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andorshitdaily · 11 months ago
Since it's Mon Monday, my favourite shot is the same as my icon: Mon standing alone in the Embassy after Vel leaves, framed by the rigid Imperial architecture.
she's FINE, she's just staring at the steps wondering how they could make that place more accessible for droids and disabled folks, i swear!!
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Tell me your favorite Andor quote or screenshot because I'm bored and I miss it!
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astromechs · 10 months ago
top 5 Cassian looks
omg, SO excited that i get to talk about my favorite rebel fashionista and his collection of many jackets 🥰 in roughly no particular order:
1. the ferrix look
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i mean.... this goes without saying. not only is the jacket an icon, shaving the beard was a tragedy. this is my icon on here for a reason.
2. the rings of kafrene look
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what a character introduction. what an entrance. rings of kafrene leather jacket, you will always be famous. the second-biggest tragedy is that the lighting was so goddamn dark in the movie most of the time he was wearing that.
3. the rix road look
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couldn't really get a still image that captured the entire outfit but... the long coat? the fingerless gloves? work that miserable day of your life that only heralds many more miserable days to come, cassian.
4. the blue parka
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i couldn't just not put this on the list! there's a reason why this became instantly iconic in december 2016 and why it's one of the images that first comes to mind for a lot of people when they think of cassian.
5. the rebel alliance field jacket
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it's simple, it's classic. he works it. he came, he lived, he served cunt, he died. legends only.
ask me my top 5 anything!
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faceofpoe · 17 days ago
Out of Context
Rules: There's enough last/first lines challenges, here's an out of context challenge! Pick a random line of your fic and post it in a new post with no context.
Cheers for the tag @huntressdarkness ! :)
“Yeah, we didn’t really have that kind of thing on Ferrix.” “Corporate town?” “Scrap town. If you didn’t spend your day hauling broken machinery around the yard, you probably spent it getting real good with all kinds of tools to make it back into something useful, and between the incinerator, the waste dump, and the slurry pit, let’s just say we had options if there was trouble.”
(Tether, it's from Tether, idk if there was meant to be a guessing game concept here but it's the only WIP on deck lol)
But for a Bad Batch bonus bit I liked of an untitled abandoned concept:
Commander’s pet, ES-09 calls him sometimes when he thinks he cannot hear. ES-X hears. He simply does not care. He will stay by his commander’s side and follow his commander’s orders, and sometimes when the mission is done and the armor comes off, the commander follows his and it is a mutually-satisfying arrangement.
Tagging @ceruleanphoenix7 @nessrealta @indigofyrebird if anyone's got anything fun to tease ;)
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space-blue · 2 days ago
Last Line game
Thanks @calamity-cain for the tag, and sorry for the delay!! >_<
Bit of A Stray chapter 4, which I'm working on right now.
The very same hands that Viktor seeks out, nestling his small ones in, confident in their safety. He hides behind Vander's legs and asks to be carried on his shoulders when he tires of his brace. He's fearless of him, blissfully ignorant. It makes Vander's heart twist. Every time Viktor reaches out for him, he wants to recoil. He wants to sit down and explain. The demon's still in there. Under his ribs. Repressed and sleepy, perhaps, but a snarky comment, a slight or snide, a bit of cruelty towards his people, and the beast roils, ready to burst out if Vander were to lighten his grip. There's no safety in his shadow, or under his palms. Only borrowed time.
That's where I'm at. I have to think up a way to introduce drama now, still working on it...
Low pressure tags for @calamity-cain because it's been so long I may as well, @lvsifer, @ceruleanphoenix7 and @formoflamp and anyone who wants to piggy back.
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midnight-melancholiaaa · 2 months ago
tagged by @animazi in a much-appreciated act of peer pressure! despite this poor thing being stuck in my WIP fridge, i’m still rather fond of her…
Post an except from your WIP but your paragraphs/sentences must start with the letter of the word given.
Word: MIRED. WIP: ‘roof in the city of my heart’ - currently 5k words of outline living in a doc called “here’s how montay can still lose”
M: “Mon,” he sighs, with the conviction of staring into smudged glass. “I don’t consider you selfish.”
Meagre creasing of sheets in response. She does not look at him.
“Leida,” she replies.
I: It shouldn’t hurt, Tay thinks.
A blaster burn like the kiss of a meteor, streak blazing solar-bright behind his eyes. So neatly punched, so easy as to almost be an afterthought.
Like cratering of foil, a pin piercing a starmap; joints in a hull worn care-thin around the same old rivets. Paper bending to hands. A mug’s outline; tea-stained rings gilded on white. Sunflares cresting just barely behind a planet, corona creeping breath by breath towards sunrise.
A circle of inevitability. It shouldn’t hurt.
R: Radio crackles, tinny and distant, like the light of long-dead stars.
She tilts her head a little at the sound, smiling thinly. Amusement staticky around the corners.
It is not quite relief in Mon’s tone.
“I should hope you recall how to dance?”
E: Ebbing and creaking in Coruscant’s subterranean lakes, war is here all the same. Seeping upwards from the depths through pipes and channels both orchestrated and accidental, up into the faucets of the rich. Into the sweat droplet that slips, crystal-muddied, from Mon’s brow as she presses an elbow into his pillow and sighs.
“There are those authority comes naturally to,” Mon says, haloed by rumpled linen. She does not elaborate.
D: “D’ila,” he whispers. Centrepoint, compass-needle, tether of my stars. D’ila; the search, the draw, the destination of purpose. D’ila. Centre of my universe, terminus of my soul.
It is a fatal admission.
Mon holds him with all the reverence and grief of a knife-handle. Marble hands.
D’ila. It is nothing they did not already know.
no-pressure onwards tag to @ceruleanphoenix7, to spread the mon love! your word is: MAGIC
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chipthekeeper · 4 months ago
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Are you fucking haunting me????
Only because i, too, am being haunted
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@ceruleanphoenix7 @astromechs
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e-the-village-cryptid · 9 months ago
my first time doing one of these tag/ask games!
tagged by @animazi
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
oh dear ok i do not keep just one WIP folder they are scattered about several locations so I've gotta track them down and maybe miss some. only gonna do stories here not poems or songs or anything
The Curse of Etroa (plus some notes that are still in there as storythatneedsaname.docx lmao)
The Legend of Rassev
Rebels (...that's from when i was 14)
Shooting Star (...i think that one's even older)
something called Ideas.docx, last modified 7 years ago, that i don't remember writing and is password locked. hm.
man there's a lot of stuff in here but i think those are the only things in this folder that could honestly be called a WIP
Bix Auri crossover fic (!!!!! ani I just realized you are potentially another person (the only other being myself) who might actually enjoy such a fic!)
nightmare dream gorst stuff
hotel razor scene
The Violent Road
no pressure tags: @imogenkol @chipthekeeper @kleyamarki @a-flickering-soul @ceruleanphoenix7 @rebelandrichgirl @faceofpoe @frostbitepandaaaaa @ladydedlock
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space-blue · 5 months ago
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@ceruleanphoenix7 has it right imo.
My process is 1: I'll give a shot to any of my friends' fics.
2: Browsing in the wild! I always apply filters, to have English fics, no crossover, and eliminate any of the ships or characters I don't want to see at all.
Then, is the summary interesting?
Is the grammar okay?
Are there any squicks in the tags?
If I'm looking for a ship: does it sound prominent enough or is this some epic fic with everyone in it?
If my basic criteria are met: I open the fic. I find out if it's good by reading it. If it's poorly written, poorly characterised or puts me to sleep, I back out and go to the next one.
Rinse and repeat.
IDK why I'd judge by ratio.
My most popular fic has 5,237 kudos, and my least popular has 5 (five lol no missing zero)
Yet I'm the same author. Not every fic in on par, but I can guarantee you nothing justifies a gap of this magnitude.
And yet my 5 kudos fic has a better ratio, since it has 81 hits!
The fic with 5,237 kudos has 183,762 hits. Math that one out!
Your method straight up doesn't work for multichapter fics.
Another AO3 thing I’m curious about, how do yall decide if something is good enough to read? Usually I follow a rule of 1 kudos for every 10 hits. One because it’s easy math and two it’s yet to fail me. Thoughts? Do you just go for it and pray it’s good?
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colleybri · 9 months ago
Tagged by @ceruleanphoenix7
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
Right, so I have:
Vel/Cinta Sharing
I’ve done it before – angst and sex
Andor s1 Drabbles (boringly self-explanatory)
Americans / Andor (rebelcaptain AU) 
His Dark Materials /Cassian’s daemons
No pressure tags and I’m sorry if you’ve already been ‘done’: @vadercat @incognitajones, @staticwaffles, @castiellover77, @wistfulweaverwoman and anyone else who would like to join!
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andorshitdaily · 11 months ago
Got two more for you: I believe this one's in episode 9. When Mon and Tay are discussing how solve the issue of missing funds in the Embassy. The way they talk and lean close to each other. Their body language is SO LOUD.
From episode 10, the wide shot of Mon, Tay and Sculdun all sitting on that round couch. Mon in the center, and one of them on either side. The symmetry in that shot still transfixes me to this day. Was it intentional? A reflection of Mon being torn between tradition (Sculdun) and a new age (Tay) while building a rebellion perhaps? It's the one thing I would ask Tony Gilroy about if I could.
Mon also very well represented. i should not be surprised
i went a page too far in finding this one
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and ended up with this, which amused me but is not what you said
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but this one hell yeah!! (tony come on the podcast (we have not started the podcast))
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Tell me your favorite Andor quote or screenshot because I'm bored and I miss it!
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astromechs · 10 months ago
10 Songs, 10 Mutuals
tagged by @paulmescal-s 💕
ok, using my spotify on repeat playlist for this:
dancing in the dark — bruce springsteen
go your own way — fleetwood mac
can't catch me now — olivia rodrigo
where is my mind — pixies
never let me go — florence + the machine
guerrilla radio — rage against the machine
ease my mind — hayley kiyoko
soul meets body — death cab for cutie
rocket man — elton john
the prophecy — taylor swift
tagging (no pressure!): @ceruleanphoenix7 , @bisexualwintermoon , @latrodectal , @batmurdock , @sigelfire , @lifelongblur , @hailperseusjackson , @grexigone , @liliaenbaggins , @inkforhumanhands
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faceofpoe · 2 months ago
First Lines Game
Rules: List the first lines of the last ten (10) stories you published. Look to see any patterns you notice yourself and see if anyone else notices any. Then tag some friends.
(I'm going to cheat a little and tag the first line of series just for a little more variety in fic here or 6 out of 10 would be from the same 2 series)
Thanks for the tag @huntressdarkness!
Clear Line of Sight - The whole of the retrieval team stares intently at Commander Wolffe, who’s got his bucket under his arm and his eyes fixed on the former Captain Rex who really ought to be dead. (this is actually the first line of part 1, there's a weird prologue preceding it so I'm cheating all over the place whatever this line is more in the spirit of my fic opener habits)
Sanctuary of Sorts (Unmarked Vessel)- There was a crumbling crypt nearly lost to the relentless march of time and progress and apathy beneath the ruins of an old stone temple in the modern ecclesiastical province of Barton.
Tether (was updated anyway, does that count?) - There was a crudely-crafted sign hanging on the wall just inside hangar number one.
Atmospheric Interference (Series of Charges) - They are not unaware of one another’s existence, but their paths have not pointedly crossed in the course of their early training.
Expendable - It’s Tech whose absence Crosshair feels most keenly during the brutal slog through the storm.
First Time for Everything - The regs, Crosshair has gleaned, have certain unspoken standards of conducting themselves in all things that aren’t covered in the regulation manuals.
Missed a Lot - Fingers fly over the Marauder’s controls with the intuitive ease of muscle memory.
32 Rotations - Omega sleeps more soundly as the days go on.
Shadow - His waterlogged lungs rebel until he coughs so hard that he’s dry-heaving in the cramped refresher aboard the Remora.
Primary Mission Objective - There was a wartime action on the Wild Space planet where the objective’s homing device leads him. (this is also the opening of part one and not the prologue, because cheater)
So the obvious observation is the recurring "There was a..." scene setter. Just a sort of slap you in the face 'look at this thing' line to start maneuvering readers' attention. I daresay I tend towards more... tonal first lines, than necessarily spelling out right away who's narrating and what the hell is going on. Jump right in, zoom out for more detail.
That said, I love and agonize over a good ending line. I... agonize less over the beginning one. Ha.
Tagging if you'd like to play @ceruleanphoenix7 and @colleybri and @indigofyrebird!
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beautyofsorrow · 10 months ago
favorite fic game!
tagged by @zannolin <3
no option for "other" you MUST pick one of these. for my health. but you can tell me your other favs in the tags/replies if u want
all are up on my ao3. i tried to narrow it down but damn if i do not love the SNW stuff i've done these past 6 months
tagging @ceruleanphoenix7 and @onmytallesttiptoesspinning if u would like to join!
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space-blue · 1 year ago
20 questions for fic writers
I was tagged by @pinkytoothlesso11 Thank you! This is a long one, but very interesting well rounded questions for fic writers. I'll tag: @spicedrobot @skierunner @ashcroft-writes @kitepiper @calyxgold @ceruleanphoenix7 -- Not obligated to do this, just thought it may be fun!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total A03 word count?
664,619 words
3. What fandom's do you write for?
Star Wars (75+), Arcane (46), Original works (13), Avatar (12), Elden Ring (5), a couple "fairytale" fandoms (red riding hood retellings), and then a bunch of single works. I'm kinda spicy over the fact I have a single work in Hannibal, when it was me uploading a story a day for my first Nano. Ended up doing it all in one work to not have 30 stories, but I should have made a series. Many readers never made it to the end of that fic due to the absence of structure and--- I'm rambling.... (It should really say Hannibal (30))
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Fathers and Daughters
Never Too Late
Then the dreadful night shall break
Five is an awful number
While the world turns around
2 star wars fics, 2 arcane and 1 avatar? It's a good representation of my work!
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Always, unless they're turbo dumb and I'm at a loss for words... Or they somehow slip past me.
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Eeeh, tough one! I like angst... There's an entire series I completed over the course of a month. The idea came from a redditor who made a collection for it : we had to kill the same character in a different manner every month. 12 death fics... For Obi-Wan Kenobi. I think the more gruesome one is Unhappy Landing. Mind the tags.
But I think it's on equal footing with the Arcane fic Whatever I Do, This Is Where We End which focused on a Silco/Vander timeloop, where Silco was the one in the loop, but Vander was the POV character the entire time. No happy ending and many, many deaths which grow increasingly meaningless.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I have a lot of those so not sure... But narrative wise, I think it's Never Too Late, which is reflected in its stats. It's about Obi-Wan reaching out to Dooku after QGJ's death. It's emotional and basically guarantees Anakin will have a bright future in better care. I have sooo many comments asking for more on it, almost as many as on my fallen Kenobi fic.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not really.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Sometimes... When some disease breaks down my immune defenses... It's not very good though. I'm the wrong kind of ace for it.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
I have, as a gimmick, like Arcane characters in a Star Wars setting... But I never think of it, and I basically never read crossovers. They're not my thing.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of. It has happened to my art though.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes, though nobody ever rode the length of the work with me ahah!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes, multiple times! That's stuff I really enjoy! I've done a Thrawn/Cad Bane with Spicedrobot, and an infamously hated Codywan fic with CollisionTheory... both featuring smut! I also did projects like 3 writers doing different entries within an overarching story (when i tried to wrangle friends into the kill your darlings all year scheme). Collabs are very fun, I especially like working with artists. If you want to work on something hit me up!
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
Vander/Silco, maybe, but Hannigram is breathing down my neck...
15. What's the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Oh no... too many to count. I guess my first fic ever, The Tactician. I went on a never ending 'this is just a side thing because I'm in a rut' spiral, and now I have 165 fics. IIRC I have about 24 WIPs on AO3.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Dialogue and banter.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Smut and romance, and also sometimes killing my darlings (not characters, but pieces of heavy lore my betas are trying to rip from my sticky fingers because they don't care).
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I have done it only in fake alien languages, never received any praise for it, don't plan on doing it again. Real life language... eeeh not unless I have a really good reason for it somehow.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Star Wars. Thrawn... the Original blue daddy!
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
It would have to be my magnum opus, Fathers and Daughters. Not just because I think it's the pinnacle of my worst brainrot ever, but also because I'm forever impressed with myself for holding on that long. Sometimes I re-read it and can't remember writing half of it. I've made myself snicker at my own jokes, so I think I've done a good job of it!
But in my heart of hearts, there's one chapter of that long series of Hannibal ficlet which somehow is one of the pieces of writing I'm smugest about. I just think it's so neat... It's called To Visit Her, it's 222 words, and depicts Hannibal's mind palace, and its innermost chamber. I genuinely think I peaked years ago with some of those ficlets x'D
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spaceprincessleia · 11 months ago
Thanks for the tag, @thegirlsinthecity. I loved turning myself into a cat, although I ended up creating the cat I own, but with my glasses. xD
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No pressure tags: @beladonna02 @acliptika @shards-of-silver @ceruleanphoenix7
Picrew Tag Game!
I was tagged by @odeblr to cattify myself using this picrew! Thank you so much, Ezra :)
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The blue spots represent the streaks of blue I currently have in my hair! The glasses on my cat self are almost identical to my real ones, so I couldn't not use them :)
I will tag @jongside, @faceglitchsworld, @solaysa, @snoos-tattoos, @seohosincerely, @toxicrevolver, @luvrli, @shadow-of-tea-and-tea, @littlebookworm69, @asoulsreverie and @chronosik only if you want! As always, if you see this and would like to do it too, feel more than welcome!
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jyndor · 2 years ago
Happy Birthday!! So glad to have found your blog and thank you for all the amazing content you bring to the Andor fandom! Hope you have an amazing birthday! 💜🎉
thank you so much!!! that is such a lovely thing to say!
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