#ch: cristobal
windslar · 2 years
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I finished White Lotus but I still dream about the opening credits song.
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symru · 1 year
bill hader stole it ch 2’s scene with hank almost sand sinking cristobal with bev & ben’s being buried alive / being drowned in blood scene wtf mr hader ily
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notibuena · 2 years
La Fiscal General del Estado Diana Salazar pide que las 37 personas involucradas en el presunto caso de corrupción sean procesadas. Entre los implicados mencionados por la fiscal se encuentra el ex presidente de la república y gran parte de su familia, gerentes de Coca Codo Sinclair, embajadores chinos, funcionarios públicos, personal de la empresa Recorsa, Asesor Jurídico de Recorsa y Representantes Legales de varias personas Jurídicas.
Lista de los involucrados
Lenín Moreno, expresidente de la República.
Rocío González, esposa del expresidente.
Irina Moreno, hija del expresidente.
Edwin Moreno, hermano del expresidente.
Guillermo Moreno, hermano del expresidente.
Jaquelina V., cuñada del expresidente.
Martha G., cuñada del expresidente.
Xavier José M.C
Conto Augusto P.M
Maria Auxiliadora P.H
Juan Carlos P.H.
Patricia de las Mercedes P.H
Manuel Ignacio P.H
Victoria María P. Ch
Juan Manuel D. P
Francisco José Ch.C
Dos EX Gerentes de Coca Codo Sinclair y la esposa de uno de ellos
Henrry de Jésus G.C
Luciano Enrique C.V
María Augusta del Rocío B.C
Francisco Enrique C.L
El Ex embajador chino
Cai. R
Yang H.
Song D.
Wu Y.
Alie A,
Funcionarios públicos y personal de la empresa Recorsa
Ximena del Rocio D.V
Pablo Anibal A.A
Mónica Alexandra O. J
Mauricio Xavier P.D.A.D
Pablo Honorio Z.M
Francisco Esteban E.N
Asesor jurídico de la empresa Recorsa y representantes legales de varias personas jurídicas.
José Eduardo C.V
Juan Cristobal S.S
Antonio Germénico S.S
Rocío del Carmen G.E.
Mercedes del Pilar C.A
Carlos Oswaldo A.A
Presuntos actos ilícitos se desarrolló dentro del proyecto hidroeléctrico Coca Codo Sinclair. El cohecho tiene su cabida entre 2009 y 2018. Diana Salazar informó que las investigaciones empezaron desde el 28 de marzo 2019 y en ese entonces era conocida como el caso Ina papers. Actualmente la fiscal reconoce judicialmente como Caso Sinohydro: por las implicaciones y repercusiones dentro del mismo. Este caso tiene     un alcance interestatal y trasnacional según lo que dió a conocer la fiscal Diana Salazar.
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elejahfanfic · 4 years
Hello Love/2
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Part 2
AU story with tvd characters
Miguel Galindo x Elena Gilbert💖
Ft. Klaroline, Kennett
It's a love story -no vampires. Human.
Featuring a song by David Bisbal_Me enamore de ti
Also, Yemaya is played by Zoe Saldana.
So much is going on in this ch, there is so many characters - I hope it still has a coherent flow - 😅
Thanks for reading. 😀😘
Niklaus, or better known as Klaus to his family and friends, just taken a cab to take him to the Mikaelson residence.
He still wasn't sure if he made the right decision to return home after so many years abroad, where he had built a very good reputation and established himself as a prominent young architect making his firm The Wolf Group, as they called themselves, one of the very best. He left it to be run by his partner, Marcel Gerard.
It was one morning after he spoke to Miguel that he made the abrupt decision to take a sabatical year and spend time with the family. Actually, to be precise, with his siblings, as his relationship with his parents was not a good one.
In Rebekah's office, she was looking at the photographs that were to go in the next issue.
"Get me Damon" she said to her assistant Vicki.
"Anything else?" Vicki asked.
"No. I'll be working till late, so you can go. Thanks" Rebekah said.
The eldest of them was Finn, who tragically died in a car crash, at the age 20. Niklaus was their second child. He was three years old when they adopted Miguel.
Rebekah chose to work hard to prove to her father that she can get the fashion magazine up and running and make a huge success of it when she took over. So, at work she was known as the shrew, some of her co-workers would refer to her as a blood-sucker at times. The Mikaelson family was regarded as the most ambitious when business was concerned. Their parents taught their children to be excellent, to strive to excel. To be the best. And they made them proud.
After, Kol, Rebekah and finally Henrik followed.
Miguel fell in love and chose to go to live in San Diego to work after he married. And as his wife died, instead of returning to New York, he chose to go to Mexico City. As for Klaus, after finishing his studies decided to travel the world, finally settling in Europe starting to work as an architect in a small firm.
The Mikaelsons were a big family.
But lately, work was all she had on her mind.
Damon got to her office in a little while, and as he entered the first thing she said was-
"We are professionals and personal stuff should never affect the work-still- I am going to say this, because Elena is my friend and I love her dearly - you're an asshole! If you weren't so damned good at what you do I would kick you to the curb."
"That's not bad. I kind of thought you would dagger me!" Damon said.
"Let's get to work. Look at those", she now showed what she didn't like about those photos and asked for a new photo session with the next month's cover person.
Bonnie and Caroline met Elena for some good old retail therapy. The best remedy when trying to kinda mend a broken heart. A change in style, hair was Caroline's suggestion. Also, they all had already received an electronic invitation to the Mikaelson cocktail night. And they need great dresses for the occasion.
Elena kept quiet about her unusual meeting in the cafe.
In the Upper East Side, Miguel met his son at his new school. Cris as he and all his family and friends called him didn't want to go to a private school, and so Miguel enrolled him in the public school recommended by Rebekah.
Cristobal, looked a lot like his mother, very savvy, goodhearted teenager, who knew exactly what he wanted in his life. He was very close his father. The death of Emily, cut them both and glued them even more together. Sometimes Cristobal took more care of his father, than the other way around. Mostly because Miguel was very dedicated to his work.
There were certain things he still needed to do regarding the transfer, and he now dealt with all that.
"There something different about you dad" he said to him when they got out of the school.
"In what way?" Miguel looked surprised at his son.
"I don't know.  But- different! You have a happy face."
"I have a happy face?"
"Yes. Usually it's - just serious." Cristobal said as he opened the car door.
Miguel looked at the watch and he had promised their housekeeper Senora Vega that they would be on time for the evening dinner. "Come on, we are late."
And there was a certain truth, he felt different. The woman Elena that he had met in the cafe was not getting out of his head. He had not felt a tingle in his heart for a woman for a very long time.
Greenich Village
Elena returned home later that evening and looked at the dress she chose for the cocktail party. Then at her new hairstyle, running her hands through them, inhaling deeply.
"Stop it!" she said to herself in the mirror, "stop thinking about him. Don't need anyone right now. Good-he looked so good in the three-piece suit- too good. "I am going crazy- what's wrong with me?!"
This man was not even her type. She prefered guys in jeans, with a badboy vibe about them. 'Mike' was completely the opposite. What was happening to her. Rebound thoughts. Totally crazy. Sliding the dress safely into the small closet, she went to the living room and put one of her mix playlists on.
Taking her laptop, she made hetself comfortable on the sofa. It was time to do some work. Lena's Cookie website needed updating. Browsing through the photos of her recent cookie creations made her stumble on a few she had done for her friend Yemaya's birthday. Though she was from Brasil, she was very much into mexican art and so she had requested mexican sugar cookies for her birthday fiesta.
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Thinking of 'Mike', she looked up a recipe from her notes.
Me enamoré de ti, jamás lo imaginaba
Que algun día yo, de amor iba a vivir
A couple of blocks away
"Move in with me" he blurted out inbetween kisses and half way to bed disregarding supper.
"Enough of work." Bonnie said closing Kol's laptop nestling comfortably on his lap, pulling him into a kiss.
Kol finished writing the draft of his last research paper.  Bonnie sneaked up on at him with a trey of food and wine.
"Who is joking? Move in with me. I'm serious. I want you here - all the time. It's crazy paying for two apartments, sleeping ovet here- there."
"Ok," Bonnie said,"yeah, let's be practical"
"This is not about being practical," Kol drew his fingers up her cheeks, looking at her dreamily, "I really want you here with me all the time."
"When you look at me that way, I could never say no."
"You drive me crazy" Kol smiled, "At times I can't believe you are real - and you are with me"
"Shut up and kiss me" Bonnie pressed her forfinger on his lips.
She was a person so very open hearted, giving and so loving. He met her accidently, so he thought, as he waited for Rebekah to meet him for lunch at the bar. He didn't know that the Rebekah and the others set Bonnie and he up on a blind date. He complained to Rebekah that he had no luck in the love department and that he had enough of dates that led to nowhere.
He kissed her, and he took that as a 'yes'.
Stefan met his fellow journalist Yemaya for a last minute check before he gave in his article for print.
"Stop joking"
"Want to grab a drink?" he asked casually.
"Just one!" she stressed out, "Last night I had one too many"
"Wow- in the middle of the week ?!"he teased her as he knew her rule not to drink during the week.
"We took Elena out to kick her shoes off. She was really down."
"I heard," Stefan said, "I cannot make excuses for my brother, he is not bad-but he makes hell of mistakes."
"All the time!" Yemaya added.
"Yeah, but I am not really into the Damon- Elena talk. Actually, I need a date for a cocktail party?!"
"You got invited too?!" Yemaya was surprised.
"Maybe it was some mistake, but it came from Mikael's official e-mail!" Stefan said.
"Yes. I would like to be your date!" Yemaya accepted happily.
"Good!"- Stefan smiled, and  now waited for her to finish off what she was doing.
Days went by in a flash, and everyone had mostly work on their mind. Well, not everyone. Elena had something else on her mind, or rather someone else.
The Mikaelson cocktail party started to be the thing everyone started to talk about.
Esther and Rebekah were deeply immersed in the event. Everything had to be perfect.
Esther had invited all her family for a family brunch the day before.
Kol, Miguel and Cristobal arrived an hour before the meal. Cristobal immediately went with Henrik, who was two years older than him and that was a bit strange as he was in actual fact his uncle.
"What is not weird with this family" Cristobal said looking at Henrik wide-eyed.
"I kind of have to get to know Klaus and Miguel- they look too serious" Henrik said.
"Dad can be fun-he just doesn't like to show it much!" Cristobal explained. "Show me the last vynils you’ve bought."
"Come on" Henrik said gesturing to follow him to his room.
Rebekah walked in the living room all chirpy, "Gossiped much?!"
"No. Why would you think so?" Klaus said. "Then you have changed- you always had something smart to say about me"
"I did hear already comments about what a dragon you are at work, " Klaus teased, "it's only fashion, but I guess it has to be run with military precision. Father must be very proud!"
"There-you see" Rebekah looked at Miguel, who wanted to stay out of it.
"I hear you have new friends," Klaus said,"kicked the old snobby ones to the curb, I hear"
"I am sick of her snoby friends- yes-I have managed to make proper friends, and if you behave, maybe I will introduce them to you!" Rebekah shot back at her brother tapping him on the shoulder.
Esther walked into the Salon and there was gladness in her heart. All her children were there, and that was a rare occasion in the last years.
Her husband now joined them and they sat down for a very different brunch they all were used to. It was warm, chatty and quite lively.
Esther was counting her blessings, though her heart was not entirely at ease.
The next day, the pre-cocktail buzz was already in full flow with both the hosts as well as their invites.
Caroline talked to Elena over the phone about the cocktail party and Klaus.
"He looks really good," Caroline said, "you should check his site- he has done some amazing stuff."
"Caroline, you are telling me that I get into things head over heals like instantly. Rebekah is great, but he is a Mikaelson. Do you really want to get involved with one of them?"
"Elena, I know what you're thinking. Too close to home. Could mess up a great friendship if things go bad"
"Not thinking anything. Ok. I got to go. See you later"
"I will pick you up," Caroline said, "oh, I went back and changed the dress. I am wearing the blue dress - right- Jess is hear to do my hair. I will see you soon."
"Ok." Elena put the phone down.
Elena went to do her hair and make up herself. She was good in anything creative. She decided to wave it a bit and pin one side. She was going for a more natural look, and yet looking glam.
Simplicity has always been her motto. And yet, everything she did never looked simple. From her range of cookies to her relationships. 
The door bell went and Elena was surprised to see Yemaya at the door. She had already been ready and dressed.
"Hey- Sorry. I just had to come" the woman stormed in.
Elena could see that her friend was all flustered. Something major must have happened for her to be coming and not calling.
Elena now waited to hear her spill the beans.
"Ok -I am going to say it- huh- I slept with Stefan. We went for a drink and it was just one drink -and we talked and he drove me home and then we kissed and then we kissed some more and- you know the rest."
Elena didn't understand what was so bad about it. He and Yemaya were work collegues. And that is exactly now what was Yemaya's concern.
"I said I would never get involved with someone I work with."
"Shall I guess what you told him in the morning?! Exactly that?! Right?"
Yemaya nodded. 
In the Mikaelson Mansion, Esther Mikaelson was going through the list with her personal party organizer for the afternoon cocktail party the family was hosting for an exlusive charity event for the hospital Miguel and Kol worked for. Just one look from her said volumes when she was displeased with something. When her favourite sister died in the car crash, everyone thought that she would retreat and never come back, as she did go away for a year to grieve and be by herself. The grief changed something in her, she became a recluse, but adopting Miguel, brought her back to life. As he now walked out into the garden, greeting her with a small kiss on the cheek.
"How are you, querida madre?"
"Very well - even better now that you and Cristobal are here." Esther replied.
"This looks beautiful. Thank you for doing this."
"Darling, it is nothing. It's my pleasure. Where is Cristobal?"
"With Henrik" Miguel said and now greeted Kol and Bonnie.
Kol then went on to introduce Bonnie to Klaus and Miguel. Rebekah quickly snatched Bonnie away from the men.
"So, I'm hearing wedding bells from the distance!" Klaus teased Kol.
"Unlike you, I actually want one woman for myself!" Kol threw back at him.
"You haven't changed at all!" Klaus said. "I will leave you two to discuss whatever medical thing you will discuss"
"Bonnie" Miguel started, " she seems to be lovely!"
"What about you? Are you never going to find someone again?” Kol asked his brother.
"I don't know," Miguel said, "maybe"
"What does that mean? Have you met somebody?" Kol continued with the quizzing. "Dr Ruben has set her eyes on you. She's been asking me if you were dating anyone?"
"Please don't play the matchmaker." Miguel warned.
"Don't worry -"
Cris and Henrik came up to them and Kol now turned to them, quizzing them about the band they were forming.
The guest started arriving and Cris now observed how Esther and Mikael, together with Rebekah glided among the guests and how masterfully they played the hosts.
Damon and Stefan arrived together. Krystal made a solo appearance. 
Elena, Yemaya and Caroline entered like a grand trio.
Rebekah was there like a shot and greeted her friends.
"Who invited Krystal?" Caroline shot at Rebekah straight out seeing the woman mingling with some of the guests.
"Father's office - she is the best model and it's about business -if you thought that this was a family thing only, then you are mistaken -come on -let me introduce you to Miguel and Klaus."
Elena's heart dropped when she heard the name, but when she actually saw that it was the man she had met in the cafe, her heart started beating uncontrollably. She tried to keep her composure as Rebekah officially now introduced them.
"Hello" Miguel said, curling a smile at the brunette.
"Hello" Elena muttered and smiled back at him, “I thought your name is Mike?!”
"Uhm - it's Miguel - when we were kids Rebekah would call me Mikey - uhm - I don’t know why I introduced myself using my childhood nickname - just felt like - I suppose being back in New York”
"Oh, you've met?" Rebekah said slightly wide-eyed.
"Yes- a few days ago" Miguel said, his eyes still fixed on Elena.
Se pinta de colores toda mi alma
Con esa dulce luz de tu mirada
Y al verte sonreír, vuelvo a tener fe
Elena nodded, confirming it was so, looking at her friend and then at the suave looking cardiologist.
The waitress with champagne cocktails approached them and Miguel now took the glasses and offered one to her.
"Strawberry Bellini! I think you will like it." Miguel said to the brunette.
"Thank you!" Elena took the glass. She was at ease now. His charm just enveloped her and she didn't care anymore that she had seen Damon and Krystal at the party.
Not standing far from them, Caroline already chatted with Klaus as if they knew eachother forever. He offered her a Mimosa cocktail. 
"You are looking in the direction of that brunette like she had done something to you so disgracefully" Klaus commented since Caroline looked at Krystal off and on.
_ to be continued
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jade-gl · 4 years
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Ink test. Probando tintas con Cristobal pa nuestro proyecto de fantasia épica!! Pocas veces tengo el placer de hacer pruebas con la oportunidad de que otro colega haga lo mismo pa comparar como lo haría en una pose o escena similar. Acá estamos jugando con cinética. De este resultado me gustó mucho como @frankothelion hace el remate de la espada con un achirado diminuto pero constante en el borde y los brillos de la armadura. https://www.instagram.com/p/CH-fzMVp82X/?igshid=tnxg8jref4ed
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creativinn · 3 years
‘Joseph Mary Plunkett is my great uncle. How more Irish do you want me to be?’
I was shocked when I was asked “With a name like yours and your accent, should you be representing Ireland?” It was not what I expected to hear when I called the Irish Embassy in Paris where I was living, particularly as I had been selected to represent Ireland in the 1990 international art exhibition in Grenoble.
The authenticity of my Irishness had never entered my head. I regained my composure and answered: “Joseph Mary Plunkett is my great uncle. How more Irish do you want me to be?” That has become my instant response to anyone who wonders.
During one Cannes Film Festival an arrogant producer asked me: “So, where are your roots?” I swiftly replied: “I am like the carrot; you pull me out and I am the root”.
Born in London - my father Irish, my mother half Irish - I was seven years old when my father was appointed general surgeon in the Bay of Islands, New Zealand. He flew and we (mother and five children) went by ship on a magical trip through the Panama Canal, stopping in Curacao, Cristobal, Pitcairn Island and extraordinary places that had my favourite trees - palm trees. I ran around the deck rather than be at the ship’s school.
Eventually arriving in New Zealand, I thought we were in paradise. We left 11 years later (we were now eight children) to live in Ireland. Soon after I left for London by boat.
Love for the arts has propelled me to spend most of my life creating in film, music, art and children’s opera.
My father’s love of life is my inspiration. I remember he said to me: Find what you love to do and do it till the day you die
When I was 16 and at boarding school, the New Zealand Herald ran a front-page headline: “Convent girl wins nationwide short story competition”. I was that girl, totally surprised as I hadn’t entered the contest. It was my teacher who had raided my desk. She claimed that if she had asked me, I would have said no. The Mayor of Auckland presented me with prize money and I spent it all on books.
My first real job was in swinging London at Horizon Pictures, Sam Spiegel’s film company, working on script development with screenwriters, buying film rights. Subsequently I worked for many producers. As European Producer for Prodigy Movies, I produced Australian thriller, Black Water. As time goes by I appreciate more what a great producer Sam Spiegel was.
I have co-produced documentaries, and directed and produced documentary Walk on the Wild Side about my experiences with Stage 4 cancer. In 1994 I was also on the fun team that launched Women in Film in France in Cannes.
After marrying in Dublin, I became a full-time student at Dún Laoghaire College of Art, interrupted by births of my daughter Nico and son Kristian. Moving to Paris with my two babies in 1978, I attended the Sorbonne and had my first art exhibition.
Sadly Covid scuppered our plans for being together in Dublin for Christmas 2021.
In 1982 I founded Dublin Children’s Opera. Dame Kiri Te Kanawa was our patron. While preparing a third opera we moved to US. Broken-hearted, I cried for letting down the 116 incredibly talented children and leaving what I had so loved creating.
When not working on film or music I am sitting in a café, painting, writing two books or scrambling to reignite projects left in mid-air when I was diagnosed with cancer 12 years ago. My steel mobile sculpture L’Essor still hangs opposite Dublin’s NCH.
Walk on the Wild Side is a film tribute to the great pioneers of cancer treatment and those who followed, together with the upbeat story of my (I hope) survival of stage 4 ovarian cancer in France. Thanks to my incredible medical team, family and friends I’m alive. It is on Amazon Prime for anyone who faces cancer (and other tough times). The film will be screened in Monaco early next spring to benefit The Princess Grace Foundation which supports medical research for children. It was also screened in New York City for the benefit of the Chemotherapy Foundation.
Despite Covid, with all the constraints, the initial terror of being locked down, the sadness of being cut off from those I love most and not knowing what to believe, I feel lucky I am able to continue most of my creativity at home. I cherish my friends and family now, more than ever and feel so thankful to have them all in my life.
My father’s love of life is my inspiration. Although a busy consultant surgeon until the day he died, he gave time to his family, sailed and golfed with astounding energy. He had tremendous kindness. I remember he said to me: “Find what you love to do and do it till the day you die”. My mother told me never to lose my sense of humour. She was right.
Germaine Kos lives in Paris
If you live overseas and would like to share your experience with Irish Times Abroad, email [email protected] with a little information about you and what you do
This content was originally published here.
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tabaccheriadivenere · 4 years
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Qualche arrivo di oggi.... Cohiba Medio Siglo H. UPMANN Magnum 54 San Cristobal El Principe Montecristo no 1 H. UPMANN REGALIAS Fonseca Delicias E ............. Non posso dirvi tutto!! 😜😜😜 Vi Aspetto in Tabaccheria Tabaccheria Di Venere Mola di Bari HABANOS SPECIALIST #Puglia #moladibari #bari #weareinpuglia #monopoli #Triggiano #conversano #cigar #cigarcorner #habanos #cigarpassion #cuba #cigarforlife #cigarinitaly #tabaccheriadivenere #sigari #sigaricubani #magnum54 #mediosiglo #regalias #montecristo1 #delicias # cohiba #upnann #montecristo #fonseca #junior #open #SanCristobal #elprincipe #cigarlover (presso Tabaccheria Di Venere) https://www.instagram.com/p/CH-7T7IsU-e/?igshid=1wa9rfpuoxyyt
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tachiraventaslego · 4 years
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Ya somos más de 3000 en esta comunidad @tachiraventaslego gracias a todos los emprendedores por participar y a todos los usuarios compradores vendedores en general esperamos seguir creciendo y ayudando a promocionar nuestra gente del estado Táchira #gochos #gochosporelmundo #tachiraplus #chamosporelmundo #amor #love #tachiranoticias #tachiraventaslego #tachira #táchira #sancristobal #tachiraplus #tachirapancart #ventastachira #tachiraventas #tachiranorte #tachiravende #tachirasancristobal #sancristobalvenezuela #ventasvenezuela #ventasvzla #ventasonline #ventasonlinevenezuela #mercadolibrevenezuela #mercadolibrevzla #eventostachira #tachiragram #tachiraextrema #somosdeltachira #rubiotachira (en San Cristobal - Edo Tachira) https://www.instagram.com/p/CH-oBSfA93d/?igshid=1ogahgcmbdbc9
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megamikethomson · 5 years
Utah football
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Utah Utes needed another took shots at a Pac-12 football title, and they got it. What will they do with it?                boxing day
Oregon helped make the entirety of this feasible for Utah. Notwithstanding the Ducks' triumph over USC toward the beginning of November, the Utes' own surprising season wouldn't have brought them into another Pac-12 football title game.
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Just to remind the No. 5 Utes (11-1) of the support that gave them another Pac-12 South title, No. 13 Oregon (10-2) will show up as their rival Friday night at Levi's Arena in Santa Clause Clara, Calif., the last checkpoint in Utah's way to a School Football Season finisher elimination round billet.
Every one of the Utes need is a LSU prevail upon Georgia and … stop in that spot. Nothing that occurs in other gathering title games Saturday will matter to Utah, except if the Utes beat Oregon for the Pac-12 title.
The inheritance of the most capable group in Ute history, with 10 players prone to be drafted into the NFL in April, will be resolved on a blustery, breezy night in the Sound Territory. Utah's seniors all recount to a similar story, how a 10-3 misfortune to Washington in a year ago's title game inspired them to return and accomplish more. As security Julian Blackmon stated, "This is an opportunity to change history for the Utes."
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Or on the other hand just recurrent it. Envision the disappointment of another misfortune at Levi's Arena, conceivably consigning the Utes to the Alamo Bowl — far beneath the renown level of the Season finisher elimination rounds or the Rose Bowl, the conventional goal of the Pac-12 victor. That makes Friday's down momentous to Utah's program, paying little mind to what unfurls somewhere else this end of the week.
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Weight? Totally. However guarded end Bradlee Anae said that contrasted and a year ago, "I notice the entire group isn't as tense, paving the way to this game. Everyone's free, everyone's flying near. You can disclose to it's a lot of veteran folks who have been there."
They were headed to return to Santa Clause Clara, in the last Pac-12 title game organized in the San Francisco 49ers' arena before the occasion moves to Las Vegas in 2020.             boxing day
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Reviewing the sentiment of strolling off that field a year ago, junior beneficiary Samson Nacua stated, "I recollect simply being harmed. I just contemplated internally, 'We'll be back.' And the entire group worked their rear ends off and we're back here once more. We're simply prepared to take care of business."
Utah's protection scarcely could have accomplished more against Washington, permitting just a field objective. The Utes lost when the Huskies' Byron Murphy restored an interference 66 yards for a touchdown in the second from last quarter of a tie game, after the ball bobbed off the hands and leg of previous Ute beneficiary Siaosi Sailor, presently playing for Utah State.
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"Everything about that game … it waits. You feel it," said Ute beneficiaries mentor Fellow Holliday. "It kept going an entire year for all of us. You just get such a significant number of opportunities to win a title."
On account of their eight-game series of wins, the Utes are supported over Oregon, Yet the Ducks are a similar group that was positioned in front of Utah in late November and furthermore was situated to make the Season finisher, until a 31-28 misfortune at Arizona State crashed them. With a solid hostile line ensuring quarterback Justin Herbert and a significantly better guard, this form of Oregon is superior to the Ducks who lost 32-25 at Utah in November 2018.
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The Utes likewise have updated from that point forward. They beat Oregon that day without harmed quarterback Tyler Huntley and running back Zack Greenery, an accomplishment that appears to be all the more staggering a year later, taking into account what those players have intended to Utah.
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Not since Sept. 29, 2018, at Washington State has Utah lost a game with them solid. Oregon athletic executive Ransack Mullens, the CFP council director, more than once has brought up that Utah's just misfortune (at USC in September) this season came after Greenery left from the get-go in the second quarter with shoulder damage.
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Greenery, at that point, turns into a variable in Utah's last opportunity to dazzle the advisory group. On the off chance that he has a major event Friday, it will strengthen how his nonappearance clarified what occurred in Los Angeles, where objective line disappointments hurt the Utes. Utah at that point pulled together and stripped the entirety of its other Pac-12 rivals, with the exception of Washington.
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The Utes' 33-28 win in Seattle required a final quarter rebound, with the barrier standing up for itself and the offense coming through with back to back touchdown drives of 80 or more yards. The Utes indicated balance and sturdiness that day. They'll require those qualities against the Ducks, who comparably energized to Washington, two weeks before Utah did.
UTAH Versus OREGONAt Levi's Arena, Santa Clause Clara, Calif.
The opening shot: 6 p.m. MSTTV: Ch. 4Radio: ESPN 700.Records: Utah 11-1 (8-1 Pac-12); Oregon 10-2 (8-1).Series history: Oregon drives, 22-10.Last gathering: Utah 32, Oregon 25 (2018).
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About the Utes: Utah's eight-game series of wins coordinates the program's longest in-season run since a 8-0 beginning in 2010, the Utes' last season in the Mountain West. … As the meeting group, the Utes will wear the white regalia they donned in a 62-20 win at Oregon in 2015. ... The Utes have won 14 of their last 16 ordinary season meeting games, beginning with an October 2018 triumph at Stanford. … The Pac-12 South champion has lost seven of the eight meeting title games. … Utah is the South first's recurrent champ since UCLA in 2011-12, with the Bruins' first title because of USC's ineligibility. ..week.About the Ducks: Oregon quarterback Justin Herbert was named the Pac-12 Football Researcher Competitor of the Year; Utah's chosen one was senior wellbeing Terrell Burgess. ... Oregon is 2-0 in Pac-12 title games, beating UCLA 49-31 at home in 2011 and directing Arizona 51-14 at Levi's Arena in 2014. … Herbert has tossed 31 touchdown passes and five interferences. … The Ducks are averaging 35.8 focuses to Utah's 35.6. … Mentor Mario Cristobal has a 19-7 record, beginning with a misfortune to Boise State in the 2017 Las Vegas Bowl after he supplanted Willie Taggart.
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tachiraventaslego · 4 years
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