The Girl with The Trolley
Once upon a time, there was a girl with unruly and curly hair. She brought a trolley with her whenever she goes. Whenever she needed anything, her trolley bag would give it to her and she was self-sufficient.
She had been to many places. She learned from a thing or two but she didn’t settle in such places for long. She only put her experiences on a small notebook.
She was like chasing the world but she couldn’t chase it enough and she kept on finding answers to her questions. But alas, there were no answers and even the universe won’t tell her the one she was looking for. So she kept on traveling, settling in places she haven’t been with and met countless people with different stories. What was the thing she was missing? If only she knew. She didn’t.
The curly-haired girl with her trolley was still wandering. Finding answers. No place to live. No home to turn to. Just her trolley bag which gave her everything.
She saw two lovers near a fountain, hugging each other and their eyes filled with longing made her heart ache in a manner that gave her bittersweet feeling and there, her eyes saw the red strings binding the two.
A purpose. She needed that to make sense of it all – the wanderlust and endless searching. Unknowingly, the people she met crossed paths with people they were meant to end up with for a lifetime. She was so fixated with finding answers while wandering to different places that she didn’t notice the faint red strings to people whom she’d met. She was the bridge of these people who became families with little children – a lifetime that symbolizes love.
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The Boy Who Sees the Shadows
A simple boy grew up and fended for himself for he was all alone on his own, no family to turn to and he was so busy that it’s a task for him to make friends and socialize. Yet one fateful day, he discovered that he could see the girl with a trolley who had a curly and unruly hair. He managed to ignore her but she noticed so she talked to him whenever he was alone.
She was the girl who could see the red strings and he was the boy who could see the shadows lurking on people, eating their sanity and peace of mind. Until she witnessed how he died while saving a suicidal girl on the train tracks and it was too late when the train was in front of him. He was meant to die for a new mission in the world and bring light to those people who were tormented by deep loneliness, insanity, and psychosis.
Even before, he could sense the fullness and weightlessness of the shadows, coaxing his sleeping state but he could fight it. He needed to fight it to live and survived every day, even if he was entirely alone. Until he’s part of her ‘kind’. He was meant to experience the deep loneliness, the numbing feeling of being alone, the loss of meaning and purpose, and the sleepless nights.
Waking up in an unfamiliar place and surreal surroundings, leaves and trees with unnamed colors, glitters from small creatures, a mighty volcano in the middle of that vast land filled with flora and fauna and a small hut inside a forest assaulted his sharp senses. The shadows are gone. The numb feeling, the longing, repressed emotions, and bitter experiences on Earth were gone yet his desire to vanish the shadows intensified.
Living at the boundary of that ‘magical land’ and standing at the edge of the cliff with nonchalance and fearlessness, the heavens welcomed this hidden and mortal turned immortal being, with a mission to eliminate the shadows and bring light to those who suffer silently.
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The House of Lost Things
In the heart of the forest, an accumulation of tangible and intangible things stayed and rotted in a small hut, made from centuries-old trees and stones eons ago, since time immemorial, a reflection of the old and mysterious yet carefree being of the greater universe. Lost things from different periods or times were there – from memorabilia of an eerie gothic house near the sea wherein a distant, aloof, man filled with grief and regrets since his wife died lived and then died later to the accidental lost memories of a young lady who carried an indescribable longing of someone whom she couldn’t remember. They lived and stayed in that house for a long, despite the small exterior appearance. Inside, lies a lot of lost things, intangible or not, from the creation of the redwood trees, the start of the previous civilizations, and the reverted stone age from the Great Flood to the whizzing modern life. The collection of lost things is never-ending. The lost things, both tangible and intangible, may come back to their owner at the right time or just meant to stay there – destined to be forgotten and faded into oblivion. Despite the yearning, the longing, the unending exploration of unanswered questions, and the complexities of humanity.
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