#ceranna plays dnd
captainceranna · 6 years
DnD Chaos at Alpha Beta House
Party Members:
Bard, Bard - Anti-social hobo chic goth.  Chaotic
Gemma (me), Cleric - Old family no money. Preppy group-mom.  Good
Taeros, Druid - Doesn’t need to eat.  So many Drugs.  Chaotic
Woden, Ranger - Sleeps in a tree.  Full camo. Chaotic
Brutus Calius IV, Paladin - Old family lots of money. The Worst.  Lawful
Highlights of my recent campaign:
Party night at Lambda Lambda Lambda House
Alcohol is almost out and there is no more drugs
Everyone thinks the party is lame, except for Brutus who thinks this is the best party ever
Alpha Beta is having a rager next door
Frat house president Bob pulls his cousin Gemma aside to ask for help to liven the party up
Bob purchased emergency party supplies *cough* drugs *cough* and needs someone to pick it up
Party decides to pick up the extra party supplies first before RUINING THE ALPHA BETA HOUSE PARTY.
Brutus thinks they are picking up actual party supplies.  No one tells him otherwise.
Step one: call Greg the Satyr to get the location of the “party supplies”
“Party supplies” held at a private storage center, contact is a security guard named Gary with two eye patches.
Step two: Go to the fantasy storage but first:
Party gets fantasy Pho at Pho’tasy!!!!
Gemma leads the party in greeting the contact Gary.  Brutus shoves his way forward
“I am Brutus Calius the IV, son of Brutus Calius the III, grandson of Brutus Calius the II, great grand son of Brutus Calius, first of his name”
The party and Gary the security share A Look.  It was a bonding moment. Brutus doesn’t notice.
Brutus is left outside to keep an eye on things (keep the lawful paladin from finding out what the real party supplies are)
These party supplies be stolen!
After interrogating Gary “I’m not employed to watch anything, I’m blind!”, they found out it was probably taken by someone named Hibiscus.
*DM stares off as they watch their careful constructed plot is destroyed*
Get back to frat house row, Alpha Beta party is in full blast.
Brutus is filled with righteous fury about the LOUDNESS and the BLATANT DRUG USE.  ROLL TO KICK DOWN FRONT DOOR.
Brutus rolls a critical failure and rebounds off door and onto his ass.
Partial success, door gets stuck halfway open
Paladin has successfully infiltrated the party!  Immediately starts handing out flyers and yelling.
Gemma and Bard sneak around back during the distraction
Taeros swans in the front door, immediately forgets the objects of the mission.  Rolls to play beer pong instead.
Taeros is a beer pong god. [Critical Success]
Taeros is very very drunk,
Everyone will remember the night that the beer pong god came to Alpha Beta House.
Meanwhile, in the backyard
Gemma and Bard successfully sneak in.  Buncha kegs and people in the back
Bard drinks beer while Gemma schemes
Gemma finds a utilities shed.  Rolls an intelligence check to figure out how to turn on the sprinklers.
Gemma just starts turning all the knobs and pressing all the buttons [Failure]
Sprinkles turn on and the house lights start flickering, congrats its a rave now
Brutus stops trying to convert people, grabs and keg and bolts outside. Plants keg on sprinkler (????).  
Paladin attempts to cast Bless on the water. Fails. Instead water becomes foam.
Congrats, the paladin invented Foam party.
Paladin believes it is a success, starts yelling “CLEANSE”.
Bard continues to drink beer.
Gemma successful casts Darkness on the inside of the house.  Some folks flee.  Most think its part of the rave.
Bard heads back to Lambda Lambda Lambda, calls the police on the way
Gemma convinces two party members to carry a keg out to the front
Taeros remembers there was a purpose to coming to Alpha Beta House. Stumbles out with half the part following him.
Everyone makes it over to Lambda Lambda Lambda just as the police arrive.
The Alpha Beta House Party will go down in the history books as one of the best frat parties ever.  
Brutus still doesn’t know what “party supplies” are.
I blame @mizlapes for inspiring me to write the highlights
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