#ch: fialova
dishonestlies-if · 8 months
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dishonestlies-if · 8 months
The Archivists
Also known as Secretkeepers, Archivists are the servants of Thescamor who serve in the Court. There are at most only two Archivists at any given period of time. They are chosen from the best and brightest the Temple of Thescamor has to offer; as such, they are well-versed in the arcane, and are often among the Blessed.
The main duty of the Archivists is as caretakers of The Garden. The most restricted section of the Royal Archives, The Garden contains texts from ancient authors, religious scripts, magical artefacts left behind by Thescamor, and the like. Not even the monarch has complete access, for some items can only be handled by those who have devoted their lives to the Divine.
The Archivists also have many secondary duties; for example, they oversee all religious functions within the palace, with the exception of the monarch's coronation, which is directed by the High Priest(ess). They also function as intermediaries between the palace and the Temple.
When a prospective trainee takes up the mantle of trainee Archivist, they swear a vow of silence - a binding spell is cast on their tongue by a holy instrument from the Temple, imbued with the power of Thescamor. This vow can be broken once and only once, for the consequence of doing so is the severing of the tongue, thus ensuring the Archivist's silence forevermore.
The current Archivist is Dolion; his successor is Fialova Solanaceae, only recently chosen to train beneath him. Mysterious figures they are for their self-imposed silence and secrecy. What truths of the world have they learned from their time in The Garden?
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