#ch: glenn
enidtwd · 2 years
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twd as textposts!
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rivrdin · 2 months
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Millie Dowell & Sue Callahan are absolutely ready to show off some jumping ponies this weekend.
📍 St-Tropez Show Site The Greenstone Equestrian Tours inaugural showjumping week-end. JUNIOR - ELITE (90 cm / 2 ’9 ft.)
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weflbubble · 2 years
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dapper-nahrwhale · 2 years
Unreliable narrators are especially delightful in a time loop. Not even the audience knows the truth of the time loop and the narrator isnt giving anything.
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devilsmenu · 1 year
❛  you looked lonely so i got you a drink.  ❜ Glenn to Romeo.
"Oh, I didn't know I looked like I was lonely" Romeo said listening to Glenn's words and took the soda he was offering. "Thank you, I guess I needed a drink".
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mxrvelouscreations · 1 year
[ DANCE ] : our muses dance together in close quarters. TO SARA / FROM ALYA.
Sara wasn't much of a dancer, but she wasn't about to say no when there was a beautiful woman asking for her to join her. As Alya led them up to the dancefloor, she gave her hand a squeeze in response. "I hope you know that you're going to have to take the lead here," she teased, "otherwise we'll just be going in circles."
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yanxidarlings · 7 months
REUNITED (yandere! big brother! merle dixon x male reader x yandere! big brother daryl dixon) (yandere! gareth x male reader) (rick grimes x male reader if you squint) NOTES: fair warning, this is some descriptive disturbing shit merle dixon counts as a warning on his own as well. this went in many directions i originally set out for yandere headcanons for the two, then got into the terminus arc, and ended with some pretty vague alluding to yandere. might write a part two)
imagine obsessive! possessive! big brothers! merle and daryl dixon. the dead begin to walk and they keep the darlin safe, meeting up with the atlanta camp. but the brothers won't let anyone get close to the darlin, not dale, not carl, certainly not shane or lori.
somehow, the darlin ends up going with glenn into the city on a supply run, only for it to go horribly wrong. the darlin insisted they head into a chemist to "look for medications" in case anyone in the camp needed them. but it was a lie. the darlin just wanted to find something to help merle with the inevitable withdrawal he'd go through once his supply of drugs ran out. the chemist is overrun by walkers but the darlin insists. "we can clear it!" they say to glenn "it'll be worth it for m- everyone" the korean gave the other a skeptical look. in the end, there was just too many, glenn thought he saw the darlin go down and reluctantly returned to camp.
"oi! shitface, you think you're a big boy now? can do whatever you want now everything's gon' to shit!" the raspy, harsh voice of merle dixon echoed through the camp. the redneck tramped over to the SUV glenn was parking. he remained silent as he turned the engine off. taking a deep breath, the young man exited the car, staring at the grass.
the older dixon stormed over, aggressively opening every door of the vehicle until he reached the boot. filled with supplies. "where the fuck is m/n" he growled, coming closer to the asian "he better be pullin up in another car" merle spat out. "i- it was" glenn stuttered out, looking like he was about to piss his pants "it wasn't my fault, m/n was being reckless, i had no cho-" CRACK glenn's face was soon bloodied and bruised, merle now on top of him, yelling out profanities as he beat the younger man. "merle!" the others quickly ran to pull the redneck off glenn.
"you fucking ch*ng-ch*ng bastard i'll rip-" merle was pried off glenn, who was now rolling around in agony, his face a bloody mess. "what the fuck happen'd" merle rasped out, although to glenn it sounded like a croak "where is he" merle was still being held back by t-dog and shane as he continued yelling. glenn avoided the rednecks furious gaze "the walkers got him" he finally spoke, looking down.
for a moment it looked like merle was about to cry, for a moment merle himself thought he was going to burst into tears like a sissy. "no he ain't" but instead he picked up his shotgun, and got into the drivers seat of the SUV.
that was how andrea, t-dog, jackie, glenn and morales ended up in the city. that was how merle got handcuffed to a roof by "officer friendly" and that was why daryl yelled in agony on that same roof. in the course of a day, he had lost the two most important people in his life.
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but merle had survived by cutting off his left hand, and the darlin had survived by covering himself in walker guts.
"china- no- glenn- don't- help!" the h/c-et screamed, the sound of his own gun firing defeaning his ears. as one went down, another lunged at him, rotten teeth clanking together, desperately trying to knaw into his flesh. but he wouldn't die here. he couldn't. not when merle was 'relying' on him to get drugs. maybe then, the dixons would start to treat him as less of a clueless child and more of an equal.
after taking down a few, m/n jumped behind the counter, rummaging through the medications, looking for anything that might help with the withdrawal, or better, give merle his next fix. more of the dead came at him, but he just kept shooting, stabbing, hitting, anything to cause the fatal damage needed to end the dead's miserable 'life'.
BANG one was down BANG another BANG BANG BANG .. the slide didn't move forward as he shot his way through another round. shit. he was out of ammo "glenn!" he yelled out as a walker fell on top of him, wrestling it's way closer to his skin. all the korean could hear was m/n's screaming. which only attracted more walkers. he saw the medicine that m/n had thrown over the counter before going down, stuffing it into his bag, he creeped up closer to the group of walkers that had acculumated, following the sound of m/n's scream. until it stopped. "m/n?" he uttered under his breath, but the pile of walkers on top of each other told him the other was dead. with tears in his eyes, glenn ran out.
m/n struggled against the strength of the walker. it was freshly turned, he could tell. otherwise it wouldn't be so strong. kicking, punching, reaching for his knife, anything to save himself from becoming one of them. plunging his blade into the side of the walkers head, he quickly slit the once-man's throat. covering his face in the blood. before moving down to the abdomen. cutting it open, letting the walkers rotting insides pour out all over him, the ones that had piled on top soon couldn't distinguish the smell of living flesh from rotting blood.
he went silent, breathing shallowly, hoping, praying, they'd move off him and he could silently slip out. but when he was finally free of the chemist, glenn, the supplies they had gathered, and the SUV were gone.
he walked the dead-ridden streets of the once bustling city, covered in blood, hidden in plain sight. he kept walking (which then turned into a limp after getting hit in the ankle by a flying bullet) becoming weaker with each step, hoping to make his way back to camp. only to come to the end of the trainline leading into suburban atlanta. TERMINUS the building read "those who arrive survive" he heard a feminine voice call out from the speakers. maybe they have gauze. he glanced down at his leg, the sleeve of his shirt he had tied around it now dyed red.
"community for all; sanctuary for all" he saw a young man- perhaps just a little older than m/n was, staring down at him from the window. something felt amiss, off, but m/n had lost so much blood he didn't care. he stumbled towards the train station, stopping and starting as he debated his decision.
daryl, merle.. they'll be wondering he thought to himself, stopping for the 5th time, but i won't make it back he began walking again but they'll be looking for me he stopped, nearly tripping but the sudden lack of motion if i found this place they'll find it too he picked up the pace again, frantically moving towards the gates but- as he stopped himself once more, he finally tripped over. right onto the walker trap the train people had set up. his left ribcage was pierced by the sharp metal pole sticking out of the ground, causing the h/c-et to let out a loud screech.
before he knew it people had come out, the same man that had stared at him through the window moments earlier put his hand on the wound, causing m/n to flinch "we're you trying to get yourself killed?" the man mused, seemingly unphased by the active bleeding out that was happening in front of him. the man spoke more words that were muffled as m/n fell out of consciousness.
it was pitch black when he opened his eyes. not a shred of light to allude to the location. pitch black. m/n's hands brushed her his torso, feeling the gauze that was tightly wrapped around his chest. it all came back to him. the chemist, the walkers, glenn, the train people. he shifted his arms, feeling the thin material he was lated on, and the cold metal it covered. attempting to hoist himself up, pain shot through his body.
letting out a groan, he laid back down, closing his eyes. is this death. it certainly felt like it. the nothingness, the pain, it was all he had ever imagined death to be like. what felt like hours passed, the nothingness was almost comforting, how long had it been since he could lay like this and do nothing with no worries. it was all ended when the creaking of the door signaled to m/n that he was not in-fact dead.
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the sudden brightness was blinding "you awake?" a masculine voice spoke. m/n's eyes began burning from the light, "i guess" he replied quietly, his eyes closing. "good" the male put down a plate next to where m/n laid "eat up. i know this isn't the warmest welcome, i would have liked to show you around first" the man chuckled, leaning down, seemingly to get a good look at m/n.
the man- who introduced himself as gareth, began speaking about the community- terminus. that they did whatever they had to for survival, that m/n would have to prove himself loyal if he wanted to become apart of the community. he wasn't sure how to tell this gareth guy that he was leaving as soon as possible to find his group.
the discussion started off normal as m/n finished his food, until gareth started talking about how lonely he was, as the leader of this terminus community. it only got creepier as gareth started to call m/n pretty boy, edging closer to him. m/n doesn't want to know what would have happened if that middld aged lady (gareth's mother), hadn't called the man away.
it quickly became evident to m/n that he was never going to leave. gareth locked him in the pitch black train car for hours on end, opening the door when there were armed men to prevent m/n from trying anything. gareth would sit with him and talk, running his hands over the male's body, stealing kisses, it was a reprehensive routine m/n had become forcibly accustomed to.
it all changed the day the hunters attacked. m/n was in his train car, as usual, listening to the outside screams, wondering if the attackers were dead or alive. he knew they were alive when one pried open the train car door, and threw them self on him. he was then thrown into a cramped train car with other terminus residents, where the hunters hand picked who to assault and slaughter each day. he and gareth spent their days huddled up together, talking about their lives before. had m/n not accepted the hunters offer to leave the train car if he worked for them, gareth wouldn't have lost his mind. but m/n was desperate to get away. from the train car. from terminus. to find his family.
but the hunters caught him trying to leave. they did their absolute worst to him and then threw him back in. when the termites took back terminus, gareth locked the leader of the hunters and m/n into the same train car. "this is what you deserve" he told him, before locking the door shut.
perhaps it was years, perhaps it was months, maybe it was only a few hours. the horrors of the train car began to unfold, as the man who had once led the attack on terminus lost his mind: pouncing on m/n at random, screaming for hours straight, trying to eat m/n alive when they'd be deprived of food, ripping his ear off in hungered insanity. as m/n laid there bleeding from his ear, he decided either i escape or i die. had running worked before? no. was he willing to die trying? not really, but a man would do anything for freedom, and that's what m/n did.
the hunter had fallen asleep, a fatal mistake, as m/n wrapped his hands around the mans unshaven neck and squeezed. within second the man awoke but m/n was relentless, not letting go until the other went limp. i just have to wait now he cried to himself, hands shaking. calming, he began to strip the man of his clothes and use the fabric to restrain his limbs.
waiting for the termites to open the door with the meal made of human flesh felt like an eternity. the familiar sound of metal scratching and creaking filled m/n's ear, who quickly sprung into action.
grabbing the reanimated hunter by the hair, he guided it in the direction of the door, throwing it towards the woman holding their plates. she screeched as the hunters corpse sank it's teeth into her flesh, blood pouring from the wound.
m/n grabbed the woman's gun and bolted as the nearby workers aimed their guns at the walker, taking it down swiftly, but m/n had already gotten out of the train car. hiding behind what once was his cage, he shot at every person who came into view. eventually making his way to the fence, through the woods, he didn't stop running until the sound of gunshots stopped entirely. even then, he kept running. he ran for what felt like hours until his lungs couldn't take it anymore. collapsing onto the dirt, heaving in and out.
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woodbury had fallen, it's entire population now living in the prison nearby. rick had relinquished his leadership, insisting the prison be governed by a council. he often went on runs by himself, to get away from it all, to look back on his actions, to find lost survivors. it wasn't everyday rick grimes came across a twenty something perhaps younger male covered in blood, breathing like he had never tasted air before. well, usually the young men were walkers. but this one was very much alive.
"please don't" the male groaned out, eyes wide, as rick approached with a knife. "who are you" he drawled out, kneeling down to get a good look at the other. the young males face was bruised, his hair covered in blood, an ear was missing, and the male was emaciated. "uh" the male seemed to have to think about it, as if he hadn't spoken to another human in years "m/n" he finally puffed out, bringing his hand up to his head, where the left ear once was.
rick's hands brushed m/n hair out of his face, causing the male to flinch away "how many walkers have you killed" the older man finally asked after several moments of silence. m/n just stared at him, as if to say he hadn't been keeping track "how many people have you killed" still, the same look. "water" "what" rick narrowed his eyes. m/n used his free hand to shakily point to the man's bag, where a bottle of water was latched on to the side.
rick was silent as m/n chugged the water down "do you have anything sweet?" "no i don't" "oh" something about the boy felt familiar. didn't glenn mention originally going into atlanta to find a boy with a similar description? maybe it was just that the male reminded him of his own boy in a way, or maybe he had already developed a fondness for m/n. "i have a camp" rick looked m/n in the eye "we have walls, food, a community, a doctor that can look at your wound" he added.
the h/c-et shook his head "not again" rick furrowed his brows "what" the boy started to pick himself up "i gotta, um" he started feeling around the ground for his gun, "gotta go" he finished as he felt the handle of the gun. stuffing the weapon into his belt, he stood up, using a tree as a crutch. "c'mon kid, you're going to die out here" rick leaned forward and took the gun out of the others hand "no im not! give it!" m/n lunged forward, only to awkwardly fall into rick's chest, sinking down back to the ground.
"you've got two bullets left" m/n looked up at rick with a glare "either you come back to my camp with me or i just wasted my water on a dead man" m/n held his glare until the sun got into his eyes. "whatever" he looked down, hoisting himself back to his feet with the help of rick's hand.
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daryl squinted his eyes as the evening sun glared down, merle had stolen his motorcycle. again. the older dixon was always going off on fun runs without informing anyone beforehand. perhaps because the redneck had never really been accepted into the group like daryl was.
taking another bite of his pork chop, daryl grunted at carol who told him to go in and get some rest. but why would he want to rest when all he could think of when his mind was unoccupied was his baby brother, the boy he had pretty much raised, who was now probably a rotting corpse in atlanta. but daryl still held out hope that m/n had gotten out, that he was safe, that he would find him oneday. this was why he never rested, these thoughts would creep up in the younger dixons head.
the sound of his motorcycle rumbling told him that merle was back. the older dixon sauntered over to daryl, a cigarette sat between his thin lips, "look what you're big brother merle got you, darylina" he pulled a pack of cigarettes out his pocket, sliding it into daryls pocket. daryl said nothing, staring into the distance; was that rick? the figure was too far away to discern.
"dad!" carl called out, jogging down. "look what i- m/n?" the young grimes exclaimed as he came closer to the pair. rick carried the half-conscious boy through the gates "you know this guy?" rick looked at carl, who flicked the hair out of m/n's face to get a better look "he was with us back in atlanta, we thought he died on a run"
daryl's heart stopped, did he hear carl right? they were pretty far away. standing up, he threw the pork bone aside and marched towards the two- three. when he finally came close enough to see the persons face, he had to stop himself from tearing up in front of carl and rick "m/n" he uttered out quietly. the father and son came to a halt as he approached "you knew this guy back in atlanta" rick nodded at daryl "'course i did. he's my brother" daryl was quick to take m/n off rick. he wanted to cut the mans arms off just for touching his precious brother.
daryl rushed m/n into the prison, settling him in his cell, "go get hershel" he told carol, who looked just as perplexed as merle did as he walked into the cell. "m/n!? i thought you was dead" he breathed out, shoving daryl out the way, who was quick to push back, both wanting to be as close to their younger brother as possible "where'd you find him" merle looked over at rick, who was standing out front the cell "in the woods, looked like he'd been running"
rick moved aside as hershel came in, merle reluctantly stood up as hershel sat to access m/n's condition. "he's lost a lot of blood" hershel examined the ear hole where the flesh and muscle had been ripped from "we should have bob look at him, but from what i can see he needs bandaging and antibiotics" daryl grunted "i ain't letting no stranger touch him" he ushered hershel away, taking m/n's hand in his own "i found antibiotics on last weeks run, that gon' be enough" merle looked over at the old man, who nodded "we'll have to see how he reacts"
neither daryl or merle left m/n's side whilst waiting for the antibiotics to kick in. it was strange. no one in the prison had ever seen either of them so worried for or attached to someone. but for the six days and nights m/n spent unconscious, his body fighting off the infection from his wounds, recovering from the months of maltreatment.
when m/n finally opened his eyes, taking in his surroundings, daryl was leaned against the wall at the edge of the bed, eyes locked on the boys face "sleep well?" was the first thing he said after the two had stared at each other for what felt like an eternity "yeah" m/n spoke softly.
"i should have never gone hunting that day" "am i dead" the two spoke in unison. daryl breathed out "no, never gon' let that happen" he shuffled closer, laying down next to the youngest dixon.
daryl stared at m/n intensely, until merle was roused from his sleep "m/n, i told you not to go out of my sight" he grumbled, sitting forward. m/n looked up at the metal frame of the top bunk "i just wanted to get you some narcan" merle stared at him, blinking away tears "didn' have to risk your life for it" he pursed his lips "i ain't worth you dyin'" he added quietly, sitting back, his eyes not leaving m/n's.
the room went silent for a moment "maybe not, but you're my brother" m/n closed his eyes for a moment "do you guys have pop or candy here?" he questioned hopefully. merle let out a chuckle "i found a can on my run today" he chuckled out, before going quiet "i chugged it on the spot"
"you piece of shit!"
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owarinaki · 6 months
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Rufus is irritated to answer all Wutai & Glenn 's questions from the executives so Rufus glance at Tseng to answer all questions instead of him .. one way or another
Tseng & Rufus part 2 :Final Fantasy VII : Rebirth
TsengRu part 1 // 2 // 3 // 4
Index gifs // Trailer recap // Rufus's Story recap 1 //2 // 3
Rufus Pic recap 1 // 2 // 3 // 4
Others Tseng&Rufus , Hojo&Darkstar
[RUFUS RECAP] Other links
Ch.4 part 1 // 2 // 3 // 4 // 5 // 6 // 7 // 8 // 9 //10 // 11
Ch.6 part 12 // 13
Ch.8+9 part 14 // 15 // 16 // 17 // 18 // 22
Ch.10+11 part 19 // 20 // 21 / 23 // 24 // 25 // 26
Ch.12+13+14 part 27 // 28 // 29 // 30 // 31
Etc. : 32 // 33 // 34 // 35 // 36
!!SPOILERS Below !!
!!SPOILERS Below !!
RUFUS may be the " VICEROY SARUFF" himself that why he couldn't appear on this broadcast so he is irritated to answer all questions about matters
Viceroy Saruff is the Wutai leader .In Game , Rebirth 's Story has many hints the relationship about RUFUS and Saruff [:pronounce SURUF]
In my opinion , " VICEROY SARUFF" is 100% RUFUS "
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whateverisbeautiful · 8 months
♥️ Ranking Richonne
#26: We Should Go To Washington (S5E09)
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This moment - Powerful. Pivotal. Romantic. I’ve said before that I believe Rick and Michonne more fully fell in love with each other by the end of season 4. And to me, how they interact with each other throughout season 5 just further confirmed my theory, especially in this stunning episode 'What Happened And What's Going On.' And part of what's going on is Rick and Michonne falling for each other even more as they make a big game-changing decision rooted in the love and trust they've developed. I love that this is where Rick shows he would truly go the distance for Michonne...
(Sidenote: Now this scene ranking might be my most controversially-placed one because I know this is a very beloved classic Richonne scene that would understandably make a lot of ppl's Top 10s and even Top 5s. It’s a super significant moment between Rick and Michonne and I love it, I promise. Richonne's journey is just that abundant with top-10 worthy moments so I had to make some sacrifices on my list because I adore every second of every moment they’re on screen.😅)
So I already just love the way Rick and Michonne are color-coordinated in their brown outfits. So much of season 5 really established how R&M are a pair and each other's match.
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And in this ep, Rick touches her, I believe, for the first time since she told him never to touch her again in s3., showing their growth and the strengthening of those magnets.
Something I appreciate about the Richonne 5B scenes that occur before they arrive at ASZ is that they really did an effective job of confirming the depth of their bond. During this period, we consistently see just how much Rick and Michonne's attraction to each other is more than skin-deep because they've built a genuine love and trust with each other.
They cement their partnership in so many ways during this time of searching for a home, and it's important to see this depicted before they enter ASZ because it lets you know that while there will be situations that could potentially cause a divide between them at Alexandria, it's 5B scenes like this Washington one that tell you Rick and Michonne's bond was too strong, too battle-tested, and too important to them for anything in ASZ to break it.
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It’s also very clear throughout this season 5 mid-season premiere how much Michonne’s well-being is on Rick’s radar and really matters to him, and it becomes extra clear in this #26 scene here. 
Michonne is making her case for why this place could maybe still work as a home, only to find that the community clearly was brutally attacked as severed body parts lay scattered around. Michonne is quietly disappointed as she walks and observes, and Rick’s attention immediately shifts to her as he follows behind her. It’s one of the clearest cases of their damn-near literal magnetic connection. 🧲
She doesn’t leave his sight. Even when Glenn says, "it doesn’t matter," Rick stays staring at Michonne. I love that their “you're okay, I'm okay” interconnectedness is so visible. Michonne isn’t okay, and that so clearly doesn’t sit well with Rick, so she’s top of mind for him in this scene.
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Glenn starts speaking, and Rick peels himself away from looking at Michonne to hear Glenn share a very bleak perspective on how it wouldn’t matter who killed Dawn. Michonne turns around and pitches that they go to Washington. At the end of this season, a very special scene will have Rick admitting the way Michonne can influence his decisions, and this moment in 5.09 is an example of that. 
Michonne turns to Rick and tells him they're close, and it's 100 miles away - and one thing I love about this point in their relationship is that she and Rick have established enough trust with each other that Michonne can be vulnerable enough to really show some raw emotion here and speak her mind. 
Rick listens as Michonne questions what if there are people there and what if it’s a chance to be safe. “It’s a possibility. It’s a chance” This is the season of Michonne really wanting tf to find a home and I know so much of that would be rooted in the fact that she was one of the few who knows what it’s like to extensively wander out in the woods and go a bit mad. She doesn’t want that for her and her new family.
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Michonne gets more emotional but still with such poise as she suggests going to Washington is better than just being out there and just making it since making it looks like all those bodies sprawled on the ground. I love that she’s pouring her heart out to him. And what a great man that Rick is so ready to not take this lightly and to really hear her.
And we get another one of those long lingering looks from Rick as he stares right at her, listening. The arresting effect she always has on him is gold, and I appreciate that he lets her words seep in. Especially when Michonne asks, “Don’t you want one more day with with a chance?” 
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Danai again slays the vulnerable delivery of that line and it’s also deep for Michonne to pose this question hoping Rick also wants to live and not just survive. This is important for her to know too because her last man had given up on trying to have one more day with a chance and so it’s great she gets this confirmation that Rick is different and far more aligned with her.
(Also watching s1 back, in the finale, Dr. Jenner asks what they want, and Rick says, “A chance.” which just further indicates how he and Michonne are cut from the same cloth) 
Then I love the romantic way this next part plays out cuz the walkers draw near, Rick says we should go, and Glenn and Michonne think he means we should leave the area. So Michonne turns away thinking her words fell on deaf ears, but then Rick reveals no I heard you and I will go where you lead, when he repeats her words and says, "It’s 100 miles away...We should go to Washington."
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Hearing this gets both Glenn and Michonne to stop in their tracks and turn to look at Rick  Cuz this isn’t a choice Rick would make this quickly for just anyone. And Michonne’s look of surprise is so touching. I was just looking at this moment thinking - that’s right girl, he’d do anything for you.😊
I’ve always felt like in this scene Glenn is an adorable third wheel to the Richonne bubble because Rick is completely facing and staring at Michonne solely when he says this. It just makes it clear that he is declaring this because of her. Like of course he wants to secure a home for his whole family, but in this moment what's especially evident is Rick wants to give a home to Michonne.
So Rick makes this big decision for the group fully based on what Michonne thinks is best and once again it really was giving romantic when he looked right at her and said, "We should go to Washington."
And then Michonne's subtle smile...that’s an “I love this man” reaction, y’all. Better yet, she's looking at Rick like...
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I appreciate how Rick and Michonne’s love for each other makes them do things differently, because while in the past it was said by Lori that Rick would never just go somewhere on a hunch, here he’s showing that he would go somewhere and bring all of tf with him if Michonne’s instincts say it’s a good move.
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I love that here Rick can’t help but be so focused and in tune with her and Michonne can’t help but look at him with so much love. Again she gets confirmation Rick is different from her past and cut from the same cloth as her. The way Rick looks at her and looks away, I really feel like it’s a brief moment of him knowing that he so swiftly agreed to this for and because of her because he loves her. Whipped in the best healthiest way.
It's also great watching scenes like these back and knowing Rick is looking at the woman who he will go onto happily make his wife, and Michonne is looking at the man she will fully embrace as her husband. 🥰
All of Rick and Michonne's s5 scenes suggest that they had fallen for each other and were becoming more and more aware of how special and influential they were in each other's lives. And this moment was a beautiful illustration of what Richonne means to each other and what they’ll do for each other. Scenes like these - weighty, quiet, but full of love, just solidify that this is a beautiful love story for the ages. 😌
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the-name-is-z · 6 months
SKELETONS | ch. 13
daryl dixon x f!oc
a03 link
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Summary: Shane's role in the group comes into question, Carl is up and healing, and everyone seems to be pissed off at something. Warnings/Information: AMC's The Walking Dead OC Insert | 18+ Advised | strangers to lovers; the slowest of slow burns; gore; angst; horror; humour; m/f; carl learns how to whittle, writer mentions whittling ducks (inescapable halsin reference), carl steals a gun, a few group members learn to shoot, maggie gets pissed after a close call, mentions of pregnancy, (suggestions of) infidelity and abortion (copious amounts of morning after) pills, death threats
Chapter 13 - Gunslinging
Carl was up and walking the next morning, taking it easy and helping Lori feed the chickens with Patricia. He seemed to be doing okay, but Iris noted a few cynical comments from him that raised some eyebrows. 
Glenn was hiding something, and it almost amused Iris more to follow him and watch him try to keep it to himself than to get him to come clean. He brought some fruit over to Dale and T-Dog while they were setting up the RV’s awning and had practically told them there was something dreadfully wrong.
Daryl was back in his tent, relaxing, though slightly annoyed he wasn’t out and about with the others. He knew better than to strain himself further. He’d forgiven Andrea already for trying to protect the group, but Iris was still annoyed that Shane gave her a gun in the first place.
Rick and Shane entertained Jimmy around their search map, Shane looking for spots for them to start training the others with guns. Even Patricia and Beth seemed interested in learning how to protect themselves.
Iris watched the interaction from the RV stairs, Carl standing beside her as she taught him how to whittle. He was mostly skilled in sharp, pointy sticks so far, but learning how to work the knife was the first step. He wore Rick’s hat around now that Rick’d ditched the uniform, and it suited him, despite being a little big.
“How’s it coming?” She asked, pulling her own knife away from the slowly-forming duck shape in her hand. Carl showed her the stick and she nodded. “See if you can make rings around the wood, try to make ‘em even.” He accepted the challenge, holding the knife carefully as Shane meandered over from Rick and their map.
“Nice lid, man.” He commented on the hat. “What’s going on?”
“We’re whittling.” Carl said with a grin. Shane nodded, observing the stick. He took a seat nearby, stretching out his legs. Carl put the knife into his pocket, turning to Shane. “I want to learn to shoot, too. Can you teach me?”
“Well, man, that’s up to your parents.” Shane replied with a chuckle.
“He asked me, too.” Iris stated, giving Carl a pointed look. 
“Can you talk to them? They’ll listen to you.” Shane laughed.
“We’ll see, okay?” He answered. Carl nodded dejectedly, turning away
“Hey. What you got there?” Iris asked as he turned, a flash of black peeking out from under his shirt. Carl lifted the shirt, displaying the small revolver he’d found somewhere tucked into his pants. Iris and Shane looked to one another, the former holding out his hand expectedly. 
They told Carl to go sit down at the camp and wait while Shane and Iris brought the gun to Rick and Lori. 
“How the hell did this happen?” Lori asked, checking the ammo before tucking the gun into the waistband of her own jeans. Dale had his hands shoved in his pockets, glancing over at the young boy.
“It’s my fault, I let him into the RV. He said he wanted a walkie, that you sent him for one.” Dale explained. Rick sighed.
“So on top of everything else, he lied?” Lori asked, looking to her husband expectantly. “What’s he thinking?”
“He wants to learn how to shoot.” Shane stated. “He asked me and Iris both to teach him, separate times. Now it’s none of my business, but I’m happy to do it. It’s your call.”
“I’m not comfortable with it.” Lori replied with a humourless laugh. Rick didn’t say anything, looking up at Shane. “Oh, don’t make me the unreasonable one, here, Rick.”
“I know. I have my concerns too, but—“
“There’s no but. He was just shot.” Lori interrupted sternly. “He’s just back on his feet and he wants a gun?”
“Better than him being afraid of ‘em.” Rick countered.
“Maybe you could tide him over with a little gun safety.” Iris suggested. “As a start. Once he shows he’s responsible enough, he knows the rules, you can decide if he should learn more.”
“There are guns in this camp for a reason, he should learn to handle them safely.” Rick agreed. Lori scoffed and shook her head.
“I don’t want my kid walking around with a gun.” She stated plainly.
“But how can you defend that?” Rick asked. “You can’t let him go around without protection.”
“He’s as safe as he’ll ever be, right here.” Lori snapped. Rick sighed and she put up a hand. “Look, everything you’re saying makes perfect sense. It just feels wrong. I mean, I didn’t feel good about him following you out into the woods and I wish I’d said something. I should have gone with my gut.”
“He’s growing up— thank God. We’ve got to start treating him more like an adult.” Rick protested.
“Then he needs to act like one.” Lori said loudly, turning to her son. “He’s not mature enough to handle a gun.”
“I’m not gonna play with it, mom.” Carl said, standing and walking over. “It’s not a toy. I’m sorry I disappointed you, but I want to look for Sophia and I want to defend our camp. I can’t do that without a gun.”
“Shane’s the best instructor I know.” Rick said quietly, turning back to Lori. Iris smiled down at Carl, giving him a wink. She was proud of him for saying that. “I’ve seen him teach kids younger than Carl.” Lori blinked at her husband, staring for a moment before clamping her jaw shut and walking over to Carl. She gripped his face in one hand lightly, turning him up to face her.
“You will take this seriously.” She said firmly. “And you will behave responsibly. And if I hear from anyone in this camp that you’re not living up to our expectations—“
“He wont let you down.” Rick said, looking to his son pointedly. Carl nodded, looking up at his mom.
“Yeah.” He agreed. She squeezed his face before walking away.
“Now if you’re gonna do this, you listen to Shane.” Rick said.
“Okay, Dad.”
“Alright? You be careful.” He sent him off toward the cars as Shane and a few others started loading up the SUV and station wagon. Guns, ammo, things they could use for practice.
“You coming?” He asked Iris as she followed Carl.
“Yeah, I can be on walker duty.” She replied and he nodded.
“Nah, I told Dale I’d help him… clean the spark plugs on the RV.” Glenn replied, clearing his throat to hide the nervous tremor. Iris snorted loudly. “He’s gonna teach me mechanics. I should probably go look for him.”
“You found me.” Dale said, leaning against the small bench swing near the RV, raising an eyebrow. “He’s a good learner.” Iris and Shane exchanged a smirk as they got into the car, Shane starting up the engine.
They drove quickly to the spot Shane had scouted with the others following, and Shane quickly set up a line of old wine bottles, some filled with a bit of water, along the fence. Each one of them had a gun, holding them forward and shooting to the best of their ability. Shane walked along behind them like a sergeant, correcting form and straightening posture. Rick came out to watch for a while, mildly impressed by a few of them.
“Jimmy. You’re not a gangster from New Jersey. Hold the gun straight.” Iris called, noting the fact that the boy on the end was holding the gun with one hand, and sideways. He glanced back at her, putting both hands on the gun and holding it up and down before firing. The bullet shattered the glass of the bottle and she nodded. 
Andrea was particularly enjoying the shooting lessons, with good enough aim. She mostly liked showing off in front of Shane, it seemed.
“I’d say she’s got the hang of it.” Shane stated.
“I’d say she’s ready for the advanced class.” Rick joked. “Might be worth your while after the rest of us head back to camp.”
“Sure, why not?” Andrea agreed, though Iris could see how giddy she was. 
“Better watch your back, Shane. She might shoot you.” Iris taunted. Andrea turned around.
“You got a problem?” She asked, annoyed.
“Yeah, a little bit. I got a problem with the fact that everyone apparently forgot that you shot one of us yesterday. You need glasses or something?” Iris spat.
“Oh yeah? Since when are you one of us?” Andrea retorted. “Daryl forgave me, okay? I said I was sorry, and I am.” Iris scoffed, shaking her head.
“Whoa, whoa, ladies, c’mon now.” Shane interrupted, coming to stand between them. Andrea backed off a little, but in all honesty she was somewhat frightened by the fire in Iris’ eyes. 
“I’m heading back.” Iris mumbled. “Gonna walk.”
Iris needed to cool off, that was for sure. She was irritated. To be fair to Andrea, Daryl did forgive her. But Iris had a hard time with it. She was frustrated that they weren’t making progress, toward finding Sophia, toward Fort Benning, any of it. She’d heard Hershel and Rick arguing, she knew that Hershel wanted them all to leave. That they weren’t welcome. Except Rick kept that to himself, and Iris was growing impatient. 
There were things all of them needed to learn. Things Iris had to do the hard way. She lost everyone, and they didn’t know what that felt like. Maybe Andrea did, but she still had her group. And she almost threw them away like they were nothing, giving up, opting out. Iris had had plenty of opportunity to kill herself. But she wouldn’t. She felt an obligation to the world, to these people, now.
Maybe this was all just pent up emotion coming out. It probably was. But when Iris returned alone to the farm, she stuck to herself. She spent a few hours throwing her knives into a target she carved into a tree. Dale and Glenn asked if she was alright a while ago, and took her silence as an answer.
After a while, she started to sweat in the hot Georgia sun, and reached for her bandana to tie her hair back. She realized then that it was gone. She’d used it to prevent Daryl from bleeding to death in the woods. Iris would never said she regretted it, and she didn’t, but she did miss the bandana. It was Felix’s. 
Iris looked up from helping Lori fold laundry as Glenn and Maggie stormed through the camp. Well, Maggie did the storming and Glenn followed her sheepishly. Everyone else had dispersed across the farm, and apparently Shane and Andrea were out looking for Sophia.
“Hey! We got your stuff.” Maggie snapped, slamming the gate behind her, right into Glenn. Lori looked up, somewhat alarmed.
“Maggie, hang on, please.” Glenn pleaded. Lori looked around frantically for other people, glancing nervously down at Iris, who was very confused.
“Come on in here.” Lori called, gesturing for Maggie to follow her into her tent, but Maggie was not having it.
“Why? Nothing to hide, we got your special delivery right here.” She yelled, shoving her arm into the paper bag. “We got your lotion, got your conditioner, your soap opera digest—“
“Maggie—“ Lori breathed.
“Next time you want something, get it your damn self. We’re not your errand boys.” She hissed.
“Honey, I—“
“And here’s your abortion pills.” Maggie snapped, throwing them into the dirt before shoving Glenn away, storming off. Iris’ mouth fell open, and she stayed silent as Lori scrambled to pick the pills up off of the ground. Glenn shot Lori an apologetic look before running after Maggie. Lori had tears in her eyes as she crouched, a hand to her mouth. She turned to Iris with a pleading look.
“I won’t say a word.” Iris whispered, shaking her head. Lori’s tears slipped down her face. “No judgement whether you take them or not. I’m here for you.”
“Thank you.” Lori murmured. She practically collapsed into Iris’ arms, breathing deeply. Iris rubbed her back comfortingly, staring after Glenn and Maggie. Something must have happened. Maggie had blood on her shirt, but they both seemed fine. Hopefully Glenn could make her feel better.
Glenn came back a little while later, Lori and Iris sitting at the table inside her large tent. 
“The blood on Maggie’s shirt?” Iris asked.
“She was attacked.” He confirmed.
“Are you guys alright? How bad was it?” Lori asked.
“It was pretty close.” He replied, stepping inside and taking a seat next to Iris, running his hands through his hair. She put a hand on his shoulder.
“I’m so sorry.” Lori said, shaking her head. “I should never have asked you to go.”
“I offered.” Glenn replied, shaking his head.
“I thought the town was safe, but if you hadn’t come back—“
“But we did. I always do.” He assured. He had another bag in his hands and he messed with it as he looked down. “The morning-after pills— will they even work?”
“I don’t know.” Lori replied. “And I don’t know if I want them to.”
“Then, I got these too, just in case.” Glenn said, putting the paper bag on the table in front of her. She unwrapped the bag, pulling out two bottles of prenatal vitamins. Iris couldn’t hold back her small smile, and neither could Lori.
“That’s a hell of a choice.” Lori murmured.
“I’m glad it’s not mine.” Glenn stated honestly. “Lori… we’re friends, aren’t we?”
“With everything we’ve been through— yeah.” Lori replied quickly. He shook his head.
“I can’t tell you what to do— I could never tell you something like that. But your choice… maybe you shouldn’t make it alone.” He said nothing more before standing, putting his hand on Iris’ shoulder before ducking out of the tent.
“I’ll leave you alone for a bit. I’ll be nearby if you need me.” Iris said softly. Lori nodded, putting her head in her hands as Iris left her to think.
Shane and Andrea returned a little while later, with no sign of Sophia. They looked a little tired and had some walker blood on them, but no worse for wear. Yet, Iris could have sworn she saw a hickey. Dale seemed as equally suspicious of them. Iris nodded to Shane as he walked past, but Dale followed after him.
“Shane, I was thinking, you’ve got that nice new ride of yours, plenty of fuel, more than enough for you to get far from here.” Dale said sharply. Iris’ eyebrows shot up. Shane was… problematic, sometimes, but no one yet had outright asked him to leave. 
“What, you telling me to leave?” Shane asked, glancing at Iris before looking back to Dale. It appeared that Iris would witness many a-private argument today.
“I know you’ve been planning to.” Dale said simply. “Maybe now’s a good time.” Shane looked to Iris, who stayed frozen, before huffing a laugh.
“Is this about Andrea?” He asked, narrowing his gaze.
“I’m looking out for the group.” Dale answered.
“You think the group would be better off without me, Dale? Why don’t you tell that to Rick or Lori? Their boy would be dead if I hadn’t put my ass on the line.”
“They’d be pretty disappointed if they knew you were using that as an excuse to save your own ass.” Iris said lowly. She wouldn’t let Carl become a bargaining chip for this bullshit.
“You risked yours, and Otis’s.” Dale pointed out. Shane said nothing, shaking his head and turning away. “Yeah, you’ve been vague about that night, about what happened.”
“Otis died a hero.” Shane said simply, turning back around.
“So you’ve said.” Dale replied accusingly. 
“A little boy lived because of what went down that night.” Shane glowered. “I think you oughta show some gratitude.”
“I wasn’t there.”
“No, man, you weren’t.”
“But I was the time that you raised your gun on Rick.” Dale continued.
“What?” Iris asked, standing up.
“Come on. Jesus.”
“You had him in your sights and you held him there.” Dale continued. “I know what kind of man you are.” Shane stared down at the ground for a moment before looking up through his eyebrows. Iris had no love for the look in his eyes. His voice was barely above a whisper.
“You think I’d shoot Rick?” He breathed. “That’s my best friend. That’s the man that I love. I love him like he’s my brother. You think that’s the kind of man I am?”
“That’s right.” Dale replied confidently.
“Well, maybe we ought to just think that through.” Shane replied lowly. Iris stepped toward them slowly, her hand moving to rest on the handle of her knife. That sounded an awful lot like a threat. “Say that I’m the kind of man who’d gun down his own best friend. What do you think I’d do to some guy that I don’t even like when he starts throwing accusations my way? What do you think?”
Dale’s eyes were wide as Shane got close, looking down at him dangerously. Iris stepped forward, behind Dale, so she could remind him there were witnesses. And honestly, she would be much harder to kill. Shane stood there for a few seconds, hopefully contemplating what he just said, before turning away. Dale shuddered as he turned meeting Iris’ gaze.
“I’ll keep an eye on him.” She muttered. He nodded, refusing to turn his back on Shane’s retreating silhouette.
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32 notes · View notes
coolstoriesbro · 2 years
FANDOM: The Walking Dead
SERIES: For the Ones We Love
STATUS: Ongoing
ERA: Prison
PAIRING: Eventual Daryl Dixon x Female Reader (No Use of “Y/N”)
SUMMARY: A new arrival at the prison tells Rick and the others of the danger that Glenn and Maggie have gotten themselves into, leading the group with no other choice but to infiltrate Woodbury.
RATING: Mature
WARNINGS: Violence and Language (Typical TWD content)
A/N: So I know that things are a little out of order with the S3 timeline. The main things being, if I were following the show’s storyline to a T, the group would be discovering that Carol is still alive during this chapter. In my version, they found out weeks ago. Rick is also of sound mind, and has had time between Lori’s death and Glenn and Maggie’s capture to recover. In the show it’s immediate, but in my story there’s several weeks in between. Also, you can probably tell by now that there will be no Beth. No offense to Beth, but she was essentially there to babysit Judith and get Daryl to be vulnerable, and in my story those honors will be going to the Reader. Hope you guys don’t mind too much. Also, no Axel or Oscar because I don’t really see the point with how quickly they were written off the show.
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“Holy shit. Who’s that?”
Whipping around to look in the direction where you’d just pointed, Daryl frowned when his gaze landed on the same wounded, dark-skinned woman who had caught your attention. He had no idea who she was but could see that she held a strange looking sword, the kind that he’d only ever seen in movies, and one of those red plastic shopping baskets that people used in grocery stores when they only had a few things to pick up.
“Only one way to find out.” Daryl grunted, picking his crossbow back up as you did the same with your revolver.
Over the next several minutes, you and Daryl worked as a team to get the woman to safety. Neither of you knew who she was, but when seeing her fight off a few walkers before falling to the ground, instinct told you both that it was the right thing to do. You could only hope that Rick would agree with your hasty decision. Once making it down to the gate, Daryl tossed his keys to you before raising his crossbow and shooting a walker that had been lumbering towards the woman’s unconscious form.
Once unlocking the gate, you pulled the door open and stepped out after Daryl, firing your gun and taking out three walkers as they stumbled closer, having been attracted by the sounds of the woman’s struggle. Remaining just outside the entrance, you scanned your surroundings while also keeping an eye on Daryl as he crouched down beside the unconscious woman. The sound of your gunfire had earned the attention of a larger group of walkers, and as Daryl examined the stranger, you started to anxiously bounce up and down on the balls of your feet.
“Was she bit?” You called over to him.
“Just a gunshot.” He announced, his fingertips hovering over the circular tear in the thigh of the woman’s jeans.
One walker had started ambling forward ahead of all the rest, getting dangerously close to Daryl. Raising the revolver, you fired, only to find that the chamber was empty because you’d stupidly forgotten to reload it after returning from hunting.
“Fuck!” You cursed, shoving your useless gun into your jeans before running at full speed and kicking your leg out, your right foot connecting with the walker’s abdomen, sending it tumbling to the ground. “Daryl, come on!”
Daryl watched with appreciation as you used quick thinking to take down the walker, but soon came back to the reality of the situation. Shouldering his crossbow, he picked the woman up in his arms just as you ran over to grab the shopping basket and her sword. Jogging along in front of him, you reopened the gate and then quickly locked it once more.
By the time you had both made it back to C-Block, Daryl’s legs looked like they were about ready to give out. You ran ahead to grab a blanket, then hurried back and spread it out over the floor before helping Daryl to gently lay the woman down on it.
“Hershel!” You yelled, running over to the gate dividing the common area from the cells.
“You sure she wasn’t bit?” You panted, glancing back at Daryl as he pulled off his crossbow and gear.
“Nah, she’s just covered in someone else’s blood. My money’s on a walker — s’why she was able to stand beside ‘em for a while before they noticed.”
With a relieved nod, you looked back just as Rick opened the gate with his keys, Hershel hobbling along on his crutches behind him.
“What happened? Who’s this?” Rick asked.
“We found her standing outside the fence, fighting off some walkers.” You explained, lifting her sword as well as the red shopping basket and peering inside to find that it was filled with baby formula. “She had this with her.”
The former Sheriff Deputy’s eyes roamed the contents of the basket for a few seconds before he looked to you, a startled expression on his face. With a shake of your head, you shrugged for emphasis, signaling that your guess was as good as his.
“My God, do you think she had a baby?” Hershel asked.
“I don’t think so.” You replied honestly. “Why would she hold onto all of this if something had happened to it?”
“It’s too much of a coincidence.” Rick muttered as he began to pace.
Moving to stand beside you, Daryl glanced inside the basket before bringing his gaze to Rick. “She ain’t bit, just shot in the leg. Dehydrated too, from the looks of her.”
Quickly moving over to the shelves where they’d been storing food and water, Rick grabbed a bottle and hurried back, crouching over the woman and pouring a bit onto her neck and chest. The woman gasped in response, her eyes fluttering open as she took in her new surroundings.
“It’s all right.” Rick assured her, raising his free hand, showing her that he wasn’t armed. “It’s all right.”
“Who are you?” He asked, gently touching her shoulder in an attempt to calm her down as her breathing hitched in her throat. “Hey, it’s all right.”
Before any more could be said, the woman caught sight of her katana and lunged forward in a desperate attempt to grab it, but Rick was one step ahead, using his leg to kick the weapon out of her reach before her fingertips could so much as graze the handle.
“We’re not gonna hurt you.” Grabbing onto her bicep, Rick pushed her back down with a bit more force as he leaned over her. “Unless you try something stupid first, all right?”
During the brief struggle between Rick and the woman, you noticed that Daryl had picked his crossbow up from where he’d haphazardly set it on the table. While you’d stayed out of the way up until this point, you stepped forward just then, entering the stranger’s field of vision. You’d spent enough time with Daryl to know that he had a temper that could easily be set off, and didn’t want this woman to be on the receiving end of it. More than that, you recognized a familiar fear in her eyes that made you sympathize with her.
“You wanna tell us your name?” You asked gently, taking a step closer in hopes that if she knew she wasn’t alone in a room full of strange men, she might be more inclined to speak. The woman looked at you and you saw that she had visibly relaxed somewhat, but still she kept quiet.
Well, so much for that brilliant idea, you thought.
Rick gave an irritated shake his head. It was obvious that he was growing impatient with their new guest. While you felt for the stranger, you also understood Rick’s perspective. Whoever this woman was, she’d somehow known exactly where the prison was and that there was a baby here, and that didn’t sit right with Rick — with any of you.
“We’ll keep this safe and sound.” Rick announced, raising her katana in his hand as he stood up. “The doors are all locked. You’ll be safe here.” He nodded towards her wound. “And we can treat that.”
“I didn’t ask for your help!” The woman spat, speaking at last.
“Doesn’t matter.” Rick shrugged, turning and heading back towards the gate with Daryl and Hershel at his heels. “Can’t let you leave.”
Remaining where you were as the others walked back to C-Block, you kept your eyes on the woman, lost in thought. She reminded you more and more of yourself when you were held against your will at Grady Memorial. Of course she had it easy; Rick’s group was nothing like those awful people, but this woman didn’t know that. It took Rick walking back over and placing his hand onto your shoulder to wake you from your thoughts of the past.
“Hey, you OK?” He asked, his brows knitting together in concern.
Nodding slowly, you finally lifted your gaze from the stranger. Hershel had gone back to his cell, most likely to retrieve his medical supplies, but Daryl was lingering by the gate. His tense gaze stayed on you as you brought your attention to Rick and you could feel his eyes even as you looked away.
“Yeah, I’m fine, I just . . . “ You sighed, biting into your bottom lip. “Let me talk to her alone?”
Rick hesitated, and you saw in his honest eyes that the thought was making him uneasy. Rather than be annoyed by his reluctance however, you found it incredibly endearing that he cared enough to be concerned for you.
“Rick, I’ve been in her place before, and it’s a shitty place to be — the not knowing. Please, let me see what I can get out of her . . . “ You glanced over at Daryl as he started to walk back towards you. “ . . . preferably without Daryl chaperoning.”
“What’s the hold up?” Daryl grunted impatiently.
Keeping his eyes on you, Rick smiled knowingly. You hadn’t known Daryl Dixon long, but it seemed that you had the man figured out pretty well. For some reason, Rick liked knowing that.
“We’re gonna leave her to it.” Rick announced.
“To what?” Daryl asked.
“To have some one-on-one time with our guest.” Rick replied matter-of-factly.
Daryl shifted from one foot to the other, tucking his hands beneath his armpits. “Ya sure that’s a good idea?”
Rick nodded, his eyes still on you. “I am.”
When Rick made his declaration, you smiled; like a kid being praised by their idol. Whether he wanted to or not, Rick had unofficially taken over as a sort of father figure for you, and you were proud to have gained his approval. Daryl, however, scowled; looking rather displeased by the idea. Then again, it was difficult to tell since that was pretty much the only expression you’d ever seen him make.
Rick clapped his hand over Daryl’s shoulder as he made his way back to the gate, but Daryl remained where he was, staring you over. His hesitation lasted a few seconds, but just as you opened your mouth to ask him if something was wrong, he turned and followed Rick. Remaining where you were, you watched as Daryl returned to C-Block, catching his blue gaze as he turned back around to watch you as he locked the gate before joining the others.
“Alone at last.” You muttered under your breath and turned around to face the woman, whom had been watching you closely.
Oh, shit.
Suddenly, anxiety began to gnaw at your gut. What if Rick had put his faith in you for nothing? What if this woman said even less to you than she’d said to him? Forcing yourself to shake off your insecurities, you swallowed down the fear and took a few slow steps towards her.
“You know that older man who just left? His name’s Hershel, and he really can help you.”
With your hands stuffed into the back pockets of your jeans, you continued. “He used to be a veterinarian, before all this happened. Knows his stuff.”
“What did you used to be?” The stranger asked softly.
Both the woman’s question and interest caught you completey off guard. Even though you’d still been doing your job as a medical worker less than a month ago, it felt like an entirely different life. Shrugging your shoulders as if her question hadn’t left you reeling, you replied. “I was just a student.”
It was the same answer you’d given Rick when the two of you had spent some time getting to know each other, and it wasn’t necessarily a lie. You just hadn’t felt the need to specify what kind of student you’d been, and you still didn’t. After the world ended, you kept helping because you knew it was the right thing to do. But after everything that had happened at Grady, you were starting to think that you didn’t owe this new world shit. Not if there was a chance that it might put you into another horrible situation like that.
“How about you?”
When the woman said nothing in reply, you sighed, running a hand through your hair.
“Look, I know it’s hard to believe that there are still good people in this world, but there are.” Holding your arm out, you gestured back towards the gate. “They are. I’ve only been here a few weeks and I already feel like . . . “ You’d been tempted to say family, but stopped. It felt like a betrayal to your actual family to say it out loud. “It’s safe here. You could be safe here. Just tell us what we want to know.”
The silence that met your words was deafening, and you’d been close to calling it quits and returning to Rick to tell him that you’d failed in getting information, when the woman finally spoke.
“The supplies,” The stranger nodded towards the red shopping basket. “They were dropped by a young Asian guy with a pretty girl.”
Glenn and Maggie.
You inhaled sharply. Of course. Just before you’d left to go hunting with Daryl, Glenn and Maggie had announced that they were taking a car to look for more ammo and baby formula.
“What happened? Were they attacked?” You asked.
“They were taken.” The stranger whispered.
“By who?”
“By the same son of a bitch who shot me.”
“That’s Glenn and Maggie. They’re part of our group — Maggie is Hershel’s daughter.”
Keeping your eyes on the woman, you noticed an almost guilty expression cross her features. “There’s a town. Woodbury. About 75 survivors. I think they were taken there.”
“A whole town?” You asked, skeptical.
She nodded. “It’s run by this guy who calls himself the Governor — pretty boy, charming, Jim Jones type.”
“How many men does he have?”
“Not sure, but they have armed sentries on every wall. Paramilitary wannabes.”
“Do you know a way in?”
“Place is secure from walkers, but we could slip our way through.”
“How’d you know how to get here?” You asked.
“The couple, they mentioned a prison — said which direction it was in, said it was a straight shot.”
There was nothing the woman had said that gave you the impression that she was lying. Why would she? Her story added up, and whether she wanted to admit it or not, you could see that she was desperate to get away from Woodbury and find somewhere safe to recuperate.
“Thank you for telling me this.” Crouching down to her level, you held out your hand and introduced yourself.
It seemed the woman’s first instinct was to recoil away from your hand, but after a few seconds you were relieved to see that her expression began to soften.
“Michonne.” She replied, reaching out to shake your hand.
“Nice to meet you, Michonne.”
“You too.”
Letting go of Michonne’s hand, you stood up and stepped towards the shelved inventory, grabbing a granola bar and a bottle of water, then walking back to hand them to her.
“I’m gonna go tell everyone what you just told me. Relax, eat. I’ll be back with Hershel in a few minutes.”
Taking the food and water, Michonne nodded once before you turned on your heel and returned to C-Block. You repeated your conversation with Michonne to Rick, Daryl, Hershel, Carol and Carl. Hershel was understandably very upset, but just as brave as ever. He demanded that Rick let him come along as they began to make their plans; the intensity of the situation causing him to momentarily forget about his leg, until Rick made him see reason.
“How do you know we can trust her?” Carol asked you.
“It doesn’t matter — this is Maggie and Glenn.” Hershel said before you could answer. “We can’t leave anything to chance.”
“We ain’t.” Daryl shook his head. “I’ll go after ‘em.”
Running a hand over his face, Rick took a deep breath. He looked so tired. You’d hated being the one to have to tell him that the rare peace he’d been enjoying without any incidents over the past few weeks had finally come to an end, but there was no way around it.
“This place sounds pretty secure.” Rick finally said, looking to Daryl. “You can’t go alone.”
“I’ll go.” The words were out of your mouth before you really even had time to think it over.
Daryl looked at you, his eyes moving back and forth. You wondered what was going through his head, but for once he wasn’t arguing with you. That was progress.
Rick shook his head. “I can’t ask you to do that.”
“Well that’s good because you’re not asking, I’m offering.” You smiled.
It didn’t sit right with Rick, allowing you; someone so new to the group to risk your life for his people. But with T-Dog dead and Glenn and Maggie captured, he didn’t have much in the way of backup, and he needed all the help he could get if this rescue mission had any hope of being successful.
“All right.” Rick agreed.
“I’m going too.” Carl announced.
That was where Rick had to draw the line. You remained quiet as father and son began to argue, but you were relieved when Rick told Carl that he had to stay with Hershel and Carol. No matter how good of a shot he was, he was still eleven-years-old, and the idea of having him risking his life weighed heavy on your heart.
The sun had well set by the time the group was ready to go. Hershel had sewn together Michonne’s gunshot wound and she was back on her feet, still sore, but overall doing much better. You stood with Daryl, helping him load the Hyundai with all the supplies he and the others had collected from the armory when they’d first arrived at the prison.
“I got the flash bangs and I got the tear gas.” Daryl announced as you opened up the hatchback for him to pack a backpack and duffel bag inside the trunk. “Never know what you’re gonna need.”
Even as Daryl seemed to be making conversation, you were barely listening as you stood with the strap of an assault rifle that you really didn’t know how to use, slung over your shoulder. It was funny, because after escaping from the hospital just a few weeks ago, you’d given yourself permission to be selfish from now on. Yet here you were, joining a group of people on a rescue mission on what could very possibly be your last night on this earth. The world had become such a strange place. A year ago, your idea of helping someone was letting them borrow your anatomy notes. Now it apparently meant risking your life.
“Nice kick back there, Buffy.” Daryl grunted, bringing you out of your reverie.
Turning to face him, you paused in confusion, but then slowly smiled when realizing that he was referring to when you’d taken down the walker without your gun earlier that day. You hadn’t killed it, but had at least given yourself and Daryl enough time to hurry back inside the safety of the prison gates with Michonne.
“Buffy? But Buffy’s a badass. I thought I was Betty?” You raised an eyebrow, placing your hands on your hips as you reminded him of the rude nickname he’d given you just that morning when you’d had the audacity to question the reliability of his precious motorcycle.
Daryl hesitated for the briefest of seconds, something of a glint in his eyes as he studied you closely, nothing but the sound of cicadas in the night surrounding you both. Finally, he shrugged his broad shoulders with a tilt of his head. “Maybe you’re a little of both.”
As you climbed into the backseat after Daryl, with Rick behind the wheel and Michonne navigating from the passenger seat, you couldn’t hide the smirk that crept over your lips even if you’d tried. If that was as close to a compliment as Daryl Dixon was willing to give you, you would happily take it.
Taglist: @azanoni​, @rickysgrimes​, @dusty-skies, @are-y0u-sirius​, @itsblueriddle​, @siimiasoi​, @dillie60​ @darylsmavis​, @starfirette​, @dxrylswalker​, @luckily-gray, @nuhogom​, @ibellpepper, @angel-winchester-dixon-mendes​, @tryingddfffggt, @averyhockstetter​, @geronimasyaferninblog, @jackstergrey, @average-greaser​, @kingjuli3n​, @chuckle-nuts​, @beautifulharmonygoatee​, @bysamothrace​, @coolangie23, @dragonslaramar, @oceans-goddess​, @ur-moms-sexy-af​
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foxes-that-run · 10 months
2016 Haylor Timeline
Timeline Tag, back to 2015.
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1 January - Yachtgate with Kendall, OOTW video released with Haylor references galore, including HS on her wrist. 12 Jan - CH and TS seen for for last time till March.
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6 January - Harry posted photo of rain on a window. On 6 January 2015 Taylor posted Clear Blue Water" which may have been the day they last broke up.
14 January - rather than dine alone with CH TS encourages 14 year old fan sit with them
16 January - taylor wears outfit and hair like Delicates making of a song to visit Jaime King
17 January - Taylor didn't acknowledge Calvin's birthday. Taylor is in New York
18 January - Tabloid gossip that Taylor is jealous of the yacht, she had been liking angsty Tumblr posts about Harry. Out of the Woods official release Taylor back in LA
20 January - Harry arrives at LAX. Also seen in LA 22 and 23rd.
21 January - Harry celebrates 22nd Birthday in London, early, with Nick Grimshaw, stylist spends the night in his house. Kendall flies LA to Paris…. if she and Harry were dating she would have flown a day early and been at his London birthday party??
23 January - Taylor releases New Romantics. Kendall and Harry at Jeff's birthday roast. Kendall is wearing a Big o' Fur (Pop tart??) and leaves alone.
24 January - Harry celebrates his 22nd birthday in LA, also early with Glenn (Jeff's wife) and presumably others.
26 January - 58th Grammys, Taylor performed Out of the Woods, Harry posted photo of woods.
27 January - Harry signs with Jeff Azoff, also in LA. timeline
29 January - Taylor posted ““So how do you spend your time now that the tour is over?”” in Genius shirt with video with Meredith, I love it.
1 February - Harry unseen on birthday, tweets "I don't know about you, but I'm feeling 22."
2 February Harry looked fine AF in this Hawaiian shirt
11 February - Kanye releases Famous - it's snake time.
14 February - TN posts “you bring the James dean I’ll bring the red lip” Valentine’s Day. Harry at Clive Davis party
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16 February - Taylor wins the Grammy Album of the Year for 1989. Calvin was at an after-party in a t-shirt. In Miss Americana (21 mins in) she says 'I remember thinking afterwards, Oh my god, that was all you wanted. You get to the mountaintop and you look around and Oh god, what now? I didn't have a partner I climbed it with, I didn't have anyone I could relate to, I had my mom, but I wondered shouldn't I have someone I could call right now? Harry in LA
20 February  - Harry records 'Sweet Creature' in LA. In the Album show at the Troubadour (21:40) Harry introduced 'Sweet Creature' saying it was the first song written in the studio a couple of weeks after his birthday. He was photographed in the studio 20 February.
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21-29 February - CH starts Ole, it references Harry and Hendall The video (screen shots in the top line above) is about a guy who neglects his GF, the lyrics of the song are about a girl who cheats on her BF but goes on trips. The lyrics include "lowkey" aka 'Loki' and refer to the trip they take 2 weeks later - so he worked on it more. Kanye releases Famous
26 February  - Taylor out in LA
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28 February - Taylor looks amazing at the Vanity Fair Oscar Party alone. Harry tweets 'you can shake an apple off a tree ' (Elvis Presley Stuck on You lyric)..... 0_0  and posted a colour photo to IG of a scrabble game thanking for voting for Brits. HS IG has been b&w since OOTW, but this was in screaming colour! ❤️
3 March - Harry tweets Norah Jones Come Away with me lyrics "The yellow grass grows knee high."
6 March - Harry seen buying groceries in Hampstead
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7 March - CH and TS 1 anniversary TS thin and uncomfortable.
13 March - Harry in London, gets parking ticket.
13 - 15 March Taylor and Calvin Bikini photos in the Bahamas. A 5 hour flight, 3 nights, 4 swimsuits. Rumour they flew separately. Complete with swan inflatable for added shade. :/
15 March Harry back in LA at Cafe Habana Malibu
16 March - KK posts TS where’s the drop. Blind Calvin hooked up with someone. Harry in Beverly Hills, 24 at St Laurent
25 March - Taylor back in LA and Harry also back in LA same day, LA on the 6th, 11 April & 20 April (kid harpoons birthday).
3 April -Taylor and Calvin attended the iHeart Radio Awards, arrive separately. He looked bored, didn’t thank her. Made a face when Taylor thanked him, she didn’t every time. Calvin on his phone during her last acceptance speech. Rumors they are having trouble. Harry in LA he bought a fan’s family dinner the night before. Harry papped buying fuel in LA.
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7 April - Taylor shopping at St Laurent, (which Harry had been wearing all the time) and looking like the Ready For It..? VM
8 April Blind Taylor and Calvin talk-fighting on paper walk. Harry seen shopping with Kid Harpoon and Kendall, “watch KUWK May 1
9 April Harry seen leaving Nobu Malibu
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15 April -Coachella, black skinny jeans and Chelsea boots in top right of pool photo on Taylor’s instagram. Taylor at Coachella with bleached hair and a 'This Is What You Came For' jacket. CH performed. She also released that Drake Apple ad. KK there
16 April - Taylor vogue cover
22 April - Harry Tweet's "it's not the Ribbons in your Hair" Cars Just what I needed lyrics about not minding anything because a person is who they needed.
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April 29 - this is what you came for:
28 April - Taylor is Bewjelled at Gigi Hadid's 21st birthday . Harry is not photographed there, but is also in L.A. the next day
29 April - This Is What You Came For is released. Taylor was an uncredited writer and has backing vocals. CH later throws shade about her not promo-ing it. Later blind that TIWYCF is about person Taylor cheating with. Calvin has an interview with Nick Grimshaw (!) in his house, where he says John Newman was there last week (Ole), talks about how John Newman has a great track coming, that the guide vocal (Taylor's) could not get better then he heard Rhianna's and it was much better:
30 April - Taylor NY for Met Gala dinner, wearing Billy Joel shirt. Calvin goes on radio and (at 2:30) says Taylor is on a break, they haven't spoken about a collab.
In August  the video has a similar hawaiian shirt but in red, he  posts to his instagram photos of him wearing one like Harry's
They then marked this day - in 2017 Harry marks the anniversary of this by getting papped in that same shirt! hahahaha
In 2018 - Calvin Harris later tweets that he grew a beard to get a Grammy
October 2022 - High Infidelity released, it opens with 'lock broken, slur spoken' and includes 'Do you really want to know where I was April 29th? Do I really have to chart the constellations in his eyes?
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1 May - Taylor has dinner at Anna Wintour's house with Tom Hiddleston and James Corden!
2 May - Taylor at met gala, TS meets Joe, Hiddleswift starts.
5 May -  Erskine Records,
7 May - Harry, back in London, cuts off his hair - farewell LHH. 'Only a few songs' were recorded for his Debut before Dunkirk. Taylor posts photo of herself at Met Gala with "we never go out of style"
17 May - Harry’s friend Matt Irving’s funeral.
May - 1D purchased its f to j shares back off the band and they sold director titles, each was paid £14m. They still receive royalties. Harry stopped using his twitter, PR tweets since
20 May - Taylor and Calvin seen together for the last time in a carpark. Blind that implies Calvin did something “I give the "relationship" another week […] what happened last night is going to open a whole bunch of boxes.”
22 May - Calvin in car accident, Taylor doesn’t go to hospital. Blinds implying drugs involved, but police report says no drugs and Calvin a passenger. He has a cut to the face in an SUV, other car a beetle with teenagers with pelvic features, the other car hit CHs
23 May - July  Harry shoots Dunkirk, in France on radio he said he just slept when not filming and did not make music.
2 June - CH and TS breakup confirmed on Twitter
13 June - Taylor rents house in Cornelia Street
14 June - Taylor first seen with Tom Hiddleston. Article on Taylor staged photos
16 June - tabloid gossip that Calvin Harris sent a music exec a dick pick was break up reason
23 June - both Harry and Taylor are in London. Calvin admits Taylor controlled break up media
2 July - Harry signed a solo contract for $80m, with Columbia
4 July - the last 4th July party, (until 1989-esk gathering in 2023) with I heart TS hiddleswift exploits. Harry was in London.
13 July - taylorswiftisoverparty hashtag trending CH was messy as hell on Twitter, TMZ reports taylor wrote TWYCF, the notes are now corrected. Joe in London
17 July - Kim K posts that she has a recording of Snake convo. Harry was quick to provide supportive comments.
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21 July - Kendall posts "tea time" with photo Taylor later copies in LAWYMMD video. Also likes anti-swift posts.
8 August - Taylor performs at oil heir Mike Hess's 30th birthday in the Hamptons and grinds on him, no Tom Hiddleston.
21 August - Daisy Lowe posts a person in a Harry styles tshirt to IG
24 August - Hiddleswift officially over, Tom has talked to media. Taylor wears this yellow outfit in New York which Calvin copied in the ole video.
25 August - Harry seen in LA, first time he has been seen for 16 days. Wears a similar shirt to Ole. End of Dunkirk shooting.
29 August - Taylor Lover Journal "this summer is the apocalypse" Nashville. Taylor still in NY. Rumour Harry saw her in NY.
30 August - Taylor not at VMAs due to Jury Duty
2 September - Kendall and Harry at Nobu in LA, Dunkirk wraps. Harry not seen for another 15 days after.
3 September - Harry buys LA House. He listed it for sale in May 2017 and in 2019 sold it at a loss.
5 September - Harry has dinner with Kendall then disappears. Could have been when he first went to Jamaica.
9 September - Taylor front row Gigi's fashion show
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19 September  - Taylor writes a lot of reputation. Taylor flies to NY and attends Max Martin & Shellback studio. (The Swift Life video) Works on Gorgeous, I Did Something Bad, Delicate & King Of My Heart. Joe in London at Burberry show.
22 September - Hendall over, Harry hasn't been seen for 15 days.
25 September - Harry posts 3 white squares to IG
28 September - Taylor was with Cara Delevingne and Joe was in London.
29 September Harry’s another man mix tape with HS1 inspiration/ clues and Haylor love songs. Capital FM runs an article "DJs Are Just As Baller As Multi-Millionaire Rappers & Here's The Proof" and use a photo of Calvin copying Harry's St Laurent shirt!
4 October - Joe Alwyn in London, last seen 2 weeks earlier also in London. First time they are actually in same place since May. Lover Journal 3 January says they had been dating 3 months so that lines up. Their anniversary was never 28 September.
6 October - Harry in London, last seen 5 September in LA, next seen 3 November in LA.
13 October - Taylor and Joe attend Kings of Leon show. In this video, Joe enters The Bowery with another blonde at (0:43) Taylor enters at 1:24. Joe in NY for 'Billy Lynn's Long Halftime Walk' Premiere and press conferences
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15 October - Rumour that Harry was seen at the airport in Jamaica. He stayed there for 2 months writing HS1. (the funny thing about that is that the rumor was true and the 'insider' tumblr said it wasn't.) At 30 mins into Harry Styles: Behind the Album Harry says they had had a week in a 'total hole.' "I can't write songs" he said in the first time in a long time I had actually done something and then came back to the studio and wrote Carolina, which was the last song on the album. He's wearing the same blue hawaiian St Laurent Shirt while recording it.
20 October - Big Little Town releases "Better Man" written for Red.
21 October  - Someday is released. "Someday maybe when we're old and gray, We could be in love once more. Till then I won't give my love away, Darling, I'm forever only yours".
22 October - Taylor plays a very Haylor setlist at US Grand Prix and also performs TIWYCF
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October - November Harry records his debut in Jamaica. He meets Mitch - see behind the album.This photo from Jan 2017 in an LA studio. Worse version of Famous leaked.
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24 October - Taylor at Drakes Birthday with a golden tattoo (dress) with Karlie Kloss
31 October - Taylor posts photos of Halloween party where she wore deadpool costume. Harry unseen, last seen on 6th in London
1 November - Taylor reveals she wrote Better Man in a post, it goes to #1
3 November - Harry seen back in LA at Kendall birthday and concert next day. Joe in Taipei Billy Lynn's Long Halftime Walk.
5 November  - Harry seen at Meghan Trainor's surprise party
8 November - Karlie and Taylor at Lorde's birthday, this is the last time she is seen hanging out with KK. On 8 November Trump elected, KKs husband is connected.
November - To Zane Lowe (48 mins) Taylor said about Evermore
"There was a sort of a double meaning to the months that are mentioned and the feelings that are mentioned one of the meanings is that we were I wrote this song and these lyrics when we were coming up to the election and I didn't know what was going to happen. So almost I was almost preparing for the worst to happen and trying to see some sort of glimmer at the at the at the end of the tunnel. The last verse you know the song is it goes through walking through the forest barefoot in the middle of winter or standing on a balcony and letting the icy wind just hit you and you're catching your death. Then in the last verse the person goes inside and finally is warm and finally is safe. It's about the process of finding hope again but it also reflected back to an experience that I had that was pretty life altering when I went through like a bunch of bad stuff in 2016 in like July, November all those times were just sort of taking it day by day to get through trying to find some trying to find a glimmer of hope all of that so I was coming from both of those perspectives"
9 November - Joe in Hong Kong for Billy Lynn's Long Halftime walk premiere
11 November - Taylor goes to Joe's movie screening, he's not named in press about it.
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19 November - Reputation magazine "how do you feel about having a song written about you" photo
25 November - Harry seen in LA, then not seen again till 30th.
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26 November - Taylor thanksgiving in RI, Lily D, Lily A, and Todrick. Karlie not invited, Joe not pictured. Lily D posts on her snapchat that her uber driver (Taylor) is “so pretty.” Harry MIA
5 - 30 November - Harry in LA.
30 November - Harry got coffee in LA
3 December - Harry arriving at Heathrow in London
7, 8 20th December - Harry in London
10 December - "I Don't Wanna Live Forever" released with Zayn, there are HS looking figures and outfits like the 2015 VS show
26 November - Taylor thanksgiving in RI, Lily D, Lily A, and Todrick. Karlie not invited, Joe not pictured. Lily D posts on her snapchat that her uber driver (Taylor) is “so pretty.” Harry MIA
5 - 30 November - Harry in LA.
30 November - Harry got coffee in LA
3 December - Harry arriving at Heathrow in London
7, 8 20th December - Harry in London
10 December - "I Don't Wanna Live Forever" released with Zayn, there are HS looking figures and outfits like the 2015 VS show
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13 December - Taylor has party in London house she rented in Frognall, near Hampstead which is in the Reputation book. Karlie Kloss posts a throwback photo of Taylor for her birthday, years later stories emerge that they had a falling out over Karlie throwing a party at Taylor’s NY apartment which TS refers to in LAWYMMD.
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28 December - there is an unconfirmed sighting of Harry and Taylor (Lover journal indicates Taylor in London. Harry seen in London (the next day) and soon after Taylor gave Austin a record signed by a friend of Harry's
31 December - Photos of Taylor and Joe getting ready thought to be taken this day. Later only 7 photos leak in 2020.  Harry in Holmes Chapel on NYE
Continue in 2017
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maryiritza · 1 month
Ponce de Leon Resurrected AU
This AU was made for my oc x canon ship!
In fact, I already had an AU where Ponce didn't die, but after thinking about it a lot I decided to make this other one with the excuse of showing this redesign(? / how I draw him
So consider this AU as the canon of the ship during the events of the 2nd/3rd season of CH
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Spanish ver.
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┗⁠(⁠•⁠ˇ⁠_⁠ˇ⁠•⁠)⁠―⁠→ AU context (lots of text)
As we already saw in the 2nd and 3rd seasons, Scuds literally keeps everything about the clones, so I don't consider it strange that he also kept Ponce's body in the freezer because at the end of the day it is an experiment and he could put it to a use (or even he wanted to bury/get rid of him but the Mysterious Shadows board didn't let him)
One afternoon, seeing what he had in the freezer, he came across the body and, having nothing better to do, it occurred to him to see if he could revive him. He really didn't expect things to turn out well. He thought that 1. Nothing would happen or 2. He could revive him but he would have some difficulties
Surprisingly he revived him and without problems! Of course, his body was full of scars from everything that happened to him and his voice changed (Scuds associated it with being in the freezer for so long). Obviously, like the rest of the clones, Ponce is very dazed when he wakes up, not only of his death, if not also in the 2020s
He keeps all his memories and therefore a trauma with the trash but it's still difficult for him to stop litter anywhere.
Unlike Topher, his attitude and coolness overshadows the fact that he is a clone of a conqueror, so it was not difficult for him to return to his popular status.
He is more than determined not to let time pass anymore, take advantage of this second opportunity to be with Mary before they graduate 💟
And of course the janitor Glenn is his adoptive father again ✨
If you read all of this, you win to see Ponce and Rosemary refs together 🩷
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fallintosanity · 4 months
WIP Ask Game!
Tagged by @avianscribe - ty! :D
RULES: make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
I don't have a WIP folder so much as an entire folder hierarchy for writing projects in various stages of completion, whoops... ^^; And tbh I haven't touched most of these in ages. While I've started dipping my toes back into fic and fandom, writing is still really, really difficult for me (details in this post for anyone curious).
But I am dipping my toes back in!!! so here are the WIPs I found around my writing folders:
Providence Pt 2 [n.b., not a sequel - I had to split the wip file bc gdocs chokes after a certain length. Contains ch. 43 onward]
What Stays and What Fades (Part 2) [ditto; ch. 36 onward]
MB 2
Promare fic I'm definitely not writing
a glenn lives au
Rodrigue & Felix with Cornelia Whump Fic
felix begrudgingly tames a feral boar
Ask away!
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redcoralpot · 1 year
The Walking Dead (TWD)
• Acula! (Pt. 1 + 2) - Daryl Dixon X Male Reader
• Glenn Rhee X Male Reader (Smut)
Dead Man Walking (PT 1. ONLY, REMAKE ON AO3) - Daryl Dixon x Walker! Male Reader
Attentu - Daryl Dixon x trans male Reader
Upcoming TWD Requests:
• Malu Tiempu - Negan Smith X Male Reader
The Courage to Get What the World Cannot Say - Daryl Dixon x Male Reader (Angst)
The Amazing Spider-Man 2 (TASM2)
• Peter Parker (AG) x FTM Reader (Smut)
Upcoming TASM Requests:
Sally Face (SF)
Upcoming SF Requests:
[NO TITLE] Ch. 5 Sal Fisher X FTM! Reader (Fluff, comfort)
[NO TITLE] Ch. 5 Travis Phelps X Male Reader (Smut)
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fireemblems24 · 9 months
Azure Gleam Ch 13
Alright guys, we're getting close to finishing this thing - like 10 years later, but still here.
Ok, guys, the hard battle is over. Dimitri stomping everything is all I have left to do, I hope.
I wonder if I dislike Claude now. He's here and on our side, but I think "ew" and "ugh" when I see him now.
Claude suspects stuff.
Seteth is lecturing Hilda for whining lamo.
Seeing Claude, Rhea, and Dimitri all fight on the same side is cool, even if I find Claude annoying as fuck right now.
I wish Rhea would lead the knights herself, but instead she just gets sidelines so hard in AG. Hopes as a whole tgh.
Oh! No side battles! Not all that mad. Bc that means this'll speed things up a bit lol.
Sylvain is admiring Dimitri and Felix and how good of leaders they are. He's hoping he gets his act together soon too lol.
It's cool seeing Byleth and Jeralt around. Rhea's here too. The camp is packed with little blue and yellow dots.
There's a letter from Glenn on the table :(
Seems a bit cheap that Byleth only supports Jeralt and Shez, but can reach A with everyone. Like a cop out.
Honestly, neither of them have a ton of supports (Jeralt or Byleth). A bit bummed, but I guess you get them kind of late. Too bad this game never got a DLC. Byleth/lord supports would've sold that.
Annette needs help using Crusher. It's too heavy for her.
Annette thinks she needs to gain weight, but Dedue says that's not everything and is willing to help her out.
He helps her train with a bag of rocks and credits him with the motivation to try.
Dedue hesitates a bit when replying to her though, making Annette curious.
Pretty much a set up for part 2.
Their only support this game.
Annette creates a disaster in the kitchen (or training grounds, unclear). With Dimitri's help. So . . . they tried cooking together? Yeah. That was never going to end well.
Dimitri and Annette both blame themselves. Dimitri "wins" though.
Dimitri wishes he were better with magic, but it runs in the family. He wanted to be a mage when he was younger.
"An old friend of mine would give magic demonstrations." - probably Edelgard?
Annette is willing to help Dimitri learn magic. She wants to get better at teaching. Dimitri really wishes he could learn magic.
Annette really wants to be a teacher.
She encourages him not to hold back. I think he made another explosion. Poor Annette has her work cut out for her lol.
Horse girls final support.
Ingrid's been trying to figure out what her horse is thinking/wants based on behavior but is struggling.
Unlike Marianne, but, you know, she has help lol.
Ingrid's horse doesn't want to move again, so Marianne comes to help.
The horse/pegasus doesn't want to go to the battlefield because she's worried about Ingrid (and remembering Scarlet Blaze, that sucks, Fuck SB for killing Ingrid)
Ingrid is getting better connecting with her horse, and now will go get to save her friend.
When Ingrid's leaving, Marianne starts wishing for something but doesn't say what, Ingrid guesses horseback riding together and guesses right.
Ingrid credits to spending time with Marianne and getting to know her.
So Ingrid and Marianne are friends now. Good for both of them.
Rodrigue is looking for a book on mercenaries.
When Shez asks why, Rodrigue skirts around it and Shez calls him out.
After a tough battle with Jeralt and co, Rodrigue wants to read up on mercenaries to make sure he understands their tactics better and avoid potential disaster.
Shez is impressed with Rodrigue for still studying after so long.
Rodrigue says he's not as smart as Gautier or courageous as Lambert, so he has too.
Shez says Rodrigue and Felix are close alike than either would admit - they both always want to improve themselves.
(and that Dimitri and Sylvain are like their dad's too)
Rodrigue still feels he doesn't measure up to the other two though :( But I'm happy Shez had such nice things to say about Rodrigue.
Ashe turned pale while training. He plays it off as nothing, but Mercedes calls him out.
He got a minor injury, which reminded him of seeing a ghost.
Oh, poor Ashe, Mercedes starts playing 100 questions with him - wanting to know what it was wearing lol.
Ashe tells the story - he went looking for herbs to help his sick brother and saw a ghost in the fog. While running away, he got a similar injury.
Mercedes isn't scared of his tale. She's heard it before. In her tale, it wasn't a ghost though, but a shadow. Making Ashe think he saw his own shadow too.
Now Ashe thinks he lived in fear of his own shadow, lamo.
Ashe is like, you should hear this guy's story, and there's no one there.
But this isn't Ashe pulling on Mercedes, but him thinking he found another ghost because there was never anyone else around, lol.
Raphael wants to work out. Felix yells at him for being loud and giving him away.
Felix is boar hunting lamo.
Raphael talks about how Petra taught him a special technique. So now we have a Deer and Lion training, talking about an Eagle.
The boar they're hunting is wounded, but Felix is still weary of it.
Felix failed to hunt a boar before.
Dimitri once hunted so many animals that they couldn't fit them all on the sled lol. Felix struggled to get one.
Raphael gets confused when Felix is talking about boar, if he means a real boar or Dimitri lol.
Raphael wants to help Felix get revenge for the boar that got away.
And he attacks head-on, much to Felix's dismay, but he got it. Felix is a bit stunned it went down so quickly.
Felix admits that maybe working with friends helps sometimes. And Raphael is happy Felix called him friend.
This was actually way more entertaining than I thought it would be (Raphael supports can be . . . you know . . . dull or amusing, this one was amusing)
Plus I love hearing the story of Dimitri being an apex hunter as a child and Felix grumbling off trying to bag his own boar and failing lamo.
Rodrigue wants to talk. Felix tried to brush him off. And Rodrigue's like shut up and sit down, boy. But nicely.
He wants to talk because neither know when they'll die and don't want lingering regrets. Which, knowing what happens in Azure Moon . . . :(
Rodrigue apologizes for what he said about Glenn. Which I find a bit stupid because he was a grieving father so . . .
Thankfully, Rodrigue gets to explain his thoughts behind it. Acknowledging Glenn's agency in his decisions too.
Felix denies Glenn's agency and can only get Dimitri to say he caused Glenn to die :(
Rodrigue acknowledges that, but asks Felix what he would've done. Let Dimitri die and run away to save himself or do what Glenn did.
Felix gets angry at the idea that saving your own life is cowardice and that, when the time actually comes with something like that, you don't think - only act. So . . . he walked into Rodrigue's trap lol, who'll say then Glenn acted and choose to act that way.
Felix is such a dunce, saying "we'd both survive." Rodrigue rightly accuses him of wanting it both ways lol.
Felix says he understands Rodrigue's way of thinking, but dislikes Glenn's death being glorified.
Felix apologizes too, for his own bad behavior. For hitting Rodrigue.
Felix can't stand dealing with feelings anymore and leaves lol.
I'm sooooo glad this game let Rodrigue have a voice. It was always obvious to anyone with a shred of media literacy what Rodrigue meant, but Hopes let him spell it out.
Yuri's staring at Dimitri. Same. Same.
Yuri's impressed/confused at how quickly Dimitri blended in.
Dimitri's now thinking about the best way to help the poorest (we stan a good king, guys). It's something he's thought a lot about.
He thought medical facilities or investing more in the church (who do more to help the poor than anyone else in this game) would be best, but being around them made him realize that they should get the chance to take charge of their own "destiny."
He wants rulers to actually listen to what the people need best and actually do it rather than what's best for himself.
Yuri says education for everyone is necessary. Dimitri agrees.
But then Yuri makes the point that people won't care about education if they're starving or homeless. (so really, his earlier goals of building medical facilities where people get free/cheap healthcare isn't too far off).
So Dimitri wants to improve quality of life, then build educational reform on top of that.
But of course Edelgard's warmongering is draining money, so Dimitri can't make lives for the common folk better and needs to end the war fast so he can focus on helping people and not keeping little miss imperialist away.
Yuri says if money's the problem, he can use Yuri who can connect Dimitri to merchants and hitman lol. Dimitri's like "no working evil in my name!" He's also cautious about working with Yuri because he's backstabbed people in the past.
Yuri says he promises to honestly work with Dimitri, even protect him, because working with Dimitri will help his dream come true too. So he believes in Dimitri's leadership and vision.
Dimitri says he's grown to trust Yuri too.
Man, I need a sequel game where Yuri and Dimitri work on improving Faerghus together.
So . . . I had no idea I hadn't seen this support yet. I have their A unlocked for a while now too, though, I'll wait to see it since I'm getting support fatigue at the moment.
They're training. Felix insults Shez's footwork. What a typical Felix support lol.
Shez says she has a lot on her mind. Felix calls her a worthless partner if she's training distracted.
And then explains how Shez can't afford to do that on the battlefield (like a mercenary needs telling that lol).
Shez is surprised how much Felix has a read on her.
Felix wants to know where Shez learned how to fight because it's not like a knife or a mercenary.
Shez had a lot of teachers and just picked up stuff here and there. She doesn't use the playbook that knights or mercs usually use.
Shez says she has her unique style which is to her benefit. Felix wants her to teach him. But Shez thinks it's too reliant on the sword Felix can't use. Felix is like try me.
I can agree or refuse to teach him. Obviously I'm agreeing. (I would totally be an ass if it was character I didn't like lol).
Shez comments on Felix's style too - reacting to the say things are playing out.
Shez thinks she'll get stronger too.
I seriously can't believe I let these two sit at B for so long.
Annette comes across Dedue training. She insists he takes a break, but he insists on training still because he's not strong enough.
He feels inadequate because he can't use a hero's relic.
He admits he's jealous that others can use such powerful weapons.
Annette's surprised that he opened up, and appreciates that he opened up around her after he tried to dial back and apologize.
Annette talks about how impressed she is with him - his ability to cook and sow where she can't, and his sheer strength despite not using a relic. She thinks he'd be too good if he could use one lol.
Dedue talks about her strengths too - her optimism and how that lifts everyone up around her. Annette is happy if she can help anyone even a little.
Annette made dinner. The bottom of the pot fell out, but she insists that dinner still tastes great.
Someone tell Annette she's not destined to work in marketing lol.
Dedue still goes to eat dinner after hearing that. Brave man.
Definitely one of the supports I was looking forward too.
Byleth has a lot of blood on his clothing and is trying to wash it out and is failing.
Jeralt says washing blood out is more work than it's worth. Proof that man's never had a period.
Jeralt says Byleth reminds him of Sitri when they first meant. She had the same quiet composure and would rather clean a handkerchief she was cleaning than throw it away.
She never laughed or cried either, like Byleth, not at first at least.
Byleth asks why Jeralt is talking about all this now. Jeralt says he's feeling guilty of the lifestyle he's given Byleth - no home, no friends, always battles.
He says life would be different if Sitri was still alive.
Byleth doesn't regret his life and likes having Jeralt around.
It's nice to learn more about Sitri.
Jeralt comes across Shez fishing. Shez is weary. Jeralt tells Shez to relax, but Shez isn't used to it.
Jeralt is like, we're mercs, life happens, it's not personal.
Shez brings up the beginning where Jeralt's Mercenaries wiped out Shez's old company. Glad they're addressing this.
Shez is still upset about it. Jeralt understands now.
He asks if Shez has a grudge. I can choose yes or no. I'm gonna choose yes. I think this Shez would admit to attachments to other people, plus the conflict is more interesting, I think.
Shez talks about how much she liked that group and shares her goals of defeating the Ashen Demon.
Jeralt's like, you just have to let that go now.
Shez admits she's partly relieved because she couldn't defeat Byleth. Jeralt is like, that means you think you could beat me? Shez is like, well, I'd have to try first.
Then Shez helps Jeralt untangle his fishing string and comments on his lack of dexterity.
Jeralt then apologizes about what happened to Shez's mercenary company, especially since it was just too minor lords spewing.
He says he didn't originally plan on killing them, but she (the old captain) came charging in trying to use Jeralt to make a name for herself.
Shez understands, but still seems regretful.
Def hope I can unlock their A in time to see how this resolved (they don't have a B support).
No side battles this chapter. Onto the showdown at Ailell. Which means fire ground. Ugh. Gonna make everyone a flier that it makes sense for.
They're run into the Black Eagles. The Emperor's personal force.
Claude is there. Man, I gotta play Three Houses again. Every time I see him I'm like "ugh." I did NOT used to think that way.
Wait, is Edelgard actually here? I thought she was some kind of zombie whatever.
TWSITD is there (or mysterious dark mages). Claude is like "you know these people?"
Man, why is Dimitri trusting Claude. Telling him "don't let your guard down." Dimitri wants Claude about the mages. I wouldn't count on Claude's support if he was the only person left.
Even though this IS the only route where Claude's actions make any sense lol. It's definitely in his best interest to put a stop to the Empire's warmongering.
Arval's like, maybe we can learn something this time!
Arval's not upset if they never learn the truth and promises to be with Shez always regardless.
I gotta defeat Duke Aegir and Edelgard. Interesting that she's actually there.
Ohh, persuade Death Knight. They were setting him up to be here, but I didn't know I could recruit him. Makes way more sense than in Houses where you can't. Not surprised you need Mercedes to do it. I always bring her anyways.
Dimitri took out Ladislava right away lol.
Death Knight showed up. I'm beyond seeing him as a scary opponent though lol.
Mercedes defeated the Death Knight as an NPC. Is that automatic or just funny coincidence?
Aegir and Edelgard ran away. Really wish I could've killed Aegir. Killing Edelgard would stop the war too.
I killed Caspar and Bergliez so fast the dialogue didn't even finish lol. Dimitri too strong. They both ran away. Honestly, couldn't care less about killing this version of Caspar.
Oh, cool cut scene. And, ok, it's cool to see Claude and Dimitri fighting back-to-back.
Claude tells Dimitri to run after Edelgard while he holds off the Empire here. Not sure I trust him at all, but like I said, this is the only route where his choices make any sense.
Dimitri has 74 strength lol. No wonder he kills everything so fast.
Cool to get Jeritza though.
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