#ch: iris thornwick
elegantcode · 6 years
Astrid Eichwald 
human ex-soldier wizard who studies in the school of abjuration ( shielding and banishment ). she’s seen war and has been traumatized by it but would lay down her life for her fellow man, and always embraces the opportunity to fight against tyranny and control.
dresses very authoritarian and steampunk. has long curly / wavy blonde hair and steel gray eyes.
Fyrin Haygins 
outlander halfling druid. clumsy and neutral. believes nature holds all power and doesnt go out of his way to save anyone who can’t do so themselves, because thats the way the world works in the wilds.
he’s almost always barefoot and wears a head piece that has one broken antler. has a mop of curly brown hair and light brown eyes.
half-orc monk who was taken prisoner during a war and tortured for information. she survived and escaped due to a prison riot and went to the monastery to seek peace and guidance. uses her skills to keep a neutral and tranquil stance. very much anti-war and violence. only hurts others unless there is no other choice.
has fairly large tusks and a thick broken nose with a gray/green skin tone. her head is mostly shaved other than one bit at the top of her head that comes down into a long braid that ends at the middle of her back
Iris Thornwick 
halfling ranger that entered selcusion as a hermit to both escape a horde that attacked her village and to seek enlightenment from a higher power. she doesn’t know if she believes in the gods yet as she’s yet to reach that point in her seclusion and isn’t sure she ever will. 
has long thick, curly black hair with blue eyes. a button nose and LOADS of freckles. almost always wears her cloak hood up. 
Kefra Oceansong
human bard who grew up on the streets and left for dead by her parents and many others over the years. she seeks retribution against higher class nobles who she sees as people who have it coming for not helping those in need. 
she’s a trans woman. sings and plays drums to channel her spells and magic. viking / nordic aesthetic, always in thick furs and wears her red hair in a mess of long braids. 
Kevor Palerunner
a trans man pirate who left disguised himself as a man ( at first ) to stowaway on a pirate ship to escape his family and eventually found that he wasn’t just disguised as a man, he was one, thanks to a mentorship in his newly found captain. 
can be very bullheaded and seeks vengeance for those who killed his mentor and freedom above all. feels at home on the sea and homesick on dry land. has a undercut with a flop of black hair and dark brown eyes. 
tiefling barbarian who used to be a gladiator. loves a good fight and loves to entertain. if he can do both and win some coin, he’s there. he’s a happy dude, despite the obvious trauma that comes with being forced to fight for his life so often. his aesthetics are very ancient greek. 
he has a darker skin tone that is more red-hued that a shock of pure red. his horns are long and curve back then straight up, though one is broken off about 3 inches from the point. 
air genasi rogue who spent his life as a burglar and a pickpocket, he fled his hometown after a heist went wrong, resulting in one of his partners being caught and killed. he isolates himself after these events, often preferring to live in squalor rather than work with someone else again. 
he is ridiculously thin with a bluish gray skintone that seems to swirl unnaturally. his eyes are a bright purple and his hair is long and white, falling to just past his shoulders, even if he does put it up more often than not.
Naeti Auvr’athem
drow wild magic sorcerer that studied astronomy since she was a young girl. during one of these experiments with her master, there was an arcane explosion that resulted in her body absorbing the energy and awaking an innate power within her. 
she holds intelligence in a high regard and often values knowledge much more than other characteristics, even if she tries to not look down on others for their lack of. since her accident, she hasn’t had much control of her magic, but at least it looks cool when casting. 
literally the definition of duality in a character. aasimar warlock who gets her powers from a fiend ( demon ) after she was left for dead by a rival noble family raids her family’s castle. turns out the fiend powers run in her family and are kept secret because they’re celestials. 
she was in love with the rival noble family’s daughter and is searching for her after her own family is decimated and she is left as the last surviving descendant. she has copper blonde hair that is just left in a bun and out of her face and shining white gray eyes. 
Silevon Alea’val
your typical high elven acolyte serving the sun god, tends to put his faith above all else, though he does idolize a higher ranking priest. he’s kind of shaky and has a hard time talking to others. wears wide, circular glasses.
has long dark black hair with black / brown eyes. very contrasting from his gold and white armor.
half elven paladin who swears an oath of vengeance against his brother, who sold out his mother’s family and surrounding families of his hometown, resulting in the entire town being completely destroyed and left in ruins.
his armor is blackened and charred, because of the destruction of his home, though he wears it proudly and refuses to have it cleaned even if it might help protect him. it’s a badge of honor. 
he has a scruffily shaved head and a few scars are visible in his hair line, as well as on his face, across his left eye. 
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