anyone had?
“Further, I have submitted my territory demarcation through the appropriate channels, so I hardly think an entire meeting is necessary. I’m sure you all have better things to do,” the newcomer concluded. Her shock of bleached-blonde hair seemed to move in a breeze only she could feel. What little of it could move, anyway; the pixie cut looked sprayed and gelled and spiked to within an inch of its life.
Her conclusion once more erupted the room into cacophonous bickering, and again Hagar fired his gun to silence it before Acheron could even raise his voice. A second chunk of plaster joined the first. Pam did not look happy about it, and wouldn’t you know, the big brute actually flinched.
“Can we at least pretend we belong in our respective positions and act with a smidgen of civility? We aren’t werewolves,” Acheron snapped. Seconds later, he was clawing at an invisible hand constricting tighter and tighter around his throat.
“The woman I intend to take as my mate is a werewolf, Mister La Croix.” Pam’s eyes glowed a deep, dusky red. Her clothes swept up in the quickening breeze. “Tread carefully.”
7 notes · View notes
Ch 9 The Gift You Gave Me
For the next two weeks, Oliver, Felicity and John repaired the bunker and helped the city in its efforts to recover from the Undertaking.
Even now, first responders were still recovering bodies from the wreckage.
As the body count raised, the amount of anger, blame, and discontent rose in the city. The people started calling for Merlyn blood. They celebrated Tommy’s death. They wanted Moira Queen dead and there were even those few who wanted Oliver and Thea to pay for their parents’ crimes.
Oliver had a team of security on Thea when she wasn’t with Roy, much to her annoyance.
He worried for Felicity, but as long as the world didn’t know she was carrying Malcolm Merlyn’s grandchild, she was safe.
John was spending more time with Carly, and that often left just Oliver and Felicity to their own devices.
More often than not found Oliver on Felicity’s couch or in her kitchen, but always with her.
He learned she couldn’t cook to save her life and took it upon himself to make her breakfast and dinner. Often when she was at work, when he wasn’t working on the foundry or working out, he was researching recipes for pregnant women.
Felicity didn’t mind. Oliver’s cooking was a hundred times better than microwave food and it reminded her of Tommy in a good way, even if it made her heart ache just a bit more than it did before.
Before, Oliver was her teammate, her partner, but now he was becoming a very close friend. 
Someone she could talk to about almost anything. Her worry and fears. How much she missed Tommy. About her day.
Oliver had not only become her friend but her sounding board, her confidante. 
Her pillar of support.
Her anchor among tragedy and heartache. 
Her life had changed so much and in a world she was still adjusting to the changes.
Nothing about any of this was easy.
Oliver set a plate on the counter. Scramble, eggs, toast and grapes. A glass of orange juice is next to it.
Felicity’s bedroom door opened. Her hair was left down and more curly than he has ever seen it. She was pale this morning, making the circles beneath her eyes more evident. She wore a pair of black yoga pants and an oversized blue shirt he knew to be Tommy’s, dipping off one shoulder.
“Are you not going into work today?” Oliver wondered, knowing Felicity would have worn something else if that were the case, or maybe she was just running late.
His step faltered." Are You feeling okay?" 
“I have to go to the hospital.” Felicity said. 
Oliver’s heart leapt into his throat and he was rushing forward before she could take another step. “What’s wrong?” his arm wrapped around her waist, ready to whisk her away to the hospital as fast as possible.
“I’m fine.” Felicity patted his chest, seeing his worry. “I have a doctor’s appointment, so I took the day off.”
“Oh, is it for the baby?” he asked, helping her over to the counter.
“It is,” she answered, sipping at the glass of orange juice.
Oliver settled across from her. “Can I..:” he shook his head abruptly, falling silent. 
Felicity watched as he pushed his eggs around on his plate, that brooding frown in place that she was all too familiar with. “You want to be there?”
Oliver looked up at her hesitantly. “I don’t want to overstep.”
“You’re not.” Felicity assured him. “I wouldn’t mind.”
“Yeah?” Oliver smiled lightly.
“Yeah,” said Felicity. “It will be nice to have a friend there.”
“When is the appointment?” Oliver looked at the clock.
“Not for another 2 hours.” Felicity answered, nibbling on her toast. “We got time.”
Oliver followed Felicity’s mini Cooper on his bike through the hospital’s underground parking garage.
It was convenient in keeping away from the hostile mobs out For Merlyn blood and from paparazzi and reporters.
Oliver followed closely behind Felicity as it seemed she knew exactly where she was going and he didn’t.
He stepped closer to her as a few others got into the elevator with them.
He was worried at first that someone might recognize him and his trip here will be on every television and paper in the city. But not a single person paid him any mind, some miracles he would gladly accept. He felt out-of-place walking into the women’s clinic. It only increased when he noticed it was a room full of pregnant women and he was only the third man there.
He stepped closer to Felicity to help with his unease. His hand migrated to her back. 
“Are you sure you want to be here?” Felicity asked quietly, leaning into him so he could hear her.
“Yes, just nervous.” Oliver admitted.
“So am I.” Felicity said, and Oliver moved his hand from her back to her hand, closing his around hers.
Felicity squeezed his hand and approached the receptionist's desk. “Felicity Smoak. I have an appointment at 11:15.”
“Fill this out and I will get you checked in.” The receptionist replied politely, holding out a clipboard with forms. “And I will need your ID and insurance card.”
Felicity dug through her purse until she found her wallet as Oliver took hold of the clipboard. Felicity handed over the cards.
She accepted the clipboard from Oliver and took one of the empty seats that was left. 
Oliver joined her, rubbing his fingers together in that way he did when he was feeling nervous or restless.
It didn’t take Felicity long, and she took them back up to the counter. 
10 minutes later, a nurse came and took her to one of the patient rooms, and she and Oliver were left waiting for the doctor. 
Felicity sat on the medical bed while Oliver paced, looking out the window and the skyline laid out before him.
“Does it usually take this long?” Oliver wondered.
“Patience is a virtue.” Felicity said, and despite himself, Oliver smiled.
“What do you want to do after this?” asked Oliver, hoping to distract himself.
“I don’t know.” Felicity answered honestly. “I guess it depends on how I feel after this.” 
The door to her room and an older brunette woman walked in dressed in a white coat. “Hi, Ms. Smoak. I’m Dr. Avery. How are you feeling?”
“Nauseous. Tired.” Felicity answered.  
“That’s perfectly normal.” Replied Dr. Avery, filling out a form. “Any cramping?”
“Very good.” she looked up from her chart, looking at Oliver with recognition. “And is this the father?”
“This is a very good friend of mine.” Felicity answered and Oliver came over and gently took her hand in his, his thumb brushing slowly back and forth across the back of her hand.
“Good. As first time mom’s and one as young as yourself, it’s important to have a support system.” Dr. Avery said.
“How do you know this is my first child?” asked Felicity. “Is it in my chart?”
“Yes.” Dr. Avery smiled. “Also, you’re wringing your hands. You’re nervous. Most first time mom’s are always nervous.”
“Does it ever go away?” Felicity wondered. 
“It vary’s with every patient. Everybody is different.” Dr. Avery answered. “Are you ready to see your baby today?”
“What? Really?” asked Felicity, as Oliver blew out a breath.
“Yes, really.” Dr. Avery smiled. “I’ll need you to lay back and raise your shirt for me to just beneath your breast.”
Felicity did as instructed as the Doctor wheeled over the ultrasound machine.
“I apologize in advance for the coldness.” Said Dr. Avery as she spread a gel over Felicity’s abdomen.
Felicity jerked at the coldness, and Oliver Instinctively took her hand.
Dr. Avery placed a doppler against her skin and slowly began moving it.
Felicity’s heart pounded against her ribs, and her breath caught in her throat. 
Oliver felt his body seize up, a ball of emotion lodging in his throat. He knew this moment was going to change everything, and it terrified him in a way that he wasn’t used to.
It was silent in the room, the only sound the breathing of the occupants in the room until it wasn’t.
A fast heartbeat filled the room. 
Felicity’s breath left her in a rush.
“Is that..?” Oliver was having trouble finding his voice. “The baby’s heartbeat?” 
Dr. Avery nodded. “Yes, it is.”
“It’s fast.” Felicity said and added quickly." Is that normal?"
“It is.” Dr. Avery confirmed, moving the doppler around a bit more. “There you are.”
Felicity’s hand flew to her chest after Dr. Avery turned the ultrasound monitor screen toward her, pointing out her baby in the grainy image.
“That there is your little one,” said Dr. Avery. “I would say you are almost 9 weeks along.” 
“And everything’s fine?” Felicity asked.
“Your baby is perfect.” Dr. Avery assured. “From the development and how far along you are, I approximate your due date in November.” 
“It’s common to have a miscarriage in the first trimester. Is that something I need to worry about?” Felicity asked.
“Everything I see tells me you have nothing to worry about.” Dr. Avery answered and went on to explain what she could expect for the next few weeks.
Felicity glanced over at Oliver and his eyes were glued to the ultrasound monitor. More specifically, the baby’s image on the screen. There were tears in his eyes and a soft smile pulling at the corner of his lips.
“Any questions?” Dr. Avery asked.
“Yes.” Felicity turned back to the Doctor squeezing Oliver’s hand. “I have morning sickness and it comes at all times of the day. Will that last during the entire pregnancy?”
“I want to say no, but there are some case’s that it does last the duration of the pregnancy. If you’re lucky, it will only last the first trimester. Things should go more smoothly once you reached your second.”
“Is there anything we can do to help ease the symptoms?” asked Oliver, forcing his eyes away from the image of Tommy and Felicity’s baby to Dr. Avery.
“I will prescribe some nausea medications and some pregnancy vitamins.” Dr. Avery answered and began using a paper towel to wipe away the gel off Felicity’s stomach. “I will print you off a couple of pictures of your baby’s ultrasound.” 
“Thank You.” Felicity said gratefully.
“Of course, I’ll be right back.” Dr. Avery smiled before leaving the room.
Felicity turned to Oliver when they were alone. “You ok?”
His eyes shined with unshed tears and it was a little disconcerting to see the man who was guarded more than the Pentagon, so vulnerable.
Oliver turned to her.
Tommy should be the one standing here, holding your hand. Not me.
The words were on the tip of his tongue, but he couldn’t say them.
He didn’t want to cause her more pain. 
He swallowed visibly. “Yeah, it’s just.. surreal.” 
“I know.” Felicity squeezed his hand. “I’m scared.” 
Oliver smiled softly. “So am I and that’s ok. This is uncharted territory. It’s okay to be scared, but I don’t think you need to be. You are gonna be an amazing mother.”
Felicity hoped he was right.
A few minutes later, Dr. Avery returned with her printouts and prescriptions. They talked for a little longer before Felicity and Oliver were on their way.
“Are you hungry?” asked Oliver, glancing at her briefly before returning his eyes to the road.
 “Yes, I could use a big belly burger and some mint chip.” Felicity answered. “We could call John, see if he wants to meet us for lunch?” 
“You call John, I will get us to big belly burger.” Oliver said, turning on his turn signal as he came to a stop at a busy intersection.
John had easily agreed to meet them. It gave him an excuse to check on Carly without coming across as overbearing.
John met them just outside BBB’s parking lot. He smiled at Felicity and held the door open for her. “What have you two been up to today?”
Oliver looked at Felicity to answer John. He was taking his cues from her.
“I had a doctor’s appointment.” Felicity answered, grabbing their usual booth.
“Oh.” John took a seat across from her as Oliver slid into the booth next to her. “How did it go?”
“Good. We got to see the baby and hear the heartbeat.” Felicity answered, her lips pulling up into a genuine smile.
“We?” John looked over at Oliver.
Oliver nodded. “It was surreal.”
“Do you want to see my ultrasound pictures?” Felicity immediately began digging through her bag.
John leaned over the table expectantly. He hadn’t seen her smile since The Undertaking. 
Felicity pulled out the ultrasound pic and showed it to John, pointing out the baby. 
“Wow.” said John.
“I know,” said Oliver, his eyes lit with wonder. “It’s unbelievable.”
“It’s almost like he’s still here with me,” Felicity murmured, staring at the picture in awe.
Oliver and John both reached over and squeezed her hand in support.
“What can I...” Carly trailed off. “Is that an ultrasound picture?” She looked at Felicity. “You’re pregnant?”
“I am.” Felicity replied.
“Congratulations.” Carly smiled.
“Thank You.” Felicity slipped the pic back into her purse.
“If you ever need some advice or anything, you can call me,” said Carly.
Felicity appreciated the offer. “I will probably take you up on that.” 
“Please do.” She pulled out her notepad. “Now, what can I get you guys?”
“Cheeseburger, extra pickles, no mayo. Fries, extra crispy and mint chocolate chip ice cream.” Felicity listed off.
“Don’t have mint chocolate chip.” Carly answered, writing her order down." I can do chocolate." 
Oliver leaned into Felicity. “I’ll stop and get you mint chocolate chip when we leave here that way you can have some whenever you want. Plus, we need to stop and have your prescriptions filled.” 
Carly looked between Oliver and Felicity as they locked eyes.
“I’ll have my usual,” John interjected, bringing Carly’s attention back to him.
Carly smiled at him and reached out to rub his shoulder.
“And you Mr. Queen?” Carly asked Oliver, not needing to write down John’s order, already knowing it by heart.
“Oliver, please.” Oliver insisted. “Double cheeseburger, easy on the cheese, fries and a glass of water.”
Carly nodded, writing it down, and sent another smile at John before returning to the counter.
John quietly excused himself and followed Carly to the counter. His hand covered hers on the counter and she smiled up at him, stepping closer. John’s other hand came to rest on her waist and hers on his chest as they spoke in soft tones that neither Felicity nor Oliver could make out what was being said.
“Do you think they’ll last?” Felicity wondered curiously.
Oliver glanced at John and Carly briefly before returning his eyes back to her. “I don’t know. I hope so, but their relationship is a bit on the complicated side.”
“Most relationships are,” Felicity replied, a question of curiosity forming. “Speaking of complicated. What about you and Laurel? Think you’ll last this time around?”
Felicity assumed that Laurel wanted to be with Oliver and Oliver, who saw through Laurel tinted glasses would want the same. She didn’t think it would last, or that it was the right move for him, but it was Oliver’s life and his decision to make.
“Laurel and I are not back together.” Oliver’s brow furrowed. "Are people saying we’re back together?"
“No, I just assumed. You always drop everything for her and the way she acted at Tommy’s funeral.” Felicity smiled ruefully. “She was clearly staking her claim.”
“We slept together the night before The Undertaking.” Oliver admitted. “I thought it was what I wanted.”
“Didn’t live up to the expectation you built in your head when you were on the island?” asked Felicity. “Understandable. I mean, you built a lot of expectations out of some misplaced guilt. It’s not a strong foundation to start a relationship on.”
Oliver opened his mouth to respond, but John chose that moment to return. “Carly said our food will be ready in a moment.” 
“Good,” said Felicity, letting Oliver and her discussion fall away. “I’m starving.”
John grinned. “Well, you are feeding for two now.”
Felicity found herself smiling at the thought of her baby and her hand moved to rest over her relatively still, flat stomach.
Oliver watched the movement, and he had the intense urge to cover her hand with his own and was grateful for his own self control.
“So, things with you and Carly?” Felicity wondered, looking at John.
John glanced over as Carly started over to them with a full tray. “They’re going as well as can be.”
“Here are your orders.” Carly unloaded her tray. “If you need anything else, just send John to the counter.”
“We will.” Felicity promised, as John chuckled. 
The three friends kept their conversation light as they enjoyed their meal.
Oliver returned home later that day, intending to shower, grab some fresh clothes and an overnight bag.
It occurred to him that it was presumptions of him to pack an overnight bag for Felicity’s, but right now, he needed to be near Felicity.
He needed to watch over her, care for her. He needed to feel like he was honoring his promise to Tommy to look after her. However, it wasn’t just for Tommy. It was for himself too.
The closer he got to Felicity, the more drawn he was to her. His life had come down with the Glades and being around Felicity was the only thing that felt right to him.
“What’s the overnight bag for?”
Oliver glanced over to see Thea standing in the open doorway, dressed in her favorite pair of silk pajamas.
“I was going to spend the night at a friend’s.” Oliver answered.
“You’ve been doing that a lot lately since everything happened.’’ Thea commented. The look in her eyes reminded him of their mother’s when she was trying to get to the bottom of a problem.
“My friend lost someone really important. None of this has been easy. For them especially.” Oliver answered, thinking about how hard this has been on Felicity. 
“How is Laurel?” asked Thea, wrongly assuming that’s who Oliver had been spending all his time with.
“I’m not sure. We haven’t spoken in almost a week.” Oliver answered honestly.
“Wait, if not Laurel then,” she shook her head before her eyes lit up. “The blonde? I think her name was Felicity. Is that where you’ve been spending all your time?”
Oliver couldn’t bring himself to answer, but his silence spoke volumes.
“Who did she lose?” Thea wondered. “Was it someone close to her?”
“Closer than Laurel and I have ever been,” confessed Oliver. He didn’t think he ever loved someone the way Felicity had loved Tommy. “And she has no family here.” 
Thea nodded, feeling a wave of sympathy. It sucked losing someone close to you and being alone only made it worse. “You could always invite your girlfriend here.”
“It’s not like that. She’s not my girlfriend. We’re just friends.” Oliver protested, hoisting his bag onto his shoulder. “Are you going to be okay on your own tonight?”
“I won’t be on my own.” Thea said, a small smirk pulling at her lips. “Roy’s coming over.” 
Oliver’s face scrunched up.
“Don’t make that face. I’m not a little kid anymore.” Thea admonished. “I shouldn’t have to remind you of that.”
“I know.” Oliver sighed, still he didn’t like his sister with boys. He was a big brother. However, he knew Roy was a good kid. “As long as he makes you happy.”
“He does.” Thea said.
Oliver walked over to his sister, pressing a kiss to her forehead as he passed. “Good.”
“The offer still stands for your friend. She’s welcome here if you want her to be.” Thea’s tone made it clear she didn’t believe Felicity was just his friend.
“I’ll see you tomorrow.” Oliver called over his shoulder and left, pausing long enough beside her to press a departing kiss to her temple.
Felicity pulled her door open to find Oliver with a duffel bag over his shoulder and his arms full of grocery bags.
“I went shopping.” Oliver said in greeting.
“I can see that.” Felicity took two of the bags from him.
Oliver followed her inside, kicking the door shut behind him.
Felicity set the bags down on the kitchen counter. “What’s with the duffle bag?”
“I hope you don’t mind. It’s just in case I stay over.” Oliver set the remaining grocery bags on the counter. He let the duffle bag slip down his arm and drop at his feet. 
“I don’t mind.” Felicity said. “You’re welcome here anytime, as long as you’re comfortable on the couch.”
“I’ve slept in worse places.” Oliver replied, beginning to unload the grocery bags. 
Vegetables, fruits, a few packages of meats, yogurt, heart healthy cereal, eggs, pancakes.
 “I’m sure.” Felicity replied as Oliver pulled out the last item from the bag.
A carton of mint chocolate chip ice cream. “As requested.” Oliver set the ice cream on the counter.
Felicity snatched the ice cream up. “You are a Godsend.”
Oliver couldn’t help the bubble of laughter that rose in his throat.
It was honest and real. Hearing it brought a soft smile to Felicity.
“I was under the impression pregnant women were harder to please.” Oliver commented, a light feeling in his chest from just being in Felicity’s presence.
“This one’s not.” Felicity opened the ice cream and retrieved a spoon.
“Speaking of,” he pulled out a small white paper bag from his jacket pocket. “I picked up your prescriptions.” he set the bag down on the counter.
“Thank you,” Felicity said around a spoon full of ice cream.
“Shouldn’t you wait until after dinner?” asked Oliver as she popped another spoonful of ice cream into her mouth.
“If you didn’t want me to eat the ice cream before dinner, you shouldn’t have bought it.” Felicity replied with a smile, swallowing another bite of ice cream. “And speaking of dinner, what are you making for us tonight?”
“Something healthy for you and little Smoak.” 
Felicity’s nose scrunched. “Little Smoak?” 
“Peanut?” Oliver offered.
Felicity shook her head.
“Cargo?” Oliver tried again.
“Pumpkin.” said Felicity.
“Pumpkin?” Oliver repeated, lips twitching. 
“It’s what my grandmother called me when I was little.” Felicity explained.
“What about your mom?” asked Oliver curiously. 
“Pistachio.” Felicity pressed her lips together. 
“I didn’t open up easily.” Felicity explained. 
Oliver noted that he was slowly learning more about her." Pumpkin it is."
“Want some?” Felicity offered him a spoonful of her ice cream.
Oliver leaned over, taking a bite.
“Why don’t you eat the rest of your ice cream while I get dinner started?” Oliver suggested.
“Sounds like a plan.” Felicity sent him a smile and walked into the living room, settling on the couch as she got Netflix started.
Oliver joined her once he had dinner done and was giving it time to cool off. Felicity instinctively moved closer, and he lifted his arm, tucking her into his side.
He felt more at home next to her than he could ever remember feeling. It was a feeling he wanted to protect.
3 notes · View notes
popculturebuffet · 4 years ago
Top 12 Christmas Episodes!
Merry Christmas Eve Everybody! We’ve reached the end of my christmas reivews and what not on this blog. 
But as a wise barrel chested canadian man once said, I fucking love christmas, So if i’m finishing up the holiday on my blog I want to go big and stay home. So in honor of the holiday, my memories of it and just how GREAT it makes me feel i’m counting down my top 12 christmas specials! After last year’s worst of list I really wanted to do the oppsiite.. but it was naturally a lot harder. Shows usually put a LOT of effort into their christmas outings, even the ones who do so once a year, so the good FAR FAR OUTWEIGHS THE BAD. To show the contrast I could only find like.. 8 I was comfortable with putting on the worst list and even some of them aren’t that bad just not good. With the best of list? I had over 60 considered and even once I started narrowing down.. it was still around 30 or 40 REALLY GOOD specials I had to work down into this list. It took a lot of work and up to the last one it was really HARD to cut it down this far. But this is the best of the best of the best of the best of the.. you get the bit. We’ve got a lot of ground to cover and this review was already supposed to come out on christmas eve, so, since I won’t be able to use this for another year...
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Er. Top 12 Christmas Specials.
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12. Merry Christmas Johnny Rose (Schitt’s Creek) So I finally watched all of Schitt’s Creek this year.. and i’m kicking myself for not powering through it’s terrible starting decent ending first season earlier because the show is easly one of the best comedies of the last decade and rightly earned it’s emmy sweep this year. Heartfelt, hilarious, and starring some of the best names old and new in comedy, the show is really great and I recommend checking it out.. just again be aware the first few episodes are not very good and if it wasn’t vital to the rest of the show story wise, i’d just recommend skippping season 1. While the characters minus patriach Johnny are insuferable at first... it’s their growing from self absorbed assholes to still self abosrbed but really good and decent people that is the beating heart of the show. And no where more is this heart on the show’s sleve than at christmas time as this episode is baked in just how far our cast have come.
The episode centers on Johnny Rose, played by Eugene Freaking Levy who co created the show with his equally talented son Dan who desrves the lion’s share of the credit for the show’s upturn in quality. Since the Roses used to have big lavish christmas parties once a year, Johnny decides to throw the equilvent of what they can do on a budget at the Motel they all live in. But his family all has other plans with daughter Alexis, now happily with Ted again, meeting his friends for the first time, son David, played by Dan Levy, busy at his store with his partner, in both senses, patrick and his wife Moira having a performance with her acapella group. At first it just comes off as something typical of johnny: Something well meaning and what not but ultimatley just not something his family is into or that he planend well for.
It’s only when Johnny finds himself alone at the local diner with Moira coming to see him we find out why he’s REALLY doing this: the old lavish parties, which we see one of at the start.. ultimately ended up with him alone, sad and everyone off to their own corners. WIth the family having actually come together over the past 4 seasons, Johny simply wanted to celebrate that and says such in one of the best moments in the entire show and with one hell of a line.
"I just thought, in spite of all the hardship, we found ourselves coming together, the kids, you and me, as a family. And it just seemed like the perfect day to celebrate that. The perfect day for a Rose Family Christmas Party." But Moira has already taken care of it and thus takes JOhnny home to find all their friends and the rest of the family gathered, wtih the Jazzagals serandading eveyrone with a beautiful rendition of silent night. It’s just a warm, well done character piece that really fits the holiday while also really cementing what the show had become: a show not afraid to make dirty jokes or humilatie it’s cast but one that has a true sweetness to it. It’s only that the first half’s jokes don’t quite pop all that well and feel a bit at johnny’s expense that holds it back. Otherwise this is one i’ll be coming back to every year.
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11. Father of the Bob (Bob’s Burgers) Bob’s Burgers is a damn great show i’m season’s behind on. Warm, charming, weird and with an expansive side cast played by a whos who of whose in comedy today. It’s a damn fine show and i’m happy it seems to have manatained it’s quality long after the simpsons and family guy lost theirs. And the show really loves christmas.. and halloween.. and valentine’s day.. and thanksgiving. Oh god does it love thanksgiving. Point is, the shows good at holiday episodes and loves doin em and has produced some stellar ones and I had a lot to pick from here.. but I ended up going with my gut and my personal faviorite. It’s not the most christmasy despite the trappings, but the character work is just too good to leave it out in the cold.  It’s Christmas Eve and the Belcher’s are visiting Bob’s Dad. As you can tell by the fact the most we’ve seen of him is a picture of his restraunt, big bob’s diner in the belcher’s living room and a flashback where he told bob to work instead of play as a kid that set off an episode’s plot, they don’t have the best relationship. Bob has a firm rule about not spending more than 15 minutes with his dad, as that’s the point they run out of things to talk about and his dad starts getting overcrytical and making jabs at bob’s life and restraunt. Linda, being Linda, decides to meddle and when she finds out Big Bob’s short order cook is missing, has our Bob fill in.  But as we see in flash backs it’s not THAT easy to repair things, as there’s a long, bitter history between the two: When a youngbob made his first unique burger and served it to a customer, his dad threw it out without even letting anyone taste it. He then offered bob a partnership when bob was a young man but Bob snapped at Big Bob in front of his friends and left to make burgers his own way, leading to where we are now. And honestly i’ts the perfect origin story for Bob and adds a lot of shades to his character. He’s obessed with the restraunt not just because he genuinely loves cooking but because it’s HIS. His place, to create creative burgers, his family and his regulars. It’s his corner of the sky. It makes the restraunt’s existance and surivvial that much more heartwarming to know the meaning behind it.
Naturally things end up blowing up with Bob pointedly serving the burger to make a point and Big bob walking out angrily and sadly. It takes bob’s gift from the kids, who had their own neat subplot of making gifts for bob in the basement, a snowglobe wrapped in newspaper.. to find out hsi dad kept the newspaper with the review of his first restraunt and kept ALL reviews of Bob’s Burgers. Despite being a stone faced critical ass on the outside, Big BOb STILl cared.. and bob relizes he needs to make amends and actually make an effort instead of just avoiding his dad or gettin gback at him. And through the power of gay club next door line dancing, and nick offerman whose a wonderful guest star here, the two reconcile with Bob admitting he shouldn’t of humilatied his dad even if he had to go his own way, and Big Bob admitting he’s hard to work with, the loss of his wife hit him hard, and he was a bit too much. The two hug, and it’s genuinely just a good, well done story of father and son that somehow gives even more dimension to Bob, an already pretty damn fleshed out character. Just a really great episode whose holiday timing makes it better.. though not being AS much a holiday episode as a really good bob’s burgers that’s enhanced by it is why this one’s so low. Next!
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10. Santa Claus Conquers the Martians (MST3K) I”m honestly surpised i’ts taken me THIS long to get to something MST3K related. I’ve loved the show since high school, first exposed to it thanks to a dvd from the library and continuing from there to present day. I love the show’s combination of riff’s on perfectly cheesy movie and fun skits with really good puppets especially for the budget. It’s just good comfort food in show form and no where is comfort food more welcome than christmas, and each era of MST3K, so far hopefully the show will come back again eventually, has had i’ts own damn good christmas special, with this being my faviorite out of the three. 
The other two are good: ironically I have a poster for the santa claus over my computer, or rather crow and tom as santa and pitch aka satan respectively. Yes really, that’s the premise. IT is as awesome and batshit insane as it sounds. Point is I like that one and year without a santa claus, this one just has more personal warmth to me. I jus tlove the holiday feeling of joel and the bots readying for christmas in the host segments. It just feels like christmas and it’s wonderful to see the bots act like kids.  That being said.. it’s still also fucking hilaroius, with the mad’s hilariously petty wish squisher, a device that turns good gifts into socks and other unwanted presents, the best Crow T Robot quote of all time as he gives joel his santa wish
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And of course, one of the best and most patently insane christmas songs ever: Have Yourself a Patrick Swayze christmas, which has become oddly sweet after his death and got me to watch road house for the first time last year... and it’s as awesome and wonderfully rediclous as this song inspiried by it and even better once you get the refrences
But while the host segments are what push this film into the list, the movie is still a delightful bit of 60′s cheese as, to restore their children to being children, a couple of martians kidnap santa to bring christmas to mars. Fights iwth robots, an asshole martian and an obnoxious sidekick named droppo, yes really, insue. IT’s just some fun cheese for the holiday and a staple of my holidays. 
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9. The Three Wise Men (Letterkenny)  It’s no secret Letterkenny has quickly become one of my faviorite shows. After watching it last January, it’s become part of my being and one of my go too feel good shows, a funny as hell, uniquely weird slice of life show set in rural canada. While like it’s fellow recent legend of canadian television Schitt’s creek it’s first season CAN be a bit rough.. but it’s not as rough and getting through it is worht it as the show immiedatly picked up and became one of the funniest things to ever exist. It’s also uniquely tied to christmas as every year a season of the show has dropped on that day on it’s home streamer Crave TV in canada, and on boxing day here in the us. So it’s only fitting the show also has a REALLY great christmas special. 
It’s Christmas eve and our heroes the hicks, are having a christmas party. For the uniniated the hick’s aren’t really all that “hick” ish just hardworking farmers who still accept everybody and work damn hard. Leading man, terse talker and certified badass Wayne is suprisingly really into christmas, as he spent pretty much every holiday spouting out inacuracies about it but this day? He genuienly enjoys, even insiting on awful holiday drinks only and a midnight toast, the titular three wiseman (Canadian, irish and American Whiskeys, one shot of each). “It’s tradition”.  And thanks to tradition we get the main gag of the episode: most of the episode is wayne calling in various members of the town, most of whom he dosen’t like very much and some who deeply annoy him, to give them presents. And  while i’ve admitted to being a guy who dosen’t like a plot that basically repeats itslef.. it works here.. mostly because while the setup is the same, each member provides something new and hilarious: while it starts innocently enough with Bonnie Mcmurray, local fanservice, nice lady and fangirl of wayne, getting a camera and offering to be an elf, an offer wayne is forced to take up, it soon becomes a parade of weirdness and bullshit Wayne really dosen’t want to put up with and that really makes me laugh hard: Local loveable sex maniac and bar owner Gail goes on for a good minute about her sexual antics with Wayne’s beloved departed uncle eddie after Wayne gives him a picture of the guy, Glenn, another of wayn’es unwanted admirers and local pastor, obsesses over a christmas themed digeredoo, local druggies and emos the skids intitally refuse to open their gift out of prinicpal until wayne simply asks “What if theres drugs in it” (It’s insted vitamin d), the local hockey coach sings a hilarious and gloriously cringe song about having sex with his wife when they were alive and the hockey players make wayne uncomfortable both by crying a bit. Also tanis gets an apron. 
But even if the reactions horrify or piss off our hero into needing his elf’s help, the heart is in the fact that despite hating most of these people, he still got them a gift and one that’s hearfelt and well meaning. And naturally the sweetest is saved for his family of choice with the hicks: Squirrely Dan gets a pencil case for his oft talked about women’s studies class, Dary gets some clonge since he wears his barn clothes everywhere, and Katy gets an obscure korean christmas movie since her subplot that episode had been spent trying to get a christmas movie going, only for everyone to pick it apart: from the racisim of santa and co towards rudolph to pointing out how profoundly fucked up the premise of the santa claus is (including the fact various serial killers could’ve gotten the suit), which I agree with, it’s just a sweet gesture that shows how well he knows his friend. Overall it’s just a fun hangout of an episode that feels like a real christmas party and in these troubling times we could all use that. Now let’s all have a spit.
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8. The Feast of Alvis (Sealab 2021) Another Christmas staple for me.. and a gloriously strange one at that. This time we’re checking under the sea with Sealab 2021, one of the earliest adult swim shows and the blueprint for the abriged series format, it took a dry hannah barbara show about an underwater research station and remixed it into the antics of a bunch of idiots and lunatatics throughuly unequipped for the task. Except Dr. Quinn, the only sane person aboard.. most of the time. It was comedy gold courtsey of Adam Reed, creator of the later Frisky Dingo, a throughly underated show, and Archer, which is like Frisky Dingo but refined into it’s truest and most sucessful form. It was magical and just talking about it makes me want to talk about it again at some point, probably in a best of list.  So naturally this madcap energy was perfect for the holidays. Originally the crew planned to use ACTUAL religions for this, but were forced by network to change it.. which ended up being one of those cases where the network ended up actually making the right call as the creators instead created thinly veiled substute for the various religions... and centered it around Alavanism, which is christianity.. but if christ was instead born in the us at some point, and instead of being a pacifist, was a drunken beligernt gun loving redneck who shot a guy in the face, has “vengance is mine” as one of his quotes (from said face shooting) and still had pomp and circumstance as part of his holiday.  Helping this though is our Alvian for the evening is Captain Murphy, the series best character and often the center of it’s best moments, played by the wonderful and sadly late Harry Goz, a half crazed half chidlish cloud cuckoolander who often comes off like a demanding child in an old man’s body. So naturally this holiday is for him and even more naturally he’s holding a massive alvis day cermeony that’s as batshit as he and his religion are in the main deck: he’s got buffalo, a buffet that’s deeply unsanitary, and a hallogen light mimickign the alvistide star that he wants to plop a baby under.  Naturally no one else is happy about this. Well Stormy, local hilarious dumbass, is as the only other alvian on board for this, and a general sucker for dumb shenanigans but he’s so plastared he’s even less coherent than usual and can mostly muster the desire to kick something’s ass or a weak “shut up” Most of all Quinn and his girlfriend debbie, who point out religious tolerance is a part of the sealab charter and that this kind of grotesuqe celebration really isn’t in season. I’ts also a nice dig at “War on Christmas Assholes”, long before that was as big a problem with Muprhy very much being the asshole and his cleebration rapidly crumbling. He also attempts to fire Sparks for being a wiccan stand in so yeah he deserves it. It’s all capped in Muprhy getting visted by a drunken halucination of his lord. All in all easily one of the best and most insane christmas specials ever put to film. If you have HBO Max watch it today or tommorow you will NOT regret it. 
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7. Arnold’s Christmas (Hey Arnold)  A classic of my childhood, Hey Arnold is one of the best animated shows period. It’s something i’m not shy about saying, I bleivie I said it in my thanksgiving list and i’ll say it quite a bit. It’s not PERFECT, it has it’s flaws.. but it’s still damn good and the golden standard for slice of life shows. 
This episode naturally is one of it’s best and, while I didn’t catch as a kid the signifigance or what this was about, touches on of all things the vietnam war and the children who were helicoptered out. In a heart destroying story, Mr. Winn, one of Arnold’s boardinghousemates, reveals he has a daughter he has no idea where she is as to give her a better life, he made sure she got on one of those helicopters as an infant. While he was able to immigrate later, he never found her. Arnold being our own personal jesus, refuses to let this stand and goes out of his way to figure it out and goes on a quest that seemingly ends in failure. It falls on Helga to save the day as Helga actually gets what she wanted from her parents, a pair of nice boots, and gets the rare moment where they actually acknoledge her.. but loving arnold and seeing the noblility in his quest.. she gives it up. Just to make someone elses’ dream come true. He may never know who did it and tha’ts okay. An utterly heartwarming and heartbreaking episode. Nuff said. 
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6. Santa Claus is Comin To Town  Speaking of classics this is how you do a santa origin story. Not the first or last i’d see, and we’ll get to one of those in a moment. While i’m not a huge fan of Rankin Bass’ other big hit with Rudolph, this one really hits the spot for me and is only this low because it’s pacing is really slow at points. Otherwise this special is near flawless, looks good and holds up today.  As I said this is a good Year One for santa establishing how he became immortal, how he met the elves, he was raised by them, how he started giving out toys, how he met mrs claus you know all the stuff you’d ask about.  To me what really sells it the best though is Mickey Rooney as Santa. While I had no idea who played him till literally writing this article in my mind his earnesness, kindness and genuine nature just.. fit the old elf to me even as a young man and everything from his humble beginings to his wanting to help children just out of kindness to his teaching an old man to dance to his romance just feels.. genuine and warm like christmas should. It just makes me feel good and like others on this list.. FEELS like christmas if that makes any sense. Not a lot else to say. Burger Meister Meisterburger isn’t the best vilian, but it was the early 70′s and we weren’t quite to diamond levels of complex interesting villians just yet so fair enough. Baiscally I don’t have a TON to say about this special in short, I may review it next year, we’ll see, but  it’s really good, really fun and sometimes simple just works I guess? Speaking of stop motion..
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5. Abed’s Uncontrollable Christmas (Community) I love a good sitcom. I haven’t shared that love enough on here, I should try and change that at some point, but I do, as a fourth of this list should make crystal clear. So while sadly some of my faviorites like Brooklyn Nine Nine, Parks and Rec and Roseanne didn’t make the cut, Community thankfully did. Community is a show that’s really damn good and had THREE awesome Christmas episodes. All three, all winners and all in contention for some time. Regional Holiday music just barely didn’t make the cut. But ultimately I went with the best of the best, the most creative, most character driven, and most intresting. And the one that in Community’s traditional style, decided to take a spin on an old genre.  In this case Abed, the study groups resident pop culture junkie, guy who thinks in tropes and future Huey Duck, is seeing everything in stop motion and may get thrown out of school as a result. With his friends deeply worried, they turn to Greendale’s local psychologist and british areshole Professor Duncan, played by my spirtual father John Oliver. ALL HAIL THIS MAN
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Duncan takes the two into Abed’s fantasy and thus into a rankin bass special where Abed slowly weeds out his friends and tries to get rid of Duncan, whose naturally only intrested in proving a case. It’s a fun, chaotic ride including christmas pterodactyls, and the cast all in bizzare forms based on what Abed thinks of htem. it’s really damn creative and beauitfully animated at that.  Naturally like most of these what clinches it is the heart and soul. We find out towards the end WHy this happened: Abed’s mom is spending christmas with her new family instead of him and it’s broken him to not be able to watch specials like they do> Thus the group rally behind their friend, beat duncan in a wonderful christmas number and watch specials with their buddy, as the weird ass family some of whom have or will make out, they are. 
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4. A Charlie Brown Christmas With my love of comic strips and sentiment, it should suprise absolutely no one this is on here. I love peanuts and have only grown to love it more over hte years for it’s mealancholy, finely constructed cast and weird bits people forget about like Snoopy’s disco phase, that really damn good arc where his house burned down, his brother stealing his fiance only to have her stolen from him, the fact Lucy threw Linus out once, that peppermint patty was once held back a grade and her snores took her place at her desk, the fact there was a character named 5, Charlie Brown and Linus’ friend roy who introduced peppermint patty to the cast, the fact a character named crybaby boobie exists, the fact there are specials devoted to a pastiche of call of the wild, a friend of linus’ getting cancer, and Flashbeagle. Just flashbeagle. 
It is glorious. And I really need to add that to my review queue.. maybe for late january. Seriously, tis glorious. And I OWN this one. So yeah. What were we talking about? Oh yes the special that made all the specials, especially flashbeagle, possible: A Charlie Brown Christmas This one has always been part of my life, but even beyond it’s signifigance to me, having grown up with it and grafted it to my soul, it’s just .. good. It has some good commentary on the consumrisim of the holiday with Charlie Brown rightly a bit upset about it and ending up roped into directing a christmas play. Great gags, and charlie brown trying to stick up for a scragly tree no one enlse likes insue. Oh and scripture as this is probably the only overtly religious special on the list. Not that ther’es anything wrong with not being religious and celebrating christmas: i’m not anymore but I still do and while I respect people who celebrate the holiday int he spirit of christ I have none for people who bash anyone who dosen’t just see it religiously and whose over zealous about it. Your just as bad as war on christmas people and you should feel bad.  But yeah overal it’s just an inconic special whose clunkyness in production and audio just adds some charm to it. It shows it’s age.. but only in the animation and production values, which is just.. charming. It’s message is timeless, it’s characterization is perfect as you’d expect from peanuts in it’s prime, and i’ts ending is truly heartmelting. If you’ve never seen this one.. just go do that. I can wait. 
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3. How Santa Stole Christmas! (Ducktales)  I”ll be brief on this one as, since it only aired a few weeks ago, i’ve already done a full review on it. But I will justify why such a recent special is this high up: because it’s just that good. It may of JUST been aired, but it’s as good as anything else here and age dosen’t matter. Quality does. There will likely be future specials worth this list i’m sure but for this moment in time this one earns it. It has Santa perfectly charactrized and tells an utterly heartrending story of friendship that ends up ending simply because the two are moving in opposite directions and of Scrooge learning the meaning of christmas. Not thorugh the ghosts, they already brilliantly messed with that one. It’s just really fantastic, gets the christmas spriit perfectly and uses the characters just as flawlessly. I will defintely be watching this one every year. Just a warm, creative, funny as hell special. 
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2. Comfort and Joy (Justice League) Speaking of reviews I held off reviews of my final two so I could save more thoughts here. I probably still will review them eventually, especially this one, I just felt i’d be repeating myself or have to be brief like the last one. But yeah this one slaps. The Justice League cartoon is easily one of the best superhero cartoons, if not superhero properties, period. Taking the base already built in from the previous three dcau cartoons, this one builds out the world and expands it , and introduced a young me to my lifelong loves of Martian Manhunter, The Flash and especailly the green lanterns with John Stewarts badass reciting of the oath easily etched in my brain. The only reason he isn’t my faviorite lantern is because mogo exists.. aka the lantern that is a living planet. 
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You can see why. But yeah Jon stuck in my mind. So it’s probably no suprise that the christmas special heavily featuring all three. It’s Christmas Time and after the league stops it’s usual disaster, they head off for their usual holiday activities. Batman and Wonder Woman are missing, but it’s fine. While I love both, especailly DCAU Batman, the episode is probably better off not trying to shove them in there just for the sake of it. One of the show’s greatest strength’s was character ballance, not forcing EVERY member of the big 7 into every episode and just using whose needed and shuffling them in and out FAR BETTER than say, Ducktales. Point is this, much like being loved by anyone, was not unusual and it makes the episode tighter. Even more so since this is the ONLY half hour episode in the first two seasons, the rest are basically hour long episodes split into two parters, though still paced for being two episodes so it’s good.. and three movie length three parters for the premire, and the season finales. Fun Fact: As a kid I missed starcrossed and thus had to find out second hand, and barely at that, why hawkgirl was gone at the start of unlimited. I still have not seen it. I will correct this eventually. It was a diffrent time. 
So yeah this episode not only has a main character cast of 6, with 3 other major supporting characters, but is handily split into three amazing plot lines. The first has Green Lantern try to teach Hawkgirl how to have christmas fun by playing on a snowy world, while Hawkgirl takes him to a bar to show how she celebrates.. i.e. getting hammered and starting a fight. Nanananana, she’s gonna start a fight. It’s a fun really sweet segment, and some nice ship tease between the two.  The other two though are what make this special.. not that the first one is bad these two are just really inspiried for the characters involved: For the Flash, who in this series is both Wally and a bit of a smug quipster.. we see beneath the ego and flirting he’s really a sweet, caring guy and spends his christmas finding a toy for the orphans in this case a rapping duck. 
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Not QUITE as embarassing btu close. He runs into the Ultra Humanite whose destroying the toys because he hates the comercialism and how it dumbs things down for the kids. Have I mentioned that I love the Ultra Humanite? Because I do.. the animated version. The comics version is REALLY fucking creepy but this version? He’s fucking great, an intellectual whose a formidable threat.. and honestly sympathetic. His motive here, while misguided, is well meaning and his price for selling out the injustice gang and going back to jail quitely? one of the best gags in human history. Getting PBS to say “This program was supported by viewers like you.. and the ultra humanite” He’s just awesome and i’ts a shame he never returned for unlimited. His comic version, while not BAD is just.. not NEARLY as intresting or deep and I wish the comics would have him take after this version.  And that depth shows as once he learns what was going on, he willingly helps flash and simply reprograms the duck to recite the nutcracker. It’s a really nice gesture, that flash returns by giving his foe a christmas tree. Really good stuff.  And I saved the best for last. Heading home for the holidays, Clark takes Jonn with him since otherwise he’d be stuck at the watchtower and batman was apparnetly “Begging” for duty. Granted one wonders what his surrogate dad and adopted sons think but odds are alfred would just drag them up there anyway no mater how much Dick protested. And of course Alfred has watchtower clearance, he’s alfred: he’s the only one besides Diana looking out for bruce.. and no I don’t buy the bullshit from the batman beyond comics that never happened. And Clark too, this is true... but it takes a village to get bruce to go the fuck to sleep and most of that villiage is alfred. And if your wondering “wait won’t he be in danger”... the only thing that can kill this man is apparently bane. He’s survivied earthquakes, poisonings, turning into a supervillian via radaition induced crazies, yes really, apparently dying leading to the supervillian thing, being stabbed, being shot at, having to help raise damien... my point is the guy’s been through a lot in comics, I doubt the dcau version is any less resilent and god damn I miss this old man. Salute alfred, salute.  Where was I oh yeah, Clark insists on taking John home. And it’s stuff like this why I freaking love superman. Many dismiss him as corny, unrelaistic or boring.. all untrue. Sure he’s a boyscout, but he’s meant ot resprsent the best in mankind, what we can truly be powers or no, what we can achieve and the kind of moral, kind person we can be. He’s an inspiration for us all. And this kind of act is what shows that: his response to one of his friends having nowhere to go on christmas and not having been around the holiday? Take him to his house to share in the warmth and love.  And Clark’s parents here show WHY he’s the hero he is and why I freaking love them in all flavors.. except Zack Snyder flavor and even then tha’ts only for Pa “Letting people die is the right thing to do now i’m going to throw myself into a tornado to prove that” kent. But it’s christmas so i’m not here to bitch about zack snyder and if you want that in full, you can pay for it.  My point is they show, as they should how he became the moral paragon he is: they meet a man from mars, who they’ve never met and their son just invited.. and welcmoe him without a thought. While this isnt’ their first alien obviously, and they say so, it’s still really sweet they just warmly welcome the man in and give him their surrogate daughter/their sons’ biological cousin’s room while sh’es away. Oh Kara’s away conveniently skiing with barbra. Also she lives with them in this continuity. Also maybe that’s where dick is. I dunno, but I hope so. Dickbabs for life.. depending on the continuity. I”m still dick and star for life in the titans cartoon.  Point is we get nice of sweet, and hilaroius, holiday stuff: Jonn is suprised to see this side of clark: while he’s always warm and inviting as Clark.. he can also be relaxed, enjoy the holiday and get real spirited. For one day he dosen’t have to be superman. He can just be clark. Evne superman can take a day off.. and he’s superman, he desrves one. Let Bruce and Diana take care of it after they finish marathon sex and Diana finshes with Cheetaah and Maxwell lord.  But yeah as I was saying hilarious as we find out clark used to peak and they had to, and still do, line it with lead foil to make sure he can’t peak, and Martha gives John a sweater, saying his company is all they need for a gift and when it’s a bit big he charmingly grows into it. Jonn also walks among the humans a bit and we get a great little bit of him sneaking down a chimney after hearing the thorughts of a girl whose worried santa isn’t real. It’s just all great stuff that cumilates in Jonn joyfully singing a song in his native tounge while stroking Kara’s cat Streaky.. who sadly does not have a cape or super powers in this universe. Yet. Just a really good superhero story, a damn fine christmas story and one of the best episodes of a stellar show that thankfully is still remembered in this new age of heroes. 
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1. It’s Christmas You Dorks (Harvey Beaks) Yup not probably a lot of people’s first choice but fuck it. I’ve loved this one since i saw it a few years ago shorlty after the series ended, having grown far behind and caught up just as it was ending... and regretted it as Harvey Beaks is easily one of my faviorite shows from the wall to wall hit parade that was the 2010′s. It’s charming, hilaroius, heartfelt, and creative.. and really weird if not as weird as CH Greenblaht’s previous show chowder.. but still weird enough.Thankfully Big City Greens is carying the banner for this kind of show, as is Craig of the Creek, so the kind of gentle, slice of life stuff hasn’t gone away, but this show was still it’s own thing and i’m sad it’s gone.  But while it was here it was spectacular and this is one of the best of em if not the best. And naturally for a show like this it has a neat approach: The episode is dialouge free, only having some singing in the last act and that’s diagetic, the characters singing a christmas song. We’ll get to that. This isn’t the FIRST silent christmas special i’ve seen, Courage the Cowardly dog did it’s own take on the nutcracker, but it’s still the best. And given Courage the Cowardly Dog is one of my faviorite shows, that’s high praise. Each segment is charming, unique, and well done. 
As for what each are: The wraparound is a gorgeously animated bit of stop motion or something like it where the spirit of winter goes around and turns fall to winter or helps the kid with winter fun. It’s a bunch of really adorable stuff. The first proper one is the kids having a snowball fight when a bunch of asshole adults interupt, and hte kids end up getting even by hiding in some snowmen. Again just some really fun, really well done stuff.  But the first one that really makes it follows Technobear, local wannabe ladies man in training who has a crush on Harvey’s mom and fantasies about giving her some lovely read shoes and skating with her. His hopes are dashed when instead her daughter michelle, the horrifing baby child pictured above, takes them instead. But not only is it heartwarming to see the stone faced future rule of the world crack a smile, Techno instnatly realizes whats’ improtant and takes the bby ice skating.  The next segment is just some goofy googus with the squirrels, the local crooks who are also squirreels, but it’s still pretty good. We then get Jeremy trying to be santa which is both funny but genuinely heartwarming and finally the best bit as Dade, local killjoy, gets annoyed at everyone singing a popular new christmas song instead of the old standard he likes and being a dick about it before softening a bit when Harvey genuinely offers him camradere. It’s just.. good stuff that’s hard to put into words, and given putting it into words is my thing, it really speaks to just hwo good this special is. it just, makes me feel nice, and really gets the spirit of the holiday in all it’s forms. It’s gorgeously aniamted, well paced, and never stops being entertaining and that’s why it’s both my faviorite and why every year.. i’ll be coming back to little bark. And if nothing else.. it’ll keep this warm, great show alive in my heart.  So with that I end this list. If you didn’t like it tha’ts fine, this is my opinon. But I wanted to share my faviorites with you and hope you’ll check them out this or next chirstmas. Until we meet again... Merry Christmas to all,and to all a good night. 
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yeats-infection · 4 years ago
good morning! chapters 1 and 2 of part 7 of the in the garden series are up now. i’m going to share this story in installments to be posted thursdays for the next four weeks. all the music in chapters 1+2 below the cut. 
thanks very much for reading this. you guys know this series is probably my favorite thing i’ve shared on ao3 and it means a lot to me that anybody cares at all about these characters as much as i do! please enjoy! 
ch 1. 
saint rose is vaguely based on throwing muses and/or the breeders. 
nevermind by nirvana, 1991
sal’s patches: void / fugazi 
slint’s “don aman” 
the stones’ “19th nervous breakdown”
the stone roses’ “i wanna be adored” 
moira watching MTV: blur’s “bang” video (i watched this video over and over in attempt to describe what london looked like in the early nineties), throwing muses’ “not too soon” video, jane’s addiction’s “been caught stealing” video
ch 2. 
buddy guy’s “five long years”
nirvana’s “come as you are” 
saint rose’s “the girls part ii” is based on “cannonball” by the breeders. “i was also” is based on “what’s mine is yours” by sleater-kinney
“unwind” by green river
“freak scene” by dinosaur jr. 
the sluagh in my mind feels like sinead o’connor fronting a riot grrl band...
talk talk’s “life’s what you make it” (flora lobbied for the kinks’ “20th century man” and graeme for big star’s “o my soul”) 
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flowerfan2 · 4 years ago
Part of You Indefinitely - Ch. 4
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David/Patrick, M, 12k so far, A03
Summary:  An accident sends Patrick to the hospital and terrifies David.  What follows changes their relationship in ways David and Patrick never imagined.  A story of love and its challenges.
Chapter 4  - Patrick comes home...
While Patrick sleep-sulks, David calls to check in on his dad.  It is his first time working at Rose Apothecary, after all, and that’s not an inconsequential matter.  Luckily Stevie is there, and Jocelyn too. On the whole, from what he can tell over the phone, Johnny seems to be reacting well to being trained in the correct way of doing business in David’s shop.  Jocelyn, on the other hand, has a history of resisting training, but she’s a surprisingly effective salesperson and so it mostly balances out.
David spends some time talking his father through some of the financial aspects of the operation.  He’d like to put Patrick on the phone with him, but they decide that it can wait a few more days.  They also identify a few tasks that David can and should continue to do, mostly involving calls and visits to vendors.
“Your mother is happy to come keep Patrick company when you need to be out of the house,” his father offers, and David bites his lip.  He knew this was coming, and it’s really not as bad as he’s making it out to be in his head.  But he’s just worried that Moira, who can be a lot on a good day, is not going to do much for Patrick’s mood right now.
“Let’s play it by ear,” he responds.  There’s no reason that Patrick needs a babysitter 24/7, at least not if he keeps improving at the rate David has witnessed.  Of course, he thinks again, if Patrick would clue him in, he’d have a better idea of what to expect.
When he heads back to Patrick’s hospital room he’s surprised to see Alexis waiting outside his door.
“David,” she says, her trademark whine particularly grating right now, “where have you been?”
“Talking to dad on the phone, why?”
“Patrick is in there trying to get into a wheelchair by himself, and he won’t let me help.  I’m afraid he’s going to get hurt.”
David brushes past Alexis and finds Patrick sitting on the bed, slumped over with his head in his hands.
“What, you want to see the show too?”  Patrick mutters, and David takes in the wheelchair set at an odd angle to the bed, one of Patrick’s bare feet draped over the arm rest.
“I don’t think that’s how you’re supposed to do it,” David says, gently helping Patrick untangle his foot.
“I was trying to get it closer.”
David sits next to Patrick on the bed, looping an arm around his shoulders and straightening him up.  “Care to tell me what’s going on?”
“I just wanted to do it by myself.”
“Is this how the therapist taught you to get into the chair?”  
No answer.
“Maybe,” David says, choosing his words carefully, “you could explain to me how it’s supposed to work, and I can help you practice.”
Patrick sighs.  “I’m supposed to let someone else transfer me for now.  I don’t have enough muscle control, and my balance is shit.  But I googled it and it didn’t seem that hard.”
David thinks about this for a few moments, about how important it is for Patrick to feel like he has some control over his own body, and this whole situation.  But Patrick clearly won’t be any happier if he falls and breaks something, or god forbid, hits his head again.
“I know this is hard for you.”  David pauses, hoping Patrick will take this the right way.  “Having to rely on other people for everything, I know it’s really not how you operate.  And… I want to support you, always, I want to give you what you want, but I also really couldn’t handle it if you got hurt again.”  His last few words tumble out in a rush.
Patrick closes his eyes, not answering.  He’s embarrassed, once more, and David’s not sure what to do.
“Patrick, I can’t help it if you’re the best thing that ever happened to me.  I can’t lose you.”
“I wasn’t trying to get hurt,” Patrick says softly, finally looking up at David.  “I just hate being so stuck.”
“I know, baby, I know.”  David wraps his arms around Patrick and hugs him tight, breathing in the smell of his sweat mixed with the scent of their laundry detergent.  At least Patrick is wearing his own clothes now.  Seeing him in that hospital gown was a constant and unnecessary reminder that something was very wrong.
Patrick sighs.  “I know this sucks for you too.  That’s why I need to figure this stuff out, so you don’t have to do it.”
David shifts them so he can see Patrick’s face.  “Do you really think helping you is a hardship for me?  I carried you up a mountain once, Patrick, I can do it again.”
A smile creeps onto Patrick’s face.  “It was hardly a mountain.  And we were already almost at the top.”
David smiles back at him, but he’s not quite ready to let the subject go.  He’s well aware that his own anxieties are making everything more complicated, and he owes it to both of them to try to do something about it.
“Can I ask you a favor?”
Patrick’s forehead wrinkles adorably.  “Sure, what is it?”
“Would it be okay if we talked to your PT guy together, so he can show me how to help you do this transfer thing?  I don’t like being clueless any better than you do, and if I don’t find some way to be useful here my fingernails are going to be beyond saving.”
Patrick takes David’s hand in his own, and slightly clumsily brings it to his lips.  “Of course.  Anything to preserve your manicure.”
David squeezes his eyes shut and pressed his forehead against Patrick’s.  It might be just a small victory, a tiny step towards handling this mess together, but it’s progress nonetheless.
They convince Alexis to go out and get them food for lunch, and arrange to meet with the physical therapist after that.  Patrick had been scheduled to be released today, but no one has come by with the paperwork yet, so it’s all still a little up in the air.
When the therapist arrives, they have just finished their pizza, and Alexis clears the boxes as she leaves the room.  Patrick’s embarrassed enough with David there, he doesn’t need an additional audience member.
It’s incredibly awkward at first, as David realizes that Patrick can’t reliably move his legs much at all, but once they get the hang of it it’s not a big deal.  The transfer starts with Patrick sitting up in bed and swinging his legs over the side, which he can do with just a little assistance.  Then David supports Patrick, pulls him off the bed and into a standing position, pivots him around, and sits him down in the chair.  It’s imperative that the chair be locked in place for this maneuver, otherwise it can roll away as Patrick tries to sit down; after one near disaster, David thinks they probably won’t forget again.
Finally Dr. Lee comes by for a few parting words, the appropriate forms are signed, and discharge papers are handed out.  An orderly pushes Patrick in their new loaner wheelchair out to the parking lot, while David and Alexis trail along behind him, carrying the bags that have accumulated over the past few days.
It’s Tuesday afternoon, not even two full days since Patrick fell off the ladder, but it feels like that was a lifetime ago.
When they get to the car Alexis opens the passenger door but doesn’t get in.  “I assume you two would like some space, and I’m pretty sure I can get a ride back from Brandon.  Possibly after a nice romantic dinner.”  She gives them each a quick kiss, her hand lingering on David’s arm, and then swirls away.
“Brandon?”  David asks, looking at Patrick.
“Dr. Lee.”
“Oooh, so they’re on a first name basis now.  Good to know.”  David makes sure that the car door is open as wide as it can go, and holds out his arms to Patrick.  “Upsy-daisy.”
Patrick flushes, and laughs despite himself.  “That is not going to be a thing.”
“No?”  David gets his arms around Patrick and carefully hefts him up, then pivots, just as they practiced.  Patrick ducks his head, and David deposits him into the car.
“I wouldn’t think you’d like that phrase anyway.  It’s awfully similar to your mother’s term for your, um…”
“Well, now, if I remember correctly, you told me I was making more of a thing about that than it needed to be.”  David matter of factly picks up Patrick’s legs and slides them into place, then bats Patrick’s hands away so he can fasten Patrick’s seat belt.
“I get the feeling you’re trying to tell me something here,” Patrick says, squirming as David pets him, tugging his sweatshirt down and placing a sugary-sweet kiss on his forehead, before folding up the wheelchair and stowing it in the trunk.
“There couldn’t possibly be anything more embarrassing than my <i>oopsy-daisy,</i>” David says.  He’s still convinced that Patrick is entirely responsible for their relationship’s survival following that incident. Anyone else would have run screaming if they discovered that their thirty-something fiancé had wet the bed.
David gets into the driver’s seat and starts the car, turning to Patrick before he puts it in gear.  “About that.  You didn’t hold it against me, did you?”
“David, of course not-”
“In fact you made it okay, even though I was humiliated. I know it’s not the same, but - let me help you with this.”
Patrick has his hands on his uncooperative thighs, but then he lets out a long breath and reaches over to grab David’s hand.  It’s the most positive touch he’s initiated between them since his accident, and David cheers internally.  “All right.”  Patrick nods.  “We can do this.”
David beams.  “We can.  Which reminds me…” David digs around in his pocket, dragging his wallet out. He takes Patrick’s left hand and slides his wedding ring on, keeping hold of his hand and rubbing his thumb against the ring.  He wants to say something about having promised to love and support his husband for the rest of their lives, and how this is just a little bump in the road, but his throat gets uncomfortably tight and all he can do is stare at his husband with hearts in his eyes.
“Love you,” David finally stutters out, and Patrick blinks hard and nods.  
“Love you too.”
Patrick’s confidence wanes when they turn into their driveway and see a rental car and Roland’s truck already there.  It looks like a surprise welcome home party, which is the opposite of what either of them want right now.
David’s already frantically texting his dad to tell him to clear out, but it’s too late.  The elder Roses and Schitts pour out of the back door, swarming the car.
David presses the door lock as Moira raps on his window.  “Patrick, I am so, so, sorry,” David says.
“It’s not your fault.”  Patrick moves his head away from the window as Moira knocks harder.  “Do you think we can just stay in here?”
Roland is yelling at them to hold on while he gets a crowbar, and David shakes his head.  “I think that would risk damage to the car that insurance won’t cover.  Just sit tight-” David winces, because Patrick really can’t do anything else, “and let me handle it.”
David gets out of the car and closes the door quickly behind him, locking the car immediately.  Everyone is talking at once, and David puts two fingers in his mouth and produces a shrill whistle.
“Daaaviiid, I didn’t know you could do that,” Moira drawls.  “That’s quite a hidden talent you have there.”
“You learn something new every day,” David replies.  “Come on, into the house.”
“Buddy, I think you forgot something in the car,” Roland says, chuckling at his own joke.  “You sure you want to leave him there?”
David ignores him and ushers the group inside.  “Everyone?  I need your attention.  Patrick and I are both exhausted, and while we appreciate your concern, we really aren’t prepared for visitors right now.”
“I brought you a casserole,” Jocelyn says.  “And some groceries.”
“She also cleaned out your refrigerator,” Roland adds.  “Whew, some of that stuff was almost unrecognizable.  There were blue spots on your cheese!”
David briefly mourns the loss of what was rather excellent goat gorgonzola, and tries to remain calm.  “Look, I know you all want to say hello to Patrick, but you have to promise to leave soon, mkay?”
“Don’t worry, son,” his father says.  “We won’t overstay our welcome.  We know better than that.”
David allows himself to enjoy the humor in this statement and reminds them all to stay put in the living room until he returns with Patrick.
Out in the car, Patrick startles when David unlocks the doors.
“Sorry,” David says, and Patrick rubs his face with his hands.
“Are they still there?”
“Afraid so.  But Jocelyn cooked for us.”  They’ve both become rather fond of Jocelyn’s cooking, even if it tends to feature recipes from the Pillsbury crescent dough website.
“Is it the taco bake?”
“Quite possibly.”  David fights with the wheelchair for a moment, finally getting it open, then holds out his arms again for Patrick.
“Upsy-daisy,” Patrick says under his breath as David picks him up, amusement coloring his tone.
Somewhat surprisingly, Johnny picks up on David’s not so subtle cues and gets everyone out of the house before David has to pull a fire alarm.  It’s none too soon, either – Patrick is still in the wheelchair, too self-conscious to let David tug him out of it in front of everyone – and he looks thoroughly drained.
“So…” David says, crouching down next to Patrick.  “Couch, or bed?”
It’s only six o’clock but the day feels like it has gone on forever.
“Bed,” Patrick says.  
“We can have sundaes and watch a movie,” David suggests, aiming for cheery.  But by the time he helps Patrick in the bathroom, Patrick is so miserable that no rom-com yet made could shake him out of it.
“I just want to sleep,” Patrick says, as David pulls their duvet up over him.  “I’m not hungry.”
“I could heat up some of the casserole?”  David asks, but Patrick just tucks his face into his pillow and closes his eyes.
“At least you’re home,” David says, leaning down to give Patrick a kiss right on his frowny face.  “I missed you in our bed.”
Patrick opens his eyes, somehow apologetic and fond all at once.  “Love you, David.”
David heats up some dinner for himself – it is the taco bake, and it’s delicious – and then pokes around to see what their friends and family have left them.  His gourmet cheese and charcuterie drawer has been emptied and refilled with sliced ham and processed orange cheese, but other than that, no dramatic gustatorial mishaps are apparent.  There’s a fresh loaf of bread on the counter from Jocelyn’s bread machine, a bag of muffins from the café, and several bottles of wine from his parents.
He settles on the couch with a glass of the red – it’s good, and his parents didn’t even steal it from the store – and contemplates the volume of missed texts and unanswered emails on his phone.  He leaves the work-related ones for another day, but answers a few of the others.
He’s gone back and forth with Stevie a few times, apologizing profusely for not keeping her updated and thanking her for coming to town to help out, when there’s a knock on the back door.  It’s Stevie, and before David can utter yet another apology, she wraps her arms around him and squeezes tight.
“You don’t have to invite me in,” Stevie says.  “Your dad told me about the crowd this afternoon.  But I just wanted to make sure you were okay.”
David hasn’t seen his friend in months, and now he can’t understand how he could have let so much time go by.  “Maybe just sit for a minute?”
Stevie agrees and takes a seat at their little breakfast table.  David checks on Patrick, who is still sleeping deeply, and then pours Stevie some of the red and leans back against the counter.
“How are you doing?”  Stevie asks, and it’s then that David realizes she has essentially asked him this twice, without asking after Patrick.
“Well, considering my husband almost died, and is still recovering, I’d say I’m relatively good, thanks.”
Stevie shakes her head.  “Alexis told me you guys were really freaked out.  Did you know she’s dating his doctor?  That guy apparently doesn’t really understand patient confidentiality.”
David sighs.  “I know about her and the doctor.  And this probably means both of you know more about Patrick’s condition than I do.”
“Patrick won’t talk to you about it?”
“It’s not that, it’s just… it’s hit him hard, how he’s not himself yet, and no one can really tell him what’s going to happen.  They talk about PT and strengthening his muscles, but they can’t tell him if he’s ever going to walk again.”
David hears the words come out of his mouth, and sits there in shock, not believing that he actually said it.  Stevie seems to understand, coming over and putting a hand on his arm.
“David, I don’t want to downplay how scared you guys are, but is that a realistic fear?”
“I don’t know,” David moans, “I really don’t know, maybe I’m just catastrophizing based on how uncharacteristically freaked out Patrick is and too many hours of unfortunate googling.  But you’re right, he won’t talk to me about it.”
“Have you asked him, straight up?  Or asked Brandon?”
“How are you on a first name basis with Patrick’s doctor?”
“Alexis and I talked, I told you.”
David sighs.  “I don’t know how to talk to Patrick about it without upsetting him.  He’s so tired, just from trying to move around or sit up to eat lunch, and he’s really embarrassed about the whole thing.”
“I’m not sure anything could be more embarrassing than your-”
“I know, right?  That’s what I told him, too.  But he’s still upset.”
“Go figure,” Stevie says, joking, and David laughs bitterly.  
“I just want to help him.  Stevie, he’s helped me so much, and put up with my – everything – I have to be able to help him now.”
“I’m sure you will.”
“If you’ve got any suggestions, I’m all ears.”
Stevie considers this.  “Have you asked him what he needs?  You know, check in a lot, make sure he has the opportunity to express his feelings?”
David’s instinct is to say of course, but he can’t really think of an example, other than when he asked Patrick what he wanted to do about rehab.  “I guess I’ve gotten used to knowing what he wants, most of the time, without having to check in.”
Stevie rolls her eyes at him.  “I don’t need to know about your sex life, David.”
“Ha ha ha, that’s not what I was talking about.”  Although it applies there as well.  Maybe a little bit of continuous consent would improve communication in this situation, too.
Stevie checks the time on her phone and heads out, noting with a smirk that she has to be at work early the next day.  David can’t resist texting her a reminder about the new basil and aloe moisturizer that is supposed to arrive tomorrow, and to use the new larger labels.  She responds a few minutes later by asking him why he hasn’t gotten into bed with his husband yet, and David has to admit that she has a good point.
He showers and pulls on clean briefs and loose sleep pants, then crawls into bed behind Patrick, spooning him close.  Patrick stirs, finding his hand and weaving their fingers together.
“Promise you won’t be mad?”
David braces himself, hoping that he hasn’t screwed up again.  “Sure… what’s up?”
“I know I kind of slept through dinner, but… is there any taco bake left?”
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bee-kathony · 5 years ago
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Kneading Love | Ch. 6 “Flourish” 
a/n: thank you very much for reading! as always, thank you @julesbeauchamp for the cute moodboard xx
Chapter One |  Chapter Two | Chapter Three | Chapter Four | Chapter Five
May 1st, 1946
Today was the day. Claire’s flower shop was finally opening. After months of cultivating and pruning, everything was just as she saw it in her mind. There was a strong smell of a wild garden, and Claire kept the front door open, hoping the smell would lure people in.
Other than it being the first day of her shop opening, it was also Jamie’s birthday. Granted, she only found out that information three days ago — on a night she wouldn’t soon forget.
They had spent the night in each other’s arms, whispering sweet nothings and talking about their pasts. It was a comfort to Claire to have someone she could really talk to and know that every word was heard. Jamie made her feel whole and safe.
Her stomach was in knots waiting for him to arrive. But she was distracted by customers that kept pouring in, wanting to know more information about all the flowers she grew.
Not only did she have a wide selection of flowers, from thistles to hydrangeas, she also had one corner of the shop dedicated to plants for medicinal purposes. One older woman, Moira, had asked for a salve that would help with dry itchy skin.
“Is that peppermint I smell?” Moira asked, taking a whiff of the open jar that Claire held to her nose.
“Indeed!” Claire grinned, scooping out a small bit. “This is all natural salve for even the driest hands. A bit of peppermint, chamomile, plantain, calendula and beeswax to help make it really smooth.”
Claire spread the salve over the woman’s hands and then the excess on her own. The smell was divine and Claire was quite proud of this mixture. She adored fresh scents, like eucalyptus and mint.
“My skin feels softer already, lassie,” Moira smiled. “I’ll take a jar if ye please.”
“Of course,” Claire grinned and picked up an unopened jar of the salve. “Just put this on your hands one to two times a day and you’ll see improvements within a week.”
Walking over to the counter with Moira, Claire checked the woman out, tying her package in brown paper and with red string. As soon as she was finished with one customer, another was needing her help.
Within the next hour, Claire had sold a few more balms and bouquets. Customers were also out back in her greenhouse, taking a look at the plants that were still growing. Claire was proud of her little shop, and felt that all her hard work was finally paying off.
Having her hands in the earth, and growing something was one of the best feelings. Claire had always had a green thumb and a nose for flowers. When she was younger and lived with her uncle Lamb, she could be found digging up some exotic plant or root and discovering all of its uses.
The bell above the door signaled a new customer and Claire didn’t have a chance to look up as she was wrapping a bouquet of pink roses for Mr. Jamison to take home to his wife. A deep Scottish voice filled the room and Claire instantly smiled.
“It looks incredible in here, Sassenach!” Jamie said proudly. He held out his arms and Claire jumped into them, letting him squeeze and lift her off the ground.
“Happy birthday, Jamie,” she whispered and kissed him tenderly. “I’m so glad you made it.”
“Aye, I am too,” he kissed her again and set her on her feet.
“Claire, this place is just beautiful,” Ellen said from behind Jamie and took her into her arms. “Jamie told me this place would be grand, but he didna say just how much. The smell alone is heaven!”
“Why thank you, Ellen,” Claire said, pleased. “I’ve got something to ask you after you’ve had a look around.”
“Of course, lassie,” Ellen winked and walked further into the shop. Jenny wrapped both arms around Claire, squeezing her almost as tight as Jamie had.
“I love it, Claire, tis so wonderful,” Jenny beamed. “Jamie was bein’ so impatient this morning tryin’ to get the orders done so we could close early and come here.”
“You closed early for me?” Claire gasped. “You shouldn’t have!”
“Tis also my birthday,” Jamie attempted to wink, making Claire laugh as he nudged her side. “Will ye show us around?”
Claire slid her arm through Jamie and Jenny’s and led them around the store. Pointing out the different types of flowers and herbs. Jenny had her eye on the yellow tulips, another of Claire’s favorites.
“Do you have a favorite, Jamie?” Claire asked as they stepped off to the side.
He furrowed his brow, placing his hand under his chin. “Hmm, well I dinna ken much about flowers. Only what ye’ve told me. And I think I’m quite patriotic so I’d say anything scottish.”
“A good choice,” Claire nodded. “You’ve got the Scottish thistle, and of course the heather.”
“I also like those wee ones, they blue forget-me-nots were they called?”
When they had gone on their picnic shortly after meeting, they had sat down in a meadow full of forget-me-nots. Of course Jamie would remember that small fact.
“I love those too,” Claire smiled and took his hand, leading him outside where a patch of forget me nots was growing amongst other wild flowers. She knelt down and picked a few, presenting them to Jamie. “For you.”
He smelled them before taking them. “Bonny, just as the woman who grew them.”
As much as Claire was enjoying her shop being open and helping customers, she was also ready for them all to leave so she could spend the evening with Jamie alone. Even now, his hand resting lightly on her arm was sending chills down her spine. His eyes bore into hers, keeping her captive, unable to move.
“I haven’t stopped thinking about the other night,” Claire said softly, sliding one hand around his waist. Out of the corner of her eye, she could see that someone was approaching the counter, ready to purchase their goods, but she just needed another moment. “It was lovely, Jamie.”
“Aye,” Jamie pressed his forehead against hers. “I’ve thought of little else since I last held ye in my arms. I burned a batch of sourdough yesterday actually because I was thinkin’ about yer —“
“Excuse me, miss!”
“Jesus H. Christ,” Claire muttered under her breath and Jamie reluctantly released her as she attended to the waiting customer.
For the next twenty minutes, Claire was tied to the counter, helping customer after customer. It was opening day, so it likely wouldn’t be this busy all the time, and for that Claire was thankful. There was only so much she could do on her own.
Remembering what she needed to ask Ellen about, she asked Jenny to mind the register and found Ellen admiring the rose bush outside.
“I knew you’d love those,” Claire said.
“Aye, I love roses,” Ellen wrapped her arms around herself. “They were Brian’s favorite too.”
“Ellen,” Claire said. “I’ve been wondering if you would like to help me out in the shop? As you can see, I could use all the help I can get! And Jamie’s told me so much about your love for gardening, it only made sense to ask.”
Ellen’s face was unreadable, just like her son’s. But then a single tear fell down her cheek, and Claire reached out her hand to comfort her.
“Oh, maybe I shouldn’t have asked,” Claire shook her head. “I’m so sorry.”
“No, lass,” Ellen gripped her hand and wiped at her tears. “Ye did fine. I would love to help ye! Workin’ here would give me such great pleasure, dear.”
The two women embraced, and Claire knew she had made the right decision. Ellen had welcomed her into their family as one of their own, so it was the least Claire could do to offer her a small job. And besides, Claire would enjoy her company.
“Usually on my Jamie’s birthday, we celebrate as a family over dinner,” Ellen said as she and Claire walked back inside the shop. “But, I ken Jamie is lookin’ forward to spendin’ this one wi’ ye.”
“Oh, I wouldn’t want to take him away from a tradition!”
“It’s no worries, dear,” Ellen grinned. “I’ve had him for twenty-four birthdays. Tis yer turn now.”
The birthday boy was leaning against the counter as the two women approached. He smiled wide as his mother embraced him, and the sight nearly melted Claire’s heart.
“I think Jenny and I will head on home,” Ellen said. “Happy birthday, my lad,” she kissed Jamie on the cheek.
“Thanks mam,” Jamie’s cheeks turned pink.
“We’ll see ye again soon, Claire?” Jenny asked.
“Yes,” Claire nodded, looking over at Jamie quickly who was holding back a smile. “I think I’ll find myself over for dinner one of these nights.”
Jamie’s mother and sister left while he stayed behind, making himself busy straightening up behind the counter.
“You know, you really don’t have to stay until I close,” Claire said to Jamie after she helped another customer. “It’ll be at least another hour.”
“I dinna mind, Sassenach,” Jamie cupped her cheek. “I like to watch ye work, see ye in yer element.”
Hooking one arm loosely around his waist, she pulled him close. “I should warn you about tonight. I’m afraid I’m not very good at planning birthdays, so it looks like it’ll just be dinner and then um… something else.”
His brow twitched at that. There was no need to explain just exactly what that something else was that Claire had in mind. It was written all over Jamie’s face that that’s what he had in mind as well.
“That sounds perfect, a nighean,” he kissed her nose. “I’ll go and make myself busy in the back while ye attend to yer customers.”
The next hour passed as slow as molasses. Each time Claire looked up at the clock, it had barely moved an inch. Maybe she should have chosen to open up the store the next day so that she could’ve spent the whole day with Jamie. If things worked out like she thought they would, Jamie and Claire would be spending every birthday from here on out with each other. So, what was another hour watching him piddle around in the back?
“I hope you don’t mind fish, it’s one of the few things I can actually cook,” Claire speared a bite on her fork. “Living near the front taught me quite a few things, but cooking wasn’t one of them.”
“Oh, I love fish!” Jamie said enthusiastically, taking a large bite. “Honestly, I’ll eat anythin’, I’m no’ verra picky.”
“Good,” Claire laughed.
“How long were ye in the war? Was it the whole time?” Jamie asked between bites.
Claire didn’t talk about the war often, and that was mainly because she never had anyone interested enough to ask. She had spent four years in the war, and had never known which day might be her last. Learning to appreciate the small moments was something she would come to learn.
“It was tough work,” Claire took a sip of wine. “Most of the time I had my hands covered in blood and didn’t know day from night. But now, if you ever needed stitches, I’m your girl.”
Jamie chuckled, “I may take ye up on that offer, Sassenach. I’ve been known to slice my hand open a time or two with a freshly sharpened knife.”
“Says the baker,” Claire winked. “Do you ever wish you could have fought in the war?” She asked seriously.
The scot thought for a moment before answering. “Sometimes I do. Only because I dinna understand what the men who came back went through — what they saw out there. But, sometimes I hear things — horrible, terrible things, and I dinna wish to have fought anymore than I wish to have my hand chopped off.”
“I often wonder if I would have volunteered had I known just exactly what I was getting myself into,” Claire mused.
“And would ye? Volunteer again?”
“Yes,” Claire said right away. “I could do without the occasional nightmare, but knowing that I had a small part in saving someone’s life…”
“Aye, perhaps when ye put it that way — I think I’d like to have fought for my country, battles scars and all.” He reached across the table, and squeezed her hand firmly. “Who knows, maybe I woulda been hurt and fallen into yer care.”
“You would’ve been a very stubborn patient, I reckon,” Claire chuckled and took another bite of the fish.
Jamie snorted. “My mam always did say I was a stubborn wee lad. And my Da would say the same thing. When I got into trouble, he used to take a belt to my backside — which was more often than I’d like to admit. But, I never made a sound through the hits,” Jamie smirked. “Didna want to give him the satisfaction.”
“Stubborn indeed,” Claire grinned.
“I’ve been meaning to ask,” Jamie said. “When’s yer birthday, Sassenach?”
“October 20th, 1918,” Claire replied, taking another sip of wine and watching Jamie’s reaction.
“Ahh,” he grinned mischievously. “So yer an older woman. Wiser, of course, and ye dinna look a day over twenty.”
“I was wondering when I should tell you,” Claire laughed and crossed her arms over her chest, still holding the glass. “It’s only a measly two years and a few months.”
“Just means yer more experienced,” Jamie said. “And I appreciate ye for no’ lookin’ down on me for my young nature.”
“Your very mature for your age,” Claire smiled. “I find most men in their twenties are these days… must be the effects of the war, it can really age a person. And as far as experience goes…” Claire clicked her tongue before standing up to take both of their empty plates to the kitchen.
“Are ye sayin’ I was yer first?” Jamie cocked a quizzical brow. “Cause I dinna believe that for a second, Sassenach.”
“So, you think I’m a floozy?” Claire turned her head to look back at him, and then laughed. “No, you weren’t my first, but you were — my second.”
“Christ,” Jamie stood up and crossed the room in three steps. “But yer —“
“Twenty-seven?” Claire sighed. “I know. I lost my virginity during the war, and all the other nurses around me were going at it like bunnies, but I couldn’t do that. I didn’t want to do that — well,” Claire smirked, “I wanted to. But, I was preoccupied with everything going on around me, I suppose I simply forgot about that side of myself.”
Jamie grabbed both of her hands, bringing them up to his mouth to kiss gently. “For yer second time, ye did verra well, Sassenach. Verra… verra well. And I’m no’ one to be judgin’, ye see I’ve lain wi’ only two lasses.”
“Only two?” Claire looked him up and down. He was certainly handsome, and well built. She was surprised that he hadn’t slept with the whole town, but she also knew that wasn’t who he was.
“Aye,” he laughed. “And ye ken somethin’, a nighean?”
“D'ye ken that the only time I am without pain is in your bed, Sassenach? When I take ye, when I lie in your arms-my wounds are healed, then, my scars forgotten,” he said softly.
“I do now,” Claire brought her arms up to his face and kissed him. “When you held me that night, I didn’t have a nightmare. I didn’t remember the loss or pain. It was only you… only you, Jamie.”
“Oh, Claire,” Jamie pressed their lips together again, this time sliding his hands down her body to lift her legs around his waist. He carried her over to the bed, wasting no time in laying her down and reaching for the hem of her dress.
They stripped each other of their clothes, hands reaching and bodies molding together. Claire hooked one leg around his hips, bringing him closer. She felt wild, staring into his ocean blue eyes. It was as if he had always contained a piece of her heart, and he was giving it back to her, completing the whole in her chest she had lived with for so many years.
“Sassenach?” Jamie nearly growled next to her ear as her hands slid over his back. “Can ye bear it if I’m rough wi’ ye?”
“God, yes!” Claire moaned, and arched her back off of the bed, in turn pressing her breasts against him. Jamie’s mouth was at her neck, his tongue sliding along her jaw. She felt his hand between her legs, grazing her wetness, making her squirm. Then, without warning, he took his cock in hand and pushed forward.
“Jesus,” she mumbled, shutting her eyes.
Jamie held still, his breathing rapid. As he leaned up, he simply stared down at Claire, knowing that if he were to die now, it would have been a wonderful and complete life.
“Please, please Jamie!” Claire begged him.
He reared back, placing both his arms on either side of her body and began a steady thrust. Each time he pushed forward, he hit something deep within her, making Claire cry out. It wasn’t pain, it was pure ecstasy.
Claire hooked one arm around his neck and brought him down to her, kissing him quickly and parting his lips with her tongue. She may have had little experience, but she was also a fast learner. Jamie’s thrusts were becoming more and more erratic, and she knew he was close, as was she.
“Faster, Jamie,” she mumbled against his lips. Her hands drifted down over his back, settling on his arse, squeezing it firmly. His body rolled on top of hers, pushing her into the bed with the force of his movements.
A moment later, he cried out, spilling inside of her, and seeing how Jamie fell apart, made Claire’s stomach tighten and she came hard and fast. Like a corpse, Jamie lay on top of her, his full weight nearly crushing her.
“Jamie!” Claire managed to squeak.
Rolling onto his side, he stayed rooted inside of her, cradling her in his arms. “Ye ken, I dinna think I’ve ever had such a good birthday present.”
“I sure hope not,” Claire snorted, burying her head against his chest. Her fingers moved along his chest, feeling the light sheen of sweat. “That would be a little odd if everyone gave you what I did.”
“Aye,” he laughed with her.
Claire wondered if she would ever tire of feeling this way — of loving the sensation of being held in Jamie’s arms. She placed a kiss to the underside of his jaw. “Thank you for coming to the shop today. It meant a lot that you were there.”
“I’ll always support ye, Sassenach,” he looked down at her, pressing one large hand to the back of her head. “That reminds me… what was it ye decided to name yer wee shop?”
“It’s rather cheesy I suppose,” Claire said, looking at him. “But I’ve decided to call it ‘Flourish’.”
“Flourish,” Jamie whispered. “Flourish,” he said it again and placed a kiss to her lips. “Tis perfect, mo chridhe. Just perfect.”
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gossipdepartement · 5 years ago
Schitt's Creek Will Be With You Forever as Funko Pop Figures
Schitt’s Creek Will Be With You Forever as Funko Pop Figures
Schitt’s Creek is coming to an end, but you’re going to be able to keep the Rose family in your life thanks to some vinyl. E! News can confirm Schitt’s Creek is getting the Funko Pop treatment. Moira Rose can sit on your desk or nightstand and watch you sleep like a sweet bébé.
The Schitt’s Creek line of Funko Pop figures includes Moira Rose (Catherine O’Hara), Johnny Rose (Eugene Levy), Alexis…
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spaztronautwriter · 6 years ago
Queen of Thieves: Ch. 2
Summary: Freed from her past and now attending college in Boston, Felicity Smoak thinks she might finally have a chance at a normal life. That is, until Oliver Queen suddenly shows up with news about her father, international thief Noah Kuttler. With her past catching up to her, she'll not only have to face the sins of her father, but come to terms with the feelings she thought she'd put behind her for good.
Golden tendrils danced before her eye as a swift breeze blew in from the northwest. She roped them in, twisting them up into a ponytail and out of her way. The last thing she needed tonight was to make a stupid mistake because her hair got in her eyes.
Off in the tree line, nearly invisible in the shadows, stood fifteen year old Felicity Smoak. The Queen Mansion, tall and imposing, rose up before her, but she wasn’t afraid. She’d worked this plan a million times in her head. She knew the timing, the technique. It was, in all honesty, a fairly simple job.
It just so happened to also be her very first.
Sure, her father had taken her out as his wingman a few times, used her to distract a mark or security if needed. And her mother had taught her to pick pockets when she was just six years old. But this job was her first. The first she’d conceived, planned, and was about to execute all on her own.
Pulling her laptop from her backpack, she quickly used the backdoor she’d created in the Queen’s security to give herself a window of opportunity. Literally, a window. Specifically, a second story window in the east wing. The son’s room.
Felicity had done her homework on the Queens as soon as she’d realized they had something she wanted to steal. Robert Queen, CEO of the multi-billion dollar Queen Consolidated, was rarely home, spending most of his time either at the office or off jet setting on ski trips and European vacations. His wife, Moira, spent her days giving back to the less fortunate by attending fundraising brunches with her wealthy friends. Their son, Oliver, was your average eighteen year old. He had a D in algebra, which told Felicity pretty much all she needed to know about him. Then there was Thea Queen, just eleven years old. Felicity hadn’t been able to gather much about her other than she seemed to enjoy the attention the paparazzi gave her, always smiling into the camera as her parents ushered her away.
Besides the security team, Thea and her nanny were the only ones home tonight. According to Robert and Moira’s flight manifest, they’d left for Italy the day before for an undetermined amount of time. And Oliver was at a party. She’d been tracking his social media all night to keep an eye on him.
Even at fifteen, Felicity was nothing if not thorough, and she’d spent the last two weeks staking out the mansion. She’d watched the security guards, tracked their movements, hacked their phones. It’s how she knew the guard patrolling the perimeter of the east wing was very big into Candy Crush. It wasn’t difficult to hack his phone and send him a notification from the game, reminding him to play. She’d already looped the cameras and shut down the alarm system, so she tucked her laptop back into her bag and waited. The guard called in his all clear signal, then pulled out his phone, tapping on the notification and losing himself in the glowing phone screen.
Breaking from the tree line, Felicity cut across the manicured lawn, heading for a very lovely and very convenient trellis. It was easy enough to climb, but Felicity had never been very athletic, preferring computers to most physical activity, so she took her time, making sure not to make too much noise. Soon enough she was ducking across the roof outside Oliver’s window.
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gold-from-straw · 6 years ago
Consequences - ch 3/3
How Cuba went down in the Consequences ‘verse... especially tackling Charles’ STUPID ‘just following orders’ comment! I hope you like it ^_^ Thank you so much for all the love this has had! This has been the first full fic I’ve written for this ship and everyone’s so lovely! I’ve got another story to come soon, the chapters will be a lot shorter but there are more of them. Thank you!
There was something different in Charles now, a resignation. He was quieter, even with the children’s training, spoke less of morality and the greater good, and when Erik narrowed his eyes at that realisation, he simply sent an image of his stepbrother being led off into one car to return to California while his stepfather carried on into New York city without a backwards glance. Who am I to speak of ethics? he asked softly, and turned to walk away.
Erik followed him, caught up with him in the corridor outside the study and pushed him against the wall, kissing him breathless. “You’re the only one I’d listen to,” he answered, and lifted him up, breathing kisses into his neck as he clung to him like he was drowning.
They lay close together afterwards, not bothering to emerge for dinner, wrapped in each other’s arms until the sun rose on the day they’d be flying to Cuba.
Charles flew with his jaw set, his eyes hard, and Erik was the one left to encourage the team, keep them calm and safe. He kept his focus on them, on the serenity needed to protect the children, both older and also so much younger than he had been when he first hunted down the same evil.
He faced Shaw. He heard Charles’ voice in his head, calming him, talking him down from the panic. I will not let you die here, Charles said, and Erik found his balance. He whipped the helmet away from his monster, felt Charles’ mind wrapping around Shaw’s, holding it in place while Erik drove the coin forwards, his mother’s brave smile at the front of his every thought.
As the coin burrowed into Shaw's skull, Erik thought he heard a truncated scream of pain .But it was gone in an instant, and he kept his focus, driving the coin through and out, ending it. He almost slumped when he saw Shaw’s body fall an empty, lifeless thing with no more power than a stuffed animal, and for a moment hysteria overwhelmed him. Was this it? Was it truly over? How could that be possible, with him still living? Charles had told him, over and over, breathed into his ear, into his very mind as they moved together, as they played chess, as they handed each other coffee, he wasn’t going to let Erik die destroying Shaw, but… he hadn’t realised until now that it had all felt like a dream, an impossible wish.
He stumbled out of the risen submarine, met Charles’ eyes as he staggered out of the downed jet, and laughed. Charles smiled, his face tense, and Erik started forwards to him, and stopped.
“The missiles… they’re firing…”
“Charles, check! They’re both firing, both navies.”
Charles turned to the ships, his face going slack with horror, and he turned back to Erik, speechless.
“Oh my God,” Raven said, almost under her breath. Moira raced back to the jet, screaming into the radio.
Erik felt the rage rise in his blood again, tipping the balance, only this time, the balance had shifted. Shaw was dead. He had done the impossible, and come out the other side, alive. He held up his hand as the missiles screamed towards them, and stopped them, every single one bobbing in the air, peacefully.
How dare they? How dare they try to take everything from him again, after everything he’d lost, everything they had all given to stop the annihilation of their world, and the humans had the audacity to fire on him? He turned the missiles, his focus complete, and every single one aimed itself towards its origin.
“Erik… Erik, please, no…” Charles’ voice shook, and he reached out to touch Erik’s arm. Flashes of panic started to come through. Going to die Someone save us.
Erik projected calm towards him. He wasn’t going to let anything happen to Charles, not to any of them. Our Father, who art in Heaven. “Please… oh God, there are innocent people on those boats!”
The panic rose as the missiles got closer to the ships, I’m never going to see them again and Erik wished, selfishly, please God let us get through this that he could block out Charles’ worry, my children, what will they do the way it was disrupting his concentration. Will she name the baby after me
He frowned, and several missiles fell into the water. “What?”
“They’re just oh God I should never have signed on following my little girl, only four orders will it hurt Erik”
And suddenly, I don’t think I can handle feeling them all die.
“What?” he said sharply, and all the missiles fell. Erik turned and grabbed Charles’ wrists, shaking him, and the skin contact made the voices flow faster are we safe oh my God my heart is it gone what are we going to do oh God please don’t let them tell us to fire I can’t do this we’re outgunned I just want my babies I just want my mother oh God, my head
“Charles!” Erik snapped. “Block them out, shut them down!”
“I… I can’t, it hurts!”
“You, Azazel,” he said, turning to the teleporter, held tightly by Hank. Like all of Shaw’s people, he had seemed to deflate when Erik had emerged unscathed. “Take all of us away - if you get us all to safety you can go wherever you like after that, I don’t care, just…”
He nodded, and everyone gathered together, linking hands. Erik wrapped his arm around Charles’ waist, held Moira’s hand tightly, and nodded. The beach disappeared in red smoke.
They appeared in a field, and Charles sighed, his tense muscles relaxing and slumping closer to Erik. Erik glared at Azazel, not willing to trust him yet. “Where are we?”
“Wisconsin,” Azazel said. “Am I free to go now?”
“He’s telling the truth, Erik,” said Charles, straightening up. “Although,” he added, looking from face to face in the Hellfire club. “You’re welcome to come with us, if you’re interested in a different path for mutantkind. One that doesn’t lead to a nuclear winter.”
“The humans obviously aim to destroy us,” Erik ground out. “We’d be better staying together, all of us.”
“Not all of them wish to destroy us,” Charles said softly, glancing to Moira.
Erik rolled his eyes. “Only the ones in power, Charles.”
Charles made a face, and rubbed his temples. “I’m too tired to argue.” He looked up at Janos, Angel and Azazel, shifting uncomfortably. It didn’t take a telepath to see their mistrust and confusion. “The offer stands. Stay as long as you like.”
“Why are you so trusting?” Angel shook her head.
He gave a false smile. “I’m a telepath. I don’t have to trust you. I know when someone means me harm.” His face hardened. “And you should know I am perfectly capable of protecting myself and those I care about.”
Angel stared at him, then nodded once, sharply. “I’m in.”
Janos shrugged. Azazel held out his hand. Erik held tight to Charles’ shoulder, just in case the teleporter had a trick up his sleeve, but Charles simply shook on the agreement. “If I give you the location of the mansion, will you be able to take us all there?”
He nodded, and the world disappeared once more, replaced by the lawn outside the Westchester mansion. Erik felt something under his ribs uncoil at the sight of the pretentious old pile. As if some part of his body and mind recognised it as home. Charles smiled tiredly at him, and at that, his entire soul recognised home.
They couldn’t simply collapse into their room as they both wanted. There were rooms to find for the new people, by unspoken agreement in a different wing to the current inhabitants of the house. There were ground rules to cover, and even, thanks to Alex and Angel, a screaming fight about Darwin, which resulted in both of them storming off in opposite directions, Alex down to the bunker to burn off some grief.
When Erik started noticing Charles wincing and rubbing his temple every time someone snapped or glared, he realised the steady migraine he was feeling wasn’t actually his own. He slapped some money in Sean’s hand, told him to call for pizza, and hauled Charles off to bed.
“I’m really fine,” he protested, which was clearly utter rubbish by the way he was rubbing his eye socket. “I should be there to keep the peace.”
“It’ll be good for them to sort out their own problems - you’re not their parent, Charles.”
He sighed and let Erik manhandle him into the huge, dimly lit room. “It’s only eight o’clock. Would you like a drink?”
Erik just shrugged and sat on the window seat, staring out at the dusk. Now that he was finally at rest, his mind went back through the battle. It had always been like this. He’d focus on the present until the fight was over, then, exhausted, he’d revisit it and dwell, and analyse.
It was a good thing. He always remembered more than he realised at first, and he’d learned new techniques and strategies from analysing his own actions after the fact. He was just a little surprised that it was hitting him while he was still in Charles’ company. He had thought it would wait until he was completely alone.
Now he revisited the beach, a fierce pride at having lifted the sub, irritation at having lost his focus and allowed Riptide to knock the jet off course. At least he had been able to stop Charles from tumbling around as they crashed, and he shuddered at how close they had been to ending the battle there.
The fight with Shaw drew out in his mind, every moment observed from every angle. Charles was right, there was no new peace to be found from killing the man, but he did feel like he could take a breath at last, his greatest demon vanquished, his greatest threat eliminated.
And then the nukes. He clenched his fists at his sides, the thought of those ungrateful, stupid humans turning their weapons on them - and Charles! Now, without the whirlwind of voices coming through from the humans’ minds he remembered what Charles had said, how he’d tried to stop him - ‘they’re just following orders’. How dare he? What was he thinking?
There was a clatter of glass on glass and Erik looked up to see Charles staring at him in horror, whiskey dripping onto the tablecloth. “Erik… oh my friend, I’m so… I can’t believe I said it like that, I’m so sorry.”
Erik raised his eyebrows as Charles approached him, his hands fluttering. “I’m sorry, I heard… my boundaries are all shot to hell since… but I’m so sorry for being so thoughtless!”
“Charles, Charles! It’s fine,” he said, standing and touching Charles’ cheek.
“It’s not,” said Charles, looking distraught. Erik could hear his regret, and a current of fear underpinning it, and he frowned. Charles closed his eyes, and the fear peaked. Stupid stupid careless insensitive stupid boy.
“Charles! Calm down, you’re projecting.” Charles gasped and opened his eyes again, and the sound cut off completely. So did the throbbing pain in his head. Erik had expected that at least some of the pain would have been his own headache.
He pushed it to the side for a moment, running his fingertips through Charles’ hair. “It was… a stupid thing to say,” he admitted, and Charles nodded, eyes damp. “I’ve already lost one family to men who were just following orders - and I know that’s all it is for some of them. They were just too weak, too scared to do what was right, so they did what was easy.” He pulled Charles close and kissed him on the forehead. “I refuse to lose another family to men just following orders.”
Charles whimpered and pressed himself close to Erik, his fingers gripping his shirt. “Erik, I know… I know you probably don’t want me anywhere near… it’s so selfish, but… please…”
“What is it, liebchen?” he asked, trying to pull back to look at Charles’ face.
Charles struggled against him, trying to press closer. “I… I need…”
“What do you need, love? Anything.”
Charles reached up a trembling hand to Erik’s temple. “Please?” he whispered.
Erik held his hand there and nodded. “Of course.”
Before he even finished speaking Charles was sinking into his mind with another whimper, and he gasped. Charles seemed to be completely immersed in him, his mind spreading out with a greedy sigh, tangling into his very soul. I’m sorry I’m sorry so selfish I need you, your mind, so safe, I’m so sorry.
“Why are you sorry?” he asked, with a little laugh.
 It must feel so invasive… I just… you’re my anchor. You feel so wonderful.
“I’m glad to hear my mind is comfortable. And it doesn’t feel invasive,” he said, wrapping his arms around Charles’ back, plastering him against his chest. “I like it.”
“You… you do?” So cool so safe doesn’t hurt any more
“Why was it hurting?” Erik frowned.
Charles pulled back, tendrils of thought going silent. Erik tightened his arms. “Charles,” he said, warningly.
“It’s fine, I’m fine.”
“No, you’re not. Don’t lie to me, my friend. What was it? When you heard all the sailors?”
Charles shook his head, and tried to pull back again, but as he did so, a memory slipped out. A coin, a struggle to hold two minds, and a scream that went on and on.
Erik stumbled back, gasping, his hands pressed up to his head.
“Erik! Erik, are you OK?” Charles scrambled for him, touching him on the face, the head, the hands.
“Wh… why didn’t you tell me?” he croaked, his throat as raw as if it had been him screaming. “You felt Shaw die, you felt the coin… I hurt you!” His eyes widened with horror. “The scream that cut off, that was you!”
“I’m so sorry,” Charles said, his blue eyes rimmed with red and tears. “I never meant for you to feel it, I pulled back from you as soon as…”
“I don’t want you to apologise for that!” he shouted. “I hurt you, Charles, how can you be apologising?” He grabbed his hands, torn between shaking him and protecting him from the world. “Why didn’t you tell me? I would have… I would have…”
Charles closed his eyes. “There was nothing you could have done, no other way for us to… to kill Shaw. And I know we had to, I agree with that. I told you I would take the consequences with you, Erik, and this was one of them. If I hadn’t been in control of his mind, he would have been able to absorb the energy of the coin.”
“You say you will take the consequences with me, but it seems like you’re unwilling to actually share these consequences with me! Charles…” he cupped his face in both hands. “Are you trying to punish yourself?”
“No! Don’t be ridiculous.”
“Because that would, truly, be ridiculous. Sebastian Shaw was a monster, who did his best to turn me into a monster just like him, and you do not need to force yourself to suffer for his death.”
“I’m not, Erik,” he said, sighing and slumping into him. “It really was the only way.”
“Then why, when you started feeling the pain, did you pull away from my mind? We were in this together, I would have borne the pain with you. I should have, as the one inflicting it.”
“It… it would have distracted you.”
He raised his eyebrows. “It could have distracted you, but you managed to hold him immobile the entire time. You may say you’re not punishing yourself, but I think you are. I think you’re punishing yourself for your stepbrother, as well.”
Charles seemed to give up, closing his eyes and looking wretched. “My stepbrother… I went too far.”
“He was hurting you. He hurt Raven. What were you supposed to do? Just allow him to do so?”
“I was stronger than him--”
“No, you weren’t. Your mind was stronger than his, it’s true, but you weren’t in full control of your powers then. You acted out of fear for you and your sister, and you stopped the abuse.”
“I went too far. I could have--”
“But you didn’t. You can’t punish yourself for that forever, you know.”
“I deserve to be punished for taking a life.” Charles was almost whispering now, and Erik wrapped his arms around him. Even now he could feel flashes of pain and grief and guilt.
“You know, you can come back,” he said softly, lifting Charles’ hand to brush over his temple.
Charles looked up in shock. “Oh, I’m sorry, am I… God, my defences are just shocking right now, I’m so sorry.”
“Stop saying sorry, Charles! I’ve said before, you’re welcome.”
“Are you sure?” he asked, looking up, deep blue glinting through black lashes. “I know it’s uncomfortable and intrusive, and--I just, your mind, it anchors me, I sometimes don’t even… I think my mind reaches out for yours without my intent.”
“I like it,” he shrugged. “I like the thought that I’m holding you in my mind. Protecting you.”
Charles stared at him for a moment, then surged forwards and kissed him, and their minds sank into each other at the same time. Charles sighed and went pliant in his arms, nuzzling into his neck, tendrils of thought twining around Erik’s, soft and peaceful.
“We’ll face it all together,” he said softly, stroking Charles’ hair, the strands matted with sand and sweat. “We’ll fight, and we’ll protect each other, and we won’t let anyone get away with treating us, or other mutants, like we’ve been treated. And we’ll face the consequences together, you hear? No more hiding the pain from me.”
Charles didn’t answer, but pressed even closer, clinging on, and in his mind Erik felt a whisper of yes, thank you, I love you. He smiled, and wrapped him in love.
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Just wanted to share my Provincetown mini-haul with you, because I’m always eager to support small lgbtq-owned businesses that do true good in the world. Forbidden Fruit is the Sweetest and CH❤️ICE tees - @adamsnest “Close to the Knives” by David Wojnarowicz and “Prater Violet” by Christopher Isherwood - @adamsnest Men Defend Abortion & Silence = Death stickers and button - @adamsnest Moira Rose pin (with my favorite quote) - @adamsnest Shirley Chisholm sticker and But I’m a Cheerleader button - @womencrafts We Are Not Free button and Schrodinger’s Cat matchbook - @ptowngeneralstore I wish I could’ve afforded to get more cool stuff, because these are stores I have a hard time limiting myself in! Btw my husband pointed out the “forbidden fruit” shirt to me and said “if that shirt isn’t for you I don’t know what is.” 😏 #provincetown #provincetownma #ptown #pridemonth #pride #lgbtqpride #lgbtq #bivisibility #butimacheerleader #shirleychisholm #davidwojnarowicz #christopherisherwood #moirarose #freedomofchoice #queerbusiness #lgbtqbusiness #books #lgbtbooks https://www.instagram.com/p/Ce_cVkRu5Ug/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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anthfan · 8 years ago
‘Queen of Hearts’-ch.32
A/N: Two updates in six weeks! What is even happening?!?! Hope you enjoy this latest installment. Thanks for reading!
Read on ff.net  Ao3  or below the cut
“Alber,” Oliver called aloud in a half disinterested voice.
It was three days after they’d found out they were having a girl and taking a half hour or so in the mornings before they got ready for work to try out baby names had quickly become a new habit. So far their efforts had been unsuccessful.
Felicity shook her head in disgust from the other side of the bed before shoving another pillow under her bent legs without even looking up, “That sounds like a character in some post apocalyptic novel.”
“Is that a hobbit?”
“Caspar. With two a’s” he said with a snort, already moving to the next page of baby names before she could say anything.
“...you can’t be serious.”
He paused before he shared the next one because it was the most ridiculous one yet, “Dries.”
There was dead silence and then she turned her head to look at him from her side of the bed, “Just...no.”
Oliver didn’t wait before continuing to the next suggestion.
“I thought that was a type of pasta.”
“We will not be those parents.”
“Thea might like it thought,” he replied and swiped the tablet again. “How about Kacper with a ‘k’ and a ‘c’”
“That’s not even possible” she said twisting so she could see the screen, and then scrolled down.
“Mert? Did I read that correctly? Mert? Exactly what did you google, Oliver?” her eyes were wide behind her glasses as she glanced between his face and the admittedly ridiculous list he’d found.
“I don’t want her to have the same name as every other kid in her class.” he protested weakly.
“Well with a name like Mert I don’t think you have to worry about that.”
“We’re not calling her Mert.”
“I don’t know, it’s kind of starting to grow on me. I say it goes on the maybe list.”
“Felicity…” he drew out with a sigh and dropped the tablet to the bed, “We’re not calling her Mert. But Dries is definitely in contention.” he said with a grin as he slid down to lay on his side, Felicity adjusted herself until her head rested comfortably on his thigh.
“I’ll consider it for a middle name,” she teased in reply, scrolling through what appeared to be endless names that began with ‘C’. “Why is naming a person so difficult?” she said with a groan, rolling to her side so she could see him. “Why did your parents name you Oliver?”
He sighed with a half roll of his eyes, “It was my great grandfather’s name. Mom was big on us having family names, which is why Thea got her middle name from Mom’s maiden.”
“You don’t want to continue the tradition? I’ve noticed you haven’t made one suggestion along those lines.”
“Neither have you,” he countered, smiling when she wrinkled her nose in protest.
“No way. Not that I don’t like my name, because I do, but I’ve never been terribly connected to my family like that with my dad and...how he left. I don’t even have his last name.”
Oliver stroked the hair back from her face, a flash of guilt stabbing through him at the memories of ever making her doubt him after what she’d gone through. But one quick smile from her let him know she knew what he was thinking.
“So no ‘Olive’ or ‘Olivia’ then?” Felicity said quickly, ready to move on.
His thumb rubbed over the her middle, “I think this little girl deserves a name that’s all her own.”
Felicity smiled, covering his hand with hers before pushing up on one elbow to meet him for a kiss, “I think that’s a perfect idea.” she said before lying back and looking down at her belly, “You hear that, Mert, you will definitely have a name that’s all your own.”
“We are not naming her Mert!” he exclaimed while Felicity began to laugh.
“I really think it could be the right choice. Mert Fabiola Smoak kind of has a nice ring to it.”
He didn’t mean to flinch, it was involuntary and he relaxed immediately but she noticed and looked at him with wide eyes, “Or Mert Fabiola Queen.” she said quickly, “Or Smoak-Queen? I’m not sure I’m a hyphenate sort of girl but--” Then her eyes went even wider, “I meant for the baby...just the baby. Not me.”
He tried not to let himself think about anything beyond what he had right there in the moment. Everyday was a struggle to believe he had any right to Felicity and to the baby. And after almost losing them to the Count the fight he had with himself that they’d be better off far far away from him was worse than it ever had been before. He constantly had to remind himself that just having her there, in his life, in his bed when he woke was enough.
But despite that, hearing her call the baby ‘Smoak’ made that sleeping dragon in his chest roar to life and imagine what could be. They’d avoided the topic of anything more ever since the meeting with the lawyers. Thea had dropped some not so subtle hints here and there, and the internet and press were unrelenting, but it was easy to ignore all that. Having to name the baby however, that changed things.
Even though he shut it down as soon as it began, his thoughts had wandered more than once. To the ring he knew sat in a vault. The one his father had given his mother and that she’d taken off only after she’d gotten together with Walter. Admitting that there was a part of him that wanted to give it to Felicity, to ask for forever was that final step to letting it all go and truly moving forward. Every day with her brought him that much closer, but it scared him as well.
They were dangerous thoughts, ones he would have never entertained a few months prior. The threats they faced every day were very very real. And yet somehow he kept wanting more.
“Hey, where’d you go?” Felicity asked softly.
She was on her knees beside him, hair tucked behind her ears as she looked at him with concern. He hadn’t even noticed she’d moved.
His first instinct was to cover, to dismiss where his mind had taken him and get back to looking at ridiculous baby names. Felicity would have allowed it, because she trusted him and gave him space when he needed it, and only pushed when it was necessary. But the slight twitch of her mouth as her smile faltered for a second let him know she needed him to be honest with her just then.
“I don’t deserve you,” he began, laying a quick finger over her lips at the protest he knew would come, “but I’m trying to.”
She smiled her agreement, pursing her lips to give his finger a quick kiss. He let his hand fall to cup her cheek, loving how she turned into his touch.
Then with a deep breath he plunged ahead.
“I hadn’t thought about it before now, but...I’d like for her to have my name. Both our names if you’re okay with that.” he said, and before she could reply he stepped off the cliff, “I’d like for you to have it too. One day.”
Felicity froze, eyes wider than he’d ever seen them before and he was certain his heart had ceased to beat in his chest.
A quiet, breathy, ‘Oh,” passed her lips and then without blinking she answered. “I’d like that too. All of it. One day.”
He physically felt his heart lurch into motion again, and the smile that broke across his face was uncontrollable.
His other hand found her jaw, thumbs brushing over her cheeks as she matched his grin before he dipped his head to meet her lips.
They kissed long and unhurried, a lightness within him had suddenly appeared and lifted away a weight he hadn’t even known was there.
When she finally pulled back with a contented hum she rested her head under his chin, his arms wrapping around her. “I think I like the idea of taking a page from Moira’s book and using Smoak as her middle name. But don’t tell your mother I said that.” she added quickly.
Oliver’s chest rose in a huff of laughter as he dropped a kiss to her hair, “It’ll be our secret,” he promised.
“So that’s half her name figured out, or I suppose really two thirds. Why can’t the first name be this easy?” she pouted, turning the tablet off with more vigor than was necessary.
“Well when we have contenders like Mert and Dries…” he began only to be cut off by Felicity grabbing a pillow to cover his face.
“We are not calling her Mert!” she yelled, laughing as he pretended to struggle underneath her.
Oliver let her go a few more seconds before skating his fingers up the sensitive skin along her side, grinning as she immediately began to shriek and twist away from him, the pillow falling forgotten to the floor.
“Oliver stop!” she cried, trying to roll off of him but he followed, still tickling her. “Oliver! You’re going to make me pee myself if you don’t stop!”
Her words and laughter still echoed off the walls when he froze poised above her as a voice he never expected to hear began to speak.
“I apologize for interrupting but you didn’t seem to be able to hear my knock.”
A garbled noise of horror came from Felicity’s throat. She went stock still where she lay on her back sideways across the bed, shirt rucked up just under her breasts, and head tilted back to see his mother standing stiffly in the doorway.
None of them moved, seconds stretching into infinity until finally he jolted, tugging down Felicity’s shirt as he helped her sit up, noticing how she let her hair hang in her face longer than necessary to hide the flush of red he was certain had nothing to do with the position she had just been in.
“Mom, hi, sorry, did you need something?”
Felicity slid off the other side of the bed, intending to head towards the bathroom or the closet or perhaps out the window if the look on her face was any indication. “I’m just going to--” she motioned vaguely in the direction away from Moira, hastily grabbing her glasses from the side table and shoving them crookedly on her face.
“No, please, stay for just a moment.” his mother said in a voice he could tell was her attempting to be pleasant.
Felicity came to a halt, looking from him and then back to Moira as if she wasn’t sure what to do. He made a point to cross the wide expanse of carpet between the bed and doorway, effectively putting himself between the two of them. He had no idea why his mother would want to speak to them both, but considering her less than cordial acceptance of Felicity he wasn’t going to assume anything.
“Sure, Mom,” he replied with forced easiness, crossing his arms as he waited for her to continue.
Moira’s eyes widened just enough when she took in his stance, but there was no guilt when he saw her take in a small centering breath. He knew where his loyalties lied.
“I was hoping you could join me for dinner, tomorrow evening. There are some things I’d like to discuss with you and your sister.” she paused for just a second before raising her gaze, “Felicity, you’re of course welcome to join us.”
Oliver was silent, turning slowly to look at Felicity, his back completely to his mother. She stared back at him, surprised but curious. Without a word he asked if she was okay with the invitation and, in true Felicity fashion, she gave him a crooked smile and a raised eyebrow letting him know they would be going.
“That sounds great, Mom, we’re looking forward to it,” he said as he turned back, just catching the look of irritation that crossed his mother’s face.
“Wonderful. I’ll let Raisa know. It’ll be nice to finally have a family dinner. You know nothing is more important to me than you and your sister, Oliver.”
As always Moira Queen got the last word. He knew since her release from prison he hadn’t spent as much time with her as perhaps he should have, but her attitude towards Felicity wasn’t endearing her to him.
Oliver heard the quiet snick of the bathroom door as Felicity had obviously decided she didn’t need to be present any longer.
His mother stood even straighter, mouth opening to say something he instinctively knew would not be okay.
“Thanks for coming by to invite us,” he said purposely emphasizing the ‘us’, as he approached her, hand coming up to brace against the door frame, his actions clearly showing it was time for her to leave. “We can’t wait.”
Moira took one step back and then another until she was in the hallway, “Of course, Oliver.” she said in a tight voice, “I have meetings all day with Walter, I’m not sure when I’ll return.”
He gave her a nod, “We’ll be at the office and then I thought I’d take Felicity out to look at cribs.”
A multitude of emotions flashed through her eyes, but a door shutting further down the hall made her shutter whatever she’d been about to say. “That sounds lovely, dear.”
Without another word she made her exit, Oliver blew out a long breath, pinching the bridge of his nose to relieve the tension that had been building.
“Ah, I see you have also been on the receiving end of Mom’s ‘invitation’,” Thea said suddenly.
He looked up to see his sister with one shoulder propped against the other side of the door frame, hands still raised in air quotes.
“Yeah, any clue what it’s about?”
“Nope, just that she wanted us there and that it was important.” she said with a sigh, looking at the floor before raising her eyes to his, “Mom wanting to discuss things has never turned out well, Ollie.”
“Hey, I’m sure it’s nothing to worry about,” he said quickly, hand coming up to grasp her shoulder, “Mom’s back home and safe.”
“I know, I just...I can’t shake this feeling that something bad is going to happen. Again.”
He pulled his sister into his arms, one hand stroking over her dark hair, “Focus on the good, Speedy. Right now, everything is good.”
“Who are you and what have you done with my permanently grumpy brother?” she muttered against his chest.
Oliver laughed, hugging her tighter, “He’s decided to focus on the good.”
With a sigh she pushed back, “Thank Felicity for me,” she said, but there was a sparkle in her eyes.
“I will,” he said sincerely as she kissed his cheek.
“Good. Now go get ready for work so you don’t run our family’s business into the ground.”
“Right. That’s the first thing on my to-do list for the day,” he deadpanned.
Thea’s eyes widened in surprise shock, “Wow, and he’s got jokes now, too.”
He shook his head in mock irritation, “See ya, Speedy.”
The door to the bathroom was open but the shower was on when he re-entered their bedroom. A quick glance at the clock let him know the interruption from his mother had put them more behind schedule that usual.
Felicity’s form was visible through the fogged glass of the shower, the roundness of her belly now readily noticeable no matter how she stood or what she wore. With a grin he tugged his shirt over his head and quickly stripped off his sleep pants before joining her.
“Is she gone? Did she demand our first born for some sort of ritual or sacrificial ceremony only those of noble and high birth are allowed to attend?” Felicity grumbled without looking at him, head turned upwards towards the spray.
His hands spanned her hips, tugging her back into his chest as he dropped his mouth to the side of her neck, reveling in how he knew she’d jump first and then suck air in through her teeth as he nibbled his way up to her ear.
“She’s gone, no rituals,” he assured her, “Though I may have told her we were going crib shopping after work.”
Felicity paused, neck stretched to the right to allow him greater access, “You did?”
“Mmmhmmm,” he replied, swiping her wet hair over one shoulder so he could drop a line of kisses across the nape of her neck.
“We are?”
“We are what?” he asked, distracted by how perfectly her ass fit against him.
“Oliver,” she reprimanded, turning to face him. “We’re going crib shopping after work?”
“Oh. If you want? I know we haven’t talked about it again. We don’t have to if you don’t want to or if you found one online.”
Her lips found his, cutting off his words. The water sluicing down her back made it too easy for his hands to slide wherever they wanted. When he grabbed her ass and squeezed, the approving hiss she gave made him do it again as she sank further into his chest.
Despite the warmth of the water he felt small shivers cross his skin as she placed small kisses and bites from the underside of his chin down over his collarbone and systematically around each point of his Bratva tattoo before pausing over his nipple.
“We’re going to be late to work today, aren’t we?” she gasped.
“Very. Very. Late.”
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some1foundme · 8 years ago
Fic: Lost in the Memory ch. 2
Title: Lost in the Memory
Author: Some1FoundMe
Rating: M
Summary: Oliver Queen returns to his home in Star City after a five year tour overseas, much to the delight of his friends and family.  There’s just one small problem.  The injury that effectively ended his military career also erased a part of his memory.  As he struggles to put together the missing pieces of his past, his connection to his best friend’s little sister becomes something he can’t avoid.  Who is Felicity Merlyn and why can’t he seem to stay away from her?  Olicity AU, no Arrow, no island.
A/N: This is the first of two notes.  Thank you to everyone who took a moment to read the first chapter of this.  The response really blew me away.  I will try to reply to all of the comments as soon as I can.  I hope you enjoy the second installment and I’ll see you all again on Thursday!  See the end for note number two.
Read it on AO3 or ff.net.
Chapter Two
She stumbled through her front door, her body weighed down by fatigue, and went straight to the sofa.  Thea skipped into the house behind her, discarding her shoes and coat in the entryway before bounding up the stairs.  Felicity sighed and settled into the couch cushions.  She didn’t bother calling Thea back down to pick up her belongings.
By the time she and Sara and Iris had served the last customer and closed down Verdant for the night, Oliver and Moira had been long gone.  Thea had sat in the booth they’d vacated, working on her homework while she’d waited and had talked incessantly on the short drive home.  It was a trait that they shared, the need to ramble on and on, and Felicity hadn’t been surprised that Oliver had been the sole topic of conversation.  She had smiled and nodded along, interjecting a random thought here and there, but by the time they’d pulled into the driveway, Felicity was at the end of her rope.  She needed a little bit of peace and quiet.  She loved Thea dearly but she wasn’t ashamed to admit that being the solitary caregiver of an energetic eleven year old wasn’t what Felicity had wanted for herself at twenty-six.
The couch shifted beneath her as Thea threw herself down on it.
“Aunt Felicity, can I have a snack?”
Felicity snorted.  It was almost midnight.
“Not a chance, kiddo.  It’s way past your bedtime.  Get into your PJs and brush your teeth please.  Then bed.”
Thea sighed but didn’t argue.  When she heard the water shut off in the bathroom sink, Felicity closed her eyes again and rested her head on the back of the sofa.
The pounding ache behind her eyes had been persistent all night.  To say that her day had been stressful would be putting it lightly.  It would have been a relief to lock herself away in the sanctuary of her bedroom, curl up in the center of her bed and sleep through the next forty-eight hours.  And that is exactly what she would’ve done if the thought of spending yet another night alone in her bed didn’t cause pain to wind its way around her already broken heart. 
In the five years that Oliver had been away, she’d had warring emotions where her bedroom was concerned.  She had felt grief, sharp and lingering, every time that she let herself think about the empty space beside her.  That vast expanse of mattress that was cold without Oliver there to fill it.  And there were other times when she found comfort in that room, in the space that they’d shared, a place where so many of their memories lived.  Tonight, she knew, it would be grief that met her at the door.
With a soft sigh, Felicity stood and headed for the fireplace, to the mantle that was crowded with dozens of photos.  Dozens of moments that she never wanted to forget captured on film.  Most every frame held an image focused on the same four subjects.  Tommy and Laurel, Oliver and Felicity.  The photos told the story of their lives, their relationships, as they’d grown from children, to teenagers, to adults.  There were a small handful of photos that included Sara or a very tiny Thea, but Felicity had kept the mantle as a sort of shrine to the people that she had loved most in the world.
She reached for the largest frame and examined the smiling faces beneath the glass.
“Lis, would you hurry up already?  We’re going to be late!”
Felicity inspected her reflection in the mirror and adjusted her hair for what felt like the millionth time.  Nervous butterflies beat rapidly in her stomach.
“I’m coming!” she called back.
She flipped off the light as she stepped out of the bathroom and met her sister-in-law at the top of the stairs.  Laurel smiled brightly.
“Well?” Felicity asked.
She tugged at the hem of the short plum colored dress anxiously.
“You look beautiful, Lis,” Laurel assured her, “Oliver isn’t going to know what hit him.”
Heat flooded her cheeks at Laurel’s praise.  She had picked the dress for him specifically and she hoped desperately that he liked it.  She wanted him to love it.
Laurel held out her hand and Felicity grasped it tightly.
“What time is it anyway?” she asked.
Laurel laughed, “I have no idea, you were just taking too long!”
The harsh ring of her cellphone startled her back into the present and she nearly dropped the photo.  She set it back carefully among the others before rummaging in her bag for her phone.
“Hello?” she answered quietly, aware that Thea was most likely asleep.
“Yes? Who is this?  Do you have any idea what time it is?”
Her eyes flickered to the clock.  Almost an hour had passed since she’d sent Thea to bed.
“I know, honey, I’m sorry.  It’s Doc Hawkins.  Felicity, your father’s here.  He’s had more than a few too many.  I can’t let him drive like this but we don’t close for a couple of hours or I’d drive him myself.  Think you can come and get him?”
Felicity bit her lip to stop the expletive laced reply that wanted to escape. She should have known.  Doc owned a small late-night diner on the other side of town.  It was one of the places that her father frequented after a binge.
She sighed, “Sure, Doc, I’ll be there.  It’ll take me a few minutes to get Thea in the car but I’ll be there.”
“Thanks, honey.  I’m sorry to do this to you again.”
She threw her phone into her purse and shoved her hands into her hair.  She’d lost count of all the times that she’d had to be her father’s DD, of all the times that she’d had to drag a sleepy Thea across town because her father was too drunk to drive and too much of an asshole to let anyone else help him.
Fifteen minutes later Felicity carried Thea to her truck and loaded her into the backseat.  As she backed out of the drive, she cranked the heat and willed her teeth to stop chattering.
“Where are we going?” Thea mumbled.
She glanced in her rearview mirror and wasn’t surprised to find her niece with her eyes closed and bundled into her heavy winter coat.  Her bright pink hat and scarf contrasted sharply with the dark gray wool.
“We have to go and pick up Papa,” she explained.
Thea didn’t respond and Felicity didn’t need to check to know that she’d fallen asleep again.  They’d been here before and they both knew that they’d be there again.
Pulling up in front of Doc’s place, she threw the truck in park and ran inside.
“Hey, honey,” Doc called as she came in, “He’s down there on the end.”
Malcolm Merlyn sat at the far end of the counter, the stools around him empty, with a cup of what she could only hope was coffee clutched between his hands. She strode determinedly toward him. She was conditioned for a confrontation when facing her inebriated father.  It certainly wasn’t a pleasant experience but it was one that she was all too familiar with.
“Hey dad,” she said quietly, with a patience she reserved only for him, “Do you need a ride home?”
The look that he gave her could only be described as scathing.  She sighed.
“I can drive myself home,” he snapped, his words slurred.
Embarrassment colored her cheeks.  It was late but that didn’t mean that the dining room at Doc’s was empty.  She took a slow breath and braced herself for more of a fight.
“Dad, please… Thea and I came all the way out here to get you, the least you could do is let me drive you home.”
“I don’t recall asking you to come and get me.  I don’t need a damn ride!”
Felicity flinched.  She was aware of the gawking.  She’d felt it at Verdant and she certainly felt it now.  Her father was making a scene, again, and a part of her was tempted to let him find his own way home.  She could ask Doc to call the police the moment he pulled out of the parking lot and let him suffer for his own poor decisions.  But there was no way that she could, that she would.  She owed it to her father, to Tommy and to their mother, to take care of their family.  What was left of it.
“Dad, if you don’t leave with me right now, Doc is going to call Sheriff Diggle to come and get you,” she threatened, “Is that what you want?  To spend another night locked up?”
He huffed indignantly and shoved to his feet, swaying the moment his legs were all that was supporting him.
“Then I’ll drive myself.”
Felicity opened her mouth to let him know exactly what she thought of that decision when Doc spoke over her shoulder.
“Damn it, Malcolm, give your girl a break.  Let her take you home. “
Her father’s gaze swung between the two of them before he finally gave up. Felicity watched his shoulders sag, watching him sway just a little for the second time, and then he was turning toward the door.  He threw his hands up and mumbled something that she couldn’t hear.  She gave Doc a quick nod before hurrying after him.
They settled into the truck in silence.  It wasn’t until she was turning out of the parking lot onto Route 22 that her father decided to speak up.
“I heard that Oliver came home,” he muttered, “Moira had the gall to bring him to the house today.  Said he wanted to pay his respects after what happened to Tommy.  Did you know that he was coming back here?”
She cast a quick glance in his direction and found him glaring at her. Her hackles rose and she clutched the steering wheel tightly.
“Dad, Oliver’s life is here.  His family, his friends, everything that he had before he enlisted in the service is here in Star City.  It makes perfect sense that he’d come home eventually.”
It was clear that he hadn’t grasped the extent of Oliver’s injuries.  He didn’t know about the amnesia.
“That bastard killed your brother, Felicity!  I don’t care who or what he was to you before Tommy died, he –“
“Dad! You and I both know that Oliver did not kill Tommy!”
They’d enlisted in the service at the same time, right out of high school.  It had been Tommy’s dream, really, all he’d ever talked about doing after graduation, but her father had needed someone to blame.  He’d needed someone to take his grief out on.  That honor had fallen on Oliver.  And when Oliver hadn’t been able to return to Star City for Tommy’s funeral, his absence had only added fuel to the blazing fire of her father’s ire.  
“He was there!” her father shouted, “He was there and he was supposed to watch out for him.   They were brothers.  Brothers protect one another.  I never should’ve let him go.”
Felicity turned down the narrow road that led to her family home.  It had been years since she’d stepped inside.  Her father didn’t ask her in on the nights that she drove him home and she had no desire to invite herself over.  That house hadn’t been her home in a long time.  Before Tommy died, before her mom, she had loved the big house where she’d been raised.  Now, she thought of it as a tomb. 
She pulled into the drive, getting as close to the main entrance as she dared, and threw the truck into park.
“You know damn well that you couldn’t have stopped Tommy, even if you had tried.  He knew what he was signing up for.  He wanted to be a part of something.  He wanted to make a difference.  And you know that Oliver loved Tommy.  They were brothers.  And losing him was as hard on Oliver as it was on all of us.  But at least you had me and Thea.  Oliver was alone over there, Dad,” Felicity reminded him, “So for god’s sake, please stop trying to convince everyone that he had something to do with Tommy’s death.  No one believes you anyway.”
Her father shoved open the door, letting in a blast of frigid air, and slid off of the seat.  His boots crunched in the packed snow that covered the driveway.
“Not only did he get my son killed, he’s got my daughter so hung up on him that she can’t see what a monster he is.”
The door slammed shut and Felicity watched him round the truck and disappear inside.
She took a slow, deep breath before backing out onto the road and heading home.  She cut through the neighborhood, shaving a couple of minutes off of her drive, and focused on the road.  The exhaustion that she’d felt earlier in the night hit her again like a gale force wind, taking every ounce of energy that she had left and leaving her brain foggy.  She wanted to sleep.  Badly.  But she was only a few blocks from home when she spotted him.  He was standing on the sidewalk at the corner of Bleaker and Elm, his arms crossed over his chest, his breath ghosting on every exhale.
Felicity slowed to a stop beside him and rolled down the passenger side window.
“Hey, um, Oliver?  Are you – are you okay?  Do you need a ride?”
He stood motionless for a few too many heartbeats, staring at her blankly, before something clicked and he stepped up to the truck.
“Felicity.  Thank god.”
He wrenched open the door and climbed into the seat that her father had recently vacated.  She noticed his clothes – a pair of sweats and a damp Henley – as well as the color in his cheeks.
He was shivering.
“You were out running?  At this hour?” she asked, turning the heat up as high as it would go while angling all of the vents in his direction.
He shrugged, “I’m still on Baghdad time, apparently.  I don’t sleep well during the night.”
She watched as he rubbed his hands together and blew on his fingers to get them warm again.  Her eyes traveled over him, taking in all of the features that she had missed for the last five years.  His sweat-soaked shirt clung to the sculpted muscles of his chest and arms and Felicity’s fingers flexed.  She kept them wrapped firmly around the wheel.  The pain that she’d kept locked up in a little box buried deep inside of her threatened to erupt.
“Felicity.  You’re staring.”
Her eyes flew to his face and she flushed.
“I – I’m sorry,” she stuttered, “Are you… did you get lost?”
It was his turn to flush, the color in his cheeks deepening, and he ducked his head.
“They all look the same.  The houses.  I just got a little turned around.  I – It’s been a while.”
She nodded, “Right.  Five years.”
Questions lit up his eyes and she immediately wished that she could take the words back.
“How did you –“
“Tommy,” she rushed, “Tommy’s last deployment date was five years ago last month.  You left together.”
“Right.  Tommy… Felicity, listen, I’m sorry.  I didn’t get a chance to say anything earlier.  He was my best friend.  I’m so sorry that he’s gone.  I wanted to tell you that.  At Verdant.  But my mom didn’t think that it was a good idea.  You were upset when you saw me.  Was it because – because I’m here and he’s not?”
Her heart felt as if it were splintering.  He had no idea.  No recollection of her, of their friendship.  The words that he spoke, his apology, he might as well have been talking to a stranger.  There wasn’t a single part of him that recognized her as anything other than his best friend’s little sister. 
“It wasn’t my intention to hurt you,” he continued, “The fact that I don’t remember you probably isn’t helping, right?  Tommy and I were so close.  I – I have all of these memories of him but… This whole amnesia thing is really fucking everything up.  People see me and they expect me to know them, to remember, but then I can’t place them and I feel like an asshole.  My cousin Nyssa?  She came by the house to see me today.  I had no clue who she was.  As you can imagine, she wasn’t exactly happy about it.”
Felicity snorted, “Yeah, I bet.  You two have always been really close.  She’s a friend of mine, actually.”
“I know, trust me, she made sure that I knew.  Everyone has been talking about you.  My parents are really worried.”
Tears blurred her vision and she forced herself to look away.  She didn’t want to fall apart, not again.  He was struggling, that much was obvious, but everyone they knew seemed to be more worried about her.  It wasn’t fair.  He needed them as much as she did, maybe more, and her guilt at taking that attention from him only served to heighten her already tumultuous emotional state.
“Do you – do you have custody of her?  Of Thea?” he asked, his eyes falling on her niece where she slept in the backseat. 
She was thankful for the change of subject.
Nodding, she said, “Since Tommy died.  But she lived with me before.  While the two of you were overseas.”
“What about her mom?” he asked, then, looking sheepish, he added, “I’m sorry.  I have no right to ask.”
She sighed, dragging her fingers through her hair, and tried to give him a genuine smile.
“Thea is your goddaughter, Oliver.  If there’s anything you want to know, just ask.  And her mom, Laurel, she died.  About six years ago.”
Her gaze went to the little girl with the dark curls sleeping soundly behind them.
“Did I know her?”
“You did.  She was your friend.  Laurel went to school with you and Tommy.  Her little sister, Sara, works with me at Verdant.”
“How did it happen?”
The next breath that she took got stuck in her throat.  She’d never managed to talk about the accident without crying.  Today would be no different.
“There was an accident.  Laurel and my mom were driving home from a weekend trip to Boston.  It had started snowing right after they’d left and they – they slid off the road and into an embankment.  My mom, she died at the scene.  Laurel died a few days later, in the hospital.”
Her voice cracked as she spoke.  She couldn’t control it, couldn’t keep her hands from trembling or her tears from falling.  When Oliver unbuckled her seatbelt and pulled her into his arms, she went willingly.  She collapsed against him and choked on a sob. “I’m sorry, Felicity.  I remember your mom.  Donna was… she was great.  Bright and always so happy.  Was I here?  When it happened?”
She nodded, unable and unwilling to speak.
“I don’t remember,” he confessed quietly.
Felicity moved away, settling into her seat and putting much needed distance between them.  She wiped her face with her gloved hands and cast another quick glance at Thea.  She was glad they hadn’t woken her.
“There are… there are a lot of things that I wish you could remember, things that you need to remember, Oliver.  But the accident that took away two people that I loved?  Be thankful that you don’t remember because that is one day of my life that I wish that I could forget.”
 A/N 2:  I wanted to clear up some confusion from chapter one.  Felicity and Tommy are brother and sister, Donna and Malcolm are their parents. They’re not half or step siblings. I had to take liberties with that in order to make the story work the way I wanted it to.  The only other familial relationship that I changed is Thea’s, obviously.  She is Tommy and Laurel’s daughter rather than being Tommy and Oliver’s half-sister.  Did that help?  I hope so. And everything about Oliver and Felicity will become clear as the story continues.  Enjoy!
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