#cervical ayurvedic treatment
macmilea · 1 month
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Ayurvedic Healing for Cervical Cancer: A Holistic Path
Embrace natural therapies that nurture your body and mind, providing a gentle alternative to conventional treatments.
Why Choose Ayurveda?
No Chemotherapy No Surgery No Side Effects Discover more at https://www.punarjanayurveda.com/bangalore/cervical-cancer-treatment-hospitals/
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drsagarnarkhede · 2 months
Basti Panchkarm :-
Panchkarm is mainly of five types, vaman virechan basti nasya & raktmokshan.
In rainy season, most of the ayurvedic physician recommend Basti therapy.
Basti Panchkarm treatment takes total 8 days. It includes Abhyang ( Oil massage) Swedan (Steam bath) & basti (Colon detox) therapy.
Basti Panchkarm is very effective in Vat vyadhis like Arthritis, Rheumatoid, Joint pain, Swelling, Sciatica, Slip disc, Spondylosis, and Frozen shoulder.
Basti plays a vital role to balance hormones hence most of the times basti is recommend in PCOD, PCOS, Menopausal age, Thyroid, and Infertility. Basti helps to increase quality- quantity of Ovum (female beej) & Sperms ( male beej). Couples who want to conceive can also do basti Panchkarm for beej shuddhi. Hence the couples who want to take a chance for baby, I personally recommend Basti Panchkarm for both husband and wife.
Basti helps to improve digestion, corrects constipation problems, piles and fissure complaints.
Basti helps to reduce weight, inch loss, removes excess fat accumulation on tummy.
Acharya Charak Describes Basti is Ardha Chikitsa means 50 % of health related problems can be cure only by Basti Panchkarm.
Many types of basti Panchkarm is available like Niruh, Anuvasan, Matra, Uttar basti, Janu basti, kati basti, hruday basti , netra basti, shirobasti etc...
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hari-100 · 2 months
Discover the Healing Power of Ayurveda at Swastik Ayurveda
Welcome to Swastik Ayurveda, where ancient wisdom meets modern healing to provide you with comprehensive care for various health issues. Ayurveda, the traditional Indian system of medicine, offers natural and holistic treatments that address the root causes of ailments. At Swastik Ayurveda, we specialize in treating a wide range of conditions, ensuring a healthier, balanced life for our patients.
Psychological Problems
Both physical and mental health are equally important. A psychological ayurvedic clinic in hydernagar provides efficient therapies for mental health issues like stress, anxiety, and depression. Herbal remedies, yoga, meditation, and individualized lifestyle advice are all part of our treatments, which aim to improve emotional stability and mental equilibrium.
Migraine and Sinusitis Problems
Sinusitis and persistent headaches can be quite painful. Our migraine and sinusitis ayurvedic treatment in hydernagar aims to reduce inflammation and relieve pain by using a blend of herbal remedies, steam inhalation, nasal drops (Nasya), and dietary modifications. These all natural techniques assist in preventing future incidents and relieving symptoms. 
Cervical Spondylosis
For those suffering from cervical spondylosis, cervical spondylosis ayurvedic therapy in hydernagar offers effective relief through therapies such as Greeva Basti (medicated oil treatment), herbal poultices, and specific neck exercises. These treatments help reduce pain, stiffness, and inflammation in the cervical spine.
Paralysis Problems
paralysis problems ayurvedic hospital in hydernagar is hope for paralysis patients through Panchakarma therapy, massage (Abhyanga), and the use of medicated oils. These treatments improve blood circulation, stimulate nerve function, and enhance mobility, offering a better quality of life.
Cerebral Palsy Problems
ayurvedic treatment for cerebral palsy in hydernagar aims to improve motor skills and overall development. Therapies include special massages, physical exercises, and herbal medicines that support neurological function and muscle coordination.
Frozen Shoulder
Ayurvedic treatments for frozen shoulder involve therapies like Pizhichil (oil bath), medicated steam baths, and herbal compresses. These methods enhance blood flow, reduce pain, and improve shoulder mobility by best frozen shoulder ayurvedic doctor in hydernagar
Tennis Elbow Problems
Tennis elbow can be effectively managed with Ayurvedic treatments such as local oil applications, massages, and herbal medications. Tennis Elbow Ayurvedic Treatment in hydernagar help reduce inflammation and pain while strengthening the muscles around the elbow.
Vocal Cord Problems
vocal cord ayurvedic hospital in hydernagar offers natural remedies for vocal cord issues through herbal throat applications, steam inhalation, and dietary adjustments. These treatments soothe the vocal cords and improve voice quality.
Eye (Vision) Problems
ayurvedic eye treatment in hydernagar provides holistic treatments for vision problems. Therapies include Netra Tarpana (eye rejuvenation), herbal eye drops, and dietary recommendations to enhance vision and maintain eye health.
Hearing Loss Problems
ayurvedic specialist for hearing loss problem in hydernagar focus on improving ear health through medicated ear drops, steam inhalation, and herbal supplements. These methods help restore hearing and prevent further deterioration.
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Carpal tunnel syndrome can be managed with carpel tunnel syndrome ayurvedic therapy in hydernagar such as wrist massages, herbal treatments, and yoga exercises. These treatments alleviate pain and numbness, promoting better hand function.
Scoliosis Problems
scoliosis ayurvedic therapy in hydernagar offers holistic treatments for scoliosis, including Panchakarma therapy, spinal massages, and herbal medicines. These methods help reduce spinal curvature and improve posture and mobility.
Disk Problems
Disk problems, such as herniated discs, are treated with Ayurveda's natural therapies like Kati Basti (oil treatment for the lower back), herbal medications, and specific exercises. These treatments relieve pain and promote spinal health by the disk problems ayurvedic specialist in hydernagar
Back Pain
Chronic back pain is a common issue that Ayurveda addresses effectively. Treatments include Panchakarma therapy, massages, and herbal remedies that reduce inflammation and provide long lasting relief with the help of back pain ayurvedic specialist in hydernagar
PCOD problem Ayurvedic Hospital in Hydernagar
Polycystic Ovary Disease (PCOD) is managed in Ayurveda through detoxification therapies, hormonal balancing treatments, and dietary changes. These natural methods help regulate menstrual cycles, reduce cysts, and improve overall reproductive health.
At Swastik Ayurveda, we are dedicated to offering personalized and effective Ayurvedic treatments for a wide range of health problems. Embrace the power of Ayurveda and experience holistic healing and well-being.
For more information please contact.www.swastikayurveda.com
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skkayurveda · 5 months
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fazalkhan2914 · 7 months
Ayurvedic skin tightening:- If you are looking for an ayurvedic treatment that can help you with any disease then Dr. Herbs is the leading medical center in Dubai, providing multiple treatments like detoxification programs, neurological disease treatment, skin care, muscle joint, etc. Contact us today and get the best Ayurvedic treatment. https://www.drherbsayurvedic.com/skin-care-and-treatments/
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travoncore · 7 months
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Cervical Spondylosis Ayurvedic Treatment | Travancore Ayurveda
Cervical spondylosis is an age-related condition that causes severe neck pain. It is possible to treat cervical spondylosis with Ayurvedic treatment.
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davidmarkweb125 · 8 months
Dr. Herbs Ayurveda uses medicines and Panchakarma therapies for ✓Cervical pain treatment in Ayurveda treatment like Basti and medicated enema can improve the symptoms of cervical spondylosis. ✓Cervical Pain Ayurvedic Treatment can be done with a wide range of herbs. https://www.drherbsayurvedic.com/cervical-pain-treatment
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elixir-ayurveda · 10 months
Discover Relief and Mobility: Best Ayurvedic Treatment for Spondylitis in Kerala
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At Elixir Ayurveda, specialized spine and joint care is a prominent forte. The efficacy of Ayurvedic treatments in Kerala for spondylitis and joint issues is widely acknowledged and even referenced in modern medical literature. Our comprehensive approach caters to various conditions like rheumatoid arthritis, degenerative joint disorders, and spondylitis, ensuring personalized attention and tailored solutions.
Our treatment regimen is carefully curated to suit individual body constitutions and specific conditions. It includes internal herbal medications, specialized Panchakarma therapies, and a series of customized external treatments aimed at alleviating inflammation, restoring balance, and fortifying the immune system. These therapies not only address the root cause but also strengthen the skeletal and neuromuscular systems, preventing recurring spine and joint ailments. Experience holistic healing with our personalized approach towards spine and joint care.
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Cervical Spondylosis is a degenerative disorder that affects the cervical spine (neck region) of the body. It is a common condition that occurs due to wear and tear of the bones, cartilage, and discs in the neck, leading to chronic pain, stiffness, and discomfort. While cervical spondylosis can occur at any age, it is more common in older adults.
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mauryaayurveda1 · 1 year
Cervical Spondylosis Ayurvedic Treatment
At Maurya Hospital, India; We provide treatment for cervical spondylosis / Neck pain using Ayurveda, Physiotherapy & Yoga. Cervical Spondylosis Ayurvedic Treatment
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shathayuretreat · 2 years
Cervical Spondylosis  management  with  YOGA
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Cervical spondylitis is a condition that causes neck pain and stiffness and can lead to headaches and dizziness. The yogic technique is a gentle and effective way to manage the symptoms of cervical spondylitis and can improve flexibility and strength in the neck and spine.
Through regular practice of yoga at Shathayu Retreat, individuals with cervical spondylitis can experience reduced pain and stiffness, increased range of motion, and improved overall well-being. The expert instructors at the retreat provide personalized attention and guidance to ensure a safe and effective practice. In most neck pain conditions, pressure on the neck leads to pain, and this causes muscle spasms, setting up a cycle. The best way to break this cycle is to relieve both pressure and spasms. There are multiple approaches to achieving each of these goals. Many of them require daily applications, so they must be done by the patient at home.
Yoga is a great way to relieve pressure and muscle spasms in the neck. 
It helps to stretch and strengthen the muscles, which can alleviate pain and stiffness. Here are some yoga poses that can be helpful for cervical spondylosis management:
1. Cat-Cow Pose: Begin on your hands and knees. Inhale as you arch your back and lift your head and tailbone towards the ceiling. Exhale as you round your spine and bring your chin to your chest. Repeat this sequence 10 times.
2. Child’s Pose: Begin on your hands and knees. Lower your hips back towards your heels and stretch your arms out in front of you. Relax your neck and hold the pose for 1-2 minutes.
Shoulder Rolls: Sit cross-legged on the floor or in a chair. Roll your shoulders forward and up towards your ears, then back and down. Repeat this sequence 10 times.
3. Seated Twist: Sit cross-legged on the floor or in a chair. Twist your torso to one side, placing your hand on your opposite knee. Hold the pose for a few breaths, then twist to the other side. Repeat this sequence 10 times.
4. Corpse Pose: Lie on your back with your legs straight and arms at your sides. Relax your entire body and focus on your breath. Hold the pose for 5-10 minutes.
It is important to consult with a yoga instructor before starting any yoga program, especially if you have a medical condition like cervical spondylosis. They can help you modify the poses to suit your needs and ensure that you are practicing safely.
Relief of pressure and pain in the neck at home 1. Lying down is perhaps the simplest way to relieve the neck of its heavy load. Bed rest gives the muscles a chance to recover. The duration of bed rest should be advised by the physiotherapist. Begin by lying on the floor or on a firm mattress with rolled-up towels under your neck and low back. Your legs may be straight or bent. Lie in this position for 15-20 minutes. 2. Cervical collar helps the neck muscles support the head, it also reduces neck mobility. Wearing a cervical collar for the acute phase of neck problems can help in reducing pain.
3. Extension and flexion are especially helpful when you feel your neck and back stiffen. While sitting, place your hands on your knees and push down. Slowly arch your back and bend your back backward. Then slowly slump forward. Repeat this exercise 10 times. 4. Side bends increase your side-to-side flexibility. Start by placing your fingers together and pointing your elbows outward. Bend at the waist, tilting your body to one side as far as you can. Then bend your head and neck in the same direction. Repeat on your other side. Repeat this exercise 10 times.
Services Offered
Shathayu Ayurveda Yoga Retreat is a leading Ayurvedic Health care Retreat that has been established for the prevention and cure of metabolic disorders, musculoskeletal disorders, neurological diseases, chronic diseases, respiratory disorders through panchakarma which detoxes the body & mind and modification of lifestyle, dietary habits with a holistic approach.  Shathayu has been serving humanity since 1901 and has been Listed as one of the best Ayurvedic healthcare retreats in India with a rich Heritage having served over a Million people. Here you can experience traditional Ayurvedic therapies, wellness packages, and Yoga practices while enjoying the nature and breath-taking sceneries. Authentic Ayurvedic treatments are offered at the Shathayu Wellness Retreat Resorts including Panchakarma therapy, Rejuvenation therapy, Slimming therapy, Stress management, weight loss management, pain management, Anti-ageing, Beauty care, hair care, de-addiction program, etc. For more detail, please feel free to contact us or visit our website shathayuretreat.com or WhatsApp us at 8884122244.
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ayurhridayam1 · 2 years
Ayurhridayam is centrally located in Noida. In this clinic, you can always seek treatments for the following, Piles, Fissure, Fistula, Migraines, and many more. we have provides all ayurvedic therapy methods mentioned in under one roof. Ayurhridayam it is the best ayurvedic clinic in Noida.
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perfectcowboypaper · 24 days
Ayulife Panchkarma is a holistic wellness program that offers a range of traditional Ayurvedic treatments, including panchakarma, a detoxification and rejuvenation therapy that aims to balance the body's doshas (vata, pitta, and kapha). The program typically includes a series of massages, steam baths, and herbal treatments designed to remove toxins, improve digestion, and boost overall health and wellbeing. By combining these treatments with healthy diet and lifestyle recommendations, Ayulife Panchkarma aims to help individuals achieve optimal physical and mental health and promote a sense of relaxation and rejuvenation.
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tourmelion · 8 months
Hello! I’ve been so ill this past few weeks and been hospitalized because of medical concerns. Found out that I have a tumor and it was already malignant. I have a Stage 2A Cervical Cancer and needs help ASAP. 🥺
GOAL: $1800
Do you live in America, if you take a trip to India and get treatment done there it tends to be a lot cheaper
Have you considered ayurvedic medicine, it also tends to be cheap, my mom uses ayurvedic muscle relaxants and pain killers, ayurveda is just older Indian medicine, of course main stream medicine still accepts it as safe.
The dollar stretches pretty far in other countries elephant fruit has also been looked into for some anti cancer properties so if you see em in a can at your world foods or international foods shop that could be good.
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skkayurveda · 6 months
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fazalkhan2914 · 8 months
Ayurvedic Skin Treatment for Face Wrinkles Heal Spur and More Heel spurs are a common cause of heel pain. Sometimes, people ignore them when they are in their early stage, which can significantly affect mobility and quality of their life. In Ayurveda, doctors treat this condition by addressing the underlying imbalances in the body leading to heel spurs. https://pressnews.biz/@jackyabbri/ayurvedic-skin-treatment-for-face-wrinkles-heal-spur-and-more-sx8pgn1beah0
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