#ch: homicidal hat trick
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squirenonny · 8 years ago
7, 8, 11, 12, 13, 14. Voltron and/or Mistborn.
[Autistic character ask meme]
Voltron (Keith, Pidge) first, then Mistborn (Steris, Vin, Spook) below the cut because this got really long haaaa these aren’t special interests at ALL
7. what calms them down?
90% of the time Keith calms down with some kind of physical activity (i.e. training). Mostly stress builds up as a restless kind of energy, paired with frustration that very easily turns to anger, and fighting is just… the fastest way to get it out. Plus, training is totally acceptable for a paladin, so there’s that. Other forms of physical activity that Keith finds calming: hiking, cave diving, jogging, pacing. (The other 10% of the time, he calms down by being incredibly still–star-gazing with Shiro or Pidge are favorites, but he’ll also sometimes just…. lie on his bed and let his mind wander.)
Pidge calms down by getting tf away from people. Normally that means going to work on robots/computers/other random projects down in Green’s hangar (or in their bedroom back on Earth), but it could also mean reading, listening to music (or intergalactic transmissions), or watching a movie while wrapped in the biggest blanket they can find. I also like to think Pidge sketches a lot. Mostly technical drawings, but sometimes just random things. (I mean. Voltron with a flaming sword + ladybug + whatever else ended up on their notepad.)
8. Do they know they’re Autistic? if so when & how did they realise?
Pidge absolutely knows they’re autistic. They were diagnosed relatively young, probably in elementary school, after a teacher noticed Pidge’s social and communication difficulties and talked with the Holts. So in a way it feels like they’ve always known. Certainly as long as they’ve been aware of people outside their family, they’ve known they were different, and they had a word for that pretty early on.
Keith doesn’t know he’s autistic. Maybe he’s very early in the process of self-diagnosis: getting to know Pidge brings him past the ‘all I know about autism I learned from Hollywood’ stage, and he’s started to identify with certain autistic traits, but he hasn’t had more than the occasional flash of ‘maaaaybe I’m autistic??’ followed immediately by that kind of embarrassed denial so many of us get. (That, “Come on Keith, get over yourself, you’re just an introvert, stop trying to be a special snowflake.”) We’ll get there.
11. how do they prefer to communicate? are they non verbal/have periods of being non verbal? do they use sign language? do they talk? do they prefer text, etc?
Pidge tends to be hyperverbal and doesn’t usually have difficulty with spoken language, but they do find typing to be more efficient. They’re less likely to ramble that way, and they feel more in control of their words when they can edit them before they send the message.
Keith is partially nonverbal. He goes nonverbal when he’s stressed or angry, and when he’s tired/confused/otherwise emotional or low on spoons, words can be hard to come by or get mixed up. (Also, regulating tone is just. The worst.) He doesn’t have a preferred alternate form of communication, mostly because he’s never thought of it, secondarily because he’s self-conscious about communication issues and would rather just be the “brooding emo silent one” than call attention to it. (I do think that eventually he and the rest of Team Voltron would start to develop a kind of sign language–probably a mix of military handtalk, ASL, and Altean Sign Language, because I doubt anyone else in the castle is fluent in any form of sign language.)
12. Is there any senses they struggle with particularly? (hearing, taste, etc)
Pidge has texture sensitivities, especially in clothing and food, but otherwise their hearing is the most sensitive. Buzzing/beeping/humming/other “white noise” gets on their nerves VERY quickly. They use their noise-cancelling headphones a lot even when they aren’t listening to transmissions or music.
Keith is touch-averse. There are certain people/circumstances that don’t bother him (shoulder-touching, Shiro in general, honestly Hunk most of the time, because Hunk gives such tight hugs that it’s deep pressure, which is nice.) Glancing/incidental/light touches–especially when unexpected–are the main issue.
13. their special interests?
Pidge: computers/robots/programming, conspiracy theories, especially aliens. All sorts of creative things–mechanical projects, crafts, legos, building card towers?? Basically anything where they put stuff together to make other stuff. Pidge is a beast at McGuyvering shit.
[Keith’s SIs answered here]
14. are they open about being autistic or do they prefer to keep it to themselves?
Pidge is open about it with friends. It’s not something they would want classmates or acquaintances knowing about, but they tell the other paladins pretty quickly, and they have it in their About on Tumblr and Twitter.
Keith still isn’t even convinced he is autistic, so Pidge (and a little later, Shiro) are the only ones who know he’s even questioning it.
7. what calms them down?
Steris: The biggest way for her to calm down is to be in control in whatever way she can. That might mean making a schedule, organizing a room, or just researching something related to her current project. Being proactive in general helps–she doesn’t really unwind, per se. She can *be* relaxed, but taking a break for the purposes of stress-relief is counter-productive if she hasn’t already de-stressed to a certain level.
Vin: Physical activity, having a set routine or at least a stable set of rules she can live by. Tactile stims are also good–cuddling with Elend, petting TenSoon, letting her mistcloak drift around her. She finds the mists especially calming because it’s the right combination of control, activity, solitude, and low-level sensory stimulation.
Spook: Being in a social situation without necessarily being expected to interact is very relaxing–he likes to have people around, though for most of the series conversations/remembering social norms is more stressful than it is helpful. He like observing–observing his friends or keeping watch. There’s something soothing about looking out through the mists and listening to background noise (the things that aren’t important enough to focus on).
8. Do they know they’re Autistic? if so when & how did they realise?
Spook and Vin for sure no. I highly doubt the Final Empire has a concept of autism or… anything, really. I feel like Steris is aware that she’s neurodiverse, even if she doesn’t have the words for it (or the same words we do…) I guess it would be the equivalent of self-diagnosed. She realized growing up that she was different and sought out other people (or their writings) who had similar experiences. She’s identified where she struggles and developed coping mechanisms in the interest of control.
11. how do they prefer to communicate? are they non verbal/have periods of being non verbal? do they use sign language? do they talk? do they prefer text, etc?
Vin doesn’t have any specific communication issues as far as forms of communication. She is reluctant to share things about herself, and she struggles with code-switching (living on the streets vs. joining a crew vs. mingling with the nobility), and is cautious with her words when she doesn’t feel safe, but it’s not because of a specific difficulty with verbal communication.
Spook has occasional nonverbal episodes–which were much more pronounced when he had the added anxiety of only speaking Eastern Street Slang. He doesn’t pick up languages quickly, and he has a considerable amount of social anxiety centered on the way he talks, which provoked quite a few nonverbal episodes early on in his time with Kelsier’s crew. They diminished as he learned the language. Social anxiety plus his sensitive hearing (tin + autistic sensory issues = augh son your poor ears) means that I imagine Spook having a tendency toward sign language.
Steris, like Vin, doesn’t have specific problems with verbal communication, but she does find written communication to be more precise than spoken word. Speaking is more convenient, so it’s her default, but she very much enjoys writing letters.
12. Is there any senses they struggle with particularly? (hearing, taste, etc)
I don’t see Vin having any particular sensory issues. She’s pretty adaptable, so when she does have issues it’s because something’s new and she’s hyperaware of it–i.e. longer hair, formal gowns, ect. Mostly tactile issues when it’s anything.
Spook. (Spoooook.) Okay, full disclosure: blame Hero of Ages for this, but I headcanon Spook having a lot of sensory issues even before he snapped. He’s big on control and focus because he has to be. Tin is useless to him if he can’t learn to block things out because it’s so easy to push him into overload. And most of the time he’s fine. Unless he’s low on spoons–then things get iffy. Sound is particularly bad, and bright lights.
I think a lot of Steris’s sensory issues are food-related. Nothing is particularly bad, so she mostly just deals with sensory stuff, but she has strong preferences regarding taste and texture, so she likes to be in charge of the menu as much as possible.
13. their special interests?
Vin: Vin has been so focused on survival for so long that she doesn’t have special interests in a traditional sense, but she does get hyperfocused on things–learning the rules of her current surroundings, learning how to use metals, fighting, ect. She goes all-out and gets obsessed with things once she’s put her mind to learning them. The mysteries surrounding the mist spirit and the Well of Ascension were sort of SIs in their own right (though, again, partially born of necessity.)
Spook: people. He spends so much time observing that he tends to develop special interests for people or places. That slum down the block from the safehouse where he knows everyone’s name and who just had a baby and what the current biggest threats are. That noble family he’s supposed to be watching and their staff and their schedule. Vin was a special interest when she first arrived, and that flared into a crush briefly before the hyperfocus eased and their relationship became more natural.
Steris: Politics is the biggest. She knows everything because of long, intense study. Who’s who, the major rivalries and alliances, expectations and common missteps. How to say what she wants without saying it outright. This extends into history and law a little bit, but it’s very much focused on the interactions between the major Houses and other players.
14. are they open about being autistic or do they prefer to keep it to themselves?
Doesn’t really apply because I don’t think Scadrial really has a concept of autism yet (especially in the original trilogy era). Steris is pretty much “This is who I am, deal with it.”
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squirenonny · 9 years ago
Mistborn AU of your choice: "Your dog just ate my homework. I didn't think that actually happened."
[I’m taking ficlet/headcanon prompts to celebrate 500 followers!]
Summary: Vinlend college AU first meeting. (567 words)
Vin would swear to the end of her days that it was all Elend’s fault.
“Your dog ate my homework!” Elend always argued. Then he would stop, and laugh a little. “I didn’t think that actually happened.”
“TenSoon isn’t like other dogs,” Vin would say, as though that settled it.
It started innocently enough. Vin, who lived off-campus, had decided to go for a jog with her dog. It was a few weeks into her first semester at Luthadel U, classes were heating up, and she needed to get out and move before all the deskwork made her scream.
She’d stopped for a break at a tree on campus, climbing to one of the higher branches so she could keep an eye on TenSoon without having to deal with, well, people.
The peace lasted all of ten minutes.
“You’re in my spot.”
Vin looked down at the boy standing underneath her branch, taking a mental catalog. Designer shoes, new polo shirt (rumpled), the sort of jeans that came pre-faded and worn at the knees. She’d seen his type before. Rich, arrogant, self-important sons of politicians who acted like rebels, secure in the knowledge that daddy would bail them out of any trouble they found.
Vin leaned back against the tree trunk and yawned. “Sorry.”
For a moment Rich Boy was silent. “I’m…actually serious. That’s the best reading tree on campus, and I have to read all of The Awakening by Monday.”
“Good for you.” Vin tucked her hands behind her head. “The library’s that way.”
“No, it’s fine, I’ll just sit here.” He dropped his bag by the tree and sat among the roots. Much to Vin’s surprise, he actually started reading, ignoring her complete.
Of course, he was stretched out directly beneath her, which meant she was going to have a hard time getting down. A few minutes passed, the sound of turning pages and a scratching pencil the only indication of her company.
Eventually, she spotted TenSoon heading back toward the tree. She’d had enough of a rest; it was time to get going.
She glanced down. “Hey.”
Vin paused. “What?”
“My name,” Rich Boy said. “It’s Elend.”
“Right. You want to move, or am I going to have to sic my dog on you?”
He looked up at her, amused. “You don’t have a dog.”
TenSoon chose that moment to step directly on Elend’s stomach, looking up at Vin with an inquisitive tilt of his head. Vin grinned. “I warned you.”
Wheezing, Elend pushed the wolfhound away. “Haven’t you ever heard of leashes? Hey!”
It seemed Elend had forgotten about the book in his hand–the same hand pushing against TenSoon’s chest. TenSoon sniffed the book twice, huffed out a disdainful woof, then grabbed the spin in his teeth and pulled.
Vin hooked her legs over the branch and flopped backward, staring at Elend upside-down. “You know, if you move, I’d be able to call him off.”
He stared at her, dumbfounded, until she shrugged, grabbed the branch in her hands, and flipped over. She let go, landing in a crouch with one foot on either side of Elend’s knees. She smiled at him and scratched her dog behind the ears. “Let’s go home, TenSoon.”
Elend was still gaping at her and holding the sodden, shredded remains of his book, when she jogged around the corner of the library and out of sight.
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