Paskambino is cgates ce tokia interneto kompanija. Operatore prisistate sako ar nereiktu televizoriaus paklausiau kokio dydzio telikas sakau palaukit atsinesiu centimetra. Pasiziurejau nu gal tynka bet as su lezbe druage gyvenu jos nuomone taip pat svarbi o finansai tuo labiau. Zodzju ji uzsiprase auskariuku auksiniu o per pokalbi ji pradejo sakyt kad sidabriniu. Na operatore sekmingai palauke pazvenge is musu. O mes rekiam wienas ant kito. sake perskambins...
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Find Five Health Products for Your Home To Battle Against Covid 19
In this Covid time, wellness is of prime worry for everybody. The truth of the matter is that a sound psyche and a wellbeing body is the way to real satisfaction and assuming you need the genuine joy, you ought to decide to be fit and solid. Consistently a large number of individuals all throughout the planet follow this mantra and attempt to look after wellness.
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Can measure temperature of human body by focusing on forehead.
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Sanitization Tunnel kept at the entrance & works automatically & sanitizes entire human body using sodium hypo chloride and water solution.
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Just press the leg & sanitizer will come out to clean your hand.
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Use plasma cluster inside the tunnel to sanitize the entire body;no chemical used.
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The corona killer can be used for sterilizing laptop, wallet, vegetables, mobile, food from hotel, etc, just put inside & close the door, UV light will kill all the virus and stop automatically.
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caitsgates-arts · 6 years
I just got my first donation on kofi!!! thank you soo much donor! I’m only going to be able to work one day a week starting this week as I go back to class, so everything helps! thank you thank you!!
ko-fi.com/cgates  :)
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thefastmode · 3 years
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Lithuanian Operator Cgates Goes Live with Synamedia Video Network Solutions https://bit.ly/3tXjQBt
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kanyan · 4 years
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portalreformas · 4 years
Impulsar la construcción no pasa por sustituir la licencia de obra por la declaración responsable
Impulsar la construcción no pasa por sustituir la licencia de obra por la declaración responsable
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El Consejo Superior de los Colegios de Arquitectos de España (CSCAE) y el Consejo General de la Arquitectura Técnica de Españas (CGATE) advierten de la inseguridad jurídica que puede ocasionar a todos los agentes implicados en el sector de la construcción, la generalización de las declaraciones responsables y las comunicaciones previas como sustitutorias de las licencias…
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jetsetpandaz · 8 years
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#pierC #Cgates #internationalflights #longhaul #iflya380 #schmidthammerlassen #architecture #interiordesign #cph #copenhagen #airport #terminal #clock #instatravel #avgeek #sony #rx100m4 (at Copenhagen Airport (CPH))
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cryptodictation · 4 years
The halting of construction will affect 89% of works in Spain that are still active | Economy
Works of the Port of Huelva, this Monday.PUERTO DE HUELVA. / Europa Press
The total stoppage of construction decreed by the Government when considering it as a non-essential activity will affect 89% of the works that are still active in Spain, according to a survey carried out by the General Council of Technical Architecture of Spain (CGATE).
The report indicates that until now 34% of the projects have been suspended due to the coronavirus health crisis, both new construction and rehabilitation, including public works. With the latest government measure, only 11% of jobs will continue to be considered essential.
Navarra (with 100% of the active works), Cantabria (97%) and the Basque Country (87%), are the communities most affected by this new Executive measure. The least affected are Castilla-La Mancha, Canarias and Madrid, where only 48%, 49% and 56% of works, respectively, were still under development.
On the other hand, Catalonia has 14% of works that are of general interest, while in the Basque Country, Extremadura and the Canary Islands actions are being carried out that, in 26%, 21% and 19% respectively, are considered urgent.
The survey carried out by telematic means, on a universe of collegiate professionals throughout the Spanish territory, contributes that in the Community of Madrid, epicenter of the pandemic, 97% of active works could be paralyzed due to not being urgent or of interest. general.
The Technical Architects, represented by the CGATE, together with the architects and technical engineers of public works, through the CSCAE (Superior Council of the Colleges of Architects of Spain) and the CITOP (College of Technical Engineers of Public Works), had requested the temporary cessation of construction works in Spain to the Minister of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda, José Luis Ábalos, as the Government has finally decided.
“Despite the fact that it was possible to maintain the activity by adequately protecting workers who required shared activities, the situation generated by the rapid transmission of the Covid-19 no longer fully guaranteed the safety and health protection conditions of these operators on foot working. It was almost impossible, as we thus maintained, for the crews to carry out some of their tasks at a safety distance of more than a meter and a half, ”said Alfredo Sanz, president of CGATE.
A high cost
Seopan, the business association that groups large construction companies and concessionaires, a figure that a month of total suspension of construction activity would mean close to one percentage point less than annual GDP, affecting more than 1,270,000 workers.
The employer estimates that public works produce an average of 1,233 million euros per month, with 152,000 direct jobs. For its part, private works account for 9,104 million a month with 1.1 million direct jobs. So in the best of scenarios, the one where the hiatus did not extend beyond April 11, around 5 billion euros would be lost.
The economic activity in public works contracts in execution with all Administrations and public business entities – not including public contracts for supplies, services and concessions – represented in 2019 more than 14.8 billion euros, 36% corresponding to the General Administration of the State, 28% to the Autonomous Communities and the remaining 36% to local administrations, according to Seopan.
The National Confederation of Construction (CNC), the employers of the sector, also asked last week that the works should not be interrupted or, at least, that in case of having to do so, flexibility formulas be introduced in the development of contracts already be public or private, authorizing extensions, without penalties.
Information about the coronavirus
– Here you can follow the last hour on the evolution of the pandemic
– The coronavirus map: this is how cases grow day by day and country by country
– Questions and answers about coronavirus
– Guide to action against the disease
– In case of symptoms, these are the phones that have been enabled in each community
The post The halting of construction will affect 89% of works in Spain that are still active | Economy appeared first on Cryptodictation.
from WordPress https://cryptodictation.com/2020/03/30/the-halting-of-construction-will-affect-89-of-works-in-spain-that-are-still-active-economy/
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miestonaujienos · 5 years
Po konkurencijos tarybos preliminarių Išvadų „Cgates“ atsisakė planuoto sandorio
#ŠIAULIAI | Po preliminaraus vertinimo, kad koncentracija galėtų itin apriboti konkurenciją, „Cgates“ pateikė Konkurencijos tarybai siūlymą prisiimti įsipareigojimus, tačiau dar nesibaigus įsipareigojimų derinimo procedūrai, liepos 5 d. institucija gavo „Cgates“ prašymą nutraukti pranešimo apie koncentraciją nagrinėjimo procedūrą, nes įmonė atsisakė planų vykdyti sandorį. ....
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Cgate waiting. (at Denver International Airport)
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que-noticias · 7 years
El Congreso Nacional de Edificación, CONTART 2018, reunirá en la capital aragonesa a 800 participantes
El Congreso Nacional de Edificación, CONTART 2018, reunirá en la capital aragonesa a 800 participantes
EUROPA PRESS ZARAGOZA, 10 (EUROPA PRESS) El Consejo General de la Arquitectura Técnica de España (CGATE) es el responsable de la celebración bianual de CONTART, una convención técnica del sector que reúne a más de 800 participantes, entre congresistas y acompañantes. La próxima edición se celebrará los días 30 y 31 de mayo y 1 de junio de 2018 en la capital aragonesa, organizada por el Colegio de…
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portalreformas · 4 years
CGATE y AD'IP firman acuerdo para la homologación de sus empresas instaladoras
CGATE y AD’IP firman acuerdo para la homologación de sus empresas instaladoras
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Los Arquitectos Técnicos de España y la Asociación Española de Sistemas de Construcción Seca, Falsos Techos, Aislamientos y Revestimientos, firman un acuerdo para el estudio, desarrollo y seguimiento de la implantación de un sistema de Homologación de las Empresas Instaladoras que esta Asociación representa en todo el ámbito nacional. En una situación de total incertidumbre, ambos…
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